OCR Interpretation

The Mt. Sterling advocate. (Mt. Sterling, Ky.) 1890-current, February 05, 1913, Image 6

Image and text provided by University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn86069675/1913-02-05/ed-1/seq-6/

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' -.. .
Aching Kidneys Cured in Mt. Sterling
if Your Back Aches and Your Kidneys are Weak, Get the
Kidney Remedy That Has Been Proved GOOD Again and
'Ectry Pidate
Tclh a Story.
T v- W . f fnT if i I
Aain Right Here in Mt. Sterling-.
Mt. Sterling People Tell It:
Are YOUR Kidneys Weak?
HOW TO TELL-!-:--. r-d .;.-.J:r.-3 ar.d l-irs h: Dvas's
I .J-ei P. ii4- d .:. i-.r .i.tr
lhr: i y'oTt'r c.- i! '"ur, v:a --:: roe -rhi t?r.: or
i'.Vi:. :'. -j rc ... .. t-c :..'oi;ix. tsrs tx etui ; if tow hive djzzr
V" sa: i.e nrMi. 4&-ystin :.d jc.Kad to -worry over trjsc; if the
risry vtcrvn tr h:?bi cok! i.r.4 fo31 of distal, if y&v-vts art
Vo frfjatat tcit.tT yuolxi jt sc'da, it h KViv th&t jer fcidntj nttrd
',!. ci: iUrn'.ion
Ts nipl: of th-r int -vl let it Ur.d for Ji hour. If a &atidv.
V-.'V-oa .: it. ent -t r - th: bovtn of tht rto-ptaclt. tntr is
:. ': T-.','jn ".o .;-'. ? i. 'is.
X. M. FrltL S69 W. High St. Mt. Sce?
Ks. Kt., mti: -I tlriac thai nra; v-esses-e4
sr Ta&avn. Tit rovl re 5ogli aai lie
ieirisx i twu-sit io ifcii-a ir ioptrco. Mr
fti: Wafts jo piia al dsc s! air iidatjt
itt w right. Ifca's Ki-iDrr Jil t. pnosred
t DmerHwT Brz ?4orc gare jar q-wei asi
lta rciirf . W msrr. r I f-t. .Lai ay iyn-t
rtl Itsaivz ?. I Uk: fVjan Kii!lr?:iH3d
.bty br J. ? r?fct ssr. owit ing ii-l-rrr
c -3;i'-ti.l cui -k; a :lil ;o :t-irig
tin f
( a tr:
Mr. Hood: Brsloc. J3 Ha r-m Ave.. JJL
5erHijr. Xr.. iatt. "When -re cd Daaii"
Kviutr Pjli a onr aii;!- ia lft tier prorrd
Wceicial ! 1i,i ctra til tbu aid is
thrir praiK: at ib: time. A tirratr f the
fai!y irni ia b'' bp; with kidney trochJe
&4 MjfJrrtl intiy fron hi Jaci ishea he
X.l rvti' Ki-t ? J' at rcerons Drci;
tre Oae box gre ljtcj eaiirr relf. I have
swrfi 'Jri. renitdr svelf sad it l.s htptd s:e
nxKxJerfsHy " " "
3Ir K. TrisjVe ; Jiaiison St . Mt.Sterlia?.
Ky.. says: 'Al! I saM ia 19-S j.-ra:sing Dean's
Kvle Pills - cwrect I aca s to cosarra
Jt 1 ovr. The w- traMe I had rs -with tny
'culueyi. Their activn $ irre-ar and the
kidney ecreiion were tnnatoral While I did
not have sioch Vickache. I icas subject to serere
yvi in ray 5mii and oftea had r.erroas spelit.
