OCR Interpretation

Burlington weekly free press. [volume] (Burlington, Vt.) 1866-1928, June 16, 1910, Image 15

Image and text provided by University of Vermont

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(Continued from prige r.)
ft Batcholder. Tlio delegation will ko tm
Inr.trtiated ami was enpowered to elect
I own hlleriutos anil tn fill any vacui
ty If thole should bo such. A motion ln
Mruetln; tlio dolcmition to voio (nr Mr.
Hup -nod ot l'cni, vn3 Inst, The ot.l tn
?nbll, .in town committee wai re-elected.
.T M MVlibotts, nephew of Joseph M'ob
licttn ot tllih place, bus lrslnod .is prill
rl'inl of tin: IiIkM sihoul ill K,e Junc
tion, nml has ni'ccpliMl a similar position
In Northllold, Miss Patch has been ciulto
1 1 'or a frw days, mid t M.iiton Mt.-N-
ii.sti'v'x, Airs, Prank llnli'lii'Mor nt
lf led tin? class ilnv
'naiy In n,uro luH week. Her son,
Kin Jialcheldu-, wan n. member of
I i--.-i.Mr. ami Mrs. Pied Thomas
'I I.i.st j?.., in-day In tlardwick.-Mi-H.
"ii Llord .ultti Ill from neuruh;l.i. -I.
dllli M Mulch, home do. ill rt limn t
le ret ,x ,,f t1P HimOiiy school, .ii.di-c-6.-ud
nixdlni; here .Monday evening,
Vt nml Mr. .1. C. Klimnl.iity spent
)miliv v Itli Mr. rim! Mr. ivr n.,..i..
l Mrs Pntilolt Ncrney, Mr. ami
W. Buckley wile In Mnntpellvr
II. Wind wont to llurlln;
where In.- wan an over Sun
' i live. Martin frlllotto
' . n.'il his MMir, Mrs. At.
1 i'n i irl.itlvi a last Snt
" i- Air and Mrs. Albert
V.ldr, i, . f I!, in, i,, lti-d
I1.' .Hid W. . Klnim.
' -1 M.im I iy. -Alls'. CI. C.
I- S Wiu-1 anil dnutrh
i'M lin.--d.iy fur Mount
V l.lll- t I II I o the gUCStl
I -I " . if diuitfhtor.
I iai . (irlfUii w I i v .it. r, .ur Sattir
fla Sli J r ,t,i has been
t"iti- 111, Is 'n-tm- Mis- Aland Johnson
s, S"t,day i.l t1 , iimm i.i j, - parent-.
'1 ' :v. and Mis. I). W. Craw foul n
U ! I'loni South IIimo i'rlday. (J. C!.
f 1 H Hlcep.1- and Walter Child wero
' M i.t, I- ury Tuesday. Mrs. p. K, CJrlf
'i'i .u-d Ml, ii. H. Austin spent Thurs
" y i-i AI..nin-lkr.
A r
B .d..y. c.
Il Siiti.tdiiy.
fl V I ,,l
I ii
' . I-1 .
ii' Li 1
T S mil
Sun 1 i
i s ni.il Mi
M ,i-ion ',
' i Alul ,
'. -. I.ci,
Hi- kliifTlinni win .send an unln-!lr-irtr,
iieleijatlon to the Ptaic re
inlill"aii eonventlon. The delcirates
nr- I-'. G. I'k-rro, O. It. Wales, v. r.
irlth. A. T. riei-ro. X. . nivoll, J V.
I.i W. C. Itelknnp and -.. A. Mnnrc.
At .ong- the deli-h-ntos are both .Mead
ard I'Ir-elwoor' boomers and Hatchuldor
will 1 live -oino following.
HtuiniT learned that she was soon
o 1 e i irrb-d the frlem's of AIlss Alary
r- . nr. lor the KUldaneo of Mrs.
'. '! i fi Phlld Freeman and Mrs. Oily
n id.-. lined and carried out a
did shower of linen -u her home
' nt three oVlnek. Miss Suslo
i Is nt home after completing- a
' -nirso at a Ilnston school of
il n lenro. After tlio vncatlon Fhn
fiinviim the oltlei and towns of
s.i 1 iisetts to wain Information ro
liiiir tho blind residents of that
ht.i'e under the direction of the com
nil ion on tlio blind. Albert I.. Morso
l.is nnlsbed sawing out 1715,00" fo.-t of
liiml-er, mostly ppruee, at South Stock
brMe He will now move his mill to
urn thor part of tlio samo town where
Ik has a contract which will last most
,.f to summer. William JI. KlttrodKo
mil his son, William, are working at
il e rranlto business on l.onp Island.
