OCR Interpretation

The morning star and Catholic messenger. [volume] (New Orleans [La.]) 1868-1881, August 02, 1868, Morning, Image 3

Image and text provided by Louisiana State University; Baton Rouge, LA

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn86086284/1868-08-02/ed-1/seq-3/

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-ORNIO - l, AD CATHOLIC ..... . ... G.
T1:e following is the. ,text of the Papal
Al'ocution convoking at (Ecumuenical Coun
c:l of the Bishojbi's the Catholic Church
on the 8th"Debt'iber, -l8e, (festival of the
Immaculate Coeeption :)
*Piuus, ishop,: ervapt of the Servanta of God fur fa
t-tr' Memory:
" The only 'beotten Son' of the Eternal
FPither, out of the gmeat love which He bore
unto us, descended from His celestial throne,
in order to redeem in the fulgess, of time,
te whole human race from' the yoke of sin
and bondage to Satin and the darkness of
--t!rgr1into- iieh~ by- the.fault .of their first
parent,4theylla4long since miserably fallen;
and lIe, not declining from the paternal
go;x7, was bior''ofthe' Immaculate and Most
-Holy Virgin Mary, and manifested His doc
trine and.:the rule, of lifeabt~ought from
SMHeaven, attestig it with so many excellent
works and giviug Himself up as an offering
for us and as av etim''to God in the odor of
sanctity;- and. having ..vanttuished degtb,
lie, before.~ send'udi g-to Heaven, to sit
upon the right hand of te' Father, sent His
Apostles into the world to preach the Gos
pel to every creature, and gave to them.the
power of ruling: the Church purchased. by.
Hisa own blood and thus 'constituted what
i1 the coleimnm'fiidflrmament oftrath, and,
o euriched by celestial treasures, shows -the
-certain path of. salvasin and -the-light of
true doctrine t~gill people.- In ordei', thei
taat ,the government of the' Church should
be ever malntninedb'iiaa right" samdwell-or;
dered course, and tthst:the whole Christian
world should upheld~ one sole faith' doe
tt i4e, charity, and communion, He prondsed
His aid untb the enda-if time, and chose
-Peter, whom He had. declared to be the
Pt ince of the Apostles, His Vicar on earth,
. and head, foundation and centre of the
Church, so that,'invested 'with this rank
and honor, and -with asaplitade of chief an
full authority, ,power and jurisdiction, he
should feed the shzeep and the lambs, .con
fim the brethren,rule the universal Church,
and be the gate-keeper of Heaven, and ar
biter to bind and to loose ; the efect of his
judgment remalining unalteted in Heaven.
(St. Leo, Serm. 11.)
" And that the unity and integrity of tle
C'L_.rch and-J.-govrn-ment, might remain
pe:lpetually immutable, .theiletle the R,
•..an Pontilff, successors of St. Peter, inherit
ard ipossess in full vigor the very sanme sit- i
1,:cnme authority, jurisdiction, and primacy
of Peter over the whole Church.
': Hence, the Itomian Pontitlf,. using their
.ra-·oral care and autbhority over the whole
f~c,, of the Lord, divin'<ly enltrusted to
t:.m-ni by Christ himself in the person of the
Ble-sed Peter. have spared no fatigue in
Latking every possible l,rovision in order
S'..t. from the rising to the setting sunl, all
' ople and all nations should have knowl
edi.-e of the evangelical doctrine, and by I
walking in the way of truth and justice at
t .,a eternal life.
'" It is known to all with` what unweary
i::_ care the Roman Pontiffs have sought to
preserve the deposit of the faith, the disci
pliue of the clergy.and the holy and learned
teacl] s, and the sanctity and dignity of
mat lmony, and to promote and extend the
ed.-atiunj of the youth of both sexes, to fos
ter the religion and piety of the people and
virtuous manners, todefend justice, andto I
assure the tranquillity, order, prosperity,
and 'ights of civil' society. N r have the
Pontlf aomitted, when they base deemed it
useful, especally in times of great pertur
bation and calamity for our most holy reli
gion and civil seoaety, to convoke general
councils, to the ena' that, by - eonsulting
with all the Bishop of the Catholic wotld,
whom the Holy Grhost, has appointed to
-rule the Lords Chtireh, they might, by
their' nilted 'tr , -l pwovidentially n
wisely oedai.all ts th' that would
chiefly serve to def the dogmas oft the
faith, dispel errors alrfa'iye plopated,-or
that might bethenceltiriad be propagated
illustrate and eluciddate doctrine, uphold 1
and ref.rm eCelesiastical dscipline, 'and
correct the corrupt manners of peopes.