I s ept jwly atd ia the :aora:nj: felt all tired
ont. Finally I Vjjan ciag Doaa Kidney ?i!U,
procured atDaerson's Dreg Store, and I felt bet
ter. I con'.iaoed taking tbera ca'il I was welL"
John Fccrr.in, S Xvzizcrzerr S. I Ster
hsg, Xr sar: I hire bees a bird -worker all
t We aad serer oce coaricered Alt to orer
do ToJd soe day bria ca btck or kidaey
troQbies. Vbes I kid sce liftiag or beary
work to do I jsn vest tUnt it and did it aad
is that Tray -"-reached rar bac. I was laid a?
for several day a: tie tirae a 1 teaa kwkiag
aroaad for a cre. I did sot sd aaythiag that
irosJd help rae ustil I got Doaa's Kidaer Pills
at Daersoa's Drag Store. They sooa raad: rae
feel ell aad tticag aad free froa kidary
The abyre stateneat was girea ia 190?. id
ia a persoaal interTiew Trith Mr. Fomaa he
said: '-Dcraa's Kidaer Pills haTe doae rae aiore
good tha aaything I hare cTer taken. 1
ai xlad to caaarai whit I said heretofore."
Charles Seal. I J Harailtoa Are., i!t Sterling.
Ky.. says: "All I have prerioasly said ia
praise o! Doan's Kidney Pilis still hulds good.
They hare broaght ne so ranch goi that I can
recommend th'ia strongly. Another member
of my family has a severe pain across the back.
Different medicines were tried bet nothing did
any good antil I read of Doaa's Kidaer Pills
aad got a box at Dnerson's Dmz Store, They
proved to be a gol remedy and gare me entire
relief "
Mrs. Mary F. Henson, si Strother St, Mt.
Ste-ling, Ky., says: "Doan's Kidney Pills are
indeed all that one could want for kidney com
plaint. What I said in 1908 in their praise still
holds goyl. Had I not taken Doan's Kidney
Pills, I beliere that I woald not be alive today.
My health was very poor and the doctor said I
had diabetes. I doctored bat in vain. My
whole sytem became affected and I was almost
helpless. I had nervous spells, headaches, and
my sight was poor. I often became dizzy and
had to catch ahold of something for support.
For sereral months my body was so badly
swollen that I could not bend. I finally read of
Doan's Kidney Pills and deciding to try them,
I got a box at Duersoa's Drug Store. The re
lief thry brought mt was almost instant and I
continued using them until I was well."
Mrs Nelson, 43 Richmond St., Mt. Sterling,
Ky., says: "I still think highly of Doan's
Kidney Pills aad gladly confirm all I said in
their praise in 1908 They have been of great
benefit to me and if I had not used them I would
have been in a bad shape today. I suffered
from most every form of kidney trouble. My
back pained me and irregular action of the
kidney secretions was annoying. I felt tired
and worn ont and I bad nervous headaches.
Doan's Kidney Pills changed all this and after
taking tbem I felt like a different woman."
Doan's Kidney Pills
Sold at all druggists and general stores, 50c a box or mailed on receipt of price by FOSTER-MILBURN CO., Buffalo, N. Y.
Girls and labor,
lojaltyof the irjdivi'HiMl wo-rimi .
to a uioqv, such as a labor union,
is wroverbially difficult in attain.
.Miss Josephine Casey of the Inter
nationa! Ladies' Garment Work
ers' Union said recently to an aud
ience of yirl strikers:
"There are too many irls in
the yarment trade who say: 'I
don't care what conditions are; I'll
iiet married in a short time.' But
airls, don't foruet that if you take
that stand you are cheating your
future husbands out of a liveli
hood for themselves and for you
Many speak of a deep-seated
lack of loyalty in the nature of
woman, of an inability on her part
to comprehend the siinificance of
concerted action for a distant end,
of teamwork. Hut experience
with women in club work, in
family groups, in college activities,
in the life of small communities,
does not seem to ratify that view.
Loyalty is a none too common
trait of human nature, but in
every case where the need for
group action is clearly understood
by the women they show them
selves quite as capable of self
sacrilicing loyalty us men. Hut
the training of the girl, especially
among the children of foreign
laborers, is all designed to turn
this capacity into unquestioning
obedience to an individual man
father, husband, big brother boss.
