iaSTs Ha otilrsul IlerSt Itel nc taw ib alalfoti or i tc 1 ff te r > rril > ire ireUral rKEsr 1 IK recc rTtf MCI fit jiu5 1 RAILROAD TIME TABLE HOlST ° AND 1 E AS CENTRAL lVlU miAimo otJn m > i yi inAiiive wop m W suiiAuN PACIFIC jiuns I t re Ullf te T tare Vti j t UlM Uive < ti > u an j uipui lioui It and T L Depot Ban Aiitiuiiu 1 ruins ill Arrive nain m UiTj 7aVi iiiiArrtvu UMop m W l jit uinaiis 1 rains A u in Aim c 707 am U > e i m Airve In Ml p in k oriU KANSAS AND TEXAS Ua Kamusaty and St Louis S 10u ji irlve 000 a m Ml > miArrive bMjp m C0Uoii > O AND SANTA F Main Lino 0 mi in lAruve1100 pm Ouve I II Trains 7 oi a m Arrive 8M a m i p miArrlve 310pm jijp miAirlre ImHMi m trilns to nnl Iiom Oalveston leave iMtvitral I01 15 < l utes > rllrr orar ii li Jt Hi it 15 niinutia later Tlie r trains bale ana urmc ai the Santa n duiit alne at Uib lime stated nliAriX At 1 T NORTHERN Kl 01 t las then lc rfasona r M < oi lft I r i arltit iii ouls Trains 10 la mlArrivu DllOa m lliKip mlAruv 510pm O i vcton Trains 6 > a ml Arrive n Sa m 11 Oila mAirtvploUn in W1 p mlAirlve 400 p m Arrive1111 p in jlll trains arrive anJ depni t from JffOt Union Columbia and Vclnseo Train u Le i Walls except Sunday HINO a m il Arrive dally exont Sunday 5nlp m qOUSTtN IlST AMI west TEXAS ft Y frl 7 m Arrive frl 7 o p in Kivo I3x > ni i Arrive HxSOO p ri TIaAS WESTERN it Honda Visday Friday 1000 a m tr Tuefday Tnsday Satday 00 p in MS ANTONIO AND AllANSAS PASS nre danyl l ani VJnvi Mvl T 1IM > in MTflltTi HOUSTON NOHTlinilN fr yI 40 V to Hairisbe Hml am Jf iv JAiJ irom llarrlsbK tn > a m TlIIl 110TISLS Tlie Cnpltol lintel r Cnpltol Hotel th only llrstcluss ho tel In the city Kates J250 30o Pl fflS U trle cars to sftMirCS S Bfl from dt3 trTifc1 < iiiT o McGlnlcy l > rop nul Hoppc Dallat W IT Strerunltz Aiitln iin nl ritjok Clnclnnat M So K 1 ecli in ow Orlenns V V Slirtln LoulaKina JlrH G A Musirot and it 4 U D Stdm in dr cits l u Pmih Itic miiind Mlsi Slurodlth TexaR Ed Tore Hill Dan el lloon V L BMiie St Louis II il Itlcli Clnen uli V A aiey San Antonio Will M Waters Dalits lolin A Meiicfce Kla toli 0 lliadlty It SI singer Chl oss John i llson Iavvtucltrt It I Oulcl Hi d P irp Chrlstl V Miller 11uh 1 dm H Ioirnn St Joaeph lort Salts Ill a leon Ieel J ynclibmc P I IMllls niveiton C C Mcl ud Dnl J O < mp J II Copan J II AIc OriEor Cm nn a M Ullwoith Guti ole s ilrlmiliaw Albany V II t Roman1 I Milan M < Dora Tlaxtei Furt Wor W C llodffes UalMston W iLnk la 1orte V 11 SlieiI iiishton > v Jdlmson New York IJoa L In iii > 1in Cincinnati Mis II 1 Snltb s pit id H Gieentree Louls jrttle Jinn Kr iy Galveston Kate he HliteliliiH lloiinr Koto Cli n o r i < 00 SO 511X1 per dy f Miing ineit iiMd i wij tarnished Billiard tirhr and bir In connection Unequal l n all Its aupilntments In the hlnto of Tixas Kihi fuerliiKer Pioprletors J A Tilili lennsvlvanla M J Koore Camer m H M Cash Galveston II IV MervN Mintsrieiyj M Giner Kmsts ttj Tred lelb 11 W Mlnter I a I W xi Idlcbpiok Columbus W E Wajt Iii Mas A H Uerry la Orange lac N Kon Atistln II llralian J ar 1 ti n m Ivsrnylns Mississippi ll r i H ii 1 b Isaacs cits C iTtirrr CI Skinner Taylor A W Ul i m 1 T n J nis Iniilana 1 II Jrrill t ii v Mnnn llieuham W IGbli luntvlle P R Wall Texas t V Hoi Port Worth A Wilson totii I v ingraham Alaviiodo f P it r > Hillctsv lie A nrvvln i Bikl T Downs lhos W Jackson Mu t J T Ilughes D Corry W a n tr wley La R A lleitmann T II T i i pman T J Cortiy Dal J T it jord Toxas A Anderson Luul a Hancock nalVHsHin A York la Porte W II McGaw Km Ii > in A D Nash C 11 tonctt A P Maher San Antonio M i umn Si tun < o Norton Austin II On Mont imcry II K Ford Jl Jrwpji li ir ntrei Louisville J Basl T lui i J I Green Sin Wto J Durlpson Lockharl IM rk In pr j j itomblnj A O II J I Ills ipxns P 11 Begit 3 > > l Huphes Galveston P J Ea i r Mirar Land It li Ilmikey MHJilli W H Pninpbell Whur