" It is already known and manifest to all
how horrible 'a- tempest now agitatts the
Church, and what gevous ills fllict civil I
society. TLh sbaio Church, ier salutary
doctrine,Jui.xenerated power, and the su
preme authority of this Apostolic See, are
opposed sad seeat at iaght by the'bitter en
emies of p(dandm md p All sacred things
are cpntemned, ecclesiastical property is
plundered, bishops and honored men at- 7
tachied to the Divine ministry and men dis
tinguisbed.i:brtheir Catholio sentiments are 1
troubled in every way, and.religious famit
lies suppresse.- Impious books of every 1
kind. pestilent journals, and multitudinous I
and most pernicious sects are spread abroad
ue all sides. The education of the unhappy a
soung is nearly everywhere withdrawn I
i'rom the clergy, and, what. is worse, is in e
many places confided to masters of impiety I
and error. .a
" Thus, to our poignant grief, and that
or all good men, and with mischief toI
squls that can never be sueffciently de
plored, impiety and corruption of manners 4
have everywhere propagated themselves; I
and there pirevails an unbridled license,
land a contagion of depraved opinions of
all kinds, and of all vices and immoralities,
; sld so great a violation of divine and
htuuian laws that not only our nmost holy a
religion, bat human society also, is thereby
miserably disturbed and atlicted. In the
lhevy accumuulation of calamities whereby
car heiartis thus Otppressed, the supreme
ipa'toial charge conitlded to us requires
that we should ever increasingly exert our'
strength to replair' the ruin of the Church,
to heal the souls of the Lord's flock, and
to repel the assaults and fatal attelnpts of
those who strive to uproot fronm their foun
dation, if that were possible, both the
.Church and civil society. And truly, by
the Ihelp of God, front the commlenccment
of oui P'ontiicate, we, conscious of oure
solemn obligation, have never ceased to
raise our voice in our consistorial allocu
tions and Apostolic letters, and to defend
'constantly by every effort, the cause of
God and His Holy Church, confided unto
-us ly the Lord Christ, to uphold the rights
of this Apostolic See, and of justice and
IER. truth, and to tnliutsk the insidious devices l I
- of its enemies, to condemn errors and false p
a. doctrines, to proscribe impiOnu sects, and tl
- to watch over and provide ior the salva- si
tion of-all the L.ord's flock. And following s8
the practice of our illustrious predeces- b
ipal sorb, we have deemed it opportune to as
ºun- semble a general council which we have r
irch already iong desired, of all our venerable u
the brethren, the 1llhols of the whole' Catholi cc
world, who are now t-lHed to take part in ai
ar n- oar solicitude. These our venerable breth- k
uen. prompted by the warmest love for the ith
nail Catholic Church, and reniarkable for em- P
ore 'iuent piety and for reverence towitrd us
ne, and this Apostolic See, anxious ald for
ae, the salvation of souls, and excellent in
sin wisdom, in doctrine and erudition.'and
s of greatly lamenting.. .ith us the giev0nus Iii
irst condition of s.acred and profane things, t
len; they will hold nothing muore precious than l'
nal to communicate. to us their judgment.. and th
lost confer with .us in order to provide salu- to
c- tary remedies for so many calamities. of
S " All these things have to be moset cxlre- ch
nt fully examnind and regulated in this (E·.u- re
re mef eal" oitancil, more particularly with er
regard to all, that in these evil times con
sit cerns the greatest glory of God,' the integ- th
His rity of the faith, the respect for Divine th
wosiship, and the eternal salvation of men, aE
05- the discipline of the orders of the clergy, ,u
and their solid and salutary training, the th
t obbiervance of ecclesiastical laws, the time- us
at lioratlon of manners. the eduahtien of
eChristian youth, and the peace and eoncord . u
of oal. And further, the council muatt seek
anxious study.that by the help of God nc
'.a -lis may bI rembved fldm' :civil society, OR
that erang wanderetd maybe led back into. a
r the right .ay of truth, and that. vice and a
oc- error may elmigat gd, our august re- Si:
glion landi er httny doctiint mai every- by
ehere be ttilckened by fresh life, and may th
th still farther extend their influence, and ex
the thupiety,honesty, probity,justice, charity,
the and al the Christian virtues may gather
stek ngtth and flourish to the great benefit
of humnan society. None can ever den
e that the strength of the Catholic Charcld at
and her doctrine does not_ alone regard thie
s- eternal salvation of men, but is essential ut
also to the temporal welfare of peoples,
a and to their real prosperity, order and tran
li. quillity, and even to the progress and so- Ai
.lidity ot hlunalu science, as the antals of
te sacred anti profane istory clearly prove A
ie by a series of-splendid facts and still con- t
ai I stantly demonstrate. Sc
" *And since Christ the Lord so greatlyli
rit consoles and comfoirts um with those words, x
Si " For wlhen two or tlhree arte gathered to- t
Sget her in my name. there I am in the miialt t
of them,' we cannot doubt that in' the
'i* abundaince of Hli. divine Itercc, lM. would di
le I vouchsafe to bte present at this council, in
to whichwe shall be able to establish those !f
Sthings that in any way egard the welfatre
of lHis Holy Church. - .
