OCR Interpretation

The Breckenridge news. (Cloverport, Ky.) 1876-1955, December 21, 1910, Image 3

Image and text provided by University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn86069309/1910-12-21/ed-1/seq-3/

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L 4
0 t t01 t0 J Ira o I I IGtQ 10 Jill Ii0 II II1t 101 II 101 JIlcJOI I 10JJIcJOI I
I Christmas 6iftsForEverybody u uU n
° See Santa Claus 1
Send Wireless Messages
Toys and Dolls in Basement
Gifts For Girls
Booklets and Christmas Curds fromis to 50c
Childrens Fur Sets from 100 to 10 00
Fancy Ink Bottles from 25c to 50o
Girls Flannelette Kitnorjas 150
Girls Sweater Coats from r rr 9oc to 2 08
Girls Wash Droses from 50c o 2U8
Handkerchief and Glove Boxes at 25c
Kid Gloves lined and unlined 110
Kodak Albums from JOe to G9c
Manicuring Implements from 25c to 09c
1 Misses Tailored Suits from r 750 to 1975
Po l Card Albnms 10c to 398
Post Card Boxesnta 198
Silk Ribbed Hose from r 50c to HOc
Umbrellas from 50c to 100
Winter Coats from v 498 to 1750
Gifts For Women
Of the thousand practical and appropriate gifts for
women shown herethe following are suggested
Battonberg Scarfs from 2 00 to 6 00
Battenberg Table Covers from 7oc to 575
Black Ebony Manicuring Sets 98c
n Breakfast Shawls from SOc to SlEW
Cashmer Shawls from 300 to 1200
U 0Uhumois Gloves 100 to 125
0 China Toilet Setsr 225 to 425
U Colored Wash Waists from SOc to 125
Dress Skirts from 2 98 to 1500
o Fancy Garters e to SOc
U Fur Sets from 498 to 0500
o Gold and Silver Jewel Cased 50c to 1511 >
O Handembroidered Pillows from COO to 1000
Hose Supporters from N25o to 125
Knit Shawls from 50c to 488
Kid Gloves from 09c to 150
Knit Petticoats from u 50c to 125
Knit Scarfs from 25c to 198
Leather Handbags from 09c to 7 511
o Long Kid Gloves from r S2 50 < H > 350
Needle Books from 19c to 75c
Net and Lace Waists from t 198 to 598
Sewing Boxes from r r 125 to 350
Silk Dresses from r 1500 to 25 1111
k Silk Hose from SOc to 3 48
Silk 1 I Vests from SlSO to 2 00
a Silver Toilet Sets fromr r 498 to 1500
n Suede Gloves 150
Sweater Coats from 198 to 1000
U Tailored Linen Waists froma 100 to 550
o Tuffotii Silk Waists fromrr 298 to 7 50
Tailored Suits from 1000 to 3500
White Lingerie Waists from 98c to 4 98
Winter Coats from 498 to 1750
r Wool Dresses from 750 to 1500
0 cJ0I 1I ti 10JIlcJOr JlI 10Jllc t
His Trick That Puzzled an Occidents
Master of Magic
Some of thA tricks of the Hindi
wizards are past understanding uc
cording to an occidental master ot
magic who was speaking of his orlen
tal rivals This Is what ho says he
saw a Hindu wizard do In a club in
He took a board and placed It on
four glass goblets thus elevating It 1
from the floor A youngster sitting on
the board was requested to place Ida
hands together palms up Then the
Juggler took a glass of water am
poured it into the outstretched hand s
o of the boy In the meantime the boy
had been mesmerized and his ntten
tion was fixed on a point Indicated by
the magician Gradually the water
turned green In color and then dove
opel into a Jelly which increased I r t
density until it became as solid as u
stone Out of the center of this ap
perirod the head of a snake which
gradually developed until in the plac e <
of the water there appeared a hissing
reptile I was amazed I can assun
you but the trick was not yet com
plctcd Hitting tho reptile upon tbi
bend with his wand the Juggler took
It up carefully and placed it back In
the glass As we looked it became
transformed into a Jelly which In turn
molted Into a greenish colored water
Clearer and clearer became tho fluid
until it was of its original color and
then the Juggler placed it to his lips
and drank tho entire contents This
was the most wonderful trick I eve r
saw performed and It Is as mysterious
to mo today us It wati then
Cant look well eat well or feel wel
With impure blood feeding your hody
Keep your blool pure with Burdoc I
Blood Bitters Eat simply take oxer
else keep clean and you will have Ton g
Advertising is the Key
note of success <
i r successn
r I j
Rat Kiddos Spur and Protem Amono
