: 1 ie1 :More lhauin IMltake-a Urime! The sugar plariters who lmave sever Ted their connection with the Demo cratic party to afiilitite with the Re publican party, have commjitted more than a mistake - it is a crime. There is no probability that the sugar inter "est will be benefitted by suih 'action, whilst the evils whiith will attend the introduction of the negro in politics will be certain and ruinous to all in terests. The people of Louisiana know too well from leumtes , as 9t member of the com snittee was accepled an the vacancy ,ild ythe election of Anatole. La laude to represent Assumption on the r 3rd. next, was chosen as tiray!'or holding of the convention `odr the nominhtioa ofa candidate for the Third4 distAct. The hour and o meertingwill be 3 o'clock P. M u11 t Terrebonne. Tohfowing teoihtions offered by Chu Y S mwere unanimously _ thathe basis of the repre oeac pars la te ominat mgcoveton tipbe held at, Houma :on , Oct. x,1894, .shall be one Y eýe re 100 votes of the total in muchb parish for cadidates S'in the Democratic state .ý e held in this state on teb'- March.8, and. one addi delegate f ran fractional : um og uqorc rates cast at said ' 1 t ihppioriUonment the parishes entitled to the ° llowing nunm L sfid convention, namely: r" Votes; Ass11i ptie, 18; SS:I mfroy . t Jberin 18; I. 1° Brt. Mary, ,1W Terre ; ;8 Vertailftt,1 Tots , 5 d'h t delegation td the abser .as~ sbe pro by partihem titre com f der s pals This e e ording ýY a thath tbstari d t ecein ethg e die frnte paw: New4Aak duty to sound a timely note of warning 1 to the end that Democratic- ascendancy in this district may not be imperiled by ovcrcontidencethrough supineness or in difference; we, therefore, earnestly rec ommend that every parish send a full del egation to the nominating convention as an earnest token of Democratic unity and enthusiasm and the warning to the'anis guided that the old Third must not and will not prove recreant to its 'Urillant record of the past victories and Is as ever determined to put none but Democrats on guaid. After authorizing the :publication of the proceedings-of the convention in the New Orleans dailies and the local ucwspatpers of the district, the meeting adjourned. State Boatrd of 1*Iedieal Exam iners With Dr. T. S. Kennedy as presi dent. Dr. '1. Y. Aby as vice-president and Dr. H. S. Coeram as secretary, the organization of the State Board of Medical Examiners (allopathic) of Louisiana has been completed and one of the fir~t official acts of the Board is conveyed in the following circular letter recently addressed to the registered physicians in the state: Dear Doctor: At thenmeeting of the State Medi cal Board of Examiners. held at .L'ew Orleans, Aug. 31st, '94 a resolution was passed requesting all registered physicians to co-operate with the Board in enforcing Act forty-nine (49), passed at the session of the Legisla ture. This law requires all persons not possessing the legal qualifications to practice medicine under State Laws prior to the passage of Act 49, to pre sent themselves to the Board of Ex aminers for a certificate before they can legally practice medicine in the State of Louisiana. The Board also deems it advisable to call especial attention to the sec tion referring to midwives, and urges the necessity of their immediate regis tration. ,,All violators of the act should be. promptly reported to the .proper. autjhorities. The Need of Good Roads. Theeis :a growing demand all over 3 the country for better public toads, . and even our own State, which gen erally evinces such little intevest in the matter, is in some quarters . be f ginning to awaken to the necessity for improvement. Nothing is of greater benefit to a country than good public high ways. They afford the farmer an e outlet to market for his crops and produce. Good roads reduce the cost q of his transportation to a minimum, n while bad roads make it one of his ir heaviest expenses. The; farmer who d opposesa road tax under proper re '. strictionsunwittingly votes upon him self a burden heavier than, all his y State, parochial and municipal taxes. y Good roads are a necessity in every. country, but no where are-they more e needed than in Louisiana, and we t- know of no other country where they can be nearly'io cheaply manstrueted. e Appreciating this fact the SoGNAL al hs been an ardent advocate of better toads