OCR Interpretation

The Yellowstone journal. [volume] (Miles City, Mont.) 1893-1901, December 31, 1894, Image 1

Image and text provided by Montana Historical Society; Helena, MT

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn86075022/1894-12-31/ed-1/seq-1/

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Terrible Tragedy at
Case, King & Wod
zitzki's Store!
Every M.n Should do
His Duty--How will
It End? - - More
Developments Ex
Whoa we went to bed last night ft
jag that our little ones were tucked safe
ly to sleep in their cosy little beds to
dream happy dreams of ianta Clahu we
little thought that today we would end
p.ces cut all to pieces at Case. Kiog &
Wcdsitskas. We were startled at the
lsw prices on such things as rach china
we a. dolls. picture books. even so many
things we didn't know they kept. Ele
gant lies of nlik handkerchiefs and
meaiers and cravata and scar's. Thea
leek at those all wool blankets. suits of
eethes and overeoats cut in the latest
styles sad srioes cut as low anybody
e afford to wear them. Mons shoes
ledies shoes, children's shoes .0. 0. F.
A. 0. U. W.. K. of. .. F. A A. M wives
eaa had a special present for their
hasbeds. Then you can load theChris
mas tables with a mountain ~f tempts
tmona and dehcasres . am every quarter
of the "-obe. Whatever is eate i aboj lu
be of the finest quality. '' low in piice
an much the biette'. cheapcess and qual
iiy a-t wine and everybody'. pets at
Case. King & Wuadsitaki.
Mised Caedies, three pounds for .Sc.
Mised Nuts 2tk a pound. How does
that strike you?
w. w. ANDRUS.
Oie. snd Bagisk to Reesm t. 3 sad 4
t ºEsh ein .e t toal. blac.Stett. m.. sadI
r_ I. e, gASiD UU.
4 sIk IA
A Horrible Accident Occurs To
a Party on Christ
mas Eve.
A L.sip .pindel and e' ly-ane Per.anas
A,. eag-ed .. Ih.th a:d 4.1
teen lisi.red.
KL.%ATH F'iLL.. ti-e. l)ev. '.ti. New.
teas just reaihe- l h..1." i." a . o t hire ible
Jolocaust that x curreia at -.,"er L..i~e.
Lake county. Ore.. II, ('lbriatm.a. eve, in
which it peises were. b., neni to death
and 16 hailtyi v ioded., ive of whow we-e
will ili.
A large crow., had aesembled in
Chrietman lirus. Hall to attend a
Christmas tree festival. While the fe.
tivities were at their height some one
climbed up on a chair trirn which point
he expected to get a letter viev; of what
was going :.a. In doing wa. ile heal
struck a lamp hanging from the ceiling.
iverturning it. The oil im.meslately
r.augbt tire. ail everything in the rman
being dry and of an inllammabte nature
the rimim was soon a mass of flame.
Some one shouted, 'Shut the door and
keen quiet; it can tlv put out."
B) this time the coufision was so
geat that people began scrambling in a
wild endeavor to reach the dilr.
Women and children were t'ampled n º
iie' foot and f% there was only one exit
to the hall and the lire being between
the majority of the crowd and the door
many rushed headiong ,auto the flames
The dead ase:
Mrs. John Bruick and two child.en;
M a. Oweley and two childrea; J. J.
Bruick and ;dasghtsr; Mrs lselling;
Mss. Howard and two children; W. 0
Heart and wits; Mrm. Cashow; Frank
West, wife and two children; Ed Bowes;
Mism McCauley; T. J. Ia Brie and child;
MH.. Ward; Mrs. U. B. Abehir; Freak
Hooniag; Mrs Payne: Mrs. Nestle Wil
liams and child; W. Clay Martin and
wife; Robert Small: Mrs. Ella Ward and
chilk; Prank Ross. mother and seter;
a child of Rob Ward's; Ira Hamilton;
M's. tiue Schroeder and child.
The iire injured and likely to die are.
M s. T J. Labrie; Robert Snelling and
-'ater: l'dwsrd Payr.e and son.
The building. a two-shiy frame struc
turn. contained Christnian ' wian * store
In the first Itoinr was the hall which was
e, teii fi.r gatherings of all kinid.
Silver leail lea village in Lake coon
( ty. Ore.. o' at.o't 1I10 inbanitants and it
lie 1K) Mates *rem th, nearest telegraph
