OCR Interpretation

Hopkinsville Kentuckian. [volume] (Hopkinsville, Ky.) 1889-1918, February 09, 1892, Image 3

Image and text provided by University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY

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Inouillc fitittttcltiait.
TIIKO. K. ItAltTl.lIt, lluilurs tnngrr
Mil Marion Lowell.
Our pooplo are to have u opportunity
of hoaring Misi Marion Lowell,
tho talontod public reader of Boston,
at, Moayen's Hall, on Friday oveuiiig,
Fob'y 12th. Wocau nssureyou that
Miss Lowoll Is no mere amateur,
Sho has practiced hor profession as
teacher and public roador iu tho literary
centers of nlnoteou Statos. To
hear her reclto "Tho Chariot Ilaco,"
from "Bon Hur," is alono worth tho
priooof admlsHiou. Lot us givo
this talontod lady a lnrgo audouco,
Admission, DQ) schools, 2fio.
Pomona Grange.
l'rogrom for Fomona Grange to be
held at Falrviow on Saturday Feb. 27.
1, Welcome Address. Master ot
Falrviow Grange. Itosiwnso Stuto
2. Installation of OflicorH,
8. Dos it pay to uso commercial
ferlllbenl Winston Henry, M. B.
4. Is the circulating modium ol sul-
Iflolent quantity for tho busluosaof tho
nlry t If not how should It bo In-
F.Garnott, 0., D. Boll
bawd. I
5, What kind of stock pays bout for
3hritlan county fnrmorst T. L.
5 Graham and W.S. Waller.
, Each subordinate grnugols entitled
to tea representatives, fivo men nnd
Rva InfttMi All fmirtli ftpffrAA innm.
jv bers nro coidially Invited to uttoiui.
Let everybody como aud aid in having
a good ttmo. Tho Executlvo"Com.
mltteo Is expected to be proscnt nnd
report on business matters.
W. II. Auams,
Lecturer County Grange
Church niU,Ky., Fob. 8, '92.
Tmt Tobacco salon by Nolson A Dabnoy
I 7or two weeks hiding February Jlrit,
27 hhds.new lugsW 00, 2 70, 2 DO,
1 00, 4 25, 6 00, if 25, D 50, 0 00, 0 00,
0 00. 0 60 0 25, 6 DO, 1 10, i 25, aud
;ULhdal OOtoO CO.
10 hhds. common and modium loaf
8 00, 6 BO, BOO, 8 00, 7 DO, 7 75,0 75,
7 DQ, 8 10, 8 .
, 1.1! JL';iU'.!l'tJ"" " '"!
Mr.CltM.Morehead, of rrincotoii,
spent Sunday iu luu city.
Mr. S. H, Lnyno, of Pembroke Bpcnl
jftutulay in ho uily.
' Alra. Ada Ornlmui lias returned
from Fort Worth, Tex.
Mr. N. Illakomore, of Now York, Is
vialtiiiff Mr. Clnreuco lllnkeinoro,
Mr. A, F. Kllun has returned from
n lengthy visit torelntivoi In Missouri
Mias Winnie Konrsey, of Iowa,
Wch., h writing Mrs. T. S. McCnll.
-Mra. J. F. Wolla lias gone to
county on a visit to her
Messrs. A. A. Mutz ntid Jno. F.
Lipscomb will loavo Frldny to buy
spring goods.
Senator J. W. Downer camo liomo
Saturday for tho first time sineo ho
wout to Frankfort.
Dr. W. O. Wheeler, Hon. Hunter
Wood and Mr. C. II. Hush have- returned
from Frankfort.
The. Vandaruilt Training School
Do Secured.
Aotlvo stops nro boing taken by
Jlopkinsvlllo to secure tho Vnndorbilt
Unlyorslty Preparatory School for
boys. Tho matter has loou agitated
for somo daya nnd arrangement hate
boon mado to Iihto tin eoinmittco on
location vidt tho city next Friday
voulng nnd confer with our eitizoui.
The commilloo consist of uov.
David Morton, Louisville; Dr. Grovi
Alonudr, Nntmvillo; Hev, K. W.
Browdor, Eltzabethtown; Her. J, M.
Larwon, Otvensboro; Itev. J. A. Lewis,
Hu8HvilU Judgo Joe McCarroll,
Hoitkiusvillo; Frof. Murphy,
Tilloj Hon. J- A. Ilinduuiii Columbia
and Hon. Chas. It. Loiik, Louisville.
Tho places vvauttug tho school nro
Hopklnsvillo, Franklin, Bowling
Groan, Elizibotbtowu, Lebanon, Elk-ton,
Auburn, Outhrioaud Oreoavillo.