for yearapast. But while this fn warfare his been void of any material i. results, we believe our. people .are a- awaking to the necessity for better Id public roads and are beginning to re alize that "tbe cannot be obtained l tnder the present system of road working. We find many a citizen who ltseasen voted -against the special 8, roai tax and #tod -regrets having e, donaRn `1hl nuibev Qf anti-road tax e- advoeatess graduallye n thedecrease. and se yet expect tQ see a proposition se - ml 4s the ne submitted a year e ago eteby -Iair majority than a-that whIh then voted it down. is While *e rave acorm lishec noth at ing tow itajiovisg our .system of g road. worAing, ov are pleased to see pie. f tour si rishes taking def imite,'.ido in ' the -matter. One of thesein St. Bernar4 wher the people .have decared firgood roads. A pe e tien has been submitted tothe police j n i u prtposition for a S oe4 n e ae i ng 1vils- he siqb of the ,pdrish, r 4 x be Bused -. .nbrl a few of the parishes the iesult will be that others will fall in line, and it will not he long before the whole State is taking part in the good work-The Crowley Signal. Emigration to theoSouth. As we have already noticed, good work is being done in the North west just now in the interest of emi gration to the South. It is our best field to-day. There is little'European emigration to this country; indeed, more people are leaving the United States than are coming here, and it is useless, therefore, to bid for this immigration, but in the great North west there are thousands of persons discontended with present conditions and anxious to move elsewhere. And the South offers them the very home they are looking for. Under such circumstances it is evi dently in that section that we must agitate if we with to turn the tide of immigration Southward. The papers there are doing good work by laying before their home people the resources and advantages of the South. We have already noted, their favorable mention of this section. Here is one from the New Hampton Times, of Iowa, taken up with singing the praises of Alabama, Western Ken tucky and Western Tennessee in advertisements and long articles which seem to have been the joint product of the Louisville and Nash ville Railroad and the Birmingham Commercial Club. A representative of the railroad is in Iowa working up another home seekers' excursion to the South. He is accompanied by the Alabama Commissioners of Agricul ture, and is co-operating with other railroads. The excursionists are to be carried at one fare for the round trip, wild they are supplied in advance with ample information about the value of lands and the possibilities of agri culture. The newspaper mentioned contains an article of one and a quarter columns on "West Tennessee and Kentucky," another of nearly a page on "Southern Truck Farms and Farming," and about two columns of other matter on similar topics. Other Iowa papers have contained very -similar articles on Louisiana, the Illinois Ceatraiand SoutberinPaei fid co-operating to bring to the atten tion of the Iowa farmers the advanta ges of this State,and having done so with great, success. The Louisville and Nashville is now at work, it will be seen, in the same section in the interest, of Kentucky, Tennessee and Alabama and other States it tralverses. Here is practical work that will yield good fruit. We of Louisiana can bear testimony to it, for we have seen the prairies of Southwest Louisi ana blossom as a rose in consequence of the settlement there of =the Iowa colonists. If all the railroads will follow the same course as the Illinois Central, Southern Pacific, Louisville and Nashville, and some. other lines that have interested themselves in immigration, thd problem we have been so long pottering over, and which we have held so many conventions to consider, will be solved in a most practical and successful manner. It was in this way, through the agendy of its railroads, that the West secured most of its colonists. The South can do the same to-day if all its roads will interest themselves in immigration; as those we mention havedone.