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Southern standard. (McMinnville, Tenn.) 1879-current, July 04, 1891, Image 7

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;OUTlllRN STANDARD-- .M1-MINN VI LUC. TEN N ESS I-; 11. ,.y li JUDAV, JULY4, 1891.
Light Through Coufession.
In n largo city I noticed an old
man who had remained through the
first and second meetings, and was
standing as though he were hesitating
whether to leave the room or to tarry
in order to confer with others. I
asked a gentlemun who was then
ray associate to speak to him, and,
approaching him, he said, "My
friend, are you a Christian ?"
The old man said, "No, sir, I am
not a Christian, but I want to be. I
have been trying all toy life to find
out how to be a Christian, but I have
not been able to receive any satisfac
tion in connection with my endea
vors in that respect. I have been to
church all ray life, and read the
Bible. I have attended meetings
like these, and yet have received no
light as to what I need to do in order
to be a Christian. When Mr: Moody
was here, Beveral years ago, I attend
ed alrrfbst all of his meetings, and
talked with him and others personal
ly, and when the meetings were done
I was as far away as ever. Now, I
don't suppose it is of any use, but I
would be very glad If you would tell
rae what I need to do in order that I
might become a Christian."
My friend said to him, "Have you
ever confessed Christ with your
The old man said, "No; I was wait-
ing to become a Christian before I
should do that."
My friend said to him, "That Is
just the way to become a Christian,"
and quoted a passage upon that point
from the tenth chanter of Romans,
and said, "I believe you need, to com'
mence to-night with an open ac
knowledgment of Christ as your Mas
The old man said, "It Is too late to
do it to-night, for the service has
been dismissed."
My friend looked about the room,
where there may have been ten per
sons tarrying, and said, "Suppose
you confess Christ to these people
who are now in this room ?"
Altera "moment's hesitation, the
old man walked down the room and
held out his" hand to a gentleman
whom he knew, and said, "I
W , I want to confess Christ to
you," and then went to others and
said practically the same thing. I
think I was the last one to whom he
spoke that night, and I tol'd him not
to let the adversary make him think
that he had not commenced the
Christian life that night, but to count
the matter settled and to think of
himself as a follower of Christ.
The next morning, when I came in
to the ten o'clock service, the old gen
tleman was seated in the front seat,
and with him was another mna
about seventyfive years of age. The
first man came to me, and said, "I
have brought a friend to meeting
this morning. lie is a little hard of
hearing. Will you please speak out
so that he can hear, and be sure to
say something about confessing
Christ ?"
I said to him, "lias the light come
to you ?"
And he said, "Yes, and I want my
friend here to confess Christ, too."
Jierore the day was done, the sec
ond old man had risen in the meet
ing to express hi3 intention of being a
follower of Christ, and after that it
side by side, with their faces beam
ing wan tne satistuction that was
brought to them by their new life. I
believe that what God puts first we
need to put first also, and that there
is no greater aiu to tne laun ot one
who would be a disciple than open
iicknowledgment of his intention to
be a follower of Christ.
unto faith and living.
From these Holy Scriptures the
aucient church of Christ drew its
Confession; and we holding the faith
once delivered to the saints, join in
that Confession with praise and
I believe in God the Father Al
mighty,' Maker of Heaven and
And in Jesus Christ his only Son
Our Lord; who was conceived by the
Holy Ghost, born of the Virgin Mary;
suffered under Pontius Pilate, was
crucified, dead and buried: He des
cended into Hades; the third day he
rose from the dead; He ascended in
to Heaven, and sitteth at the right
hand of God the Father Almighty;
from thence be shall come to Judge
the quick and the dead.
I believe in the Holy Ghost; the
Holy Catholic Church, the commu
nion of saints;' the forgiveness of
sins; the resurrection of the body; and
the life everlasting. Amen.
