OCR Interpretation

Fort Worth gazette. [volume] (Fort Worth, Tex.) 1891-1898, December 25, 1893, MAILABLE EDITION., Image 7

Image and text provided by University of North Texas; Denton, TX

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn86071158/1893-12-25/ed-1/seq-7/

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Spoken Is
Prnlcae of
he HMl GIP1J
h < Moil Skillful
is Msit lucwlful
s Melt Fapulir
jm Ko etter Ihyscian la
flSted 8tates treated u
r many case 01
Cbfonte and rriynt
i SS onrivnled BPeclxlHt
J J daring tbe Past 27 years
JS rbelr flinetrnted book of 120
iwral a < n free Call upon or
U stamp
1005 MAIN ST
ri Poltoffice Dallas Texas
mlj line passlaj tbroajtb to
jttrt iftcat sronins couatry In the
Cbrtf tome for all also tbe oai
1DM t
jtoa Ma bo
Ottoa Montana
Colorado > yomln
pirtflo Coast Iolnt We tuo yon
to til iealtb resorts of Colors Jo
topr of our SummMlani
tuil bUtiia loo aOJr s
ori D 1 11 y until Neb
Rf A FL V and O U lit
fort Mlh lex
It DAVIS City flCKet Ateilt
ilftlj street Fort Wortli Tex
iffi hands in February last
ni running in tho neatest and
strle with a pood lot of drlr
Utaiea and neat tew buggiM
tag Horses a Specialty
asajre solicited and iftllsfao
Uon guaranteed
octor McCoy
pw l Dt eases Vln DtteiMi Hies
ind ill diseases of tha tectum isJUi
tloa iron business Urethral strict
oat cutting or dllatlm onorraca
ud alt dlstmsej elite gtnlt > urinar
Htf fai St or Wortf Tar
icn tho Fort Worth Gazette
0 S XI10SXI1X01 > X1N2X
ft Ore Znctlu Ilcufir
TrooipUT anA rermanMrt
ly uurM U for mi of tttrvouM
f thl rJJaf rrAia J i > o ku l
MB T tfWIa 7 > JV V
trs zJl J3wa urficrlhrd owr
ttif T
ndH r crmfi
> c rslnthou
It tbs eoly Kai ai > U eiul iVon
t MtAlcin liown Ass
JihshIsI lor M i rnos
rHODisiti U h offer eoroa
worthless ineiHelna In lace
W till dishonest store lnelosprlt la
MwswIlleenJ l return WML Jrl oua
ttltslzX tktautll ilMritirttltmr
Llajpl umrs
ln Muled cnrel pe
tUK ooi > lihturAiiU
ort Worth Tex bj
K U aUiIJU It I > ra2lst
On the Square
itSMnicii Ann oiiinksi
aporary HotIcit
CMnpso jrentlemeo when rro
J = w refrtlu from lantfungo that
1 Qtlut li comraoulr intludod nn
1 l > 1llltiKr > te TUd man who
JTwor fieemcil to rejcanl hi friend
J PfUCDcIrclwl < Ioitr now wiiiwt to
m ft a tiitiignant iltmon Jli
J < Icstrll ed with itiucli julnute
VJtn JIU mother ji n n ar rel
wberiM liCeir mandnrln px
triinso case ot Dr JoKtU and
f iho Chinese Hhie IwoVfl re
relgner iliore i no IteW of
mbom to coolio cur > e nre
peooprT baity boUira and jhe
w m tarlier years it la varn
ann nnd ha lost uolMiuc n he
J a a < li8Slcil lUnr bwe
y ra ctri in jm > ij which for
ere not pui ioswI t > Lave
t T > or rnyed tho foreipntr to
jiK rary mind Bm the for
WMmon Clihieso dell Jicy of
in ivjtiod a tino wbldi the
m to Jmve tlionjrht rather a
g11 < lutn otherwliw
8 F01t OV MY LDY
n decreed by those adW
w NerVoua Halahe and they
K that lady who suffer
ftfjfhe knowing that FHLS
ii will euro it aure In
rjjjf des Tea the pain Whar
> in rwr ljl at Edwards
cunibTMAS ixcunsiox
gewbir S34 21ft 25tu 30JJ
JJ aa Santa Jo rallwar totojiiW
round trip tleVets from any
J r point on lis lino at crrstly
Ti k > United for
j 10 wlihiit tirlets to points
ta tl kel Till > > IK1
jg oa th International J Oreat
> S Ja V MlUno and to
mL Sj0 Antonio nnd Aransas
iZ T a all s
< ii tlikft as nt for In
I J 0 11 rounoctloaa
l ieral Tasscncer AsenL
J > or a Udroom snllo World
Kitnre store 3U llouaton streit
rn His HcspecU o the Indepcml
ent Conni Party nml I > nrc
I hem for Proof Uut
New York ierald
UichirdCroV r he lader ot Turn
ctttuy hatlV yesterday pire out tt formal
Interview to the leodlnft monilns aewa
pap ra
It Ionff than nl the otlm Inter
Tlowa which ilr CroUr crer auViultled
to and dcaU Ttry larjrOy with the nt
taiLs ihlch haTO teen mado on Ttiuv
oiany hall liy arloua jo iilpal orsaauta
JJmm now fonnliiff to orerthro that i o
lilkul po er
Mr Croker touches unoii Dr ltrk
hurst to whom in kIivh Uie credit of
hone ty of couWcllvn deitiid the chy
Covermnent affaimt cliarses of corrupUou
and certain dt > l > flrtiutnm agafciftt t ui
