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The Roanoke times. [volume] (Roanoke, Va.) 1890-1895, August 23, 1894, Image 8

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? AT ?
This week.
We have decided to clear tho space
ccoupied by our
Muslin Underwear Department.
Ladies' Night Dresses,
Ladies' Whito Shirts,
Ladies' Chemise,
Lsdiob' Corset Covers,
Ladies' Drawers,
Children's White Aprons.
Tho lino is made up of a variety of
goods. Tho sizes are broken in a few of
the items, but can give any size in tho
majority of cases.
Will be fearfully cut. Muslin Under?
wear is a staple article, but we want the
space it occupies. Therefore an oppor?
tunity is offered you.
The materials of which tho garments
are made cannot be bought at such
prices as these will be offered.
They are all out to be seen quickly
ou our counters.
We invite the attention cf all to this
sale, beginning
to be continued until closed.
Suburban property at Bedford City,
14-room brick house, with all modern
improvements, 12 acres of land, good
barn and aorchardtprice SO.000. Addi?
tional land can be bought adjoining this
at 830 per acreo.
Flno farm of 154 V acres, M mile from
N. & W. station and 25 miles from Koa?
noke, 8-room house, all necessary out?
buildings, good orchard, well watered,
land of fine quality; price 83,000.
8500 cash, balance 8500 per year.
Eight-room dwelling with four acres
of land at Cloverdale, all necessary out?
buildings, small fruit of every kind;
price 83,000.
Fine farm of 131 M acres at Cloverdale,
30 acres bottom land, 7 acres in wood,
5-room dwelling with dinintr room and
kitchen in yard, good orchard, plenty of
out-buildingv. price S'*>.000
150 acres of fine land on Little Otter,
in Bedford county, 75 acres of bottom
land, 80 acres in grass, convenient
to churches and schools; can be bought
at a bargain for cash.
28 5 0 acres, 3 miles from Koanoke,
well watered, 5 -room dwel.ing, tenunt
houses, lino location for truck or poultry
Six-room house on Campbell Btroet
near Bark, 81,500.
Kim- r lohi house <_.n Ninth av. . h. w.
Lot 50x130, ijl.500.
Rare bargain in a lot on the West End
boulevard, 75x150 feet.
Four room cottage on Fifth avenue,
B. w.. 81,000.
Ono of tho best residence lots on Jef?
ferson btreet, price S 1,000.
Splendid residence for sale on Terry
Hill; all modern conveniences. Sold for
812,500; price 85,000. Terms easy.
Houses for rent in all parts of tho
We represent the best Fire, Life and
Accident Insuranca Companies.
tlO Commerce Street.
Feed Store
105 Church Avenue S. W.?
A full line of Flour, Hay, Grain and
Mill B. od. Also United States Stock
and Boultry Food, Foutz Horse and Ca:
tie Bowders, at Prices to 8uit the
Times, ^ree delivery. Satisfaction
narantoed. Give me a call. ?6 30 3 m
W. P. MundBv la quite 111 at the resi?
dence of his father in Buohanan.
The Misses Lizzie and Mary Prlco
went to Bedford City yesterday to ?visit
friends for a few days.
Misses Lizzie and Lena tjuinn bavo
gone to tho Alloghany Springs to Bpond
a few weeks.
W. O. Hardaway, ex cornmonwealth'B
attorney, has returned from a few
wckb' sojourn at the Bulaski Alumni
Mrs. J. B. Coon, wife of Doputy Sor
goant Coon, returned yeBserday from a
visit to Mr. Coon's father at Cave
Mrs. Willi? N-cholrn, of Danvlllo, is
visiting her uncle, E K. Woodward, on
Batterson avenue s. w.
Miss Sadie Goldstein has returned
from a visit to friends in Winston, N. C.
Charles E. Harris and family returned
yesterday from Botetourt oounty, where
they have been spending some time.
Davis Ayres, of Rocky Mount, was in
the city yesterday.
Harry Ort ider left yesterdsy for Bhil
adelphia to he absont on business for
several days.
Prof. N. P. Bainter, of Haymaker
towD, was in tho city yesterday. Brof.
Bainter has been reappointed principal
of tho Vinton graded school.
Mrs. Jennio A. Cozart, formerly con?
nected with the National Business Col
lpge of this city, but now of tho firm of
Dayton & Cozart, of Circleville, (>., has
returned homo after an extended visit
to friendB in this city.
