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The Semi-weekly Shreveport news. [volume] (Shreveport [La.]) 1862-1864, February 18, 1862, Image 1

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Number 29, SIREVEP@RT, ThISDAY, FUIUARY 18, 186. Yonne I
A.ttnrne vys at Law,
/P.ire orer C(.'hildr J4 Bcard's Store.
('or. T''exa and Spring sts.,
Ilt - ly(l SIInRVP:roPERr, LA.
.Atto)r1 ey a.t Law,
"(,ice ;,ith 1.. 31. Nutt, co)rer of
idF/arn atid MIarktt .strtects. 'a-d-' ly
Attorney and 'Counselor at law,
'(Ofce, loppo.iite Post Of~re,
W ill practice in the 'Courts of
'catddo. 1)e$oto, and Bossier. ld l"
L. M. XUTM',
Atto~rn-y at Layv,
f)eie, correr Mfilam 4- lXrket Streets.
Practices in Caddn., Bossier and-1
9leeSoto. nlO-lyd
.EON D. MARKS. TIlO.. 4,. Po.iLLOClIK1
Attorneys & Counsellors at Law.
JShreceport, La.
PItACT'ICE inl copartni'rship in all
'he courts held in the city of Shreve
zeort, atnd in the parisl|hes of De Soto
•"nmd Bossier.
Office on Market street near Milanm.
u :3--y.
" tlrvis street, near lBaptist Church.
BEING located in a retired and agree.
able part of the town. .aff',rds Iunusual in
ducewients to boarders, transient or permla.
nent, will find it a contiortable home. Fai.m
ilies or single gentlemen can obtain pleas
ant roolls, and day boarders will be accomn
maodated. s99v9 Mrs. A. II. TAINTOK.
m l n i i i l i I
Phelps & Rogers,
Grocers &Comm issioa Merchants
Cor. Commerce and Crocket sts..
l_One door above A. M. lull & Co's,
Keep constantly on hand a large as
esrtment of Staple and Fancy Gro
'eries, etc.
Advances made on consignments to
our friends in New Orleans. n18dl1
.J. R. Simpson. G. M. Calhoan.
Simpson d& Calhoun,
Receicing and Forwarding Agents,
Having leased the popular and commo
dious VWarehonse of Messrs. Howard, Tally
6 Co., and having had long experience in
business, we hope to receive a share of the
public patronage, and pledge ourselves to
du all in our power to give entire satisfac.
tion in all business entrusted to our care.
All we ask is a trial. no25
I.O.O. F.
The regular meetings of
XEITH LODGE, No. 21, are held
on Wednesday evenings, at 7 o'clock,
at their Lodge Roonm on Texas street.
F. W. SPILKtR, Secretary. n10
and A. M. No. I15, meets
every Friday at 74 P. M.
Jons W. Jones, W. , M.
J. H. Brownlee, Sec'y.
Shreveport Chapter of It. A. M. No. 10,
ameets on the 2nd and 4th Monday of each
month, at 74 P. M. J. 0. McWILLIAMs,
T. C. Waller, Recorder. H. P.
kSreveport Comacil, R. and S. M. No. 5,
aeets on the alt and 3d Saturday of each
month, at 74 P. Ib. EMmIBT D. CRAzm,
-enry Levy, Recorder. T..G...M
[W'Place of meetiný, at the MaaomteHall
STexas street, over Mayor's office: n.24
It published emeu y Tuesday and Fri
dr4y .Morning.
Omice, n T'exas Street,
A.ove Spriij, near the Mayor's oice.
T ER£ B:
Per Annum, (in Advance,) . $4.00
six Melas, « ", 2.00
Three -« 6 1.00
LrTai Cents per Week, Delivered.
a8 qoples One Year, $ l.
The above low rates are for the " Var
times and size." which places our paper
within the reach of every family.
For each square of twelve lines or less
for the first insertion .............. !00
For each additional insertion, .per
square ......................... .5,
The privilege of .tarly advertiners is
strictly limited to their.own immediatemand
regular business; an~ the business of an
advertising finn is not considered as inclu
ding that of its individual members.
Advertisements published at irregular
intervals, $1 per square for each insertion.