mail lie says that he nould welcome
an inre UffnUon hr Jio Iesilnturo but
doubt If the lt < ptihllcatM will fool with
Bitch a I roomer tnc a he t rnut it
ataln lie paj vrohoblr er tnni
utanj tuoniber of tho legUlnttiro nlll voto
to KuhmJt tho quealloa of oonaoli tatl m
to the iwonh
Much of ho intenlew U t raonal Mr
Croker deciaros Hint ho lift not n dollar
that vrtm not AoquIrt > l hoaosth mil tx
prcMea rccret that ihow who moke
harge do o In ich teutral iffinM JI
aU > deilarett that he has no Intfnitlon oE
rcnlgiiing tho loadtrhhlp of Taiuiinu
hall at a tlmo heti war is being tiMdo
on It and feyn lie 1nllevs the voter of
tho < iir arc untuned wh tho govern
tuent Tamtmny is fflrln
Comliu batk to the mwtlnir > uk
penteil iho reporter nhat nlmut tho per
ami attacks njon jour lf
U hit do you imnu bj neraonal at
tacks Why the in Imiitl > n tint you end
denly nci juired Terr Rreat wealth bv the
extnlso of your jHiIltfpal p > er
ou nieuu illiKoUy or corruptlyf
Who nail I had
olxvly mad the direct chargr 1 ut
of toiirso you nnwt know tlmt A eood
many Intlmttions n ih it effect haie been
made In Mir not nnlr at tho mectliifr but
in he ofUM pirs It wan oien mijttwrte1
at the nwtltntt that tho resource of your
rercnu bo invefltlffoled
I wish j on won 11 brlnff me the nnme
of a man who in vllllitc to make thtt
< 1tflrfO flnl be re poua le for It It 1
oa < enonah to innli unto thlncn but I
notice that they ore rettr careful to
arold Bayiit > ranTlilnc that the mltiht l > o
called upon to tirovo There Ikis been o
pool deal of tlvl irreirpoiisiblc kin I of
talk during the tnt oar and I hive not
oild nnyUdng al < ont It 1 have just let
them KO on nn 1 talk ni much na thev
plcn e > l J ilnnt propose to let anvlvjilv
w m to nut ino on tho defenfthe when 1
have nothlue to deftnd I hive no owl i
sIob or explanations to iuftk for ihat
money I Imve ot Jrerr dnllnr of it
wa ncqtiired hono tly ant uprlghth I
hire never naked for or reeehed n dollar
from nnv pernoit onaafred in tinlawful
piinnittri In ritnrn f > r my influence or
nrotection or whatercr jou cill It nnl
I Imro never n ked for or rccelrM a
ddlnr from any corporation for any mich
o movcy ron iNTMjrNn
I know tluro his been a Rood del J of
tntlmatlou of ttuit kind lotclj One of
tbi pai < ri tho other day nalrt that if tho
liendi of the Rrent ronwratjoua of thin
illy wo ill tell all tho know I woull bo
bo driven out of my plnco ftnd Tammany
hall would bo driven out of power hy
don t tho papers nvk tbe e hoadd of cur
jvomtiotia for this nfoinuitfon Tliey
dont iHPcm to Ihink of that liny jiwt
go ahead und dran on lh < tr o n Jnmftin
Htjoni o I will Jo what they don t
d > I will n k the hend of tiny corpora
tion or nnyboly el e nh known or thinks
be known that 1 ever mcived n dollar In
return for my tatlmuco or protection to
produce hlfl faeU J wy thit without the
ullfihtest hesitation or reserve l ecau I
know whether thepaper do or not that
1 uovcr did If an in eatlaatlon eommit
toe or any person can prohiw the Might
cut Mldtico of niv hivine taken monev
jn such n way t will ret out of politic nt
Now whit do thy laso thin charge
on Why thiy nay that a fe year
opo I wn very poor and now J am very
Tbh Hiev l Int out what thty call
tvllentea of pnat walth Whde I wai
living on Mount MorrU nvenue the m
p ra talked nbout my palatini inanitlm
and my extravagant livlns and that t rt
of thing by ono of them aent an ar
tUt np to my hou e and be trot In on
aome prextet or other and made nn al
lepM akctth of my rlor When It waa
printed In the pair it looJM Uk iUr
room mow elafmnutly furnished anl that
I tlio way ft wa doseribwl ow
parlor wna oxacUy 1J feet one way and
fKt VlM VJitri aiil be rotaUal m
ilon Itself was 111 f t wido on 1 CO
fi t dop It contained four li lrooni
for tlie aMommniliitlon of a family ft
tii fUldren Vheu I nt m I eoull
nITor1 it I lKiu bt a Jl f >
prlnlcl lories alwii my
then lllo P I
melon It W
Hihitial ma J
new Is 25 feel
tbsu Ibo tbir I admit It
do nnd 75 fort dtp on lia Nit lie1
ln tead ot four Then iby on
