r UntteialS7oSIIteh I THE EYNING I y D IB PAT C H J 0 No 279Jol 3 PROVO CITY UTAH WENNEOA OCTOBER 24 1894 PRIOE FIVE CENTS A COPY k F g 1 SUCCESSOR TO Provo Lumbar Manufactnrina BuildinaGo d Wholesale and Retail Dealer in LUMBER DOORS WINDOWS BLINDS AND MOULDINGS RUSTIC SIDING TONGUED GROOVED FLOR lNG LATH SHINGLES PAINTS d BUILDERS MA TERIALS HARDWARE UTAH VALLEY IRON PAINT LUMBER SAWED AND DRESSED TO ORDER SCROLL SAWING AND TURNING DONE COMBINATION WIRE AND SLAT FENCE We are the only House in town Carrying the UTAH VALLEY IRON PAINT A CAR LOAD OF FRUIT BOXES CHEA A o SMOOT 5 Jr Manager Office and Yard opposite K B Depot No 20 P O Box No 79 Telephone HOWE TAFT Wholesale GrocersB The Merchants of Southern Utah Especially those of Utah Co will find it to their Advantage to Trade with HOWE TAFT WHOLESALE GROCERS Pr vo Utah Th el D rUVD y OaDp Congratulates its friends and customers on the signs of returned prosperity and the improved con dition of trade throughout the country realizing that with the ad vent of good times you will un = doubtly purchase your Winter Supplies We desire in a mod est way to remind you that we are at your service with an exception ally fine line of Genera Merchan dise selected with especial care and bought at bedrock prices SINGLETON Superintendent iiiiiiuiiiiiiA tOOK AT THIS Republican Workers Disobey ing the First Presidency NAILED AND EXPOSED John 0 Graham is BUllY Telling Mormons That Joseph F Smith Speaks the Poli tical Sentiments of the Mormon Leaders Did He Ever Tell Anything More False The following affidavit speaks for it self It reveals the character of the campaign the desperate republicans are making They do not hesitate to over ride the declarations of Presidents Woodruff and Cannon made at the commencement of the campaign that the church is neutral in politics All that it cares for is to have the cam paign made on clean and christianlike principles This flying in the face of the first presidency in this way is very wicked but it is at the same time very charac teristic of the man who does it The intelligent men in the Mormon chuch will not be caught with this sort of chaff will not be played for gudgeons in this way We respectfully call the attention of the presidency to this affidavit It waa received by Levi Openshaw through the mail yesterday and the following introductry letter accompan ied it SANTAQUIH Utah Oct 22 1894 Mr Levi Optuehaw Provo Utah DEAR SmI did not think when speaking of Grahams remarks about Joseph 1 Smith in conversation yes terday that it would ever come to publi cation Mr Graham has always been a friend of mine but when men go out turn pmc for our leaders in our religi ous Lull I think it my duty as an American citizen to let such facts be known It is all rijiUt to preach re ligion in religious places but demo racy is too solid in Santaquin to stuff ballots with any suh doctrine as we have had here of late It may have fleet on that class of people who have to be led with a string but most of us are not as green as our old clothes make us look Hut then the poor fel lows have got td fall bucK on BOme thing It is said a drowning man will bang to a straw Hopinc my affidavit worn to before T B Heeles is all that is necessary necessaryI remain yours etc R S DUKE AFFIDAVIT TERnITORY c F UTAH t COUNTY OF UTAH f S3 On this 122ud day 01 October A D 1894 personally applied before me Thomas B Heels a notary public in and for Utah county Utah territory duly commissioned and qualified louert S Duke who was by me first duly sworn according to law and who on his said oath deposes and says He met John C Graham at Santaquin county and territory aforesaid on tIle morning of Sunday the 21st day of October tuber A D 1894 j that the conversation between them turned on politics j that the said John C Graham asked Robert S Duke if he had eeen the speech made by Joseph F Smith in Salt Lake city on politics and being answered in the affirmative remarked that whenever he read anything from the source that came from he the said Hobert s Duke coula put it down as beIng the sentiments of the leaders of the church R 8 DUKE Subscribed and sworn to before me this 22nd day of October A D EAL 1894 THOMAS B HEKLIS Notary Public My commission expires December 31 1894 ITS JOHNNYS BOODLE The Salt Lake Newsgathorers Would Do Well to Give Credit Where is Due The Salt Lake Herald has one repor ter who yery frequently gets off his base It is the fellow who does the police court rounds That reporter seems to delight in giving each and every peace officer who resides inSaltLake city fulsome praise and all credit in and out of sea son He even goes so far as to take up good work done by Utah county officers and credit the Salt Lake men with it This hat been done by him time and tme again During the last few days since tile capture of Bartlett and Murry the Santa Fe train wreck era in the persons of the men who committed the burglaries hew in Provo last week who gave tneir names as Ryan and Smith