OCR Interpretation

Democratic enquirer. [volume] (M'arthur, Vinton County, Ohio) 1867-1873, May 16, 1867, Image 3

Image and text provided by Ohio History Connection, Columbus, OH

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Democratic Enquirer
Items of local Interest.
Hot-Ked Plants. A. L. Wood
I of Webster, Ohio, grows extensively for the
publio Nansemond Sweet Potato Planti, Ear
.' ly Tomato and Cabbage Plants, whioh will
. ' 1. !-, . .1.-1 J ... ,
i - r -
' any distance ; safely, and delivered at any
:Expeis offioe for the following prices:
i Nansemond Sweet Potato Planti 500 for
2; 1,000 for f 3,50; S,000 for $15,00, and
' 10,000' for $24,000.
1,. ' Early lomato Plants 100 for $2. ' "
Early Cabbage Planti 100 for $1, and
- Late Cabbage Planti 1,000 for $3,50.
'.V 'dash io accompany orders. V '' ". ' ':
, .Address, by maU, . Iron Fiirnaoe, Soioto
County, Ohio, by Express, Webster, Ohio. 15
' About six o'clock on Monday evening, we
were visited by an exoellent rain, wbioh was
tadly needed, rather a severe wind, and a
bail-storm, which continued bnt a few mo
ments. Tuesday was very cold mow like
the middle of February that, the j
."Middle o' the May."
We believe the fruit in this locality has net
been injured.' .
.. The Iowa Gaiette says: ','The Little Corpor
al ii a big thing. There is no paper pub
liihed equal to it for youths and ohildren."
The price of The Little Corporal is on
dollar a year.' " .
' 8ample copies, showing a most superb
lift of premiums, 10 cents.
Address the Publisher, Alfred L. Sewell,
Chicago, HI.
Oua readers will find in this paper "The
First Book of the Chronicles of Zaleski," by
'Some ov 'em." As we go. to press, we learn
that the British have arrested EaasRT
Bowbn. Let 'Some ov 'em," lu the next
Chapter, give the history, ef the arrest and
trial. ';
Wiirrb to Qitjhb Bbst Sweet Potato
P LANTS.r-Those .wishing Nansemoncl Sweet
Potato Plants-j-the best quality raised in the
North Bhould call on or address !I. Hulbert,
at the Hulbert House, Mo Arthur. - .He is
raising 25.000 excellent Plants, and is. pre
pared ft supply customers at very low priocs.
Go to Strong & Gibbons. For
Stoves, Tin-ware, Plows, Saddlery, aid' U kinds of
Hardware, go to Htbono & Gibbons, on Main street,
l-. . .fiLU ...l.V..,.a nn h.nH . fllll Rtmnlv Of
WiiAimur, uuiu( wim.n.T. vii w rr-,
everything usually found In a country hard-ware
i tore, and which ha been bought at the lowest cash
-price and will be iold at corresponding figures. 15
Cheapest and Best. Q. W. Sisson
' keeps constantly on hand a new and fresh supply of
. pure Dius and Medicines, Chemicals, Oil of every
kind, Varnishes, Brushes, Dye Stuffs, Toilet Articles,
IVrlumerv. Pure Liquors of all kinds, and all other
articles usualy kept in a first-class Drugstore, which
he is selling lower than can be bought the State. Go
to tlie New Room, oath side Main Street. ,tl5
Job Printwo Got all your Job Printing
' done at the Enquirer Printing Office, in
. LI IlnllH H llllliainiT. lor. UVS1UGS linvunnytmir
ing, you will also find the lowest prioes.
Swket Potatoes and Sweet Pota-
i o PuANs o ale. Levi Wyman, who re
sides 1 J miles south from MoArthurand 1J
north of MoArthur Station, wishes to inform
the publio that he has for sale a large quantity
of the Yellow Nansemond Sweet Potatoes, the
best tind for this climate, which lie will sell
at $4 per btlshel. He intends to raise plants
: trorn 50 bushels of Sweet Potatoes this sea
son. Those wishing Sweet Potatoes orSweet
Potato Plants, will please call upon or ad-
dress him at Diindas, Vinton County, Ohio
fie 'dan; on receipt, of the money, ship either
Potatoes or Plants by Railroad to any point.
Gjvs hi a liberal patronage. . .
Druss. Bqoki and Stationery,
Persons wishing Drugs, Medicines, or Books,
'will do well to call at Strong's Drug and
iwu Store. eornerHulbert's Block, MoArthur,
Ohio, where tbey will find a large Hook of
Ture Medicines, Liquors, Oils, Paints,, Dye
Stuffs, Perfumery, and Fanoy Artiolej. -
Physicians can buy as low as in any mar
ket, in BouthernOhio. .
.The attention of the publio is called to the
large stooV of Cap and Note Paper, PenSj
Ink, Paper, Knives, Rulers, &c, fto. ,,-.'
