OCR Interpretation

Fort Worth gazette. [volume] (Fort Worth, Tex.) 1891-1898, February 09, 1896, Image 3

Image and text provided by University of North Texas; Denton, TX

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn86071158/1896-02-09/ed-1/seq-3/

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inmo uu
nilfii1 designs new and
Kilns I Hambure and yi
l A choice line of mneltlos
Easily iolJ t 15c iL
Lo 4 IUuir suo
rcnrlnl dcsla ns In benutltul
L Jres and medium uldlhs
iSmaluJS lion Ytifi
luo linen colored embroideries
I voloreu unu ivh
hur New Linens
I tach Half bleached table linen
hrularly sola iuc man- tVn
Is lnh bleached table linen
Be jraae 21011- lidC
Hrt blenched table linen retf
rrW5iinlU Mon- Sll
1 1 bleached napkins valuo OQp
llS Monday only
sw goods
Jaily call
ind ipspect
Btliy About Tesn Irnmi
le Eulerinln Cnttlcimn ut
I Yards Local Market
I OOrillriaT nana t rr Va s
r ts vs ncn xsiii uiia
- - uiuiiina iti lis HU
f TBWlflflV mnmln
MiS vu sji utiuuiii
1 Of evtktlrt nnttU I 1
ThOmDSon frnm VI- l J
-- wi 1113 iiiavc U1IU
t jwinion of the loadlnt of them
snip Amerlcon bound for
M article glows with en-
sentences and thero I n
RihM much enthusiasm was
as CrbnA
llon of
r Id rV i iinoo ot rexaa
1 ftp va that ureatest port
I M Ihsl 47 as will iim
racJJ a train ot twenty
AarrT10 1nK anchor
l iSYmhi We Ina and
lartiihn company
l blf lSi18 11 enthersd
bullete Ital
It4 oVL irrti Wo th stock
tSS BuTlI0n ct this industrj
il ft0 cattle was thr
KliC man on tho
cnc tSina t0 bo
S hilim moment
rr1 from hi r iping the per
LaiMn w after n vlcor
ana - out
iZ s tho
ta other things
Si tiirJraBVl ot In
tin export nnrt hli
awJsa taday alone pro
KuST1JT T no title In
HK BnakrSr1 creedlnir
lit r furtfc ve DII tr
rfe itt of the
iC ti hi ik iJ1 at tlM
JKlK otiSltiW11 W In
t S S
IM kj Up to
In l - Iff ft y wi
bolt Irdlan Trriii
wo hog li
7 J
New Torchons
New Ilutler Color Vals
New White Vais
New Linen Color Laces
New Illack Lacei
All on sate at Special
Trices Monday
Muslin Underwear
Ladles trimmed and tucked Gowns
regular 76c ones Mon- tu
day OOC
Lace trimmed and tucked Gonna
regular price U 60 Mon 1 i
day ilw
Trimmed and tucked draw era reg
ular price 35c Mon- V
Laco and embroidery trimmed
chemise regular price t j
JIG5 Monday JOO
Shirt Waists
An advance sale of shirt waists on
75c waists tn pretty figures
and stripes Monday
only sixty miles from the Tort Worth
This Is the way of the arrUnl of
the first tralnload of Texas cattle In
Now Orleans for export to England
wan announced In New Tork city by
wT9 from that place
To Goorgo Gould
Cittla anivtd here from Tort Worth
stock jardi In twenty four hours In
fine condition weight nearly HW
pounds R cry thin encouraging for
maklns this a permanent bunlneps
On tha morning of February C the
ship with the cattle on board In charge
of Mr Ilrecn set sail for England
The Torr Worth stock jnrds and
pacltlnff house people and the commis
sion men doing bunlness at the jams
held a meeting In Manager W K bkln
ners oftlcc yesterday aftrnoon to take
preliminary action toward arranging
for the entertainment at the jards of
tho cattlemen at tho March conen
tlon -which It was decided togho at
the last meeting of the Joint committee
of cnttlemen and members of the Pro
motive League
Thero -were twelve gentlemen pres
ent Including Meirs Bklnner Itrad
rlek ItunllCk Itof JJdd Gonglns
Wanltow Parmer Erwln Iiutz Lovell
and Ilkham Mr Krwlri was made
chnlrman of the meeting
It was first unanimously determined
that such on entertainment as that
contemplateJ fhmild be given and then
Us nature was dlruised It was soon
decided that a hullllng In the way of
a booth should be erected at fmpo cn
ventent place on the grounds at the
ardn and within thH would be sprend
a bountiful lunch of suitable descrip
tion upon whleh the visitors might
feact and at suitable points numerous
kegs of cold beer would be kent con
