l)c : (Enquirer. Mwtk t. DM.i Afiiv nf Itoivetl' lliiUdlnir, North Sldo vt Mailt Utrvet, East of Court ilouaa. ." J. W, BOWEN. IWHor. MsArthur, Janu'ry 10, 1873. We five under obligations to Hon. Jes9b Ellis, member of the Ohio House of Represent ntives from Adams cou;ty, and Hoi. J. T. Wilson, mem ber cf Congress from tho 11th, district, for public documents. ii i ii -i.i.MM.nn n As account of the death of Hon. Augustus Ward, member of the last Legislature, lias been published. In July last Le went west; and all that is known about the circutistaiicos of his death fa, that on the 13th of that month, he slopped lit a hotel in Omaha. On the morning of the 10t!i he walked out as usual after breakfast, but did not return, and nothing more va3 heard of him until December 10th, when his remains yyni found frozen in the ice, in the Missouri Hirer, opposite Bellevue,about twenty tnilc3 below Omaha. Meeting of the Legislature. Both branches of the Ohio Legislature convened on Mon day, Jan. 1st. The Lientenant Governor, J. C. Lee, called the Senate to order nt 10 A. M., all the Senators 3G in number, IS Democrats and 18 Radicals, being prcseut. E. T. Hall, Republican and C. I. Flood Democrat, were voted for Chief Clerk of the Senate, each receiving 18 votes. The Lientenant Governor, contrary to the laws of the State, as the Radicals had for months previous boasted that he would, gave the casting vote, and at or.ce decided that llall was duly elected. In the election of most of the ether officers he also gave the cisting vote. W. J. Illinois of th'fl county "was elected Second Assistant Sergeant at-Arms. The Iiads, by the vte of the Lientenant Governor, secured all the officers of the Senate. The House was called to order by the Secretary of r- . n. orate, and alter some pre liminary business proceded to the election of officers. N. II. Vanvorhes of Athens r .is elect ed Speaker. All the other officers elected were Iliads. Gov. Hayes' message was read. The mensaga refers principally to the business of the State. It is just like all the messages of Radical Governors. A number of bills have been introduced into each blanch. T. M. Bay, who was elected to tho- Honso of Represent atives from Yintion county by the votes of a few Democrats, is at his post "making up" his record. eNBaw1 i "Scratching." This is not only a bad word but it has more than one mean ing. We have only a few words to eaV' about it : and we wish every Democrat in Vinton county would carefully read . aud . vcmeiulxiv what - w rv about to say concerning the filly, wt to say culpable prac tice of 'Scratching' tickets, year after yean What would bethought of n soldier, who, during an engage- ment, would turn about occas sional, and fire upon his own friends? Again: how can we ferve two masters 1 We arc told in the Holy Writ that it is impossible. "Ye cannot Hfrve God and Mammon,'"" nays the good Book. This is as true as it was fiix thousand years ago. And although' the elec ts cp tion was held three months ago, it is not too late to call your attention to the very important matter. You are cool and calm now do not feci spiteful toward your Democrat brother who doe all within his power to lessen, by hia vote, the taxes that are so hard for you to pay unto the Radical otfice seekers each year. We hearot Demo crats, however at every elec tion, who go to the polls and "scratch" their tickets, or, in other tvottls fire upon their own friends in the midst of the battle, and, at A time, too, when all ii in their favor Without wishing to be person h1 we must condemn this prac tice It is not only useless, but malicious. If we are Demo crats from principle, and wish to throw our influence in the proper direction, we are acting entirely inconsistent to divide that influence. Election is the time to give force and expres sion to our political views. A man may talk- politics night and day; may condemn the cor rupt management public attars in the present Radical hands till his tonarue cannot wag, and if he does not vote, AND VOTE RIGHT, to what does it all amount? It is idle preach ing without a particle of prac tice, twaddle without corres- nnndinf work. The tree is i 0 known by its fruit; men should be estimated bv their works. If you, kind