' ". '-" .. .1 v - -; . "nr. .5 1'.' t r. D. 51 AG ED AJf. C I. IIURKAY. MAGS SAW & KTJXBAY, AT TO R X E Y S A T L. A W, o FFICENo. 2, "Colonnade How," near the Couit House. Uwnnler 7, '54 ly GCORGB M. REED, Attorney at Law, Ebensburg, Pa. WILL practice in the several Court3 of Cam bria, Indiana, and Westmoreland counties. Office in the Centre st., adjoining (Jen. McDon ald's dwelling. Jan.K, ltj51j ly- CYKIJS 1. I'KUSIilA'C, tfrmATT at T.fiw. Jnh Tt Kt.nP Hi Pft. o ITTCE on Clinton Street, in the Second bto rv of Good & Pershhur's Store Room. January 30, 1851 ly- AUItAII.OI liOl'ELn, Attorney at Lp.w Johnstown OFFICE on Clinton Street, a few doors north of the corner of Main and Clinton. April 23, 1823. F.9I.GEOKGR, Justice- of the Peace, foot of Plane No 4, A. P. A. K. "V5 "ILL attend promptly to all collections en- trusted to his care. Ollice, adjoining the Post ( Ulice, July 28, 1S52. " ir. Geo. 15. Kelly, OFFERS his professional services to the citi zens of Jefferson and vicinity, in the prac t ice of Medicine and Surgery. Office next door to Mr. Lytle's Store. May 20, 1S53. R. L. JOHNSTOX. A. O. Ml-LLiS. JOHNSTON & MULLIN ; Counsellors aud At torneys at Law. Office opposite the Court House, Ebcnsburg, Fa. Nov. CO, 183-1. p.v lr. Henry Yeaglej', Practising Physician, Johnstown, Pa. O FITCE next door to his Drug Store, coiner of Main and Bedford streets. Johnstown, July 21, 1832. YX. DAVIS. JOIIX LLOYD. Davis & I-Ioyd, HAVING formed a partnership in th ( Mer cantile Business, would respectfully solicit tho patronage of their friends and the public gen erally. .Call and see us at the old stand of Wm. Davis. April 29, 1852. XOTICE. ALL persona indebted to the firm of George Murray, or George Murray & Son, are here by notified, that the notes and accounts of said linns have been placed in our hands for collection, and that, unless payment be mado immediately, feuits will bo brought to enforce it. JOHNSTON & MULLEN. April 11, 1335. tf. I'nrtnersliip Xotice. fTMlIE subscribers have entered intoacopartner JS ship, under the firm of JOHN 11. SAVAGE & CO., for the general Manufacture of Chemicals. JOHN II. SAVAGE, A. M. & 11, WHITE. Office No. 14 north FRONTS treet. Philadephia, Jan. 4, 1855 THE notes and accounts of the late firm of Robert Davis & Co., and Davis, Evans & Co., having been left with the subscribers for collec tion, all persons indebted to either of the said firms, are hereby requested to call and make pay ment on or before the first day of May, next, as suits will be instituted after that time. JOHNSTON MULLEN. April 11, 1855. Concmaugh filotel. MjlilE subscriber wou' . respectfully inform his H numerous friend and the public generally, that he baa erected a .arse and commodious HO TEL at CONEMAUGH STATION Cambria coun tv. The House is situated near the Penn'a 11. 11. Every arrangement has been made to make it a convenient stopping place for the travelling pub lic. The Table will be furnished with the best the market will afford. The Bar will contain li quors of the first brands, in fact nothing will be left undoue to render it one of the most desirable stopping places in Cambria county. GEO. EICHENSIUER. September 19, 1855. BBnKSBUIlG FOUNDRY I"AV1NG purchased the entire stock and fix JL tures of the El-cnsburg Foundry, the sub scriber is prepared to furnish farmers and others with !o:is1js IMongli I'olnls, Stoves, mm irons, Threshing machines, and castings of any kind that may be needed in the community. By strict attention to the business of the con Tii, he hopes to merit, and trusts be will receive a liberal patronage from those in want of article? in his line. All business done at the Foundry. EDWARD GLASS. March 22, '35-tf. CArVSBRIAKOUSE, J EFFF.IiSON, CAMBRIA COUNTY, TVSS. fTIHE undersigned takes pleasure in informing JL his friends and the traveling public, that he has leased the Cambria House, and having made niueh improvement in its interirr, he feels confi de:.', that he will thereby be enabled to render 'OMifort and satisfaction to all who favor mm with heir patronage. Hi.; fast and superior MAIL LINE OF STA J1'-' will always be in readiness to convey passen- f CiS ! anl lroin the PEXN'A. RAILROAD STATIONS to his home, and also leaving direct after the ar rival of the trains by a good Plank Road toEbens burg. fjtj- He will ever be harpy to accommodete his oi l menus am acquaintances that will tavor I.ra with a call. JAMES D. HAMILTON. Jefferson, April 20, 1834. 