OCR Interpretation

The Mt. Sterling advocate. (Mt. Sterling, Ky.) 1890-current, November 27, 1912, Image 8

Image and text provided by University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn86069675/1912-11-27/ed-1/seq-8/

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1 1 Jill lllli:
Monday , .
DEC. 2r3-4
3 Hon
Miles' Fun Makers
Properly Presented, Singers, Dancers Pretty Girls, Fninny
Comedians. Entire change of program every night.
Brilliantly costumed.,
2-,; ;
Mom an
I 'fl
Admission, 10 cts. to aO
Musical Comedies and 3 Reels
Pictures. Entire Change of
Program Every Night.
Montgomery County
Court Records.
Considerable business was trans
acted in the Montgomery County
Court during the pnst week and
the clerk's office was kept rather
busy. The- division of the estate
of James M. Bigstaff was lodged
to record and deeds made by Mas
ter Commissioner John A. Judy
to the various parties. The lands
were divided and set apart to Mrs.
Mary E. Bigstaff, the widow and
to the children, Thomas J. Big
staff, Samuel Biustaff, Mrs. Hanly
C. Ragan and Mrs. Fenton Hill.
The handsome Bigstaff homo on
Maysvillo street, in this city, saw
set aside to the widow.
The will of Mrs. Sarah Ander
son was probated and William T.
Tyler qualified as administrator
and gave bond in the sum of $17,
000. The will divides the estate
equally among the heirs, children
and grandchildren, after making
some charges to two of the child
ren for advancements made. It.
R. Whitsitt, C. B. Hainline and
Raymond Knox were appointed
as appraisers.
Judgment was given against
Rex Hall, administrator of Henry
C. Hall for taxes due the State
and county, on $10,000 for the
years 1906 1910.
Marriage licenses were issued to
Roger Drake and Lillian Wood;
Walter O. Hopper and Garnettc
Robinson; Charles Bramble and
Bessie Tyler, of Clark county and
W. A. Davis, of Ludlow, and
Bess Keid, of Covinjiton".
The following deeds were lodged
to record. Thomas J. Bigstaff
and Alexine Bigstaff to James and
Alexine Bigtaff, 1G0 acres land on
the Winchester pike, consideration j
$20,000 cash.
Martin S. Brown and Nellie
Brown to Grovcr C. Anderson,
lot on High street for a considera
tion of $1, etc.
Same to Robert Bishop, lot on
Samuel's avenue, for a considera
tion of $000.
Same to W. C. Hamilton, lot on
High street for a consideration of
$1, etc.
Mrs, Thursday Howard to W.
S. Smatliers, frame cottage on
Elm street for a consideration of
J. M. and Emily Adams to
Cordio Pratt, one acre of ground
at Jeffersonville, for a considera
tion of $100.
James A. Vansant and
Monday, December 16, 1912,
(County Court Day) at 1:30
farm, about lh miles east
county, Ky., containing 200
sides of the dirt road leading
ville 84 acres on the north side of the road'and 116 acres
on south side, will be sold in two parcels and then as a
whole, the bid accepted realizing the most money.
Good frame dwelling of 6 or 7 rooms and all neces
sary outb.uildings.
Henry Thomas, who lives
to prospective buyers.
Terms made known on
W. A.
Vansant to Hugh Pasloy, tract of
land on Hog Creek for a consider
ation $175.
Mrs. Ella Young to Robert Wil
son, mty-two acres or lana on
Slato Creek for a consideration of
S. P. Collins and Newton Col
lins to Dan Bellamy, fifty acres of
land on Cook's Branch for a con
sideration of $000.
Ellis Martin, of Illinois, to
Riley Martin, of this county, inter
est in land on Spruce Creek for a
consideration of $30.
Alonzo Willoughby and Ellen
Willoughby to Riley Martin, fifty
acres of land on Spruce Creek for
a consideration of $183.25.
B. Frank Chcnault and Minnie
Chenault, of Versailles, to Mary
S. Griggs, house and lot on Holt
avenue for a consideration of $2,
000, etc.
950.00 TO $100.00 A MONTH
For your spare time Experience not need
ed. Want an active man In this locality.
To Introduce us to your friend.. We pay
largest cash benefits when sick, Injured,
and at death, for smallest cost. Free-Insurance
and Cash-Bonus offer to first ap
plicant from this place. Write quick for
THE I-L-U 835. Covlntfton, Ky.
for Rent.
Three rooms on first floor of resi
dence, also one front office overjjj.
Clay Cooper's pool -room.
18tf Mrs. Eliza M. Jordan.
"Treadeasy," the great health
shoe for women rebounding rub
ber heels, cork cushion insoles.
18-tf W. H. Berry & Co.