dVred ooms nbero I isot mowy to Iray it and
made n grwit fu nt nt Of llvtay iud
lliera was a inortMlie on
l Uiat
d eoT r
k fwJOOOOU and tlien tbT o wad
toM urmwityuiii
ilu you0 nt
So It PX
i r iiJ i neoiils One of tbe papers tarn
Iff WttV M1 ap wllb a Us e
SS fl laifS
inan to a
SiV and w day a
> 1J hU bad a pair wbleb lie ue
and Sjini I toll blui to bring
v J ZZ lie did I led Ipera
T VedWm wtat b w ed for
MtI tfrne l andlb W
beard < tbri
PdJi m rst 1 erf
rd V h i
fj Townseod tfHf l > ° i
on ite purebue moMJ
Ttat lYhlnt lis to U < bs
BJto Th lBOA r
A few T
of lliinir
IhitoIii Mrikiim inMuau
t llT l
dive and den J
I d t know
Hull ml
nl ui
l > nn I
V Hid
rsr 9 m tbe er it
Worn ttwOTiut llul 1 r not ilai
tun r ° Jl1 h h < aJ 1 wnauv
I nil llwre Hl ho no slrllhn or rornipi
ork liv any Tammsny mtuiWr of the
leswatnre or any Immb tbi cliv
joteruinent If any eonoratlon < r an
ledT ole u nsleI for a dollar by any
sneb rajKnany rawnlfr ami will irtrv
mo be fset we wiir am that Ih does
not set haraat unr ralo to n Tarn
ninny Hall man lli m I th l I tn t
promise Tbero no Wllll uovv lu01
inljbt slip In a reform caudldat n
ro far as I am conerned I bsvi been
In politics for lllrty ywirs and I defy
anybody to show that I bate erer taken
< i donlar wrongfiillj 1 l0t rnrftited
ottiers from dolnp so Aaanoie than one
occasion nnd tlulfait accounts fir a Urge
porllon of tbeae nthtclu l rerybody
Vbo bs snr sense will know that a
corrupt man lll eot Into oibre oeeaalon
ally In uplto of Ui litnHist tllbiniv I
can say tbnt Mrben such n man lias hoi
In through lomiintn Hull and I bars
lieahl of It he pot oittltubbcr llwn Iw
rot In H the editors nlio make thes
barsoa TonId slop lo think lluj tioulil
see that no mau hi ln > position could
obtnin money in a wnmp wav wtlhout
Iho bnonloilje of others In the orsnni
xnllon ow don I you rainsa that
llwiiun tb oreanltallon has tiuneil out
wmfld retnllate on rao If tbiy rouldf
oii don i talk as If you meant lo re
sljrn olim > rre the reliOTfir
No 1 dmt narliiro T till tnako
lip mj mlu 1 lo c t out of politics I
riKiirnpd publii olh e three jears nun
Wuro then I bare irlcl i > il lh ofp II
tl h in do sotnethlin for mjsilf nnd my
famllr aud baTO bad some snecesa I
am pretM well Mti u l that lr I had
glTCtt the samo amount of tnerny and at
lenllon to business tint 1 hnv to politics
I should bo a creat deal Iwttir off to
day I di 1 mt redim last year beesu o
tho prcslduuin ehullou was eotninir u
nnl I kiau that tf I did peopl Mould
say tllnl I sot out l eouse 1 ias dls
tronllctl nt the result In Chicago I
woull lllo to k t out now but 1 bore
no intention of dolna so Iln oresiiisii
tlon Is bdnic attaikcd rlsht and K ft and
I cons lei It my duly to Tumtnsnr Hall
nnd the Ii moerntlo part nnd to the
peopV who lnueput lioth In powir to ro
tain my poslliou en 1 let thn peode Ic
cilo the ttlmlt ouestlon nt tho next rli
lion If I bclUic titat tlie business men
anl n mijoritj of the peonh of tills city
Iiolieved these v tutrices I noniliit stay
At tin henl of Tamin3lit Hill tseut >
four hours Hut I d > u t believe ll nnl
hiu > no reason to i the lest ehctlnn
tie jiolied a butter peroentnitn of Ihe
total otc fir eitr enndldnles then ever
hi fore slil 1 Mont hi satisned llttt lite
people fire opoosed to tho linntHt pom
mon seitM iroTcrnintut the arc giltlnv
from Jommnny lln I until the intes nre
inn cm pit io ihmd
Now lit tell ou il Is casj oiuullrh
to ho fnillt with on itnreruuitnt Hilt
Ihe thoorists can saj what the pleuse
on can t get a good gov i mmi nt In n big
city like this wllhmt svstim mid tlliect
reuponsll Ility Ininmany Hall Is run on
that plan and It lias ft lielter mid mere
cconooilca incrauiut twlar than nny
other big eitv in the Inlm lomtiare
It nlth t hteago ur lhllndellitili anl see
If that Uil t so Tbls eily l Just like
ntiy other big eoninrnthn It you hilu
in organisation If JniHrUunl lire u > t
hell responsible Ij some central Ismtr
you make li > progress That 4 so n tb
railroad Isn t It nd with eiery other
Hue of buslncns Coticiutrntlou of mill
ngement is the ktv to success Now