Towns Titles
In a single Ozurk mountain county I
of Missouri this lnrge collection of the
literal label Is I shown lint Ink Gang
Alley Timber Horse Hollow Slukin 1
Birch Tree Timber and Low Wangle
More imaginative perhaps arc 11II II
and Congo Mountain View repic
sents the humorous department for It
view nor mountain
For shprtlusss of name the region liI 1
no less remarkable with such types as
Hy All Lon Job Arp Osa Coy Day
fly Ban Igo I Abo and Roe Some
times the traveler may have a suspi
cion that the towns have been named
after the fashion that the Indians la
bel their children There are such ex
ampler us Coin Groom Notch and
Sometimes the labels are poetic and
alluring Shadygrove Blrdsong and
Romance and again they are as far In
the other direction as Kiddos Spur
Ilugjjc Stone Quarry Hanks and
Smittle For those who know Latin
Bona is n good name for a town
though Dagonla and Protom may seem
radical 1
Amazon Indians Use Wireless
Indian nf the upper Amazon have
veloped wireless telegraphy by
means of drums made of hollow logs
tfined to varying pitches
Children Cry
1 l
Exasperated Purchaser Didnt you
guarantee that this parrot would re
gpeat every word he heard
Bird Dealer Certainly 1 did
But he docnt repeat a single
He repeats every word he hears
butbe hover bears anyHe is as deaf
as a post r
ro rl li j
+ i i 1 1 c 01 1
W WZ 1iotlA1i u
11 tr J1 A 11 i1 AI 11111 IJl PtaWII1 151M
juuwa UJ T rI al
Christmas Gift Books
Over 2501111 1 Christmas Gift Hunks shown on the third floor
comprirtiiifr b oks of every description for YOutH IHid fold f
Special Padded Books at 85c
Handsome padded back gold edge borks poems and prose such
titles and writers as follow
HiawathaChoice Courtship of Miles
Evantfellne Standish
Lon fellowHcott I
LuciloSnowBound LongfellowLucilo 8tan
Lowell SnowBound Burns C One Tennyson Gems Thousand and One
Oliver Wendell Holmes Favorite Poems
Ralph Waldn Rmerson Third Floor Whittier
Gifts For Women
Bath Robesfrom 398 to 598
Black Cotton Petticoats from 50c to 2 98
Black Silk Ruffs from 125 to 398
Coat Collars from 25c to 750
Coat Sets from 75c to 125
Crope Kimonas from 125 to 3 98
Dinner Napkins from S5c to 500
Ire sing Combs from 25c to 100
Dressing Sacques from 50c to 1 98
Felt Romeo Slippers from USe to 150
Flannelette Kin nas front 75c tc 298
French Plumes from 200 to 1000
Fur Mulls from 1OS to 2500
Fur Neckpieces from 198 to 35 00
Knitted Mn filers white and colors 25c
Linen Table Sets from 239 to 1000
1 Manicuring Sots from lOc to 9So
Phoenix MuflliTs white tend Colorsr 50i
Silk Kinmnas from 498 to 850
Silk PctticiMts from 2 98 to 10 00
Silk Scares from 50c to 475
Stylish Neckwear from 25o to 75c
Table Linen from S5c to 229
Toilet Waters in fancy boxes 25o to 140
Travelers Utility Cases from 95c to 5 00
sI c
Willow Plumes from 800 to 3500
= olI JII r 101 JIII IlL lOr
Started by London Goldsmiths In the
Seventeenth Cuntury
The business of banking was not in
troduced Into England until the seven
teenth century when It began to bo
undertaken by goldsmiths In London
who appear to have borrowed It from i
Holland It was attacked as Innova l i
tions commonly are Mr Gllbart inl
his History and Principles of Bank
ing quotes from a pamphlet publish
ed In 1070 entitled The Mystery of
the New Fashioned Goldsmiths or
Bankers Discovered a passage that
may bo reproduced
Much about the same timethe
time of the civil commotion the gold
smiths or new fashioned bankers be
gun to receive the rents of gentlemens
estates remitted to town and to allow
them and others who put cash Into
their hands some Interest for It If It
remained but a single month In their
hands or even a lesser time There
wns a great allurement to put money
Into their hands which would bear
Interest till till day they wanted It
and they could also draw It out by
tOO or mo etc at a time as they
wanted it with Intlnltely less trouble
than if they had lent It out on either
real or personal security The conse
quence was that It quickly brought a
great quantity of cash into their
hands so that the chief or greatest of
