OCR Interpretation

The San Angelo press. (San Angelo, Tex.) 1897-1907, November 22, 1906, Image 8

Image and text provided by University of North Texas; Denton, TX

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn86090049/1906-11-22/ed-1/seq-8/

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177Z?- WSS:
fpVTtrf.-, W-T--. V7'5'''T'VTT'Br'
Take Home the
Real Estate Bargains !
iv 7W5SF3SEr3lfSiulfiJ"'XiiS' 17?? Ti . rfm&4i MH?& 'X, TSrsS JSrvn 7rairK,VKnS9HHB9BBHiv
' 1
5 nice lotH in Laskor iiddition, well nit fit i. n, bar
gain nt tho price f-.0.0') per Int.
lHOi acres nmir city limits. every f. ut good 1 .t 1 and
hns excellent well. If Angelo continues to .n.eio.ij tit ia pbi"
will l)o Bulling us town lots within two yuurs.
Throo or four choice sections of fart'., hind oi. I'inii
Flat that can In- bmiijlit ; worth tho m ny.
A nice now homo ip Kerb Concho mlu n oil H tith
oust J of n block, 1 rooms mid u lmtli, (."'' ' rn, -Inrkon
liotiHH, etc. All the ground, I70x ISO foot, in I-' "d i iil or
oliiird planted, linpiovoiiionls hourly worth M oin .odinl
for tho pluoo. 1 700 00.,,
Eleven lotH niyir tho section house tliMcnti ho li 'i ! u
SODg. Atlk tin llbotlt tlllti. ,
Wo alho hiivo Homo vory choice luii'ili- tus oft in
Fort Concho iiddition tlmt can ho bought cheaper tl n any
other vacant proporty tho mmo distance from tho lubiiirs
Solid block of l Inrjts lots for Biilo to specula' ors nt
vory uttrnctivo prices.
Wo at all times carry a nico lino of iittri.c "v.- bargains
in Real Estate mid inako a specialty of tr in " plou-e our
customers, and to sell them something that will muko thorn
Broome & Farr,
Land, Insurance and Livestock Agents
San lAnp.clo, Texas, Opp. Landon Hotel.
- ' fi ! I
Soo tlie New Hotel
Hotel Port Concho
For huulthtfil location and ploiiBitnt placo to
board cannot bo excelled in tho city. ItatoH,
)ir inonth, ?20; pur wook, Jo; pr day, $1 25
Jlot and cold baths free to regular boarders
North side pnrailu ground in post
Phone 22S
TJuy XXX mill othor liiquors ' i8tt j o M,llor, deputy Hovoroign
lioro. You oxoroiHo oxcollont ''inmandor of tho Statu lodge.
i Woodnioii of tho World, Iroin
liowors of )orcoption when you di-1 Abilene, will addross a mooting
.... I. i . i 'of thocitiotiH of Wall, on liipan
met your lootatops horo and !, KIlt, tll(l oolitH and truiLi.
low thoir oxamplo. Onco uo- '" tlitB Hiilistantial organization
, . , , , , i Mr. Millor's visit to Wall will bo
qumntnd it doesn't tnku mucha preliminary meoting for the
wiHdom todomoimtrato tho folly I pm-poso of organizing u Wood
man ump at t hut, coming town.
of not favoring UH with your or-
.... ... ., -Mtiy your Bnaniolod wine at.
dors. for Wiiioh, WhiBkiR, BriiiHTllII.r.H inct at about hull
dioH and othor Liquoi'R. pneo. v f
rN. rx s r anirr '', a,u' '1'', '' W. Shiold and
LDDiE. MfllER,1 xm;::u'A"" t""
Tho same agent for illmm
I'o rust
or to Ouar Kertst'li, lot. 1 1
in block Si, of Ft' Uonoho udili
tiun, fpi- W-j.
'Thoa. A thiols Hold y.j aoroe o
land on the outskirts ol Angel,.
Heights, to
C. 'etritii, of DilliiH,
for .t :.'.'") jior noro
.1. 0 Wren sold for himsulf to
J. 0. IiHiiliell, lots 1, .', li, 1. o
and 'i, in Mook 158. Angelo
J 1 eights iiddition, nt private
The Biinie tigeijt for Mr.
Ituolinol McVeuty to Pun Severn,
of Antolopo, Jack county, 1 ('.."
aoroa of laud 12 tiulos north of
Sun Angolo, for a consideration
of 11,550;
-Sun Angelo Fuel Company,
wood and coal. 'Phono 10. -11
-A shipment of fresh, fat,
juioy, big oysters received daily
ut Tho Angelo
-Toys Polls Steel Wugons 'stnblo nfler Nov. 1, HlOli. will be
Hooks Vjisi'a, and deooriited only S-', hut must bo paid in ad
Olinift big stock. Turner's vnnoo. 0. A. Fiinjuhur. 2t
Jliiokot Store. (tajy occurreucHthe re-
Boforo you buy your full milli- coiving of a shipment ot iresh,
nory JSU nt the Frouoh .Millinery doliuious oyBters it The Angelo.
Storo. We ore also ihowing a Pepeiid upon it, our oysters tiro
moo o of hair. better beoaubu uf their freBhnoBs.
C G. Lovelace
To tho caroh'SHiioHE of a wood
' haiilor, tin- doBlruotivM prirrio liro