J M I i no Pleilge 1 M Henlsh to J T T ir p C F Smith W T wnfs indi nap is Ippilper llnniip Lite Dlsirt House The leading 1M > W aiy house In the Slate Preston ivc JeriMt op rn hon e cars to and fiom u pots O Spencer proprllor fer rly or the M tropolltan Lincoln Neb 1 fampliell Hempstead J II Mll T iol sniltl Nebraska 11 Lar JfJfxa ieirse H Damrow P H SlrV 1 Georce V ltymes llous Q n Klrknatrick Spring Branch tHr r White St Puil G AV liar rpe l uUIT Neb H Soofford Boston P nrh J Defraise Shenhcnl fi1 iM M Su ar Land IM Hooper jfMt Mam Npi j w Williams J Mnsn Gahoiton W W Dunlop K F u V er K D ltnoney TiSJ tin I a General D II Cherry > iD VNcb lo fl Jnlm II Clilborne Texas joim jr Lynch Firth Neb n TUB HEASON c evcrsbidys phrase l yo 1re8ton s I dAke tryr iMr mv onlrlUB case IrS lmt h st lhe reason why commend it to everybody Iron Trmlc Itivlevs T i J 01 ° Diccmbor II Tho Iron < i tains of l V this week Says The he the Ill r Purchases for 1801 is h rV hr week In iron and steel J < HMula railroad is the first to plac cio llr > 1lo contract and while the tin ot l0 rails bought are but iienvr t ltt0thrd3 ot ust jt ra J1 nt expci tnlloii Is that the re In Hi will be close to the total Th piico pairnas K1 at the w Ladrn mills among which 3G0W Ite iv lh rblel > I 25 at the sin Hat v T ll11 l llL intimations arc Put I V rn r da will l good slsed tf ° f rail for 1WI Only a portion U ii 1 Irmonls were covered by d L rnets placed this year for tint eXp0cting will bo given for months Reports from tdhato n particularly fernir ff r01 Southern sellers Um r S ale In view of the condl toa ° boks and meltera of > Mi P0 fUndrles report a k < tuifv 1 f f te Ctreme dullness that I th past few months W r fc 0VC Till SEAS n i i w wh ie cases of chronlp V r > bec nt t0 Cartsbia and aWflru Cre only Cro MaJi re f naraniV M rrp I lr Ion lledAke Ha r enf < 1 or every lypi of N > v T x n Omul Ho PMmbT HJ II Klrhy Ctlllr l hnt r ° Plln8r Ht > Broadway THE RAILWAY WORLD u ° xrs raised van nnowNs VIMiys SVW 110A1I The Entire Aliiiiiint JfrccMnrr Is Xnvr Vlrlnnlljr StiliirllcdThe Nu m l > er nf Itillrnnd ltrccltcrshlpii IlurhiK Hie Pint Vcnr Corpus Chrlstl Texas December ltA rousing mass meetlrs aa held at Mar ket hall last night and a ery large crowd was present The mcetlnc was cnlled to order by Juduc O It Scott ho slat ed that ItB object was to raise the balance of tho bonus for that Brownsville rnll road after which Colonel N Gussctt nas made chairman and Mr J y Ward sectetary and speeches were then made by Judeo Scott Hon James 11 Wells of UrownsMlle Judge Bethel Coowood of lnredo Mr D lllrsch and Dr 1 H Hard ulcke pastor of tho Baptist church Hach speaker told of the great bcnellt of such u road to Coipus nnd Southwest Texas and wns loudly applauded After the si well tnaltlnp Mi H P Tucker of tho sollcltlnB conimltteo cinvnsicrt the crowd and when he had llidshed It was found that ho had enough subscribed to complete Corput Chrlstrs share or the bonus A few thousand dollars more Is yet to be raised by the county but those 111 a position to know say that this will be forthcoming an dthat tho bonus Is good ralsid Hon James 13 Wells faya that Cameron and Illdalcw Counties will be icody with their share by the time the holldajs arrive and of Oils he feels cer tain Mr Wells Is strongly In favor of the rood and although tie subscribed lib erally to the bons at this end of the line he uenerously helped Corpus Chilstl out Inst nlRht by subscribing a thousand dol Kiis to her share of the bonus Mr Mil ler tho New York capitalist who pro poses to build the road was telegraphed today of the status of the bonus and will probably arrive from New York the latter part of tin week and begin at once mak iiiit arraiigementc to commence the work of construction It Is needless to add that tho Corpus Christians as well as the UrownsvMilan are overjoyed at the