1JI.1CK SMITH S1101" J till E subscriber would resicctfuilv inform the X citixcus of Ebcnsburg and the vicinity that -he lias rented the SMITH SHOP formerly occu- I'leu by Jlichael juuague, where he intends to carry on the BLACIvSMlTHING in all its branch es. Persons entrusting work to his care can rest assured that it will be promptly attended to and at moderate rates. He would also, inform the citizens that the business of HORSE SHOEING will bo superintended by himself personally. Owners of valuable horsed will not be under the necessity of sen ling their stock to a neighboring village, as his experience in thin line is widely known. ISAAC SINGER. Ebcnsburg, April 0, 1856. XOTICE. f 3 II E undersigned would respectfully inform i the public that he has purchased the inter est of of Milton Roberts, deceased, in the Grocery business, and will continue to carry on at the old stand, and would solicit a shars of the public cus tom. The books of the firm of Tudor and Rob erts have been placed in my possession. All knowing themselves indebted will please call with me and settf. RICHARD TUDOR. l4bur, Aujj 2 1st 18G6. OF THE FIRM OF DORSEY &L DOUGHERTY, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN TOBACCO & SEGAKS, o. 11 oi th 1 If(h Slicel, Fliila. ILL Iks happy to receive the orders of his 7 T country friends, and as many others as ma3' favor the firm with a call. They will al ways find a full and select assortment of the best brands of tobacco and segars, which will be sold on favorable terms. Scptemler 5, 1855. ItMHUY.lL! ' The undersigned having removed to the new building two doors west of the old stand, would respectfully inform his customers and the public generally, "that he has lately added to his former supply of Goods, and keeps constantly on hand a full supply of Staple and Fancy Dry Goods, Silk Goods, made-up Clothing, Hats and Caps, Boots and Shoes. Hardware and Cutlery, Carpen ter's txls. Smith's tools. Nails, a full supply o assorted Bar Iron, Sheet an.l Hoop Iron. Stoves and cast hollow-ware constantly on hand Also, cupper and tin ware. Groceries, wholesale and retail. Pine, lVplar and Cherry Lumber bought and sold. Goods will le sold at the very lowest prices in exchange for Cash or Country Produce. E. HUGHES. Ebcnsburg, March 15, 1855. NEW GOODS. FIRE ! riUK ! ! FIRK ! ! ! THE subscriber would respectfully inform his friends an 1 the public generally, that he has removed his stock of merchandize, since the late "FlitK," to the room formerly occupied by Kane Si McO'lgan, where he has just received and open ed out a large lot of Spring and Summer Goods, which were selected with an eye to the wants of this community, and will be sold 'dower th.au the lowest," for cash or approved country produce. JOHN M,COY. Jefferson, June 6, 1855. PANAMA, Leghorn, Empire, Magyar, Palm, and in fact every variety and style of fashion able Hats, for sale cheap, at JOHN M'COY'S. L ADIES DRESi GOODS, Lawns, Bareges, Silks, Chalhes, Swiss, occ, cheap at JOHN M'COY'S. S ALT, Nails, Oils, Fish, &c, very low at JOHN M COY'S L ADIES, Misses', and Giildrens gaiters, a tine variety, at JOHN M COY'S. LARGE lot of Ready Made Ctothing of almost every quality, cheap at JOIINT M'COY'S. VERY large stock of Boots and Shoes, uncom monly low, at JOHN M'COY'S. B ROYVN and Pleached Muslins from 7 to li cts. 2er yard, of a good quality, at JOHN M'COY'S. YOUNG HYSON TEA 50 cts. per pound, Rio Coffee 8 pounds for one dollar, ai.d other Gro ceries in proportion, at JOH M'COY'7S. FORKS & RAKES, Scythes & Snaths, Shovels ec Hoes, together with a general variety of Hardware, very cheap at JOHN M'COY'S. N P. Pe.sons having accounts with the sub scrilier of over G months standing, arc requested to call and settle them. JOHN M'COY. Jefferson, June G, 1855. Dr. Charles Walters. FFERS lii a'r-i.v. t.tt tl initville, and adjoining vicinity, iu the prac t!ce of Medicine and Surgery. He may be found at all times when not pro fessionally engaged, at his office in the buildinr? occupied by August in M'Connoll, and immedi ately opposite Farren's New Store, or at the Mansion House of James M. Rifile. October 10, 1855. M. M. 5IAKPLE. K. C. MCChfllE. J. PATTOX THOMPSON. Jlarplc, MtCIui-e & Co. TITE have this day associated