OCR Interpretation

The Dispatch. [volume] (Provo City, Utah) 1891-1895, August 12, 1891, Image 3

Image and text provided by University of Utah, Marriott Library

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn86091037/1891-08-12/ed-1/seq-3/

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Three Desperate Convicts Es
cape from the Penitentiary
They Walk Away Under IheVervNoses of
Itottr Ariad Gaards and Are apt Yet
lotindAh8Plan was Oriffiaala nd Most
SALT LAM August 8Spccial t
THE DibPATcn One of the most dn
ing nnd ingon MUS jai deluenes in
crimoo1 HmUflh took pi ice at the peni
tttJUj wlun tit 11lwmte l con
M < ers 4J < fa > t O4 uiidii the grim walls
< 4 Use VHrH i id Ullicl lilt Ve1v noses
of fur itiiiioii i i rdr wlo were t <
tut a t te iaUatn Tin cfceipe was i
plnt IIid < ctCl 1 ith an oitnin i
Ht lll Iu rtnjt oilhj of a Monte
eitA JI 51UC true ptst the work
f4Jflslz1ctnIg a mud vall iround the
l UiiliiittidM 1a hlJ ill progress and
It 1Vth JPly iwently linished
iJn euaviis > put at
Hea m < < rnts ere
Nt df inoli htn the old adobe wall I
liieh has tiMnl ai omul the hattie for
E4 mmi yell nioug thos en agei
tn this uik as IV V ilsiii a noted <
Chicago cionk ind one ot the leaden
ole Hind tf iursHiliieveb hose depre
dations ni I Sail La Ia Utah aUI I csteri
emmtiea OMIH car ag o late them
iotonous I they eje rin down near
the Xeltla line l > > tel rjr Knit
fUJI were sent up for un
i nis each Wilpon dump in ion I
in todas I escape ViC llio lct aol
a bl glar wll was comicted in Og
den Itt Match ali sent up for eight
cars and 1 Frank JtlcMaunup who lS
lSI uuiMcted at Ogden enh this yea
for burglary I seems thai the nnen
when engaged in loading Ihe I id dne
and reuse Ito agoiib and with the
assistance of three fellovs they not into
to the itfons and the material was
thrown in upon them coninleteh coy
cring them Alter the wagons wue I
loadedtheteamsterb came in and dioe I
the wagons a considerable distance
from the penitenti in whlre they were
unleded Vleihci the omuls es
capel fiom thc w igonson the 1011 un
Oh511I11 hy the druerh or whether
thej y waited until the di stm ituui was
leached and took then chances on get
ting aa is unknown hut at all
oents they got away and have not
since been heard of although a posse iF
scouring the country in search ot them
Wilson is tlurttwo years of age
dark coinpleMontd with large him
ojes and heavy cchums he tiiiils
fi feet h ghand weighs iliotit 185 pounds
TtfcGalhn IS 24 wars old stand 5 heeL i
t inches and MMghs 147 pounds lie I
ht blown hm
hiS large eyes mIl light hrwl
and on the right hire aim tin Ill I
Joe is worked in india ink lit PIO
has 1 scar on the nose Flank 3IcMi i
hills is5 years oh stands i j feet Jl I
inches weighs 155 > oiiiuls and has a
mole on the right side of his wrist
They all had striped suits on when thj Y i
escaped Maislul 1 1 Parsons has offered a
lowtud for their eaptuie I
A Ciilmeil Uld tltous Deed i
CIO la August SOhintoii has
t lortee of colon Odd Fellows work
ing tinder a dispensation granted by
the Manchester unity of England One
of its membeib named Winneld the
piGiding ollicer came into lodge lat
night in an intoxicated condition and
on motion ol another biothei was de
cared unfit for office He was ajipai
ontly loiiMiig the lodge room when he
drew a large clasp knife and made for
the two men w ho had made and sec
onded the res dtition striking at the
one who mule tIl nlutinn but he
missed him and i in his knife into the
shoulder of Fred 1cNeihl He then
imide for the other I D Smith ttnk
ing him in thq lorehtad bmitl in turn
felling him to the flout wIth a chair
Wintield was aitested out released on
bail and is now under care of a phjsi
cmn Two of the men are quite ECH
ouslj injured What the outcome will l
be is not known
A oinlcrlul K < formation
PHILADELPHIA Aug 8A thorough I
test of the piactiubiht ol using steel
rnilioad ties insteid of wooden ones is i
I Tienp made by l the Heading Railroad
company A section of track construct
ed 01 steel mils and tn s on a btone bal
last has been laid on Ninth street in
the vicinity ol Berks and another sec
tion hub been inttouuced a 1 little fur
thei out on the I line
11 these expei enxs prove satasfac
L toiy it will in all pro aliv be the
Legiuiuiing 01 a general use or sled tics
On all the hines operated bj the com
ounj The tie is ul > onl the usual length
It is Hat on top and hollowed ou like
1 nuerled trough whioh permits the
stone ballast to work up solidly under
it and it is ilanned that tie longer and
harder the ware ihe i more sold and
Bttible tie mid roadbed become
t Le
The Leader Beats a Hastj Quickstc
t with al Allegro 3Ineniciit
Pram Sundaj Drtllj
The J stitet musical club is all
cone to smash exclaimed a mal on
the street yesterday
How is that quarred a man
veil posted m muical I circles
Well yoti see it hnppent like this i
Some tune bince i man tn thc name of
LMmot came to Luno and engaged
wilt a certain jeweler of this city as an
etigrHei and soon after came another
genius in the shape of a first class A so
1 ph < it < gi < t > Uei and 1 around smart