stantly on tan where the thirsty and
blbulously Inclined might drink to their
henrts content
It Is proposed to hnvo at the jnrds
on this dn w hleh will be March 12
the second daj of the convention a lot
of One stock for the Inspection of the
iinn nA nt the oarklnir houe prep
arations will be made for a heavy run
V ii ih
ni p Colorado
TiTE GAZETTE f OUT TYU1TTH TJSXAP ireapAi rcnnuAm t Jn0l
Tnl 1 112 luce it evnr attempted in Fort Worth 20 nnn vnrria
j iii i j
nJIonuiivs siUil1 0ilu ilL iiiKuiy low prices iNot a yard of
d or miilcsirnblc Embroidery Nothing but the most stylish
luSiV0 aiKI UiUiuv uiaiiis
- A nnrrnw Vlr1t1i
100 waists newest designs and col
urlngs Monday jJj
tlon price OOKj
Lace Curtans
8 J 2 yard Nottingham el fq
curtalna at JllO
Iteaullful Scotch net cur- rtO fift
talna 1 1- yards at d UJ
tupernne Nottingham C1 OO
curtains at OOOO
Beautiful Una of dotted Hwlss
and Japanese draperies at low
Our New Black Goods
38 Inch black brocade mo- QO
hair Monday oOU
18 Inch all nool Drocades and shot
lifiures Mon
day 6G
New arrhals In handsome black
erepons silk mohairs and grena
dines ar now on exhibition
Specials for Monday
4 4 Hleaihed Do- f
mestle OO
104 bleached r
New patterns dress hu
hams regular price 10a iS
Pnncy border Turkish towel reg
ular prlco 25c each l c
Monday 5
Hxtra large unbleached Turkish
towels regular price 30c j i
See our
new wash
They a r o
Mas Enthusiasm
at Hew Orleans
THE lit T Til MM U ID OF
Clay O M Bowie vs J W HedriJc
et al from Jack V J fiuggs et nl vs
T I Terrj from Jones the Chicago
and Rock island Ilallwa cotnpan r
Q T Uoblnson from Wise J H bhrve
vs McCormlck Harvesting Machlns
company from Wise
Cases decided lllnton Redford vs
J II Lynn and I Lynn from Knox
affirmed West Michigan Pur company
s D T Lacy garnishee from Cooke
reversed and temandedNell P Ander
son Co vs W A Nuckles from Mon
tutrix ornrmed Q T Ingram vs S
Jacobs et al from Jack allirmed Port
Worth and Denver City Hallway com
pany vs L M Hyatt et ux from Arm
strong reversed and remanded W I
Maj field et oL vs W It Banner from
larnnt reversed and remanded Cal
lahan Good vs O II Eubank et al
from Greer
riflfa Judicial HUtrtct
Dillas Tex Feb 8 Special -
ceedings In court of civil appeals Ptf tli
district at Dallas Peb 8 1806
Afllimed North Urltlsh and Mercan
tile Insurance company vs Jot Hun
ter Dallas county H L Brenneinan
vs R C ICllgore Orajson county C
A Hill vs a W Uatchelor Dalits
county T E GrltHn vs Thomas II
Haves et al Lamar county Cast Tex
as Fire Insurance company i 11 Per
ky Johnson county
Reversed and remanded A If Ed
wards et al vs J H Humphreys et al
Rockwall ccuntvj Texas Central Hall
way company nl vs J D Lons
Kaufman couniyj Thomas Tlnsley vs
11 C Pennlman et al Limestone coun
Motions disposed of St Louis South
western Railway company vs E C
Crawford et al dismiss appeal over
tuled J G Matthews it al vs Bello
Hawkins afilrm on certificate granted
M A Burton vs Toscph Iatng re
hearing overruled City of Dallas vs
J 13 Baeman rehearing overruled
Hlbbard Bros vs Johnson Quince et
al file transcript granted Clcbumo
Water Ice and Lighting company vs
City of Cleburne advance granted and
to show how mai Bet for February 22 Charles
cv - Mineham Co vs 1 l uaih uo
The mest Important part of the davs
entertninmeni win ie
trrs throuirh the yrd nd pnhery
nnd show them the great rrogress that
is being made In both The hours of
the day at the yards will be from IP a
m to i lp m A committee of five wnr
snpnlnted to looc cr the PparMlon
of the lnnrh which will 1 enough to
file transcript granted G W Pllgo
Jr et al vs Citizens National bank
of Waco file transcript granted Mrs
V C Hamilton ei ai vs Trinity
j Texas iirewing CO
ton Oil company adlrm on certificate
Cases submitted T I Levy et aL
vs W H Lee and Co Navarro county
company si ai vs
fcod a multltuae ana ano mr w
Tenklnl nnius county Padgltt
tee -CT Tt jthVt Mt Bros m John S Powell et al Dallaa