which ragfd in tin- 0!) pusturoH in
Orockott county ih attribtitod.
il'arlit'H from Oona aBHiHtod in
lighting tho angry., wind swopt
' lltituus, which finally doBtroynd
'throe Hiii'tion of good grass. Tlu
UirowiiH only oxtingiiiBhnil after
poiHorvoring and enorgotic hours
of work hud boon dono.
rt G , . rv, ,.
.MoBBro. .1. H and C. X. Madi
'mi miido a shoit ImsinoHs trip to
.Miles Monday.
-Hring the children to'l'iirniir's
l!tu'k"t and lot th"iu sf-e big dis-
...... Vm, lFl.
Mr. and Mis. N D Dvcus and
little son, returned to their homo
in Dallas Mnnduv.
-If you would lik" ti see a line
, display f holiday g es, cull in
'at 'I urner's Backet.
-Factory hehind on making our
untphophonos. e guarantee H
livorv. March Bros. tf
II. II W'titson, of Orange, no
niiipiinied by .ImIiii (Iridltii, Jr.,
left I'lleNihty fill' 1)18 llOIUO III I'alSt
-Felt lined slinHh for ehildivn
uud Inilies at n'miit oiie-half the
regulur pnoe tit the Bnrguin
House, Austin Spencer iV Co.
-Buy thirty dollars cash dry
goeds from March Bros liefora
December ami get one twelve dol
Inr graphoiihone, i-itKfi. tf
-Service on Jersey hull at my
Gomparo our goo Is with
thorn nld ulfliiwhen at high
er piicif.. Then yon will
come liin,k hor- iimlHtny with
ii.s, Ik'I'iihhfj you will know
that MP go'ids are supi'l'mr,
if not eh'-aper
White Grocery Co
IJi'V f! II Hendricks, a C'lini
lierland I'resltvtiM inn evunlist,
left '!'iiu(Iiiv lr Ins home in
Paris, ufti-r rini'liirtiiii! a series of
revival ineetini.'-i in Son Angela
Mr Hendricks Hmed his m et
ings Mondav n .'lit. tho iticlein
ent weather jirevcntiiig the con
I i nil a liee 'f tlm s e r v i o e 8
Kvungi'list Hendricks is nn able
pi'i Uclief nf the irimpcl. Hllll wllllt
sei vices he held in this citv did
HacUot.'J t
- i
tmasxssmjms&i iim 1 1 1 ibmjiijmiiii hi ii hi i i iniiiii i i wwwm w wmm
I II Never Satisfied. 1 1
Ll'IIOtGH our business is constantly increasini;,
we are always after inoro. The coming holiday sea
jii, we lioliovo, is going to break tho icconl mid we
wmit. oin share ol tho natronairf) of the Musical l'uh-
lic, particularly in this section df tho coi'intry. and why
not? Our facilities for supplying oventliing in Music
and Musical Merchandise are the very host, having, as
wo do, connections with all tho larger mime publishing
and musical morchandisu houses of tho country.
Wo carry one of tho largest stocks of pianos ii
tho entire South, loproBontinu Bourdman iv. Gray. Al
bany, N. Y. ; established KS-57. "Crown" Pianos antl
Organs, chul. Pianos uud sovorul others.
In consideration of this wn fool justilied in solicit
ing your order for anything and everything musical.
Our guarantee of milking you a satisfied oustomor
iB tho reputation of this house for the past Seventeen
S?rtN ftNCELO,
Snow in November. "Never Iteforc."
The light snow that fell in San
Angelo Tuesday. Nov. -0, was as
imppM-edented mid seemed ns odd , Slli(i Ttiesdiiyufieruoon that "never
to old timers in this -it v as u'm his residence in West Texas
blue, icy norther w,.iih s.em onhnd a November resembled this
Au-ust ' Ifi, in West, Texas. Feh- .vur's month of that name,
ruary is our winter month, lint. -Lynn Bros, sells now and sec-
iint. AniMiBt.. .nst i :e hist Ann
"swapped" places with Julv. in
rni'uril lo rain, tniisiblv Felirunrv
.. ' ') J
,-r )).A
A kx J&k-
i" 'iirs iJTi K'Ct. '
if style is what vott
w'ant .
! you'll
Ben' Livrv in tow n and
et the li.-v tiivortit that
enn he liiul
b hit)) a i ii yfmr wilo
woiini appreeiale a.i initiition
from the limn h marrii-d lor a
ride Here's where ymi must get
the riu to ph-llne lief These stu-
hies fust, hiat. and alwas.
Concho Livery Stable
Clins. Farouliar, Tron.
. "fi
r 't.!, jt ,rifitfv ?'"' s
k lull I
! O
A ;
ii !
88 J
J S Brewer, a well-to-do attor-
ney of Hollview, Tex , accompa
nied by his wife, left Tuusduy for
that place, to prepare to move to
this city to reside
has made a bargain deal with
An old timer, who has been in
J-viii Antreln nvnr twent.v veni-t
onu niino iiirnnure. neo tnein
befoie huying
They also have a
class mechanic and do all
. ' kinds tf repair work at reasonable