Ale musician g IIg his name as
Professor X < ie He hired out to a cer
tutn photocraphei of this cay and after
I assisting this gentleman for a while he
undoitook tcl t ach him a new Fjstcni
I of pliotojrai hj which would Like the
world by SUHUI The photographer
nlthowcli 1 man of considerable cxi > er
luncc Vook tins hal a la sucker and or
deiod I lai je bill of goods for the gen
temt i the iHPantime the Piofesgoit inns
Jcal taifiit was gcttim the best ol him
and he concluded souietlnng must ht
bo the uipihiot
doneoi he would tnibt Ipllt
> < if it all was that the 1 street musical
club a foimed with L imont the en
III ciijver 8S manager and Pi of Soc mus
eitl l director 1 lIP new club was bent
on causing I icoluion in music and
aderu jo extensively The membeii
of the club did ome g od talking and
were often heard to say that Prof Noe
had compietc control of the musical
organnwUuins of halt Lake and Ogden
The firpt bal giveum b > the club how
ever was a complete failure and it
somed to hae a d impelling effect
upon the strings of lrof Nuns b mjo
Winch by tile vaj was the niatiunient
for him
Dininu this time the photography
biB was lot malinn vtiv great hrull
war and the photO rphcr kicked a
little and the iiioto railnc affeclion
of Uie Prof was tninslened tf the
Ifore > mentioned jew elei who immedi
Jiteh situ the advant pc of the pio
pocod new pio ess anit he i nni lame
Aind in > inj it wo id 1 bing
him so he imnudia thy cent for a
camera and all the par pli rn du of 1
ihiogmjihuit studio bm he coon leained
that he was in the soup for eoine
tlung over lnO Prolcssor Xoe n all zed
that he had stajcd in Provo long
enough and lie sight d for gieener fields
and uieeiicr people and off he went
leaving the jeweler j and photogr phei
1 settle Inn bills so indeth the career
of the musical director of this noted
cub Frl Lauiorft after his scare on
July4tli seemeii to sit ken of Pioo
> and her nhabittuits so he skipped out
leaving his employer minus fO mId
J i
1 I thus endeth the career of the man
i agerSo said the listener that is the
reason of the smash in the club Well
thats what I expected
Shot nr lluband II I the rag
DEvitrr Colo August SUrs
Jennie 1 Snyder who cj sid great
commotion and ensition in Gienn
leafs dry goods tole on lannn
street last April In shooting at her
hush ind isas storming around und
tried to Illow up u little cyclone at thc
court house yesterday by reason of the
clerk of the comt liaiii the lemcritj
to pi nmt her husband to file a lit for
divorce Mrs Snyder is a young
woman and her hush md 1mu ion Sin
tlr is < clerk in Gicenh ats Mon In
his bill for divorce he asserts that his
w ift is a woman possessing an nncov
ern ible temper and that on April 27th
a month milLer his marriage t her she
deliberately shot him in the right thigh
I neii the groin with tie intention of
I murdering him He hums that the
bullet enteted his leg in such a in inner
IF to inflict a cruel and painful wound
win h was almost fatal He further
sis ho was routine to his bed for
tlnee weeks and nndeiwert gieatbtit
fering ncap icititing him loi work
I A Wondeifiil Change in Utah
Jnmes Itcalf Jr in the Arena Xo
i division in the Unitfd States has a bet
ter I credit in coniuiLrinl circles than
Utah all this is not due to the pi 1
culi ir institution of Poly amy but to I
tie t Dfiitct system of icHAtion i The I
careful hisbandnir of the waters I that
I tome down the asitch range of moun
tains has transmuted a dreary debcit of
I stud tnd sage brush into what most
1 tiudeis regard a garden and what
possibly to the faithful appeal symbol
I lutlh I p uadise S
Judge Zmc il1mmlte s an Important
A Rich Utah Claim that Has Been Ly
ing Idle Can Now 33e
SALT LAKE August SSpemal to
the Disivlcn 1A ii older was made by
Judge Zane today by which one of tH
richest mining properties in Utah can
be > evtloped I is a portion of the
lay flowei claim which has been tied
I up In litigation for a long turn Judge
Z me decided to allow lint h part iIs to
prMllte work on filing bonds in the
11 A 5OlOO each h and tiling month I
reports with him
Jn the afternoon the dioite case
hf K nil llhthe sJJdw nd UK the came
up 1 se defendant made noipt nsinc
tiiii a ue lee t of divorce was gi tntetl
< m the grounds of desiition
Tent of Sonar Hi pts i
IT Lat Argnst S Ibpeuil J to I
iii jJisiTCII ihe lariscopic list
of Ulr beets raised near Lelu has
beoii cJmpletel T1 11 best result is
pulp IS obsacchiin j > 3ounutj 831
The insult compar fav iiruiluly with
California beets vnen rj1J a while those
belts have jet font A ClI < vt in which to
npenan i Mhtn up nt u vnU contain as
high as ttat IKI cent of sa < chuine
Mi J J E Ieumniuuirs of the Utah Sugar
Co is greatly elated with the result I
Pound Guilty of As siulttiiff the Tlotoniiiii
S VLT LuvE CIT Aug SSpecial to
the DISPATCH C F Fold one of the
proprietors of the Frau klYI Avenue
Variety theatie and drum major of the
Liidal band was tiled before Com
nissionei Pratt to day for his brutal
assault on motoimanCruw of the Street
Car Co on election d1Y Ford was
tnund Mondaj guily and will be sentenced I
Slbcrtin KxIIe Kicipes
