OCR Interpretation

Fort Worth gazette. [volume] (Fort Worth, Tex.) 1891-1898, April 30, 1894, MAILABLE EDITION., Image 1

Image and text provided by University of North Texas; Denton, TX

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn86071158/1894-04-30/ed-1/seq-1/

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h < ii ln
fllAlN AND 7th
Lrterafor Dress Goods
jjjta Kid Gloves Hos
Vnderwear apd
tifgest stock of Carpet
fid House Furnishings
UgUta Prices guaran
the same class
iJflow a3
jian be had in any
SSJ Til April MAn
flntotjillti pressure covers tho
gtlon of th country while
rtftronth of > ° w pressure ex
gaalnntaola southward Into
5Jr l rU < m of the Quit ofllet
JOTaother hleh prissuro area
IlW proalne iaatwar1 to the
Vtwulaln region Cloudy wrath
iSi ner the er at r portion ot
MttmwUh shoners olr tho
TSlifft The temperature la
tmerally over the eastern
a ike central alley
dtetctit for Tinas for twenty
lan > i > alnr mldnlKht April 30
Unas pentral Texas fair pre
IlfiMws Oi er East portion
Atut Tixai fair preceded hy
ifllnd cooler Southn est Texas
BjjCMit district local rains
MplD < ll0HtlOllt
Seated Press
EuTFon April 23 Texas ralr
j3bfihoaers In eastern portion
1 to Meat
loutt wlnds slilftlnff
TUB Hill lllllIKi
ftalaa stit section Men Uo
Kp tLt Hork
sSJjex April 29 Sex eral ears
MIisourl Kansas and Texas
ir company built a tank dam a
m for the purposo of maklnt
nferlnj atatlon Tho tank did
lorj ruflleleot nater and the
i people abandoned the tank
kta It ent dry the citizens hcie
i the dam and diu the tank
AToilnk has not heui full foi
run About tio weeks ago wc
reiultr waterspout The water
He tank and the vulume comlni
wine too treat for the M asteway
ever and seriously damaged the
He alliens tried to tru the
1 people to go In V 1th them and
the dam Instead of this the
W they were afraid tho dam
treels and Injure property be
lairifim without Klvlns tho
r notlce they sent the r mi
MrMo take the section rang
tJMjarn A committee of rlll
U1pt It and went to tho tank
orated telllns the roadmaster
It taa not on railroad property
Oluwnt had a money Interest
am He desisted and wired for
junctions He recoiled order
Baam and about dusk exe
rf A number of citizens
Sjrthajed the ground on whlcl
111 located and at onco be
Jtpalr the breach with sand
Jfcy worked until about II
Pni and succeeded In the
VCt tommlttei went to Waco
Sjred an Injunction Today It
day and the nater rose so
9W lake Is n ruin
treat loss as last year
J °
i rfu re people had
ft1 Jrlnklns
water but
h ° u waw <
Sil1 mr ml There
Wndltnatlon felt and It any
1 lh the couri
h a to
dance to the
J nEjicionn
ad Cml
VS April M The residence
BfeW rood belonglns to Mrs
Sif > destroyed by
I Ck lMt Wtl <
ft Sen fSm 1 d ve
WedV S > < Place
Maod ranee Company
S m xan crcun
JAt ° C0 < k
5i rdMt anJ < > avlest
M rfuaue d l on K1
n Jiui 3 h but Kht
C lMk lnl
raiw was r ll > t the
v fl5oSed <
the iJ Jf u ded
noerneakfi as ar
ttT pm A heovs
ededv > minr which as
ttfJ ha been
R Jf 5 ritaT re
ft S > turdiy ule at Den < ° n
tV mh rrri1 pMle
krabustT P HCi
lit SSPosea S JV 1 nKtt The
IWj KjJ been rob
U > 4
U itiuij
Oomploto Destruction of tho
Historical Hostolry
One of tho Most Famous
Buildings in tho South
< Ql < n etmen nil Unrrlori llnve
V Ul e ts lluctllont of
uorlnncc rite Ur
g Hum
By As oclatpJ rrws
New Orleans Ia April 29 A few
mlnutw before U oclock last night
Are broke out ln the kitchen of the hU
Cimrlca hotel
A large Fudlence aa leaving the St
Charles theater at the time nntf In a
few minutes the vrlldtat excitement
preallcd In the itreet As the blare
was In the court formed by the hotel
and near tho rear of the butldlng the
Impression preallod that the Are was
In one of the buildings or near Curonde
let street as the reflection was thrown
brightly on the facade of the Cotton
Exchange but In u fov minutes the
true state of affairs became known As
the Are was ranging In the Interior of
tho court the llames made a com
paratively small shotting from the
street and as the fire bilffado lesponded
hopes were entertained for a time that
on j thine like a serious disaster would
be averted but those within the walls
realized that the wholt building wan
Guests and emplo > e of Hie hotel
were soon dashing out of the burning
building half clad with such few per
sonal effects as could be caught up In
their hurried exit from their Bleeping