School Books can he bought cheaper at
Strong' than at any other establishment in
Vinton oounty, i :
Call and see. ;' . V May 3.6m
"Tni HiAVBitLT Chjrubs." We havi for
ale at this office the most superb steel line
engravings of "The. Heavenly Cherubs,"
from Raphael's "Sistine Madonna," which we
invite everybody espooially thi ladies--to
all and? iee'.'Tne prioe is low. ' " '" "
, r, ; i ,
PartIcWAr5 Noticb. Those who prefer;
paying their subscriptions in any kind of
country .produce, or in wood or- coat, ire
informed tliat .hey can do so, as we have
made arrangements to 'reoeive the" same at
jl,ny time.".Bendus your names,' your ooun
try produoe, wood and xso'al, and we will'
end you the Enquirer and then jou will be
kappy and can go on your' way tejoicing !
Iryou'want to buy or sell anything, no
matter what, the best wai you can1 accom
plish your objeot.ii to advertise in; ths En
quvrtr . Now is the time to advertise.
. h,,.. ...
ti : r 1 i : v . "
.'..,, ' . . : '
.fi'tf . ' i-i
Rao "Wantid. Bring all , your rags to
thjOiee, where the highest, market price
; Vnite paid for them. (ijm ,;;.';.V.!;,,)!1':'T;.',1'''
Locai items of interest will be thankfully
received from our friends, at any time, from
any part of this or adjoining counties.
New York Market.
$11 9015 80
WhUltcir miiat and nnchanired.
Wheat, 1 653 25
Corn, , 1 38l 36
Oats, 1 ' 8388c
Sugar, .... 10JUfo
Pork, mesa 15
Beef, ' l4l 60
Baoon, ' 10l2o
Shoulders, . . 0lo
Lard, llj12i
Butter, for Ohio ' 12a20c
Cheese, la,He
Money more steady at ,6 per cent, call
loans. .
Gold a shade better opening at 35, ad
vancing to 35 J and dosing at 88.
Government, stooks a shade higher.
Louisville Market.
Flour, superfine
Wheat, prime red
Corn, shelled, in bulk
Oats, .
f 10 50
3 16
1 1G
Cincinnati Market.
Bark, prime chestnut oak $13 60
Butter, . 12al3o
Beans, prime white 3 103 40
Coffee, Rio 22Ja25c
Cheese, 15jal6o
Eggs, 16alT
Feathers, 78
Flour, spring wheat ,12 25al5 50
winter wheat 1400al7 75
Apples, green ' 3 05a6 00
Ginseng, 85
Hay, 15a22
Wheat, " 2 20a2 87
Corn, shelled 90a95o
Oats, i 70a72o
Molasses, , ' 6 Seal 25
Potatoes, ' 60a65c
Special Notices.
To Consumptives.
The advertiser, having bairn restored to health in a
few weeks bva very simple remedy, after having Buf
fered for severe! years with a severe lung altection.and
that dread disease Consumption is anxious to mnke
known to his fellow-sufferers the means of cure.
To all w ho desire it, he will send a copy of the
prescription used (free of charge,) with the direc
tions for preparing and using the same, which they
will fin.l n snrcRiire for Consumption, Asthma, Bron
chitis, Coughs, Colds, and all Throat and Lung Af
fections. The only object 01 tne auveruser in sena
ingthe Prescription Is to benefit the afflicted, and
spread information which he conceives to be invalu
abb, and he hopes every sufferer will try his rem
edy, as it will cost them nothing, and may prove a
blessing. Parties wishing the prescription, fbk, by
return mail, will please address
Williamsburg, Kings Co., New YoTk.
Mayi.UnT -ly
BsyA Yon.to Lady returning to her
country home, after a sojourn of a few months In the
city, was naraiy recogizew ov nor inruus. in u
of a coarsa. rustic, flushed faoe, she had a soft ruby
complexion or almost mnroie smoomnoss, ana in.
stean nt tweiuy-inree sue remiy ppeurpu uu eigu.
tnn. Unnn inniiirv at t he cause of so Brent a chance,
she plainly told them that she had used the Cibcas
si4N Halm, and considered it an invaluable acquisi
tion to any Lady's toilet. By its use any Lady or
Uentiemnn can improve ineir personal uiiprrwioe un
hundredfold. It is simple in its combination, ne
Nature herse It is simnle, yei unsurpaaseti in us em-
ciicv in drawincr imuuritioi1 from, also healina, cleans.
iug and beantifying the ekin and complexion. By its
direct action on the cutiole it drans from it all its
impurities, kindly healing the same, and leaving the
surface as Nature intended It should be, clfar, soft,
moothe and beautiful. Prtee 81, sent by mail or
express, on receiptor an order iy
W. 1,, VlJAlVn. A Vl., VlltMIlISM),
No. 3 West Fayette Street, Hyracuse, N. Y.