Airs, l.nen It. Aliimtt ieturiied .Mon
day to Franklin Tall,, n., after
lsltlni? at Mrs. J" phlno l.ane's.
Alrs. John T. Ue"l of Worcester, Alass,
hero for commencement week,
I'rar.ls, the rdjiht-year-old son of
J'r 1 A llcox, bocanie 111 with dlph-
thoila hiiiulay. The case is a lltrht
Dno. riilldien's day was llttlnsly cele
brate 1 nt the .Methodist Church Sun
day mornlntf. with a conceit by the
Kunday school. Tlio citizens have
Eii'iscrlbod $r. 0 towards a serle.s of
tiand concerts.--Robert S. Noblo ex
pocta to enter liartmouth Coll(K? next
fall. Air. and Airs. J. I'. Alarsli and W.
ft. ( Httcknej were in lbirro Saturday
ht tho fjn.ral of the Into Nathaniel
AVhittlor --Mrs. I.'red Williamson. Jr..
Is In South rioyalton helping, -care for
1 L". Cook, who lately fell am. Viiolie
lis hip. Airs. Harriet 51. Anei of
lioston Is a Kinisl of AIlss Alabol Dyixo
5Ir. and Airs Arthur Von Nyvenhelm of
Koston arrived Alouilay for a month's
Etay at J'. I. Alai'tln's. Alls. Piescott II.
Kincr."-on and .Miss Allnnle 'Kinersun ie
urned Tuesday to Halem, X. 11., after a
liilt at 1'red WlU'rim-oir.-Alfied Spar
rel and family went Tuesday n Ilelcher
town, Alais., whrre ho has bought a farm.
- llufclness Is brisk at the Woodbury
Ornnlta foinpanj'n rutting plant, fully
125 men belnf; employed, Including about
100 cutters All boanllnir houses and ho
lel are overcrowded. -i Mini b-s W. Wilson
Is ''UlldlliK a barn.-Slneo the fi'tlliiment
it the milk till;i! on a ba'ls favorable to
Iho prf.ducoru most of tl.o patmns of tho
HoodH have icsuined shipments. Tho fnr
lierii nro to rpeelvo t-o-cilled winter
price." for all but two month'i of the
Mur -N. W. I'oruio, a ruinincir finest at
Mio Inn, Is a teacher of Kl yonrV expurl
inco In Kllrnbfth and Itahway, N. ,I
mil has Just retired fium tho piofesslon
tn half pay. He has spent niu-it of Ills
lummer vneatlons lor 20 years In Ver
nont, Intluillnir hurl low, Itutlaurl, Pltts
Jold and llothel. Ho and his wlfo both
preferred Vermont for a summer home,
though not natives of thl. Statu. Sho
lied last year In JMttsllnld. Air. Pease
rim principal of an elemental y i-hool of
Iboiit 1,800 pupil.
Tho only contest In the lepubllcan cau
cus held from -tidl to 5:110 Tuesday nfier
norm was over tho .State ticket, In which
13 votes wero rast for the ibileKalcs
pledjed to the candidacy of Fieilerlck a.
rieetwood for the nomination for uov
jrnor nirnliiHt r.s for thro Dr. John A.
Mead. Tho succersful ticket follows: nolo
fatos, Dr. Otto V. Oreene, AVIIIIiini r.
nifforrt. A. I.ee duly, finth 51. Wash
burn; altiimatus, Cluy Wilson, I.ysandnr
M ireath, lumjamlii O. Ilundy, Jameii ,
Marsh The dnlt,'atcs to tho dlatrlct con
vention are,- It. J. Hint. It. K. liurnett.
II II Dlnsmore, IJr IU 51. CMiase, Tho
ilele(rates to tho county convention, tin
pleilKed, but favorablii to tho nonilnatlon
of l-J A Davis for senator, are: W. II, C
Rtlrknoy, A. I.ee Only, It J Flint, Dr.
O D, (Jieptie, W. II Edmunds and K
5f Wpston MMir cauciii wan tho l.wfteHI
fir rrvi 1 ' irs, and w.i who
liclni- challenged nncl teams and auto
mobiles employed to brliiR In the voters.