rooms nd It soon became evident that
the whole Interior of the court was
ablae The streets were thronged with
people for two or three squares from the
hotel while tho corners where a view of
the llames could be obtained were
packed with humanity
u h Friirftil IlKht
Hundreds mounted the roofs of build
ings ln adjacent streets and there
looking or at the burning building
saw what looked llko an Immense
cauldron within whose dark smoking
eldes raged a boiling mass of red and
white llames from whose surface great
JWy clouds of sparks soared far
up Into the dark night sky while every
few si ronds ragged sheets of flame
would leap up high nnd above the
burning building The block of tho Et
Charles hotel w as ln the most important
portion and was ono ot the most valu
able ln the city containing besides the
costly hotel banks stores railway
offices one of the largest turf ex
changes In tho countrj and llnely
furnished otnees As nearly ns has been
ascertained four lives have been sacri
ficed One man leaped from the fourth
story and was almost Instantly killed
while four men nnd one woman were
seen to leap from the long staircase
leading from the r ar of the building
and were lost to view In the urt w hlch
looVed to be almost a solid mass of
Terror SlrlcUrn iu
One man made his escape into the
street but nothing was seen of the
others It was also reported that a
child was mlsslnr but this lakB con
flrmatlon The Bene Inside the hotel
at this time war one of terror and con
fusion that wellnigh defies descrip
tion Terrorstricken halfclad guests
were fljlng from the flames which
were roaring behind them Borne were
dragging their trunks with them and
offered extravagant prices for help to
convey their aluablea to a placs of
Meanwhile the fire continued to ad
vance toward the front of the building
the facade of which was still intact
St Charles street looked dark and nom
ber through the upper stories of the
buildings opposite the hotel which
wer Ut tip with the reflection of the
flames The front windows were bright
ly lighted by the electrlo lights within
and the white lace curtains could be
seen waving In the gusty night winds
Presently there were ruddy flames
mingling with the steady white of
the incandescent lamps telling of the
near approach of the destroMng
flames and then suddenly the electric
current was cut off and only the flash
of the advancing flames half hidden in
thick black smoke wreaths could be
seen through the suddenly darkened
windows Boon this great volume of
smoke was springing through the front
and side windows tilling that the flre
was at last sweeping through the whole
Tlie Fir Sprradi Itapliil
The upturned faces in all directions
looked awfully at the fearful havoc
going on within th fated square Yhs
hopelessness or the situation aj far
as saving the bote was concerned be
came evident almost as soon u Oo
fire broke out At the entr of the vast
pile of the masonry which formed the
hotel and which occupies over half
of the square on wfclch It Is situated
wcu a kind of cylinder amphitheater
built for the purpose of giving air to
the room which did net face on Ihe
str U ttaviaw m a talr st t over
tho engines the fire spread with alarm
ns lopldlty uuing le wnd0H ot
hotel hl flamra made Uitlr WRy
to ne ro < n ami then llndlns uch
rrchtrur iM a llal a IwMI
rur n Urc 1
or It eased the irlld riot
iritetM by lu terrorstricken nnd
Jf j occupants fell n pre > to the
Snl tia J4ea to the mngnlil
Sft which thousands from all
last croud to witness
The Wall lopple orr
About 2 a m a portion ot tho ioll
on droller street as welt
as a section
on Common street fell In nnd a email
Portion along tho droller side fell out
ward wrecking about fifty telegraph
Ily 3 a m tho last of the Interior ot
5te ulinir bled In leaving only
u JLF Y 1 laQt 0n ° rav
were eating their
way Into three buildings which Inter
vened the great wall of tho hotel and
A ui Vjlon bnnk the corner
These buildings on drailer street were
occupied by u number ot business
llrms engaged In the Insurance and
machinery agency business Kortu
nate y for tho interest of theso firms
the llremen appealed on tho scene nnd
sai ed the laluable book and papers
Io ftro that has eier been known
In New Orleans was accompanied ty
greater showers of sparks which were
carried by the wind a distance of three
or four blocks
Ihe loKnra
Tho loss Is estimated at from ijoo
