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The Waco evening news. [volume] (Waco, Tex.) 1891-1894, March 07, 1892, Image 5

Image and text provided by University of North Texas; Denton, TX

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn86088201/1892-03-07/ed-1/seq-5/

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City Cash Store.
For a few day's only I will sell you
10 doz.cggs for$t.0u.
20 lb granulatod sugar for $1.00.
22 lb brown sugar for $1.00.
Nice ripo banauna's nt 15ots a dozon.
Sweet ornnRCS at 25ots a dozon.
Spare rips fresh at lOots porlb.
Fresh unit water fish to arrivo every
oilier day.
Fresh vogotablcs evory morning. Call
at 0. J Millkr's for bargains, 717
Austin Avo.
a t
nts g Oils,
404 Austin Street,
Buy Egan's 'Blaok Diamonds."
Straight dinner from 12 to 2 and
anything you want at any hour at Joo
Egan's black diamonds" will soon
givo way to "ooal comfort," try him
ere it is too late.
Dockery & Co., Assurance- Agents
represent first rlass onmpunies only.
Every attention paid to placing risks.
Givo us a call at our now quarters in
tho Provident budding.
Cummins 5 & 10 Cent Store.
Chair seat l(lo
Wash pan 10c
Cream pitcher lOo
Sugar bowl 10c
Butter dish 10c
Slop bucket 40c
Lamp ehimnoy 5o
Good towel 10c
Big dipper lOo
j tumblers 25a
G goblots JJ5o
Sugir bucket 3fio
Child's swing 35o
Mop handle 15o
Dinner buoket 25c
Good lantern
Kitchen lamp
Gallon buokot
Men's jackets
Acoouut book
Box tooth pi'kslOo
Good lamp
Fino alitor
Dish pan
Fire shovel
Stovo polish
Oil can
Good combs
703 Austin avo., bet. Gth and 8th sts.
A Husbands Mistake.
Husbands too often permit wives,
and parents their children, to suffer
from headache, dizziness, neuralgia,
sleeplessness, tits, nervousness, when
by tho use of Dr. MileB Itestorativo
Nervino such serious results could
easily be prevented. Druggists every
where say it gives universal satisfac
tion, and has an immenso sale. Wood
worth &CoofFort Wayne, Ind ;
now & Co., of Syracuso, N. Y.; J. 0.
Wolf, Hillsdale, Mich.; and hundreds
of others say "it is the greatest seller
they ever knew," It oontains no
opiates. Trial bottlo and free book
on Nervous Diseases, froo at H. 0.
Itishcr & Co.
The Gabert Bros., fashionable tail
ors, 110 South 4th street havo tho fin
est cuttings, employ tho most skillful
"workmen and havo the largest and
finest stock of spring goods in tho
oity whilo their prices are very rea
Eonablo. Givo them a call.
Ed Sparks for District Clerk.
In this issue wo announco Mr. Ed
Sparks as a candidate for distriot
clerk of McLennan county. Mr.
Sparkfl is well-known, havim; lived a
hfo time in this county. His Lome
ii at Bosqucvilla aud a more popula
gentleman among hineighors tines not
live. IIo is a eon of Mr. Hauk Sparks,
who settled in McLennan county 42
years ago, IIo i eminently qualified
to fill the office for which ho aspires.
Mr, Sparks is a fatmer and baB, by
olese attention to business, accumu
lated a modcrato competency and after
years of honest toil ho now asks for
the honor of serving the people
as district clerk, feeling confident
that ho can ive prrfeot eatibfaction.
Before you order u new suit see tho
now and elegant suitings of tho spring
of 1892 at Gabert Bros., largest and
finest stock in the city.
The Popular Grocers,
005 Austin Avo u no
publiu to givo them a call. Thoy
strive to pleaso both in quality of
goods and in low prices. They offer
a pretty specialty this weekinShepp's
In one pound piokages. Every
housekeeper should try it. They
also offer to smokers tho indisputable
and incontestable best
in the city ot Waco, besides hundreds
of other ohoioo goods. Pleaso givo
us a call.
GribMe Brothers,
COS A Hi 1 1 II Avenue.
Mr. Thomas J. Prlmm.
Tho candidacy ol Mr. Thomas J.
Piimm, as announced in this issue,
will be greeted bv thousands in Mo
Lcnnan oountv with feelings of pride
aiid gratification. Mr. Pnmm is a
candidate for tax collector of McLen
nan county and if eleoted will make
a capital officer. Mr. Primm made
the raoe for tax assessor some years
ago and was defeated, but his oanvass
was conducted in suuh a frio idly,
gentlemanly way that his friends wore
multiplied by hundreds and the solid
tations for tho present canvass were
numerous and very urgent Mr.