" Therefore. aftmer most fervent prayer l
offered up day aumd night in the humility of
our heart to God the Father of Light. wev A
by have judged it to be expedient that thi- C
at- council should be assembled. For this.
cause, strong in the authority of God the tr
ry- Father Almighty, tile Son, and the Holy
to Ghost, and of the holy apostles, Peter and 1l
t- red Paul, which authority we represent on
earth, we, with the counsel and consent of 1 i
our venerable brethren the Cardinals of the D
the oly Roman Church, by these present let
Sters, announce, convoke and ordain the
ad sacred (Ecumenical and General Council to At
to be holden in that, our city of Rome, in the At
jye coming year, 18M9, in the Vatican .Basiliea, w
commencing upon the eighth day of De
it mber sacred to the Immaculate Coneep- At
Stion oft the Virgin Mary. and to be prose
i- cated and cendneted to its termination by 8n
-the help of God, to His glory, and to the W
salvation of all Christian people. T
t " We therefore desire and command that lai
Sour venerable brethren, thepatriarehs
4 archbithops, bishops, as also our beloved At
ld meas, the abbots, and all others .ho, by Al
h rght oi privilege; are entitled to sit in 13
. eor eral councils and to manifest their opin
fions to the same,-should from all parts re- Fr
old pair to this (Ecumenical Council, convoked Ai
Sby us; and to this effect we invitp, exhort, Cs
and afdmonish them, both in virtue of the ch
all oath they have taken to us and this Holy At
the See, and of holy obedience, and under the cii
ivl penalties by law or enstom decreed against ca
sthose who fail to appear at the councils. T
ea- We rigorously ordain and prescribe that Ti
are they sall be bound to attend this sacred ne
e. council, unless withheld by some just im- lai
pediment, which, however, must, in alln
cases, be proved to the synod by the inter
at- mediary of legitimate proxies. MI
lIs- "We cherish the hope that God, in whose de
are hands are the hearts of men, showing Him- Cs
id- self favorable to our desire, may grant that, Ti
cry by His ineffable mercy and grace, all the lii
ius supreme princes and governors, Ibere es- p
)ad pecially Catholic, of all nations, growing eR
ipy daily Imore conscious of the immense bene- fe
wn its which human society derives from -the Mi
in Caolis Church, and knowing that, the ri
ety ChUrch is the most stable foundation of AR
empires and kingdoms, not .only, will not lie
hat impede our venerable brethren, the bishops Va
to amd others, from attending this cotucil, but 1k
de- will rather aid and favor this oljiect; and 9n
era co-operate zealously, as becomRes Catllolic 'ot
is; princes, in all that may result to thegreater
ase, glor~ of God and the benefit of this council, be
oof " 'o the end that these our lettlers and ki
les the things therein contained may come to rn
Sthe knowledge of all whom it may concern..
oly and that nIo person may be able to plead .
mby ignorance of the same nd as, posaibl.. -
the they might not securely reach atll those to i'
aby who r thy may be personally addreslsed, t,
me we desire and command that the pre.--fnt th
r ; letters be r-ead puiblicly and audild y by the, t
our - mnessengers. of our ACuria or sonme public eIj
chr, notary in the Lateran, Vatiantl. andl Lihe- th
nd riau Iasili·as. After having beenl read, I "
v of they shall ie raflxed to the doors-of tihe said l'
un- churches, the gates of the Apiuzolic Chan- re
the cery, in tile usual place in the (:alnlpo di i
by Flori, and in othler prlli ilaLces, where u
eat Ithey will I.nllimtil for some time. for the in- o1
our formation of nalt- When the originals shall in
to be removed, they will be replaced by copies th
eu- in the same llaces. In view of such lec- fa
nd tures, publication, and exhibition, we or- '"
of dain that, two months from the date of
nto publication and posting of our letters, all
hts and each of those whom they may concern, de
and will be bound thereby equaly as if they m
had been r:' :tnd ecommiunicated to them
pedeonHll ) 'e further order and decree
that. op'es of these letters, written or
signed by a public ,'otary, and bearing, the
seal of some ecclestastical dignitary, may
be accepted as perfeetlr authentic.