read er were guilty at the late elec tion of "scratching of your Democratic ticket the name of one of our gallant canididates and placing thereon his radi cal Topj onen', picas J read this article twice and consid er. Remember, the "principles governing the policy of the two parties are utterly incon sistent. They are justice and injustice; right and wrong; freedom and derotism; equality before the law, against partial legislation; economy against" extravagance and robbery. Look at the results of Radical policy consider the tendency and act accordingly. If you want to throw your influence on the side of justice and right act wholly as a party man. Be a man of decided convictions and act decideedlyv "Yo can not serve God and Mammon." Examination report of the McArthur Schools. M. It. Barnes, Snperintonden'Jhas kindly lnrnislied us for publication tho following Examination Itoports of tlio II:gh end Intermediate Schools. Tlio exmiUioa- took place Dev 22. TIiobo marked with n were pre vented from attending' the examin ation on account of Biclcnosa. Thoso who absented Uicmsolves from tho schools are not reported. Only the averftge grade is given, as follow : HIGH SCHOOL. Hannlm? Tinlrtl rutrlrk CiuitT .... 9 .'."lO .... 9 6 b.7 .. . .... fl.O .... H .... PS .... 0.1 .... 8 .... 9 9.6 .... 0 .-... .... R6 .... 8.S .... 8.D .... fld .... 8 ( li!M l( R( I nk rimvlcs Dnulnp 1. 1 Willi i'o lisju , J,jb,1i I'd ion v anciuonci Is.iac Lain Minim llnviior .... K.hvnid Strong-. ...... MmKuI" Arrmlu - . . . . bin llitlrtl Kll.n lltilliwr.il Miimlo Iltilhwell Miiirsrln llrntton Frank Ilorton I'm a Motfliinos Kiln Lynch s ! 1 1 o IVchci' r Mollis Itoihl' Hullin Kuiikin. Klora Hois l'tlmonlu Willbimk .... Aunlo Wiu'ler INTERMEDIATE SCHOOL. .... 7.5 .... 8.Q .... 8 8 .... C8 ....6 .... 8 9 ....8 4 vi r.- i4 .... H.4 .... 8.7 8 4 .... 8 1 ....8 7 ....44 .... 7 .... 8 .... 8 0 .... 7.2 .... 8 2 .... 7.5 7 .8 .... 07 . 8 7 0.7 7 .... 7 8 .... Il l .... 8 1 Adii Bobi yhxry Dulvd. I'.llzn linAvn-. Kim llalnt Minjr OuldweU... Sndio I'owd ... Ilnla Doivd . A1IU IlniuklloA I.IUv Jlill Mr!e T.nnt,' Muttir Vcrduo LeiiH rtnni(U .lomilo V HI K'iIh biivder Krauk llrittton ' Ijuvuiond (Murk . f'nlvlii l'lorcnee Flunk I.MIlU: Kddii' T.im t. chnH. 8troti( Tllphtiian SnydrrT H c 1 1 1 1 ii n n W i k a n lc i-gin . . . Hnmlc Winder Melvla li-rlilffti Al'-.ort A til; if mi . Ilcllfl ( l.ii k Kiln I, nil ii' I I, I Hlhl!ll Kallv Arulili : pt ii fidriinn f.villn Wolf . Sl'illi" Waiil f.ilv Jtoynolds Win, lli nllmi i.. Andnjw Oliiiimlns , Ivvliiff I'llcht)!' Wallace Hpciigus i John binllh hi uh Ankroiu i;l!:l Cuntzi, ,,..ri ,MUw(Jraii; ,OfHT)OW(l ..... 8 7 .... 04 ((. t .... 0 ? .... 07 8 2 .. .. 8.8 9.5 7 ... 7.4 Lulu Hondj IlHn (Irayl Allco rtiijnnr: Alli'O Heyiuiiils...... .Inhanna Stcclo.'. Wllliiim Arnold Houim Cnldwell Ilnnry Dowd - UwU T)nn1;1i! Wm. Ilniimvurlli Win. lA)vrrr - fico. Pi'nico Win. f Idmnn !ldloWlll Idn Trimmer - Kiinny Wollny Kalle Kiii'lmr't ' .... 8.D 8 2 .... 84 7.6 82 7 0 8 2 . 7.9 - 72 7! lteports of tlio other schools will bo published ns soon ng completed by Ifie Teacher nnd buponn toudcut, Probate Notice. Probate Court, Vinton County, O. VTOTICK -chy (riven tt xS Admlitlfilmtor of the estate of llnrvoy Wine, rlprul, hat filed liil nccoiint vrltimaid estate for llunl icttlemeut, Ami that the bearing thereof Is act lor Ilia 1st Day of Febtttaty, 1872, at 11 o'clock A M; , January 10, H73-4t . H. NATO, Probate JudirB. Ayer's Sarsaparilla la widely known hs one of tho most cflbctiml remedies ever discovered for i . .i - - Smftw tbe blood- 11 iw Btantly growing rcp- MrJ litat ion. based on ila Intrinsic virtues, nnd sustained by its re maikable cures. So mild ns to bo safe nnd beneficial to children, nnd yet eo searching as to effectually purge out the great cor ruptions of tlio blood, such as the scrofulous nnd pypliililio contamination. Impurities, or diseases that have Im'kcd in tho system for years, soon yield to this powerful anti dote, and disappear, llcneo its wonderful cures, mnny of which nro publicly known, of Scrofula, nnd all scrofulous diseases, Ulcers, Eruptions, and eruptive dis orders of the skin, Tumors, Blotches, Boils, Pimples, Pustules, Sores, St. Anthony's 1'ire, Hose or