Tate of the "Ark of the Covenant. "
It will probably never be known
what became of the Atkof the Cov
enant at the time of the destruction
and plunder of the Temple. Even
conjectures concerning it are alto
gether useles. Some say that it Was
taken away and destroyed by
Nebuchadnezzar. The Jews believe
that it was miraculously concealed
from the spoiler, and account it
among the hidden things which the
Messiah is to reveal. It is admitted,
however, from an examination of all
the Jewish writers, that the old Ark
was in the second temple, and there
is no evidence on record to show that
a new one was made. It is generally
understood that the absence of the
Ark was one of the important partie
ulars in which the second temple was
regarded as inferior to that of Solo
mon. Josephus states that "the
most holy place" was vacant in the
second temple: certain rabbinical
writers assert that its place was sim
ply marked by a stone. The fact
that Ezra, Nehemiah and the Macca
bees frequently mention the other sa
cred utensils, but never refer to the
Ark, seems to ba an acknowledg
ment on their part that they knew
nothing of the great memorial of the
One of our city pastors took his
family to a farm-house in the coun
try that they might have the fresh
air while he went with some of his
friends to the Adirondack. As he
was leaving his little boy three years
old followed him out of the gate for
the last kiss. "Now Johnny." said
the father, "you must take care of
mamma while 1 am gone." "All
right," he replied, as he scampered
away over the lawn to join the chil
dren at play. That evening little
Johnny, after he had said his regular
prayer, "Now I lay me down to
sleep," continued: "Lord, bless grand
mamma, and take care of her ; bless
papa while he is gone, and take care
of him; bless sister Mary and take
care of her. I will take care of mam
ma, myself, for Christ's sake.
Amen." Presbyterian Journal.
The Ministry.
Good Looks.
Good looks are more than skin
deep, depending upon a healthy con
dition of all the vital organs. If the
Jiver be inactive, you have a bil-
lious look, if your stomach be disor
dered you have a dyspeptic look and
if your kidneys be affected you have
a pinched look. Secure good health
and you will have good looks. Elec
tric liitters Is the great alterna
tive and Tonic acts directly on these
vital organs. Cures Pimples, Blotch
es, Boils and gives a good complex
ion. Sold at .Ritchey & Bostick's
Drug Store, 60c per bottle. 4.
Insect Life.
From our Grange Homes' report of
the Bay State Agricultural Society
meeting, we clip the following:
Prof. Fernald gave some interesting
statements as to the fecundity of
some of the insects which are the
pests of the farmer. The tent cater
pillar lays from 300 to 400 eggs. The
plant louse produces ten generations
in one season; all are born alive and
are females. The tenth generation
are both male and female. From
one egg in the spring, if no diseases
or enemies destroyed, there would be
one quintillion lice before the end of
the season. The figure is so large as
to be beyond comprehension. If the
insects were placed in a line, one
season's progeny, from a single egg,
would reach around the earth six
million times, and, uncontrolled by
any disaster, would destroy every
green thing on the glbe.
It is estimated that there are two
million different species of insect3 in
existence.or an average of ten to
each kind of plant. But corn, for ex'
ample, has 94 insect pests and the
apple 15G.
To Nervous Debilitated Men.
If you will send us your address
we will mail you our illustrated pam
phlet expiaing all about Dr. Dye'
Celebrated Electro-voltaic JJeit ana
Appliances, and their charming ef
fects upon tne nervous aebiiitea sys
tem, and how they will quickly re
store you to vigor, ana raannooa
Pamphlet free If you are thus af
flicted, we will send you a Belt and
Appliances on a trial
Marshall, Mich.
Dr. Hodge's
he Best
of the Age.
Purifies the blood, eliminates all poison
ous and dangerous matter, restores the
health, builds up and strengthens the
system, aids digestion, corrects an un
healthy aud deranged stomach. A cer
tain cure for all blood and skin diseases;
rheumatism, scrofula," old sores, pimples,
blotches, eruptions, itching humors,
boils, swollen joints, aching bones, sore
4 1
eyes, tetter, scaia neaa, ayspepsia, gen
eral debility, tired and sore feeling la the
body and limbs.
For sale by Druggists.
Tho Church of Christ in Japan.
The Presbyterians of Japan have
united on the basis of the following
brief and beautiful Confession of
Faith :
Tne Jjora jesus uinst, whom we
worship as God, the only begotten
Hon oi uou, lor us men ana lor our
salvation was made man and suffered.
1 le offered up a perfect sacrifice for
sin; and all who are one with Ilim
by faith are pardoned and accounted
vighteous: and faith in Him working
by love purifies the heart.