Attention, Property Owners!
If you need a new roof or roof
repaired, filters, any kind of gas
u",n?' 0, sloves maae new an-V
in ,Q the Plnmbme line, see me
all paper cut half in two until
the first of December. Have nice
line of pictures, mottoes and mir
rors for EXmas. Ready-mixed
paints, Johnson stains and floor
finishes, all at a special price.
Call 447. M. R. Hainline,
30 St
Spring Iamb and country ham at
Cranberries, celery, plum pud
dings, oysters, in fact everything
the market affords can be found
for your Thanksgiving dinner at
The best that's made in carpets,
furniture and rugs.
W. A. Sutton & Son.
p. m., the W.gA. Thomas
of the Levee, Montgomery
acres of land, lying on both
from the Levee to Jefferson
on the place, will show it
day of sale.
DeHaven, Agent.
(ByB. M. Goodan.)
Farmers arc being badly delay
ed with tobacco stripping. '
Indications are that late sown
wheat will be a complete failure.
Only a very few turkeys havo
been saved for the Christmas
Mrs. Harrison Conn is slowly
recovering from her illness.
Miss Edna Hamilton is the
guest of relatives near Owmgs
villc. Rev. W. A. Hopkins will occu
py the pulpit at Springfield Sun
day morning.
Mrs. Albert Hudson continues
to improve and her recovery is
now assured.
Young and Conn sold their crop
of tobacco to A. It. Roberson at
Frank Byrd and wife have re
turned to their home at Cincinnati.
E. A. Groves, of Nicholas
county, visited the family of Ollio
Groves Saturday and Sunday.
The pupils of Stoops school
were very successful in winning
premiums at tho school fair, held
at the County High School build
ing in Mt. Sterling Saturday.
Elizabeth Wills received first pre
mium, a prize of $2 cash, Sqr
making best button holes, Lo-
raine Piersall, second premium for
neat patching, and Mayme Fassett
second premium on assortment of
(Mrs. W. W. Stevenson.)
Several here are taking advan
tage of the good weather and kill
ing hogs. ,
Mr. Levi Cash lost two fine
meat hogs the past week. Sev
eral more in the country have
been sick.
Lawrence Malory has rented
the Howell place and will 'move
this week.
Win. Triplett, of this place,
closed a meeting at Stul school
house Sunday.
A protracted meeting will be
gin at this place Friday night.
All invited to attend.
20,000 Turkeys for Decem
ber, for which we will pay
the highest market price
G.D. Sullivan &Co.
W. Locust Street Mt. Sterling, Ky.
Phone: Ofllce. 474. Residence, 131.
Wilson's Plurality Breaks
Record in This State.
Woodrow Wilson's plurality in
Kentucky is 104,072 votes, the
largest plurality over given a can
didate for office. The vote in the
Presidential race follows:
Wilson, 219,584; Taft, 115,512;
Roosevelt, 102,760; Debs, 11,647;
Chaffin, 3.323.
The voto in tho race for Appel
late Judge in the Seventh District
Turner, 27,930; Kirk, 26,689;
White, 15,097.
Sheep For Sale.
I havo for sale 58 Western owes
and 2 bucks. O. B. Hainline.
' Phono 645x " I7tf
No high prices at Walsh's, but
iho bast goods,
About That Thanksgiving Dinner.
Housewife, aro you thinking
about that Thanksgiving dinner?
Of course you are, as you know
tho best way to "Hubby's" heart
is down his throat. Givo him tho
best and purest things to eat that
can be had, and you aro suro of
doing this if you buy your sup
plies from us. Wo will havo ev.
erything for your Thanksgiving
dinner and will be pleased to de-
livor at your door anything that
you inay order in pcrsoVi or by
'phono. Here is only a partial
list of what wo will have:
The Celebrated Jefferson Flour.
Dressed Turkeys.
Dressed Chickens.
Plum Pudding.
All accessories for Black Cake.
Oysters in Bulk.
Tho Purest Groceries of all
Raisins, Nuts, Fruits, and Can
dies. 20-2t Roberts & Ringo.
"Sorosis," America's foremost
shoo for women the shoe of all
18-tf W. H. Berry & Co.
.. .I m .-
For Sale Privately.
My residence on North Maysvillo
street. Henry R. Prewitt,
The nice Oval, Round
and- Square
Picture frames
This is the proper time to get the Fram
ing done for the Holidays before the
regular rush. Bottom Prices for
all Framing
Call and see .them at
jrCennecti' fs
First Snow Fall.
The first snow of the season fell
Sunday and for several hours the
ground was fairly covered with
white flakes. The weather has
been extremely cold for tho past
few days and the weather forecast
is for continued cold weather.