The contest has about narrowed
down to Hopklnsvillo and Franklin.
BowlingGreou has ono undo school and
tho other places aru cither too small
or iu out of tho wuy localities.
ought to hnvo tho hchool.
The city is already on educational
center, his well located nnd will
so,"yhs, amnio railroad facilitioo for
InVuiiC.'ckoap freights and advantageous
Wt Btart In with two or threo of our
friends on tho committee to woik for
ua and wo ran catily make them, all
ee that tho host thing to do is to lo
cate hero. Dr. Alexander ami other
Trill speak on tho subject Friday
nittbt and explain tho objects of tho
school tn bo built.
Lt our peoiils bo on hand and pro
fjix$ to octpifinptly and decisively.
Elkton has otTorod 510,000 ami a site,
Franklin will do tho samo dikI
klnaville ought to offer 10 acres of
wound and 520.000. Tho amount
can b raited with a proper effort ami
It would secure this school, which will
brintf 100 to 1D0 younu men to tho
city orery joar, who would speud
thousands of dollars nud boneilt all
tho avenuos of trado.
Now la tho timo to striko for im
provements that will givo impetus to
our coming boom. Let tho friends of
education and ovcry person Interested
in the prosperity of Hopklnsvillo Iw
on hand Fiiday ulght.
I'uro Splco at McKpo'h chonp,
Vitnlia Llvor Pills ImpKno tho complexion.
Anlcololof country npploa cheap
nt MoKee's.
Como to this olllco for pniwr nooks
for hams.
Consult Dr. Applcman nt Phoenix
Hotel iioxlThurmlay.
Hov. T. S. McCall preached at tho
Baptist church Sunday.
lor cash, 2CIIw. N, O. BUKar nt
.MeKeo s for ono American dollar.
moro girls for
coming season. Apply at ouco to Mrs.
L. Nash.
Mrs. It. L. Woolfork cntertolncd
Howiral couples of young people Fn-
uny evening nt ten.
Tho ordinnnca of baptism will bo
administered nt tho Christian church
Wediissdoy night.
Tho South Sldo Circlo will moot
at tho residence of Iter. S, N. Vail on
Wednesday at .') o'clock.
Tlio enso of Carrsuo vs. Carr, from
Trigg county, was rovorsod by tho
Court pf Aptienls Inst week. '
Mr. II, M. Anderson is ropalrlng hrs
building recently-damaged byfiro ami 1
It'll! timl'ii (.ilrt (I - ......
..... ...I...; imu iv HKmu as nuuu
it Is ready.
optician, will bo In Hopklnsvillo
Feb. 17 aud!8. As Dr. Knapp
will not visit this city during March,
parties desiring his fcorvicos will da
well to remember the above dales.
It pays to buy grapo vinos from tho
most roliablo dealers. Tho well-known
grupo culturist, G.W. Campbell,
of Delaware, Ohio., who bus Loon
iu tho businosa for 31 years,
in thiapapor.
Tho Board of Commissioners of tho
Western Asylum met Saturday, pur
suant to adjournment. Tho sick
Mr. Stites, still boing
to attend, tho Board ndjournod
ngniu until Tuesday March 1st.
All of tho first floor seats havo boon
takon for the lecture to-night. Tho
gallery Keats will bo 115 cents and
thoro will bo a fow stago seals at 50c.
Tho subject I "Social and Political
1'robloms of our Second Century "
Lecturo begins nt 8 o'clock sharp.
Thoro nru Ml cases embraced in tho
Trigg Circuit .Court doekot for tho
spriog term which eouvcuod
There aro U3 casoa of much im
portance, to the public. Tho Grand
Jury is expected to havo its bunds full,
Wo dropped Into McKoo's, "Tho
Enterprising Grocer," yostorday, and
u looking ovor his largo stock, wo
woro romludod Hint spring time is approaching.
Fino larKo cubboiro aro
on hand nnd all tho dlfforont kinds of
potatoes aro now in stock rondy for
spring planting. Fiesh oystors are
received dully aud In fact everything
to oat, quality tho very best, can bo
found at McKoo's.
Menus. J. C. White and W. W.
lato of Clarksvillo, havo opened
a store nt Julien for tho sale of groceries
and family supplies. Thoy will
ulso buy and sell country produco.
Both of tho partners aro active,
aud popular youug mon, who
will merit and rccolvo a full shnro of
thepatrouago of that section of the
country. Thoy invito thoir frlouds to
call uu thorn.