Primm is an accomplished gentleman,
ono who regards office as a publio
trust and will oonduot it accordingly.
Tho people of McLennan county
will never regret thu day they elect
Thomas J. Primm their tax collector.
Grand Purlm Ball.
The Ladies' Hebrew society will
give their annual purim ball Monday,
March 14, at the Coke building on
Austin avenue, near Seventh street.
It will bo a grand masquerado and
full drets ball, child en under 16 will
not bo admitted. Piizes will be given
tor the most original costumes.
Everything is being arranged to make
this entertainment eclipse anything
over given in Waco.
Appropos of tho mayoralty oontest
there aro four candidates in tho field
just as there was in the olection four
years ago Major Hinnhman was ono
ot tho tour, in the election he re
ceived IH5 votes moro than the vojes
of all tho other three candidates
added tcgother. Everything now de
pends on tho accuracy or faulsity of
tho old adage that "History repeats
1KP 5H0E5'
w M
Used in Millions of Homes
Chairman Thrustou Explains tho
Arrangoments for Confederate ,
DnM-AS, Texas, March 3 I892.
TothoCommanrterBof tho dlfl'erent Camps or
tho Ex-Confcderute Veterans of the Statu of
Tlicro seems to bo some misundcr
standing in regard to tho $5 00 rato to
New Orleans and return. In expla
nation wo wish to say, tho $5 00
rate is not made hj the railroad, but
hy the executive committed having in
charge the excursion. This oommit
tco charters the train and furnishes
the tickets to the delegates. All
members of visiting camps who will
enroll thcmsclveR as members of the
state encampment will be delegates
Irom Texas to New Orleans and en
titled to tho $5 00 rato. Call especial
attention 01 the comrades ot your
oamp to ths fact that tho rate will be
given only to those attending the
stato encampment at Dallas on April
5th, and tickets sold on this rate will
be honored only on excursion trains
under control of tho committee.
Arrangements have been made for
a $15.30 rato on all trains for all por
sons, whether delogates or not who
mav wish to avail themselves ot this
opportunity, and tho oommitteo hope
all friondly to tho cause will encour
age us by their presence, both at Dal
las aud Now Orleans.
S. D. TimusToN.
The "Manufacturers' Rocord" Sold
by tho Messrs. Edmonds.
It was announced yesterday that
Messrs. Riohard H. Edmonds and
William II. Edmonds, tho owners of
tho Manufacturers' Record, havo sold
that property to Mr. Walter H. Page,
editor of the Forum, New York;
Thomas P. Grasty, of Baltimoro, ard
Edward H Sanborn, of Philadelphia.
Tho great financial tuocess of tho Re
cord and tho work it has dono for tho
development of the South have mado it
one of tho most noted industrial jour
nals of tho country. For ten years it
.has unceasingly championed the cause
of bouihf-rn progress, and by many is
spoken of as "The South's Bible."
The Messrs. Edmonds sold out, it
is stated, in order to temporarily re
tire 'rora aotivo word and seek a well
earned rest in the South, whero they
havo large business interests. Tho
purobase price is not mado known, but,
as tho paper has been a great success,
the Bum is no doubt large. It is prob
able that tho Messrs. Edmonds will
make their fature home Bomonhero
in tho South, and that, after a period
of rest, thoy will be aotively identified
with Southern developments. Tho
new company will have a paid up
capital of 200,(J00.-Baltiraore Herald.
All tho new Ftyles suitings in color
and fabrio at ftthert Bros , fashiona
blo tailors, 116 South -1th street.
so Years the Standout
furpitufe apd Carpets.
UiJi Mm, It A'
II?9 time iro wo:kt:o:)eI
WHEN FINE FURNITURE can be bough- at a lower price than
was formerly asked for common. We arc displaying a splendid line
of PARLOR SUITS, elegant in designs of oriental luxury in uphol
stery; BEDROOM SETS, adapted in style and size to homes of any
dimensions; DINING ROOM OUTFITS, plain, medium and elabor
ate all fashionable material, new patterns and elegant finish.
We have an elegant stock of the prettiest patterns of CARPETS
ever shown in Waco, at prices never before known here.
Silas Ford Slightly Woundod by
William Lockwood. - ,
A difficulty ocourred last Saturday
evening in tho back room ot S. B.
HnrriB1 saloon in East Waco between
William Lockwood and Silas Ford,
both colored, which narrowly escaped
serious results. Several negroes were
playing dominoes whon a dispute
aroso, botwetn the parties named, over
tho game.