Erysiiie hin, Tetter, Suit Kheuni, Senlrt Head, lting'worm, and internal Ul ceratious of ilio Uterus, Stomach, liad Livei'. It also cures other com plaints, to which it Would not seem especi ally adapted, such as Dropsy, Dyspep sia, Pits, Neuralgia, II cart Disease, Female Weakness, Debility, and Lcncorrliwa, when they, are manifesta tions Of tho scrofulous poisons. It is an excellent restorer of ltealili and strength in the Spring. By renewing tlio appetite nnd vigor of tho digestive organs, it dissipates the depression and listless lan guor of the season. Ev'ii where, no disorder appears, people feel belter, nnd live longer, for cleansing the blood, 'The system moves on with renewed vigor and a new lease of life. PR EPA It ED J3 7 Dr.J.C.AYER&CO,, Lowell, Mass., Practical and Analytical Chemists. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS EVERYWHERE. vAyor's T For restoring1 to Gray Hair its natural Vitality and Color. A dressing which is at ouce agreeable, healthy, a n d sKw-i-&r;&?st cuectuai lor S?.S nreserviii? the htf, 'ZmV to its original 1 ivVa tolor, With ilia fflass ami feeshnes8 of youih. Thin hairia thickened, falling li air checked, and baldness often, though not always, cured by its tisje. Nothing can restoro tho hair w'kto the follicles nro de stroyed, or iho glands atrophied and decayed; but such an renvain can lo saveil by tlii3 Application, and stinin laleil into activity, o that n, new growth of liair m produced. Instead of fouling tho hair with a, pasty sedi ment, it will keep it dean and vigorous. Its occasional use will prevent tlio hair from turning gray or falling off, and consequently prevent baldness. The restoration of vitality it gives to the scalp asrests and preveiit3 In 9 forma tion 01 uandnill, which is often so un cleanly and offensive. Free from those deleterious substances which make sonio preparations dangerous and inju rious to tho hair, the Vigor can only benefit but not harm it. . If wanted merely for a HAIR DRESSING, nothing elso can bo found' 60 desirable. Containing neither oil nor dye, it does not soil white cambric, and' vet lasts long on tlio hair, giving it a rich, glossy lustre, and a grateful perfume. Prepared by Dr. J. C. Aycr & Co,, rractlctil nnd Analytical Chemist, LOWELL, MASS. 3T.LGU($ftEDiiC9ftE CO. Cheinnt fit , bet. eth ondTtb, St. J.oub, DIo. Ch.rl.red Yy tht Stita. I HfTut'd Mf., eff.fllcnlmr,4 aiiMl tlsr trcatntotof diictiaa nt olD, bj cill, or xim. Eajoriug tli tent mtdloftl liill, uilos puivsi druitflit effnttoiraicd fma, .QdAruidlui po.toa rrDJrr our mixlt. daoa ftiTcrlu Wo nianurneturtt niudisltie for nil Chrouitf lii.cvo.. Anybody ra dcootn thctr HvnitiitM. imcIrMi (.1, od will ..nd trpKiiunnt wlKi iri.tritfltw.it., in tltl var tho linc,tlbolDlro,oll.lbroi:; !itltt,lotl,!!reliorMI. ora finiM rcqitir proctrvd tienuitniU wo undf-rMJktfi 0orrar.(d audch.nirth4 tii'dlrlti ittcaNS rcouirol. 60MK OK (li lt KIIMKDII.fl. Dlsrrhcea Fill 0U. ConslipnUon Pl!ls Si .00, (h rillf ttralnrkhiabta .spcrpoti or oooiUtiafd tiault. lever nd Acne I'illsKl.OO. Liver I'ilU SI. 00, trtcaoaotd.rKlTy oolbcUrar. Nfdnilgin Pills CI . 00, rtJlrto aomla. nnd euro la a fvvrdaja. Tonto 1'iiU Sll.OO, for Norfoua Eiliaualion. JPhril DcbiUtjr. lrtaaoftont. Lou crapptlln olo. Blood nils SI. 00 boiK fcr 85, r ptinlr Tf (cublo, and on k. taken long Muibtooiiraaa; tuood utluu ilucliu-l'llio 61, for SJdnar. bladder and ntlnar dlfficultiaai till, drug baa t ar U-wldo reputation for iwohnudrudyoara. I'lmploa PrfrlileCnra 81,tfcnit e.T.cUvokuown totkai "" nit) Curr 1 , rla for all form, orratulo DU. aaM rraaa Mota. lo tbi perkol. lio fluid praparatlooi tf all ktada at rouKouablo pricri. friend ttvo atiutina for C tulotua. Eeld by di ucilit. If yon don't Gail tbliu. HUd dir..tu ua. aitJr.si ontMcatly lir. t. b. Iftad. N. R. Invalid., iioiintrr fhv.bl.n.n. rir,,..;.,. - ttiy 8ur Ccittd llla, l-uteotoMklm, Ilru, Humlral lo. tvunn.Qt, oralediculauilluonat Uivrttifri uantraaolarptiota. aw mm h a. tag Mao jj . Chesmit St.. St, Ldulo. KJo. akei emrmalorrhctatimtnarweaktitii, ncr. idebilittj, Jmpotencij, wtaknenqf either ua lout dtbi Vtrritd or tingle a tpcciejry. If you are out of liallh. nervoue. i, ctottttaicd, Jetl avertionto toeieiy, lost of matitj power, face dltftjuredbu pimplt; $a!loii countenance, drevi of futwt event; fearing to marru, or, ifmarrUi, unhiw. w"i jcvruiyio mart fy, eppty end beairei cate Noft cknlonl TV, oppiv ena V cured. ScndSttampi, Hatim t?J&.'