with us, J. Pat ton IJ Thompson. The Style of the firm will be Marple, McClure & Co. The Business of the old firm will be settled by the new. M.M. MARPLE, E. C. McCLURE. Philadelphia. January 9, 185G. XOTICC. TT1HE undersigned having disjiosed of their J. stock and business to' YYm. II. Gardner it Co., would hereby notify all persons indebted to them by note, book account or judgment, that the same must be paid immediately. The books will be left at the old stand until the 15th of February next, where those intertsted will do well to cal G. L. LLOYD & CO. Jefferson, Jan. 0, 1856. Having purchased the stock, good-will. &c of vj. l,. laouov kjo., we wni continue the Dry Uoods, lirocery and anety business at their old stand, lhc fnghest prices will be paid for Lum ber, Grain and Produce generally. WM. IL GARDNER & CO. JeffLrson, Jan. 0, S5G. Ooctor on Fits. LEVIS EEYNOM Tailor and Decorator of the outward Tabernacle MAS removed his shop to the west ends f t.ll.n o .1 i .... .? "i i.uii, a. itn uoois west oi tne Foundrv. vhtrf? Tfnflf.m.n nn.) - - o ....... .'..v. my i l tunia will find it to their ailvnnta'rp 11 ti. - " ' iuu duu- senber. and net tlipir rlotl.iim 1.1 i- up and to fit in a style impossib'e to be excelled by anv ether r-xfabliulmioiit i.. j j " . . tucLuuuiy, Ehesburg, March Cth 1856- Positively the Last Xotlcc. 1 HIE undersigned takes this mpt.hfvl Atj v m v i iii mg persons who are indebted to him. that 1, 1 . . . . . t . i l . : . l 1. - . i . . iic iiaa ju.iuv.i ma ooob.s in ine nands ot IJsquir Williams for collection. Th . - -v.w mini- selves indebted will do well to square their ac- coums in iwo x-cK3 irom tlie date of this adver tisement and save costs. After which time all persons not complying will be sued. MORRIS PATE. June 18, 185G Cabinet Ware-Room. THE Undersitmr? Tinrinr i o.. "pi"" , , uiuiiiiacu me -vifo,"" slock o; lurmture, Tools, &cofSte-----pheii Lloyd Jr., would respectfully in form the citizens of Ebcnsburg, and vicinity, that he will manuiacture all articles of Furniture to order on the most reasonable terms T InfnTr1 is lar"e' consisting of TALLLS, BLREAUS, STANDS, BEDSTEADS . CRADLES, &c. . &c. aAljAUb' AJJ articles manufactured in the establishmen wiU be finished in a workmanlike manner, emnlovt ng none but experienced workmen Fi i a "i ;i0,CEllT EVAXS, & Co. " Ebcnsburg April 2nd, 185C. SOJSS OV TEMPttASCE. Highland Division, No. 84, Sons of Tem 2&gperanee meet dt their Hall every SATUR Bsan)AY evening, in the upper s'tory of 11. Dav building. itraiorAi i PAUL GRAFF, MANUFACTURER, AND WHOLESALE DEALER IN BOOTS, SHOES, STRAW GOODS, HATS AND CAPS, No. 63 North Third Street, Between Arch and Cherry, PHILADELPHIA. March Cth 135G. i.oii i iiot si:. CORPORAL JOHN KIEPFER, OULD respectfully inform his old friends and the travelling public that he has leas ed the Logan House, Hollidaysburg, and is pre pared to entertain all who may favor him with their patronage in unobjectionable stvle. The HOUSE has been newly furnished thro' out in a style not surpassed by any establishment in the interior of the State. His TABLE will always be supplied with all the substantial and delicacies of the season, and attended by atten tive servants. In a word, no pains will be s2arcd to make the Logan a first class house, and noth ing will be left undone to render its guests com fortable and happy. The STABLES, which are extensive, will be attended by honest and faithful hostlers. RESTAURANT. The basement is occupied as a Restaurant, where meals will be served up at all hours of the day, together with ovsters, wild game, fish and all the delecacies and refresh ments of the season. JOHN KIEFFER. June 4, 185C.-32tf. 1'ublic Sale of Valuable l'roierly. THE undersigned will sell at private sale his well known property situated in Susquehanna Township, Cambria county, it joins the farm of Wm. Glass, about 15 miles from Ebcnsburg. The Susquehanna and Ebcnsburg Plank Road, passes through the farm. The following are the improve nients, a new Saw Mill in good running trder 4 Dwelling Houses, the one in which the subscri ber resides is a large building, having all the ne cessary conveniences attached a large Bank Barn, 100 feet long by 4G wide, Grancries, &c, 3 Coal Bank? within 80 rods of his residence and immediately on tlie Plank Road 400 acres of excellent farming land, with a large