-Arthur Gordon, of Windsor Is hero for
commencement wouk.A council of phy
ulclatm will bo held In tho enso of draco
Bradley, who Is III with parnlysls, follow
Ini; diphtheria. Henry Unidley, tins fourth
member of that family, becanio III Wed
nefilny. The class day exorcises on the AVhlt
comb high school campus at throi? o'clock
yesterday afternoon woio favored with
the best weather of tho season and they
worn well nttendrd. The program wa'n
ns follows, l're.sldout Itobort K. Ilundy
In tin? chnlr: Address of welcome, Joopii
I-'. Wilson: rl'isH hlatory, Sophia N. l)u
liols; slatllles, Itobert 1?. Adams; 1910 In
nthletlis, tlioruo I, Ahbott, Jr. J prophecy,
Ij. Chnrlotle ,Hoyce; ode, Hebecca IJ. Fish;
nddrcs to undergraduates, Asa II. Chnt
fleld; pn-si-iitatlon to school, 11. Hilda
Samls-pi-P. mcepled by John X. Heck with;
class will, Forrest 8. Woshoiii, Jr.. road
by Ml-s l'enrl Qale.A I.ee fady In visit
ing Ills Miter, Airs. W. A. Woods In Wat
orhury. riuy Wilson Is Attending the dio
cesan convention and the ltev. S. F. Clood
heart the C'oiiKrrKatlonal convention In
Tho pis uiipledHCd delegates fiom Hart
ford to tho Slate convention uro C). W.
Daley. 1). A. F.lllott, Scott Tlnkham, E.
A. Harrows. A. IJ. Watson and C. It.
Jamiison. Tim delegates to tho hecond
cniiKi esslonal district eonventlon am H.
P. Dense, J. f). Hani!-, H. H. Stevens, 11.
K. Alutii'ell, F. A. Cnrr and CI. K. Alalin.
Tho town favors Frank I'lumley. Tim 12
delegates to the Windsor county conven
tion are Instructed to vote, for Ituymoud
Tialnor for Stale's nttorney. 'J'he town
comniltteo consists of F. I. Falmer, Bcntt
Tinkham, 11. II. Slmonds, F. I,. Divls,
A. K. Watson, W. W. 5Iunsel, H. A. l'er
rln, C. I.. Ix! Honneau, Arthur Hough nnd
H. A. Falmer.
At a small but enthusiastic caucus
held at town 1 nil Tuoday afternoon,
Oeorijo T Hascn. s. N. Taylor and Hurt
,'llo were e'.!-, !!-!! deleyates to tho
ropubllcan State .onviMitlon. A reso
lution Instructing the dologates to
vote and use their lnfluunco for F. (1.
Flootwood for (fovernor was carried
without opposition. MMio same dele
irntes will attend tho congressional
eonventlon to lenomluata (.'oniress
mnn Frank FKimley. Alarsh o. Ter-
j 1:1ns, Gilbert A. Davis, Kdward It.
j liuck, Frank S Halo and (Icoiko T.
. I f ii 5:011 were ele-ted delegates to the
county convention o ha held at Wood
stock not veck and were Instructed
to vote for .Tame H. KInlry of this
town for she-riff'.
Tho funeral of Frank C'hapf.le, who
was killed at the l'erelvul Furniture fac
tory, was held 5I'nd.iy moining al the
home of his KnindfUher, Albert Water
man. At tho republican caucus held
June II, the following delegates Mere
chosen for the State convention: Dr. O.
J Kill.-. lieoiKi- TiiHcert and A. J. Eaton.
The! were instructed for nretwood.
.Mr and Airs. K. F. Aloody have a dau?li
tei, born June H lieoige lirnwn la at
tetidliifr court at Woodstock.
Airs. Kate Fndenvood went to her
homo In Lawrence, Mas., Saturday.
i vs has liuen lecelvi-d of the death of
1 nark-s Hackett at I'otwlam, N. . Air.
Hiickett was funnel ly a resident of this
town. The ltev. I.. D. chiis,, of Xorth
Sprlngllolil will preach nt the 'ungreg.i
tional CMiurch next Sunday evening at
i s o chick. AIlss J.ena Dnublnlay Is
passnK several days in Woodblock.- Airs.
S. Alae Kemp lias returned from I.ynn,
Alass. -1 he ltev. Henry A. T'aikhuist of
Ib-thi'l will preach at the UnlversalM
CMiurch next Sunday at 2:3) p. 111. AINs
Abble (1. Johnson ot AVe.st Fall lee is a
gtiest at the ltev. W. ('. HoutweU's. Air.
nud Airs. Harcourt Ford, who have been
In Xorth Dakota fur the past year, 111
liverl last week at the home of her par
ents. .Mr. and Airs. Slna l.owry. Willi , m
Flint, Jr., was in Burlington over Sin
day. A Sunday staRe now pa.sses thrmm'i
here to Rochester, and returns late In t .
afternoon so Boston Sunday papers m.l
be on sale at the postolllce. Oeorgn W
mnn and family of East Wnlpole, 51., .
wire visitors at the homo of h's fatVr,
Alaitln I.. Wiman. over Sunday. Wii: u
Kellum, Jr., of West Concord, X. H, 3
pusslng a week with his grandpa .-,
Air. and Alls, J. D, Waller. Alt s. II l(.