!l0.n'la."wt P,r9rtuc All diieaiet of tt deltcirtt nature. aritlZ , or eiprxitrei, trmtti ttlrntlllren,, f ,9 WWII! HlaB'V4 299 Penn Street, Pittsburg, Pa. AR'.m'LAK ORADIATR OF MED1CINC AH UI3 lliplotna at efnee aliowi, haa lica .oiittar tnitaffMl (r tba tr..BDt n Vnoorawl, Bexunl and Frlvata l)la 9AM tlia aor otlicr l'liyaiclau in flttaburgh. Syphtllo, donorrhcaa, (41ont, Btrioture, O-ohHU, .111 torms of Hernia? and llttpturei all Urinary' XlMOfl nnd 8yphlUtlo or Idorourlal AfTaoUuna of th ThroAt, Skin or llonei aru traataAwiia uoiiar ' alfcla'1 auccrsia. Bpormatorrhoan, floxrlal Debility and Imps. tenoy, 11)0 reiulluf arlf abn.i'lll Joutll, aamial exuMioa Id oiaturr yeara, nrollirr cinitei, whloh prodtiea tnratol tlia foiiuwing rrati, Tlat Nrrrouaneas, nooturna emlaBions, doUlity, btotolton. dlaelcoaa, dirunoaf of tight, oonfufllon of ldoaa, ovll lortibocliuKe, avq alon lo cocloty , loan of momory.itnd atiutu aowa tendgrlug Marriufca Imprormrand Life uitaarobl aro ptrmauorjtljr ourou. Boolod Pamphlet rclatinR au tt iraora, aaat for two etatnpi. (JurreatioudaDoa ontifliliiBtl.il toaaultatioa fret. ltlailrovidnt, ttiat a Pltj.lrlaa wlia traata tltouaati'la 0. -oaiaa 0tal7 Taarmu.t acitilra arnirt iiiiliman; 1'J.nlflmi .uovlni thli, raoomaiwil raatanu toniToara. Modtolnm a.mt "trjwttar. OfrnoxToOr A. ., toP. Ue Bilnlayi, 1 to P. U. MAWKCODI WOtVJANHOOOl "llwki for tlia llllllntil" Vta na 1 tarry, aat, VUjl lmjitxilinanti, eanaea and euro. Ail worth dnnwiaf aaotttPrtcrcli9ti, rrorfiuloo, oto. Kvary fataar, raoUiar, Jotina mnn an4 yotiiii woatatt alinuld rad thant, 10l)paffa cut tn nu atrvawai lOooQUaaoh, liatli for IA tanli, irtirtu, l a. 1 tiinin, 1M Pi atr.-t, I'llMlturf, ra. The Cincinnati Commercial For 1872. It is our purpose tliat the reputation wliioli this jourual has, as a newspaper, shall not suffer detriment tins year; and it ia our ambition that its character for independence, intelligence and impartiality in the discussion of all questions of publics .interest, shall have constant "Illustration and in crease. The year will bo one of ex traordinary demands upon the daily pre?s. It is the year of the Presidential election, of the long session of Congress and of the Constitutional "Convention in Ohio; and the daily news paper will be in an unusual de gree important for the informa tion of the people. We propose that this journal shall contain all the news, irre spective ofifs influence upon politicians 'and their organ ization?, $J?v$ and object being the publication of facts that may be useful about public men and measures, that the people k'nowiug the truth, to themselves . No expense or exertion will be spared to make the record in the columns of the Com mercial complete as a history of the year. Abroad, we have the best correspondents who can be engaged in London and Phi is. At home, our Special Correspondents located in Ifew York and Washington, at the State capitals that, most concern us, ana traveling in the South,'' and present at all points where their nervices are thought available, have cele brity as news gatherers and fame ; s racy writers. "NYe are not in receipt of any official favor? of- patronage whatever. Oar dependence is cxchisively upon the good will and legitimate business custom of the ppuplo. SVe have ne'ther p.-ui nor lot in the scramble.-! of office ov the ciiemcs for the appropriation of the spoil.-;, but hold ourselves absolutely clear of stilish inter est in juililic affairs. Upon this impregnable footing we. propose to inaintain our selves, and hope, with diligence, fair play iiiitf fit, enterprise, to enlarge (h ii en lis I ion, and better the influents, iir.d aug ment -the prufi'tableuess, to , . ,i 'MiiM;it;- .it vvuii lis to uuii'ia of the Cincinnati Commercial in 1872. TKrMS. Dailu. Sunday rmitcd. Ttv I'tn v..r....8U 0 BiX Months 7 (f lliree MonUi 31 'fi Ono Month Ml Dv the V. ur d-i 09 six Month fl no Three Month 8 2; Onu Mnlllll 1 si", Weektuy ciirnei). !U Weekly ( iy citrrior Slnitle Conio f2W Ki VP do., eaeli .1 70 Ton