BKESLAU August Jacob Koton
who waS eXIle to Siberia twentyflv c
years ago for takinir part in a Polish re
volt escaped last Faster and his just
reached this city where he has mlle
himself known Though but forty six
years old his hair is snow white and
his lace a mass of wrinkles lie his
lost all his tVeth and hears every mark
of old age He tlescnbes his unerinn
ultii hug his long exile as agonizing lt
is wholly dest 11 ute but it being cal cd
for hi some friends
The Y < enlli AK mint MrVvlnlri It in
CLEVELAND 0 Aimurt SThl low
price of wool and the eucitj of buyers
is doing much to convince Ohio farm
ers of the fallacy of McKinle s protec
tionist aigutncnts On Saturday at
Milleisbnrg a load of wool stood on
the street all day and not a bid was of
t for it The farmeiowner was
compelled to find a place to store it and
wait for a I uyei at any price Stub
oceturreulces will make hum u cds of
votes tiicts for Campbell in the country ds
Jim Blaine Will Oct Well Xow
NEW YORK August SIr Baldwin
arrived in this port on the steamer
Majestic ioda He is the plrvaician
who treated Secretary blain during
his stay in Florence Hah some cars
ago Dr Baldwin comes to these
shores owing to a request fiom the sec
retary ol state On his arrival in New i
Yolk he went at once to Bar Harbor
Di ddwin has been very successful i
in treating Mi Blame for his chronic
IV 111 Not Be HeM
XLW YORK August Commission
er Sheilds decided this morning not to
hold to await the action of the United
I States piand jury Capt J A Thomp
1 son who was haiu < d by his ships
carpenter Erick Eklund with cruel
ticatment allegtd to hue been < om
i mitlcd on board the J J 1 F Chapman on
May 2 on her last voyage from San
Fl incifcco to Liverpool The story
en ted qniie a sensation at ttc tune
and was etensiel telegniphed
I A Peculiar Death
j DEXAEK Cool August SMrs
I Emma L Green of No 1924 Downing
avenue was arrested last night by De
Itectives I Holland and Allison She is
i I charged with murder the result of an
abortion perfoimpcl upon Mrs Emma
I Sell of No 517 Twtnteighth stiet
Both irtics colored On Weilnes
i Both partils are edlls
I day evening Mis Neil went tl the house
I I of Mrs jieen She remained about tlr
teen minutes and arose f om the rock
i i hug chair in which she was sitting
A your mule going to a picnic to
I morrow she said lvill not keep yuiti
upbhe made a step toward the door and
j remarked that t she felt dizzy Those
weie her last words She biaggeicd i and
I fell to the flour Mis Gicen ran into
I the bakery adjoining and called two of
the men to her assistance The name
of tie men ate Joseph B 1 llobmson anil
George Hustle The worn in WS sill
bretthing when hey airued One of
them went after DrBothwell who lives
on Ogden street and Twentieth avenue I I
When he reached the house Mi 1 Neil
was del The body w as taken to the
coroners oflue An antopsv levealed
tl > c fact that the woman has dird from
the results of an abortion The puson
lJ 1 would neithei affiim not detn tie
liaijie itrunst her but admitted that
she hid once served a sentence for
pet funning an aboition I on Nellie Le
BronU An inquest will be held today
l ± ar rTw
V < r
I i Committed In road Day
light is Ohio
lu desperado Knocks ECVTTI the Coahic
j Kills C Depositor and Succeeds in Get
Away vnthSl 500
L3iA Ohio August SOne of the j
I boldest bank lobbenes and miudei
ever ipcuated in this section of tlc
I country oceuirtd at Columbus Grove a l
town of about 2000 people twelv
I mitts north of here Cishiti ilapl
j had just openut the Exchange bin
and laid out s5000 near the crush window
I dow A about b 30 oclock a man ap
I JJared at the door with I revolver
Count hand He imuiedi ittlj herauu
I shouting Cashier Maple was sttncl
twice once in the right arm and onei
I in the right ide i
I As he fell to the floor and old farmer
i AiHinn Vindebiake aged tO enl 1ed
I the door having cOle to get the inonei
I fur some hogs he had just sold Tin
I lobbei tinned and shot him dead A
third man 1 in the lobby of the haul
parl zed wiih fear lie was not mo
let ut 1 The despei ido then grabhec
1500 in gictnbacks shoved them into
the pockets ol his cat and stilted out
ot thr dour si outing U i am a second
Jesse Jamc >
lit a crowd had ben attracted bj
t lie slioounrr hut thin was I scatter
111 vvnen the wild 03ed murderer ap
pOll cd on the btieet having a gun in
each hand and sliol > hug inclifcciimi
n Uelv at the bvstan < erb Hi my Buck
was stttick down b3 a bullet from the
revolver 1
The fellow ran to the outskirts of the
town and dig ippeaicd He is disctibtd
as ho1t timid lutvv set with a full face
ind a Cumuli black mustache He ap
peared to be about 30 or 35 years ot age
A posse as quickly organized and
tut d in pursuit Anothei posse
tirted liom West Cairo and all this
tire the shtrilf and the chile of police
aimed bands here to
iveie oig < iniing amed
assIst in tie scale i
I found the fellow will be shot do 1
ikv a dog L i t thought the lull
l1 Maple md Buick ale rruL neccss udj
t Vandcbiake who was killed
lumei in UI ion
13 a prospeioiib falucr 101
township lie leaves a luge family