Dean of Alontpeller Is In town -.M s.
James Wheeler, who has lecently ret n
ed ft om Klrksvlllo, AIo., Is vliltm.; in
town. Airs. W, A. Swlnyer and Ati w ,,i.
den White aie attending the fl. A. It en
campment In Alontpeller this week
Fnpleflged delegates to tho Stat, con
vention arci W. II, Ounpbcll, K. II i;d
gi rl on, IT. H. Cushman, E. S. Frer h, to
the district convention, O. I Clree.ev, D.
D. Pierce, II H. CMiaffrjf, Janus Walker!
The ltev. I', U Dow of llutland preach
ed at the Mctlioillst Phureli Inst Sunday
morning and evening, in tin ei ning
the 'ongir-statkinnl people lolned wm, tho
AtethodNts In thilr i;erlce Willis Kent
of .Vev Voik city Is here IsltliiR his
paniits, the P.ev. and Airs. K uts Kent.
-.Much corn is still implanted .lnfl ,v,at
has hern planted Is having a hard tusle
to live and gim. ilrass Is thriving.
Sunday afternoon as a young man was
driving down through Iho streets his
boiho's bit broko and the animal ran Into
a telephone polo, blinking the carriage
badly, -F. W. Kellogg: has n vnJiiablu
horse that has beta very slek with lock
Jaw. Tho horso was treated with tlio
antitoxin nnd Is getting welt.-dloraee. S.
Lewis, a long-llmo resident of Benson, Is
wiy Mck at his home In the north part
of the town. I.. A. lioldim Inst n good
horso the past week after two days' sick
ness. This Is one of three horses that
have liiiceuuibid to sickness thU spring.
There nuns to be a phenomenal amount
of sickness among domertic animals with
an liii'lliiatloii to fatuity. A union prayer
Hireling will bo held nt the Cengreea
tlonal chapel Thursday evening of thu
Alethodlst and Congiegallonal pcoplo at
which thi-ro will bo several piano recitals
by Willis Kent of New York,
secretary mndo his annual report. (Ireot
tings from the Baptists of the Statu were
extended by tho ltev. 1., J. Bamberg of
Alontpeller, from the Free Baptists by tho
ltev. 11. 1'. Parker of Watethury renter,
from the AlethodlsU by Dlsttlct Suix.'rln
lendent W. H. Stnlthers of Alontpeller, and
from tho I'nltarlans by tho ltev. Dr. J.
Edward Wright of Alontpeller.
The annual sermon wii preached this
afternoon by the ltev. W. Pnrkyn .lark
sun of St. Albans. Ills theme wna "The
End of tho Commandment." The sacra
ment followed, conducted by the ltev. 15,
P. Stowe of llutland nnd the Ilev. H. I,.
Ballon of Chester.
An own ti recital by AV. A. BriggM
opened the exercises thla evening. Tho
convention w-na cordially welcomed by
the Hon. Joseph A. DeBoer, himself n
communicant of another church. This
address by .Mr. Deltoer and the happy
response by President Buckhnm were
features of the evening service. The ser
mon to-night was by tho J to v. Dr. (1.
Glenn Atkins of Providence, It, I. His
mbject wan "Tho Affirmation of nn Ago
of Doubt" and It was handled In the
masterly manner that was naturally ex
pected by tho tunny Vermontcrs who
know Dr. Atkins and his gift of oratory.
To-tnorrnw mornlnir the convention
will give way for two hours to en
able the Vermont Domestic Allsslonary
society to hold Ks annua convention.
Tho event looked forward to with ex
pectancy Is the address to-morrow
evening by tho ltev. Itockwell Har
mon Potter of Hartford, Conn., on
"The Corporation of Jesus."
Tho P.r-v. O. It. Houghton of Bakers
fliild Is the scribe of the convention
nnd the Iter. C. C. Adams of Esfox
Junction the n'slstant scribe.