lleQSrd county J II Johnston1 vs Hcnrv
would 19 required ior expense
1200 Shflrpect 0i Dallss county Wjlle is
mlt i inn fha mPttntT I Hnlman vs G C Hopkins et al CamP
woro MHipnn fonntv James Farrls s II and T C
efl a resolution ir aimum
for the eressed dclre trat tho cattle-
kmiiii he entertained at tho
5V nd exoren lnr the meeting-
PrntereM iVtrf nurantln
Teterdfty Peiretnr J v Iivlnir or
Association receUcd
the followlnir
Nodlr a prominent live slock man of
n rPtctlnn win t tken on Mor
tnna israntln la w Do you nt
ll eioi nnie here tn co ooernlT
renIed ststlnr that
8et ry LnMne hosrl was In Ion at
to take some action
mii tnin hnir rP Vet was ft IMlft
icterJay l belnB the best
lone Il nswlpta were Nnt JlrM
V The racking house
Tom hmrs The packlnc house Hned
dai Tbey Pct to ship four cara
SaMk to that Plar from now on
SmUnillclsin 10
I lironrr
and Panta
Rallroaa wi iinnrl
of Tejas J a x Squyres
jt ritshuihr from Tarrant w
wlieth v 5J N McClear from
italtnnv rnmnanv Gravson county
Texas Land and Loan company vs J
U Watklns Dnilos county O W Jfor
rls vs J S Vernon et al Rorkwall
county College Park Rapid Transit
company vs D C Morrow Orajson
p put tvr Fehrnary 22 Scales and
Ward vs Oulf Colorado and feanta
Po Railroad company Bowie county
Mrs A C Orr vs J K On Dallas
county Texas and Prelflo Ratiway
company vs Roberts St Ahbott Kauf
man county Texas and Pacific Rill
va company vs J M Waton Kauf
man count Cheatam Kellam vs
Texas and Pacific nollwsy company
Van Zandt county R M Davis vs
T C NesbUt et al Rockwall county
Ft Louis Southwestern Railway com
pany r Annie Grimth Franklin oniin
tv EJward Cray vs M R Templeton
Ellis county Cleburne Water Ice an 1
T Hhtlng company vs City of Cleburns
Johnson county
lmrttcs Aitnlnit Cnecres
rfew Vork Feb R A special to thj
Herall from Llms Peru says Th
new vigilance committee which has
taken the public credit under Its rare
has caused a great sensation here by
sweeping charges against Caeeres Tin
committee declared tKat he wrongfully
usel customs receipt at Callao and de
posits made by the patrntlc league
The use of Or Selgerfs Angostum
Bitters ejccltes the appetlts and keeps
tht dlgestlvt organs In order
Proposed Reduction of
Two Line Rates
Tin comiissioi to ni cox
siiiittn rcuniAiiY su
siiUMiEvro ahu ArrucTD lit
Meetlntr to lie Held Jn St loais
Tuesday to laolfy be totloa
licit Netrsy XUt
The state railway commission Was
called a meeting ot Austin on February
28 for th consideration of proposod
commodity tariff No 2a which It Is de
signed shall supersede commodity
tariff No 2
The principal change embodied In the
proposed new tariff is In two line rates
on short distance shipments For In
stance on shipments of flour over two
lines a distance of 40 and under 60
miles the present rate Is 16 cents The
new tariff proposes to reduce this rate
Just 3 cents making It 13 cents per
100 pounds
On shipments aggregating as much
as 150 miles the new tariff does not
contemplate any change from the ex
isting rates but seems to be Intended
generally excused themselves from ex
Loc U railway people whn talked to
about the proposed reduction yesterday
generally excused thejnslves from ex
pressing an opinion on the grounds
that they had not suIlelently examined
the new tariff proposed bj the com
mission to form an intelligent opinion
They say too that It Involves only
a proposed reduction and that the
commission will hear both sides of the
question before taking any definite or
conclusti e action The meeting at Aus
tin on the 28th will probably be well
attended by rallwny people
Cotton tlelts tleianml to Come fli
nt Ma Louis Tueailny
There will be a meeting of the gen
eral mantirers of the lines comprising
the Southwestern Pnssenper commit
tee at St Ivouls Tuordaj for the pur
pose of ilev Islng some method of acced
ing to the Cotton BH s celebrated de
mands for differentials on passenger
tmMness botween SU Louis and Texas