tlo,. encli I 01. eni h ('lub of Five. An extra copy with Dii.Y Paper, three a 'week, (the iTaya to bo iinnied bv tho Sttbacribeiu ) Onu Year, ?6; SIX Moutha, ) Bunhay Pnpor nlone, Ono Year, ti; 6ix Months, tl. Circulation the largest of any daily paper in live Missis sippi Valley -advertisements cheap in proportion to cir culation. (Single ppt'eimen copies forwarded to all who solicit them. M. HALSTEAD & Co., Proprietors cincinnati Commercial. Xo mail was received at this place from the West on' Mon day. It is said that no Mall Agent was on the train when she went Hist. Wonder if he lept bo long that "morning that he failed to' reach' the depot at Cincinnati in timeV They must have good ' beds in "that city I The nierabcrs of tho El Itf town ship Vigilauco Committee nro re quested 'to meet nt tlio Court IIouro on the Inst Saturday in thin month. Let there be a full nUcndanco of all members. By' order of Cotrimittee! HENRY CLARK, 1st Lieut. ELI REYNOLDS, 2d Lieut. Tlie weather of late can no more be'depended upon than thtj Grant Administration, The raiu which fell on Sun day, December 3 1st and on Wed nesday, January was suffi cient to start' the small streams in this Vicinity, wliich had Leen very ;dry for several' months previous. Enough of water was caught in the Reservoir to permit Gil man, Wafd & Co. to run their saw mill for about CG hours. 'Mora raiuv looked fur! "Wholesale - AHD ICY OHILLICOfflJE, FA Dealer in 5 - 5 Onto. rntentea ntt Mntiufiictiiref of SAW AND GRIST MILLS, Imiirora Hoad Blocks, Post-Hola Borers, &c, Cl.irksljm'j;, TV, Va. rpjIE OristMills, being portable, are on Iron JL l''r.mie), it ml Strong, Durable, Efficient, And tho best Mill ever marie for all kinds of triliuliiiir: cim bo w;ilv altnclied to 8.W Milln oritiij olliei' power, and warrantPd tn Kiind l lour anil nits.ti ai a snporlor quiuity hi Bieni erriite of tpet'il tlinit nnv otlior Mill, without liont.iiiKor other tlillloully tlio weight lieing 1.400 poimtls, oceiipylnir onlvS ffot scitinro on the flow. Will prriuil S9 to fia husliols per lionr. If witbin thirty iluys, tho Will iloos not prove antiMfiiRlnry, it may lie roturncU and luoney iirtrl all churgi'f refunded, Hart's Fost-EIole liorcr, In ijunrranteeil to nialte two holes to ono of itny olltt;r; tloca iU vroikrAp itlly untl pcrfcstlyi SAtliS ITS COST IN us m & No f.inlt (mil he fovinrl with it after f trial. Hf ut to any ono on trial ia win pontt. tno I he endorsement or tlio 1'ot.t Maior. Atrmr.n wauled. J It A llAKT, Clarksburir; IV. Va. Farmers ami olhers cn'i rpo tho I'list-llnlc noi-or attlitfif.ioiicfrOilliio out, o, il-U I ii iwaiwnawa i f p OTltla SO OOD AS BE. WEATER'S MM TOR HUMOUS. hnUME IN VM.V A1II.E MRIJICIN'ES If atK 1 achieved n f.OXII'I.lCTK TKIL'MPIf In er.nl idling II Unioi'-i, of all ki.nl., fiointho Hu man syjtom. Thoy ivero liitrij'hieetl to lite ptiblie soiiio 10 j oin's since, ;intl hnvo Iwon uaetl witlieitllro suet i si. Tho t'.WOKl! and HALT lllliiU.11 feYi:r: is Inuoii internally, whit Ii itlunnsrt the Klintl.hy tlirowint; i:ii-.'urltieit tn ilio la-fftec, vlim thcCF.UATFi ia applied, fx i irti (!', Mini nli are rie.Htroypil, nnd lloallh ami Jiwuitv reatoroil. 'tlioir A3it)N ISI11,(I suoijEBS h.istiJlloil oiit miiny iL-nO-r.mt priiUMidcrs. wlio liave liitrotlueett llielr wonderful iToparatiom tn tlio publie,. 't'hey hio nut In ntnioat every form, from PAnac.i'.uj tlnwii to I'iJIs, nntl ull for Jlumdra, (of cotnso tlniv are). Hut It Itashoen reserved to J). Weatar'i Sra ffnml t;KaAiC to'achieva vlralnnder theelr ouiiitnneef!'i nVrty In) resanU'il nittlie moat bril liaut l! innipli yet ac.liiovod l.v any ineilieinu oyer Introduced to the Ainoilean pulilie. Wliy illtl:f Siutply hri:iiiio they pi I'lonTl whu'l tney piomise: anil ntiiwitlisliuidini he intio- ti net fin tit i nr. r itetr nun tvttiTiiern.i ),ie)Hta 1 ion tu the public, the S.ilt Rheum Svmo and t'erato !:e -p steiidlly on tlieir way, t orc,'.iei in n; ilir'y en. Il'tiie mti.llc viii to t rv (hesenew pri piir.ti tins, wu have not a vrtnl to' 'ay. for inoy l aveu iui lvmeiiyio ;an uue;; upon vii! I)r. Weavcr' Oaneer atrl Salt liheum Svrnu niidC'jiato. Oflhlf fact, the public aio wuil iiwate, I'nr t it'ittrniitls, In ull tectiona of the country, hnvo bene euicd hj them, after a,! other remeiiios have fiOWI. Kor s:lo by all nieditine dcnlerj and Q. VT. BISSO.y.MeArthur. J. 15. H.VRIACO..r,i'op'r,. ir (.