-Times DomocratL Thedkttettion of school teachers and all friends of education is invited to the followin law enacted at the last session of the legislature. ANr AC's.. - ftopiovide for holding State Teachers' Institutes in the several parishes. Sacriors t. Be it enatted by the Gen 4I Aoemhly of the Stat~df Louisiana; That as a means of impiroving and mak iag more efficient the teachersof the pub lic schools of Lenisiana, sald awaken a deeper public interest in said schools, the State Superintendent of Public Edu ccatiki and the President of the State ,orial School shall catSec to be held year at beast tiventyq(a2) weeks of the State Teachers' Institutes at such times and plAces-askihy, with the advice of therespective #prish supti'tendents o.:. public aducation, stayr `etermine. they shall givestotice of the time and pealpted for each i st itz at least t of the l l axperien hxal bave vided for in this act as wosa yor that service shall not exceed one thous and ($1000) per annum, payable out of any funds donated by the BQard-ef Trus tees of the Peabody Educational Fund or appropriated by the General Assembly of the State of Louisiana, for institute purposes. SEc. 3. Be it further enacted, etc., That said Institute Conductor shall be appointed for one year, an d shall be ex officio a member of the faculty of the State Normal School, performing therein such services and receiving such compen sation therefor as'the Board of Adminis tratois of said institution may determine. SEc. 4. Be it further tnacted etc.,. That said Institute Conductor shall be assisted in the work by -members of the faculty o-f the Normal School and by such other assistants as the State Super intendent of Public Education and the President of the State Normal School may select; provided, that members of the State Normal School shall receive no compensation other than their actual traveling expenses for institute work done during the session of said institu-_ tion; but for institute work done during the vacation of said Normal School, they, in common with the othet assistants. shall receive such remuneration as the State Superintendent of the Public Edu cation and the President of the State Normal School may deem sufficient. I payable out of any funds derived from' the Peabody Fund, or appropriated by State Parish or locality for institute pur poses. SEc. 5. Be it further enacted, etc., That the State Superintendent of Public Education, the President of the State Normal School acid, the State Institute Conductor shall be known as the State Institute Managers, and shall prescribe the order and character of the institute exercises and such other details as they may deem necessary. SEC. 6. Be it further enacted, etc.. That the Parish Superintendent, with the advice of the State Seperintendent and the Prenident of the State Normal School shall make all necessary arrange ment for the State Teachers' Institutes held in hia parish, and shall do every thing in his power to insure their success. He shall give to every public school teacher of his parish at least fifteen days natiee of the time and place of meeting of the institu-te; and shall order all the public schools of the parish to be closed duflit the session of the institute. SEC. 7. Be it further enacted, etc., That anypublic school teacher failing to at tend the institute held in his parish, with out an excuse satisfactory to the Board of School Directors thereof, shall imme diately upon demand of the parish super intendent, forfeit his certificate and lose his position; and that each public schobl teacher in attendance upon tf'e institute shall receive the same compensation for the time of attendance ta for actual teaching, whether the school be in ses sien or not: prodded, he shall have been present during the whole session of the institute. SEC. 8. Be it further enacted, etc., That the school superintendent of every parish in which no State'institute is to be held during the year. shall encourage 'and urge the public school teachers of his parish to attend' the nearest State Teachers' Institute, .granting them leave of absence from tihelr school duties and giving them the same comtopensition for attending the institute as it proirded in Section (7) seven of this act for the teachers of schools located in the parish wherein the Institute is held. SEC. 9. Be it farther enacted, etc., That the Stite Instittite Conductor and his assiitarit conbductors siall issue cer tificates ,of attendance to every teacher id attendaiceduring the whole session-of a State Teachers' Institute,' and that Pairish of School Directors shall give preference, ceteri* paribu*, to the holders of said certificates in the selection of teachers for the public schools. SEc. 10. Be it farther enacted, etc., That the State Institute C6nductor shall aniually make an exhaustive report of the Stkte Teachers' Institutes td the Presi dent of the State Normaf` chool, who shall transmit said report to the State. Superintendent of Public Education, and also enibody it is his biennial report to the Generiid Assemnbly. ii. Be it further enacted etc.. That all laws or parts 1o Laws in cdlitict with the provisions of thhs act be and the saihe- are heteby repealed. (4.