"No man- willbe at l1betty to oppose. or
rashly contravene this, onur jdiction, au
nouncement, coinvocation, eita'tte, decree,
command; precept.andinviatton.. And if
any shall presunme to attempt this. let him
know that he will ipent4he wrath of A1
mighty God,:and ,o-His blessed apostles,
Peter and au.l. . "
There has. been. much mention of a po*.
litical mission to tlu- Pope. entrusted by
the Italian Governmt nt to.tount Alexander
Fe. of Breein. who is now a- Rome, butt
the "truth isthat- thse-4 ouut hon only come
to superintend the reparation of the chureh
of San Carlo, which, bing the national
chttich of the Mfilnese in that city,-is being :
reatored at the expense of the ltalian,Gov
A telegram from Rome, June W0, contaiins
the following items of news: The lPope; on
the anniversary of his election, delivered
an addroes to the Candinala, lie said : Rotme
must be a holy spot. Thfe sanctity itself of
the grounil'we tread imposes upon each of
us" the duty of edif-ing the wor:d by his
example. 4tod weighs ia ,the balance of
.justice 9urt sagiferins and our acts. Mlay% it
he said of modern Rome : " What she does
not'posesa by- arms she holds by religion.:
On this ooeasson His Holiness has accordled
an amnestytpall prisqners, except those gon
ldemned for theft or forgery, havingless (ham
six moiinths to duffer; thos6 whose sentehces
have further to run will have one-third of
the period deducted, provided it does not
exceed three years. Political prisonerd are
included i4 the act of clemency.
lArtLows.-During the recent ordinations
at All Hallows, the Mo.-t Rev. Dr. Whelan.
Lord Bishop of Bombay, conferred ordlers
upqn the following gentlemen of that insti
tution :
T ,v-sre..-Messra. Joseph Roughan. Not
tiugham, England; James Lane, Maitliand.
Austtalia ; James llegarty, Melbonrtse.
Australia: Janimes Hunt. I;rass Valley, ('Cali
fornin : Patrick Smyth. l)ubnque : Iticlhard
Scannell, Nashville: Patrick Byrne, Adle
laide, Australia.
Minor Or,ders.--.Mes.sr'. Patrick Cotta,
Natchez : Michael Gough.' Mell.ourne. Aus
tralia lDenis Ilavern. lhathar.-t. Australia :
Jaine.' M o'(;ough. Miitlauld. Austrealia: A.\u
(rew O'l)olun.ll, r.its, \aill\. ':alit'ornia
John Nelh:ui. Metllhonrn. Anu.-tr:lia : iobeirt
Cleary. Adelaide. Anai'tralia : Cornelius
Scannuuil, i1ounterey. t'alifirria : De)eiis
Iyau, '1kditlaud, \Au.trtalia : Peter Mackin,
Altoun William Mltun:,id. lBoston; John [
Vnal , Nashrille : Pat icrk C ororan, Malit
Bland, Australia : John DI)anne-, Batlllurst,
A.stralia : John Nuget.r, $Sa: Francisco,
Californit ': lMatthew' Ryan. lathurst. Aus
tralia: P:atrick O'Neill. Birningham, Eug,
land : Peter Iliekey, Gtrass Valley-. Caitr
nia ; John Smyyth, Dubuelue; M.iclht el Fitz
sinous, Bathixrst. Australia ; Edward
Woods. Salfotrd, England : Janes Hynes,
Grass Valley. California; John Farrell,
b'cubtleaeous.-llc . John Herbert, Mel
lourne, Australia : William Lyon. Sydney,
Australia; John O'Reilly. Perth, Western
Australia; Terence (.'YReilly, Port of Spain,
West Indies ; Luke Toomey:, Grass Valley a
California: Patrick M'Carthy, Melbourne,
Australia ; lhenry Laneu Burlington.