quantity of Pine Timber, together with 150 acres of tim ber leave all the land lays on the Susquehanna river. Persons wishing to examine the property can call on the subscriler at hi? residence. Terms will be made easy to suit purchasers, as he is de termined to leave fur the west. ISAAC GIFFORD March 10, 1S5G. Hollidaysburg "Standard," will please copy 3 months and charge this office, AVITOLESALE AND RETAIL Tin, Copper, and Sheet -Iron Ware. MANUFACTORY. Canal Street, Johnstown, Pa. THE subscribe respectfully Informs his gZx. friends and the public generally , thatl l;e has again commenced the manufacture of Tin, Copper 'and Sh ct-Iron Ware in all its branches, at the old stand, where he will be pleas ed to see all who want any article in his line. Feeling grateful for past favors, he hopes, by strict attention and fair dealing, to merit and re ceive a liberal share of patronage. The Ca.ih System helms adopted, as he hates to dun, and long credit takes the profits. Merchants purchasing bills of Ware, would do well to call and examine prices and quality, which will be found superior to any offered in tlie cities sast or west. All orders from one dollar to five hundred filled with promptness and dispatch. Price List sent to merchant.! !f arc-rooms on Canal Street, one door below the Collectors Office. r. w, HAY. Johnstown March 5th 185C. COOKING STOVES, Large Oven, Etna, Iron City, Complete Cook. Diamond . anil nf P-t-.u- ey's celebrated Stoves, for sale at M-M-.iir;i.-tmvr: retail prices, by F. W. HAY- HEATING STOVES, Radiator, Flora, Frank lin, Carbon, Parlor, and all Parlor or Room Stoves made in either city furnished low for cash F. W. HAY MINERS' LAMPS, Tinware, Copper, and Sheet-Iron Ware, cheap for cash on Canal Street by F. W. II AY. s POUTING, Roofing and all kinds of Job work done promptly at cash rates, by F. W. II AY. A LL Wallt a firht rate Stoves cheap Tin CJC ware, or any Kitchen utensil will call with the cash at the Ware-rooms of F. W. HAY. J Tirrsceiveti at tIiestore .edw-akd rob- 1,000 ibs Cod Fish, 10 half Erls Herring, and ' 10 half Brls Mackerel: Feb. C, 185(3. LANK Summons, Subpoena's, Executions, i liver l i ctitions. Soik s fcc. For sale at this office. New Wholesale Dug Store X. SPEA'GEIl THOMAS. NO. 2G SOUTH SECOND ST., PIIIADELPIIiA. IMPORTER, Manufacturer, and Duflcr in Drugs, Medicines, Chemicals, Acids, Dye Stuffs, Paints, Oils, Colors, White Lead, French and American White Zinc. Window Glass, Glass ware, Varnishes, Brushes. Instruments, Ground Spices, Whole Spices, and all other articles usu ally kept by Druggists, Including Borax, Indigo Glue, Shellac, Potash, &c. t All orders by mail or otherwise promply atten ded to. Country Merchants are invited to call and examine our stock before purchasing else where. Goods sent to any of the Wharves or Railroad Stations. I rices low and goods warranted March 12, 185C. DEXT1STRY. A. J. JACKSON. S will be found at Thnm lion'j Af.vmit- - y mqVUH 3 ' V, J X. lJ W ain House, wh ie third week of each month. Office in Johns town nearly opGDsie th Ccbria Iron Store. EbesV Mmdu 12 185G. Farmer's Lools. to'.your Interests !! I come ivltli Goodi to ClotUe you J Z THE undersigned would respecfully inform the citizens of Ebcnsburg, and farmers of the surrounding country that ho has arrived with a large STOCK OF DOMESTIC DRY GOODS, consisting of plain and fancy Cassincts a large variety oi -Jeans, Linseys, llm-red and Flain Flannels, Blankets, Cvverlbls and Baize. Th; above goods will be exchanged for wool on low terms, and if the goods are not desirable the mar ket price will be paid in Cash. April 23, 185G. JOS. G WINNER. I. O. O. FV Sir- ni2:hland Lodge No. 423 meets every sSlgWEDXESDAY evening at their Hall on High st., in the upper story of Shoenaaker & Clark's buildin". A Human LifTe Saved. Dowa;iao, Mich., March 11, 185G. J. A. RHODES, Esq.: Dear Sir As I took your medicine to . til on consignment, " no cure no pay," I take pleasure in stating its effects as reported to me Dy three brothers who live in this place, and their testimony is a fa4r specimen ol all I have received : W. S. Coxklix told mc-" I had taken nine bottles of Christie's Ague Balsam, aud continual ly run down while using it until my lungs and liver were Congested to that degree that blood discharged from my mouth and bowels, so that all thought it