The only American Agents for tne sale of the same
Know Thy Destiny.
. r . . T7 v rp,,ABVwnu lhA 17.ni.llal, la.
trologist, Clarvoyant and Psychometrician, who has
astonished the scientific classes of the Old World, has
now located herselt at Hudson, N. Y. Madame
Thornton possessessuoh wonderful powers of second
sigm, as 10 enarne nr w iiiinm nuumcuo ui .no
Krvnicn. iniiiui mitua inw emu .f-"- v- v
thersex. While in a state of trance, she delineates
tne very leaiures oi ins person you uro .uumnj,
and by the aid of an instrument of intense power,
known aa the ?sychomotrope, guarantees lo produce
a life-like picture of the future husband or wife of the
applicant, together witk the dateof marrlap.position
in life, leading traits In character, Ac. This is no
Ililiiioupc, na iiiounnuun ui wmiuiuiitm. ...... u..v . .
Sliewtil send when desired a certified certiicate, or
wntieu guarramee, imu nio picmm ia wub i.
ports to he. By enclosing a small lock of hair, and
oin.iii vi mibii, nQi i.jipiwu,i ,
ion, and enclosinv fifty cents and stamped envelope
addressed to yourself, you will receive the picture
and desired information by return mail. All commu
nications eacredlv confidential. Address in confi
dence, Madams E. F. TaoasToa, P. O. Box 223. Hud
son, N. Y. April 18,Wti6-lyJ
A Large e pp. Circular, giving Information of the
grcuiesi unporiance u) ine young ui uuiu
It teaches haw the homely may become beautiful
the denlnA,l rpBnprtnH. and the forsaken loved.
No young Udy or gentlemen should fail to send their
Aoaress, ana reoeive a cony posi-paiu, uy i oiiuu uiu.
Address P. O. Drawer, 21,
April 18, 1807-BmJ Troy, N. Y.
Wonderful but True.
Madams DmiKoTOM. the world-renowned Astrolo
mat and Homnambulistio Clairvoyant, while In aclair
voyant smie, ueiinetueB inu Trv inainron ui lira pci-
eon you are to marry, and by the aid or an instru
mailt of intense Dower, known as the Psychoinotrope.
guarantees to produce a life-like picture of the future
niisoaua or wue oi ine Hupiicuui., mtu unwvi m-i-rinee.oceunation.
leadinz traits of character, Ao.
This is no imposition, as testimonials without num
ber can assert. Bv stating place ol birth, age, dispo
sition, color of eyes and hair, and enclosing fifty
cents, and stamped envelope addressed to yourself,
you will receive the picture by return mail, together
with desired information,
WAddress in confidence, Madaki - Gebtbddi
Reiiikoton, P. O. Box 297, West Troy, Ii. Y.
All Kindt of Catteri and Bed Fattening,
Sugar-Oane LAXills
ALL kinds of Machinery Repairing done. The
w.r. Mannfeotiirad at the Voundrv is sold as
low can be bought Irttwy Market . : , -
t ost umce aaareaa xvoou .juiua, tiuwu vuu.vivi
May 18,1367-ly - -' ' ,
Devoted to Literature, Agriculture, and General
Intelligence) end comprising Reports of Rattles, In
cidents, and Anecdotes of the .Warv never before
published. By ., , ... . ,
Gbnibal D, H, Hill, (tale of the Southern
, Army.) ; : , ,
J, JawmJkD. H. Hiu
Tsane. Three D6l1ars a year. It paid In advance,
or Five Dollars, if not paid till the end of the year.
" ' Charlotte, North Carolina.
March 14, 1187.
J. W. Bradley' Celebrated Patent
Duplex Elliptic
oimrouT and'pHi to ny Lady wenniig Ui
r. t.ii.nin ui.: k nvitAi.0n,.pil nurticularlr
L.U IIB DlllHlii diviii mil w. ..- , -
in all crowded Assemblies, Operas, Carnasee, Kail-
road cars, unnn n rewn.Arm vhw,,
and House Dreas, a the Skirl cai lie folded when
in use to occupy a small place an easily and con
veniently an a Hilk or Miwlin Dress, an Invaluahle
quality in criuoiiue, not fouud in.any Single Spring
Skirt. , .
A Lady having enjoyed the pleasure, eomrort and
great rnnveninee of wearuiR the Duglex Elliptio Rteel
Spring Skirt for asingloriu will never afterwards
Missfs and Young Ladies they are Mipenor lo all
They will not bend or break like the Single spring,
but will prsserve their perfect and graceful shape
when three or four ordinary Skirla will have been
thrown aside as useless. The Hoops are covered
..ui. .i..i.in u.i k.wi BnH t. Imttnm rods
niviiuuiiuia mm mwwu i,iiiuu, ..w
arenntonly donble springs, but twice (or double)
covered, preventing them from wearing out wheu
dragging down stoops, ataira, Ac.