isnt that si fact Will nbat does that
mean In I ludn hh ll means uitiNolili
Ilon In pilltlui It minus crganlrslltn oi
u luaihltu or wbltoter jon > lsh to call
it ton dirlle the loauagement mil you
dltide the restiousihllity and dhldid n
poiisil llily means liad giircrnnieut ou
go nnd ask lleuew or Piatt or some
laidr else b knows sonuthing nlstut
Imth I indues mil imIIIIiu an I f ll
thei don t tel ion Ih same thing
suppose you ha I ber In thin cily a
hnphasurd goas y i J lea si son of gor
imment llh one deiinrtnn lit In the
hauls of one isirtv nil another In
another and so on what noull be tbe re
sult hy ererv oil la woull lie tnk
Ing enre of hlmscir regarlless of the In
terests of tho peoldc gtnerully and win n
oue woitl I suggist nn linproremiiit
nnollur wmftl stop ll nnl Ihem you
wool I lie There wouldn t be anv coin
ilalnta ulsint atopi Ing strikes anl thai
tort of ihllig then 1ilt the Uipuhllinns
in nnd you wnnll onlj bare mi ilher
iniirhllte nonldnt you 1ilt tin olhor
fellows In nnd their ivoull list JuI one
ti rm and nothing done V hat wool 1 l i
gained hy thai J I Ml ion Tlmmins
Hall Is the onlv organisation or sit of
mm In this city today lib cm lull
lunor nny length of Time lcesusc It Is
iho only one that Is In touch Willi ul
tho te ple lut that dinn ilicrjliody
who has nnr sense knows It Is so
A cltT like this can t l i rim on tbe
toun meeting plan niero are too many
eloments ontl too manv diverse Interests
Under tbe present government whhli I
holevr is callable oud kruiw Is honest
tlie city has made more progress anl
there bale boon more Ituprmenieuts iln
Icr llnint am Ollror lhaii there were before
generation lionlsslr 1io
fore In a
goes about through llje nty knows that
tnlk nliout abuses nnl that sort
And yon
Ins of all the
AMiat has nine
If tbiro Is one in ex
It Contrast the
latenoo n
llowery of ten year ajP > with tho How
Jry of Wdav And so all orer the dt
that we arc hell ropon > lblft
We know
and that Tammanr Jlall ant retain now
Jnnfe It wlnOea thpeorh AwJ
and have done That
wS we try to do
all there 1 uf H
Now I bare said e good deal more
tbo ir I InWnded to soy bul I have bsd
tuto few things on my mind for some
hnT and perbJP It Is Just as well to
frt the have them Tbe lie w
critics mid pr fwlonal reformer
Miier contl iuo their policy of abuse and
Swepresenlatlon snd will of course
fsvore of nny of them ITiey
l sk no
ire st bberty to attack w polhleil
mudi as they please Thore
methods ono M plac where draw the line
a w > 5s lurid rS
tin ago fni
ebort c
about women lo a Turuan uaio
ll tbit mr wile ros there
i of r re nd J Ihe r lr bavluf
lerssllSS and told
things broJAt In to drink etc I bare
Snt St tVUv iWbii iFww abso
iSelr ISwe M > wife wm neyr In the
Jii In her life and snok
taan of the euher wbo name
2L Sttoned I don t know whet pos
iS idUect lb most dieseI mind c o
fS fat roak ng rteh infamous shacks
i ° dSwW va
iSxaV snld Mt Croker In win
> iJ nf iwt erery word la iroe
l lf nwat ft under oath if tbey
tb t M > amUter X
in fl 25
Subs riU for the Oaxettev
ImJj oiimbd thai If In I TIhkIu mv lm t 1 ll < m col
not m ilH V f 1 1 JM > > e l I n w l > HBbt nrMni Mnrbanii <
lor toiiaj t
a lKni P Urlghi
Whcal0 d or sew > A 5r >
Com Car lots f ii Ion orti
car Joe e local e oj lots 45c Mr
bushel Kinee Ai U < 1 cir lots bulk
ide aaeked 45 1J
Oats im r si proni csr lots f
b I on orib bulk tle Sleeked
He wagon huei llllslekcd dAt >
UraulVr 100 poundo f o h lort
Vorlh 71c
Haj Car lots f o h Tort Worib
best lejniey JliW per too best W
land > So alfalfa hwo local ln
Johnson gras Isltl local t per tool
loose prairie local lur ton d 50
llonrltest patenls SI so tier 100
rounds halt intents 1 US Iblrd grade
51 45 fourth rrade si 05 Northern
paleul J 10
thotiHtVirn and osts mlieil Per
ton 1S per 100 lsunel 7l l >
Cojnlxm inldlllng iMlleV slrlel
low nildJImi 515llsr mlddllnit tlbVlOc
strict middlW 01 HI goo1 mllellln
U lCc
MeatsDry salt clear sborls < c
bacon abort clear tl 1 2c Iwcmt IsMllcs
lie dri sill bellies 10e medium
hkms lie largo hams 10 1 break
fast bseon 1 1 2c