impossible for me to live through another chill. The doctors to did all they could for mc, but thought I must die. Notning did me anj' good until I got Rhodes' Fever and Ague Cure which at once relieved nie of the distress and nausea at my stomach and pain in my head and bowels, aud produced a permanent cure in a short time." II. M. Coskliu says: "I had been been ta king medicine of as good a doctor as we have in our county, and taken any quantity of quinine and specifics without any good result, from 25th August to 17th December. But seeing how nice ly it operated on my brother, I got a bottle of RHODES' FEVER AND AGUE CURE, which effected a permanent cure by using two thuds of a bottle." S. M. Cosklik was not here, but both the other brothers say his case was the same as H. M's. I sold the medicine to both the same day, and the cure was as speedy from the same small quantity and I might so specify, Yours with respect, A. HUNTINGTON. Tlie above speaks for itself. Good proof as it is, it is of no better tenor than the vast number of like certificates I have already published, and the still greater amount that is continually pour ing in to me. One thing more. Last year I had occasion to Caution the Public in these words : ' I notice one J'trm who have taken one of my genered circulars, substituted the name of their nostrum for my -medicine, and then icith brazen innmdencc end their jnimphht icilt the exclamation, " Let thejrorictor if any otlicr medicine say as mnrh if he dares." c. Now I take pleasure in saying that the Cau tion referred to the same ' Dr. Christie's Ague Balsam " that is mentioned in the abo?e cer tificate. There are several other industrious people who are applying to their poisonous trash all that I publish about my fever and Ague Cure, or Anti dote to Malaria, except the Certificates of Cures, and the Certificate of the celebrated Chemist Dr. James R. Chilton of N. Y.. in favor of its per fectly HARMLESS CHARACTER, which is at tached to ever' bottle. These will always serve to distinguish rav medicine from imitations. JAS. A. RHODES, Proprietor. Apru -21, LSoG. 3m Providence, R. I. For sale by Druggists enerallv. FASHIONABLE CLOTHIKG EMPORIUM. SPRING & SUMMER CLOTHING. pi HEAT ATTRACTION at the New Store OT of Evans and Hughes, one door above the Store room of Shoemaker & Clark, where the sub scribers are at present receiving and opening a large and excellent assort men of fashionable Heady Made Clot lit njj of the latest and most approved styles, which for cheapness and durability can not be excelled by any similar establishment in the county; not vi.-h:ng to bray, but what we say we wi.l make good it take the icatcr. Every article in the cloth ing lint will be kept on hand, viz: sumer Coats, Sack Coi'ts, Drop do.; Pants, Vests, Cloaks, iyc, all of .the Utest styles. Cloths, Cassimeres, Satinets, Yestings, of all colours and styles. Our Department of BOYS CLOTHING promises a much more extensive selection than usual. Vc f!Uei ourselves that wc shall be able to furnish garments suitable for all classes, fitted up iu such a manner, and on such terms that shall disarm all competition ; we therefore ask a liberal share of the public patronage. EVANS & HUGHES. June 4, '5G. GEORGE HCXTLEY, Wholesale ana Retail, Tin, Copper, and Sheet-Iron "Ware Manufacturer. J ESPECTFULLY informs the citizens of Eb JLa. ensburg and the public generally, that he has purchased the Tin Shop, formerly carried on by Messrs. Davis, Evans fc Co., and will coutin- ue to carry on ine business in an its various branches, wholesale and retail. His wares will lie made of the very best material, and in the most workmanlike manner. Repairing of all kinds done on the shortest notice, for cash. ALSO, 2 louse Spouting made aud put up to order on the lowest terms, for cash Also on hand and for su!c, a large assortment f C ook and Parlor stoves, for coal or wood, Di ning room stoves, Egg stoves, &c. Also a large assortment of grates and fire brick, for Cooking stoves, Coal buckets. Shovels pokers, smoothing irons, &c. &c., all of which will be sold low for cash. Tin-shop and wareroom in part of the building formerly occupied by Stephen Lloyd as a cabi net wareroom, and opposite Geo. M'Cann's store. DC7"A11 orders promptly attended to. Lhci.sburfi.May 7, 185G. 281y Hew Firm. TAYLOR &, JONES, rir,:a..af o fTIllIE