All advertisen~w afor strangers or tran
sient persons, to be .paid in advance.
Avertisements not marked.on the copy
for a specified time, will be inserted till
forbid, and p:Layment-exacted.
Marriages and deaths will be published
as news; obituariea, tributes of respect, and
funeral invitations as other advertisements.
WVe will be. pleased to receire as
eontributjons, good chaste romances,
poetry. etc., f original, also well writ
'ten articles on any subject.
Memphis, Feb. 10.-Our loss of
steamboats on the Tennessee river in
consequence of the invasion of the
Lexington and Conestoga is heavy.
The Sam. Orr, with 1700 pounds
of powder, and 27 submarine bat
teries, was set on fire at eight~'clock
in the evening, ten miles above the
On Friday and Saturday the Ap
pleton Belle and Lynn Boyd were
burnt by our forces at.the mouth of
Duck river.
The Sam. Kirkham, Julius Smith,
and Time were abandoned and burnt
at Florence on Saturday.
The Tinme had 8100,000 worth of
government stores on board.
The Dunbar was sunk at Cypress
The Eastport, which was repairing
for a Confderate gunboat, is sunk.
The Cerro Gorda and Sallie Ward
were the only boats captured by the
enemv. The Robb was the only
boat that escaped in safety.
The Federal gunboats have left the
river, but are expected back. They
took 20,000 pounds of Confederate
salt pork from Florence. They re
fused to touch any private property,
even cotton.
The passenger trains have been re
samed on the Charleston road.
It is reported the F. derals are
concentrating a large force in the vi
cinity of Paris, where there are 1800
Confederate cavalry.
The Tennessee river bridge has
not been burned.
It is reported via Paris, that fight
ing commenced at Fort Donelson on
Saturday, but nothing is heard of it
from Nashville.
One general, two captains, two
lieutenants, and 75 privates were
captured from us at Fort Henry.
Twenty-two dead bodies have been
found in the Fort.
The steampipe of one of the ene
my's gunboats braied, killing one
'The Federals have abandoned Fort
1enry, and are fortifying .Angelo,
opposite the Fort, which is now in
undated and caving on both sides.
The enemy threaten to take posses
sion of *he Memphis and Ohio rail
road in two weeks, when they will
have easy access to Memphis.
A stern .whoel boat arrived on
Sunday with 250 Federlairom South
ern Illinois.
In this city military excitement is
P raging.
A public meeting was held yester
day to organize more men for our de
r ~chmond, Feb. 1t.--A courier
r arrived from Norfolk, at four o'clock
this afternoon, bringing intelligence
of 4ie burning of Elizabeth City by
Sthe inhabitants. During the confla
.ration the Federals landed a large
=4 rce. All our gunboats except one
were captured by the enemy. Gen.
' Wise has not yet arrived.
Dr. Wily C. Breckwith, of the 1st
) Arkansas regiment, and a resident of
. Jefferson county, Ark., was killed at
g Lynchburg, Va.. on the 10th inst., by
I the cars running over him.
Nashville, Feb. 11.-It is reported
- hero this evening that the enemy are
marching in force upon Glasgow,
r with a view to flank Johnston.
A battle is expected there to-mots
- row or the day after.
Nething further from Fort Donel
r son to-day.
1 Large numbers of our citizens are
enrolling themselves for defence, and
I drill daily.
I Memphis, Feb. 12.-Latest intel
. gence from Tennessee river reports
tltat Gen. Pillow has got the Federal
force hemmed in near Fort Donelson.
The river is still rising. Fort henry
submerged and abandoned by Feder
als. One Federal gunboat retuned
down the Tennessee river to the
bridge from Florence. The bridge
is guarded by500 Federals. A large
Confederate force is beteewn Paris
and the bridge. At Paris the people
are preparing to leave. In 1 eakly
county the Union men are cheering
for Lincoln-this is west of Paris.
Paducah advice say that boats are
constantly arriving with forces for
Tennessee river, and fourteen boats
already gone up Cumberland towards
Fort Doneleon with troops. Heavy
firing was heard in that direction
The Confederate loss at Fort Hen
ry was five killed, ten wounded, and
Gen. Tilghman amnd fifty-four privates
taken prisoners. One Federai gun
boat was injured and thirty-two men
on board scalded to death. Aggre
gate Federal loss one hundred.
