OCR Interpretation

Burlington weekly free press. [volume] (Burlington, Vt.) 1866-1928, February 06, 1891, SUPPLEMENT, Image 16

Image and text provided by University of Vermont

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn86072143/1891-02-06/ed-1/seq-16/

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Give Our Subscribers
Medical Book -
Ten Seaside Library Book
The Weekly Free Press
tyl3 Us mm
WSf W & & 'fef
rs iff
&i is
A big Trust has just gobbled up a number of Publishers'
fights, and wo arc going to show you how you can obtain
"nheard of. The big Trust referred to bought un all the rights of
uture publications, but wo secured 25,000 books" of the old Btock,
and we propose to give our readers the benefit of the deal. '
The Books are numbers of the Seaside Library, with the style
of which most people are acquainted. Many of the Hooks were
published at 20 cents each, many at 10 cents each ; and no more of
these will be printed to sell at these prices. The Trust means to
make more money.
0 wi' rencw 7ur own subscribtion to
U?..U ille Wkeki.y 1kkk Press for a year, send
The WiEKi.v Fkke Press for a year to a New Subscriber
AND SEND TO EAC M O E YO U Ten Hooks. The Two
Sets of Books and the papers all postage paid by us.
ifft 0 OH e W1H renew your own subscription, send
Iflu.ljU Jen Hooks each to I wo New Subscribers
SEND TO EACH Ten Books free of postage.
Any old subscriber renewing and sending us on
new subscriber and 25 cents may have
The new subscriber always gets ten Iiooks. Any
old subscriber renewing and sending us 50 cents more
than his subscription may have
No transfer from one member of a iamiiy to an
other will be considered as a new subscriber. These
books are Stones, .Histories, Biographies and Travels,
all by standard authors. They are sent direct irom
tiie publishers to our subscribers. We will trv and lol
low the wishes expressed by our subscribers, ' and send
them History, btory or Biography, as t.hey may de
sire, We cannot agreo to pick out any particular thing,
however. They are all good, and you want them. We
wish wo could have got more, btit it, was impossible.
As long as they last we shall let them go as above
indicated. When a man can swan an old dc.ll;.r fm t.wn
new ones, he is only waiting io know where to mako
I his tolls him where to xo to do it.
To Every Subscriber
ilftlnnf si
' 1
-OF Till).
6 inches wHr,
lit: inches thick.
480 Pages - - - Price $3.00.
We are pleased to announce that we have made arrangements
with the publishers of
The Bleeder's Guide and Practical Farmer
whereby we can supply that excellent stock, farm and house
hold journal 10 every subscriber
or 20 Cents a Year
nuil U19 page
paying $1 in
JJ.OO, delivered
this exchange.
Bo sure and got to work Af ()iut. Send us
names of those who do not take the Ywvx. Pmcss, and
who ought to take it. We will so, a! ihcmi simple copies.
When they have read those you can tind 110 dilliculty
in lictting their subscription. They will like the paper,
and will want some of those books. Vou must hurry
and got their subscriptions be I ore some other old
scriber gets in ahead of you. These are going last.
Free Press Association,
1 1 UK Li A J TON, V 15 It 3iO X T.
At tho earnest leipiest of n largo number of our friends who did not get n copy of "Our
lamiiy 1 nyswinn when we were ollormg it at as a premium last season, wa havo con
cluded to renew the oll'er for the coming year.
A new edition of tho book lias boon published which wo shall uso, and it Is printed on
better paper, and typographically it is much handsomer. Tho binding is changed. In--tead
of being bound in tho thick and clunisj- cover of lorinor edition). It is now rouered
in flexible cloth, with tho name "Our Tamily Physician" stamped on ono tid3. It this
shap-3 it 1 s ijoro of n handliook for daily Uso a volumo easily handled,
inoro readily turned.
We s-hall furnish it to subscribers of the I'iikk Press as follows:
To evety new subscriber who will take tho PittX PltKSS for ono yoar,
ndvHiu'o, wo v ill givo a cojy of tho new edition of this book prico )J
tree nt our ollice.
Our oxperienco with this book Inst season warrants us in saying that It is tho best
medical work for homo ue that wo liavo ever s,, i i.
Tho new voiumo contains JO pa;jos, and in forai is what is known as a royal octavo,
that is(to givo a bettor idea of its size) it is seven nid ono half inches long by llvo in'he
wido and one and ono half inches thick. It is pr:nted on cctr.i heavy paper and is hand
somely bound in cloth, with leaves cut flush, and with cinho.sed covers nn 1 gilt-lettore l
Tho reason why this book is so successful as a premium why we usod it lut snis-i-i
nnd shall use it again is tlint it i' ((Viviif fraia nil nfier irm-isi of lift l;inl civr pub