tstiJ < oupoiind 7 12c pure loaf
Sugar Stanlard cranulsted flfl pow
deieef Istrrels 5 l lc powdered half tear
erls 5 1 Jc cut loaf In barrels 5 14e
cut loaf In half barrels r i1 Sa fancy
yell iee cluriiled 4 14c irlme yelloei
clnritleHl 4e
CeilfeHe Vrbuckles Arlosa 24 1 le
Midland JI Uc Mon M 1Sr Alsro
IDS JI 1 Lt Jersey 24 1 e
Oreen iffe ny the sack good
22 1 2e choice SI 1 2c fancy iV in
Urry 21 1 Je > old govcrntnent Java
7e Moiha 27c N
Molasses ilarrel lots neev crop
fnc > sugar bouse 40c choice new c
cnlron 35c faaoy sjmp per caucu
ST cheiee corn syrup per gallou 2So
illver dip per gallon > oc
lleans Navy d 1 le Unia Slit
baron 1 1 c Ink 1 Ue black eyes
4 1 Je
ltlee Common 1 llfiT4c prime 5c
Choi e r 1 Oe bene lice U 1 Je
Salt 1 lilt Neee niackenl inodlnm No
1 half barroie 57 BO N i J 10pouud
net kits 1 10 medium No 1 Illpound
net kits Hi coellUb breks 7lJc
Lhe oae I flncv fuel ercnni one In Isix
15 1 le no In box 15e toeing Amtrl
can 111 A
SlureJi1 unip 4e prr pound 1 anl 1
poiud packages per smnd ftljc tl
l oitn I icioiteu leoxes lie per imntul com
starch 20 and 40 ihiiiUI boxes nQOl Jc
I uultl s 01c 1 pound iKickages lo tlie
case Sfi
liekiMlllsnieliim S3R0 1 2 Ibis
medium llfi IIU siuoll < I5K 12
bU small y lomllon kegs fill ns >
Im kegs l75 pints per dof 85c
mr dox 25 12 gallon per
1 hi
d uu 12 Am Hrtl per dox hexa
eon zai per dox JfJl
per dot fti
Nolo Mnimid
Imi > eriii per cU
new oft kbeU
pound 101 Jc walimtH ur pound exira
la rue 1 1 Jo filberts per lKtuitd ii 1 2c
llratJla per ik > uii I new crop 121
peeuiiti new er > i > H1 2filki peanut
fancy white per suck latrot brand 8c
cbnleo white braaa rand To roaslou
whlit Inst quality Vh
Dried I nilit lirklli prnue per
twuud 11 Jc California llH lvb
ml pounl toxri 7 1 Jc Unllfornut le
3K > Jopound lwj Kt 70 Mlu It
UU H ll 1 lit allforula < mporated
apricot per pounl 101 Jet U 1 raWns
crown U per Ikis cliotre entporatctl
aiple LVrpftimd xsxob V > c prlmi M
ik uii 1 mxm 011I < per pound currant
In barrel lie p r pound currant In
mu k tier pounl Csnllfomln raisin
umiwi Olo ilited jirni ea 4t Hlron
IV oraniw p el 1k I mon pee IKc
ikttcK JiVtonud Ikuos Vif pe pound
flOponnd Uixe S 1 Jc per i > ound choiee
umeelcd Oallfornln pciihe Ue
rrowrvca Hreimtin I oue down
to tie caw i er dox It ittnind
knniklns Per leotinl llle
Jellies l wenty jHiiiiid pails 75et M0
pnunl lln palls per dos 1 J5 11 wi ir
pound Uu nails per dos 170 1 win
rass ier dos 75e choeuir per dos
Oysters Onepound per dos HOej No
2 per dos 1ST
1 lab Vlaska No 1 salmon per dotep
1 40 Columbia river No t sulmon per
eloxeu 1 75 1 pounl mackerel per do
SI 35 Amorlcau sardines lvli pir ease
1 fo i rcncll sarellues 1 4i i r ease
Meals Polled ham 1 4 pound per
dosen 75e jNtteel limn 1 2 jioiitid hi
doxen 150 Menna sausage 1 J pnune
perdoscu 125 Menna sausage 1 poun I
per doxen J5 lunch tongue 1 pound
per doxen d 75 chipped lieef I J poun I
doxen 150 culpped beef 1
jer pouud
per eloxen f 40
Tlireaponnd tomnloes
125 2iounl tomltoe L10 JlsMind
corn obolce 110 2 pounl con fancy
1JS 2 poond string beans 00c Jpouul
marrowfat pens L25
California Inilt INeo nn 1 onshslf
liound panehes 125 2 l iKiund nir
ts Jlb5 2 12 pound war JJ5
2 12pound plums Il ce 2 1 2pmind
muscat grapes IS 2 iJpoiiud wblti
cherries 200 2 1 2 pound black flier
ties UJM
Crackers Animals 12e llostou butter
go butter Oc creams 8 1JC ciackuels
1 rrseker meal Ur orsler pearl Ocl
orster excelsior ilo pretaels Mr ereau
JJj He snowflakes lie sods < k
Cakes aud lumbles lilelen aul one
half cons fmlt sultans 12 glog r
H 12c grsudinas cookie lm
t emoo iluPs lSc wafer 15 sugar
cookies I0estsgenlsnkshe
CsndiesOsrsmels assortrel Bjvor
> niil lioxes 7Vr gnmdrops II as
inrteJ flavors Oliouud box 40c Japanese
Sfipfc eocoannt flavor 5pond box U5o
SJs assorted and while Bo Irencb
flus per box IsV choeolaie creams
V Fo lemon drops frosted per box
< aT bnrnl nlnlonds per l x Wc creams
uTnd nade twelv varieties Isle pj
J block OV l > eanut Ur per box J5c
EiLJ L assorte1 con Bpound box
rttllow cherry brand 5
li c 125 intxed candles paJIs
