Tea ITV* Sear* H'rtlnrmtlaw Kftxt Wfoln??%f1ay at half past three o'clock Mr. Xorvelle Lightfoot Henley, a popular and well-known yonn,*?attorney of th is city, and Mini- Edin -mia Pendleton Turner second 'daughter of I>r. Jaaaaa. D, Trimer, of NVw Kent county, will be united in the linly U.ti.Im ,,t matrimony. < >v. in.; to tlie re cent death kal Uaw gaXWksl alktfitw father, the marri***' will be a j very quiet b0a**w affair, after which Mr ;ntd Mr-, Henley will OOaaw h rv lo rOBiOw. A Short Horse Is Soc11 Curried A Short S/oiV" Is Soon Tdd. Thi- tinto Ito about tiling'- f??r Horses and Cat:lo. [*eX>b noun tho liol :ind BOO if therVi aiiythinar Btickinpr out that >"ii ,-.-iii urah, li Q t !? ? ? quick about it. aj tho . advertise don't *:o p -_'intr for buyers?T II K Y AUK SOU) b-EFOaRK U 1. BUY 11IKM. ft LE9 ? ROICl GI f|k#a TIVJ..1 HY ll NY pei ? **H - ' HUH E WHITE ?>"w. .-I . *>-M ? MIAN oo hi h rm .laaaaaaaaaalljJai^BNKsi < Culpeper Creamery Butter : th - Fi ? lue ?.. Bro- ''"t VVATEK OR" '? SD ? ? (RN | ? a MEAL, i*>t . Eating Potetoea 1.0(H? Socks I.iv <:; LSalt yV, So. k '. *'( :i.*>e Dully Malt Whiskey Buy o bottle nnd . .\ .li* lo and ti.os*" i: .'th . S5c i pound, - I ?**^ FlNKfi; -??-.. i I .i BAMl. * ^* 4* r .L.. tiff T POI v^ - -AM LATED .)%? a,'lt ? . ]- r *?* "I .juart, #?'! s. c3o-jll:Ts4.it, hCtilll.NTU in lill RlcluBoads - - Vlrgiata }(pr?ws*s*saaj. ?> a*aflnP W.L Douglas?.; Silo.:. fcnJ.arvrJ tt -a rr j V. L. I>ougUs V3.50, $-..00 and Shear* arc th* pr?:??. I- W- LANE A SON si L. Hkmkv, N.L. ?!l Utr Js.tr Ntk jitiiriii Atlenvy it uv ai liirrnit. satan fsk :r. sub Sc R. L. Henley 4 Son, Moil* 8T_, - W'llLlAMSHtKO. \'.< All lepal business will receive HOaatfJ attention. S;??*fiatl attention a*iven t making AlXrat-ts ot tit lt- ami coiiveyan cine*. Also represent Lite, Kire and Ac ardent Insurance. di-.' Iv PISOS CURE fOR CON SUMPTION Virginia Gazette jj SATVKDAY, JUNE IS, l?'->7. PERSONAL AND BRIEF. Attorney X. L Henley wa* ia Kith, mond yesterday. Mr I ronk Lamb, of the Southern Railway Pompony, was here this o Qfesita a nun.Ur ol mir cito* t.t I*., tn Norfolk Monday to heel IM on "Bimetal Mies Moan.*- Trev,linn, who has - ?sst aojof in {few York, ha* return , <1 borne foi the .un n Thc ; ! - Person nnd N I. Il-V. ? t are nen* opie tion. al ssaopMs ropidrj. i"t nrjil. ? west li< : in ? 'lind it ? M .nutt ('oogb * '? will do a h.,' itoantne unf >. Hen All . m.'"'"!! with his wife lol ? k, n wei! - ? urned n lo li is son-io-l t -t vj ? i ? !, i ? l?r. Jl Dr. Ilankina is in - - M r A ? . . ..>n sfi?h i ? beadqna * P Tit. ftlft in N I ' w ? ? n Mi v ft tioo bo Jitter. thin your blood \i ith asuaas i .-ii it \\ ith | | p Uh- SanioU* little pills Heness i Mr. .1. A il ? nea. ot i apt. Low * lbs ti ill not miikt- tt trip do . oeodseii m -It ian ti ' to bc l'iiru. tht- pnm ai 1 j _ m ii bout teni I ' - . ! ? trott! the u I in nm .a c ? ?ann* ol wi i ie shu h.H. them early ir J uh I b prom ieee so mncb ChUttrrit!,' J ' t v v. '. Children.