lished, find the difference is such thut U muhes it mora rn'iiciMe than any ur till oj
them 1
Tills is shown by tho following points in which it stands nlono nnd without an eipnl:
I'Mrht It Tr.APiir.s Thobk Who IIavk It How to Tkm. What thi: Mattui'. is
Wnn.v a Prusox Ciis Kick.
All similar books tell wh it to do if ;ou know what the disease is. This book tells
you how to dt !'! Ilir diitne. an 1 1'ieu whut to do for it (Wo will shniv vnn mm It
I does this if you will call and see us.
No Other Book Published Does This.
Second When a person is really attacked by a tf'fiiferomii'serfs, it enables von
to know tho fact, nnd in su.-h cases its ivivice is "Suml torn competent plivtician" nt
once." Ii,u in nil ordinary envi. siidi as cm bj cisi.y ir.. I (ml ei .t of ih ailments
of a family are of this kind, if only you could recognize thelin it giv.is fi,,l diiectious for
treatment. Tlu point is, that it, tei"!is you to di-.tiiuui.li b ,vj;i a i m and a
trijliinj dise&sa, and tells you when it is. necessary, and when nof ueces.irv, to call u piiv
sieian. No Other Book Published Does This
Thifd In its direction for treatoment it is not confined to tho practlai ti"l by
nnv t-ln-s nf phv-leinns ; but it give', p.n-ti ' , an i for uWi di-oase, tho molho.is
us.-d by eaeh of th ii:ir-r"nt 4.e"nool" of medicine ; and in all casus tho rivscrintioiia
are made by tne mo,l eminent men in their ro.-pective mo !es of pracilco. This makes '
no won: specially .suited to tba u 'ods of uvory family, n i matter what, "school" of modi-
ino tliey jirefer.
No Other Book Published Does This.
VSosides this there nro throo chapters in tho work which are worthy of spselal men
tion, namely, thoo on "Dhcnseg of Women," "Uisoasos of Infants. " and "C'arj of tho
Kick. "
'Jhe ilnt of thos a model of its kind. It is chaste in I.Tuua.', contains no ills
Ktisliug pic'ur. s h,r iluidivn to liapiieu on an 1 bo ovr-eurioiu nbo'it, and taken alto
gether is I lie mo.t practical, sensible and straightforward treatise upJii tills delicatu sub.
juct thai ha . ov r lieou primed.
This i-hnp;er nlona is worth maiiv times tho cost ot llio book to every mother, evjn if
it ha I tubo piirehasml nt it) i.giilar price.
The mil r caupters referred lo t.r equally woll wrilt 'ii ami valuable.
l!u: wo n.vd nut lurlher enlarge up.jii Ihouu'rits of lh) IiuiU. , Iuve aid ouough
lo ttibsli.utiate o.ir claim that it tsdllleront Irom all similar books, r.;..i to shoiv that i' ii
wen wortu Having.
Hundreds of porsons In thii couiitv got tho book last year, and uvory ono of thorn j
will snv a good word for it. Wo print below ivhnt a few of our well known citta Mi s say I
rognr ling it.
If you olroady Inve a copy ot tho work you know how valuable it U, nnd what a'
treasuio it is in any home. I
Do you want to ivn -w your sub.crlptiou nnd got us osn now subscriiior, and so got !
nuntliur copy ilntL you can givo to some friand of yours, so-.n i son, or daughter who U
mnrril and ;;onu liiiiii lioine. or Homo family that woud highly prio sucu n bo k If
jou tlu, now u yoiif opp-irlun.tv, for wo .shall not oll'er thibmk aftar this se iuii.
ThU b. ok will bo given lie.i nt our olilco to new sulcrib rs w hn euil us iJl.OOfori
tiie WriSKl.v l''lli:il l'.;s for on ve i . It will in i;iv m n a pr u t u ! i iriv o I who
Minds us a now siil).,..j,.),,u ,n .i m t)..,,(v hipKci 'r als i ?-it,'lu c i com of th bjjk.
It will lie sold to sr.Uiei-ilior on'y for $.. i ). p.),t, i ;s prejuid. If llio bo i's Is to lu suit '
ii iiiaii 4. iMiun must no en '.0-.J.I to pay p.,st:.,;e.
wnat is tne sulfle and Farmsr 1
Tiie Guide and Farmer is a -iO-column stock
and farm paper, issued twice each month and
chuck full of practical, valuable information tor
the farmer and stock raiser it is a fearless ex
ponent of the various farmer.?' organization- ;.ud
should be in the household of every larmcr and
horse-man in the State, ll has a department do
voted to the various organizations of fanners,
which are creating so much interest at this thn
This department contains about, a!i the news re
garding the larmors' movement and is t'eurh a id
out-spoken upon the questions ot vital importance
to their welfare.
We have sample copies to distribute
This is a Good Paper.
.Is a necessity in eeiy home.
Will supply its readers with an excellent Diction
ary of a
.are bdition
In clear typo, printed on u'ood paper, u:ivin in;:,
dear, definitions, but without illustrations. Ir i.- a
liandsome book, well bound in handsome c'.o'Ax
binding, and plainly lettered in gilt.
Any subscriber may secure this upon payment
mentol 1. It not, quue satisfied with it, we wi 1
return his money, lts postage.
'Free Press Association
1 B UKLliS ii TON, VlilWIOJIT.
JJitrlhigion, Vurmunt,

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