Tlia lluplex Eliiptio is a great favorite with all la-
uiuawiu l UUMriuwiiy rn:ifiiiiiicu.icM -" --,"
To enjoy the following eneshraable advantages in
Crinoline, vis: Superior Quality, Perfect Manufac
ture, Stylish Shane and Finish, Flexibility, Durabilj.
ty, uomiort ana jconomy, enqmro ior u.
lnv's Dm, lu k'llinlin nr Tlniihin Sn rill! Skirt. Bnd be
aure vou get the Genuine article. .
UAH Tiu.v. 10 giiani againav lvitoiuvii
particular to HOTICK that akirts oftered as "DU
PLEX" have the redinksUtmp, viz: "J. W. Brad
inufu nia iriiin,,n uaa1 aK.iniTd 11 unnn the waist
IJ o UJflUA ll,.v,v mmi.p....., ,
band none olheis are gunuioe. Also notice mat
every Hoop will admit ofapin being passed wroiign
the centre, thus revealing the two (or double) springs
UTHIUl!U UlgHUItjr UlCltmii WHICH IO .no ih-a,".,.-j
and strength, and a combination not to be found in
anv niner Mori.
FOUSALEin all Stores where FIR8T CLASS skirts
are sold, throughout the Uniteid States and elsewhere.
sianutiiatureit ny tne noia uwners 01 1110 rm,,
97 Chambers andVJ It 81 ReaueSU , H. Y'.
May 16, 18-3m
SherifT's Sale.
Slate of Ohio, Vinton County, ti. . .
J aremiah KatclifT, Plaintiff, lln Vinfon "County
against 1 Court of Common
Thomas Kay, ISnmtiel Bay, and f Pleas.
John Swsim, Defendants. J Vendi.
PUKSU ANT to the command of an order f sale in
the above cause to me directed from the Court
of Common Pleas ol Vinton county, Ohio, I will offer
for sale at Publio Auction, at the door of the Court
House, in the Tow n of JJcArlhur, in the county afore
said, on
Tuesday, the 18th day of June,
A. D. 18G7,
at 1 o'clock P. X. of said day, the following lands and
tenements, situate in the county of Vinton, and State
of Ohio, to-wit:
One-Eighth part of the South-Eant Quarter of
Section Thirty-three (3a,) Town Nine (,,) Range
Nineteen (19.)
' Al80
Forty-one (41) aoros Paction Thirty-lour (34,) Town
Nine (!),) Range Nineteen (19.)
. Also
Nine 9 acres South-West corner 'of the South-West
quarter of Section Thirty-four (34,) Town and Range
the same as the other.
Eighty-one (81) acres Enst halt (E. ) of the North
East Quarter (N. E. Or.,) of Section ThirtyThree
(33,) Town and Itunge the same as the other,
- - - Alio
Forty (40) acres ot the Boulh-West Quarter (S. W.
Or.,) of the North-West Quarter (N. W. Qr.,) of Sec
tion Thirty-three (33,) the Town and Range the same
as nbove. '
Levied upon as the property of John Swaim to
satisfy a judgment rendered agninss Thomas Ray,
Samuel Ray, and John Swaim by said Court in favor
of Jeremiah Kutctiff.
Appraised as follows: '
The first described tract of land appraised at seven
teen hundred dollars fJl,70O()U.l
The second described tract of land appraised at one
hundred dollars $100 09.
The third described tract of land appraised at two
hundred and five dollars $206 00. J
The fourth desoribed tract of land appraised at nine
hundred and seventy-two dollars $m 00.1
The'finh described traot of land appraised at five
hundred and twenty dollars L$5M 00.
And must bri ng two-thirds ot the nhovesums.
Terms of sale Cash in hand at the time of sale.
Sheriff Vinton County, O.
May 10, 18C7. ow 18
8 NOW reoeiTing from New York, Boston,
and Philadelphia, a complete assortment or
consisting in part of
Ladies' Dress Goods,
New Styles Delaines & Shallies,
Double-Width Ginghams
In Broken Flaida,
Large Stock of
Foreiffn Dress Goods ,
Very Low and of the Latest Styles,
Amber, Jet and Crystal Drop .
Trimmings and Buttons,
Parasols of all descriptions,
Shaker Hoods,
And Cheapest "Woolen Goods
and Cassimeres since the war.
Bis Stock of
Boots and Ladies Shoes
Is complete, and can be sold 20 per cent, cheaper
than the cheapest.
All kindaof .
kept constantly on hand, and cheaper than ever.
Eeady-Made Clothing,
riece U-oods, x
Hats and Caps,
As cheap as In the year 1859.
NAILS by the pound & keg,
For less than can be bought at any other House in the
county. . . . - ...
tKg"&emmbtr tht place Jjoaariage i jmcw
Building, one Door Wett 0 the Court JBoutt.