-' 1? i> exerelti - ol the Methodist Church tren held Sunday ni^lit and tin bttilding wa> crowded nitl I le. The Sunday *3choo children wi n took j>;i rt ll) then i lerotoei uer* well trained an lite oooaaioii Wm8 a moat pleat ant and interesting ?>ue. \\ Lt* John-..-i:, bil >i >: *.. 0 ? One Minute Caoejgb Cure oared ii. . child trom .tying hi eroup." ll *a\ei t!i ! ..tln-rs suth-rini* fro* . p. pneumonia, hrouchitia omi otis* :.r?>at and luti* trouble*.- I ard Henley. i ii; etti iittHt: h t:i>?i\<. Mi.tM Mrtti Smith Become* Th limit ss/ /'/??,/. Hut/It > Ktrtl. Wednesday at ;>:..i? o'clock i pretty home weddii *; tool phire at "Hassett Kali," the pa latial home of Mrs. l>r.ie Smith. when hei y, un. daughter, Miss Margaret VN il lard hecame thc I ride of i'rot Rbafi Stock.ell Hird. Thc ier einony that made the eouph ? ?nc was performed hy Kev John Ridout, of tirare Kpisco j>al church. Pe te rs hu rt:, (ol which the ^room is a asawtaaber] iti the presence of only tin most intimate friends and rela lives of the contracting parties ali** Edith Min tu rn Smith, ain. .er ot ths bride, \ras maid of liotior. Mr. and Mrs, Hird left in the evening train for Old l'nint, where they will upend a ' few day?*, after which they will ' return to their home onEaati' Kroncis St. The */rootn ita a well-known yoniikT B*eutlem.an. ha vi nor l?????n i'mti wM>r of Heda'-wry at WU liam and Mary Col|feB***J sttsatM 1888, He BttslaOV 9%fJ hi*:' an educator and hi- '.efore him a brigaat ?'ntur?\ I bu I.ri! ? yoting lady of Bweel -li ? i lion .ind attraeri\o und winnm.: iii:iiM!' r. and t-< BZtlwtaawij , ular with lier fro dg . whib ! . - ' !ri ; I ind liv.r ! i-y \\. i - eer. <*? N Its SALE OF v \ I ABLE . 1 ll CHEEK IN ft M COI NM iton ot hat s .-. . I -?. | ties B*aaBa**aBaa*?aW O t a lt. I ' ll ' ? I . lt, 1 I of lar ch \ *V - ?nd * chao,- a* I i*iiF VAL I fti.i K LANI! IN NT. ALSO THAT kBI B l'ihi l PRi iPERTY KNcWN 18 -FEN rON - GRIST I LL." NN l.liani T. I ' V ? pet r.p : ll F K In pm -mai ment ;..i.< I ?nut Bawd on th r. i, ti. . by, sha I pr tiot.. of NN Uliitmsl>uru' >n M ND W. Jl Ll Lt, U .' be. ni* Count, t lallat Md to tout.n.i al. Lil I ' borg, and adjoining tho lofeatk Issn, being tho hooooa and aol now ot i u pit-.l bj ont- Betty Di^'go. Al-o tho i*n- and all mid til. tun- - >! one hundred <1) a?-re* of lani adjoin ni*; san I mill, anti bnowo np John J For any lurther information ab.'iit th. t-T,.; t* opfsi* at tin-office o FT. L. Henley, ^ TKlLMs. On* aWlfesaaa, the balam PPJ aciwdil Ol six moot'>,, the purchase to gi**) bom! arith approved per soo* nitr, boon i into**** fro ru dav o sale and the till,- retaiued until all th pu:cha?e money is paitl and cou rey ano ordered bj the t'ourt john k. ROeXH.S. - katata t ons missioner William T. Larson, et als, Hlaintifl against A. J. Moore, per rep. ol W H. F. ? kat] et atat,, I'efendants. Ii the (Jhancery I ourt ot the city of Wil sBfeBaaaaaaasa*, 1. rUOMAH H <.EIH>Y. Clerk o said court, , erti!