It tvIII be remembered that a recent
meeting tin executive officers decided
that they could under no circumstances
allow a differential but appointed a
committee to devise some plan of af
fording the Cotton Belt relief The Cot
ton Belt then withdrew- tho dmand
for a differential and Is calmly await
Inir the action of the committee which
will come up at St Iouls Tuesday
A Consltlernble I in pet n to tlie In
dusttrr Kiyretrit Dartutf IHlW
A railroad man of this flty who keeps
track of the construction department
of the railroads ntd recently with ref
eitnce to car building
The past year his hnpplly been
marked by a substantial revival tn ear
building from the stagnant condition
whtch prevailed during the previous
two j ears It Is well known that the
enr equipage of nrobahly a mnjorlly of
tb ronds In the United States hns been
allowed to depreciate far below -what
would be required for efficient handling
of freight In what are known as good
times Under ordinary circumstances
It requires the construction of about
MOO0 freight cars per annum to replace
wornout rolling stock and the best
available record show that tho Impair
ment of the rolllna1 stock of the- country
during the last four years has been
about 150 000 cars due to enforced
coonomv In addition to the W0O0 rars
required to mslntsln the equipment In
normal condition during 1S9S the con
struction of sueh proportion of ths
Impairment of 1G0WV cars as tie trens
urles of the railroads will permit
should In the absence of adverse cir
cumstances nlve to the car building In
dustry on Impetus to which It has
teen foreign since 18j0
rnopiiiiTT onnuiirn sold
IlCHUlt of ltonaton licit anil llsff
nolla Park ilnllwoy Butt
Houston Tex Tcto 8 Special
In ihe civil district court today Hon
Sim H Brsshear entered an order In
t the case of T B Cobbs vs tho Hous
I ton Belt nnd Magnolia Park railway
company directing that the property of
tho defendnnt eompnny be sold Tues
day April 7 The nroperty whleh Is
being managed hy Recelvtr John Ken
nedy consists of flvi and a half miles
of road switches sidings two dummy
engines five coaches etc The fran
chise Is very valuable the terminal
here being in tht heart of the city
The franchise through the city Is ppr
petiial The city terminal tojrsthee
with four miles of rond Is now leased
to the Oslveston La Porte and Hous
ton railway which lease expires April
4 The mtnlmrm prli at which the
I road can be sold Is STB MO The fran
chise Is said to 2e -worth double that
nvrrLE op Tun iiail
ft R Kceler general freight and pas
senrer agent of the Tort Worth and
Denver Is expected to return from ChU
cago Mondny
J V Goode irenerat superintendent
of the Fort Worth and Denver will
come In today from a trip up the line
Georg Fa rM formerly cl lef clerk
to General superintendent Goode of
the Frt Worth and Denver has been
transferred to the local freight of
fice as bill clerk
S B Hovey lce president and ren
ersl tuperlntendent nf the Rick Island
left for Chicago Friday night to attend
the funeral of Mr W M Bag
If A Parker assistant to tha presl
dit of the nvk Island was bore yes
terJay from Chicago
Wa E Dauchy superintendent of
maintenance and construction of tha
Bock Island tvas here yesterday from
G C Arnold freight claim agent of
the Cotton Belt come In yesterday from
Bt Louis
It H Lalag chlsf clerk la tht Cot
J rfl
ton Belt passenger department ftt St
Louis came In yesterday
JwFarUr enral live slock agent
or the Iock Island came la yesterday
Jaka Kurn city ticket ngbnt ot the
Texas and Pacific savs Dan Stuarts
puglltsttc carnival la just as certain to
come off as Is the fact that tho Lord
made little apples
The Central and Katy are both cur
ing on a good excursion business to Ar
ansas Pass next week
George England traveling auditor of
tho Santa Fe was In the city
The Gaxctte acknowledges receipt of
the Pocket List of Railroad O rile I ale