-W. BOLTON, Speaker of the House of Repr entatives. H. R. LOTT, President pro tempure of the . Senate. _MURPHY J. FOSTER, - GOternor of the -State of .ouisiana. Approved July 6, 189J4 I true 6op3': Qzo. BrPEc.E, Assistant Secretary f titatd. NOTICE. LAion Oi ici at NEw OaLxENs. LA. Sept. 1st. 1894. Notice is here y given that the follow ing-named settler tits filled notice of his intention to i 'ake uil ploof Th support of his claim;' and that said proof will be made before W liam B. Bailey, Vlerk of Coi a-: afayetteLa. n (ct. 22, 1894, vite hdgis I ton, who imde Home 4tead'..ent~p o. 1T1 i th ,;Lot No. 4 Sec. f ' WS fl 4 Eas*: He namas farfolowig ititnesses to -l'ib e'Iti4 re smleat upon Arid Lci shard f I~i It d All of Liifayette' Jvi~cor pwI.et r *- La. T.M. Biossat, MANUFACTURING JEWELFILt atches, 1]iamonds, 1j1ewelry AN locks. Spoc~acio. A Spociahty. Jewelry ) Watches 4 made / skillfully to order. repaired. Lock Box 137. La fayette, La _ on LEOPOLI) LACOSTE. LOCAL AGENT for WARNER & Co. of New Orleans. Representing DAVID BRADLEY Mfg. Co's Cane, Cotton and Corn Cultivators. Both walking C riding. IN() DE 'LEY & Sons. Western Centrifugals. The celebrated MORRIS' high lift prump; all kind of Engines and Boilers. Estimates cheerfully furnished on complete Sugar house outfits, Sa w Mill outtits,Pumping outlits, Ginning Plants also erected. Call or write to WARNER & Co. 39 DecaturStreet, New Orleans,La. or to LEOPOLD LACOSTE, Lafayette, La. dgricat ural * lmnpleients, BUGGIES, WAGONS, DUMP-CARTS, THREE MULE CARTS, OX CARTS, ROAD CARTS, HARNESS, BUGGY WHIPS, DEERE STALK CWTTERS, MOWERS, BINDER5, DISC HARROVWS COTTON AND CORN PLANTERS. PITTSBURG COAL. PLOWS OF ALL KIND. Also a first class REPAIR SHOP. LAFAYETTE, LA. For Sale In the Towit of Lafayette, La, on account of departure: A well established hotel with a good patronage, com prising Buildings with twelve sleeping rooms, large dining room, parlor; hallway, kitchen, sample room, ete., all well furnished and in good order. Apply to IIIrs. 1. F, BIGUEES, PRO}RIETORESS. Wlm. CA PBELL ildurar at Lasw, -A1D JWoiary, Peblic, Lafayette, La. Wil practice his profession fth this and adjoinnet pri.T h John Vander (irift 8f4ii,1' mecrrx MOUTOit'g]3V'G., ,A FAYE. E tOTICE.t AT ONCE Fiom O to 25 Carpenters At Opelbusas and Eunice. Apply to C. D. STEWART. Contractor, Opelousas. La Ibe-&lbin hva iir tils addition t6 Ite towin of Lafayette, Noe 31, 65 and 13P lielngibg0"ti, .iss IMary, +. Miller, pand rdts i{ 0, 480 and 152 belokging to to -olahn AA.. itiler. . Apply to Co us D. CAF'ERYI f tl e duly O' A cnt and Attor S4& STANISLAUS COLLEGE, bay St. Louis, Miss., Begins its next session.TuesdaySept.41h, The 1ocation is a famous health resort and no p ins are spared to bestdw on the pupils all the comforts consistent with manly trainiing. The course 'of studies is four-fold Preparatory, Commercial, Scientific anrt Chssical, and is extensive and varied enough to ineetthe requ renients of mod erti society. The Cla kcal course has, at the request of many patrons, been or ganized this session. Medals were award-1 ed to this school both at the Paris and Chicago Expositions. For terms and particulars, address P esident. FOR SALE. Kentucky and Teunesee young mules 144 to 16 hands high; also young horses. Cheap fOr cash hr on tithe Wjth good se' curity, Apply to W. 8. TOIAN. je. 9 '94 Lafayette,La. HIDES WANTED At one and half cents per pound. Ap-_ ply to Le Danois at the Lafayette Rice m5il. L LEHMAN & COU. New Orleans. P DRY GOODS and NOTIONS ' at WHOLESALE. Mail orders are filled with as' much care as though patrons were buying in pees yn. S LOCKE BREAX, - WITH-- i W. B. TH MPSUN & CO., -AND COEMMISSION MERCHANTS, 84 PERDIDO STREI T, -NEW "RLEANS, LA. Lilberal advances muade On 4cl