Hunting coats.
Punch, Graves & Co.
""' 1 ii. 1. in--
Brick Streets Completed.
The "Central Construction Co
of Lexington, has completed the
paving of Bank and Locust streets
as per contract and same has been
Accepted by the city. Tho work
was done under tho supervision of
Engineer Bosley and has been pro
nounced a splendid job.
Shot Gun For Sale.
Winchester Pump Gun, in good
condition. Apply at this office.
Dressed turkeys, chickens, ducks
for your Thanksgiving dipner at
See tho WalsluCo.'s good cordu
roy suits.
1- mm 1, m
Real Estate ami Lean Agent
OMoe In Tradet Bask BulWteu
MU Stferllag, Ky,
PhOM Mil M lyr
Buys Fine Herse.
Matlack & Shropshire, of Win
chester, havo purchased a green
gelding from E. R. Little at a
privato figure and will train tho
horso for tho Kentucky fair cir
cuit next yar. Tho gelding was
sired by Rex, and is said to bo ono
of the best, prospects in the State.
Mr. Shropshire is nbw training
twenty-four head of horses from
which ho will select his show sta
ble for next season.
- r ' i.
Courteous treatment, prompt
delivery and your trade appreci
ted. S. E. Kelly & Co. 12tf
Miles' Fun Makers A No. 1
show, will hold tho boards at tho
Tabb Opera House Monday, Tues
day and Wednesday, Dec. 2, 3, 4,
besides three reels of pictures
every night, two shows every
night, first show, 7 . m. Entire
change of program nightly. Ad
mission 10 cents to all, reserves
10 cents extra.
Grape fruit, oranges,
fruits and nuts of all
kinds at I
To My Friends.
At tho proper time I will be an
nntilinnnt-. W nnctmnct.r of Mf I
Sterling. I trust you havo not
I trust
forgotten the six years I put in in
the postoffico and how I strived to
please the public. j
Fred W. Bassett.
Everything good to eat at Van
Fine Farm Sold.
Thomas J. Bigstaff, of this city, '
has sold his fine farm on the Win-
Chester pike to his children, James
and Alexine Bigstaff. The farm
contains 160 acres and brought
Some people talk over the tele
phone as if they feared the one at
the receiving end might hear
something they say.
E. L. Brockway has moved from
Queen street to the Bryan proper
ty on Harrison avenue.
See Our Window Display of
Paul Revere Silver
We invite your inspection -of this pattern
and of the many other designs in Sterling
Silver flatware which we carry
ffinan 5cr Whitoheacij jewelers
to those who act as the local representatives of EVERY
addition to liberal commissions. Let us show you how
you can
Secuie a, Sib-are '
simply by forwarding the subscriptions of your friends and
neighbors and collecting the renewals of our- present sub-
scribers. Try for THIS month's prizes, yhere are, lots '
of prizes that can be won only by persons Mving in towns
same siae as your own. Write at once to the 1
Butterick Publishing Company
Reserved Seats
10 cts. Extra
Brain Fever Fatal t CMM.
Minnie Kate, the little daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. Perry Tipjon,
died ac her homo near Pfcy toil's
Lick, Thursday morning, Nov4m-
ber 21, of brain fever.
The child:
had only been sick
a shor wWle -
sad Joal to,mfeJ5 -J
and nor death is sa
parents who havo the'sympthy..of
, . , . .i i - "..
many incnas in ineir uroHvuuMHit,
at this Office.
Takes Carbolic Acid.
A young maq naruefL-Vance-Crawford,
living on tho Grassy
Lick pike, -took carbolic acid Sun
day evening, said to havo been with
suicidal intent. The prompt arrival,'
of Drs. McKennn and Bush saved .
his life. It is said that domestic
troubles were the cause.
No Loose Leaf Tobacco x r i
Sales This Week. .
Owing to tho continued dry, k
weather the tobacco sale scheduled "
for Friday will not be held and
Mr. Asa Bean Manager has re-
, quested us to say that the first sale
will be held as soon as tho tobacco
wil1 pcrraifc hand,in- -
The Farmers' Tobacco Ware- .
house Co., is now ready., to receive
tobacco in their new house.- . if,
Fresh and Cured Meats
Cannot be Improved Upon
,..,.. 0
. . . .
K0DWS0I1 R tVlOOrC ,
Court St. Phone 251 Mt. Sterling,Ky.
. -i" .'-
Wanted Quick.
Two gas heating stoves, one '
large and one small one, must be
in good rapair. ,
Advocate Publishing Co.m '
High-class printing quickly done
at reasonable prices. u ,
Advocate Publishing Co.J -
I ' . 1
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- j?
fMM lnHBf New Yerk tty
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