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The Sun. [volume] (Price, Utah) 1915-1932, December 06, 1918, Image 4

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W W085S8xm
B! liiued 13 very I rlday lly Sun Publlsh-
4 In Co (Inc) H W Crockett, Mgr
H Subscription S2 no the Yer Office
f Telephone No " Hesldence. Nos
K 1 18IMX nnd HJM
Hj AmKfinsiM itATl's
H! I Display Mnttcr l'cr Inch iicr Month,
i $1 UV, Hlnglo Issue 40c. Special
H i'oaltlon 2 l'cr Cent Additional
R I Headers nnd I.ennl Notices, lOo per
: Line I'lrst Insertion, 6c per Line
Loch Subsequent Isene Count six
BHK words to the line
flflVf Obituaries Cards of Thanks, llesolu-
M tlons, lltr at Half Iionl Heading
Kj Kotlco Utiles Count six words to
HTJ the Line
K Adleti, For Bale Tor Itent, Pound,
j Lost, Htc, One Cent per "Word Knch
Hl Issue No ChnrKo Accounts
Ki Address All Communications to
SssMR I unit mourning vtlllioul Tlio Hunt
I stood up nnil rrktl In llio congrcBa
tlon Job, 3II-2H
Hi ini:itoi: e m i.ko must
Bfj IteennMrurtliin problem nre not
HE nlone fur the suttitlon of the men nt
K WashlnRtnn or In New lork or In
HF Kuropr. Kvrr) person in tun IiIk rlty
Hp or tho remotest hamltl ran do his
H' share Tim returned xddlihi will ko
Hr hack to their home on tho plnlim nnd
K In the mountain us nelt hm to home
M In tho el tic. MimiI of threo will find
f occupations for the motives In fact,
B after the strenuous llfo they hnvo led,
f It Is ft iwifn kumm that thn sluynthoftte
Hj wilt have n busy lima meeting the
Hj I eompetlllon nf the men who IniVe
j been "over there "
H lint then m lit he rase of uufotlutt-
Hl ntes who Imtv hern i rippled or who
H have Iweii trained for nnthlnK hu
ft tho most common labor Homo of
H these Mill need help mil t hnrltr.
H. nor support, hut Just friendly aid lit
K I vetting start-d ugnlu It will he com
H ' parnttvel) ns to itsslsl theso men
H along hut ever) one must inako It his
H butltifM In ndd his assistance when
H, ' opportunity offers ll will he n mis-
B fortune to the men themselves If the
HK people of the lountry look upon them
HH at suIiJi'iIm for roddllntt or iharlt).
BB) With feu exceptions, they will not so
HH rerard thenvselvt. miles grnduullv
HH Induced lt do so bj thoughtles onto-
B tlonallstH.
HB Under the seleetUn ilrnfl law they
H were taken out of illl ocriipntlons
H) and put Into the nrm nnd rin- lly
H the frnln of such measures us may
H bo practltnhln the) should ho plated
Hj back In ctv II oictipatlons by selection
H Kxcept In tnscs whern their working
t ; powem lime heon Impalted the will
H ; then takn tarn of themsele. The
Hj stlrtUn prorent of KettluK them back
H Into prhntn industr Is thn Important
B i step In thn recnnstructloii prnirrain
B , Who nnd wh) this I'roiu-U V Kirk-
H ham iiersoti who's Just im hutilnic
H , Into rrllilnT eduintlonal In tho
H stato7 Ills moiithliitfH nrn heomlnK
H - moro numerous nnd tlrewima ns time
B j foea on
H ! Tinn mi kt in: i i:i much h xvi:
Bfj IMWl'lHK tiii:m.
H We could InJ it u otn of the people
Hj of Carbon county on whether or not
j they think the ITnlted Htntea should
H feed the ntnrvliiK Huns nnd wo will
H wager not morn than a hnlfdoien
H would favor the proposition Kor we
H hvr hoard thn stories nf their a I rod-
H tls and their lust for the blood of
Hjl Americans, und It Is nlKht' hard to
H have any smpathy for them. Wo
K argua that the) made their tied und
H OUlht to sleep III It
j And Jet that Isn't n Chrlttlun spirit,
H t and all nt us know It. Wo uro n
i cMIUkI people und n cannot nffotd
i to deal with barbarian aa they would
H deal with us. Ttien wn would sink to
H the depths In which fiermany now
i find herself Wn tiro not bubbling
B or with lotn for tlo retlhanded
B murderem, hut ut thn name time wo
1 reatlie that it 1 our duty n ChrUllan
H people to ghn them n bite to rat nnd
1 telp them thoroby to morn full) re
4 allta tnsi ,;.- rpui shako o(f their
B.1 brutality forever.
l Ho It la n sort of Mlf-protrctlon that
B J leads us to tend them food and uloth
J Ing It rertalnly U not Iweuusn wo
Bl ier eipetl to shaku hands Willi them
1 aa friends, ns wn would with decent
Ba people It I Ixicuiuo our ChrUllan
hearts and our Amrrlcun manhood
I won't prmlt ua to see even u filthy
1 leper k without attention If there Is
J a rhanga to cum him
9 Homo local retiubllenna don t like
BBSS i the Idea of 1'resldent Wilson going to
SB- the rwtarn oonfereni If he hear nf
VM it he'll likely remain nt home.