Tho repoit of John M. Comstoc.k.
the corresponding secretary, whs of
special Interest. This l the 20th con
secutive year .Mr. Commstock has
served In that capacity. His reprut
showed that thin la the seventh time
the convention lies been held In Alont
peller. Former sessions were in 1S1IS,
1S27, ISM, Uflrt, 1170 nnd 1MR. No
Congregational minister in nctlvo ser
vice has dlo.l during tho past year,
and only one In Vermont, tho ltev.
Ceorge N. Kollong, who for otght I
yenrs was pastor at .Morris vllle.
Air. Com.stock's leport also showed j
Hint the total number of Congrega
tional churches In Vermont is now 214 j
and the total membership Is 22. (OS, an I
Increase of 134 during the past ypnr. (
1 an west .union Church has disband
ed. Churches at Worcester. TCirby
and Itlpton me totally Innctlve. New
churches have been organized or re
organized during tho yenr at West
Rochester nnd Alburg, The total r
miivnls of membership for the past
year is fifift, bv death 3S1, by dismissal
514 and by dlnclpllno 101. The actual
gain In 1 evident membership Is 92.
The Increase in Sunday t-ohool mem
bership has besn 102. The benevo
lent contributions ninount to Jlfi,S73
an Increasj over last year of $1,100.
The gain In valuation of church prop
orty Is $71, 150, and In Invested funds
Is $12,573.
MMio standing committees nppolnted to
day ore: On business, tho ltev. C. C
St. (Mair of Aroirisvllle. J. E. MMnkcr of
Danville, the Ilev. W. F. Whltcomb of
On nominations, the ltev, Evan Thorn
as of Burlington, the ltev. J. A. Scbaurle
o) Hartford and B. C, Claddings of
On flnajice. the Hey. F. W. Raymond
of Proctor, Georgo H. Cross of St. Johns
bury, John R. Hill of Johnson.
State (.'ongrclTlllloiilllUlN In until All.
mini Convent Inu Prmlilt-at lluck
lilim PrrnldrH.
Montpeller, June 14. Tho 115lh annual
convention of the Congieg.atlonnJ Church
es of Vermont opened thU afternoon In
Bethany Church with 1) or more dele
gates pieent, Tho Hcv. M. 11, Buckham
! prr sl li nt of tho reinvention
Folloulni: tho oivanlnitlon and ap
pointing of committee John At, Com-
' I nil II 1 1 ll, 1J t W,llllllt-VlX JIIMl .U, v Olll-
Veuteil uh to tho KtuU tickot, aoveral vote jctock of aiaUto, tha con-ejponiUna
M. Alliiiim Iteimlillciinw Want Tciiiimr-
nr- Coiieiilliiii (lllierrn to He
St Albans, June 15. The republican
caucus to elect delegates to tho Statu con
vention yesterday was largely attended
i ne .ieau ticKet won by a vote of
about 1 to 1. George C. Stevens was elec
u i-iimniian Willi u. .s . lielton, secre-
tary- I. T. Iceman presented the follow
ing ticket for Fleetwood: I,. J. Alorton.
AI. D. Armstrong, N, E. IVEcuyer, 11. V
Hatch. . 1). Chandler. W. P. TwlKg nnd
Frank U. Greene. The 51 end ticket was
prti-enterl by Warren It. Austin as fol
lows: II. Charles Royco, Dr. J. CI. Per
rault, Frank E. Greene, J. A. Jarvls,
Geo. J. Barrette, Barney F Kelley and
Jntnes II. Dnly. The vote resulted: For the
-Mend ticket, 149; for the Fleetwood tU li
ef, 42.
The reason that Colonel Greene's name
was on both tickets, whuu ho Is an
indent Fleetwood man, was that tho Alen
following appreciated tho honor shown
Colonel Gicono by the Stato committee
in lelectlng him as chairman of tho com
mit lea on resolutions and therefore gave
him a place on the ticket that he mlnht
SO to the convention. Col. Clieeno In n
brief fpeech spoko of the peculiarly em
barrailng position lio was placed In, but
announced that he would be for I'Mcet-
wood first, last and all the time.
On nccount of tho peculiar conditions
which have urtsm over the selection of
tlio'o designed by tho Stato comniltteo
to act as officers of tho convention.
whereby it lias happened twice In this
city that men selected to officiate at the
State coiivenion have been with the niln-
orlt nnd could not possibly attend the
convention as delegates eveept by the
graie of the opiM.isltloii, the following
lesolutlon wnii adopted:
'Resolved, That this raiiriiB authorl!
and Instruct its dulegstes to the Statu
convention, to propose to thu convention,
such a moillllcatlon of thu rule of the
republican organisation ris will enable
the Stato committee to appoint a tempor
ary chairman of the State convention and
a temporary chairman of tho committee
on resolutions, without regarJ to tho
mombershp of the convention."