Charles G. Cushman, presidont of tho
Cushman Iron Company, returned yes?
terday from a three-weeks' trip to his
old home in Maine.
A. P. Staples and family returned
yesterday from a few weeks' sojourn at
the Allegheny Springs.
Rev. W. A. Harris, presidont of the
Virginia College, left yesterday for
Winston, N. C, in the interest of his
Edward Lyle, the attorney, returned
yeBterday from a ton dayB' trip to Abin^
Mrs. W. F. Bryant returned yesterday
from a few days' sojourn at Crockett
Miss Belle Boone, of Franklin county,
who has been In the city for several
days visiting relatives, left, yesterday
for Bedford City to spend a few days
with friends.
John Brugh went,to Chri?tian6burg
last night to visit friends.
R. E. Scott went to Lynchburg yester?
day on the noon train.
W. B Moss went to ' ynebburg yes?
terday on business.
Mrs. W. H. Snjder and daughter,
Miss Annie, of Newark, Ohio, ara in
the city visiting the family of W. B.
Rev. William P. Wright ind family,
of Cape Charles, are in the city visiting
Frank Wright at 311 Third avenue n. e.
Mrs. W. D Crossman and daughters,
Misses Susie and Alice, of Washington, I
are in the city visiting the family of J. j
H. Blumley.
City Engineer Dunlap has returned
from a brief stay at the Red Sulphur |
Louis H. Hall and family have gone
to Rockbridgo county to spend a few
weeks for tho benefit of Mr. Hall's
health, which has been in a failing con?
dition for some time.
Attractive Living Pictures As it Novelty
to lie Sliowu To-ulglit.
Bobby Gaylor and his company will
appear to-night at the Academy of
Music in the laughable farce, "Sport
McAllister." The papers published
where Gaylor has appeared since his last
summer's European tour speak in high
terms of the new parts and catchy songs
picked up. For an evening of laugha?
ble enjoyment tho press critics refer us
to Gaylor's entertainment.
The people of Koanoke have already
witnessed tho performancesof this most
Celtic of all Irish wits, but the revision
to be presented to-night is new in every
thing but title.
In London Manager Brady secured at
much expense an aggregation of statu?
esque artists who present a series of
serious, pathetic, laughable and humor?
ous Living 1'ictures. Toe "Sport
McAllister" Company in addition to the
specialties, and a number of attractivo
"picture^,'' present two representations
that have been encored and much en?
joyed wherever seen. They are not
only new to Roanoke, but are new to
thiB county Laving been lirst produced
in Paris. These two particular ones to
which wo refer are entitled. "Tho Three
Graces" and "The Three Disgraces."
THAT oily and rough skin cured and
the face and hands beautified by John?
son's Oriental Soap; medicated and
highly perfumed Sold by Christian it
R. C. Taylor, Murfroesboro, Tenn.
writes: "1 have used the Japanese File
Cure with great satisfaction and suc?
cess.' Sold by Christian Sc. Barbee.
Is Marriage a Failure?
HAVE you been trying to get the best
out of existence without health in your
family? Havo you been wearing out
your life from tho effects of Dyspepsia,
Liver Complaint and Indigestion? Are
you sleepless at night? Do you awake
in the morning feeling languid, with
coated tonguo and sallow, haggard
looks? Don't do It. A shout in the
camp tells !.'>w Aunt Fanny's Health
Restorer has cured others; It will cure
you. '1 rial package freo. Large ni-'e
50c, at Christian Sc Barbee
A lloueehnlil Treasure,
1). VV. Fui.i.kh, of Canajobarlo,)N. Y ]'
says that he always keeps I)r King's
New Diacovery in his house and his
family has a! *ays found the very best
results follow its use; that he would not
bo without it, if procurable. O. A.
Dykeman, druggist, Catskill, N. Y.,
says that Dr. King's Now Discovery is
undoubtedly the beat cough remedy;
that ho has used it in his family for
eight years, and it has nover failed to
do all that is claimed for it. Why not
try a remedy bo long tried and tested?
Trial bottle free at < uristian Sc Harboo'a
drug store. Regular size 50 cents and St.
Fon :o?'. wood sn I feed call on H. C.