KSJnA 7 1 2c crystal en fw Slur
fl 51creams Uc slick esndy in palls
7 12c
rriBMi i nanTAHtra axd rnujT
legetablesOabbage Nortbern ir
KlunT 2 1 2ftl polatoes Ufomls
j Imshcl So l ws Wt f i
r j
bushel 60
i vCJc Mwoct potstoes prr
ftf7t > sweet potal ies Nortbern per
l r per ulfbunel basket 40 celery
si nor oue deKeu bemeb bs t4
ewr bushel 1X0 csrrotsv per bosbil
iTnn > cine 5 Wtt per 100Ulk
down leltocc 2kl
jaelisbe rt > 5 i5i per
25c per aoxeie
PrSllsCslifornn Ume r l s S 2
150 Nortbpm spples per barrel i P
bushel Ol 25 lemons fsney fU l
per box Wf4JiB oranges pn l sJ
nluefieeds lainsnss P bunch 2 HU
f Oil gtd grape p r bahke SlVel 15l
o I al hiwd I M tie husbel box
alit ii iitunis p i irwto
1 t till rn a le lie j pllllui per
J IS I alllewu a i in t p r crote
M quine v > r h i h 1 S i l Hurt
over p i Kex i Ji
i0i ltiiv utrrnui vnh noes
PoultryOld liens leer do A1l
bring ddpkros small per dot JJ i l
isocy large epring per dos J25
lexietcrs i > r dos s lr turkey hens
rsk gobblers 75T crimper dos I 00
dllcls per ebu S5 ISI
l l > ivli evitheint l > e 2eV
Hutter > r n nQM ll ebnf
ciTOniery sajjISIc
oysters and 1 UbOyetcrm bidk 75B
SOc per 10O coeints per doxcu cans
fd 25 dressed entusii lev Pew pounl
gulf Mi loo iter pound shrlnue pet
lsjunl 15c crsbs per daxen 71c
tlomerraltle efili4eeies SJ WWB f
Kelosen eiualls 1 OOfll 50 per el seu
Hard ducks per pnr V Tool ducks
per pair Be enniaslmek ilneks Mr
ilr MXJOlX rat bits f I Per deiicni deer
soddlev i r win I 7 1 in
CordageSisal rope half Inch basis
S 1 < C inanltls row ten Inch basis
10 1 cotton rojie nil alios 1 to cot
ton tevlne llle 5 pie Jule twine 1 > 0
llags01 Indi Kouoce 7 12d
Inch Sonncv iit4o 4J Inch 10ouuce
0 I 2e
SeeelllTe per bushel f V turnip
feci per pouuj 2Bc alfalfa sect per
luisbel Mli Johnson grass seed Per
bnabel Bet
135 mliw per tushvl
larley seed i r binbel VX <
Mlilskles tteillneil 1 H0 2 < V >
r proof 1 yeurold and upward l Id
10 pinr mnsb 3 veaM > ld and upw JW
Kl5 00 as leer nge extra line fnis
1000 llenleei whiskies SSisURlin
Wine Pure grape per gsll
Hides llnve rs srs mvlng IVy Hint
beovy 5ci light Ic drj all tc grein
salt 2W2 1 8e biitclicrs green 2B1c
Wool1 Igkt medium 151110 low
ffidlum lJlnte line 12IR140
IloneeI loof nud lionet 500 per tou
llccs iai lVhJlIc
Quotations bascl on small lols lo re
elenlers iitlpntblne V r ounce 50e
Vcetnlilll Jicr oeiuc ilh l er pounl
05e nietle nctd per iseuinl 1S carlsel
Ic nelel cril tsr iwnn I bW12 mil
rlnllc acid O 1 per jinniid 22e nltrle
0111 11 X per iHiuiil 22e sulphuric
sell C P sr pounl 22e taimb acl
bulk per pounl 125 nlsibnl 05 pir
cent r gal 2 4J less he for easli
alum per pound 4c antlkamnln 100
nnllfe brine pe r ounce 25e allllpvrene
Hr ouuee 140 nnimonia eerholilte
ier pounl 10 < vllrled per l uni 0a1e
blue mas per pounl 50e Hue nlnt
nenit pe r tioun fiOej Iswnx ier lsjuil I
IJIM le ianiiiOr Itim l > r pou 11 5il
l le raiislium l n lered iertioiinl 25e
incalne nnlr cryst per ounce 5 50
copperas per unl 2fffKi rreflin tartar
t P l er wun I lOet greners ier
isMin lib Hirers punier per poun I
125 ether sulphuric V H P tier
poun I 75 gnm arable first pick or
pouud OOci shellac her ikiim1 Hlcl
atne brown per pound 12ftlie glue
while icr eoniid 20c mnee per pounl
H inerciiry ier jionnd 75e morplilne
P A IH ounce boi per ouuee 2 15
212 ounce bote per ounce 3 HO online
bottles per outiii 10 nnl megs per
liounl 75e castor oil per gallon 5Hi
itll15 olive oil i r gallon 1 IQi lln
seeel oil sr gslloii rilfliftSc spirni v
1 pi r gallon 1 JO opium isr twmn I
J Oil opium po per poun I J1 I lark
pepjier per poind 15c potash bromide
47c leotnb ehlorale tier
Per pounl
iionnd 2k loellde lur pounl 1 fi
Jlillnlne P et 1 ouwe bottle nr
csns per ounce 15 eiiilnliie P A l
eVnnnco rnM IS r 01100 T2e 11 A H
eilnlne 1ounee vials per ounce Se
o nii w Ills 2 AViuncotiii per
a 28 100onnee tine p r eet 20o sn
soils pcrponnl 2 1112 12e sell peter
renueb per pcmnl 10o salt peler com
inerctal Oe salts Psom per poun
Utile salts Ilochrlle fr bliarbonnle
Knullli kegs per pound be suliehnr