A lnr ivWud is offered for the eaptuie
of the Mil nil
AnotJer story of the lobber at Col
umbus Jrove is as follows This
miolui hug a slrangei enleicd the hard
Ware stoic adjoining the bank and
and asked l for two revolvers AntI I
tiling them he piesented the Capons
Uthepropi ctorb head telling him to
Lake his ay out of that He then en
end tin I bini and begin shooting
1 J Maple who was struck twice
Thc rouber then seized MiiUOO and
started t uin when a laimei ittempl
ell > to stop him Tie faimei was shot
lown ind fatally wonrided The tlis
eiaslo then got into a buggy which
1n accomplite hd muting and the
otiple quickly escaped
inching parties have gone out in
veiv d lection The robbers h ive not
petal captured Maple will recover
Caeluei Maple says Iwo men
cue in the batik nijelf and A i C C
rt lwasit mj WiCket renewing
totes A boyish looking fellow with a
smooth face came in he walked up to
the wiclet and pointnm a ieolvei
aid 1 want join monc
I thought i was one of the town
10s making sport because of so much
show of the aims and made a reply of
some kind in that line wheieupon he
la etlai3 The list shot give me a
> oiind in the t bide and the second one
i mv aim ami the third one imspd me
1 tht n nibbed mj it v oh cr which onh
had one load in i and fred
U I shot too high however and
missed The lobber stalled out and
met W U YandemaiKe just coming in
He shot once at him once up the stair
way in the hall whew nobtul was mind
once at a man timing 1 Dv in I wauon
and then started hack into the hmk I
was by this time stinding by the cel
lai way I Ill him al bay with ray
diawn revolver until he faw I could
not shoot when he 11 itd away twice
niaking e gut shots flied in all
1 I dodg d into the cell n wav for
protccton and with the door paitlv
open saw the ft llow leuli i bt 1 hind the
screen and take all thenione theme he
could teach h The amount as near as
I cal guess was 1200 I nut he then de
bberatelv put it in his pocket and
walked out After this the fellow wentlo
the P A W depot win ie two men un
dertook to slop him but he denied his
way by pKiuiptl drawing his gun
l Miple is in no duitrei uiiiess blood
I poisoning sets in i Vandun nke wa >
one the I most substantiil I fri liners ol
tie icinilv He was slmck by the
bullet on the ruht side Iithuuw the Ihs
and live injured internally lie cannot I
George Williams an R G W
Section Hand Found Dead
Sunday lucming Near the Track The
TJnfcrttmatc lsn Uetts Eis Death
While in Performance of His Duty
On Sundu morning at about 10
oclock ithur lu lot of Like View
dioc into Pi uo and ought with him
some vt rj sad news The const tble ot
Lake View Piecinct had sent him oci
I to inform aishil Brown t lat a 1 nan
that moining had been found KIIIJ
dead on the east Side of the K G w
track about omhall mile north of the
Piovo r PI bridge by a onng lutuly 1 hy
the name of Maiinih I Jac < ibsn at
about 830 oclock Marshal Blown
I nnniediaielv notihed lustice ol the
Peace W 11 Brw I tJ cotonti J IL
Twt hes being out of the county Jus
I I ice Blown pinuciicil immediately to
Like View and had a jury summont d
consisting of Peter Johnson Thomas
Valkei ind P Madbcn Jr residents
of the precinct I
I soon became known tint the dead I
lan was an K G V Kv emplojee
hiving been cng get for some months I
as a section hand on section ISo 1C
His name was George Vihhiaiius and he
was mu natie of Oldliam Lincasliiie
England a lan ot medium heighth
dark comph ioned weihiiigabont 150 I
pounds ali aged about J5 Years
The lorem in and othei ction hands I
I were e mined is witnt ses in the
I case they all testified that he was a
j steady homiest sober and reliahh man I
mil that he was contempl itingin the
IIar future a visit to his native home
I in England Thej also testified that I
he had left Ins qu trtcis on Sunday
morning at I oclock to walk I
the truk as it was his tuin
t examine the truk and I
SIC that it was in propt condition for I
the passage of trains this hi ing part ol i
the lout lime duties of the section h iiult
which they take time a oIL I ip j
peared in the I evuh me tint Mt Vil
Ii MUS vas subjttt to spells id ilent
coughing Ie I liavmgobtainitl I medicnio
at diffeicnt tiints in Provo sp idlv
pit pared lor hfinoiih ige of the t lung
heie was no evidence of mill play
tht re being no marks or bruises uj on
the hotly vliuu lever
Altei i hearing the testimony mil
iiitMiig a thiitnuh eaniin ition II tht i
1J tendered tIme lollowmg
hud the jurors tht iolowil I
eithct I
rKiiiiiTouy or UTIII t sLum
Countj of Utah f I
LAKL VIEW PupcjMyi utah unruLy
Utah AuguM J 18 < 1
L l 1
An inquest holden over the dead body
of George U ilh mis there Ivmy dead
l the said jurors whose names are here
I unto attached upon thfr oaths Ih say
j that the said George ilhanis eame t
his death i by me ins of heuionhage of
j the luiiii5 liom a violent rtof coughinpr
I or tin urrstniL ol i blood vessel l uire
being no sipns of ioul play
i L gldi j iHOiilB AlkEt
f Juroii
i ALeW
W I Buowx
Jutice of the Peace
When tin inquest wile concluded
Mai shal Brown placed the corpse on
the section hand car ali brought it to