There wit no contest over the selec
tion of delegates to attend tho first dW
trtot congressional convention to bo held
In Burlington on tho 28th and tho follow
ing delegates were elected, with power
to till any vacancies: II, Charles Rovce
Warrun R. Austin, H. P. Steven, J. C,
Norton, AI. D. Armttinng, R. Humplco and
Georgo T, Child.
1 Every
1 18th,
1 lende t
Item Offered for
and Monday, June
o Competition.
20th, Is a G
8 O
We are positive that they cannot be met
&k) Low thm our three stores are sure to be crowded. Tills
has been the busiest store in Burlinnfop for th
js ej ......., kJ'we
I weetcs, despite the cry of business depression. Everv cuisto-
mer Knows way we have been ana will continue to be Bur
lington's busiest store, for the reason we are selling flue
than any other store in this vicinity.
well tniloroil suits, in Vfor.stcrts, Cheviots 40
;ind GiissiiiiLTtih, luitHisoiiiij models, 111
tlio must (Ifsirnblt) similes, iuehuliii
pin in nml inner blue hCfKC $15 to .-L!0
values nt rf'u.UO,' $7.50 hiitl $10.
Ufli' Lndios' I'nion Suits, fine :nv.Q
lisle, lnee trimmed 21c ea.
Alen's Khaki Shirts 10 rinz. in ull
Infants' Straw nnd Muslin Bonnets.
$J. $1.5() and $12.00 values, drummers,
Mimples, n very beautiful cnlleetion CHALLENGE NO. 16
$1.25 Hoys' Yiei Kid Shoes, sizes S to
V3 -' Walton mill;
'Atwood" Suspenders 10c styles
25c Kubber Collars, nil the
. .121-2c
Ladies' Shirt Waists, in 15 different
models $1. 1o $1.50. values, sizes "2 to
14 69c
111'ln I.iili'ni- ll.cn 1il.,ol- ..,,.1
- j yj ..f.i.t. ... ii'Di, iii i lull IV UIIW t
Tan 7c K'S"lnr
Hoys' Khaki Bloomer Knee l'nnts. HHe
value 19c
.Men's Half IIosp, in Blaek and Tan,
Men's Khaki Pants witli belts $1.00
value 39c
Boys' Vici Shoes, sizes 4 to 5; $2.00
value 98c
Men's Hnlbriprirjin, Underwear, Short
and Loiifr Sleeves. Drawers are dou!
seated, in Cream, best 25c garnim.s.
al 19c
10 Doz. Boys' Blue Serge Knee Pants,
regular $1.00 value. Sale price 48c
$5.00 Boys' Suits, in .Russian for the
smaller ones and double breasted Knick
erbocker for the larger boys, includiiig
all-wool serges at 2.98
Ladies' Patent. (I
Pumps and Oxfords, 2.00 vnluos. T
This Challenge Sale is a signal to buy. The values through
out our store are matchless. You will not
find them elsewhere
38, 40, 42, 44, 46 Church Street Burlington, Vermont
...m nn i.au.ij .nun n niiMMMji c.Miii AIp's l?ny Cn f. IUn,.1ior Put Sluwc I.o.lio,- 'P..;t 1 nr.... r. ....
, s.,..,,., i nuuLci iisri ."Miir.R mnMn fY
values, all sizes, per pair $1.23 LilK,, aml Jm,J01.tP(l I(opp han(lsomolv
embroidered in "White, Tan. Blue, Lav
ender and Rose, $S. and $10 value.. $4.93
luster and Mrs. Marv (! lieikwllh of
I. dluft, all State oftlci-iti of the Woman's
lit ,n f I'orps. RetlrliiK Commander A. il
l-'ianKlln of M'ownshend nnd staff inait-
d 1 1 iu Inrtlei. IU freahment worn Ferved
Tim affair, which was Informal In ch ir-
I'eter, was laisely ain iineil. I no hiaio
nsseinhly will meet to-morrow mnrnliu
tt nine o'clock In tho C linrch of the Jles-
biah, the dlvlt.lon eneampment of the
mid arnn "111 meet at the armory and
the Iulles of the Grand Army at Trinity
Methodlnt CMiorch,
Relief C'orpn lSutrrtnlned liitoriniilly
Alembn-a of I'nlrliille Soeletirii.