May , l8G7-ly
Eubeka Cider Mills,
ViCToa Canb Mill
Sxab Corn Siiellib,
Horse Poweu" Forks,
Warner's Sulky Revoving Rak
. double shovel PLOWS,
Crawford's. Garden Cultivator,
i; Amalgam 1 Belli,
And many other articles In the way of Implements,
PURK eoRiiO AND IMP11EE SEED, eelected
varieties, oena ior oirc w
March 28, 1867-1 y. 1
Lotver - Rates !
1A H'now receiving a full stock of Goods in my line,
bought at lower raUs ihu the early Spring pur
chases. Stationery,
Small "Wares Generally!
Chilllcothe, A pill S5,18r.7-lm
For 1867.
AS in the past, throngh annshine and storm, Tne
Ohio Statesman wili continue inflexibly Hemo
craiio -unalterably devoted to an adrocac) of the
maintenance of the Constitution, in spirit ana in let
ter, and to the preservation of the Union, Aside
iro.n this, i tie btatesmaft will bestow particular at
tention to
News, Legislative and Congremonal
Jieports, Choice) Instructive and
Pleasing Literature.
And wilTfjive faifhftil market reports from the lead
ing Commercial Centers of the conn' rv.
On the 13th of December, 'Die Weekly Statesman
will be so enlarged as to give two and a half addi
tional columns o 1 leauing matter weekly. The fol
lowing are the
Daily Statesman, per yeai , 8 9 00
" " six months, to
Trl-Weekly Statesman, per year, 4 tu
" " bix months, t U5
One copy, six months, for f 1 00
One copy, one year, for . 2 0l
Fivecopies, one year, for . son
Tonneoples, one year, lor 17 60
1 we ty copies, one year, for 32 00
Fiftycopiea, one ' year, for ' 76 l
Columbus, Ohio.
or THE
For 1867.
Extraordinary Inducements Our
Fremiumt Amounting to'
S3X,-443 OO !
To be Dittribuled in April, 1867
For List of Premiums and Particulars of
Distribution, see the' Weekly Enquirer
and Subscription Circulars
WE, this year, offer prises to the above amount as
an incentive to those of our patrons who will
exert themselves to form clubs If our paper could
lie t nken in the nousenoia 01 hii our uemocranc
friends, South and West, its influence wculd be po
tent ir changing the political aspect of affairs The
great point tor which all friends of the Union should
labor lor is the Dissemination of Democratic truth.
If it had had an equal hearing with the errors otour
Opponents, we 8I10U1U uttver inn uim wie utiiuii
crisis of the last five years. Taught by sad expert.
encc of its necessity, we irusi. me Aiemocrnuo presj
a in future to nave a larger npiiare oi luuueuur auc
circulation. u.
What evils nave lanen upon uiw iuu, unm i" mc
erroneous political eduation of the massesl If we
would restore the old order of things once more, ef
fect National Unity and the old-fashioned Peace and
Prosperity, we must place n iwiucmoy sguia 111
power. As auxilary to this end, end as the most ef
fective agent in the work, we repeat, is the circula
tion of the Democratic press.
The Enquirer haa some claims upon the considera
tion of the Democracy that are universally acknowl
edged. Through proscription and persecution un
examDled. with military edicts cutting oft ouroir-
culatlon in whole States and districts, threatened
with total suppression, personal iinpnaunmenianu
mob violence if we did not change our course, we
stood by the Democratic flag and gave expression to
its tenets. Twice burned to the ground within thir
teen months, and amid t he greatest pecuniary dis
asters consequent upon it, we have never lost an
issue of our paper, or broken a promise to any o
our subscribers. In the future, as in the past, under
the sun of prosperity as well as the clouds of adver
sity, we shall bear aloft the Democratic Banner. and
be faithful to its organisation. Will not the Democ
racy of the Northwest stand by them who were true
in tne darkest hours to their political and personal
interests, and will they not exert themse:vts to in
A.nn.A ai,v rtimn ntinnf
As a business and family journal, the Enquirerhas
no superior. Each number contains a large amount
ot general news, latest, and most rename inieiih
gence and reading matter. Financial and Commer
la rcarlo a IUVlfl.l fafttlirfl of tflC EnQUirC'
An n,ia,,allir larfTA nBCS heinv devoted to full and
reliable reports of the ruling prices of this and other
The Weekly Enquirer will be mailed to eubscri
bers at the following reduced rates;
Single copy, one year, f J
" six months, . .
With an additional copy to the getter tip of the club.
u.n.i tn tut aant at our &isk br express, prepaid.
i wiitnrvA letters hv mail. For sums over ten
dollars by mail, drafts or post office money orders
shouia be procurea. auh
Cincinnati, Ohie,
Specimen copies and subscription circulars con
taining list of prises and all necessary information,
sent on application.
easily, without doctor
or medicines. Bent, ,
post paid, on receipt of
10 cenU.