I this city and placed it in the hands 01
Stephens u t Leet undeitakers ot this
I city for interment The ttead mans
trunk and effects will be taken posses
I ion of bv SheiilTFolei awaiting fur
I ther dCe11pmcntsu
THE next Utah Legislature will he
composed of sixteen Democrats and
eight Lilieials in the House and of
eight Democrats and four Liberals in
the Council The Desrociatic majority i
for the r hole territory in the last del
tion will mn to close on G 000 i
Theo M 1 Samuelson went to the cap
hal vestertlay in the I inteitst of the
tcintlmavi excursion to this city j
itnnouncetl in this p ipt r and was sue
cetstul in arrintinef with both raiioids
for halt fire for ill who wish to n irtici i
pite fiom points south and north mcltid
inn Silt Like city I
THE seivires at the tabernacle oul
I bund tj were unusi illv mtiresting
f B Xhlnci h deliveied an exctlltnt v
dress on The Government of God
which was listened to with inteiest
The services were belt in the Stakt
Tabeinacle much to the satisfaction of
the conguegat ion
It Has Been Ilerteemed by Form
ing a Sjnrticjite
Of Wealthy MenThe Debt Lifted for
Three Years Full Particulars of
Method and Means
NMY Yom Augusts The Ui ion
Pacihc has just pissed thiough anoilai l
experience Two laYs ago it was pro
nounced binkrnpt Its loins u ic be
ing called its bonds and coll iteis were
unmarketable and even the degreth
tion of a leceueiship vvrtb thieitcncd
Its stock was hammered d > wn on the
market until it lot ched a point that
the boldest bear never txjiecteti it to
itach Today this was changed mu
the stock hounded fiom oj to oJ and I
lifted the entile market wIth it It t was
allbtoujht about bv a piomise to pay on I
the par of six nci mel Ther loimed
syndicate and agreed to stand to
Bethel for three years and piotect the
Union Pacihcb mtt icsts The sj IHI
cat was the lesult of an important
meeting ot the duct tois onThuisiljv
The directors eouhl not ignoietht con
ditionssuriotindiiig the companv and
they knew it vvoultl not long continue I
with its impaired credit ind its name
in the cast They followed the pie e
den establishetl by Gould jeais ago
when the 2ulissouiri Iueifie was similu
ly I tron ltd He foimed a sjiitln itc
composed of himself Sage and Mar
tjuard and took the debt until smh
time is the Missouri could paj
it without cia l rmussmemut iii
this instant a large and more pmu
ful syndicate is foimed lonihtin of
Gould Sage Dodge Moi an Dihui
Dextei Ames and Atkins the G
cal ickbank of Com merit1 and 1 i 1
tile Trusl Co The miu > ntie to it p II
al tie the I mor tY needed to tike Ci 1l I
thc toads floating debt liuh utu I
gates over 6000000 A bal or
eompam will be appointed as 1
agency of the company
At Cashlla Last Sight
From Sundij Daily
The popularity of this lonnntic
health I a I I plerts inc tesoit is daily
and tlservedlj ineieasing The m
valid who has licet thictoicd anil l
dosed out of momy and pa tine throws I
phvsu to the dos ant iiispned tiitt
htipe the gieitft of all tunics boards
thc train I and altci I a short ride in the
t ninfoit ible ars of the 11 G t W he irs
the I portei cal out I C islill i i Spnngs
where Mi boutliuorth and his is
sist ints aic ever watchful for the
comloits and toivt iin nci of the mv i
lids I who pitimnt the pLce for the I
1IIlt I of t tlieu hllll
Yeterdav one oiingnian from Pro
went up time evidenilj in the lat
stage ot dropsy induecl bj heut dis
eise Your tuui eshli ndt nt t sttgusted
to ul I u boiithwoiih that this seemed a
hopt less case Bv no means m
Si ercI the gentleman iiy0 hae no
prel I
fumrals lucre Worse uses than his
have bei n cued hi ie He will be ill
light This assurance is contauinus
and add to tins a hope msjuied by
such confident the really mar
velons piopcrly of the water in
these springs and who lull
say what the future of tins motlcrn
Uethi sdi in a n be
But it is by no 11a ins this lass of pro
pie who print ip illj seek this pi ice An
ounce ot preent ion is tumithu a pound
of curt and mummy seek this C istill i to
bath and rest and enjiv the s ilnbrio is
mount nn bieees which harpeo a
persons appetite and ojieritt like
no tonic I in i battles can to sooth and
readjust flue oH > rtrong nllo of the
hUT ntr anil SCUIIMII nice o toilriv i
Tut lut Ah theie is the irtin I live
cars i row did with evursioiisls at
lest 500 Pt ople look the place as bv
storm The crowd fled the pauhou
the bind struck up a
waltz and soon the gully
throng was tuppipg the birht
fantastic while othtis vent for
the pltme hath amid you would have
thought a shoal of dolphins wtie dis I
polling themselves in this niiinitme
like At midnight the crowd
hroke for the tiain
which de1ayel its coming for I vo hours
malinu tie ciowd stand slnvennir on
t ti hC platfoim Except Our this I bite I
iiHumstance eeiybodv seemed to en
jov the trip CtCTUS
From sundi j s madly
Junni KKLTOGG intends taking a
trip to N > adi to rut tend I to t his mining
interests theme He starts to dav
Mu Jos A BEES icpiesenlatue of
1iiL DisivTcn is m < etinu with good
sut ceb5 in the south end ot the count y
and out subsmption list wclleth
mightilv Joseph old boy keep lp