.madinee Of Trade.
N,.w YoRmc. Dec. 28.-R./3. Dun aCo..s
Weekly Review of Trade samy commer
cial faslures in 1881 already reported
numbse 14.5t2. against 15.242 last year.
with liabihties of ti03(.m,401.3 against
i146.779,89D iast year. Next week the
final report for 104 will probably in
clude about 4100 more failures., with lia
bilities of about 84AOJ00O. From then.
aooomate, bMies bhasks... heacial sad
tra aompsais are esnided.
)I use(sug lts~S alud s aem
bar 7*4 fli~et 00o yed b4igaI
bih 06s as* 6nt 0.40.1 & gliask "176
91,941 ast year. The trading faillre.
aeeady moer 11i4, aashoi 11112
abt year. but liabiMalee ae*rly S
6/7 Iuaiaes K 21he hat year.
am byses salwe dº
assaur is *@ sad.. ..n sued,
bbMiIrSl ItsUm.i taeawd
t o"ad* W t w aim&ar
es.4 aar/ Lass _o 011"
P1mtys has bees sea e fe but
"somwn tlap esas is allaseut, and apses
mulld ti *5 eau als Ie sd qass
tugi emo!y uin Yb aeis at
hwaIeugSglyrltit sl, h buers
._Ispas is 7.? pew maeagger *5a Iset
aermbu n asmm yer bianeb
lased wed Ob uqeat Las bear
VW& Md BI5 MW " tl b
I- ,
M- a. ueiea . m
surassm hnas -agru
- " a
be mesaeMiegs
Ihe arrrts bu ****u
g 7-<.f
Si -!ses
Laa&f and Lalasby Ve.aseeas..
Phaa and beana are very in'oor'tant
plaints in folklowe, and there are u....y
intpeaitioae Oa.neoted with tht in
Peas were favoribe instrumneata for di I
nation. A pea }ail with take, p: i. was
equal to a wishbbwe *lit n placed oir ve
the dear. Ru Northamnptoueshito it t" r:"
oonntedlgenerally lucky W oh,4niu p%,
to ui .: , or hill. III Muckl. ibo,u1, t:. L
Mali;, it is l~eli""rui that p0.+ , u't L
,"a :-. . ":iu ay ,.'i..
diryr: ," , l in h e, it is, .i:. t.. .
Aill I ^ . 'i:. ,-y o:1:-t Ir h,. v .
hie , i .uri:'t i l.U!e t'" Iv'd' a
I.Jr 'v.il after Twelfth !.
L' ia't we're iiy'-t r, o.r ii £ut~iri i'
Ft v . t' ii v (.&ituu t ' ,. i .' ..u
c. X.nlis Tb-vy v.. ou, r
(ai h.'l ,.f Ht-~, &t.t Pto.s ' Ii,"!,
.b::t i-, i." t i. t 1 ri r with t~~~i'. 4 a.
pliraic,' "' V"i don't korirw 1..aia..,
il~ly ra:,.i.".r.*n ar'. nu prarr.eiizn. t ..
Frý. t, I t:., e..xpel evil spirit.. -
ihiIarl'!..L').. Pr. `4
u1b. w doer ,"'r .,m atria"j
Alsw.. ail oil'. r thirir- atiraDd..
T'.'.jrak t, n. wIa. n w", r..ini.
To rijui'.' with no, who it wi" are glad?
T.,." 'ing. t:!1 o..uh"a fri. ni.h+, 'aneat,
in 2. y t . - " M . no.. r n.rrtw,
We'.v'ant.: hIt,, weld Fstrife.
ii't -'.'i ,ei.. nt . ar. to lead
A. .....r n e "..ties ^r f:!frfi..nd.
3'?I p.,- :'.oy thetiae till. lot
Their .!ay. are 1*... and they moat em.
To him wbus'ev mleiaap attend
Anl Ilvi'. this life without a triasd.
(it at! the- silabaps wie recall.
rwer.' belt* r,..t to ttv bee bars at all.
-Heeirtitvsn is aurllagtoa Kawkeya.
All I e
Tb.e~ iaeei .i-' New
llCi't ow :,% 45', e.? 'ULC6 wi'o
,~rce~s.'s "e. ,-ow ."' t .u
Y ee'.~ Call co' .it'. P. to iteil et 'ý
g'sl r .t ,e a Irt'A on e.. em.. 6e'.".
70o"1.irune p.,'r "oi e-8.a Ii. F.. Beck
I-i & Co. 1.Ci.rjP,o. ,tau ae a.serp'
a. welt as a cooby or t' a .o is r~
and Ii.. cceioluru, t.s. c , ' ee. " 'I a
which Ia gaiaao.ssin t.o to yo.' 'ucta atl.
Huasal; Warrslt..
I want to but ho~auty' warrants or
wolf climio .bat bare roe yet passer to
warrant. The large amount 0t.,utetafo -
t rig aid iuadjuiated iiaimsa of tbis fls
hatre. mnakee it estremelj doubtful thi..
he conuing legjslature ý ill agiprapriate
Iti ulficie-It saim 'O beir payment. and
the prospect Is that they will go oter Ft,
anto' bet twav years. I represent an
neelara capitalist who has got &"oey°
for an investment of this lind rota ant
vrepared to pay the highest cash pri-s
for war."auta or dolt' autl~eoticated
claims. Caiaeepoedeoce solacised.
"J. B. Coa.u Nla,
" Maews City. Most.
Such is th. title of Baiwer.s mast tai
-acattag and powerful Dovel. aid reed
srn will meotheRt bow sati]tactarilly the
problem was olved. tlomettou s-r