5liarrel lots 21 2c sulphur flowers
small lols V spirits turpentine market
rale ler gallon white lead Collier A
rSoiilbern H P per pound 7 1 4U7 1 2c
KM ail 11ttlUihrport ear Iota li 215
2 to in ton 7ft 1 ton 9ft O MrAI
Mter Jenny flnl lbni f Maltlaud Itoh
Imion t l al nWrg coals enr Id
K7 to 10 tin lot Mi 1 ton
07fi mehnlf ton dK > Monarch Mo
tor H ntti < lara mil I Imon coal rar
lots KiWl I to 10 loll Jot 100 two
tons Jani one ton IdTrfi onehalt ton
iIT0 Jtrlnr Creek anl Mctame rol
ear l ta W1W T to 11 ln Iota WftOi
two inn fft 7 ono ton tl l onehalf
ton Mlir Mmareh eur ear lol MSB
3 to 10 ton Mt fiXiO alnjile fjn Wn
nnlhratte 0 n lranla tar In Jill
lo 10 ton lot iaTl > tnn fit
antbrarito Ouldal J to in Jon lot M
itiiflA tons 4 tl ir t n 3
alatk 40ct nar load fASS TlinrUr
car l ° l SaW > per ton MW
ton IS two tont 77 3 to 10 tous
Ily AssodatM I r M
Itoslon > ta l > ee 2 Wool easy
not yuoUtJy chaaa l
Mn oui rnonLcii
Hy Aavorhilcd pro
New ttfk Xe < J3No ttitiu ntar
IlideHrmr < ftaltod > tr Or
Jean 4 12ftJV 1 I Met ted 450
Ji sM Ayn dry Jo 12jllj Xtua
TlW Ualet Tiintaatk ten to eiltfl
j Sfl Japan 4 lfitfl 14
MolaMea HnU nominal
OutTetOptloM aiwidy 1 13 adtanie
aiitn Uto oulet No 77 18 8
Oordova Jifrtt is
rnigar Kaw quiet Pair refining 25
otrlrugals 2 74KI2 15 10 rerlnsii qui
cut i ill tjT leblU jrsolllej 4 5H
iH 1
Kl OlttlHNS 1M10DUCI
lie Vssoeini I Ptw
New Orleans In D MnkH
tin lui tej
ciuoaoo inu siotic
Iblcage IJ le JAOalile SU l
f2 fl id tr steers olbrrs
ki5li4 5t
IlonkettYn Koitth tJ4m < il3 3i
mlu d an I rciHei MjKite o Prim
hieve WSlhlVB iSiit SVtt
Shyp and Unilw lineliaaged
sr ijnui8ini sixick
Ily AMoctated l ress
en leiii Mo IK US i otlle
Stcal Nuiliv steers t to 400 tesl
Ti Xas steels f1 o cI W grass do 40
llogsllnteber 510 to f19 parb
erm flPO to 520 porkers 5 10H
MhoonQtllel Mlxeel natives 2 to
2 75 tmittnlis 1 loll Ml
lly AMoeLieel lVess
Kausas Mty Mn Pec SI faille
Strong Texas slewrs BPM 41 IKx
as and native eons II t > BIC >
stoikers soil fvers tSablMI
Miete IMlr to strong Hulk I1S1
Wi heavy iieikliix en I nilieel fUift
lie llgbi iMrkin and pigs SIViflS
Sheep I nelinugtHl
llr AiwotifltM 1reM
New ork l > ja Mhlb w hb
land was tho lendlntt ato k It toliya
apootdntlot there wnn a falrlr nnleanl
well dUtrlbitlt d t u luew In the n l of
Mie llai l itdhin t iiiilntv oil iho
Itraiidloa rure Tctineaw n ple 21i t bitar aldo of tht market b n rts dll
pure Marylanl aelt 2 i > i l weatla n ttl ctveriim wMth took n < l unwitnl
Cojnae 75nft t Imported JtM tl8n tendutcy nt frt iuei I Inter atil
fnt i to IlldlMt til tlitrt MHt < l ttMN
not pfspared I hnr en lum t >
over the tiotttliiyx TUf aip > binu ut t
n wmmlltoe to ralNi WodoiNi r H lit
meet xr Dnuhtu 1 m Janmti > Inior t
iRitaed a ru < h to sill Htmk H h wa
utorvi proiioiinctd Mhen It ra ruinoroil
nu tiroaltkon ft > niniir had ihialu 1 n
irul of Naur DitKlnnd tlntlliiit I i < i nim
ilieobjtet of fonlmrn nnn ridilp Ih
low on the dav waw J 7 S Then v ih a
inneral rallv In It nnl dedllnu > nit lie
actieral ttst itHct Jlrm but on he
Ihe tboiil mnrk < t wai > weik < ilar ex
iejitf r trhbrftn Umiob
< nm < tits i nub t
Htntes in Mil uu dnliUk
ly sm > Int d 1roiu
Mnutlnwbr Dei M 1h market has
tit ti unlet nnl mt fur < 1 Im
iiiiMtorntt lnuliie s lino been done In lit
dla Africa anl Hiuth Vmerhw In
jnrns It I HtlWt to obtain order tot
iimiitlty Iho nnnnal bnlmiee Nhort of
aplitulntt mills ftr 1SH1 e rordhtjt to
ittt resub Indl nif ihnt iho year
wirkln lo ha hh n uenrly U per cept
anilnat uearlv t per ceni ditrtuit the pre
loiiN jeir ami that the profit three
year nio w oror 10 pnr cent
HtOlK MAItKirP ItllVlliW
Ily AssAclnted Pro
Xiw ork Urn ikl Ihe IVil aa
Tram 1i otiilnit May irlcea relleried
ektreiue tllNcnumitenient ll I trit > this
dltK iiirnsement ntTiftol tlnrtlr the pro
fewlonal tleinent anl that inuuilitimN
Ihwatintani In hat ipiaiter iiluuwt bnarl
ably riant In oioixloltu maltei on the
nmikel lliere Mas htwifir hoary soil
liiit of epeiml illte lot it iork and ntimer
ou tint Itntnunt runctrn rcsuhHitf etntftre
ntlim etv dlHuonlly Ih nlattM Urn