your licks You have a good thing ant
the public knows it
ToviGin at the Methodist chimb I
Misb Ntlke gives recital previous tn
going east and we tan promise > a I
tieit to all who attend Mis = SeIko I
iS a fine impeisomtoi of th > rat ter ai d
In the magic inlluenre of her Mite I
SWaYS her audience at wil
A courLK welt seen on the street yfI I
tenli I walk ng along tin lId in htnd
On inqturv i was found then had jsf I
lipcn made one at I the hinds ot Jlslip
Brown and loiuk hits t method of showI I
lug I to I the world then t dt vo ion to ta < h
ot huui 1 i much to I tin amusement of tin I
small boys The toupe vete both on
the I ob idv side of life and mire fiom the
north unii t of the countv
TilE Cit Council met in regular sos
thou last night The ictuions for I
abateiiipnts and lemiitanics of taxes I I
nndei tlie I np w ordtnance were tak n
up and a huge numbei of ibitenipnts I
mule The JIIS were taken off il 1
hIll ihetic I illv awl when C until nd
jonrncl only half I of them had been
gone thiongh They adjoinned until
to miht al S oeliuk when the lest of
the petitions will be coneitleied
0000 l < < U
D 1 o
I Our Efforts Procure a Few
More Particulars
Saerzif Fowler 13 Caxxgot at Grand Junc
tion aaaaSe ort of Row the Search is
1 Jro3TJLui2 l Pulled Eram Sins
I From Thursdays Dir
On bundiy moi ning we gave a sn
opfcia of all that vvib kiiovxn about the
munlei of pool Ben Buehanon at his
ranch just above Puce station about
the tmddle of July last Since that
time THE DISPATCH leelers hae been
at work trying to locate bhenfl Fowler
I lie was so quiet we knew he was on
i the trail all lIght but we also thought
he illicit di ulge a few points that
I would it least partially satisfy the hun
irv public At last we ferreted him
out at Grand Junction
I Hello he says THE MORNING
Dismcfi Will how art you Yes
I am hen working like a Beaver to capI I
I tUH tii possrble the two fiends you
speak of No I presume there is no
I clue us yet that I nicd within Id from
the prcsa The villains I have traced
thorn Price to this place with the stolen
team and wagon and it is only owing
to the fact that pool Bens body was
IIOt found sooner that I have not laid
them in jail befoie noW
Here bhenft Fowler reviewed the
horrible deta Is substantial as this
p iper publis ed them on biintl tv moin
inr 1 have tiaod the mulch reis
missing the ferry at Green iivei ai
t liomp ons Springs then it the Cisco
pump house on the desert Next at
Fimta just west of Gland I unction
Hen a lull dozen roads lead oIl ill as
minv tliiuctmns which has necessi
tated a tempor halt But one of mj
messei gers rings me Will d that thc
have jtom to said lellunde sine and to
that point I am now headed It is
thue weeks since thtv pissed Grand
Jnnttiijn J so you see i tin on a pit ttj
cold trail but mj tletermiiiation to cap
tIre them umes me on and I am warm
nil that cold tiail and ciy hopelnl
that I can bring the I etches to jus
t ue 1 won t quit the I tiail is long as
1 call trace thiin The 3 arc tr3ing to
el the team and that is all that wor
ries me as I have not a very good de
iiipMi > not t bun but asloii as thev
ut tp 1 the team 1 can folw them It t
isoiie of the most ciiul murders 1
ever heard oltlHY fou mud pool B ns
inonev no doubt as they are spending
inoncv lavishly along the load and bv
the help of God 1 will bung the mur
dcit rs of Ben Bucha on to justice yet
Is will be seen from the above
sheiifl Tow lei is in the cae whole
uitled md it is the di sue ot all classes
that he succeeds m his object
suite the ibuve was written the
sheriff has bfen he ud fiom at Teilu
ride H nil tin tiail gt ts w aimer
Tile Orand Junction 1 Nell is just at
hand It eont tins a long at tit le on this
affair to which the lollow ing is append
1 LATERs we go to pi ess we learn
fiom G J D Wih mis tint bttother
uddv ol Frinta tells that he saw two
int n ii I u 5 11 eli utg the above h dteiiption
timing this I identical team over tht
Whit t nvci road in the diiection of
Dougl creek auout ten tn twelve days
rico Previous to tins the same pair
living the stallion and the sont 1 marc 1
attached t to the mailing u ear of a hunI
bei wagon weie seen bv Sich > lasOwon
about fjur miles west ol Fiiiita The
mi n inquiied i ot him the load to Ouiaj
It is probibli that they changed then
< oui = e after intetm Owen and struck
lou the White riser countrv They will
undoubtedly be captuied b > the olh
I Wedding Bells
Piiim Tuesdux s Daily
The Methodist church last night was
the stene ot the moit illmnt social
I evt nt that has occuned in Provo for
main a day At 830 oclock James
i W Killeen and Henrietta M Ha > wood
btoc d before the altar and were muted
in the 1 holy bonds of niatiitnoiij bj I the
Rev G Ai Jeffrey Quite a crowd
ttnessed the ct i emoii3 the ladies be
ing especially anxious to see tilt biirte
costume winch was of beautiful white
silk anil 1 lace with a wreath of lovely
mange blossoms twined around her
head and a bunch of the same kind of
flouers at her corsage The ceremony
was very tmpressiVf but the icsponses
ot tIll bride ind bndegioom showed
that the both tnoioniJily understood