Jlontpeller, June If.. -'rim rellrinK offl
eein of Iho Vermont Awienitjiy of tho Wo
man's Relief CnrpH, which iiieutH hero to
morrow In iinniial convention, ;uvo a
reeejitlon thin evenlnK In tho narlora of
tlio I'nvllloii hotel to Ri deligntm to tho
noveral iMitiloilc bodies that mot hore to
morrow and to tho Kcnnral puhllo,
Mis. II. N ltiBlmt, of Randolph, tho Tt
tlrliiK Hiatr pi i-siduiit, wn nHulnted In
receiving j,y .m,h x:(iiut. I,. Jewett ot
Kwnnton, Mrs, R. Uiulwe liolninn nnd
Mrx. I.nclnda I? nnveland of Randolph,
Mm. Ktoiichtuii of Royalton, Mrs. 11miln
Jonei, of UnrlltiKlon, Mrs. Kmrna A. I.a
1'olnt of l.urrn, Mrs. 1-Morenco 'aates of
Swiintun. Mm, Unry II. Clomlwln and
Mr. Kato IX i.eQ of Wells Rlvor, Mm.
Nclllu fr'niytlio of Ht. Jnhnptmry, Mrs.
f'lara NIts of Morrlsvllla. Mrs. Kiln
Ilohorta of .Montpo)toi Lam
ton of luuttuboro, Jr MVKb- Bturjr of
'I'vt a
One Will He l.rreted .lulnllj hy
StnteN nt frnivn Point, X, V,
At a Joint meetltiK of tho New Votk
nnd Vermont tercoiitenary eommlfNlons.
held M'uemhiy afternoon at the aVan Nes
MoiiFe. resoliitloim wure paused hy each
oommlHfloii to erect a CMiainplaln memoi--ial
at t'rown Point, X. Y., Jointly, I-'or this
ptjipwo the Vermont rommiK.slon 111
l-'lve the funds at Its disposal, amounting
to IH."" r J13,(KO nnd tho New York roin
ml.silon a fljm not len tlian
A niemlier of tho New York conimlHslon
dald Tnenlny that ahont S"0,t,00 was
availahlo from that nldo for memorial
puiposeM. Tho Hum reinalnlnw after tho
erection of tho Joint memorial will proh
ahly ho devoted to Mjme sou of a monu
ment to fSumunl Chiunplnlii at llluff
1'olnt, N. Y.
Tho rePolutlonH fettling tho slto of the
memorial wero passed hy tho rommls
slonu In wpaiale se.islonn. A Joint moet
InB wan then held which ratified tho ac
tion taken separately. It was fin thor de
cided that a committee of thren or llvo
members from each commission should
he appointed to take cliaiKn of the ar
rangements for tho permanent memorial,
the ohalrmnn of tlio sumo heltiK empow
ered to Increase the membership of th-.
rominllteen as may ho deemed necoFHiiry.
Tho Vermont eommltteo '-oiiflsU of 1'resl
dent John M, Thornim, V II t'rockett
and O. T Jurvln. The New York rom
mltMo tuw not fwt boon announced.
The two committees will l i' Wanh- j through to-morrow, lllshop A. C. A.
Iim-tnn, piobahly before the tel of the Hall of Rurlliistoii Is presiding,
month, to confer with the Mh; house J rollowlns holy communion an or-
lu roferenie to the liulldlnjr of he memo
rial. It In thought that the monument to
r'hamplnlii may tako the form of a light
house. MMio metnhjrs of tho Vermont com
mission present worn fin v. Ci. II.
l'routN, I.. ,M. Hays, W. .1. Van Rat
ten, W. II. Crockett, Arthur K. Stone,
l'lesident J. M. Thomas, fleorfte T.
.Inrvls. and If. W. iiaiiey. Tho .Now
York memliera weie Hon. II, Wallace
Knapp, lion. II. W. II111, Hon. W. C.
Witheibee, W. It. Weaver, .1. A. I-'o.
loy, 1 lowland Tell. Hon. .lohn 11. Riley,
.1. II. liootli ami I.ouls l I.afountaln.
Two tneniliers of each commission wero
The following resolutions were adopted
by tho Vermont commission: Resolved
In view of the fact that the New York
Tercentenary commission hac lei-onsklei-id
Itt. notion locatlntr a (Miamplalll Mem
orial at llluff I'olnt, New York, and has
expressed Us wllllliKness to imlto with
the Vermont commission in electing a
Joint memorial, that the Vermont com
mission hereby votes to unite with the
New York eoinmli-slon In eiectlntt a Joint
memorial at Crown I'olnt, N Y., provid
ed that rommlFsloii nries theroto.