COO to 100 000 Uealdes the Bt Charles
hotel there are other losses The first
outside building to be Ignited was No
1C9 drailer street the ground floor oc
cupied by tho New Orleans Klectrlc
companj nnd tho upper floors as a
boarding house Tho building woa
gutted In a short time seieral ladles
being rescued from the third story by
the police No HI drnl ler street waa
also dumaged Nob Its nnd 160 Com
merce strtet wero almost destrojed
and 1C2 and 161 considerably damaged
Nearly all the buildings ln the rear of
the St Charles hotel were more or less
damaged by lire and water Alexander
Leiy tailor Turf Ilxchonge the ticket
nnd frtlght ofllces of the Texas anil
1aclfte railroad loss 115000 barber
shop Itosentlelder Uerrlk shoes J
C rmlth shirts Tcpolln tailor A
llonne shoes ticket olllce of I iulsvllle
and Nashillle rallruud company Pied
mont railroad ticket olllce W U
llrown coal Ileneath the rotunda of
the rlt Charles was tho handsome bar
ouned by the widow ot lcon Ln
At noon today men tavero set to
work remoilng the dibrls In search
of the bodies of the missing The man
who was killed by leaping from the
building was John niley a baker
M a n Mundiomt Itnum
The first St Charles hotel was built
In 1833 the work ot constiuctlon hav
ing been commenced In 1S3S Tho cost
of the building was GOO000 nnd tho
grounds 100000 The dining room was
one ot the highest finished In Amer
ica the telling being composed of tho
most beautiful domes for chandeliers
The celling and walls were handsome
ly fiescoed by Cancva nephew of the
great Italian Bculptor und the build
ing contained some handsome etatuary
This building was destroyed by fire
ln 1S51
The building ot tho new hotel was
at onco commenced and the building
then completed was tho one destroyed
last night At the time It attracted
attention throughout the world be
causo of the fact that It was the Hnest
hotel In the world and the first great
hotel In the United States
The new building was of the same
stile and architecture as the old one
with the exception of the cupola The
new hotel was leased by Messrs HII
dreth Hall elegantly fltled up and
opened for business In less than a year
after the fire
HlNtrlo 1nrlor 1V
Tlen followed n long era of pros
perity for the state the city and the
hotel Trom 1851 to the time ot the
dlscoiery of Ihe fire laat night the
historic building was closely associated
with the history of this state and city
ln parlor 1 Jefferson Walls and the
leading Southern politicians met nnd
agreed upon the course to be pursued
at the Charleston conientlon of 1860
nnd since then the fne of hundreds
of aspirants for publlo honors were
seated ln the hlstorlo precincts Since
the war the St Charles was the central
point of eiery stormy political battle
of Louisiana In Its rotunda Demo
crats Itepubllcans and members of
eiery political party have met to ex
change l lews and to discuss the affairs
of the state and nation It has been
occupied by no leas than six congres
sional Investigation committees trying
to understand that chaotic condttlon of
affairs which at that time became
known over the country as The Louis
iana Question Hut It Is not In polit
ical history alone that parlor V Is
famous Countless other associations
to discuss great Questions of trade nnd
commerce have been held there rail
rood meetings to build new railways
and meetings ot ladles to soil e great
problems ot balls and dress There
too comes rtex when a visitor to New
Orleans parlor P being his recog
nised official headquarters for his short
relar1 of two days during the carnival
Sir Hlldreth one of the propHetors
at the commencement of the war was
a relative of den Butlers wlte whose
maiden name was IMldrsUju When
Huller took charge of the city In 1862
Mr Hlldreth refused to recti e Uutler
In the hotel nnd a riot waa narrowly
prevented In consequence
Ihe A e vf Deear
The doora were thrown open to re
turning erConfederatcs at the close of
the war and theiv they were welcome
without money and without price
Two year of prosperity followed and
then the depression of 1868 made Itself
fell upon that establishment at well
as all other business
In 1574 It became apparent that the
hotel needed repulrlng It had been
hastily constructed after the fire of
1851 and the upper rooms did not en
loy enough light The building bad
not been Improved uioreoyer for
twenty years and hotel buildings had