1utM quarterly by the Railroad Sup
ply company of Chicago It Is one of
the most practical and convenient pub
lications of Its class in existence
Two extra tourist cars went west
over tlaf Texas and Pacific jesterday
George R Poster of the track depart
ment of the Missouri Kansas and Tex
ts was here esterday from Hlllsboro
Cattle shipments have been light dur
ing the past week
II II Flcklnger traveling passenror
Agent of the Kansas CltJi Memphis
and Birmingham came In yesterday
Frank Andrews of Houston general
attorney of the Houston and Texas
Central spent jesterlay In tho city
looking after some legal matteis for his
Iteoelvers Authorised to llorroir n
I nrite um
New Tork Feb 8 Justice rtirsman
of Troy has era n ted Seymour Van
Santvoord and Danforth Goer receivers
of the Wilier A Wood Mower attd
Reaping Machine company of Hooslck
Falls an order permitting the borrowng
of 13 000 000 on receivers certificates to
allow the working up of raw material
and the finishing of machines already
In process of manufacture to fill foreign
orders The company will resume
nitepMlons shortly There Is over It
000 000 worth of raw material on hand
and the company has orders that ag
gregate over 5 000 000
Inter Cullruliilo Atlilelleti
St Louis Feb 8 A special from
Columbia Mo savs Intense Interest
was aroused In college circles over the
action of the athlctlo association of
the Missouri State University In re
pudiating tho stand taken by Prof
11 L Cory In withdrawing the Mis
souri Tigers from membership In the
western foot ball league Prof Cory
was manager or the f no t brill eleven
last leason and owng to bis success In
that capacity was appointed delegato
from Missouri university to attend tha
annual meeting of tho Western Foot
ball League which was held In Iowa
City la last December
i rtTr unreal
Tour out of Ave who
suffer DervoiuDcis
of tbo tluostsrs bat
laying tb penalty of
early excesses Vlo
tlmi rsotalm Tour
msahiKx resuln four
vlffon Dont deipalr Feed for buck with
cxplauatlaa nd iruofs Mulled teslcdl fret
Vitality MM-
rilling nnsl Btrentth la old fir ronn men can
ran I auiitTrar najuu imvuiuiwins
tllsJsMdOfOliiT tSiiOrreptlltIpfaBlClRI IltlTC I
tisaiiedlt ai ibJotdtplr sii Irtlnouvrrcd S impls
lKjniotlrinMhblT iicrfiJl rmedy
cured at nd full UrM in tuna
sbrurltrnjtluntird condlilon 4 rminf i iirunstb and
im I wanteytrr joumorold roirtio kiHvlmut
lu I lain l rniM al ltert In aurli cawi sni t a
ons nff d hailisi lo wrlttms as alleumBiualcatloiis
art hl I tirluilr eonlldiiitial I ntid Hm rrtvt
t n mixlv alvai Intuit1 rrua of cml Do Hot Hilt It
0 IT but writ tna rully at once fuu nIU aHiflj i Ukil
tbt day you did so Addrcu
Chipper of Fuiuou KuIuiiihsoq ClclT i
ouu ltnwAiii
Miartt4 tnm lUh
win tfS paid for
any case ot Syph
ilis Gliouoihosa
Gleet Btricture or
Ihood Poisoning
which my remwdk
fall to cure send 4
cents In stamps for
Nervous Diseases
of 72 pages which
of Muuklud a book
should bs In th
nanus of every man marnsa or cn
eniplatlng martlagu
m all diseases of the sexual organs
resulting from early Vices -or excesses
In later life
All communications strictly confiden
tial Address
Fernr Dloclc Houston Tex
those who are run down by
too much Indoor life or by hard
work and who would safely
weather the coming month the
most dangerous in tne year l aine s
rvtarv Cnmnound Is the true tonic
It strengthens the nerves and puri
fies the blood Try It
yfc U
Manhood Restored
lUuiaiTy Ukoldoj
M felfaa aBiiBsmi
t ia aiitf alThr
Ruaii j
Drua f
teiitj w
afe an
iBHUiirm psrr
i opn
onintat Aftofhr
tjai iltil V rtfxni
Lamimda all dralai
and lot f pr of
Lj IiHh An JSBIimA hsr Avnrtiiin
toalSlul lo ltatrJli n r tha toba
a piuw or aitrngUuK hle tltluiiitly lad w
likim 1 0naptlunaadlnanlir K
tnlat lonm 19 tirrln UfMl mmIil IHIi
Mirrar4kot Wih aTory i wUaf
CpTTiK salTrV iarfi r AkrHEMlfAkf
A aj
lit mtf atan buv It ml drutrplct balaw
if m e-
What is
CostorLi la Dr Samuel Pitcher prescription for JnTant