-iiirliiiiatl.il. THE NEW DISCOVERY In Ch'entitn! ahl Jfcdital Solenoe. 13" rH ,?-.; D) E. 2P, GAUVIN'S solution a caapouHD- mm rilVST AN'I) Oxr.T fOITTIOXtv-r mn.!!!' In nno i.nxtuu of AI.I. 'U SIE 'I WKM'l? r.llllrlO nciivj j-iiueiji.tlj tl llw veil Lnonn' crtrativi iif ont, 1IN3E3 TKI"T3 TAll, VNF.QtJALKr In fiiiiflio, Coltln, Catarrh, Aatlim4, l'.l. .a ;hi.talt.ad coummution. CURIJa WITHOUT VAIL I'rcent col 1 In 'three (o ix Itnurii anil ali"o, ly.ttH VIIAUKJ.SU.ITBIIY.INO ami fcTI )ILbATn(r ellVtn upon tha (,-anaral ayattut, U reinnrVaHtr efiiearlnua in nil llfnAR8 OiF TUli fii.con.' . Inoludinir heioitila n,i I l'.rupiicina vi tlio akin, As,TiiMa, uiscnnvii 01 inn i.ivor aim jidueya, ,?liM Huort iiUctute, nnd Guiievnl Ucbility. ONE TfilAL CONVINCESI At.au, a Volatile Solution of Tar Fnr INHALATION, wlHiont appllpation of U.HAT. A rcmarkabty VAI1M rlLlidiacnvrrv, n the wlioloapiiiratudcan boinrriftl initio vent pocket, rtfudv utility tirao for tltv mtut ellcotaal ami pomllvely viintiiTO ucnin All Uiaoaaca J tlio IVOSr, THROAT ' mull L(JMG. TIIRCOJirOL'ND' Tar and Mandrake Pill. fur uo in foMiiollfitiitidi tb ELIXIR TAH, U a romlprmtlon of tho TWO most vnlunUa AlilLUA l 1 V I'j JiOillPlnoD kllO't , 111 thu I'm. hi) I'ru- foasion, an:l rttulon tliia Till wit.' th very brat. ivir-n!T,ril. oxiit'iitlon The SOLtJTI UN nud COiirOUNI) ELIXIIt of trllhout tlon'jt tlio Boat remedy known in CH0LER4 ARO YELLOW FEVER. It.iHarHpwitloforanohrlisrtRaca, iitui ahonM bo' kejit in tin- lionaiilililil o rivm y taimly, cipccially dtirii!f thoso inthHlin iu whlrh CwSLERJ AND YEL.LOVJ FEVER firohabln to provivil.- A inn)l quantity Inftfij dnily will jiruveut ooulntciiiiir tliog ttrtlljla uiaunioa, fioVtf'on ei.Comr,otiml Elixir, ft CO per Uottlo Wlatih Oo'-nln-.i for Inhalation, f.vcbp'gr lio . Tar una ilim-lrulio ri;la, tOcla per Ioj. Senrl ftff.'lranlarnf TOMTHVE Ct'ltCS to your Dni;'i;ibt, or to ' L. r.EETfDR C6 M03V.il PP.02JKJ1-,TOU8, 110 H. lit, I ,.., JStw l orn. Wo 1$ iijl.Ii vr r f vV'::. lie A . T.. VCIK'S FLORAL GUIDE For 1812; Tub Tint E'lllion ol Two nliNriiEn Trior. SAND conic Just published. It iu elojrnntl.v printed un line tinted piipur, in Ttvo Coi.ona, mill illintrittcd villl'.ovvr Threo Huudrml x:ii$rar'iiic of blowers nntl Vcjotublus, uutl TWO 00L0EED PLATES. Thrmojtb'oatifnl aiir ln;tnioti70 Cahiloju nnd i'loral Uitttle Iu the noibl ill panca, ttivinj thorough directions for tlia culture" of Vlon-eraniKl eiratablea. ornainentliitr y-roiintla inakinpr walks, L-te. A Christinas prewrnt for my custnmf ra, but forHiirilril toail'y who jiii.ilv hv m.iil. f.n- Tn tiuits. only ono-qirartertlie imt. Amiross, JAIIKS V1C1C, f 4m R.iciieater, N. Y. ' ' . BRfGSS & BROTHERS nf How asJ felai AND SUSffKEIl j?L0WERTK(?' EULE3, POP. 1872, Now ramly. ' Cinjlailnir of over 130 ptRcs. on nine finicl p'ti'tr, villi tipvlanf in') pnr. e , unit tJIx Jiv,nnl ji'ul ( Oitu'od rintoa. (.' ivur, a buau liftil.tlt'a ga, Iu colnr.1. Tlia l'lclicst ('iila!i,'(i! over pnlilislitjil. acnil 95 c-nts fur cop)', rot unc.lm'f Ihc vnlno of tho cnlnretl pl'. In the first nitlor, amounilae to nut lca tbun il, tTift prion of dliilufrna 25c, will ho rtiP'.niH'l in ffirla. Kaw iutonur.i pltipctl on thn aam'ii fuof Inir wil-i oltl. J'ivj lo tiki ciKUnni-ia. Q itilily ofsfnli. a zu of m.'.k'l. prlrri anil prniinins til!t;it'.l.in.il;o il l lite aiU-aiitaca nl'nll In piirclniM ifcils nf its. tcuu CatHltijiit) It.r rxlratir. tlii'ary intliu-pincni.t, Yi'i'f rill nritt It (.' jt ntlo not boo oar cYabyno liefiire oi tliT-jirf fecfla, Eithr nf titir two Ciironnn f.,r 1 S7 J. it.i 10x24 one a ll.iwrr ji'aJo of HiiIIm.ih I'iatila, ctnuiMli'i! of hlliica, d-c :1m nllicr of Atintul, Uiiiinljl nnd To renniarl Plants, giifrmitoctl the MOST ELEGAKT Ft.OltA. CHROMOfl Evor Iwiiftl hi till? country. A nprii parlnr orna. ntenl; rrinl't'd, pnst-p t A. on rt:i pt tif ?5c; h o froc, on foniillloha iptcillril In ( a itltifiio. Arl.lriM lllil'.tiS A i!i:6'i nr.it. K'taMiihtd 1315 Kutliratcr, Nt w York. CASH FOR PRODUCE. QTIiKVJSIJ R RKAYTOJf, Vrotliite fom-i-jiniMtititi Jlorctiantii, 111 l'areln.y Street. Now Vtivk. 