the step they were taking
I Immediateh after the ecu 1110113 the
oung totiple eiediiven to the home
of the iii lies sifter where an elegint
suppni hUll been piep in d
Mr Killem has won a bride who is
et emeil b3 all who know her for her i
sweet mil lov ible disposition anti will
make him a loving ami faithful wife
Nil Killeen is wH known in PIIo
and has won man liientls I lJy his genial
tnanncr mil grin la big heiitedi leES
Tnt Oispvien join wit II the 1111113
mentis oil lilt I vomu couple in wishing
them t piospenty ill their jouinev
tlnotigh fire
Dr Sliocli nlgc Brings Suits For
Medical Sei ices
But the Defendant Claims He Failed to
Bffeot the Cure as Per
THE civil case of Dr Shoebi idge S
Mrs 1 1 tlom s ot I rovo Bench came
Letoie Justice Aoon esteula3 after
noon I E Booth apptaied for plain
lilt aud J W X Whiteeotton for de
The complaint alleges that defendint
ifcked his services as a plnieiin and I
he had attt nded her fur eight months
but that nov she retired to pay loi the
birvite1 The bill for the services
amounted j5b and srootls had been
olit lined i loi deteneknt from pi until s
ding stole k the inuuint of 10
bi bhoebtidge the only witnes for
the plaint tvsuhed he had attended
Mrs iniies I 101 eight niunlhs I mil had
teceaed no lemuneiatinn for said ser
vices No urringtment hid been en
tereil into With regard to the payment
Mrs louts the defendant her lath
er and two sisters were swum as wit
nesses for the deiensr
MH Jones testihed that she had
been sufleiing from spinal disease and
had called on Di bhoebiicle who
miller e mination had informed her
ht 1 could me her in three months al
though possibl3 it might take six
montns to effect permanent cure He
then said that it she would place her
selt in his I ctne he would guarantee to
effect cure in six months or hu would
not ask any lilly Th a lie
ilterwaids tcpt itetl in the pie cnce of
her lathe and two t sisteis The plain
tiff attendt ht r for t ight months hut
she uceived beneiit from the treat
liient md tiuertfore did not think plain
tiff ws entitled to am lemnneiation
she hind Ijeen afflictt six cars with
spinal tiouble arid did no ft el any
bettr after tie plaintiff atment
With leleience to the goals received
she hail told the plamtifi that tile itie
fur her father a mil to hare them to
him I he had suit the goods to her
at liens fauniv as she was then living
with her grauuthiat her
The other till ee witness corro or
ated the defendants testimony
The case Was submitted to the court
without aigument
Judge J Noon will piobably rendei his
decision to claY
MANAGER L PUATI and family
lei for the mountains efcteitli3 after
nonn wheie they will spend the next
two w i eks rusticating Mrs Piatt has
been in poor health Kl a long time and
tu e 1 hope the Iud will ottmi Illlle I hene
littetl by the icffcbhmg an of the moun
I From Tuesday Dally
I TIlE cottage of H J Malbens looms
up nicely with ltd white brick walls
I FIFTYTHREE new subscribers came in
yesterday afternoons mail from the
ENGLAND is seriously considering the
adoption of an antl pauper immigration
I TUE county jul piisoners are very
quiet after their dose of bread and
water on Saturday
TIIEKE are 19000 farmers in Mani
tobi They will turn out this year
L5000000 bushels of wheat
A GOOD substantial brick house is be
ing built on Center street opposite
George T Pei3 property
THE residents ot Yuma A T were
bndty scared by shocks of earthquake
and tidal waves on the Sth inst
Salt Lake dailies tot telegraphic news
and see if we dont get thai
THE New South Wales Legislative
Assembly rejected the motion granting
suffrage to women by fiftyseven to
A ISIT to the east part of town will
show to anyone some of the riches of
Utah as the grain and fruit crops are
= ow ripe
THE Provo Harmonica club stopped
at our door last J night and rendered a
selection These things are pleasant I
Do it again I
THE Lelu band has entered for the
contest at Castdla on the 20th inst The
0033 were at the Spring on Saturday
evening with the excursion
TUB shop occupied b3 J II Smith
the horseshoer on G street is having
sawdust placed under the iron roof to
ward off the heat of the sun
JUDGE BLACKBURNS house is hav me
the finishing touches of the painters
brush m iking it one of rime neatest cot
tages in tins part t of the tountry
Points Fiom That Prosperous
Democratic Stronghold
Visitcr Sees Hears and Writes of a Few
Things People and Subjects While
Sojourning There For a Time
III one of the cozy loom of Mrs
flat dvs the F S held a rely interest
ing meeting Friday evening Aug 8th
at which Mis Susan Fairbanks presid
ed and Mrs Hattie Grcer was secretary
The subject for discussion was De
mocracy vs Republicanism Tin
ladies who advocated the afhrmattvi
were Mis Leu Harris and Mrs Alice
Coliin those for the negatie Mrs
Millie Stark and Mis Eluabeth Done
the terms ot the debate were Each
speakei vmus allowed twenty minutes
the albrmative to have the closing
speech religious doctrine or belief or
polities I not allowed personalities strict
ly I forbidden Ihe debate was conduct
ed on parliamentary principles the
saeikers weie eainest on both sides a