Dr.E. B.F00TE,
1 130 Broadway, H. Y.
for the BUPTUBED.
--Seit post paid on re-.
eclpt of 10 cents,
Address :
Dr. I. B. F00TE, '
1130 Broadway, N, I,
A Beautiful Fremiun Engraving, and Re
- dueed Prioee to Clubs
THE T.APrS FRIEND annoimees tor 1SW the
fiillowing novelpte-t A New tilory by Mrs. kenry
Wood, author ot 'Kast Lynne.1 'The Chnnnini;,'
Howe Wfimaii bad her Way,' hj Eliiabelh Preit
'ott, author of 'Told by the Hun.' 'Jo linger
Younjj,' by Amanda M. Douglas, author of 'In
TruHt," etc. 'Dora Caatol,' by Frank I.ee Renedict.
It will Rivo a splendid double pae finely colored
Fnxhum Plate engraved an atcel in evey number.
Itwilljrvea lieaiitifnlly executfd fancy steel en
graving, and a large assortment of wood cute, illust
rating fashions, fancy work, etc., in every number,
It will give a popular niece of Music, worth the cont
of the marniine itself; in every number. It will give
acopv of the Boautiinl Premium bteel Er.graving
'One of Life's Happy Hour' K0 by 30 inches, to ov
ry single $i,0O aubscriber, and to every person
It offers as premiums Whfeler Wilson's Pewing
Machines, Silver Plated Tea Sets, Moou, I'ltchcro,
ijnii and Hilvcr Watches, (inns, Uilles, Mclodions,
Clothes Wringers, Appieton's Cyclopedias, 4c.
1 copy, (and theengraving,) , . f 2 SO
4 copies, 6 "o
5 copies, (and one gratis) ' ' II"
One copy each of the Lady 's Friend and the Batur
in RvMiin Post for S4 0U.- ,
The getter up of aclub will always receive a copy of
tne fienuuin engraving. lucinocrg 01 uuiu wine
ingthe Kngravng must remit one dol ar extra. -
nnk.Teos desirniis of getting up clubs or premium
liniH should enclose lu cents lor sample Magazine,
containing the particlnars. Ad,lms
319 Walnut Street, Philadelphia, Pa.
Itrp.irator Capilla.
Throw nwny jour fhle frizites, your switches, your
Destructive of comfort, and not worth a ng;
Come a;;ed, come youthful, come ugly and fair,
And rejoice in your own luxuriant hail,
...Inalnn nrti (innn l.al.l nan.la IVnm vhntrV.
1 . "J" ,1.,,, ,,,'VU ,.n... . ...... .
Jj tr cause it may have fallen out) anil forcing a
growth of hair upon the face, it lias no equal. Itwiil
force the beard to grow upon the smoothest fnce in
from five to eight weeks, or hair upon heads in from
two to throe. A few practitioners have assorted that
there is not ing that will force or hasten the growth
of the hair or beard Their assertions are false, as
thousands of living witnesses (from their own expe
rienced can bear witness. But manv will say, how are
we to distinguish the genuine from the spurious? It
certainly is ilimcuit, as nine-ienins oi me aurercm
Preparations advertised for the hair and beard are
entirely worthless, and you may have already thrown
awuv lume amounts in their purchase. To such we
would say, try the Keparutor Cappilh; it will cost
you nothing unless it limy comes to our represenra
lions. If your Druggist does not keep it, send us one
dollar and we will io'rward it, postpaid, together wth
a reeipt for the money, which will be returned you
on application, providing entire .satisfaction is not
given. Aiiures,
W. L. CLARK & CO., Chemiitt, '
No. 3 West Fayette Street,
al8yl Syracuse, New York.
thomas Reach, Administrator 1
of Estate of Dr. Johu Coats, PoMt.on to Bell
deceased, Real Estate,
against '
Arthur Coa'ta and others. J n . 1 .
In Vinton County Irobate Court, Slate of Ohio
To Arthur Conts and Samuel O. Case, who reside in
the State of Ohio, and to the unknown heirs of Dr
YOU nre hereby notified that Thomas Beech, Ad.
mmiutrninr of th Estate of Dr. John Coats, de
ceased, on the Wildly of April, A. D. 18117, filed his
petition in the Probnte Court, within and for the
county of Vi-ton, and Stat of Ohio, alleging that
the personal estate of decedent is insufficient to pay
his debts and the charges of Administering his Es
tate; that ho died seined in fee simple of the follow
ins described Real Estate, eituate.in ,aid county, to
wit: The North-west Quarter of the South-west Qnartcr
of Range Number (seventeen 17, Township Number
Ten lu. Section Number Two 2, containing forty
one aures more or less.
That Arthur Coats and the unknown heirs at laws
who hold the next Estate of Inheritance therein,
the prayer of said petition Is forthe sale of said prem
ises, suh'act to such charges and leius thereon.