particularly has his Salt Lake Herald reporter been talking through his hat It is well known here that the men would never have been arrested but for the work of Sheriff Brown of this county and his aids and it is aleo well known that the Salt Lake officers had in their possession ll the dame information tion as did Mr Brown and that they had the criminals in their hands twentyfour hours and never once guessed who they were and that it was not until after Sheriff Brown had the prize secured that they learned what they had missed After they learned this four of the salt Lake officers came down and begged for a slice of the reward None of all thin has the Herald re porter ever mentioned but on the con trary he has persistently ignored Sher A FAIR TI3SAL of Hoods Sar saparilla guarantees a complete cure H3 an honcstmedicine honest ly 1 advertised and It 1 honestly cu i t i c Highest of all in Leavening PowerLatest U S Govt Rpt DY J v cf r y AB CLVT U tE iff Brown and the Utah county officers and this morning he has the following to say The clever capture of two of the Santa Fe train wreckers in this city by the police gave the Denver officials and the railroad people great pleasure Both of the men are being held at Provo subject to the orders ot Chief Pratt A dispatch wan received yes terday from the Colorado sheriff asking ing that they be Guarded very careful I ly and conveying the information that requisition papers were being prepared The third man is still at large but the police will secure 400 for the two cap tared The men are being held here by Sheriff Brown and not subject to the orders of Chief Pratt The dispatch referred to was received 4 bj Mr Brown The police will not secure 40000 for the two cap tives Johnny Browns fingers will wind around that boodle and all that the police will get Oi it will be only as mucb as Johnnys generosity prompts him to give Officer Sheets and his partner who made the arrest CARNIVAL OF GRIME Wholesale Robbery Numerous Towns In Indian Territory LITTLE RoCK Ark Oct 23LaBt nights programme in the great carni val of crime which is now holding the boards in the Indian Territory consis ted of the wholesale robbery of several small towns in genuine desperado style by Mr Bill Cook supported by a strong and desperate company of eight or ten followers Four men rode into the town of Watova early in the evening making their approach made known by a prom iscuous discharge of firearms The bandits terrorized the inhabitants and most of them sought safety in their houses behind barricaded doors The outlaws visited every store in the vil lage aid ran the merchants away with Winchesters and revolvers The took from the stores all the motley they could find and whatever else they wauled The Watova post office was robbed of about 60 in cash and about 55 in stamps From Watova the gang ran on into Tala ten miles away where they ra peateJ their depredations They rode into the town and proceeded at once to rob stores right and left Every store in the place Was visited and the pro prietors compelled to tint over iJaMr cash the poscouice was also robbed of stamps and a small amount of money The bandits entered the town boldlv and made no effort to conceal their identity None were masked From reports of their descriptions they were undoubtedly the same gang that held up the Missouri Pacific Caretta SidingSaturday night It is believed that it was the bandits intention to rob the Missouri Pacific train No 231 at Tala While they were holding up the postcffice the train pulled into the station The trainmen were notified of the presence of the gang and the train was started at once The bandits galloped out of town discharg ing their Winchesters Home Missionaries The home missionaries of Utah Stake are appointed to preach on Sunday Oct 28th 1894 at lethe wards desig nated NORTH DISTRICT A Halladay Provo 3rd ward Samuel Liddiard C D Glazier t Provo 4th n J F Gates f N L Nelsen t Lake View Han Jorgensen 5 John W Turner t Timpanogos Tames H Snyder f Don OClayton t Pleasant Grove James Adams 1 First Ward James W Vance t Pleasant Grove C C Hackett f Second Ward W Chipman Sr t PleasantGrove John R Hindly i Third Ward W H Feeroan t Pleasant View Jacob Carlmn Alphonso M Davis t John Woodhouse f American Fork G Johnson A t Lehi ThoR Wooley f J W Bean t Cedar Valley 0 H berg f A J Evans t JB Keeler f Highland Samuel A King t S L Chipmui f Alpine SOUTH DISTRICT B T Blanchard l 1 Springville P H Boyer James Whitehead t I Mapleton Willis K Johnson James E Hall t Spanish Fork G S Condie y t James H Holly t I Salem j I Mendennall John f i H F Thomas t J Payson J H Hales f I August Swensen t I Benjamin David Williams I S P Christensen 1 Lake Snore cOBahr f I ° W H Huish l Spring Lake Petor J Hansen 1 J E C Henrichsen t Santaq in Lara L Nelsen 1 Andrew Lovegreen t I Goshen Edward W Clark M L Pratt t I Provo let ward I Wm S Tanner f A L Southwick t I Provo 2nd A Manwaring f Hours of meeting Lake View ward 1030 a m and 2 p m Timpanogos