Tho farmers of this and adjoining
counties would, do woll to poruso the
card of Messrs. Neleou & Dabnoy, pro
prietors of the, Hopklnsvillo Tobacco
Warehouso, which appearo iu this is.
sue. 'j. iieM) gentleman nro
to the trado and take prldo in obtaining
tho highest prices for tobacco con
signed to them. Read their mles
which appear den where iu this issuo
and deduce jour own conclusions.
Hereafter their pale will appear regularly,
Look out for thorn.
-Wv i Ji
Bon Dunn, of Canton, was kicked
by a vicious mule ono day last week,
anil tho bones of ono leg wore shiver
10,000 yards Tobacco Cotton,
and fivo hundred (500) buhols
of clover heed, a(jluwist prieos.
Masos & Wills. New stood, Kentucky.
Hicks, tho standard weather proph
et, is iu lino with tho ground hog, and
predict Ruveio weather for tho noxt
. .. i - i
six or eigni weeks, foster runs wintry
weather into May.
Tho census of Cadiz has recently
boon taken by Mr. Georgo B. Jefferson,
of that place. Sho shows up
inhabitants which is an iucreaso
of about threo hundred over tho regular
census taken In 1890.
A musical entertainment will bo
given at Mr. Geo. O. Thompson's
Thursday evening, together with a
discussion of Burn, recitations, otc.
Tho affair will bounder the direction
of Mrs. Ifobt. Holluway.
L. A X. will sell round trip tickets
Hopklnsvilleto Do Fuuink springs,
Fin. on Fob 8, 9, 10, 11, & 12 good
returning until April 1st, at $22,25
acoount, "Florida Chautauqua"
J. W. Adams, Agt.
Co. D. held an election Fridnv
night to fill vacancies in the offices of
first and second lieutenant. Gordon
Nelson wns olectod to tho first nnd
Wharton Crabb to the second position.
Dr. A. J. Knapt), tho colebrntod
81,000 U.S. Dond Pledget! For Electric
Arc and Incandescent Lights.
UorRtNsviLLE, Feb. G, 1802.
Mn, Mucin, mi
Tho Kentuckiak of last Frldny, In
Us rotwrt of tho proceedings of tho
Board of Councllmou,tsoyai "Tho
usual wrnnglo ovor oloctrio lights
look placo nnd tho usual rejection of
the U as Company'i) roquost for nn
extension of tho franchise transpired.
Mr, S. C. Mercer nsked for an oloctrio
light frniiehlso but no nction was
taken on his petition." Thin is a mistake
I asked for no franchlso, because
tho Board had already adver
tised for bids for street lights, nnd
of courso I would not hnvo naked for
nn impossibility. What I did was to
offer (ho following, which was read
for tint Information sololy of tho
Board and tho puolic.
Mr. S. C. Mercer has duixwitod in tho
iianters iianlc Uno (Jovorumout 4
per cent bontl for ono thousand
vtl,UUU) Uollnrs to bo hold as a
guarantee that ho will faithfully carry
out nnr coutrnct ho may mako with
City of Hopklnsvillo for tho construction
of an Electric Lhrht nlaut for the
purposoot supplying Arch and Incandescent
Electric Llghtato tho said
city and Itn citizons, and whon Bald
contract Is completed according to
tho terms thoroof. said bond is to Iki
surrendered to said Mercer.
Signed, S. 13. Tricb, Prcst.
If tho Board ronulro it, It will' bo
JiiBt ns easy to put up another $1,000
as a pledge, if I shall got tho contract,
but tho city aud individual consumers,
shall hnvo as brilliant street nud house
oloctrio lighU, as Now York, Washington
City, or Chicago. I moan
businoss. Every dollar of tho investment
which I propose to put in this
oulorpriso is homo capital. It is the
money of pnrtios whoso fortunos aro
wholly bound up iu and identified
with tho betterment and enhancement
of Hopkiusvillo'a prosperity.
i liavo no confidence in tho intentions
of any ono who says that
vllle ia a doad town and ought tohavo
been fenced m years since. Sho cannot
atTord electric lights. Thoro is no
moDoy In It nnd tho citizens ought to
bo satisfied with gas." If I should
get tho contract ray splendid electric
light, motor nnd street railway plant
Bhall bo put up aa soon as Forboa &
Bro., can put up tho building and the
Electric Company can oroct tho poata
nnd lay the wiroa.
S. O. McncER, Molroso.
A Butter Man Writes.
Emron Kentcckian:
Boing a farmer (and a poor ono nt
that) I thought I would lot my brother
farmers hear through your columns
from our lit tlo creamery, ostnblishod
near your city. Wo havo manufac
tured about 15,000 pounds of buttor
Hlnco wo commenced operations, at 25
conts por pound, amouutiugto f3,750.