thins a nevulht'e juery asufromts sry
o~eo as - - to what we will do with the
juet 13. -ow slmiS brse. It may he
called a bheb of blm~~eeak tomom
onee of wMbh we mwt et dow. whaihe,
we willer aetk oat ssmwmin famine
eass the rmmi of udhams deee Smss
plaeealgeqh hake lo ee d -sa to what
we w doto~ -i d that mmboie
.1in m M- mm r wIM
pmptilt hla mimt~
.btwe -,w 4p Ia ui et ar 4It
*AmM tsop t that we *i 66a
insss toq1usme atl wo!Em
M eImaeý U tom has. ump
bll w ;x~ri
th s w1eMm t -Fom
`ooudw h a ""m
a lia" e amrn
ttia Time Le.t Wear.
For the couveoience of those who
Irish to snake comparisons and for the
t eelit of those who can never rei..&ar.
ber, the .JOIniURA will hereafter keep
stadine iA table of the correspondwog
month of last dear, showing diU. ly .lay
the principal mett-orolo;ix. - ,.
at obtained from the ricen k pi i.} toe
L o'ted States weathe. oh .-,er U .h
*y. I'oj44wir Is to i
4 4 4 jml
.4 4 !. I,, ..- . .. . . . . .... .
t ' .. . .. j
lU-art ou..y ............
II -Cear ..... ...........
13 -Cle. ...............
13 'Cart.C ....
IS Clear .................
1i r C i..... .
164 "44,- (-,,~iI) . ..:
217 Part C- or . .... ....
2'! C'4iCr
24 C"..- 0
IS Clear ................
19 Cl ea ... . 21
.7'. ' Ca.................
22l ( Pt'....i. . .
2- Cle...y..... ...... ."O
3? Par.Iy Clo'9y.
The figures in the right baad coiume
denote the average thermometer reft r g
for theday.
She-i '...t . .-."c a beautiful pj.a.
while wo w . i; :. w York.
Be-Wh:.t wI.+ i.:
She-Well, I can't remember the
sease ciactly. It sounded like "Dr.
Deppety. " "
He- Who took the leadingcharacter?
She-A man of the name of Willard,
Francis Willard. Oh, he's just elegant!
Magnificent! He doesn't speak very
plaiuly, mrd be can's dieg a little bis;
but, oh, be's just perfectly grand.
Be- Was it a play or an opera?
She-Oh, something of that sort! I
bad a una.-rel with Herbert about you
that ni! .t and didn't notice much.
He- Why did you quarrel about aie?
She- Well. I told him of our en'uage
meat thut night before we started for
the theat. r ar t then ank,-id him if he
still wantild to tjJ.kA i.i: uAt, and be
iaughli' anwl :aid, I trtainly, I would
just as sco0. tak.- u iugag;. girl to ao
eant rt..i 4.1.4 it as auy kiwd of is girl,'
horrid thinid,?
Be-Why was !t. ýorrid?'
She-I pe:r r, v. n,.ad ancywif by :
ting and tlntin." tf y-u :..1 the ev
tb. Oh., my, swen. are amtori sitting at
that table .4v.-r tliiee.
He (sn p14i:41ly -low do you know?
5lie-H by, IA-aau-e.y t - L ,o lioking
around to see it if tl' ::ri' watelwag
them. Asters alwa;' 'a that to alver
Blue themiw'lhe,, y pa k..t...
And the waiter 4riw.r .t t:. -ackei
Boston Journal
Highest of all in Leavening Power.-Latest U. S. Gov't i(pois
W. B. JOkDAN, President. G. M. MILES, Vice-Presided.
H. B. WlILEv, Cashier. C. L. CARTER, Ass't Cashier
F. C. RosERTSOs.
IZ.tex'est Paidc on WATie Depo.
Live Stock Broker.
Real Estate ad Coa rcial
loan Broker and Notary Public. First Class Ranches. Faggr
Town Lots for sale. Settlers and Intending Puritaset's #
information respecting Northern Pacific Lands and Lot.
Texas. New Mexico, Colorado. Wyoming and W sterm Canis
sale. L hI 1. u.
r, £
f~rSA~wbtaai-d I
I regommeud it as upior toany pAripGon .Agr Stoach, Diniina, Ham..
knows to ,i&' M& Aamua, E. D, aft Wormy, -ive dee am gals
1:1 Co. o zrf U. DrooiLra, N.. . 5rsioe,
/ýýýwakenss appeori osrsteles
- - usee ot Caeorla i, o asIweem aSd "pig museal Bwas I 5eg
Ite mimals so wan kaown zat it sesme work mvor M ' rill ses1 ia.9
at m pereSeogs to e Iuare It ew as the da so as It h a -lmm4 p ie tg ag
-t e mo fnses wit do m keep aasda res.i
"ee h e srd." terw . Pssm . ml,
Cass »as. D. D-em Rnstl e asi eh he.. .eW
was3w Tact aC. r m m
21s Cope= Cierwts, ? t:a Xr mm, O - % rs A
-h!Y338 WEs
.. ýM ý! 1M1 ý*
Urn l _

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