I)reosship.-itevs. James Hothersall,
Salford, England ; Jolhn Purcell, Brooklyn ;
William Riordan, St. Paul's, Mhmnesota;
Thomas Kelley, Richmond; Timothy O'Oal
laghan, San Francisco, California; William
O'Connor, Alton ; James Martin, Melbourne,
Australia; Peter O'Dowd Dubuque; Paul
Ahern, Brooklyn; Joseph iFNamee, Brosk
lyn; Thomas Donahoe, Monterey, Califonuia.
PYriesteood.-Revs. Thomas ltriodyl- San
Francisco, California; John Carroll, Sydney,
Austtralia; Michael ,M'Naboe, San Francisco,
Calitbrua : William -('Coaner, San Fran
olsco, California; Robert Meade, Melbourne,
Australia; Edward Morisey, San Fran
cisco, California; Michael M' Dermott, Chi
cago; John Hogan, Melbourne, Australia;
Thoma4s Petit, Grass Valley, California;
Timothy Brosnahan, Boston- Jlames O'Con
nell, Melbourne, Australia; Laurence Scan
lan, San Francisco, California; John Gaili
gnn; Patrick Fay, Hartford; Denis Shans
aan, .Melbourne, As etralia; Thomas
M eurphy, Newlort,-Menevia; Anthony Lad
den Albany: James Reetoey, Grass Valley,
Califonia ; Timothy Hickey, Alton;
Timuethy c't'allagllau, Melbourne, Austra
lia; J.ohn MGuire, Brooklyfi: Thomas
Norrib, Boston Timothy Fitspatritk, San
Franeiseo. California; John Kelly, Hart
ford; Thomas Egan, Melbourne Australia; i
Michael Kilian, Liverpool, Enugland: Mau- 1
rice Herr, Hartford: Michael Kirwan, Perth, .1
Auitralia; .John Laiwless; Maitland, Austra :
lia: Michael Lane, Boston; Patrick Kirby,
Vatucouvers'a Island; Patrick Devern,
Bathurst. Australia; Thomas Duffy), NeS.
qualy: Andrew Galigt.: ;u Franincicto,C ali
It will be, doubtles, gratifying to the
benet~lct,, ;anld fricin'id o' All InlloriWs to
kn-ow that they have-_ been instrunmental in u
rnaising u;p nod suistainiug an institution,
souet of tte happy tenults U which n-ay lit.
w..on I:. tIh long lie-t (,f those w ho, just now
ie- withl tihe s;lnlcid dignlit- of the
i ri'i!. d. will go tii.tlih in a few day- to i
nij!i dltaut mnis-ious. as wi!l a~ in thit of
ti1 ii i.. unget bhiotht who are pm .laring
to Ioui -0,0, in their fott.eps. The col
leg. o, .\!I lallows It.', o entdom,·nct. save
that v x h is (hi i seid Imou the 1 inexhalmustible
eharit., the tathlolwt prelates, priests, and
pLO, ,, tlad,. To that charity its di
rectut i- e n-a. i :lV' alp.ael ill vaiu;
uolln it the.3 -till depeYrIl tor tilt uln.ilfs
ahI 'h alrlt l&Ltcelariy tot thile fau'thil r devel
otD.atl and itmore comulelete success of the
ii.ittitt'., and thiiy art conttidel nt that I
thit il-t thl.ir hojlcts ulio, a solid said tin
faling tm.undation.-1.ub#lin Fertemvn, Junea
Thalt wihdom which enlightens the un
derstading and reforms tht life, is the
maot v~uable.
or Dlocasu or COtMwuvacs--o, iernmatidn at:
e St. Francis of Sale, N1eirdrk.--O)n Sunday,
v 2th niult., the holy sacrament of confirma
tion was administered by-the Right Rev.
Bh Bishop teecrana tq ,sixty-4ve pereons,
,_ chieLy children.
V, DIOCESE OF hothssER --Tlhe 'Right Rev.
if J. B. MeQuaid, lishopot the-new+ diboese
m 'ef Rochester, arrived in Rochester on the
1- ldth ult., and was received by ,a gathlring
of nmany thousands. A long processiones
corted hit to St. l'atrick'r Church edifice,
a.nd suitable exerwiesoof wek0lme were par
ticiaMted in by. huudtlreds of clergymUen.,
I") CEcE,: oW LtMICtb'rt.---Tlhere were
tiftvpe y'syns contirnued by Archbishop Pur
cell in the new and ian'udsome Church of St.