made great strides during that period
The falling of the platter work on the
front hastened this work and the St
Charles Hotel Company ordered the
building thoroughly tcpalred whloh
ravli it a large number ot additional
rooms The hotel comfortably accom
modated between 600 and J00 gueets
There are besides thirty parlors and
IN bath rooms The lower or ground
Boor contained a number of fine stores
fronting on bt Cbarlci Common and
Oravler streets The bakery wash
room and bar rooms were also located
here On the second floor were the
dining rooms Ihe serranta dining
room pantry acullery Htchcn
ordinary and the various parlors and
waiting rooint Insurance on hotel
Eoaohcs tho Captal Badly
Thousands Turn Out to Soe
tho Commonwealors
den Coitr Mftkea a flpteel of Unit
uu Moat length UUtlnanlakep
People lUtfu to Ills talk
Krllfja Krmr In TroaMo
By Associated Tress
Washington April 29 pltjien James
Cosev commarderlnchlef of the good
roads arnv of the commobwval stand
ing on a rickety wagon In the center of
tho llrlghtnood driving park wmlug
oloft his Alpine hat to one of the most
cosmopolltnn and extensive audiences
ever gathered In Washington an
nounced this afternoon that the great
est march of the nineteenth century
had been accomplished jlirse hundred
and a half miserably dressed woebe
gone giumblng outattbeelbow and
rundownatlheheels specimens of
humanity marched Into the park ltd
by n wheeling apology for a bond
pitched tents nnd stretched them
sehes In the sun Thousands from the
city turned out to makt a holiday of it
and Inspect tho curious aggregation
Thick clouds of dust overhung the two
roaJs leading to Ihrlghtwond park all
day long and they were plowed with
more trawl than customarily beuts
th > m In two months Two tndices pro
cessions swept along the roads all day
with such variety of travelum ns had
never turned out ln Washington hi nee
war times Hvery horse anl vehicle
In the city had apparently been pressed
Into the services while a little trolley
railway line which was built for the
bin flit of suburban residents was
ridiculously Inadequate to the demands
made on it
At tht ImrIf
Lining the entrnnco to tho park en
terprising colored cllinens has entnb
lished their booths for traHlcInrf ln
brend and sweetened water which
passed current under thegulive of lem
onade The semblance to a circus
layout was further enfercul by the
thlmhierlrgers ana shelljAtft skulking
about the outskirts of the crowd but
when the people poured Into the parks
Inclosurc the suggestion oftclrcua duy
was full bloom
In the center of that familiar race
track flapped the canvos In closure
which encircled the quarters of the
commonweal nrmy The question which
vvns most agltattd ln Washington of
Into was propounded to him by ihe
Associated Tress representative
What Uo you Intend to do when
the police prevent you from holding
your meeting In the capltrd grounds
was aitked
No one will stop us said tho seer
from Muslllon
Does not the Constitution guarantee
the right to peaceably assemble and
petition congress
But there U a police regulation
passed by congress which forbids pro
cession and awscmblaKes on tin capl
tol grounds and the police wilt stop
your army If it attempts to trespass
The Constitution was written be
fore uny police regulations paid the
general If they come In conflict with
the Constitution they are void We
stand squarely upon tho Constitution
that Is our platform
Api > eMl in the Court
How do you Intend to enforce your
rights T
There is hut one way by nn appeal
to tho courts Wo will go before the
highest court In the land If neces
sary Meanwhile we will wait here in
Washington if it takes nil summer
It the courts refuse us our rights
there will be a revolution 2 do not
advocate revolution nor dff I de lr
It but It will be Irreslstable and It wl
be the greatest revolution or history
If the American people aro once thor
oughly arouied
The conversation of Mr Coxey was
broken Into by a trumpet call which
summoned the chief of the army Fol
lowing Carl Browne th iholr of a
down privates In the army Hocked out
to the platform wagon llrowne
climbed In the wagon lleside him
stood a stalwart man holding aloft a
banner with a legend The kingdom
of heaven is at hand TheVholr sang
the various keys n key to each lndi
Mlual n parody on the revival hymn
Hold the Fort
Solid Ron tn
Before the singing wasended several
thousand people gathered around the