them was now enabled to supply
Cromwell with money in advance on
the revenues as his occasion required
upon great advantages totliuiUselves
My child WitS burned tfrriMv shout
the face nock mid chest I applied Dr
Thomas Eclectic Oil The pain c astd
nnd the child sunk into a restful sleep
Mrs Nancy M Hanson Hamburg
An Inside Outing
Wlgg The best outing a man can
take IB an bllnn trip WaggYes an
outing for the Inner man as well
Philadelphia Record
There If 1 no well dolbj no godlike
doing That t Is not patient dolngTIm I
otby Tltrornb
p a
GW1IJV Mt1fIiJWfj tIft
I A Dollar Saved is a Dollar Earned
Are Your Dollars Earning For You
1YJ 1 can liedno safer noi better investment than a certificate of deposit in heI I
with the interest compounded seinianmwlly and no PIlJmcnti
tfian by check heieby you always haven record of payment
I Wo have a seven year record of fair dealings with our customers and always cater to their wants I
when consistent with pound bunking principles
AftK VM M v ft n riJu WIJV W liII
A Chinese Hero
At Loping Ilslen Is I a statue draped
In full dress of a mandarin the pu
ting or police muster named Chin
who gave his life for the people An
exile who was In the camp at Jno
chow and who owed the hslen district
magistrate a grudge rode a black
horse to Loping and having killed the
hsien got hack for I the Tnochow roll
call next Morning As the murderer
could not he found orders came from
the capital that a large number of tho
people should be killed To prevent
this slaughter of Innocent folk the pu
ting a good old man said he stabbed
the hslen after a few words over the
wino cups and he was consequently
beheaded No resident of the district
would deal the fatal blow but an itin
erant cobbler or bamboo worker did It
for a reward oj 10 tacls Tradition
adds that he was struck dead by light
ping utter leaving the execution ground
Chlnew Mercury
For the Best results try
News Want Ads
II iL I I l1
tIb = L y YY
Y Ii YI iIi < UI
If you find it inconvenient to ghop in per
son write us your wants and the MAIL ° n
OUDhR DEPARTMENT will take care ot y
them promptly and efficiently f
Purchases Delivered Free
Gifts For Boys
Boys Blouse Waists 25c to 100
Boys Caps 25c to 50c
Boys Hats 50c to 895
Boys Kid Gloves from SOc to 100
Boys Neckwear at 25c to 50c o
Boys Overcoats 1 98 to 749
Boys Keofors 198 to 408
Boys Kompers 25c 45c and 50c Q
Boys Suits from 198 to 748
Boys Sweater Coats 49c to 150
Gauntlets 50c 75 and 100
Knickerbocker Pants from 50c to 150
Gifts For Men
Allover Leather Rockers 2500 to 2950
Austrian Brass Desk Supplies consisting of Ink Bottles
Pen Hacks Letter Scales Thermometers Stamp Boxes
etc from 39c to 995
Bath Robes from 2 98 to 498
Collarettes from 1250 to 3300
Chitforoucs from 2800 to 1300U
Coil Buttons from 50e to 150 O
Fancy Shirts from 50c to 150
Fountain Pens from 7Bc to 500
Holiday Suspenders from 26c to 200
Initial Linen Handkerchiefs I box 50c tAl 250
Initial Silk Handkerchiefs each 25 n to 50t
Jersey Jackets from 250 to 4 60 0
Linen Handkerchiefs from lOc to 50e
Morris Chairs from 1150 to 4000
Neckwear from 25c to 150
Phoenix Mufflers from 25c to 100
Raors from 100 to 250
Scarf Pins from 2octo100
Shaving Brushes from 26c to 1 25 0
Shaving Stands from 50c to 5 00
Silk Handkerchiefs from 25o to 1 00
Silk Hose from 50c to 100I
Silk Reefers from 50c to 250 I
Silk Squares from t 5no > to 250
Slippers from 98c to 198
Smoking Jackets from 398 to 048
Sweater Coats from 49c to 3 50
Umbrellas from 100 to 50U
Watch Fob from o
25c to 200
Weathered Oak Pipe Hacks 25c to 100
Weathered Oak Smoking Sets 200 to 1500
Write Shirts from 50e to 200
Wool Glove from 25cto 200r
2111 101 JllcJOI IeOI I 1lcJOI I 0
II Y <
I Fifth Avenue
Il ti Louisville Ky
IIf II = f
Tile most centrally located and
only Hrstclass hotel In the city
Only one bli ek from the princi
pal shopping district two blocks
from the principal theatres
Street cars pass tho door tolall
parts of tho city
Everything neat and clean
toaUI I
7 O
Hardinsburg Kentucky i 1
r IJJJ 1 i 1 >
I V s r

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