I pricos.
-We have thirty jr fortv iron
beds that have hi-eii lightly used.
Will sell saiiie at ah'Uit oin.ha l'
I'm tegular price. Coggm v On . j
photo- l'.i:; i
-Lvnn Bros. S d's now and s
cond hum! furniture. See them ,
heforo buying. They also huvo a I
a first class uie-liuuic and do all
kinds of repair work at reasonable
pricos. '
-If you oat oysters at thin
Angelo every day, you out Iroin hi
dillorent shtpinoiit overy time.'
The only cafe in tho city receiv
ing a fresh nhipmout of lucious, ;
fat, juicy oysters daily.
-A Christinas Present to friends
and relatives, that will be appre
ciated is a GOOD photo of your
selfu renieiubiaiico that is a re
uioiiibraiice. Rugsdulo. I5:.'t
-Lynn Bros sells now and sec
ond hiiiid furniture See them ,
before buying. They also have a
first ulnss iiicuhuuio mid do all,
kinds f repair work
nblo prices.
nt reuson-
Sanitary iPlurnlbin
Sleet ami Snow In November-- Ther
mometer at 23 Above. Unusual
This Time n Year.
Bvorything points to a mo-t
severe winter in West Texus this
year. Wo aro alroady experienc
ing vory unusual weather for
November, tho thermometer hav
ing dropped this early in the sea
son, tons low a point as it It'll in
the month of February of last
h inter.
Monday night and T losday
moriiiuu, Ir. S. L S. Smith's re
liahle instriimeut was tit the 'J)i
ii'iuve 'ro mark. That is extra
ordinarily cold for November.
The severe norther tha't came
up Saturday, increased in its in
tense severity, until Tuesday
morning, when a light sleet be
gan fal'mg Tho sleet, mingled
with frequent Hakes of snow, pie
vai led hero the greater part of
Tuesday, and tnndo that day the
i-oldu&t and numb disagreeable ol
the winter thus far.
If it's starting in this early.
what will it no in cebrutiry, here
tofore thi) severest of tho winter
months? We have nearly half u
mouth of full time to go through
yet, ore winter time is full here.
Lot's be prepared tor it. Wo aro
not predicting, but Bimply warn
ing -Buy your
before they
holiday goods now
are picked over.
Turner's Backet Stor
has them.
-See Lynn Bros.
S. before buying Qf!,. voh nf fllnlinrnn. ui.m l.iiai.
sewing niucliino. limy have l
,. .... - .
nearly every style, soooiid hand, I
I . I
nit in good condition, and they l
pnirunteo them for twelve
noiiths. Thev will soil you
inachino from fl to Slo.
See Lynn Bros, before buying i
sewing machine. They have
narly every style, second hand.
lillf in ir,twl f.iMirl i f liMt i,i,il t-liin, '
'..fc .1. "Wl. .JllUlkllfU) 1,1111 lIIU.V
guarantee thoin for twelve
months Thoy will sell them
from .fl to 10.
-Christ miii comes but once a
year why not briii'.' uino one
good cheer. A picture of pa. ma,
biother or iib would surely
bring to h'uiie one !ih, Bags
dale. 17-rJt
ur Fruit Cake
For Your Thanksgiving Dinner is Delicious.
Try '
s rot
Want "Your
Grocery Business
And if legitimate moth
oiIb, courteous troat
meiit, and prompt ser
vice count for anything
we aan please yiu.
Of Nuts, FruitB, Kino
Ou n d i e h, Vegetables,
Delicacies and Substan
tial Pure Food Groceries
to select from.
Two Delivery Wagons
Goods Delivered Now
Silas H. Keeton,
Top Qurvllty Groceries
Two Newspaper Men Here.
Messrs. J. It. Hansom and F. N.
-' - ww-r- .! . tu
. ii, ;,, .i,i .
IIUQO , IRIIUID III Uilll illlUDIU illllll-
iluy uml luesdny. Mr. Uuusoii
.proprietor of the Cloburm
P"dy Kntorprise and Mr. Grave
is editor. Mr Bansoin also re
presents the Southwestern Paper
q() ,v q,.,,
j jf,., ltn
aves was nccompuhy-
g .Mr. KtuiBom on ins regular
route as a little recreation from
his strenuous duties on Cle
burne's live daily.
-Turner' Big Backet Store is
showing a big stock of holiday
-Clothing that is made to wear
and stand the presure at Austin
peiieer it Co 's, the Bnrgain
We havo thorn in any size
that you mny want. The
quality cannot bo over
estimated. Tho tasto will
whot youi "appetite, and
one may oal, their till of
our hoiiie-uinde baking and
iijt experience any bad of-
i ' r
I Mf -.....-.. "! - mMWI ... -. J
- n li:-t rz " 'w-'."-"-.' Jrr
L - V-t-s

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