B 1j1 week wo reeelted n letter from
IBI a, subscriber saying that he had bien
taking thn paptr for n long time and
had never been dunned,' und that If
e couldn't trust him wo eould stop
It. Thn Hun had culled hi attention
I to the fait that the government lAtel)
PPH haa had liupeelnr In tho field going
BPJ oter nil Hiibecrlptlon lists and the)
HHw have u perfeet right to valk In the
' office und demand them to e If the
BBS paper U emrr)lng anyone who refuee
! to pay up Mum than three thodMnd
HHBV weekly nowMipr. all published In
HIbV towns ulKiut the sts f l'rl. have
' had to uult Iriistnesa beeausn they
eould nut. at a dollar a yr get out
BBB their paper hikI liavn to wait a yaar
BBBJ or two beeidea for sulwrlptloit to
BBBl be paid up
BBBJ Undo Ham realised that only
BBpaU through the weekly iiapers t-ould he
BBplS soil thrift MamiM ami float ht liber-
BBpJ ty bond In rural uomiiiunltUa. lie
BBpE saw paper after aper turning up Ua
BBpJ toes to the dalslea and the fHlltora ga
BjBH Ing where thay could work on Mralght
BBS salaries nnd feed their families, lie
BBpJ had to do aomothlng to help the w
BBbm pen over tho worst perlotl In their
BBpJ hlitory, no he made It compulsory on
BBpJ them to charge In advane for sub-
BBbBh scrlptlous. He also suggested that they
BBbBh Increase their ritte as jmpor went up,
BjBBW and thousands have done that
BBbK The Sun la ypwcrles ncalntt Unele
BBpH Stm'e decree, Sending even one
BASH paper through the mall that hasn't
BjVBH been paid for may lose It the entire
BBpfl mall privilege. And no newspaper can
exist If It hni t n ft out pontage
on enrh iip sent out Ho It Is your
t nilr 8am who Insists that ) pa
In advance nnd we are glnd In a
ino-4 nil of our sulmcrlbers nre taking
n enthle Ipw nf the thing nnd ! Ing
There are still a few howeser wh
must full In lino and my up r do the
meaneet thing nnynnn but a Hun
itnild do tiarnm their nelghlM r
new spa per
King (lenrge nay the llrltlsh fleet
won the war but It must bo admitted
that a soldier wn n poorer life Inmir
snrr risk than a sailor while the It Irk
nH being turned
VIKK M Itll l Its
What t'nrlo Ham rails the read-1
Jiistmnnt period' Is now on us Ho
mentm that tho time Is rolling ii round
again to uhero Carbon count) poo
pie i nil have tno spoons of sugar In
tliolr mffco nnd bread mnda of nil
wheal flour without feeling hs though
thoyro slonllng from n, sildlcr Ho
means that da) of profiteering are
nonr un end nnd thill high wage nrr
not going to longer tempt people to
leave hero for som other point only
to find that l tho time the) pay
high iHHird bills and living expenses
the) nro worsa off than ir thew Imd
remnliirl nt homo
Hut to hasten thoet Union he a It
will still bo upcomtry to nuiko n few
more snrrlflres Ho wants the firm
er In go right ahead getting good
iirlion for his proilurts, and thai inn
I e done If wo do not start In now to
live Hit If we wiro nut of the woods
Hi want to keep thn prire nf bull
ing from Mmrlng when two million
men have to return to wearing civilian
suit Instead of khnkl Ho wruits to
help the weekly iure it thin toiin
tr. t nnd thai wh) le uigts nil
to innke good use of er) rni
It won t ha long now until we II tie
living ns rhi-apl) tut no did before thn
wnr and mn)be with moro mono in
bank llinn Wo had when It started
Hut we havn got to wivo nt both ends
nnd Mtrrlflio n lltlla while longer If
ue rentlto thnt time as soon ns wed
like to realise It.
Ma) be Herretar) Mi doon reslgnH
linn ln rely iiimiii-. that there Is one
Matesman who understands Hint II Is
ft bit easier to rTnmlile nil gg than
In litis ramble It
hUpre tnten have been eliMiteil
liecHlise of IiicioommI vxngr. Wo nup
pii-o tho nnxt mon will be In rnlsn
mi gen InHmilKe of lutretised expreM
What him beiome of thn oldfuslilu
ed woman who dldn t think slio was
drrrxxt up without a walili and
; i
Mm. Michael lleerldg died lit her
homo at Castln (late.