Wo could manufacture four times
that much at about the samooxpeuse,
and all could have boen 6old, as wo
cannot begin to koop up with our
nnd wo havo not soughta market,
orders Booking all wo mako and more.
Wo aro very anxious to attach a
cheese factory to our plant and we
want tho furmors to invoetigato the
enterprise. Wo nro ready and willing
to show figures nnd facta that will
open thoir oyps. Wo aro all working
at tobacco and wheut ou twelvo months
timo. By tho tome tho nvorago f ormor
gots his crop in market, tho banks
and monoy londors havo consumed all
tho profits in interest. Wo havo tho
soil and labor and wo can, if wo will,
produco buttor aud chooso and got
our muuoy at tho end of tho month.
Wo will bo moro independent, can
pay our labor good prices nnd add to
our laud in fertility. I hero givo a
Btatomout from Fond du Lao county,
Wis., Vonmomcealthi
"Thoro nro but fow pooplo in the
city or county of Fond du Lao who
nro aware of tho magnitude of tho
businoss done ou tho dairy board of
Fond du Lac, which mot iu this city
orory Monday betwocn May 4th nnd
Nov. 10th, 1891, Through tho courtesy
ot L. W. Clark, socrotary of tho board,
tho CommontwaMA la able to givo Ita
readors n rosurao of tho business for
tho season just passod.
Thoro havp boon 29 meotings during
tho 0 J months named, and 120 different
factories havobodn represented
during that period, Tho number of
pounds of cheese sold on tho board
has roachod 6,600,000 and tho
amount paid out for this product
por month reached $76,000, or a total
for the soasou of $187,600. Tho Boa-
bou has been a dry ono and there
havo boon less mootings of tho board
thau in furmor soasous,
A considerublo amount of chooso
has boon sold outside .tho board, of
which thoro Is of courso "uo record,
but it is safe to say that this, addod
to that sold ou tho board, would bring
tho total proceeds of tho cheoso
contering in Fond du Lao, at
considerably moro than half n million
dollars for tho Benson."
Wo havo as good soil, as good people,
and na good markots nearer at
hand, with our market trrowintr all
tho timo. In a fow yoara tho larirox
DOrtlOU of thn rnflnn frrnuni In lm
South will bo manufactured at homo.
'ilia iron and coal Interest aro also
coutiuually growing. I am In fuvor of
waking up and making a chnue. It
cau't bo for tho worse.. If any of .our
farmers can suggest anything hotter
than tho cow i would llko to hear
from thorn.
P, A. Cusmu?r.
Geo. Toworydlcdlti Caldwell county
last weok aged 83 years, JIo
hnd voted thd straight Democratic
tickot siuco Jackson's eleetiou ia
Luthor Bacon, aged 22, a sou !
Tom Bacon, died Friday.
Hon. Jno. J. Ingalla will nrrlvo on
tho 5.08 train this ovonlug, Ho will
bo driven tolho resldoncoof Col. A.
11. Clark, whoro ho will illno nt (!
o clock and remain until ho gooH to
tho Opera Houso to lecluro at K
o'clock. After tho lecluro ho Will bo
taken to Ma J. Crumbatigh's
and a public rccoptlou will bo
(ondorod him by tho pooplo of
Ho will apond tho night at
Mnt Crumbaugh's, Mr, Ingatls
will bo greeted by an audience of
HopkluBvillo's host pooplo that will bo
llmltod iu b!zo only by tho capacity
of tho Opera Houso, This Is his first
visit to Kentucky and ho will bo
troatod with n gouuluo courtesy
characteristic, of Koutucklans
A Narrow Escape.
Tho long wooden shod on tho east
sido of tho building Forbes & Bro.
are replacing with a brick building, on
Virginia St., foil yostorday whllo ton
colored woro building n
foundation wall under it. Two of tho
men woro caught and sovoroly hui t.
John'Itadford was bruised on tho
shoulder and his arm was also badly
hurt and ono ot tho bono broken.
Wm. Ithodos was hurt about tho
bask, it Is hard to loll how soriously.
Tho mon woro tokou to thoir homos
iu a badly disabled condition. Dr.
Gunu was sout for. Their injuries
will lay thorn up for sopio time, but
nro not necossnrily fatal. Tho othor
workmon bad a narrow oscapo, but
got out uulnjurod.
Metz's Dig Candle.
On Jan. -i, A. A, Motz llghtod nn
immense sperm candle, fivo foot long
and 13 inches iu circumference It
was burned 11 hours a day. Every
buyer of goods amounting to $1
for a monMi or moro beforo It was
liohted was Kivon b rucss us to tho
number of hours It would bum.