Staruuy, 237 Norfolk avenue; 'phone
Opportunity of Your Life
Which von will do If you do not consult
Scientific Skill and Ability,
Practical Experience in the One
Thorough Examinations,
Fitted Frames to Each Case,
Perfectly Ground Glasses,
Conscientious Labor,
Prices Consistent With Good
Long-lasting Spectacles,
Accurate Adjustment Guaran?
No Guess Work,
No Trials or Experiments,
Are all facts calculated to
make Dr. Matthe?/ services
and glasses of great value. It
will cost you nothing for
preliminary examination to
determine what is the matter
with your eyes and what it
will cost you to get good ser?
vice aud glasses.
Room 20,
Ponce de Leon Hotel.
10 A. IYI. until 4 P. M.
Grand KucHinpuieiit of the Kulpins of
I'ytlilus of the WorJil.
Tuts biennial encampment of the Su?
preme I.odgo and grand ercampment of
the Knightsof Pythias of the world will
bo held at tho national capital August
27 to September 5.
For thin occasion tho Baltimore and
Ohio Railroad Company will seli round
trip tickets at reduced rates from all
stations on its lines east of the Ohio
river, Antjust 23d to 2sth inclusive,
valid for return trip until September
Gin; a further extension of time to Sop
tember 15th can be securpd, provided
tho ticket la deposited vtlth tho joint
agent at Washington, I). C, on or be?
fore September G.
The rate from Philadelphia will bo
??4, Pittshurg 8S, Cumberland ?? 55, and
c jrrespondingly iow rates from all other
p tatiens.
magnetic Nervine quickly restores
lost manhood and youthful vigor. Sold
by Christian & Harbee.
It May Do hh Much for You.
Mit. FliED Muxer, of Irving, 111.
writes that lie had a sev-ro kidney
trouble for many years, with Bevern
pains in his hack, and also that his
bladder was affected. Ho tried many
so called kidney cures, but without any
good result. About a year ago he began
the use of Electric Hitter-;, and found
relief a*, once. Electric Hitters
especially adapted to tho euro of all
kidney ani liver troubles, and often
gives almost instant relief. Ono trial
will prove our statement. I'rico only
f>Oc for large bottle at Chri8tian.it Bar
bee's drug store.
French, Kngllah und Music.
A LADY, jrraduato of tho Pcabody Nor?
mal Seminary (Now Orleans), with
great experience in tho above languages,
offers her services as rosidontor visiting
governess in a family or a position in a
college. Host of references given. Ad?
dress Kolix Hotel, room 3, during the
week from 0 to 12 a. m.
"My boy was taken with adiseaso re?
sembling bloody llux. Tho tlrst thing
I thought of was Chamberlain') Colic,
Cholera and Diarrhoea Romody. Two
doses of it settled tho matter and cured
him sound and woll. I hoartily recom?
mend this romody to all persona suffer?
ing from like complaint. I will answer
all inquiries regarding it when stamp
is inclosed. I refer to any county ortlcial
as to my reliability.'? W.m Roach, j. P
Primroy, Campboll county, Tonn. For
salo by Tho Chan. Hylo Drug Company,
Four lilg Successes.
Having tho needed merit to more
than make good all the advertising
claimed for thorn tho following four
remedies have reached a phenomenal
sale. Dr. King's Now Discovery, for
consumptions, coughs and colds, oach
bottlo guaranteed?Electric Hitters, tho
great romody for llvor, stomach and
kidneys. Rucklon's Arnica Salvo, tho
best In tho world, and Dr. King's Now
Life Fills, which aro a perfect pill. All
these remedlos aro guaranteed to do
jus*, what Is claimed for them and tho
dealer whoso namoiH attached herewith
will !?<? i/iad 10 ?.-;i \ou more of thorn.
Su'.d at i hriitian B irboo's drug stora.
Old paporsjfor aal'i at this office,' ten
centa IT 8
It" answers the purpose ? " Does It? A very
Important item in connection with your stationery is
the impression it leaves. It may reveal a slovenly
disposition if it is not carefully and tastily executed.
We are very careful as to the
wants and needs of a customer,
and watch faithfully all details
in connection with an order, large or small. Our
facilities are almost ideal and make it comparatively
easy for us to do so. Perhaps this will explain why
we have been busy during the dull times.
.". .". .". .*. .". Of course our prices are right.
President. Boanoke, Ta.
Yon can do it no more effectively than by
inclosing the in with one of our
Now that you have returned from your summer
vacation and are deep in business once more, call on
us and see what $50 do for you in our line.