'jlio liiglirvt )M'lce chtaliicl li t Huilcr, t lit'Oip.- Kjtpr", Jf.MilliT, Gnjilv,' IfoRa, r.fiitis.nu't tl, rtctliicc. 1'roinpt leturna rcn- rlereil FREE TO BOOK AGENTS. Vt, w'll irnil n kanilArno rrnnpe"in nf r.trr .Vits Ti liittrntid family Hillt, i;uili i.lrir t vr SH0 tint ;or!iIure ltlnatrntlrmn to' any flf,,,:; As(ciit, fru? .f t'liaro. A.iiiri'sa niinr.di t'utiiitiiff f vi , i;iil;.pi, liiinois, C'U:ci utin'.i, Ohio, it til. I.uu , Mil l0-4' WILL M. CAHLET0N, t'Tiirit or "ESejsy ami 3 arc ,' EinrsAyi) wuiTKs roHTin: DETROIT WEEKLY TRIBUNE, Tha'Ttu.l Fxinllv .,u.i..,.m 1., I !,., i'mii.A,. c t tycar. Hfi'tl fur ; opIiiii-ii c.ipv nl club ritriitar. .11, ui'io mi iniui.n, uctroit, 7211-11. PR0FITAB1E BUSINESS Vlll fflveii one or two pal-anna, ot i-liTir' tcx. in MoAinnt a nntl aj ilnlr.T tuwna, by whkli tln-y may r ai.zti irr-in r-vt' to .i1.'.".! a your, wru liii iiiii in tarf-rein-e w III nrdlnarv uri-niisiltin. In apllln HOUSEHOLD AllTlCLES. of real im-rlt tu, I niilvcrsal u e. If ih tvlmli. Hint ,1a .ilatolril a niticii laiyrr nun mar be IcnlUeil. Oii'Otilnra fr'oa, eivins C'ltnpirlt! lint orartat'loa anil f.iiiiiilsalnn al lein j. T COOK &CO., Hiibnkan H. J. f,u-4w ACK.nI'S Wanted. Airnta mnlfe nioramon t'V at wnr for m lii.ni at n'.ivtliinu' oian Bnsincha llKht and permanent ; im ii"iil.'f irotf. Ii. r Tit. fit) 21 Cl vo,, A tria All rutiuhui tt Pnrihinil, Mnir.tt. A BIOTTTIII Hnnta ftirnlshrtl. Kxncn- aea paid. II. II. MlAW, Alfred, Mi. Aova cvnrf) oitoNEY iiki-imieii. Send lo'W O tiamltmn tk CO. DruggM. Cincin nati. Ohio, fur ono botllo KRKi fllVICIt AND AULK 10.N1U. Boot prapaid lor SI.' frJ4,v FOTt THE KlfiNr.YM Am T.T'I-!t-1Tao Ham dlon'a Rl'tHII ,AAJ II ANiIiI-iON. I whal yoilr ti' y. Irian pr.nerlbtii relit prcpnlil. fur's I iir I ii'tt'a, by W t' llamll'.on ik Co, Driipfjiina, Cini.'iniiali,Ol.io. t.O 4 iv T ti 1 1.T Y YEARS' KXTKKIKNCJS tXTIir. TltKATMHKT Of Cliromo and S'ezhal Diseases. A Phlbloloaicnl View of Maprlarjo. Tlio ctitinpiiat hrwk cvtfr f nhl'dicd ronlalnln nearly tlireu luimlrttl pi.tipa. nnd til e hiimlrid an thiriy fl nc plittci ar.d ei.((iiivla((."f Ilia nvalmny fl tnc iitunan urgnna in a naio ol iirann nnn fllsrane with a trrittii on early errora, ita deptmnble ctmao' qnent ea upon Ilio mind ond bmly, lrlfh the aiulmr" plan of liealiuont thennly rai'lonal nnd nifceai.flt mntlo of cilia, Ikik dinwii by at'ronoi't ol caaea litiitdl Atrulhfiil ltd v l tn Ilio limrncil and those con tun iilntintr tnitrrirgo, who cuici Inin t'.iuilita of tlioir pliya' IchI cotiilltinii." Kent free ol'poa to tn any niMrtuai on receipt of twenly-tlvo rant lit ttainpa or pvsial currency. I,y ndilrehalntr Dr. I, A CI101X, Nn.,!)! Mnidaii Lane, Albany, N'W York. Tin) author Inav b cnnaiilloil upon any of tint dlseaaea upon which hla bnok Ircn'a, cither perianal ly or by mull, and medicines sent to any pin t of lliu irtu ltl. 6'l-4ir .loseh ISilfi's Efloi r. Probate Court, Vinton County, Ohio.' NOTICE Ih litrchy ftlvon Hint Jr.Tiica Million, Gmiidlnn of Albert H. Hill, minor. Int.i flledhlit iicoiinnt lylth aaid "wnid for parthil ct tltiimmt! anil that the aaino will bo for liem-liiij on tha ini.li day of Janlini y. A. ti. Wl at 11 o'clock A. . J! II. MaYU, . . TrobAto Jiidfcc. December 40, JBI!l-4t ' .. ' ELI REYNOLDS, 2d Lieut. NOTICE —OF— INTENTION TO BUILD A BRIDGE. N0TI0K is heraby given, In pursuance of Hir nt the Intention of tbe (Jominlialoiioni of Viitton county, Ohio, to bulhl a , i ri. aortui BIG EA0000N CHEEK, At tlio (iromtliir lfcav lhi) roiMonce of Wldorr llntilc, In Wllkcuvlllc towniUlp.aud tliat Petitions for and Tfumnniiti'finfiex Aaaimt The hnlUllnir of tba ni, Will b4 cofialtlaiad if fltett In tlio Audltor't oiuco oi aaiu eouiiiy, u or before ' Wednesday, Janu'ary'Yl A, D. 1872. By orclor of Commlaalonrr. Auditor Vlulorl' Co. O, Dt. 18, H7 4' 1872. Renew Your Subscriptions to the Cincinnati Weekly Times. The jre.