Thoro wero about 2,000 guossos,
ranging nil tho way froni 6 to 1,(300
hours. On last Saturday tho candlo
burned out, having burnod 832 hours
and 45 minutes. The first prize of
110 in gold was awarded to Mrs. Dr.
Hill, who guessod 332 hours. Tho
6ocond, au $8.60 umbrella, was won
by Mrs. D. F. Porrr. k'uess 331.
Tho third, a $G.60 Iceland sheep rug,
to Mrs. Hitchio Burnott, guess 33".
Tho fourth, a J5.00 muff, to Mrs. W.
A. P Pool, guess 337j. Tho fifth, a
pnlr 52 gloves, Miss Lucy Dade,
guess 310.
A Bride's Sad Fate,
Mrs. Wm. Gill, of Kockfiold, Ky.,
tho top of tho head by tho body of
tho tree. A holo as largo as a tea cup
was knocked in hor bead and sovoral
bonos broken. Tho husband was almost
frantio with grief but summoned
assistance and a physiciau was booh
ou tne scene, out tuo who oi six
wooke was no more, having died in-
atantly from tho blow on tho head.
LA GRIPPE. On Docembor 19th. I
was confined to my room with tho
Grippo. Tho Treasurer of the "Commercial
Advertiser" recommended that
I Bhould try n bottle of "Ayor's Cherry
Poctoraf," as it had cured him of
tho Bnmo complaint. I sent for n bottle,
and in. two days I was ablo to resume
my businoss, nnd am now entirely
As t took no other roiftody, I can
but (rive all tho credit to the "Cherry
Pectoral," which I grotofully recom
mend as k spooUyupocilio or this dis
ease lours very truly,
F. T. InnmsoN.
Tho Commercial Advertiser,
29 Carle Bow, Now York, .N. V.
"Ou my travels I saw a groat many
nicturos bv Itubens." "Oh yes; iio
was tho artist who pulnlod so many
spurious pictures." Fliegoudo
Insanity In Hie Teapot.
A recent issuo of the I.omlou Lancet
attributes, eoinowhut wtmkly, bat still
with a decree ot Insistence, un Increaio
ot rnentul ItutnMltty among women as
a result of continuous tea drlalilng.
With a largo numlmr of woman, notably
Englishwomen, but almost aa universally
iiuoDg American women, a cup
of tho panacea for every HI, from
a headache to a heartache. The "porcn
SIJ part" U always aimmericfr at many
reildtfs, nnd it Is precisely this condition
which docs tho mischief. If tea It
drank only when freshly browed and
never partaken of after standing five
roluntos or less, It Is bolloved by inest
authorities that no liannlul effects will
follow. It Is tho decoction called tea
by courtesy, really something quite
different, which tho persistent tea
drinker oftcnett takes that works evil.
V. Times.
Til Signal or Cheops.
The most curious and remarkable
relta of antiquity la the world, the
Holy Coat of Treves aud the IronCrown
of Lorabanly not excepted, now lies
among tho treasures of the Abbott collection
In the tnnsouraof the New York
historical society. This rello It the
alguet ring of Oioups, the builder ot
the largest of tho Egyptian pyramids.
Ilia knowledge) of tho fact that this
famous curiosity s tn an American collection,
easily accessible to all, should
make erory roador feel a thrill of satisfaction
that can bi felt only by those
who have a sJuso of being Joint ownra
In a priceless trvus,ure. Tho finding of
this ring wus thb crewnlug prlit) of Or.
Abbott's life of research among tho
nasty totqbt of Kgypt, Jewelers'
Metz's February
Clearance Sale
Commencing Monday, .Tan. 25th.
i I. - .
Tho entire stock has been marked in plain figures
and at the lowest prices, to make room for
one of ihelaricst Sorinf? Stocks ever hronShi to
this city, llcmcmbcr we have only one price, and
uiai cue Loiucst, and marked in vlain even dan
We have just received a few specials. Head
the prices.
10e a yard for choice of 2.000 yards all linen Torchon
laces and inscrtings.
I2ie a yard for choice of 1,000 yards Hamburg
casing worm 12 1-2 to 15c.
25c each for window shades on spring rollers, act-
uauy worm Juc.
GOo for the best cloth window shade 7 feet long on
spnng rollers.
32ic for the best Turkey Bed Table Damask, guaranteed
not to fade.
$ 1.10 for choice of any comfort in the house. Only
a small lot left.
40e a yard for good surah silk.
Large line of straw matting just received.
Railroad Pumbllngs.
Thoro is now on every hand unmistakable
evidence of tho activity that
uccompanies railroad building.
On Saturday thirty teams with mon
in chcrgo arrivod from Evansvillo nnd
Contractor Morgan neut thorn out to
tho western end of his fivo mile division
nud thoy began work yesterday in
W. D. Summers' field. This force
will bo increased this weok and before
tho woek ends 100 mon and 50 towns
will bo at work.