The Holy Ghost, who with tho
Father and Son is worshipped and
glorified, reveals Jesus Christ to the
soul; and without I lis grace man be-
injr dead in sin, cannot enter the
kingdom of God. By Him tho pro
phets and apostles and holy men of
old were inspired; and lie speaking
in the Scriptures of the Old and New
Testament is tho supieme and in-
f illiblejudge m all things pertaining
Rev. Phillips Brooks, of Boston,
has a fine passage in one of his recent
sermons on tho Christian -ministry,
which might with advantage be com
mended to the attention of those who
assume sacredotal power :
Ruler- or servant, which shall it
be? Strange how the greatest of
them all at the beginning took pains
to claim the place in which he and
his brethern should stand. "Not for
that we should have dominion over
vour faith," cried Paul, "but we
are partakers of your joy." Another,
again in those great words, "We
preach,ourselvesyour servants for Je
sus' sake." Strange that with words Luminous East Indian Plants.
like these, written in the very fore
front of its history, the Church should
have so loved the other notion of the
rulership of the clergy, and the do
minion of the priest ; and that hier
archies, splendid with pomp, or sub
tle with intrigue, but always hard
with tyranny, should have so filled
the story of the Christian ages.
Guaranteed Care for La Grippe.
We authorized our advertised drug
gist to sell you Dr. King's New Dis
covery for Consumption, Coughs and
Colds upon this condition, it you
are afflicted with La Grippe and will
use this remedy according to direc
tions, giving it a fair trial, and expe
rience no beneht, you may return tne
bottle and have your money refund
ed. We make this offer, because of
the wonderful success of Dr. .King's
New Discovery during last season's
epidemic. Have heard of no case in
which it failed. Try it. Trial bot
tles free at Ritchey & Bostick's Drug
Store. Large size 50c and $1. 4.
A Railroad Ballasted With Salt.
There is a vast bed of pure rock
salt in the Colorado Desert, and the
Southern Pacific Railway, in layin;
their tracks to the salt mines, crossed
a point where, for over 3,000 feet,
they were obliged to make a fill and
ballast the track with beautiful lumps
of pu snlt crystals. This is perhaps
the first instance in the history ot
railroading where a track has been
laid in and ballasted with salt. Mil
lions of grasshoppers and legions of
giant centipedes fell into this salt
when it was in a liquid state and
now, after having reposed, there for
thousands of years, they are found
perfectly preserved.
The worst cases
rheum and other
blood, are cured by
of scrofula, salt
diseases of the
Hood's Sarsapa-
Upwards of sixty species of East
Indian plants, .mostly f the fern
family, with a goodly sprinkling of
grasses and creeping vines, are lumi
nous, and it is said that the sides of
the mountains in the vicinity of Syree
are nightly illuminated by the pale,
white light which they emit. The
root stock of a plant from the Oora-
ghum jungle, near Layki (supposed
to be an orchid,) possesses the pecu
liar properties of becoming luminous
when wetted, while, when dry, it is
quite lustreless. One jointed plant,
supposed to be a member of the rush
or cane family, emits a fiery red light
from its leaves, a pale white one from
its stalk, while its flowers give out
capricious flashes, like that of our
MiorlitniriT hurra "
We have a speedy and positive
Cure for Catarrh, Diphtheria, Canker
Mouth, and llead-Aclie, in biil
Nasal Injector free with each bottle.
Use it if you desire health and sweet
breath. Price 50 cents. Sold by W.
II. Fleming.
The other day a Windsor ( Vt.) far
mer on going out to his sheep pen
noticed a bunch on one of his long
wool sheep, and upon examination
found a rat which had got his tail
woven into the wool and was unable
to get away.
Dr. Fenner's Golden Relief is war
ranted to relieve toothache, head
ache, neuralgia, or any other pain in
1 to 8 minutes. Also bruises,
wounds, wire cuts, swellings, bites,
burns, summer complaint, colic,
(also m horses,) diarrhcea, disentery
and flux. If satisfaction not given
money returned. For sale by J. D.
Tate fc Co.
Many Persons
Are feroKon down from overwork or liousi-hoM
cares iJrown's Iron Hitters
rvtiuiMx tlu- svti'in. fii'.N rthrs'.loii. Tvniove ex
cess of bile, un.l curu muUi in. tict the genuine.
Vii J Cholera Cure I
Thousands of dollars worth of
chickens are destroyed by Cholera
, every year. It is more fatal to them
than all other diseases combined.
But the discovery of a liquid remedy
that positively destroys the Microbes
has been made. Half of the young
chickens are killed by Microbes
before they are fryers. A 50-cent
bottle is enough for ioo chickens.
It is guaranteed. If, after using
two-thirds of a bottle you are not
satisfied with it as a cure for Chol
era, return it to the druggist from
whom you purchased it, and he will
refund your money.
For Sab iy W. H. FLEMING.
McMinnville, Tenn.