subscribers would respectfully inform the JL citizens of Ebcnsburg and the surrounding vicinity, that they have entered into partnership for the purpose of giving full satisfaction to all mankind and in the way of giving fits, they may be found at rtbe old establishment formerly occu pied by Beynou and Jones, immediately oj -posit e the store of Geo. McCann. The public may rest assured, that all work cutrusted to their care will be made in a workmanlike manner, and at the time promised. Garments will be cut accordiug to the latest fashion. A. IT. TAYLOR. JOHN JONES. Ebcnsburg, March 5th 185G. m WEST MICH ISSitfcTM, Or LOCK HAYES, PA. INSURES Detached Buildings, Stores, Mer chandize, Farm Property, and other Buildings, and their contents. mmpmm DIILECTOES. llOX. JOHM J. PEARCE, Jons 13. Hall, Chablks A. Mater, Chaki.es Cuist. Petek Dicksox, Hon. G C. Harvey, T. T. Abrams, D. K. Jackmax, W. White, Thos. Kitchen Hon. G. C . HARVEY, Pres. T. T. Acuams, Vice Tres. Tnos. Kitchek, Secy. REFERENCES. Samuel II. Lloyd, A. A. Winegardncr, L. A. Mackey A. White, James Qui Grille. Thos. Bowman, M. D. Wm. Vauderbelt, Wm. Fearon. Dr. J. S. Crawford, . UpdegrafF, John W. Maynard, James Armstron lion. Simon Cameron, jllon. Wm. Bigler. J, C. NOON, Agent. Ebensburg, April 9, 1856. B ASKETS Clothes, Toy and Work Baskets at , J, M'Dermit's. THE GREATEST ATTRACTION ! !! J. 3IOORE & SOX HAVE just opened at their old stand; in the Frough of EU-nsburg, the richest and rarest, the finest and cheapest assortment of nil JSD WINTER GOODS, ever offered to the people of Cambria County. Unusal care was taken in the selection of these goods, and care has been taken that nothing with in the range of a Country store, nor anv ways near it, but what they can supply to the'ir cus tomers, at leasts cheap as they can be had in tho country. Their stock of Dry Goods is unprecedently large, embracing Cloths, of every variety and texture, Sat met ts, Cassimeres, Tweeds, Jeans, &c, &c, Flannels, Sheeting, Shirting, and made up Clothing of every description. A great variety of LADIES' FANCY DRESS GOODS of all patterns and at all prices. Laces, trimmings, gloves, mitts, &c. Their assortment of hats, caps, boots, and shoes, is complete and unsurpassed. GROCERIES & LIQUORS, of every variety aud quality. A well selected variety of Hard ware, Cutlery, and nails. Also, Quecnsware and Glass; Paints, Dve stuffs, DRUGS & MEDICINES. And all for snle low for cash, or given in ex change for country prodrce. Givn us a call. J. MOORE & SON. Ebcnsburg, Nov. 0, '54. COACH MASITACTOUY. THE subscrilier would respectfully inform the citizens of Ebensburg, and vicinity, that be has removed his shop to MOORETOVVN, where he has every facility- for carrying on a large busi ness, and hopes by using none but the best mate rial, and employing none but the best workman, he hopes to convince all who will him the favor to examine his work, that in xint of dur ability, appearance or cheapness, it cannot be excelled by any similar establishment in the State or elsewhere. Persons wishing a bargain in the purchase of a carriage , will con sult their own interests by giving him a call. They are prepared to supply the following kinds of vehie'os, viz : Buggies of different qualities and prices, Bar ouches, Chariottecs, one and two horse rockawavs close quarter cliptic and C-Spring Coaches; "second-hand w ork of different kinds,"S:c., makim' a variety thatwill suit all tastes and all purses Repairing done with neatness and despatch ROBERT GALBREATII Spt.2a0, '54. m UM OF COU'IIL'S From Ebensburg to Willmore Station ! THE Subscribers having associated themselves together, have put upon the Ebensnurg aud Jef ferson Plank Road a double Daily Uue or CJiaise Coaches, would say to the Public that they will spare no pains to carry passengers to and from Willmore Station with all despatch and comfort. 