All the practice in teamwork that
the boy gets from his "gnri" and
his games is denied to the girl
It takes an idea of very IjumI
gripping force to break down
these traditions and allow the girl's
power of devotion to express itself
in loyalty to her fellows. That
so much devotion is shown by tlio
girls to their unions, and such
heroic work is done in spite of
these drawbacks, is the best possi
ble proof of u capacity for organ
ization in women. Hut too many
fcirls look upon industry as a tem
porary conoition to be scrambled I
through any old way on the road .
to matrimonv. .Make them undei- '
stand that by their slip-shod work, j
by their carelessness of conditions, '
they me endangering their future
houi'-s, lowering the wifjf.s of their j
future husbands. lessening the I
chances of their hoped-for child-1
ren, and their womanly devotion I
vt. ill m Hung into the fiiflit for
better coi.ditions until the woman's
uni ,ns will form the strongest link
in tin solidarity of the laboring
classes. Collier's. '
Made Strong and Well by VinoL
When wo tell you that Vlnol Is the '
bwst remedy In our whole -stock for
making weak, puny, ailing chlldrta j
Btroiifj, robust and rosy, we are only t
telling you what haa been proved by
hundreds of mothers.
Mra. W. 0. Strother, Italelgb, N. C,
taya: "My little- girl, Hazel, has been
taking Vlnol to build her up after a
r.evere iipell of KlcknesB. It haa done
no much good by restoring her appe
tite and building up her Btrength that
I think Vlnol la the finest tonic ever
pretjared, and I am telling everyone
about It."
What Vlnol did for this little
girl It will do for very weak and
ailing child, becauno alckly children
need the strengthening cod liver
elements and the tonic Iron that
Vlnol contains that la why Vlnol
builds them up quickly and gives
thern a fine, healthy color. It la
pleasant to tako, and wo guar
antee that tho results will satisfy
you money back If they do not,
W. S. Uovn, Mt Sterling. Ky.
A telephone girl has to have n
sweet disposition not to get angry
just bocuuso you do when she
yives you the wrong number. Bui
he occupation is much like the
rest of the world inasmuch us the
relative importance of accuracy
and Good Cheer is concerned.
I have all my accounts made out
and would appreciate it i you
would call and settle if you are in
debted to mo.
S. P, Green wade.
Motto for a Home.
The home is dedicated to good
will. It grew out of love. The
two heads of the household were1
culled together by a power higher j
than they. To its decree they are
o'nedier.t. Every tone of the voice,
every thought of their being, is
suhdued to that service. They
desire to be worthy of their high
calling, as ministers of that grace.
They know their peace will go un
broken only for a little time. And
often they suspect that the time
will be even shorter than their
anxious hope. They cannot per
mit so much as one hour of that
brief unity to be touched by scorn
or malice. The world's judgments
have lost their sting inside this
door. Those who come seeking,
to continue the harmony which'
the-ie two have won are e-er wel
come. The rich are welcome, so
they come simply. The poor are
welcome, for they have already
learned friendliness through buff
eting. Youth is welcome, for it
brings the joy which these two
would learn. Aue is welcome, for
it will ttach them tenderness.
II. Clay MCKee a Sons
Buy, Sell and Kent Real Estate,
Loan .Money, to or For You.
Write the Best Insurance Execute
Bonds for you. out. vou Next t
best investments. Sell The Best
Autos Tub Wjiitk Motok Oak.
Don't fai to see them. 44-tf.
Residence for Sale.
My new residence on Clay street
with all modern conveniences and
and outbuildings, 10 rooms. This
is one of the most desirable pieces
of property in Mt. Sterling.
31 -3t. It. II. Dale.
All men are born free and equal,
but most of them get over it by
getting married.
Chase buggy rugs and 5-A horse
blankets at special pricos.
Dale & Nelson,
31-2t The New Hardware Firm.
Child Life.
One naturally thinks of child
hood as being a happy period of
earthly existence, and it is if only
the child has half a show hunger
apoeased "a gright rag and an old
clothes pin for a doll," are suffi
cient to cause a wreath of aiuilc-s
but oh, the miserable condition
of thousands of little ones! pinch
ed, sallow faces and weak consti
tutions on account of ill nourish
ment. It is said there are over 1,700,
000 children in the United States
under the age of sixteen in the
Charged With Operating a Lottery
Nate McCutcheon, editor of the
Windsor (Mo.) Review; W. J. and
U. S. Cotton, of the Four County
Windsorite; F. C. Livingston,
George W. Weatherold, H. L.
and A. B. Winzenried, and Thos.