wagon with uplifted faces A cross the
raco track in front of the ilatferm
the grand stand seats were filled with
solid rows of women and men like a
race dav crowd The track Itself was
full with carriages In some of which
ladles and gentlemen of the fashionable
world leaned back ehaded by parasols
nnd listening curiously
Senators Manderson and Kry with
their wIves were iu handsome carriages
Hen a tor Coke and Itepreaenttlve Kll
gore of Texas stood wedged n by the
populace the long graybeard of Bena
tor r > olph of Oregon shone forth con
spicuously ftepraentatlve Dolttver
waa ut th hoad of another group of
congressmen Mrs Anna I DIggs of
Kansas the Populist speaker stood
with a baby In her arms
The speech of Carl IJrqwne was a
strange mliture of theology and
Una nee drover Cleveland had called
an extra session of congress and by
the aid of the r yWaded rat from
Ohio John Sherman had been able
to heal the wounds of the silver head
by repealing the silver purchasing bill
Brownes speech was listened to with
Impatience because the people wanted
to hear Coxey
CoB r W te ffpeocli
When nnally the general scrambled
up awkvardly upon the wagon and
was introduced b wavd his hat to
each quarter of the compass The
clUttiVr launched Into hU jlfcrtpUon
of the millions of starving unemployed
shouting We will stay hero all sum
mer until congress takes action on
these bills
Then In this strain Coxey talked for
half an hour bareheaded under the
hot sun explaining his belief in good
nods for plenty of money and its com
panion piece unlvtrml luxury1 through
general Interest bearing bonds Kvery
thrust at the plutocrats was accentuat
ed by the clanging of the bell and tht
crowd that listened was n constantly
charging but altogether attentive one
K1LM4 AltMi
Held by Hie tullr > ri c Miles from
m MniiKs
Hy Associated Trees
Dos Moines In April 20 A state
of intense excitement prevails tonight
over the arrival of KHlyrt Industrial
army The men had in a relied twenty
sewn miles last night without food
and were held by the police live miles
cut or the city In a driving rain storm
all day with no provisions or shelter
The action of the authorities nrousfed
much Indignation among tho laboilng
people nnd when at 6 oclock ths tinny
finally marched up Grand avenue to
ths camp on the east side of the tonu
w t haggard and wear their condi
tion aroused sympathy nlinosl as great
at that which no seen at Council
UlulTs A mass inietlng of laboring
men has been called for tomorrow
committees are at work collecting food
and money aud threats are made that
unless transportation la swured nt Chi
cago radical steps will be taken Dur
ing he last twenty four hours ths
army has undergone greater hardships
than nt nny tlmo slnoe it htt Utah
but notwithstanding ti se inwn tests
not twentytle men were missing
when Da Moines was reached
The start from Van Meter was made
last night in a htavy stor n nn I v hen
day dawned was still l > mtl s from Its
destination Tho com I uiarv wag i
were empty and the men wet and
lummy but they plodded nn the ad
vance guard reaching Walnut ireek
he miles went of Ies Mnlnes by
noon The men straggled in during
tlis nfttrnoon and by 3 otlotk 1000
had gathered Mayor lUUls sent 20
policemen and Phcn Iff MeOarraugh
with us many deputies to meet the
nrmy and Inform them thut they would
have to puss on through Dos Moines
to a deAerted stove faccoiy where ample
rood nnd shelter wero piovlded This
Kelly nntly refused to do saying that
his men must he fed before ihey
marched tht additional mite 1 he
otllcers were obdurate and tho 1000
hungry men stood shivering ln the ruin
until nfter 4 otli ok hoping fur provis
ions den Weaver sent out forty
loues of brend and that served as
breakfast and dinner ilMayor lllllls
saying that It the men would nut go
to where the food was they should
have none At lust Kelly consented
to move and the march began Dosens
nf catringes Htied the routu Into town
and with tho sheriff chief of police
mayor and a guard of olllrera and
deputlfgthe industrials moved Into the
city feebly singing their pi also
It Ikrrhri Many Hard Mown Men
Under Arrest
lly Associated Tress
Sacramento Cal April 29 The in
dustilal army burtlness hut teoelvcd
hard blows lure Col Inman ot ths
titooklon contingent which came hem
two weeks ago and has since gath
ered lu 260 more Idle men Is now
under arrest In tho city Jail charged