John Biapt.st, Dry Ridge, Hamilton cou nty,
t ,-io.-. Ther:' wel~s also seventy .persoas
eenltrmeid by the samte in the Church of st.
J Joint Evajgeli.Wt in Lewisburg, · \est Cov
in gton, Khntutety, the Right Rev-. Bishop
Carrel' being slit'; we regreat to say, very
. ill.--l(raelnatti. 'egruph. ..
DtoCEsE "OF NnWApsK.--O4 $t)nday,, the
19th ult.r the corner-stone of the new Cath
Solic church of St. Jisenh, Hndson (ity,
+, New Jersey, was laid by lght-Revt Bishop
t rayley, asnister y . t low g clergy
F amen: Fathers Vey ta, s as, o,...;0..
f Shethan. Killeen, De Cotecilio , Cauvin,
f McNulty, W is6n, McGovern, Niederhnaer,
Eugene, Hugh, and IAffphaeh . ,F rtee n
temperance societie.. turned out ,frqn ~io
.boken, Hudson City and Jersey City, and
mavched in procession. The ceretmnlties
coeltaied with an eloquent discearse f)ent
Rv. Dr, MoGly.vn, of St. Stepbea's, fiew
SYprk.--1ril Anmericap:
tion.-The Most Rev. Archbisollp1 dedikltted
to the serviee of God; or' the. 14thl a'lt., un
der the invocation of the. Holy Name of Je
su,. the. new churgj| recently erected in
Otisrille ,.Orange county, New York, by the t
Rev. Richard Brennan, pastor of Port ler- c
vis and neighboring mission. After highds
mass, which followed te. dedication, he ad
ministered the sacrament of coufirnation to
seventy-six, persons. He.also administered
the sacrament of confirmation, on the I5th £
ult., in St. Johu's Church, Middletown, r
S'range county, to one hundree and eighty
tive persons. On the following daty, he ad
ministered the sacramenit of contirmation
in St. Joseph's Chunrch, Goshen, Orkuge
county, t, tw'o hiundle(d and sixtysfouuy
- ).-- uLts', OE N ATCrIIEZ.-St. .oIuscpl's School.
The tirtt sbe sion of' St. Joseph's school for
"girls . u1ei'd Ion the _'3t nlt., with the utiitul
ldistribution of preulinnia and an exhibition.
There was a good attendance .i'ithin, the
grounds.. A large number of prenutnmnt.
were distri'mhitn'd. Revi. Fitter I riginoii,
vicaru-general of the lioceise, awarding them
to tie si necessfnl contestants, aec(ompnliyifng f
with sonme i narks to each oft thema. 'The
Iexhibition CEompriued a pleasing varit ,y of
dialoguies, recitations, and vocal and itisttt'
tunenitul music, all of which were rendered
;with credit to the perfiormers. It is gratify
ig to see the rapid progress made by the
upils of the St. Joseph school; undek the
areful training and' instruction of the good
i~ters who have charge of it. The school
s yet in its infancy, but it can already
omiete with the older establishluents in
ll tihe studies which are here taught.
E~xamiintios acnd Exrhibition of the t-'athe
dral &.Slioot.--The annual exatnmination and
exhibition of the Cathedral school, finder
the control of the Brothers of tile Sacred a
Heart, took place on the 20th and 21st ult. ]
It was with the greatest pleasure and satis- I
faction that the large audience noticed the I
intellectual progress made by the puails.- i
Courier. .
DiocEsa or Baoou.nrI.-Ordiaat4ina.
Ou the morning of the 1t, alt., att St.
James' Cathedral,. in Jay stralt, I very.
numerouscongregation aspemnbedtoveitness
the ordination of two priest; The ients a
of holy orders were ChludeL y and s
William O'Donnell. .The eosy was
performed by Bishop Ioughin, au[ssted by 1
the-V'ery Rev. J. Tmrner, V.., Rek. Dr.
Gardiner, Fathers Frelt, MeSbierry, and 1
MeCloskey. Mr. O'Dodenll is a oon of
Bryan. O'Donnelli Es 'of Clasaee',oanty t
Limerick, Ireand, ad a aephew f Dr.
O'Donnell, of New 'o, alnd studed tfor I
the ministry in Belgium, College of .All
Hallows, Dublin, and St. Bonaventnte's
College, Cattaraugus county, New: York.