03 -Coaches leaving Ebcnsburg at 7.IX) A. M. Connecting with train going west at Wilm'-re Station at 11.33, A. M. Leaving Ebcnsburg, at 3.15, connecting with train goin east at 4.48-, P. M. Leaving Ehensburg, at So'cl'k, P. M., connect ing with train west at 8.12, P. M. Leave Willmore Station for Ebensburg on the arrival of every train, both East and West. The Public may rest assured that there will be a coach alhvays at the station on the arrival of the cars. THOMPSON & HAMILTON. Ebensburg, November 9, '54. Gto.AV.Todd, with COARAI) &. WALTO.V, Importers & "Wholesale Dealers in Hardware, Cutlery, &c, No. 255 Market Street, Philadelphia. KEEP constantly on hand the genuine Timo thy Slack's Augers, Wm. Menu's, Beatty's, and Hunt's superior Axes, Conrad & Walton's superior IK'hshed Steel Sliovels. Darling & Wal dron's Grass and Cradling-Scythes. Conmon and Patent Scythe Snaths, Patent Clothes Pius, S,-c, &c, which they offer for sale on reasonable terms! to country dealers only. January 25, 1855. Peter 3lcGough, JUSTICE OF THE PEACE and SCRIVENER, Clearfield township, Cambria county, Peuna! Collections and other business will be promr-tlv attended to. 1 J Ma3 9, i?54. J as Evans. EVAS EVANS. A Change Hew Firm ! milE TUBLIC ARE HEREBY INFORMED I th.-.t the partnership heretofore existing under the firm of Evans, John Hare, Evan E.Evans and Hugh Jones, has been dissolved. Mr. Hare retiring. The firm as it now stands will carry on the business in all its various branches at the old stands. The Tannery will be under the su perintendanee of John Evans at the old stand formerly owned by J. Moore. Tlie Shojinaking business will be carried on as usual a few doors cast of Snyder's Hotel in all its branches. The highest market prices will be paid in cash for hides. Chestr.ut and Hemlock Bark in trade They have constantly on hand a large assort ment of French calf-skin, Men and Womcns' Mo rocco Boots and Shoes, and are prepared to cxe cuta work on the shortest notice. Being practical workmen themselves, and using none but the very bcit materials they are confi dent they can execute work as .well and as cheap as any estaWishment in the country. April JU, Joint JVIiccgo, Manufacturer and Dealer in all Kinds of Cigars, Snuff, Chewing end Leaf Tobacco. Montgom ery St., Hollisdaysburg, Pa. Constantly on hand, a fine and well selected stock of Spanish, and half Spanish cigars, at the lowest possible juices. All articles sold at this establishment are warranted to be what they are represented. August 8, 1855. ly. C. W. Wngrard. ATTOUSKY AT 1-1 W EBKNSHCI1G, FA. WILL practice in the several Courts of Cam bria, Blair, Huntingdon. Indiana and Clear field county. Office one door west of Dr. Wm. Lemon's. 03-Also Agents for the sale of Lands in Caml bria and adjoining Counties. 03-Also Agents for the Union Fire Insurance Com pan y. March 26. 1850. RICHARD JOAES, Justice of the Peace, Ebensburg, Pa., TluTTLL attend promptly to all collections cn f ? trusted to his care. Ollice, adjoining Ins dwelling. July 21, 1852. tf. w HITE Beans, and Dried Fruit, for sale at J. M'Dermil's. Y ADIES and Children's hoes and Gaiters at Ji J. M 'DERM IT'S. G ROCERIES, Candies, Nuts and Crackers, at J. M Dcrinit s. LOUIS LUCKHARDT WATCH JIAKCR, AXD DEALER l mill WATCHES 11 JEffLBY i a nit, unuersignci respectfully - iegs leave to -miorm the f"M fl 7111 L' J -f" T , .1 , . t ..... n 3 - that he has iust received Anl r,..V . v??tL opening the largest stock of Clock. WatcJies and -tuj,civr uiuinuo Jonnstown. vitJiovt ex ception, which will le sold " cheaper than the cheapest." IIjh prices will altcays be uniform One customer t ill not be charged more for the same quality of goods than another. A List of some of the arficles comprise! in the asorti jent is annexed. Prices may be ascertained, r goods examined, at the Store on Main Street Gold Hunting English Levers, Gold Detached Levers, full jewelled, Gold Lopines. 4 holes Silver English Levers, Silver Detached Levers, Silver Lej.ines, GMd Guard Chains. Gold Vest Chain, Gold Pencils, with P-n- Gold Tencils, Gold Medallions. Silver Extension Pencils and Pens, Gold Breastpins, Ladies and Gentlemen, Gold Eardrops, Gobi Earrings, Gold Finger Rings, Gold Cuff Pins, Gull and Silver Watch Keys, Portajcnaic- Ladies' Fans, fancy aud plain, Silver Tablespoons', Silver Teaspoons, Silver TLlmbl.s Plated Table spoons, best, Plated Teaspixins " Silver G bard Chains, Plated and Brittania Tea Sett, Violins and Bows, Violin Strinps, Ac. Colt's and Allen's Revolvers, 0 inches' Gold Bracelets. Accoi.7enn Silver and Plated Spectacles, Ac, (Src, Ac C3- Ai.r. sorts of Watches, Chxks and Jewbr repaired with promptness and at low rafts. Con fident that l.c cannot be undersold, the undcr-i""-respectfully solicits the confidence and patro'-aff of the public. LOUIS LUCKHARDT May 14, 1850. 