Lockwood struck Ford over tho
head with a chair and knocked him
down and as he aroso stabbed him in
tho head with a knife. Lockwood
then ran out and procuring a pistol
returned and fired at Ford, tho ball
striking him in tho left cheek felling
him to tho floor. Lockwood then
Grcd another shot and wont out on
tho sidewalk waiving tho pistol over
his head and said that ho had killed
Policeman Hardwick hastened to
ho scene and as he approached Lock
wood was told by him ho had killed
Silas and asked not to come there
He said also that ho had intended to
kill Silas Ford for some time past and
had got him. Mr. Hardwick did not,
however, heod tbo warning not to
como to him but promptly. mado the
arrest and turned him over to Sheriff
Dan Ford who looked him up in the
oounty jail to await tho action of the
grand jury nov in session
T be wounded man is doing well
and is not thought to bo dangerously
Short Hand and Tolegraphy.
There is nowhere in tho stato such
facilities for the study of theso two
moat important branches of special
oduoation as aro presented to tho
young pcoplo of Waoo. Tho institu
tions ot short hand and telegraphy
which form an important part ot Hills
Business College havo no equal in tho
stato. Iho appliances for thoso great
branches aro as perfect as money can
make them, and the teachers thorough
exports in tho business. Young people
with leisure should avail themselves of
theso faoilitics as scores aro doing.
1 1
To Lawyers and tholr Clients.
Gentlsien Tho Hon. L. W. Good
rich will conveno dintriot court on
Monday tho 7th; we, thorofore, beg to
call your attention to our business
wliioh wo havo established for exami
nation of books, auditing accounts,
adjusting partnership interests, giv
ing a clear and oomprehesivo stato
mont of tho business of a company or
corporation, upon which settlements
can bo mado and individual inturess
df termined. Wo can Bavo ycu timo,
labor and expenao in proparing your
books and papers, for a cotrect show
ing of your business in cases of liti
gation. Tendering our sorviccs with a
guaranteo of prompt and satisfactory
work, aro very truly,
Pickett & DuanLuv,
Expert Accountants,
Room 48, Provident Building.
LsdieB, we havo just received fresh
stock of flower seeds.
W. L. Tuokku,
"Lion Drug Store.
Watch, Clock and Jewolry
E?3E fc J. I Ifc IN O.
Plain and Artistic Engraving.
f20 Austin Avenue
A Big Fight
On Austin street in prices of ohoap
Strictly For Cash.
No doviation from this rulo undor
under any ciroumstanooB,
18 pounds granulated sugar $1; 51ba
green coffee $1, 4 packages oeffee 9O0.
1 doz 300 matches for 125 1., Star to
bacco 45o , Tinslcy N L tobaooo 6&0.
BeBt pHt. flour $1 40, meal 55o , 25
bars good laundry soap $1.
21b. tomatoes 95c. per doz , 31b. to
matoes 81 30 per do. , 231bf beans $1.
Best uncanvabscd hams II J., bran
$1 per hundred.
Many other articles too numerous to
mention but all goods in my More at
prices in proportion. Remember mo
and bring your cash and pavo mouoy.
611 Austin street.
Election Proclamation.
By irtuo of tho authority vested in
me by law, 1 hereby order an tleotion
to bo held in tho city of Waco on tho
first TucBdav in April, tho 5th day
thereof 18o2 for tho cleotion of a
mayor and also ono aldciman to repre
sent each ward in tho city of Waco.
Election to bo held at tbo following
First waTd at the city hall, presiding
officer, Joo Torbctt.
Second ward at West End Firo sta
tion, presiding officer, Js. N. Harris.
Third ward at Storo Hagin block on
Eighth street between Mary and
Franklin stroots, 'presiding officer,
Charles Motz.
Fourth ward, at Ceutral Fire station,
presiding officer, W. W. Bogcess.
Fifth ward at East Waco Firo sta-
tion, presiding officer, W. D. Wallace.
(Attested) C. O. MoOuM.ocil,
Joney Jones Mayor.
City Scorotary,
Sleoper, Olifton & Co. havo added a
repairing department in oonnuotion
with their shoe store. All repairing
of boots and shoes neatly done.
Charges reasonable. Leave your
shoes to be halfsnlcd at Sleeper, Clif
ton & Go's,, corner of Fourth and
Austin streets,
pi a "
For Balo.
Thrco bproos, one ten-horso power
engino and boiler and a lot of shelving
and storo fixtures. Cheap and on
good terras. Moore Buoh.
Dr. Goo. P. Mann, dentist. Fall
sett of upper or lower teeth, $12.50.

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