with vagrancy
Capt nrwn went out to Hutter fort
and required Col Inman to come to
Chief Drew nnd was made to take off
his coat and v < st and his urm bore
marks previously described by War
den Aull When asked whnt It all
meant he was told he must be locked
up for vagrancy lis had on his per
son n revolver and TO ln money ll
lng asked If he vvns not an exconvlct
he said that he was and admitted
having served three terms for steal
lng horses while drunk nnd ono for
A MnHi Out
Ppeclsl Dispatch
Grand Ballne Tex April S9 Tonlrht
heavy rains caused a wathout two
nnd u half mlls east of here on the
Texas and TacMe All trains are de
layed several hours
I oral Ill Ulps
The MltHourt Knnnu nnd T > xnB road
will have out a new tlmo cuid vry
shortly Definite figures later
MlBsourl Kansas and Texas south
bound No 1 vvns four hours late hist
night cauied by wasnouta north cf
A D lift hard train ninser of the
Missouri Kunsas and T xas with
hearircarters nt Wieo sp nt the day
In the uty and depurled for Denlson on
in night ti uln
Dtnerul Manager It V Yoakum of
tho Uulf Colorado nnd Banla IV ac
companied hy his family ouri In on
his special car early yesterday morn
ing and spent lu > day in the city They
leti over tho Mlsfrotul JVvrc izt Ka
Antonio Inst night nt 10 33
Tltf CIreHt JVorlhrri Htrlke
Dy Associated Tress
HL Taul Minn April SSDuslness
will bs resumed on the Great Northern
tomorrow In some respects the tike
situation Is unchanged from last night
although there have been some Inter
esting developments The proposition
of the commercial bodies of the two
cities for submission to nn arbitration
board of five disinterested person has
beep generally discussed being the
chief toplo at the union mast meeting
at Labor hall this afternoon Mayor
Eustls ot Minneapolis and State Labor
Commissioner Towers were present
and addressed the men advising them
to accept the new proposition for ar
bitration The suggestions were fairly
voted down
It3t b ll
lty Associated Tress
Bt Louis Mo April W St Louis
3 Cleveland fi
Louisville Ky April 2V Louisville
8 Chicago S
Cincinnati Ohio April 29 Exhibi
tion game Cincinnati 0 Detroit 6
Kansas City Mo April 2J Kansas
City 2 Minneapolis S
JJ re M Hot Hprtngs
By Associated Iress
Cincinnati Ohio April 29 A Com
merclsjaasttts special from J lot
Springs Ark says A lire supposed
to be inoendlary burned four business
houses at Fourth und Central avenue
here today The loss Is nK >
Mexico has < M varieties of wood that
are known and utilised
Borne of the large crabs found In In
dia roeaamrt two ftet in length
Werklnr n In Italy wear besrds
a rule 4lng to tbar cost of shaving
Intimation of His Oandidaoy
for Governor
Texas Domocratto Platform
Must bo Uphold
Tim Iiiko o lnle tln Ostites Ills
lutentton tn llmer the Uaco tni
nt the lame 1 lint Hxpr Ills
Uplulou r Slate AITalr
Special nispntth
Tnlesttne April M Judge nagan
has made formal reply to the call ror
him to become n candidate for gover
nor Ho Is not a candidate lis may
brcomo a candidate If neither of the
candidates now ln thu Held 1 alios up
the light rsquiircly for tht oarahed plat
form If he Is nominated ho would
accept Tills is his position Ho Is
bring heavily beslegsd with I in port mil
tlss for him to run nnd his friends
here believe that thu people will nyi
blm ln spile of his ncgutha attitude
His letter to the Athenn commute is
as follows
Tnleellm Tex AptII IS IBM
lentlomenI am In tetclpt of your
communication advising nu < thnt at a
publlo meeting of the Democracy of
Henderson county held at Athens a
resolution n topy of whU h you send
me was unanimously udopt d by n rl
lug vote mquoHtlng me in by a candi
date for the olllce of governor of the
state of Toxns
I am profoundly grnl ful lothe Demo
trata of Henderson county whose ser
vant I ha e so often been In one
or another lesponMhte publlo Mpnctl
for thla renewed evldenct ot their coii
fllenc nnd partiality No one onuld
bo biouder than I ot the distinguished
honor of being governor of our grvat
young statu
In answer to Inquiries mode by many
whether I would nctept ti nomination
for ths nflllce of governor If tendered
to me I have said I would Hut I
have said to all Including some of lha
candldaleM that t atu not u candidate
and do not desire to be Nothing would
Induce me to be a candidate oxept
tho fnlluro of tlume who mo cr who
may become candidates to Indorse and