President and Manager.
?Phr.no No. 353. P. O. Pox No. 182.
Are bro < en brick. We have a good
sized pile of "Bats." Nobody used to
use them, but these hard times we keep
a gio l b'icklayer busy building brick
walls out of "Bats" for our enstomers
They do first rate ior foundations, and
any rough work. A wall of "oats"
costs about half what a wall of whole
bricks co.'it.
'Phono 263. Times Building.
Snyfler & MacBaii
134 Salem Avenue. 9
Quick-selling Prices on HosierM
and Muslin Underwear. jm
Double h?li>a and heH?, wti!uh were >!S
barg tin at 50o a pair, will clode *hat w-|B
have at 37%o a pair. m
A bettor quality that aro worth 75o]l
will olose them at 49o a pair. sj
Wo havo about 8 do/.en White Rlche<|l
lieu Bibbed Lisle Thread Uoso that oosjl
75c a pair to land in this country; wll H
clous them at 25c a pair. >
We wish to call your apeolal attontlorfl
to the H
Whioh we quote below, and as we haveB
quite a stock to close wo havo made thoB
out deop enough, which will be Bure tol
move thorn within the noxt few days. I
AH b1/.os. tucked and woll made,worth!
75c, havo cut to 4'.?c each. 3
All sizes, with cambric rutll-j, tucked,
rullles trimmed with Torahon laco and
embroidery, worth at loast SI, havo out
to 09o each.
All si/.os, beautiful goods, rulllos and
tucked, trimmod with lace and cmbroid?
ory, worth at loast SI.35, havo cut to 08o
oacb. I
All si/.os, beautiful goods and trimmod (
vory nicely with laco and embroidery,
at 31 12%, SI 20 and up to 82.19 each,
which are worth at loast a third more.
With cambric collars and'cuffs, worth
at least 75c, cut to 40o each; all sizes.
Tucked and trimmod, with cambric
collar and cuffs, worth 81, cut to 02%o
Tuckod and trimmod with embroidery,
goods that should bo sold for Si.25, out
to 74c each; all slzos.
Beautiful goods, which aro trimmed
elegant and made !ir-t class, whioh
should bo Bold for 81.35, Si.75, S2 and
82.50 each, cut to OSc, 81.11?, 81.47 and
81.08 each.
About one-third less than what they
are worth.
About 35 Ladies' Cor30ts, aizis from
25 to 20 only, were 75c, cut to cIobo at
37V;c each.
Same si/.os in SI goods cut to Iflo oach.
Snyder & MacBain.
Prices Lower Than Ever Before.
We have marked Shoes down to such a low price that it seems
as if prices are of no object. Below are a few of
our prices to begin with :
Infants' Shoes, worth 40c, now 10c.
Ladies' House Slippers, all leather, now 17c.
Misses' Button Shoes, spring heel, now 75c.
Misses' Spring Heel Oxford Ties, now 65c.
Ladies' Undressed Kid Slippers, now 68c.
Ladies' Solid Leather Kid Button, now 98c.
BS About 300 pairs Ladies' Fine Dongola Button, hand turned, worth $2.50 to $3.50. New
-v"~:. they'go at your choice of any pair for $1.50.
Mi Persons1 having narrow feet, such as A> B and G, can get $5 shoes for $2.50. As we
have" about 1,000 pairs made on different shapes Tsome in the lot will suit most
Men's Fine Calf Skin'Shoes, Gaiters and Lace, now $1.98.
Men's Patent leather Lace Shoes, worth $3, now $1.49.
Bannister's fine Patent Leather Bals and Congress, regular $6 and $7 quality, now go
m : ? at $3.25.
. . ..Men's Shoes, solid leather, lace and gaiters, worth $1.50, now go at 98c a pair.
ii?Boys'iLace Shoes, 3-5, worth $1.50, now 98c.
.^Youths' Lace Shoes, 12-2, worth $1.25, now 85c.
Ladies' Low Shoes and Slippers all go at half regular prices.
Remember, we are the cheapest Shoe House in
Roanoke, so before purchasing elsewhere give
us a trial and we will convince you without a
penny's charge. Money refunded to dissat?
isfied purchasers.
Goldstein's Shoe Store,
Corner ot Salem Avenue and Jefferson Street,
(A. Wright & Co.'s Old Stand.)

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