Hut six delinquent tarja)er were
advertised In I'rlcn precinct
lTlrn had flvo thrlst parlors and u
population of about five hundred
W A (lin man, Jr, and Oscar A
Wood were the homo missionaries for
I Tire
It A Klrker M K., had located nt
1'rlre letter hn began prospecting the
Hunuysldn mine.
l,oal buyers were lu)lng II 20 iv
hundred for oat und a dollar for
wheel, delivered at Price
Incoming taxes for thn month Worn
expected to pay all thn outstanding
Indebtedness of the county
There u big roundup of foreign
em at ('ahlln Onto to compel them to
loino through with polltax
Mrs, I liwenstelii was In poor
health and had decided to remain In
Hall Luke City for the winter.
It O Miller wn deslgnuted u
president of this, (llnier)) stake to
iKHvd C Lamen, resigned
VT T Ooslen paid P W Rpaldlng
four dollars a head for a bunch of
lwent)-llvn hundred sheep delivered
at Price
A J lo wn pn)lng out to freight
em'nbout n thousand dollars monthl)
for hauling gllsonlte In from tho res
ervation J W Mxan, teaching sdinnl ut
Wellington, hud hi home, middle nnd
bridle stolen from In front of the
Mathln Hotel ut Price
Joseph June nnd Iteiibuii (1 Miller
attended the statu Hunday school con
vention of the Mormon ehunh ut
7.lon us delegutit from Price,
(1 T (linen of Hmery had In mind
the bulhlltig of h hotel ut Prlie with
a liver) and feeil stable In connnttlon
Hu Iwd the mall contract south
Welllnktnu young folk announced
a big Chrlitmiut hull for the evening
of the Sid, to be given mi thn second
floor of thf thtn iineompleted Mihool
house Mr and Mr J (1 Callaway were
the iHimnts of "u bright girl Iwh) thnt
unw t, i Tuesday to gladden their
home That ab) Is today Mrs. V
K. Wood. Jr
(Consult Miuntr clerk or the itMpee
live stgneis for further Information )
IN Till hlCKNIll Jl'IHOIlllS
dlMrtet Court of the Male ef Utwh
Within nnd mi Carbon Countr (Pro
bate Ivlstoul In the Matter of the
Ksiale of J Vmano loeul Ntttlee
to Cmdltora No two hs hereby glvon
by the undersigned It. I) Hashimoto
administrator of the estate of J
mano deeesuMMl. to tho creditors of
and all person having ilalm agalnsl
said deceased to exhibit them with
the netesaary voucher within two
mi nth after the first publication of
thin notice to said administrator nt
hit place of business, No. 103 West
South Templo street. Salt Mke City,
Utah the same being the placo for
tho transaction of the business of said
estate In Salt Idko eounty, Utah U,
U. HASHIMOTO, Administrator. Dat
ed, this Ith day of December, 1918.
First pub, Dec, 6; last Dec. 21, 101S.
t . . T
One pair Shoes Free WhApQ Shoes are still going up. f
t to each of the first 25 kJllLtO f , $
i customers buying $20 Selz Royal Blue, none Lay in a supply now ..
i in merchandise. be"er. from 50c to at a bargain. j,
X $2.00 off on each pair. ;
t i
y t
Y '-- V
SlfO Ladles' Hose BoinK nt . 75c Heady lo Wear NifchtRowns 18c lo $1,00 A
Mlna Taylor Hoocr Aprons $.1.30 A few Children NlRhtgowns 35c
Y ladles' GlnRltam House Dresses 80c to 52.50 Silk Camisoles 50c to $1.00
IjkIIcs' Union SuKh 30c to 15c Muslin Combinations 50c to $1.00 !
Y Iridic' Knit Drnwcro . . 30c ladles' nnd Clilldrcn'H Kcady to Wear Munlln
Y Ladles' Muslin Hnusslcra 50c to C5c Drawers 15c to 50c 4
Y I'lquot Sheets, 81x90 .... $1.95 Corset Cocrs 20c to 50c
Y lIiuot Pillow Cases 12x3(5 15c Mcn'n Handkerchiefs (Arrow) 2 for 25c. nt 10c 4
Y IjuIIch' Kltl (!locs .. . $1.75 to $2.20 Men's Linen Collars (Arrow) 20c aluc nt 15c y
y (lunlltlc Corset $1.20 to $2.C0 Drct,s Shirts (Arrow and Highland) $1.75 nluc V
y Tashlon Corsets . . G5c nt . $1J10 V
t A few ready to wear Silk and Woolen Ladles' Drcaj Shirts (Arrow and Highland) $1.25 nluu T
t Skirts 25 per cent off. nt 95c V
J Silk nnd Sateen Petticoats. Dress Shirts (Arrow nnd Highland) 98c nluc T
i Hclts 60 per cent off. nt 75c T
Checked Apron Ginghams 15c Men's Suspenders 50c ut 10c Y
Jt Dress (ilnghams, plaid, checked and stripes 20c to25c Men's nnd Hoys' Ties, marked down 20 per cent. T
X Percales, dark and light 21c, 22c to 32c Heay Leather Lined Vesta $11.00 alue at $8.50 '
Sheeting, bleached and unbleached, 82-inch d. A Woo, MnckInag 20 pcr ccnt off.