sustain the doctrtnos and pollelmi of
the Demointicy of Texas at set forth
In thftr platform of piltulple of 100
and IBM Wo mutt n positive
candidate who stands for lie princi
ples uf the prrty as authorKnttvely an
nounced by It I hops we nre to havo
no double dealing nnd pnndtrlng to
falstf principles by our candidates for
Hits great oince for the puii of get
ting votis And we ought to repudiate
the l < Un thst thn people in their sov
ereign cnpnUty are to took to theh
servants the president and ooimruss
or to any other power oulnldo of them
selves for the prtndplwi and policies
which they should detlnre to be neces
sary to maintain their rights nnd lib
To look to some person or power to
dictate our prlnclplKS and pot Ir I en
would be to make our government
stand upon Its aptx nnd to jhow that
we were no longer fnwmen nnd capa
ble of selfgovernment It would bo
to overturn our system of govirument
and to Invest the rights of sovereignty
In iu0 i nnd mantels of the people
instead of the people exercising those
rights and powers themselves
1 regret to have to deUIno to comply
with any reauist made of me by the
people of Henderson county Tliey
made mo their probute Judge and
colonel of mllltla In the year 1840 They
subsequently ended In making me a
member of the legislature of Texas
twice n Judge of the district court a
member of tho constitutional conven
tion of 1K7G and in electing me nine
times as a representative tncongres
For these honors I would not shrink
from any duty to which they could rail
tne If I thought their Interests would
suffer by my failure to do so
In the approaching canvass every
citizen owes a duty to the public as
well us to himself and If the jveople do
not attend the primary pulUtcol meet
ings und secure proper delegates to the
conventions disaster may come to them
from a source not looked for They
should not forget that the policies
adopted by ths stats Democrat to con
ventions or ltfDO and lfi 2 or still que a
tloned by men claiming tu be Demo
crats snd by ably conducted and in
fluential newspapers Very truly and
To Messrs J U Woltord and J a
Hodge Athens Tex
term In Trin Only to
Il UrArreftletf
Hpeclal Dispatch
Ardmors I T Apr 23 At the
prlrtg terra of the Culled States Ted
eral court here last year W J Lfbo
was tried and found guilty of ca tlle
stealing and sentenced by JudgtHtuart
to one year In the penitentiary at ad
lmosa Iowa
Trevlous o his trial hers he to In
dicted by the grand Jury of ths Tederal
court at Tar Is Tex and was held
without benefit of ball for the murder
of George Addr but afterwards In
habeas corpus proceedings waa grant
ed tall und released
Add ler it will he remembered was
the butcher who was foully assassin
ated on the night of Cptemb r IS
192 while killing a beef at his slaugh
tering Leu on the outskirts of Ard
T stt > rday Lebo was returned to Ard
more In rharge of ar Iowa deputy
marshal be having Piled his term of
Imprlsoi ojent there He had been In
the city hut a few hours when he was
again arrested on several charges of
cattle stesliug and readily gave bond
Late last nlfht he was again placed
under arrest by Deputy United Biatca
Matshal Jim Cluncellor of the Tarfs
force for ths murder of George Addler
Tho officer and prisoner left on the
morning train tor Tarts where his
Tart 111 of The Century Wnr IIAnlf
contain the liraltmlna of itn nrtla
ele on IM fiimnnt ttnttle ly lien V >
M Irani irfan irna In rlinrjttf of tha
tnlou nrmr there Alto an article
on The Cmtlure uf Tort llonetton tit
len Leer Wuttncc tlnjinlaoentlj
friends wltl again endeavor to seourt
his release through habeas corpus pre
ceedlnft To a Uazette reported Lcbt
expressed himself as confident v > f read
ily proving Ids Innocence nnd vindicat
ing himself of tho charges against
ltmv a 1 arty 1iiiwenger Un Itnutt
Ue t n Made Happy
Special Dispatch
Denlson T > x April 23 Arnthet
singular coincidence U reported hy
Ceneral Tassenger and Ticket Agenl
Crush ns happening between Denlson
abd Tort Worth on tLe Missouri Kan
safl und Texas line Last week a lady
from Chicago patm down the M 1C
nnd T en route for California via
IVsrt Worth She was lompellod to
trp In J tt Worth over night fot
connections and depart the next mom
In7 at 9 3b LTtiatfKollei fourteen
milts north ofjsVortVorth the ladvi
tdket wan blown out of the nlndow
At Tort WnrJh Ihe conductor Wired
ths section totvmnn In that locality