Richmond, Fed. 12 -The New
York Herald of the 10th says the
gunboats of Burnside's expedition
had 9-inch guns, 100 pound rifle guns
S-inch shell and 32 pounders.
Bennett, of the New York Herald,
says the rascally contractors have ,
pocketed fifty millions dollars of'pub-.
lic funds in the last nine months.
The position and oflicial authority
of General McClellan is in no way 4
modified since the advent of Secereta
ry Stanton.
The etiquette question of the
French Court is received as unwor
thy of serious consideration and of no
political significancy.
Lincoln is laboring hard to facili
tate preparations for an instant at- i
tack on all points any moment. a
The Herald says the object in tak- i
ing Roanoke Island is to seize other
points on the railroads running to a
Richmond, and cut off supplies and I
stop the inland coast navigation. of a
North Carolina, anmid also to threaten,
and if deemed advisable to flank the <
rebel army at Norfolk. It also con- a
templates the capture ot Suffolk, and
cutting 'off Norftlk from all com-r
munication by water or railroad with
other parts of the country. a
Rollas, Mo., Feb. 8.--Preparations t
for a decided blow against the rebels
are nearly completed. I
T'he Federal steamer KImange
t sailed from Portsmouth, New Hamp
shire on the 9th coast wise, to look
- after the Sumter.
Halifax, Feb. 1.-No signs of the
- steamship America, which is now
- overdue. Foreign exchange 114
1 to 11-5.
The New York Herald says the
paper money scheme will not relieve
the treasury if the tax bill is de
Norfolk, Feb. 1I.--Itelligeaoe
has been received of the light yes
terday from the Confederate gun
boats. The conflict was short and
active. Com. Lynch was danger
ously wounded and taken prisoner.
Five of our gunboat2 were saved.
The loss of life is not reported.
We have large Confederate force at
" the most exposed points, and the ene
i my will meet with determined resis
. Or loss is stated in killed, woun
ded and prisoners, at 1,700,-400
escaped from the Island.
Elizabeth City was shelled with
out notice, and heavy firing was
hbeard last night supposed to be in
the direction of Edenton.
The Federal pickets are reported
15 miles north of Elizabeth City.
General Wise has arrived at CaG.
rituck bridge.
Three hundred and ninety-five
Confederate prisoners, principally
taken at Hatteras arrived last even
ing from Fort Warren, via Fortress
Monroe, with a flag of truce.
Three steamers left Hampton
Roads this morning seaward, and
seventeen schooners are getting ready
to leave, probably destined to Al
bemarle Sound.
Congress has passed and the Presi
dent approved an act authorizing the
construction of a railroad from Dan
villee, Va., to Greensboro, N. C., to
connect the Virginia and Carolina
roads, on the ground of a military
Norfolk, Feb, 12.-Five vessels
left Old Point Cemfort this morning
loaded with troops, bound South, evi
dently to reinforce Burnside.
Elizabeth City was attacked on
Monday morning by eleven Federal
gunboats. Flag officer Lynch de
tended the city to the last. Three
steamers under his command reached
Dismal Swamp canal in safety.
One steamer of his was burned by
him, and two captured by the enemy
during the engagement.
Lynch and his officers are all safe,
and have arrived here.
Norfolk, Feb. 12.-Nothing im-.
portant from North Carolina. The
Confederate steamer Raleigh arrived
this afternoon with a nu'mber of sick
and midship Camin, who lost an arm 3
at the battle of Roanoke Island.