Fathet Farrelly coppleted hb atudies in
The corner-stone of the new church of
St. in eant. de Paal, North Sxthli street,
Williamsburg, was laid, a short tiueq since,
with imposing ceremonies, by thea Right a
Rev. Bishop Loughlin, assisted by the pas- a
tor, the Rle. David Mulline, and PFther J. a
R. McDonald, of' St. Mary's Church. An 4
immense concourse of citizens witnessed -
the exercises, and nmany civic societies
.paraded. After depositing the, ustal re
cords in the allottedplace, Bishop Loughlin
addresesed the assenbt. 'briefly, ana dpaid
a well-merited compliment to --tbe young
pastor and those who so cheerfully assisted
him in his great undirtaking.
Dcer-ts or P'ILLADELPHIlA.--flranfa-j
tio,n.--'l'he Riglht Rev. Bishop Wood visited J
i'ottsvillc, mid administered the sacrament
Sof contirnmntion in St. Patrick's Cthurch. L
Rev'. Niclola.s J. Walsh. plasto, 'to two
hundred and eighty-four prDnsons.; and ini
thf. Chttrchl of St. John thie Ilnptist, Rev. c
Fi ns. Jos. W;achter, pastor, to one,hundred n
Snitd tifty-oe, per on. On tie satme-day,
the Iigh;t Rev. l'relate visited St. Ambrose's
Cllurci,. SclhuylkiiU la'ienll, and colfirmnl'l
sixty tive pIno-ns: ; lnld at St. St.phins's L
Chruch. P'ort Carbon, Itev. J. lg.ort.on, i,
liltno, l heli i c'llUlirmd sixtv-ti,,lve plwsolls
ilmnkilng in all six hundred alnd tliht'-two e
conltirmnid inl one day*. t
The,' Vewo Chl'oci of ,St. 'Ch,lcs Borro- '
,,cio.-OOn thie 19th tilt., tihe corner-stone of
tihe new church of St. Chluarles lorromeo i I+
corlner of Twentieth andil Clnhristian Bishop
streets, was laid liv itight Rev. O'llara.
I Festiral of St. tinicenta de Itaul.--('oner
Stone Laying.-The festival of St. Vincent i
Sde Paul was observed with much solemni
ty in the clhunrch of that name at German
town. The grand high mass was celebrated I
at half-past ten o'clock by Right Rev. S. V.
Ryan, D,.I., C.M., Bishop elect of DLitffalo, I
with Rev. Janes olando, C.M., deacon,
d J. Ricardson, CM., sub-deacon. In
the ctutary' weliLsn Fathers Leydea,
Ha lem raldand the other Fathers '
S si aria of the Congregation of the
Mission, resident a Germantown. The
panegyric of the saint h b Rev .
MihaelO'Connor, S J., an as a most
pers,, which wergiven at the
the afternoon, by, Father Hayden the on
gregation, heiqded bythe Rev. clery, the
ien hers ofohe giofty, and other like or
splendid and varaarle t roerty recently
rsned ..... nd proerty red dtly
purchased for the urpose, of the scholastic
and noviciate- oftie resideit order at Ger
mantown. aTlh purpose of -the visitation
was to witness the cere u1y-of laping the
'ornei -stone of the newveminaryabout to
be erected on this desirable aIte,-and which
will, when completed, be ma most pdioa ..
and coninlent edifice. Tihe ceremony was
performed by Right 1ev. S. V. Ryan, D.D.,
C.M.. and Rev. Michael (º°'Connori 43.J.,
made a brief address.
D1 EtocEse O. ST. LOr'Ir.--)CDeatC of Two
'ei',lu cic !','cutec-.D~.md a the :lst tilt.,
at St. Charler, Mts1 ,ttiei. Peter J. Ver
hnegen, of the Society of Jeaus,.aged saity
seven years and one month. Father 'er.
10. He cane to Si. Lis in 121 s one
of the little band of Jesuit ml ries
whom the Veneruable Bishop Dnb had
succeeded. in sobtaining for his diocese.
Shortly after his ordinatln Father Ver
haegen was appointed President of the St.