pros peels of having their tonus connected by rail at an early day and tho moment active work btglns on the road complete change will come over this entire section of country for good times which have not been been In this section for many a day will come again and business In all branches will be revived Mnnr Ileetlvershlpa for flip Year The Post has received an advance copy of an article on railroad receiverships which will appear iii the next Issue nf the Railway Age Tho following extracts ore made therefrom During the year now clostng nearly 13 per cent of the entire rallnuy mileage of the United States representing moie than 12 per cent of the entire capitalization has gone Into the hands of lecclvcrB During the two years ISM nnd 1S93 the companies for which receivers were ap pointed repicsent more than 19 per cent of the mllcnge and neatly 10 per cent of the capital stock nnd bonds of all the rallwass In the country The Philadelphia and Heading failure In February was tho first great wreck of the year mid although several others of Im portance soon followed It was after the panic began that the most notnble calami ties took place On July 2j came the Krle talluro In August the great Northern Pa clllc confessed bankruptcy and In October tho greater Union Pacltlc system went Into the hands of receivers Meantime und since less notablo companies though many of great Importance have dropped Into the Insolvent list until now two weeks before the clone of the sear we Hnd In the record of companies for whom re ceivers have been appointed since January no less than seventsone roads with near ly 2lWiO miles of line an outstanding bonded Indebtedness of almost 51000000 nnd capital slock aggiegatlng more than f511000000 making a total of almost J12SS 000iV of stock and bonds from which oil returns have surpended with the certnlntj that a large part of their value will he wiped out before the long process of the couits Is ended itncniVHitsHiPs rort thn yiaii No of Stocks and louds Milenxc bonds 1SSI 1S85 18W isn 1SSH lSW ISM isai 1S32 1S93 HOrSTQy DAILY PORT MONDAY MOTaSTTSTG DECEMBER IS 3SD3 Total ten searsS03 C7400 KiSS 187000 The sequence of receiverships Is forc clwire sales and In this direction the rec ord of 1K13 Is encouraging In mleuip and amount of Investment the foreclosure of last jcar are less than for several sears previous showing that the harvest from the rop of receiverships sowed In the bnd tlm s of 1S5SS7 has been nearly gathered Twentythree roads were sold lo the high est bidder In 1S93 but they were all rela tively small their mileage aggregating only HIO miles and their capital stock and bonds only 47SCOnO Contrasted with the record of new defaults these figures are a relief nnd sct tho loss which must have resulted from the scaling down or wiping out ot securities aggregating 517 000000 is actually no light matter inn stppi llimi < cinsp The statement comes from a source high In the affairs of tho Pennsylvania Kleel company that the company has agreed with tho three other gieat Fteel manu factuilng companies the Ilethlehem the Parnegle nnd the Illinois companlesto close tho sled rail plant of the Maryland Steel company Its branch In this Slate during the whole of the year ISO on pay ment of a consideration of J400ij0 that sum being the estimated prollts from the manufacture of rolls during a twelve month Vlsltlnir Ofllelnls V D Lawron traveling passenger agent lu of the Mlssouil ansas and Texas was the city yeslerdas P Sid Jonoe traveling pa cngcr agent of tho Lculsvillo and Nashville wllh headjuaiteM at Birmingham Mslted Hous ton yesterday D Miller jeneral traffic manager of the Missouri Kansas and Texas wo heie yesterday Mr Miller left Si Iouls head Quarters a few days since and Is making a general buslrtss trip over tho Katy s Texas lines Clerical lcrmlU Trunk lines will during IS3I Ihu cl r