to make a senrlh for the ticket U
was found sent to Tort Worth hy a
freight train retained to the lady nt
dam who dciattod lit D 31 without
losing any unnecessary time
A llue Lot tif l rnM1f K of IV
11 mi ml < lu s
Hpeclal Dispatch
Ardtnove I T April W Tho Ard
more oil and Milling Company
Isat night shipped five cult
100 head f fat beif catth
to lieer Mills A Cv nf Kniisna City
The average weight pr head for tin
shipment Was 1S71 pounds Ihcetr nt
tie vveie fatted on the output of thi
tnlll nnd ore the tlplueit yet shlpiietj
this season Tho milling lomuiuy hav >
about 3W Inad to be slilpT I Dili
The Knlchts f Tythlns Otnnd Lmlgi
of Indian Tuiltmv will < omem > lu n
In thell a nnnuiil nonimunkntlou nex
Tuesday 1 Inn irate preparations hav
been made for tht euteitnlimient of thi
visiting Knights A amhtl banqud
will hn given Wednerdav night to thi
visiting brothers hy Myrtle Lodgi
No 7
he Mitl Mliio Hlrlbers
Special Dispatch
Denlson Tex April 2fl Col Ton
Flenitnlng nf thn territorial ion mines
was In tho rHy ycntciday and to
Unset to cfiiretipondent stated that ffii
situation vvns unchanged It In I
known fiut that the striking tnln n
are becoming dissatisfied With the out
look and It Is possible that they wlp
if mime work In another week Thej
nte kept ndvlsetl dally nf th > sltua
Hun at other imlnts and what thej
do will be governed largely by actlm
taken at oilur pirclneis The manugo
merit Is hopeful however that It ma
bo ended soon
lle irent JhII llrenkers
lly Associated Tress
Camden Ark April 29 Anothei
Jail delivery occurred today Thotuat
11 Jones while feuding tho prisoner
waa struck down and his arm broken
nt well as Hovers 1 ugly wounds in
fllcteil on hla head by thu ptlsoneiu in
thlr attempt to escape There wort
six In the jail and flvt iscapml but on
or Ihem got hlH leg broken In tht
struggle nnd vvns taptnrtd Anothei
was raptured hy the dogs kept by th <
marshal of the city Throti mis madt
their cscupr Jones was used up badly
outsldo of the nbov wounds
Aegr es Tlitltt
Hpeclal Dlspatdi
Dig Sandy Tex April 20 Last nlghi
between 12 and 1 nt lock n dHHruttj
arose between Jim Oie nnd a King
Ore was badly biaien ovtr tlu heat
with a pistol Dave King rroeivid twt
shots In the ntck but tin wounds nn
not thounht serious Jim Ore was nr
rested by Countable J O Key nnd It
under his charge Doth are negroes
Mnrte n Nent IJnuHpe
Spsctst Dispatch
Outhrte okla April 29 Anton Caha
who lit under scntencs of four years In
the penitentiary for perjury In a lam
inn was denied u now trial by Judgt
Dale yesteiday Boon after tho Judi
tendered Ms decision run a slipped ou
of the court room and fled nnd lit
trace of him has > ot been found
Queer Ilcak of Mulitnlng
Special ptipntch
Outhrie Okla April 2J During a
vero thunder storm which prevailed or
Tonkawa Thursday night itghtnlni
struck the bain of J Morris ran ulonj
a wire cloths line to the house lnootrl
u hole tti the side of n bedroom thret
feet square tore a bed into pieces an
badly Injured Morris and his wife whi
wro sleeping on the bed
Illotvi li With Drraninlte
Special Dispatch
Kl lleno O T April 2 TI e rest
dencu of J N Cutrlght of Frisco thli
county was blown up last night wltl
dynamite Thero were three personi
sleeping In the house ut the time Th i
sustained but slight Injuries The root
was blown off and the tiouse demol
lshed Mr Cutrlght had but rectntl
won a contest on his claim which raM
furnish a motive for th deed
Ilroke an Arm
Special Dispatch
Cleburne Tex April 23 Mrs W B
Anderson vrhlto going to the relief ol
a neighbor In ths wind storm at t
oclock this moralg fell over a wlr
and bioke her lert arm at th Joint
which had been stiff for yearn bhe U
resting easy
BU t fn m Incii C3
Special Dispatch
Nacogdochefl Teg April 23 In c
fracas six miles from here last night
W L 1 unfit shot Tolly Waggoner
Futsle came to town and surrendered
Waggoner Is a brother to Link Wasr
goner the notorious Louisiana dm per
ado I
A Cloud llarst
Special Dispatch
San Ar flmo Tex April 28 TW
heaviest rain for severs 1 months fell
hero tonight At Lscosie en the South
era Taclflo a cloud hurst occurred last
night washing out several hundred
fettt ot track
j i n L i
Los One MIIIIva
By AaocIated Tress
Arhlnnd Wis April 2 Tho Vaghn
library building was destroyed hy rt
early thir mornlog caujlag a lost ot l7l
about 11000000 < i 3

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