Louis University and Superior of the West
ern Missionse. He was also appointed to gov
emrn the Jesuit establishmentes in the East, and
after having completed his term of olffice
there he beiae '!Aidont of St. Joseph
College, at Bardstown, Kentucky. The last
years of his life weore spent at St. Charles,
Missouri, where he labored with zeal for
the welfare of the people committed to his
charge. Father Verhaegen was a p an
superior mind, of profound knowledge,adit
of a most winninu and genial mainert He
was the friend of all who kuewshi} ; ever
cheerful. withra-kind wordfb-ll that came
near hinm. During his lol, reer of useful
ness in the high positions.which he sueces
sively filled,'as ?rttor of colleges, superior
of ie missionsu~Provincial of the Missouri
P/vinee of-his order, administrator of
the dioneeo of St. Louis, etc., he gained,
what, indeed, he did not seek, a great name
ttiaun extensive popularity : and promoted
-what was the sole object of his ambition
the good of religion and education and the
greater glory of od.
The cold clods of earth have closed over
the renmins of lanother of oulrepeuted and -
levered priests. Father Thomas M. Kava
uIgh has gone suddenly to his long repose'.
Suddenly, but not unprovided; for he died'
fortified by the touching and consoling rites'
of the Church. tie had just concluded a
brief retreat at St. Vincent's Mission House,
in this city, with the close of the preceding
week. He said his usual mass on Sunda
and in the evening retired, feeling slight
unwell. His ilamas terminated in death,,
about three o'clock on Tuesday evening.
Father Kavanagh was a native of Cooleutl
len, about four miles east from well-kno
Castlecomer, in theeounty Kilkenny. From
early youth lihe gave himself to the studies
which prepare for the labor undertaken by'
every priest of the ULrd-"St. Louia Guar
THE IRIsi--M)U-Dus.-Bodies of the
antr- are still departing from ths counm
and Clare. It is the infamy of impaM
which causes them to go. Its leglati
lashed-its iniquity epela them. By
Infamous land code their orerunues w
expelled,:. and they follow those to
Americuin ettlemetite, where they hiv
and where they wblr theirl fast
at home. Th ae rish ca
which are expeding from constant
slon, sad, ElslI utes lariter
of imlt!rialin, that the young and
living in Irehland ao e i sinfr
The ymg ad the .ald are e lg
gath-r, and many are severing the
ties of thetr nature to be'disenUiiled
British rale and its lhad -yI a. The
;tags t 1Jet
occur. At the rusquayf hlrsh, ohe
ing thsl week, the sdisestion and Sgony
divdlng familiEs were painful sad w
-Cork S.rami Ier, 27th Je. .
Let as nevet-meddle wi tr if we
help it, and let as hav e little to do as
ean with the angr frious ; but let
always stand by the right, and let
silence, if rnot r words, rebuke all w
Thn W rNM Z tlZ ll05 nmsell 1 *l
For several years it has bes matter of •sto
noto *orh5orlelMti, sht li, the seaospueis of
Soh wth a oanufoii e mas ours n.
Lntlllt. sat, and ;irul ilarea W yOnt a
Catoic er in llu s A tting that wuh a
is ain or . • uty h 'we dute td, with t
airl ' etesmti, bl um . of taWoft
bra4 the tt  .le h'h wiwly he cal
AIPO.t LOr,iU .."
For the itelle.ectul and material detpartmR s we
meeeh arn of aith anxl talent, able edite,. a
perieced manmiera. t Iurugrhly devoted to te Cal
The "'MOlRNL'U S"A'l" will be prhrted in
T',I.srlo.-i'g dollars per sllona, In adiance.
l e' . prae'ent i . all talor.n. tho rnto tge
notlay of the undertrnkn. it will baa o
etue'k .ompay, admInistered accurdlug to the
'hre joiuat eto..'k company wilt to .' oel-c'4 of
e. amtont of nenodra'!Tb ,oas~uan.
-it' Ttomlna'l..n fhares of Tr.w.a l. Doling, er
oiehlmtof r'ahl to is lalud rol..
'The patronage of t1... II.' Ck',gy of tlb.
-tio.'us i.t , n.'alv't l ei,,il,"d.
The whole moO oatu.gut uill be un4cr tts
of a' committee r' ,',l*n"", "f fo,,r i'rle e I .
the Host te.. Arb'lI.l.,otaUd three Iayz l
bi the tio.klhudlrr.
AJ'i'oI'O.\l o." TUE MOST REV. L"
wVe alrt '"'" of tile afeemaaid uumlertali-z
noid it ,,i (Ii, Catholic- of our dioces.
it . N. . I'.rche as Ptr.'ident. and ue
the committee.
!.r. i.. Arelhblahop of Hew
The lev. ParLh Priet are Lnaitasl mt
p·o~t~im tOhou rroapevirs)~ma. ~

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