Baid volition will be for bearing on the 5th day of
May, A. D. 1807, or as soon thereafter as can be
hoard. THOMAS BEACH, Adm'r
of Pr. John Coats, deceased.
April 28, lS67-4t
There cometh glad tidings or joy to all,
To young and loold, to great and to small;
The beauty which oneo was so precious aud.rare.
Is tree for all, and all my be fair.
By the uee of
FOR improving and beautifying the complexion.
The most valuable and perfect preparation in
use, for giving the skin a beautiful pearl-like tint, that
is only found in youth. It quickly removes fan,
Freckles, Pimples, Blotches, Moth Patclie, Sallow-oei-s.
Eruptions, an4 all Impurities ol the akin, kind
ly healing the same, leaving the skin white ami ciear
M an alabaster. Its use cannot bo doteuted by the
closest scrutiny, and being, a vegetable prepara ion
is perfectly harmless It is the only article used by
the French, and is considered by t he Parisian as in
dispensable to a perfect toilet. Upwards of 30,OUO
bottles wore sold during the lost year, a sufficient
gurrantee of its efficacy. Price only 75 cents. Bent
f .1 ....... wl nn (.attaint nf an orof"1. br
oy '". r," Xvb-ii Z. tilvrVa i "n . rh.mTstn.e
April 18,18ti7-lyj 2di River Street, 1 roy, N. Y.
Iliir Exterminator!!
For Removing Superfluous Ilalrl
TO the ladies especially, this invaluable
depilatory reoommends itself as being
an almost incnspensinie aruum i nn
beauty, is easily applied, does not burn or
injure the skin, out acts uirecuy uu i
U is warrated to.remoye superfluous hair
from low fereheads,?or from any part of the
body, completely, totally and radically ex-
tirpiatmg the same, leaving mo mu .,
smoothe and natural. This is the only arti
! o,l hv the French, and is the only real
ai rianiiainrii in exiafence. Price 75
CUbU.UU. v. j, . j
oents per package, sent post-paid, to any ad
dress. On receipt oi an oruer uy
DEtlUtiK, Btiu HO . lti,
; 285 lifer St., Troy, N. Y.
Oh, was she beautiful and fair, ., ,
With starry eyes, and oaihant hair. , ,
"Whose ouling tendrils soft, entwined i
knehnined the very heart and roind.
For Curling the Hair, of either. Sex into Wang
and Olottg KmgleU or Mcavy Jiattm vurit..
BY uBing this artiole Ladies and uentie
men can beautify themselves a thousand
fold. It is the only artiole in the world
that will curl straight hair, and at the same
time give it a beautiful, glossy appearanoe.
The Crisper Coma not jnly ourls the hair,
but Invigorates, beautifies and cleanses it;
Ib highly and deugntrutiy penumea, ana it
the most complete artiole of the kind ever
offered to the American publio. The Crisper
Coma will be sent to any address, sealed
and postpaid for $1.
Address all orders to -
W. L. CLARK & CO., Chemists,
No. 3 Welt Fayette Street, Byraouse, N. Y.
" 1 ' TUB MARRIED! 1 8ent
' ; ' ' in sealed Envelope on
'- ' r :- reoipt of 10 cents. '
Address ' Dr. E. 1 B.'
.'- F0OTE, 1 Author ef
' ' Medical Common
;' Sense. ,-""'- ' -:
1 " ll30Broidway',N.Y.
rebrearyS.ier. ;
til' v
For 1867.
Tn Seventh Volume an1 the Seventh
Year of tire- publication ef Tan Crisis is
about to begn, and, in accordance with cus
tom, we issue eur Annual Prospectus. We
need not recapitulate its history during the
stormy years of it existence, nor remind
those who have read it, or us services in De
half of the great principles of the Democra
cy, and what its conductors conceived, and
what time has shown, to be the best interest
of the country. Its merits have been ac
knowledged from the time It was starfed by
that veteran ana uistinguisneu juurnausi,
Gov Medabt. and its present conductors'
simply claim for it the otedit of an earnest
and nndeviating adherence to the plan and
principles or its ronoaer. in an tne politi
cal vicissitudes of the past six years -the
failure of some, the apoftacy of others, and
the unguarded weakness oi many, exponents
of Democracy, Tn Culsis has never denia-
io.I frntn tl, straight rath of nrincible. nor
bten allured by temporary expedients, in
timidated by threats, nor amnearieneu iy
defeat and disaster. '
On the score of prinoiple we claim for it
the merit of fidelity, honesty, and consist
ency. Aa a newspaper we claim for it the
merit of being an exponent of Western in
terests and idea.1, a reliable journal of the
times, a valuable companion of the farmer,
the mechanic, the business man, ani the
family circle. It is our aim to fill the large
sheet with matter of real interest and per
manent value to discuss questions of prin
ciple that are of real significance, to inform,
improve, and instruct., as well as amuse
and to this end we discard the idle twaddle
which goes so far to fill up the daily pipers,
the obscene advertisements and the sensa
tional folly of the day. We could publish
hundreds of letters from the best men of the
country approving of the course of Tas
Crisis in this respect, and to this oourse we
propose to rigidly adhere. The reliable
market reports and the great amount of
statistical, agricultural, finanoial, and po
litical information we publish, is of 'im
portance and value to business men, farm
ers, mechanics, and politicians; while the
carefully selected rge of literary miscella
ny which each number contains, commend j
it to the home circle of all.