Woodward, merchants, were ar
rested by federal officials on the
charge of operating a lottery and
advertising it in the newspapers.
It is alleged in the complaint that
the men inaugurated a series of
"sales ads," and to add interest to
these events and draw larger
ranks of child laborers, many of crowds the mercantile firms off ered
these being just little tots who special premiums, ranging from
have to stand or sit all day long I $50 in old down. Each of the
doing some monotonous duty. A
look from their sad, pleading eyes
for Sale Privately.
My property on Sorinsr street.
consisting of 2 acres of land, good
S-room residence, barn and all
necessary out buildings. Never-
failing spring in yard.
2S-tf. M. F. Hinson.
I have my accounts all made out
and would appreciate it if you
would call and settlejif you are in
debted to me.
S. P. Grpenwade.
is enough to make one's heart
bleed. Gradually laws are being
passed by different states to better
these conditions.
I have moved my repair shop
into the rear of Baber's furniture
store next door to Mt. Sterling
Water, Light & Ice Co.'s office
and urn prepared to do all kinds
of furniture repairing. Ke-silver-ing
mirrors a specialty.
C. B. Fixer.
Wo oCcr Czs :::C.-:u r;::cr :;e
r.-rd f:r ay ci j c." C.;rr.'. t'2t
t-z-zt ba cured ly UulVz Catarrh
r. j. cusxnv d co.. vcCj, o.
TTc. t. ur:.rr!-neu. 1. l.scwn I. J.
C.icncy ftr liio list 15 years, nnd bcllcvo
li.r.i perfectly honorable li nil business
trina-tlons ami ilnanclclly abb to cirry
ci t t:-.y obligations mado by 1.13 firm.
T J edo, O.
"a"'" Catarrh Curo li taken Internally,
acting directly upon the blood end mu.
cous surfaces of tho system. Testimonials
sent frt-n. I'rlc 75 cents per bottle. Bold
by all Druggists.
Take Uall'it Famll nils for constipation.
I hrmc it- tc nllar.arl nnpn nmn.
numbered tickets and held a draw
ing on the sale day, at which the
prizes were awarded. The editors
and merchants were put under
bond to appear before the Federal
Grand Jury at Kansas City in
Gentle rules make gentle souls
and in ull places harsh laws make
harsh men. An eracting father
makes a deceitful child and a
suspicious husband makes an art
ful wife.
Best prices on flour, lard and
sugar at Vanarsdell's.
Juvenile Courts.
The truant, the delinquent and
the neglected child are subjects
for the Juvenile Court. One time
the law only punished such child
ren, later on it sought to reform
them and now we are in the period
of education and prevention.
The first Juvenile Court was es
tablished in Chicago in 1899 and
since that time many children have
been saved to useful lives by tho
counsel and encouragement given
by the kind judges who try their
cases in a most informal wny
usually in the presence only of
their purents and the probation
officer. Before the case is tried
the probation officer makes tlior
ongh investigation into tho child's
home, school or work place. Some
times the case is dismissed, some
times the offenders are put on
prouauon anu sometimes it is
thought best to place him in some
children's institution. Several of
our deaconesses are probation
Miss C. Maiionev, of 2703 K. St.,
W. Washington, .U writes: "IsuX.
fercd with ti..:aatUin fur tlvo sears
and I hae iut gut hold of four Lini
ment, and ft hsj Uo::o rue so much
good. i-yLz-niC.? cot pun and tho
swelling has gone."
Quiets tho Nerves
Mas. A.Wcidmax, of 401 Thomroon
St., iUrjnflllo, Mo., writes : "The
nerTe in my leg was destroyed no
years ago and left me with a jerkin
at night so that 1 could not sleep. A
friend told mo to try jour Unluent
and now 1 could not do without it. I
nnd altor Its use 1 can sleep."
"Is a good liniment. I keep it on
hand all the time. My daughter
sprained her wrist and used your
liniment, and it has not hurt her
of So!raa,N. 0.,
At All Dealers
25c, 50c, $1.00
. Sloan's hook on
norm, cattle, hogs
jn.l poultry laDt
Irw. Address

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