Tlio resolutions patsed by tho Now
York commission wuio as follows! He
folved That tho New York commission
accept the offer contained In the resolu-
Hon of tho Vermont commission of this
dato to unite tt Ii tho Vermuut commis
sion In the erection of a Joint memorial,
mid Hint It contribute not less than 3."i,.
iXKl for the election of tills joint nn. modal.
tlon of tho Rev. W. I Weeks of Shol
liurne aH secretin y. with tho Rev. J. C.
Colt of Windsor and W. C. Dernard
of ChitMor as assistants.
Tho vat lous standing commmitteos
made up of one eleriryinan and two
laymen wore appointed by lllshop Hall.
Tim Rov. Ci. Y. Illlss of l'.urllntrton
read tho report of tho staudlnK cum
mlttoe and reKistrar. O. R. Joluuu-n of
MIm Mirj- Hnynea. The KToom and the
best man, Cluy Crosier of North Adam,
Mass., took their places before the altar
and received the bridal party, composed
of the usheis. Henry Hathaway, J. W.
llond and (1. C. AinT of Kpriius.leld, Mass.,
and Henry Fuller of this eiiy: the brides
maids, MHs Marrruerltn Yv'ard ot Middle
town, Conn., and Miss KWvia Peutney of
llurll'iKton, the mnld of honor, Miss Julli
aajiford of Warwick, N. V., nnd the bride.
The double tins' ceremony was used,
I 'lion tho return of tho bridal party to
the. home on .South Union street Mr
HurllnKton made hi-, annual report Ciould and Mrs. Johnson wero married,
which was acropted and adopted. , t a,, meinhers of the hihlal party aotlnif
Oeorh'o Rriforp of Montpeller reported , .us attendant... 11 as a complete mirprlsa
for tho comniltteo on trust funds of to the iiuoMs. After a short reception
tho dlocebo, Rev. Rarnby I.each of , the two newly married eounles left on
Rlohford spoke for the eommltteo on
Sunday i.chool work, nnd tho report
of Kpencer Hinds of IlurlliiKton, tho
treasurer, hhowed tho tlnancea of tho
dlocose In Rood condition.
Tho annual address by lllshop Hall
was srlven this afteinoon. Tho topic
for discussion this ovenlniT was tho
missionary work of tho diocese.
llliahoii Hull TreolilrH tit li'Olh
nml (JUih ddrrm
Montpollor, June 15. MMio 120th nn
nual convention of tho Kplscopnl Plo
roso of Vormnnt openod this mnrnintr
In Christ CMiurch, nnd will continue
Mnrrlmte of Vlils Joliiiion lnlckl
l'ullord by 'I'linl or Her llothrr.
Oeonte llouchton Wli;ht of Sprlnrfleld,
Mass., nnd MIfs Vlda Johnson, daughter
of Mrs. Mnttlo I'ost Johnson of Hurling
ton, were iiiairlivl yesterday mornltiB at
tho lMrst Hnptlst Church, the Rev, F. U,
l'enney performliiK the ceremony. He-i-ldedly
In the nature of a rurprlse camo
tho mnrrlngo of the bride's mother to
I'red M. Ciould of this city, which took
place nt the home of Mrs. Johnson on
South Union Htrret durliiK tho weddlnt,'
reception of her dauuhtcr.
M'ho ceremony at the church took place
nt 10:30 In the preFonco of a Inw number
of KUests. Tho altar was decorated with
pnluin, hay trees nnd cedara, sprinkled
hero and there with larito bouquets of
people?. Preceding the ceremony the
nmrcli from lhonRrlu was played by
the noon train for their honeymoon i.
Miss Johnson wore embroidered crepe
metoor, trimmed with duchess lace, a
white picture hit and c.nrted lilies of tho
valley. Tho bi McMrv.lds wore pink em
broidered "Ilk, black picture hats and
carried shower bouquets of pink sweot
pens. The maid of honor wan attired In
llsht preen velllnir. she wore a nreon
hat and carried a bouquet of pink sweat
Won. Lost. Pet.
New York ?y It
Philadelphia :i) ir, ,c,;;
Detroit K jo
Roston 21 ;i ...(j
Clevel mil 17 22 437
AVashinnton a i t..j
Chicago 17
St. l-)Uls 10 SI
Won. Lost. Pet
Chicago a ij
New York L"J is ,C17
Cincinnati :i "0 .545
PlttsburiT ..J2 i .fiOJ
fit IaiuIh 22 Itf iti
llrooklyn u ai
Philadelphia ...IS ' SS ir
Hobtoii IS 31 .Jtf,

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