The political views of The Crisis ecarcely
require definition. It is in favor of Demo
cratic prinoip'es in all their breadth and
purity, as expounded by Thomas Jefferson,
and the ether really great men and founders
of the Government, and upon whiclr the
Government was successfully conducted for
seventy years. It is opposed to the Aboli
tion despotism which now controls the Fed
eral Government, in all its shapes and un
der whatever device it may appear. It is
opposed to the entire Abolition theory of
politics, and all the monstrosities, humbugs,
and delusions which grew out of it. It i
opposed to the thieving jascality, the ty
rannical assumptions, the stupid and bar
barous policies and the lawless usurpation
of Congress, and to all the machinery that
the Jacobins have devised and put in opera
tion to overthrow Republican Government,
inaugurate anarchy and absolutism, enslave
the people, and oppress them with odious
taxes, and tyrannical, insane, and corrupt
legislation. And in advocating the correct
principles and . opposing the evils we have
named, we shall continue to do it without
fear or favor. '
In order to successfully eonduet such
paper as Thi Cawis, it must have a large
list of subscribers ; and to secure that w
rely upon our friends aad those who liava
taken the paper. We cannot compete with
the cheap, shoddy publications of the East
by offering bogus premiums or employing
traveling agents ; but we earnestly solicit
the aid of our readers in extending our cir
culation by their pertonal effortB. It will
require but little exertion from each, but
the aggregate will enable us to furnish them
with a paper fully equal in sine, superior in
print to any Eastern publication, and of a
great deal more interest and importance to
Western Democrats.'"' Friends, shall wt call
upon you in vain, for the small favor we
ask, and in a cause ot such magnitude and
valrre ? Now iB the time to send in sub
scription for the new volume, which, at the
end of the year, will be worth thrice the,
amount of the eubsoription piicew
Our terms are $3.00 per year, $1,50 Tor
six months, $1.00 for four months.
One extra copy will be sent to any one
getting up a olub of six yearly subscribers ;
and to any one sending a club of ten for six
or fo nr months an extra oopy for the olub
time. ..
For a club of ten yearly subscribers a
copy of either of the five bound volumes
('61, '62, '63, '64 or '65.)
For a club of thirty yearly eubsoribers, a
complete sett of the volumes of The Crisi
for six - '
Publisher and Proprietors.
Columbus, 1867.
UNIVERSLLY acknowledged the Model
Parlor Magazine of Amerioa, devoted to
Poems. Sketches. Archi
tecture, and Model Cottages, Household Mat
ters, Uems orihougUt, l ersoaai ana wterary
Gossip (inoluding speoiar departments on
Fashions;) Instructions on Health, QymnaB-
tio Equestrian Exercises, Skating, Music,
Amusements, ecU .11 by the best authors,
and profusely and artistically illustrated
with costly engravings iuh Biie- useiui uu
reliable Patterns, Embroideries, Jewelry, and
a succession of artlstio noveieues, wiin otner
useful and entertamg- literature.
No berson of refinement, economical house
wife, or lady of taste, can afford, te do with
out the Model Monthly.
Single copies, 8ti ceatts; r-aoK numners, aa
specimens, 10 cents; either mailed iree.
Yearly, $3, with a valuable premium; two
copies, $5 50; three oopies, $7 60; five copies,
$12, and splendid premiums for clubs at $3
eaoh, with the first premium lo each sub
scriber. . r
Address r,v-
Ho. 478 Broadwa, New York.
Demorest'a Monthlv and Youni Amerioa
together, $4, with the premium to each.
y;, BE A'U TV I.:':'
Auburn. Golden, .Flaxen & Silken
. Cur Ik. ,..
PRODUCED by the use of Prof. DE
application warranted to curt tne. most
straight and stubliorn hair ef either sex into
wavy ringlets, or heavy massive curls.' lias
been used by the fashionables of Paris and
London, with the ssost gratifying Tesults.
Does no injury to the hair. Prioe by mail,
sealed and postpaid, $1. Desoriptive Circu
lars mailed free. -Address BERGEB,
8I1CIT3 & CQ-v Chemists, No. 284 River St.,
Troy, N.- Y.. Sole Agents for the United
States. ; April 18, -GT-iy
'' ' "i

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