20-ff. Tlie War Ended ! ! H 1 1 1 E -1DU ARD ROBERTS has arrived how; witk -A a larc stock of choice t- tern cities, which he will dispose of on terms to su-.t all customers old as well as new ones. Hi stock has been selected with great enre whicli for quality and quantity cannot be Uat'cn thi sule of Jordan. The stock consists tf Foreign and Ameri- Ticking, can Cloths, Ahnxicas. I la in C 'assimcrs, D la ints, A 'e a Sfulet 2-aiicif do. Cobtirn Cloths s. , .... Satiiutts, Kentucky Jeans, I'trccds, Black Silks, Fancy Silks A etc Style tf Prints T Vcxtings of ,dl kinds, (Zingnuns, Siirts and Draiccrs. (dicoes Cravats, Jf'jndkcnh iefs, Gloves and Hosiery, Flannels, Voohn Fluid Shirt in j JLish'ix, Sheeting ty. A huge supply of HARDWARE, QVEES- Call at the store of E l. Roberts if von wish to purchase goods and at lew prices. We consider it no trouble to show our a-xxis , walk inland judge for yourselves. EDWARD ROBERTS Ebcusburg, April 23,180. 1.S51-. PALL&WLTOR600D8 RODGERS Jt JONES T-TAVf J" received and are now displavin- a , cf;fuU' sc,'ted stock of fall and wiuTer goods. Ihcir stock consists of Dry Gooda of every description an.l qualify suitable fr il, present and approaching seasons. A very hand t some assortment of Broad cloths, (iusimercs satmetts, Jeans, A c, &. ijeadv ma.le t lutil,-n, LAr.ii' tJo..i.s Such as line men noes, a fine assortment of silk and avooIcii plaids everv variety of De Laines, and fcilks of every derir tion. J 1 SHAWLS An unusually handsome vartv broche and woolen, of all sizes, qualities and prices. PRINTS Foreign and domestic, of everv price and quality. 1 BOOST & SHOES The very bett selected st-x k in the market. HARDWARE A- CUTLERY Builders an 1 Mechanics are requested to call and examine onr stock of Hardware, and the attention of house keepers is called to our cutlery. GROCERIES Their stock'of Grocciies is ua usuaily larse. consi.-tii;" of .siifir . - - . " .WU1.V, lLl 11 vl ses, rue. tea. pepper, fish, aud salt. a X 1 V 1-, - jij lamts ana ciye stnlls, wooden ware, and clocks. In short a full and imnl-ta ..J of everything cither for show or use, that can find its way into a country store, all of which will be sold on the most reasonable terms for case or country produce. 1 hey return thanks to their friends for pa: t favors, and respectfully a-k a continuance of tfccm- RODGERS & JONES. Ebensburg, Nov. 9, 'ol. JOHN PARKE'S Jolmstown Marble IVoiKs, Franklin Street, nearly opposite the new Metho dist Church, Johnstown, Pa. MONUMENTS. Tombs, Grave Stone. Man tels, Tabic, and Bureau tops, manufactured of she most beautiful and finest quality of foreign and domestic marble, always on liana and made to order as cheap as they can 1-e purchased in the East, w ith the addition of can lagc. From I-jur experience in the business and strict attention thereto, he can assure the jmblic that all erricis will be' promptly attended to and the work finish ed in the best an 1 most handsome manr.er.furnishj ed to order and delivered at any place dt-sirod. - ALSO. Grindstones of various grits and siz?sr suitable for farmers and mechanics. Sold by wholesale or retail. CTFor the convenience of persons reading in the east and north of the county, specimens may be seen and orders left with Stephen Lloyd, t his cabinet ware-rooms in Ebensburg. Purchasers are invited to examine stock and Trices. fjune 20, 1855. Tombstones! Tombs Stones I RICHARD JONES respectfully informs the public tlu he is prepared to furnu-h all kind of Tomb Stones, of Italian and American Marble, manufactured in the latest style, and lettered ac cording to any directions. His yard is situated at the south part of the town, where a large assortment of articles in his line are alwaj-s kept en hand. From long experience he feels confident be can please all tastes, and he therefore hopes to be pat ronized by a generous public. June 17, 1853. DRUG AND MEDICINE STORE. THE undersigned would inform bis many friends in the town and country, that be Laa creccivd a new and lanre assortment of DRUGS AND MEDICINES, He solicits the patronage of the public, and gives the assurance that every kind of ordcrscbucs as RECIPES, Src, promply, rand to lower prices as in other stores will be attended to. FREDERICK SNYDER. July 20,1854. 500 assorted pieces of Stone Ware, just re ceived at the Cheap Store of E EOT. CRTS. 9 ir