high degree of intelligence coupled with
rare native pow01 was manifested an
aequ nnt nice with the historical doings
ol the parties was a prominent point
and the most marked feature of all was
the absence 01 ill feeling Ye
Louis ot the street corner debate take
a lesson from your superior halves
Paj on is strictly a progressive town
With its wealth farms numerous herds
of ittle horses and sheep its gradti
ited mechanics bank nuuierons stores
a newspaper free schools electric
lights hotels mills Democrats busy
boys and pretty girls we may expect to
see it in the no distant future as one of
the most important agricultural and
Commercial centers in utah
Pijson being a Democratic city and
I being anxious tor foreign and domestic
news also the piogiessive ideas of Dc
moiac the good people of the place
intro recently subscribed freely for THE
DirTCII and the future promises at
least 200 more in addition to its present
list The people appreciate solid litera
Mi Chnstiansen principal of
the Payson schools is ex
pected to return soon from
a visit to his lelattves in Colorado to
resume his labois in educating the
voting lie will be assisted by the
local faculty whIch appears to be a
powei in Iajson
Brereton Irvine Co the headquar
hers of Pavon Democracy carries on a
big business in mefcliandise and
when the public are made aware of the
fact l that they can subscihe for TIlE DIS
pvrcti there it will add another laurel
tit tliit square dealing establishment
In a few weeks the new roller mills
will commence operations This Indus
tiv his been miuli needed some time
and will be hailed with favor by the
m inv farmers lllrealion s who from the
vtlj i necessity ot the case have taken
heir grists to Spanish Fork
For small fruit and garden vegetables
this place is uiibitrp issed and a
reach homo and Tint market dt
mdds at fair prices for all the sur
pllibTh nohticil storm has entirety abat
ted and the wreck of the cyclone con
asts of a few honest but moulded Re
publicans Go id fellows nevertheless
The h uvest is great and the laborers
ire scarce YISITOR
J R I3o = iiAur > is building a large
noiise just north of ins residence to be
ised foi icnting The residence will be
an ornament to that part of our city
TilE United States supplies Mexico
nth twentvlour per cent of the lat
ers imported merchandise Drugs
institute the greater part of the im
THE store formerly occupied by
tlornbv the hardware man was turned
into asiloon je terdiv Peters from
he Hotel Roberts moving his saloon
ittings into it
FELIX B vciuiAN and party who
vent up Provo canyon on a pleasure
trip last 1 week have letntned They
ire looknig well after then outing in
he mountains
IV II FRESHW VTFU received some
goods yesterday which bad been in the
rectllt wreck on the D uS E G The
> taxeS were all dunned as though they
nd been in a lire
THUEL of the Popes Cardinals have
win = oldiei Cardinal Lli erie was
in the Trench army Cardinal Howard
WaS in her Majestys lifeguards and
t1C Cardinal of Perth was in the Aus
trian Ini7cars
TIIr Provo Foundry S Machine Co
have completed the columns and lintels
i for the Academv The columns weighed
1500 pounds each and the lintels 900
I nikincneulv 10000 pounds of iron
I bus placed the building
Two very old Indian squaws fiom
Fort Du Chisne were cimped on Cen
I IeI street between M and N streets
They spent yesterday in cutting and
I drying peaches spreading them on a
lanket almost in the middle of the
S WrsTrnriFLi and J J Carter two
imminent Salt Like men were in
tov vestordij Realizing the oppor
unitits afforded the spoilsman m this
ictnih thev intend to take a hunting
rip into the mountains They were at
he Cosmopolitan
THL English papers now admit that
he w licit riop both in Russia and in
jidii is a failure this year lltissta has
> rohibited the exportation of any gram
icncetoiwird Thiepfourths of the
vheit impoitPcl by England last year
Mine from Russia
MAiturAOE licenses I have been issued
o Junes W Killeen md Ilennetto M
Tawood of Provo Henry Diesel and
di Erluwion of Pavim anti Daniel
iloiton and Man Smiley of Lehi The
ittei couple weie married by Justice
Jrovvn yesterday
TflITflI1Y Z I t tflTtVc
w HtL A Mh1LtilL I
G D SXELLFiesiaent JOHN JO ES Supermtei den
Union Pacific System
The only line ninniigThiongh Pullman Cir Service between bait Lake
lissouri Riyei Chicago and St Louis
r M A 31 P f I 1
uab 100 and 5 00 Provo 32nd7 5
rephi 135 5 30 Lake View 11w 7 IK
lona 25C 550 ile < sant 3 s si
antaquni 227 619 American Fork 3 3 S in
ayson 252 631 Leht 40 s
panish Foik 3 00 6 50 Arriving at
pnngMlle 309 it TAXI Salt Lake City 7 605
Trams leave Salt Lake at 710 am and 100 p m leaving Pry it
20 a in and 63 p m Trains leave Salt Lake for Ogden it 700 md 7j
m 3 30 and 6 30 p m C F BESSEGUIE Gnilanagsr
S W ECCLES Gen Freight aid Pass Asft Salt Lake City
e are offering at a great snap Call early before the stock
IS broken
I I c E D S I
t I
C u
CD i 5 c iT = bH
= l
150 to 500 Former Price 300 to 1000 Everything
in proportion
ourteous and Considerate Treatment Guaranteed

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