Several transport steamers left Fort 4
Monroe yesterday and to-day with t
troops. supposed for Roanoke Island. I
No flag of truce from Fort Monroe 1
to-day. t
Nashville, Feb. 12.-A dispatch
from Cumberland City, this evening
states one gunboat appeared in sight 4
of Fort Donelson this morning about
10 o'clock, and opened fire on the
fort bat doing no injury. The fort r
returned fire when the boat retired. (
The Federals have landed in force 4
and a battle with light artillery com
menced. This evening they are re- I
ported to have from ten to twelve r
thousand troops there. When thei
steamer left Fort Donelson the battle
was raging, but knew nothing further. t
Jackson, Feb. 13.-A large milita- '
ry meeting was held here to-day.- I
Resolutions were passed unanimously I
recommending the call of a convention. c
Nashville, Feb. 13.---The firing
commenced at Fort Donelson this
morning before sunrise, and still con
tinues up to this 11m30 a. m. The
enemy are increasing their uumber I
of pieces rapidly. They keep a re- t
spectable distance off. Our field bat
teries are engaged all along the line.
Fort Donelson, 2:45 P. M.-The
firing has ceased. The enemy ae
probabl~y changing their position. ,
We have thus far bfeated the for
L at every point along thi line. Oar
less is emalL The gunboats have
retired, and fie think they am serious
ly injured.
I Our men are in ine spirit!
Later.-The day is now alme-t
past, and we still hold our ewn We
have repulsed the enemy and driven
*him back to his gunboats.
We have whipped him by land and
water. He is still lying wound and
will probably attack us again to
morrow. Our loss is not very great.
1 That of the enemy must lbe heavy.
We have had lively fighag and
heavy cannonding alB along our line
during the day,.
We are satisfied that the gunboats
are injured materially as they retired
twice. Our lines are entrenched all
Richmond, Feb. 13. -At- Norfolk
intelligence has been received which
states that the Yankee fBeet landed
about 5008 troops at Edenton. It is
not believed they occupy any locality
above Edenton.
Petersburg, Feb. 13.-Aletter from
Suffolk says Edenton and Hartford
have both been captared. Five gun
boats landed their troops at Edenton
yesterday at 9 o'cleek, and soon af
ter 15 more gunboats arrived, when
the citizens raised the white flag.
Between 3000 and 6000 troops were.
A gentleman from Gatesville says
7000 horses were landed last night at
Edenton; also, a large number at
Elizabeth City and Hartford.
Nashville, Feb. 14.-The enemy's
gunboats opened fire on Fort Donel
son at half past three this afternoon.
A special dispatch to the Union
and American, from Fort Donelson,
14th, says six gunboats'attacked the
fort this afternoon. A terrific fight
ensued, which lasted near two hours.
Not a man on our side was hurt.
Two of the bunboats were crippled,
when they all retired.
New Orleans, Feb. 14.- The steam
er Victoria ruM the blockade at this
port. The blockading steamnet fired
200 shells at her, but she arrived safe.
Her cargo consisted of 15000 stan~
of arms, ammunition and coffee.
Richmond, Feb. 14.--McCulloch',
Rangers from Louisiana, were en
gaged in the battle of Roanke Island.
Private Dolsen was killed, and pri
vates Daley and Colton wounded.
A difficulty occurred at Norfolk
yesterday between Lieut. Gilmore and
private Mullony. The latter was
killed. Both belonged to the Mont
gomery Guards, 1st regiment Louis
iana volunteers.
Nashville, Feb. 15.-11, A M.
Dispatches just received from Fort
Donelson say fighting commeced at
even this morning. The fighting was
terrible, with great slattghter on both
sides. The enemy has been driven
back past his camps. We have cap
tured two of the enemy's batteries.
A Federal prisoner taken says Mc"
Clernand is commanding, and has
50,000, Our troops ate still driving
the enemy back with cold steel.
Memphis, Feb. 15=-McLin's cav
alry fought the Lincolnites in Stott
county, on the 14th, killing seven
and capturing nineteen "
Many horses were taken. Th
Lincoluites fled in disorder to thb
mountains. The forces were equat .
Three Confederates were wounded.
The federal loss at Fort Donelson
up to Thursday was 500; our loss
was but 25. Pillow commands the
fort, and Floyd and Buckner the
land forces. It is the most terrific
contest of the war.
Chas. J. Faulkner, in pastsing
through Baltimore, found one of his
little negro girls in the streets there
that had been stolen by the Vandals
from his house, and brought hlt
along with him to Riehmond t-ia
Fortress Monroe, No oEstios
were mades

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