A force of tou hands timli'r Mr. Kel
ly 1ms been at work for a w.uik
ing out tho bluir nt tho foat of l.ili
street. Holes aro drilled to u tle.th
a bridoof six weeks, was killodon tho of nine feot and itumeiiMi b i.mh urn
2nd inst. Mrs. Gill nskod her husband,
who wus engaged in clearing
souio now ground, if sho could not accompany
him to tho field that
This, ho, of courso, agreed to,
and after dinner tho two wout to tho
woods. Tho fond loving husband
was at work on a largo treo and his
wife was standing near. It was his
intontion to mako tho tree fall in n
certain direction, but whon tho trunk
had boon cut into tho treo foil in tho
opposite direction intended. .The
husband saw at a glance that his
wife would'bo "truck by Iho falling
treo and told hor to ruu, In tho ox-
citemont Mrs. Gill ran In tho wrong
direction and was struck directly in
now neuru ar nil Hours ol tuo c'ay.
Groat boulders aro beiug tom ofT initl
rolled into the river. This work is
ox peeled to bo done In ulioul six weeks.
Further down the rivor Mr. Morgan's
head in in Henry McCnnlon is
at woik with 801 IU tenuis g.mliug
towardi the city. Ho is now mi .. i.
II. C. Gnnt'h lot, just hi.lou the ll'li
School nud uill soon Iki Ul!iohii uf
tho river.
Mr. Mitchell, it bridge contractor,
was bore last woek ami got points for
mukiug a bid on tho three bridges iu
sight ot town.
Fuginoer Smith and Assistant Engineer
Barr, with Will Campboll as
guide, sturtod ovor tho road yostorday.
Thoy will bo in charge of tho work now
beiug dono.
It is reported that W. A. Shipping,
of Memphis, has boon givon tho
milo contract from Summers' to Gra-coy
and that work will begin at onco
ou the wholo line.
No.lUO030 Again.
This policy was issued ou tho lifo
of a citizou of Hopkinsvilie, for $10,-000
In February, 1889. Tho dividend
in 1891 was ovor 25 por cent, and for
1892 is nearly 26J por cent. Agouta
of rival companies have bean saying
for tan yours that NORTHWEST-EHN
DIVIDENDS could not bold
up. Results disprovo tho statomout.
No company pays such lnrgo dividends
No company is so strong.
Tho Most Pleasant Way
Of prarontiug tho grippo, colds, headaches,
and forora is to uso tho liquid
laxative remedy Syrup of Figs,
tho system needs a gentle, yet
effective cfoausinsr. To bo benefited
ono must got tho truo remedy manufactured
by tho California Fig Syrup
Co., only. For sale by all druggists
in wjc. unu ai iouie3,
John Humos and Miss Helen
McCrocklln, of Butler county, woro
to hnvo beou marriod on Jan, 31, but
on tho morning of tho wedding tho
bridooloct skipped out to Teunesseo
and married Marsh MoKinnoy.
Humes had bought his liconso uud
was griovously disappointed.
Mr. Sooly Dunu, Superintendent of
tho C. & P. division of tho L. & N.J
and Miss Mauda Thomas, of
woro married ot tho Episcopal
church, Clorkuvlllo, Thursday pvou.
lug aud left at ouco on an Eastern
If you feel weak
and all worn out take
Grape Vmcc
Of all valusUoTatletloa,al lowe.trates. militant
Empire htale, lUauioml, Jewel, Magara,
Helanate, Wonli'u, Wovltuff lied, iJiily,
Illljlilnn. Kltlra, 1M, Coneonl, JslTcrsAii,
rueslluitton, Moure's l.arlr, aloter, .Seclur,
WUIBiiil lMctners,uawrtalelil, ttltawLerilis,
Ulactbenle, llii'Uule,Curraut, Lucrctls
DcwUrilc, stc Catalottues frre.
GEO, W, OAM PDELU.nela ware, Ohio,
Cow For Sale
Thoroughbred Jersey
olf. Apply this offico.
FOR SALE Pure Bronzo Turkeys.
Miss Ida Knight.
Elder It. Earl, having returned
front Dycupbiirg nheru ho has beou
preiieliiiig for two jears, can now be
Hiintl at Urol ton, ivy., whoro he has
i pencil up i. Ituber nhop iu tho Dr.
I'-mi house, on Princeton and Water
I-, iii'il invil'Vi a call from his
old cuitomer. His razors aro sharp,
towels clfii u nnd everything is kept
clean, nice aud complete.