\ Ihnl tho l?,?ntl re orr. Fill a bottle or common class w ith .trie* aid let it stand twenty tour biinrs; i tedin*e*nt or settling* katti ? dle *ased pond it ion ot the Am! ar ya. When ari*** stains linera it is positive eiideosre ?f kidney trouble. Too treqnent deaire lo urinate or pam tn the box k. io | ,-ing* proof that the kidneys sod ,i ?it of order. ? i?e avnowledpj* oo nilen expreeeed. that Dr Kilmer'* Swan v remedy fullils every wish in relifvim* |tain in the bark. BJ ? ? pleasant ' up many I and I I I Ol the - ' P Valuer A ip Imperative. IJ.irir.iiiiN An- Incident**] i ? ? SPECIAL SALE OF LACES, lOe \ allie at - - 6c 15<.- 8c 20f.- 10c 25c 4fc *fc I21-2c 30c -fc " \bv 35c M " 90c S FIVE VA HP in r- bar Other - Remnant* This Week, 1 in! 20c Piqo< - I"" ;0 inch [lidia Linen. - 7. I leek Maalin% MSitilor Hal - 25c to | I >nm I ? One Special Lot ? l-4e, Regular I Oe Value ? 'J THK l-l BLI! - M?>NK. >\\ ?wu, Va. af. -Ta 0 a,*, *aW IF*. -E-T-aTCa.0 Insurance. ? KKl?KKSKN TIN., T1IK V1RGINIA FIRE AND MAKIN! lusurduee Coiupauj. KU ll.MONl), - . a. V. Aaaett*. fMiOO.lKX V lOlCt.-ALL 1'LKso.NS A.. *- * hereby warned uot to ire spaas, tit OT hf crossiuj?j ur huutiui*, sj, tiie.iaxtl ot' l>r Van Uar rt lt. now tK.-cupted b the undesigned.?H. H. Wu Lr'm.. ililli The Wonder of the Age < .randeat ?Ij*s ovary in the annal, of ?n*> I mi ne?Guarantee,* ?o ears rmirs di* ritvssa than any oth?*r osedwitoe.trostaaonat sp ay strm koowa to the saealkal post-aft*, aia.i. H VJ \N ' maite rcnsdy. I?et 'noture'e' true peoners*. V | r> a % ia an an.iarptir iferw**rn!< ?.HMntivrly drat , '-ra ami gol aa* Bind, moms and natara, nip aad ?> the mu ?;. ia :;.'tn : ii f ll a. p.r-n ?i.?-?tt ; . ieeo ot Mr,?nri. I alar- all Stol. - leo. all diaeasi - Sores. !>ior*s?*a. I t< N t I ?:?* aaral i Ul. - ? ' I . lax N ? / /// ? I / / WI r o t/f- I \ I . I IS WWII..)! F i r1 /?// .? /1 i ft i ft I/a Hudson's English Kr l tiri .1. He HID80N, Pr**,, rt >N? 'KIAL AKTIST. lohu < tn?j9* Nc ? Har ber *h .p. CHAH <>f tl tie- * ? ; town ti >f t' John Carey, i l .. I I ? i I>1 lit, e> o> e> * e> e> % e> ea e e ? * ? I v';'-'' ? ? r.,"lr<-<'in. ! ? ? * ? - ? ^ ney . 1'.- ? . ? ? # Chiff s^a-i1- As.,.'....,-'. e ? for fe|8aOII o basal'' A. Vf ? , e ? ror ti.*?**. ? ? ? -:?:- ? I I. A. BlAHlN ft CO. t ? # ? *> e> e> e> ? a * ? ? e>- e> o> DO NOT KUI* A ll - Or eb - Ta wt \ To lind a? 3 r?* to o:**t your Boots, SasttS, Noliniix aiud Family kroceni W lien y m tatJI timi tbein ri at Owl .Hfwwt. -ta?*es fr | M ? 8b ??? from . i' at ? ii a toad - tiour in rt OBl H ? - always re/iai- \ | bal tho South Boaad plows ond we alao band lr plows. Castings atc. Mict. Ear I. ea. ., ttw :? r > IN> Moiaaaes :?c per as**. Ls Other **t>oda rrmarivabiv L?>Y\ come and l?e convince. 1 IC AH CITS tx. SI1T2 f 0' l^ui; SALE.-TWO SIK.tBLE ?V Farms. Ont) cont.i tcroa. the