-tt 'fcuecrss nhH popii larity of this wftii-ktiown pi pfel', wliich spreads out Ueforfi its readers the 'Tlistorjr of tlid World for One WVek," may lie attributed to tlie fatt that ii lias fettiuljly aimed tq hcerj clear of all unworthy influences turd narrow, prejudice?, oecu: f)yiii an irldependfiit nsition on all subjects, hever attempt lug to dictate, but always striv ing to give- good councils Dui injj the ensuing year vb shall retain all the popular' features of' tho past; art d coii tinne lo prctieiifc id. otir rcadersf the latest inail aiul ielegrap'Iuo news iu fitllj editorial com' incuts on j)assing fcVfiit.?j the product) and money market;, and whatever5 else may prove of value, and interest. The agricnltural ilepartmen will bo' carefully prt'pared,' Willi especial reference to the wanta of the practical fanner aiid th& country render while for ouij commercial eolumils we shall spare no pain3 to fdenre early and reliable market re ports and financial quutationtf. Great pains will be taken! to make the c&rresp&'ndeuta' column 6 no of the most attract ive features of our paper, and it will always contain answers' to tjuestioiis, hints and sug sri'slion0, advice and coun.scl to tlie fanner find the mechanic,' the student, and tho merchant,' the youlh and the lady readers' of tlie Times. While WQ stiall co'hfiiiue to' publish a paper for the million, it is onr purpose to pay special attention to the induMric-, pro duction'1, rail toads, etc., of I he' Great Wfi't iVnd to add lo our corps of col ri;ioiu'U nfs iu f he Tranf-'Missi5i''p'i regi6n. Ke taininor o;rf rrfo.tto', 'Iudepin dent in all things, neutral iir4 notliinji'' we sli;ill ciidii.-tvor to dieu's fairly an-.l impartial ly, nil the iiMpoi'tant. pol.tical is ik's of the day, favoring the-' protection of homo iiiter(j"trf tud domestic inamifacturc and ad vo.'iiting jtT measures iliafi will tend to lievelop the re sources and ii'oinote the pros perity of our whole Country Our prenttirms. Every early siibfifi'ibfj' to the Week'' ly Times will b prea-nted, frfe' of chargt' wjlh a, copy of tho' Hlir4rafed tliii-n. liuid-book' fa' 1 S7'J. A beautiful volume f 100 sc'enlific and niisivibinc-' oih ai tides, iilusfrated with' fil'ty cf llie finest engravings. Or instead of the Hand b'o!c,' Rtieli suh-icribpi's as prefer it will lpeeive by inai!,' pos'paid, a small sack of Cooley'.i Early White Field Corn,' which ma-' tures six weeks earlier tluin Any' other variety Or, ifis'ead of ei'lficr, will bef sent the Giant Trees of Cdfor-' uia,- a splendid picture, iu' color?,' On plate paper, 21 by 27 inches, ilYat wotrld onitv-' ment any parlor' or Bitting-1' room in th laiicf. Ag'cniHi well ' paid. Thr P n b 1 i tei r s o f t h e We o k 1 y ' r i in e 'desire one or two active hgentsr iu every tovn aiut .neighbor', hood, who Will iceeivt! Jibvral couipunsirtioii for their services,' Send for specimen copy, pre mium W'tff etc.; nntl at the sama" -time g'i'v us t be atldressen of a dozen- of your friends, at dif ferent poptoffices; Kates of Weekly Times. P I n sc 1 e Snhanlbora, per year, (J (!f)' lub ol rivoSitlHf.rllitiiii, 'f year, ertcji. , I 78. Cltibdf 'J uiw.lid nptvartl, per yoai', each... 1 6(3 And mi extra copy to ueut. How to rend money. Always send the exact-amount necessary to pay for what U ordered. Send by postoHico' money order; or by earprestr prepaid. Or, if jrbH her of these .niethocls is' avilnblt, send by' duly regist'ererV letters, plainly' addressed, Publishers Weekly Timcf,(i2- Y, Third St, Cin- cinnati, Ohio. ,. RIFLES, SHOX-UtlNS, 11KVO I VKKS, Oun mitor'noravcrrklnil. Write f.ir 1'rlra I,lt, lo Orant Weitern Omi Worlti, I'ltlibnirh.ra. -Army (Juna and l'evolvera bongbt or tradotl fur, Ar.ttwaiiiil. K.r ' XJS W IN VEXTtON. ' liotarv Chvrtl Power.' T HAVE rtipftlnerl.'W. CavrfBKM., of Sfof. ' I" 1 7.:,..J. n.nl(llflA A IliriitftfLAftnlltV. Va.. . AKentlbrthriiiiieof tbt) Wxht for tho Btatj of Ohio, In wlioU'ot In countluij'for llift uiaitufac tun HUti BlH of tho , , , , j ROTARY CIURN POVER. "WITH TbUmaohlnetonk tbo prmnlnm at iho An giiata l iiimly Fair, orer A Mi OTIIICIl Churn . Powora ; mill, nlio, nltlinltdckbrMir' Mochanloal , and AprloulluraU Anociatlnu talent I-exlur 'r'araona daMrlim fnrthfir.liiPirmatld'fi'' wllf' a a.. il W ll . ..a.aa.1 Vak 'J t 1 Miaul If Pi 1 aildreai.8. M. CAMW.M., Mo.taU'a Ufuok X. O. II, 'ilio 1'Hianiiini iiiyritia i" itin. - i , l'rlcta for Ctmntv UiHiita In thaSlitto of Ohio, .il, la Pntimt will lio rnuaonahtfl. fj)t'oapnUenr aollcltcti,' l lUTUOjiviluuni n auiuitiw rf ,,'........,