Yours Truly. R. Earl
I Ui
A lino wk for salo. Apply
to J. P. Mencliani,
Graoey, Ky
Hon opened a general furnlluro
.. 1-? n..l..1.l!l. . -i XT 1A'f
t ll'JJUIIlli III. 11U. IViJ
ouutii Kinni, nun win uu an
kinds of repairing. Will also manufacture
to ordor all kinds of spring
mnttrosscfl on Bhort notice. Guarantee
all work to givo satisfaction. Tho
patronage of nil bis old friends solicited.
uUiiMXitiMJiiN: lou can save
money by purchasing your goods and
having them msdo up iu first class
stylo by moj Fita nunrnuteed nnd
prices tho cheapest. A full lino of
samples of suiting aud trimming also
Kepi on iittiKt. 1' rank Zander.
Ninth Strcot
Back of First National Bank
Mr. R. Green has gono toNow York
City to buy his Spring stock. On no-count
of this ho will reduce thn nricm
ou everything in his lino of gonornl
iiry goons to tuo Iowost figures iu
to mako room for tho Spring
Wo will, ou Thursday, Fob., 25, '92,
sail to tho highost biddor, tho farm
known as tho "Homo place" of tho
IatoW.T. Stowo, noar Julisn, containing
407 acros. Also 12 head of
milks, a lot of cattlo and hogs, farming
utoualla of ovory description,
about 800 barrels of corn, about 5,000
lbs of bacon, 15,000 lb, of tobacco,
housohold nod kitcheu furnlturo. The
farm will bo sold at 11 o'clock
sharp, Sulo will commonce at 10
o'clock. Tonus mado known on day
of Balo, G. II, und E. A. Stowo.
A good blacksmith.
Davis, Boverly, K.y,
Apply tn (',
Estray Notice.
Takon un as estrnv hv P. M Ki.
I phons, living near Sinking Fork In
uiirisllan county the It day of Nov.
1801, ouo whllo.red siwttod heifer and
uumarkod, suppobed to bo about 18
months old, which I havo appraised ut
six dollars,
Given under my hand tho 5th of
Jan, 1692,
W.F Wood, J, p, C. O.
Plymouth Rock Eggs.
Puro Brod Plymouth EeTK at 75
emit: por 15. PJaco
Inquire at this office,
Prepare for a Big Orop
And Buy the
Ilt'V (1UU
Tho best in tho world
m Mi' m?'1' if Sr7
KIhto lliricidiiiltc into tit the IlcmltTnlmcto l'Unlrr, m lllntlMi MiIiot
would Ijo iilca.nl In rail at ouroflice nncl.retlio machlnn Jnr rounH
nnd u
anil hit
Ua merits fullr ezulalnnl tn vnti and when tom iliArDitffhlvnnflAr.t.n.1 iiiftwnrklnn,
ol the mnclilnr jou vrllllicrertaln In intrchKaa one, foro itNCW that It l to Die In
tcrctt otot err tobacco cruttcr to hatcrnoof llicnn rilanteia
- i- . .. .....
l ou can plant your tonacco wiin lesi worK.
Von can plant your tobacco so that It will live hotter.
You can plant your tobacco when tho plants aro ready.
You can plantyoui' tobacco when tho ground is ready.
It tolmccn will lietter.aml . toii are ccitalnoiafuU crop of the "Wet'l" wketlior
iln at the ilahi time or not, Kverrt.'ilntf conelilcreil. tbo lleniliToLarcnTram.l'l.ti.
tcr In the moot liorfect rarnltnc lnililcuient on the market and tou will .on. nit mtii
ciwn liy InrpntlKatlngilie ni.illa nl IhU machine st once.
. . ... " "! - "ivr. uri.ijiii. iv i Miniii iniii, lineal fiviuil nut MiWllUJKl
V, aril la thla rcrtlon, ami we are prcpai eil to furnlih tou all klmli of rough, anil (tnliheit lumbu
and . (iiicT woi k, ami Mill tell at bottom prices Our IIAKDWAKK .ndlMI'LKSlKNT I10USB
liabMilutclrtlielarKc.tandbc.taaeorteiltliatcaiibe fDund anywhere, and we will a?o to
inoneroii nnythlnic )tu mar want In thl. line, .luit another won! and we aro through.