I ward 2 and 7 p m i and in the Provo ward meeting houses at 630 p m Springville 2 p m Spanish Fork 2 and 7 p m Salem 2 p m Payson 2 and 630 p m Sautaquin2 p m Goshen 2p m Lehi 2 p m Alpine 2 p m American Fork 2 and 7 p m Pleasant Grove 2 p m 5 Cedar Valley 2 p m Highland 230 p jn j Spring Lake 2 p m Benjamin 230 p m Pleasant View 2n m Lake Shore 280 pm I Boss GRAHAM how do you like that affidavit you so brazenlY ordered to be trotted out last evening Head it elsewhere this issue tsr prfcau Creasing Powfiet 1THEPAYSON RALLY Rawlins and Roberts Address Two Large Audiences ROBERTS WAS DEFIANT And for the Benefit of His OrltlC Re peated With uoubla Emphasis the Re marks he Made at Beaver Kawlins was More Than Eloquent and Convincing The truths of democracy were ex jopnded last evening at Payson to im mense audiences by Hons J L Raw lIDs and B II Roberts It is estimated that there were fif teen hundred people present at the two meetings The opera house was crowded to overflowing every availa ble inch of space being occupied Standing room was at a premium and during the three hours ot the meeting the listeners were held spell bound the large meetinghouse was also filled with a like audience Mr Rawlins spokefor two houre at the opera house dealing chiefly with the tariff and sil ver questions During the last half hour of his speech he rose to a light of eloquence and powerful logic such as has seldom been heard in a political > meeting Mr Roberts at the meeting ouse in his own powerful and eloquent way also touched upon the tariff question but dealt chiefly with local questionsTo he delight of the democrats and the diecomfiture of the republicans he verlastingly scored the latter party with the truths of history Mr Roberts is as fearless as he is loquent He flung defiance at his critics and repeated with double em phasis his remarks at Beaver For the last hour of the two meetings tbe gentlemen changed off Mr Raw lint Speaking at the tneetinehuuse and ilr Roberts at the opera house A torchlight procession a brass ban and a shot gun brigade met the speak ers at the depot and paraded the streets Altogether the rally was one of the argest if not the very largest ever held in Utah county Attention Ladies The Womens Democratic club will meet in the Timpanogas hall October 25th at 730 p m wben the Icllowing program will be rendered Cause of the panic of 1893 Mrs D A Swan Song Mrs E A Wilson Half hours talk by a member of I be Timpanogos club Sketches ot candidates for the con stitutional convention by members of the club Address Influence ot Women at I the Polls Willmirth White MAY BKOWN Secy Or Prices Cream Baking Powaer Wartds Fair Hteftsst AWST Notice All parties knowing themselves to be members of the Fortyfifth Quorum of Seventies are requested to meet with that body on Friday evening next October 26th 1854 in the priesthood room By request ot the presidency of the quorum W S COBBSTT Olerk EMMEDGE Brings comfort and improvement ana tends to personal enjoyment when rightly used The many who live be er than others and enjoy life more with less expenditure by more promptly adapting the worlds best products ti the needs of physical being will attest the value to health of the pure liquirI laxative principles embraced in tho remedy Syrup of Figs Its excellence is due to its presenting in the form most acceptable and pleas ant to the taste the refreshing and truly beneficial properties of a perfect lax ative effectually cleansing the system dispelling colds headaches and fever ma permanently curing constipation It has given satisfaction to millions and met with the approval of the medical profession because it acts on the Kid neys Liver and BoVTcls without weak flli2 g them and it is perfectly free from every objectionable substance Syrup of Figs is for sale by all drug gists in 50c and 1 bottles but it is man ufactured by the California Fig Syrup I Co only whose name is printed on every package also the name Syrup of Fig and being raH informed you witi act cc2 if r M J ii CLOAKS ATEggOFIS8US n WRAPS New Styles UffffOl4IpIlu lS94 Styles i ErrrrpI1tQPllQ 1 PRICES LOW QUALITIES HIGH Eggortsens AT SEE THE CLOAKS BUY YOUR CLOAKS AT EGCERTSEN FUR < < SH Capos < CLOTH U AT Eggertsens ANDREW EGGERTSEN Mgr 234 West Center Street Provo 4 ProvoCity Lumber Co W = J ROSS Mgr WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN TO 1 RED CEDAR SHINGLES LUMBER LATH MOULDINGS SASH and DOORS PLASTER LIME HAIR AND ALL KINDS OF BUILDING MATERIAL SQUARE DEALINGS OUR MOTTO Hard Times IFrioes All Orders delivered by team to Springville Spanish Fork and Lake Shore when required telephone No 31 P O Box 273 Provo City FurniturE CarpetsWall WallPaper Pianos and Organs Universal Stoves and Ranges Crockery and lamps at YLORBROSr CO ov CilvR llefMiJl PROVO MILLING t09 Props OFFICE OPPOSITE U P DEPOT Manufacturers of and Dealers in CHOICE ANDi BRANDS MILLING OF FLOUR FEED Good Treatment Satisfaction Guaranteed Orain Received on Storage D at aEEeE gr