don htiirket to i el > i < h which tit off
poWlMft atipport fMiit thai imarter lit
ilia lut halt boor tuinr e > hi i t eontrAel
iioro eoTeretl end wmw afofka rallied
iron fdHie the ot > enlt > it Hpirv loit hast
Weft eieepllotn
Hy Aaaorlntnl rn
vw orit Dee M Momy on mil
ar tt1 I J
IrlDif pui er H t JWft 1 2
Hltrlbia riihrtiist Inn livty H Ti 114
< U I M7 d < iiinnd JISI Mlhl 1 2 aliiy
ffi ilcnn dollar W 1 4
Itar llnr < U 1 i
hew York t > oc W ntwks and bond
closetl ti tho fotlowlua prlio bid
IJnlUd BtauH 4 a reglstorod MV
IJalted Stauis 4 coupon lit
Lnlte l HlfiluafS toui ns
antral 1ikolHe l IUH
lKiiVwraik1 KloOiando in 7
JMisfvourl ltunttotviisoltdatedua 10J
Missouri Kama and lexu Ketitrsl
Ul 4t
HU U > ul4eud Iron Mouutato yenoial
St Muls Vn rian rVandeco tinernt
leas andPiolua land rrnois
Texas and Paollki lllo tliandos
Union Poclllos
American cotttn oil
Atcblsou Joiisbaaiid Kanu I e
Central Padua
Chicago and Ailou
Ctrlosgo liurllngton an Quluny
Ibmrer loxiisand Prol U or Hi
Dslawar sod Isiekawanna
Denrtt mid III Uremic
XleiiTeraiid IlloUrsndo > referred
Kri oommon
Port Worth and lionver
llousun sad lotas Central
iillnoU Central
Mlssinirl busses and lesu
ijxke Kboro
LuuUvlllo anil Ssslivllle
Ulauurl 1aclno
Keftliaru laolf0
Ko > Uirestetli
btew Vorli Central
VaolOc Mali
nock IsuiM
Hb teuisandrhHlrVaiirlsro
W IsmU snd hm ITancisoo pntferred
81 PnlilconiUKm CJI
Ht l l pielerrw IJJ
Iiwosl rtmloeidIron bV
Tntaatml Paolile X
Uuln laollki I X
W Ii 11 IuU snd Inolno ierllo
nslmli 81 < ouls ml PsclnA pt
ttrrwl JS
ItrtuvPsrgo express Iffl
Western llntoo leUegiaih lf <
Dls and CalUe XVeders Co
Figures woht lie If they are true
15000000 Sold in 1890
24000000 Sold in 1891
35000000 Sold in 1892
Ths fijurM are trus Tho represent thj Mtual number of
Sold in Tliiso Yooro
nr nrn W l sol lo ISSl btu l soele Is UsrosS that 11
45000000 I Ih 1 mt s geeS tsol Qlgsc es s poor eos
BM nDEA C HiaYoi ltnow if best totaaille tb best for the an
Fort Worth anil Dnllon Texas
Weather Prophet
Why nol utlUxo your knowloJfo te
In th
Emerson Upright Piano
Cash Price 400
oitercd M a prlta by Iho iml
WcoUly Gatette for Iho LcV fiucw by
ono ot lla lubtcrlber al
Tho Wcatlter for
> Next January
ThO rollowlnjf condition govern
lit Taoh puei must forecast the
hbjheat teiaiterafut tn Waco 7 > aa
for oaohef tho tMri u dasot mit
Jaituan l > otiuaiI will W mad by
computlaon with the oil i ul report ot
the United Slato wonthtr bureau
IM Taoh aubaerlbur tn lho So ml
Weaitv titirotto avIio bn ttidlt otx
lb bmka for a m n Ii six immli
suUetlptlon from Ot lulx r 1 > IHO 1 1
tiMttud to one huefut crodlt of on
tAttu ul wrlptloii frou October Ilk
tntlllo tho aubsirlbor to two iioiytea
3d Ghoro wHIbereritvod and fll > tl
uu to U o clock tnldulgbt Iroeembot
bl nxt
4th Tho OftKOtto will numlier Ih
gut twin tin roue I led and dellor thl
numbered toujion wltlinut nanii U
thn C4itiuuttto vrliloli will tuuka thi
Iu aiMltlon to this noiel rontett Hit
SoliilWoklj faiettu offers tliu fo
Kiev In IT
To Gubtcrlbcrs
Coiiiinquelnp Ootnlier 15 A register
hi boon kept tit cnoh icnrly cnsli sub
icrtullon rfimlvcsl uneloncliobo num
bereel In lb order In whlih U cams
Die subscribers numbered ns boloa
Hill louelvo linmrdlnUly on roglstne
lion ut tlielr lubeci lUloui tho unit oi >
ImmUo tho uumbers
Number CaiU 1rom
not n ou
loou so oo
uoon no oo
1014 looo
4001 100 OU
nuon no oo
0001 7 < > oo
7OOH 40 00
HOOl HO 00
0001 Ill oo
10111 oooo
This is a oouipunloq olTer to tb
tlmt nnd holds ii l until uildulfbt ot
Demmbtr 31
Tb prloe ul Tift HeiulWnobly 0
lotto Lined on Tuseclay and 1 ride
or each week right I acre flit six
uoliouhi lo h number Is only
One Dollar a Year
Itoinlt by poiUl vole or tuuuey or
tier lo
Fo rt Worth Tox
If You
Tho Gazotto
Will publish
A throcIIno
Ad tlireo
Times froa
All other
Want ad
Are charged
For at tho
Rato of ono
Cent a word
Per day
Tha Gazette Is the Qrcatct
Want Medium of tha South
auauu iock xsi > u t TSXAI
arr ticixt xxn iitsmat oimua
o cos 1UU Stvisb
t Kt jsrxiu
Osseui Agist
i tl
i in

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