rleAM bear In mind when Tim are In need of anvthlnirln thn SadillAorllarnM.llnelhat
rou want to go to the mammoth cmabllahmentott'OltflKS A 1IIIO., oorner Tenth and Mala,
our baildle and llnrnet. Shop U new- and embraces the very boet quality of material oud work-
interest t j buy
n.i.iii.i ,nivii,iiuui. anu wo wm mine it loToar iiom us minis line
On the other hand. If rouwant iTthlnff In llm war of 1 Olla, i'nlnta, Itte
ll.r.f.lnn uoill In i.i1
vni. .u i.in.ti. wu 1, iii xitv juu enure .aii.iaciiun price ami riunii.y
f,iTV we wish to say that we areatllllcadlar
viu.i v give us your iraue. lours with an eye to business,
.Now Inconoliulon. the Ulacksmlth and ll.irs.
ihocliiK biiilne.andalM In the Wa
i line 1 . We sold more Watont In 1891 than In any (tun
II far
Wo aro maklar tin
ji ,nn,lH.,il .if ..lil
fact. Wo Want vou to i.otne to. ee us ami trade with us. Ifvnii ilnn't Hint In ir.iln with m.
come to.ee us anyway.and seeourwayof ilotnibutlncu, aadmajbe you will Bud oat thai .f
you want 8trlclly First Ulass Goods, and aomethlni? that yon can depend on, that It Is to your tu'.
IEr10:Ee:E3:ElS cSC SISO., Hopkinsvillc.Kj.
Arlington Hotel,
SRATE: $1.50 to $2.00 PER DA5T.
J3curiboTO J. M. A l. and L. K.A.St. L. Depot.) I nillOUIl I C fU
a Suuares below Union Depot. LUUloVILLti I,
t Cars pass the Door Eftry five Minutes for all partsof the CJVf .'
V' y Vtj
Wo cordially Invito you to examine
STYLES before placing your order.
.According to Age ana eei
jiijrm, n.oviixur, Vl
COHutlt Ku.
RlVKaKKCE! National Kanli, MorssnClelil
Hank sf Ualonlown aud leuntf Oruclals.
aaKa4r I'M
ii.ttufn,. .hIm a rliolra lot of thonahbreil
jlciLrhlra IIOxs
cows anil eslre ltti sell:.,
tn reatiltr, (.I Urmar
.Pleasant View Stock Farm,
, viiaiii.l ww., cuoniier ,um
Out Suits are cut nud made by tho
most modern styles, an d with an oyo
to plcaso tho most fastidious, and suit
the most subdued.
N. TOBIN, Merchant Tailor.
New Arlington Hotel
Under New ilniiiigoniont.
Centrally located. Street Cars to tho Depots and all parts of the oity
every 15 minutes. Heated by Steam, and all Modern Improvomonts. Special
attention to Coinmorcinl Travelers. Good Samplo Rooms. Tablo sup
plied with tho best tho market a fiords.
Elegant tear and Billiard Hall Attached.
G. A. ROTH, Manager.
E. C. Morrow, Proprietor.
: Tin ifflB
1 1th and Railroad Streets.
Send Us Your Tobacco
Ytinlicr anil Director In Snlue nirrtleiV Association,
and Hi order uf IlcgLtsivil
Union County, Ky.
Notli!nelutnrstclas Stock slilel, anil all
uufcraoucq as rcjurwriiivn.
rireeillns; UrBiitatKl so Uiat rlK can lie sup.
plleil Vcarfir anjr month In tlie year,
And be Happy.
Ono more opportunity will bo givon
to lino horso raliors of Christian and
adjoining counties to brood to
GORDON, No. 3127.
He will mako the season of 1892 at
Mrs. L. J. Ulgin'is farm, 0 miles cast
of Ilopldnsvillo nnd ouo milo north of
Hopkuuvillo and Falrviow Pike. This
Is a tare chanco to putronizo tho best
brad sou of Onward, aud tho atoutost
mado, boat boned young stallion In
Kentucky. With his breediug and
Individuality Gordon la btiro to
Maroa from a distance kopt ou reason
ablo terms. Addross
Ilopkinsvillo, Ky.
Save 1-2 Your Money
Write for our Mammoth Catalogue
A COO-papa Book
rvntaininc I imitations, an. I glrlnjr l.iire.i
l.,. KIM
ONI.V KIIIST.fl.AHS 0001)1.
6U Klvor St., Chicago.
Saddles, Harnoss, Ilrldlos, Collars, '$ I , C U U rtK I fcA K.
Homos, UmlUB, oto.,
oil covers anil lap robes, Buggv whips
collar pads, uroecuiug etc., ai mo iow
est OAKII prlca. F, A. YOST & CO'S
No. 18, 9th St.
tUau Wo will par the alre salary ta anr L1VH
MerchanJUg aisutorsalesuan ami ?, "fT uur Aritaular. ..S
over, special jinces ounorso uiaiiKoi,
Catalogue on rei'tlpl of II r.nl. for rirvssriia
rn iNtr.. Hir.,t
Chicago, ill,

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