A pamphlet of Information and ab-
k struct ol tne iaws,fl!iowinn lion to
h Olitaln Patents. Caveata. Trade
-V Marks. LopjriKnta, tent jrtt.'-
iua. ... ...in ncij. ,
New xork.
I I i iiininwn 1 1 hi ii iiiin,,nl...,iji, ,mlmm,l9 I
JL l -nrnirnr i i - -'-iriT J
Most Widely Known nnd Fastest 8elliuj
Hook. Printed in both DngliNli and
Ueriuan. "l'mi-tlcnl IIomn1ui.
uk" is so well known that it is uuneces-
sary to give a lengthy description of wlint
makes it the
Most Desirable and Useful Book.
There is hardly a iu?mIIom likely tn
arise to perplex h HouHewile, whether
YuuiiKurolu, wnicn it does not auNwer
a such clear and exnlicit liintnini that a
child can understand and follow the direc
tions. It Is a
Complete Compendium of the Home
Over 500 vaeea are devoted to Cookery.
and nearly 200 to miscellaneous matter of
the greatest Importance.
"Practical Housekeeping" is illustrated
and contains 688 pages. It is bound in
water proof, so that if soiled it may be
washed without injury. Red Edges.
Terms and descriptive circulars will be
Sent free to anv addreim. Tin Vnn iricK
Territory? Address,
18 Elm St., DALLAS. TEXAS.
Sole General Agents for Southern SfjOm.
Little Rock & Memphis
Shortest, Quickest and Best Route
Arkansas, Texas and California.
'arlor Coaches, Pullman Reclining
Chnir and Buffet Sleeping Cars, Run-
Ing Between
Memphis andiTexarkana, via Brink
ley and Cotton Belt Route.
TLE ROCK and MEMPHIS, making close
connection at Memphis with daily line of
I'uiiman service
To New York
with Through Pullman Sleepers to
Woodruff a Pullman Buffet Sleeping
Cars on all night trains between Mem
phis nd Little tk.
from all
to the cele-
South-eastern poiriti
Hot Springs of Arkansas,
The World's Great Sanitarium.
Excursion Tickets on Sale the Year
Por further information address,
CHAS. A. JOSEPH, Trav., Fgt. & Pas. Agt. ,
Nashville, Tenn.
Gen. Freight and Ticket Agent,
Little Rock, Ark.
Caveats, and Trade-Marks obtained, and all Pat
ent business conducted for Moderate Fees.
Oun OrricE is Opposite U.S. patent orricc
aud we can secure patent lu lens time thou those
remote from W'ashfnpton.
Send model, drawing or photo., with descrip
tion. We advise, if patentable or not, freo of
charge. Our fee not due till patent Is seen red.
A Pamphlet, "How to Obtain Patents," with
names of actual clients in your State, county, or
town, sent free. Address,
, Opp. Patent Office, Washington, D. C.
I CAk for Catalogue.
TERRY M'F'G C0.snashville,tenm
9flOOO.no a vfiir I lit in r made by John R.
(foodwinfTroy,NY.,at work fur u. header,
you mny not rttk at much, but we ran
teach youqulrlily how tocara fmm f & to
flu a iIbt ui i lie mn, ana morr at tou fo
on. ltot'h f xt'o, all ntrc. In nny jmrt of
ntfrica, you ran cmrm nrf at Itome, Fir
ing all ru'ur tiinr.or spare numnU onlv ta
tha work. All U new. .ret yy M UK for
rverv worker. We itart vnn, fnrnifhinff
verrthiriff. KAflll.Y, M'KVI'II.Y learned.
rAk'l'iriLAKrt H;FK. Adrevat on.-f,
MlVMlN 10., I KT LA Nil, MAl.Nk.
te,'t' .V. ft :
East Tennessee, Virginia L Georgia Hy.
3 Dally Trains.
III t. I. lHUO
"(E.T. V.C.Rr-
Uv. Chattanooga .
Lv, Uuiuit Station .
Lv. C-MHmI Station.
Ar. D.,lton
Lv. Atlanta ....
Ar. Marrn . . . .
Ar. IKSUP ...
(S. F. At W. Ry.)
;.T. Iun
Ar. VAY(-ROSS , .
:E. T V. & G. Ry.)
Lv !HS11P ....
Ar. finmswick . . .
isrorw. uy.)
Lv. IliSUP
Ar. Aavnnsh . . .
I No. 11. No. 10. 1 No. 0. No. M.
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. F. . W. Kv.)
Toontaiville . .
T. V. .'.- G. I'. v.,
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