iMmens halffare permits unJer the terms Clerical or of tho follow g resolution Sers at onehalf the limited rale in trunk line territory and at onehalf the owest unllmUed rat from < territory to po nts in Central Traffic territory be ssued to ordained minister ritory may sisters of char mlMlcwles of the m y and officers of the Salvallon Army j perfect buullh ni SZz I in I i mm itiim j ii i p Will OCCUR CHRISTMAS DAY + + + + + + + + A SPECIAL CUT HAS BEEN MADE ON ALL GOODS FOR THIS WEEK OF rf XO BOYS LEATHER LEG GINS in all colors Si50 a pair J i pi i nn i vmmm o ATitmfAOAr > a < li ftr > ili lwT > trinlT artJ l Ar > 4r > r li ir t < irsf > r Jv > A J A t < > riirftrim A CORDIAL WELCOME IS EXTENDED TO ALL EXCURSIONISTS TO make cor store their headquarters while In Houston YOU AUB ALL WELCOME whether Sou bus or not LADY EXCURSIONISTS WILI find our store n very convenient resting place In the Ladles Reception Alcove they con watch the crowds that pass on the main corner of tho cits Writing desks toilet rooms etc are es pecially provided for ladles PAIlCHLS ctc can be left at our store and cheeked FREE OF CHAHGE EXCURSIONISTS should not fall to see our grand free window displays especial ly the ones representing Santa Claus nnd Cinderella and the Crystal Slipper Rob inson Crusoe and Hip Van Winkle THE finest view of Houston can bo ob tained from tho top floor of the Khun building Excursionists are cordially In vited to go up Into tho building by ele vator or stnlrwas and enjoy this mag nificent view LETS SEE CIiniSTMAS nenrly here and your mind not made up what to buy father and the boys let us suggest something really practical A Suit or an Overcoat wjjI 1 be mote acceptable than tho pretti est bauble or novelty ou could think of Weve a wonderful stock of all sorts of Stilts and Overcoats for Men nnd Boys as low In price ns you could wish for same o low In fact that soud think they were of Inferior quality but they are not 10 12 and 15 15 BOYS AND CHILDRENS SUITS AND OVERCOATS JtM 12 J2B0 J3 SO < and 15 and nn EXPRESS WAGON FREE with each and every Boys Suit and 0ercoat sold THAT big rase in yeslerdaa Post didnt begin to tell about the beautiful gifts wo uro displaying Heres n few Items there wasnt room for jestenlny BATH HOBES OF Fine Turkish Toweling 94 00 ALL Wool Cashmere Bath Robes tf00 HIDEU Down Bath Robes 15 nnd JSO0 HATH Slippers per pair 75o BATH Rugs eacl 100 IiatlioB Silk Handkorcliiofs LADIES Silk Embroidered Drop Stitch Handkerchiefs Mo LADIES Chiffon Silk Handkerchiefs all colors f0o LADIES Hand Embroidered Scal loped Edgtt Silk Handkerchiefs 79c LADIES Hand Embroidered Silk Handkerchiefs all colors with real lace trimming 125 and SlM HOW ITS A I ill TO HOUSTON Excursionists from all paints on the Southern Pncttlc nnd branch lines the Missouri Kansas and Texas and branch lines and the International nnd Great Northern and branch lines can havo thtlr EXCURSION FARE PAID BACK TO IN GASH < vwTmninwTi TtiiOTinisn m > TOnmmmvnu > viwviJvv ni tn iia m uiniuiimui v uinin mivi ivw itfiimin nurunnmut i iimiT as THEM If they buy any time this week a Mens Suit or Mens Overcoat at our store Rur a Mens Stilt and an Overcoat and youc wlfca fare us well as your own will bo refunded 3MCAMHIOTH oooeeooooeoeoosoeeooaflooeooeeoeaeeeoaoeeeooniioeeoeeaeeoo c We will Give to every Poor Boy between the ages of Four and Eleven Years Old a BOYS SUIT FREE FREE I FREE I This offer is for Two Hours from 10 oclock to 12 m Re member these Gifts are only for those that are not able to buy them a new Suit for the Holidays WELCOME I OUR GUESTS 218 AND 220 MAIN COHNEH CONGBESS JL Sole Agents for Hammerslough Tailor Made Clothing Sole Agents for Manhattan Celebrated Shirts Sale Agents for Youman Celebrated Hats COME AND EXAMINE OUR STOCK HOHS BSTTSR HONS BSTTSR LEWIS ROSENBERG reliable clothiers o ° ° oe oa mssSjmKMmmjMmm < rarA i H I M