Canton Flannel " .'.33c to 22c Scowcroft's Nc.er Rip lb O'Alks, $3.00 value el
X Wool Katlstc, $1.00 quality, all colpra .. 80c n ?! ' ... ,1 , ,' n ' " .- $250 Y
X DrniMi Cloth, part wool, all, olors G8c Golden West Limited Ulb Overalls and Jumpc, y
X All Wool Serges, $1.G0 quality, now . $1.20 W.lO aluc at ... ..si
X "ope Bleach ... 22c Nca! Wool Hats at a Hargnin. , T
X Tennis Flannel, light and dark . 25c to 28c Pillows, regular nhic, $1.50 at $1.00 T
X Ticking. 25c. Hcst quality IGc IUbbon 25 per ccnt off. ' '"
Hcst Cambric MusIIh .22c Sweater Yarn ' gRc t
Unbleached Linen Toweling . ... IGc Sock Yarn !" !!.T.10c Y
X Illcachcd nnd Turkish Toweling, d.llc, IGc to 20c (Hcar-ror-Wcar) Under Waist "Z. . ..Z!730c X
Remnants of Silks and Volls, Dress lengths, L, D. S. Garments, regular $2.00 'VniutTat 1.1" $1.58
Y Shepcrd Plaids L. I). S. Garments, regular nlue $3.00 nt l.!!$2.35 X
I Stockgrowers & Farmers' Store!
Between the Postofficc and Golden Rule Storc
y y
(Continued from page two )
lion, lie vert holes, unil tlin eur irnl
ii lily will unil with ut least five hunil
dred tliouMiul moro tuns titan for
117 when It won 12,416.000
tltnh output of ooel far the wsek
of Noemlir 21d vas (Klenu liuiidred
and sttventy-twu imrs or 88,0J tuns.
Koutlism Wyoming 133.875 tans or
norl)' twenty flvo hundred eaiu
II M Quehl has ettusod to take
orders for Mlllburn mine cml Tho
imirl, it Is salil, is about to ho sold
by floors M Cannon There Is seme
talk that the ehurch Interests tiro to
Uvt It
The of (Iced of two of the rttststant
dlstrlit representRtlves of the United
KtHtea fuel udinln'itratlnn ut Halt
IjiIio City havo heon closed owIiik to
tho Inireased production of fuel and
I. rooter transportation facilities. Tho
off lieu uro these for Utah and South
ern Vomlnir A D I'lersoa was In
chart.0 of the Utah district, while 1)
H l'ape, with offices In C-Kden, had
supervision over tho Wjoinhut district.
Make more use of chrse by provid
ing eavory cheese dishes Instead of
too many sweet puddings.
That Good Old
White Bread
Can bo mndo again by using
Tip Top, Turkey Red or Kansas
flour. Wo also hnvo a nice lino
of Gormiide, Ityo flour, Graham
Fresh nssorted stock of Corn,
Chlckcnfecd, Barley nnd Oats on
hand nil tho time.
Price Commission Co.
United States Food Administration
License No, O, 41134.
Mnnj of tho new full blouses keep
us Burning oh to how their wearira
Cct Into them, but hero la ono thnt
opens nt tUo front nntl fastens with
buttons nnd buttonhole. It haa a lonj:
rolllntr collar nnd u small shoulder
capo nnd la act on a shoulder yoke.
The Bun for Kood Job printing.
Now that via uro nsked lo substitute
pork fur Uuf, let some ono Krab the
pltr by tho tall before It Jump "Vt
thtt moon
Serve anry tttuffliiB with vcit
tahlo iimrrow, tomttooH or hard) "iled
Hotel Helper 1
Transient Trade Solicited
Ilunnlnu throiiijll Dm heme
Mjlou Itoosmelt l'nrt Duthe
sne, Moffat and Vernal, conne t
Irisr with stacoa for all ntnor
Inlund points.
I'urtles making roundtm
from Suit Uiko City leave Pen-
vur and lllo arauda deet on I
No 3 nt 4 45 p in, arrlvlns at
Helper, 0 SO p. m Leavo Hel
per next morning ut 7 a m j
ItoturuliiK lave Vernal, 7 s.
W. S. Avery Propr.J

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