and ClilldiTn It coutalna neither Opium STorpliIuouor
lilicr Karcollo substance It Is ft harmless HuustltuU
hv Paregoric Drops Soothlugr Sjrups nnd Castor OU
it Is Plcauant Its guarantee is ihlstj year uso hy
inilons of Mothers Castor a Is tin Childrens Panncc
JM other a Trioud
Caitorla Nso wu3 tvltpted tchliaron tht
Jrjiiunwid U a4 superior to any prKO lpUwa
nown to me U A Aacnita M B
111 EoOifwdSt Hreoklya K Y
M The je ef Cirtorla Is m tinlrersal and
Its CicrU no well Inown that It s tss a work
f BUcroixctlott t j cniorw it Tvw ts Hit
tntcatpct fannies who tiu not leap Cufania
wltliia sasy rrBch
Caw ILlhttx V T
w Tork City
I a
CasforU euros Oollc Ootistrpstloa
Gour Uoomi i Dlwrhcna EnicUtloa
kills Wonui giros sloep sb4 juvvaotss 4t
WlUioiit lajiirtotu tnedlcattaa
rer sorertl jfws I litre rDeomtoended
your OrtjrU1 and slull always conUaiw to
do so as U tus lavoHal ly jiroJuoed Lojuncitd
l2Mh Ptrtot uul Tib A Now York Ctty
Tas Cxttaits Oostst T7 Mouit Dtssst New Toss Cm
nn n y noin pseiniisi s
Has Just returned front Chicago vhere his electrical inventions and
skill In using vleciilclt were Imlorned and marveled at by mdlcal and
electrkal specialists Dr Iloyd has brought back with him the very
latest ana nest appiinnces for hiullng the sick among them the wondurru
electrical apparatus Invented by
This system Is one nf mechanical vibration the human system being
shaken up and strength and vitality restored to dlteasei organs
M MII 71 1113 SltlC
As these methods not onlr curu disease but nrevent tt No siook
dinger Mild vitalizing mrrcnts of fteclrlclly carried through the air and
mi u V imeuattu Domes wmi neniiu nnMigort wan luuay
uispahks or woviuv
Uncertainty Disappears Light Dawns Show
ing the Invalid World tho Way
to Health
tlcctrlclty and Magnotism in Now Forms and Bettor Un
derstood Produce Marvelous Cures I
It Is In this class of coses thnt we uw electricity and have nJchteved
some of the most brilliant results Hlectrlclty In Ha application especially
to female troubles Is a sclenco yet In Its Infancy Hut men like Anostoll
and Trlpler of Paris llenedikt of Vienna Owlet lllglow Mnssey Knu Io
nian and others equally prominent In America have done much to advance
the claims of this most potent of all known agents In the treatment of
these diseases
ntiVATD msnAsr
Of all kinds Diseases of the KMney Illadder too frequent difficult
scalding or smarting urination Strict ire discharges or night losses Qon
orrhneo Heel tc permanently cured No cutting no pain
lilood and Bltln Diseases flyphllls Wood Poison affecting the Pody
Throat Skin i and pones Locomntorataxy Paralysis St Vitus DancoNouas
thenla and nervous diseases cured by new methods
Weak nervous exhausted frtllnirja lack of animation or energy often
with confused head depressed mind weak memory or debilitating involun
tary discharge tho consequence of excesses Indiscretion of mental oyer
Married or single men afflicted with orranlc weakness lot or rts
cltnlng vigor the result of former excesses or too great mental strain
which unfits them for business society or man lege can be readily restored
to vigorous condition
riles Fistula Varlocele and Hydro ele cured by safe painless methods
Dropsy and Rheumatism fttiirjv relleied nnd thoroughly lured
facial JLimsins
Blperfltinus llilrs Miloa Watts Plrih Marks Pimples Nevt Ba4
Acne cured by Electrolysis Bafc and permanent cures guaranteed
The Wonder of the Age AH dls cases are Us captives Its claims
none dare uhpute it is the only elixir of Ufa We have raxadlc GsJvanla
Statlo and Msg netlc Elect rlclty
In from ten to thirty days we can cure the worst case without de
tentlon from business No cutting no pain
unroHsinn tumoms
Club Foot II p Joint Disease successfully treatfcd Close Eyes straight
ened Teryglum removed Granulated Lids and sore eyes cured rjnlnrged
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