THE BROWNSVILLE DAILY HERALD ITMXDECElrBfiR 31, 1309- r EW YEA Start 1910 Right-Buy Mission Town Lots Now Prices Advance January 1st if" TO GIVE INVESTORS A SPECIAL OPPORTUNITY We have induced the Mission Land Improvement, Company to postpone a general advance in prices luntil January 1st, 1910. After that date . All $350 lots will sell for All $300 lots will sell for All $250 lots will sell for . : $400. ; . $350. . $300. All $200 lots will sell for . All $175 lots will sell for . All $125 lots will sell for . . $250. . . $200 . . $150, ! Only Two Days More at These Prices This Insures an Immediate Profit Small Payment Easy Terms Special Discount for Cash For choicest locations call early, write or wire HAGUE BROTHERS. Sales Managers Mission, Texas Brownsville office on Elizabeth street, half block west of Miller Hotel R. N. MAGILL, General Sales Agent Brownsville, Texas MORE TEMPTING PRIZES OFFERED TOWN IjOTS AM) OTHKIt YAIjU. sffllLK IHCWAKDS FOU KXHH'lTS. BUSINESS MEN GOME TO FRONT KrcrT Kncoimijreinent KU'iuleil to Kxliiliitors in AH Departments at ! the Midwinter Fair. Heard From. Others to Ke the list before next week, as several have promised to assist, and the com plete list will doubtless include the name of every merchant and business man of any prominence in Browns ville, while many of those in other valley towns are also expected to do nate prizes. Prize liist Already Published. . ('rand Sweepstake Prizes. j Best display of any one variety of I poultry by an individual Grand- l father clock, G feet in height, Mis- j sion style, value 15.00. " I Donated by Brownsville Business lien's Club. ; Regular prizes will be awarded ' ! on poultry as follows: j The list of Premiums offered for ex-1 ,mMling Pens, hibits at the Midwinter Fair con- " tinues to grow, and indica-, 1st prize, $3.00; 2nd prize, $2.00. tions are that some of the most valu- I able premiums ever offered at any , county fair will be the reward of the j Single Birds. i First Second successful exhibitors. Several town t v T i lota valued at from $100 upwards j est: Cockerel $2.00 $1.00, have been placed on the list by some j Best Hen $2.00 $1.00 , of our enterprising valley developers. I Best Pulllet $2.00 $1.00 , Valuable and useful gifts of various j All exhibits of poultry competing kinds are being subscribed by tuej for prizes will be divided into class t merchants daily, which added to the as foliows the prizes tobe awarded to money premiums offered by the Fair the best b5rds q c,ass. Association, Will iuhku 11 wen nuiun the whllo of the farmers and house keopers to compete. Following are the additions to the Jist since yesterday's publication: For best sugar cane exhibit, Fine Bridse.Beach steel range, retail val ue $45 by the Brownsville Hardware Co. Best collection irrigated farm pro. ducts of all kinds, Leonard cleanable refrigerator, solid oak, retails ,$40, Hicks Hardware Co. Best collection citrus fruit, lot at ( Allendale, by Citrus Fruit Develop ment Co. Best display of cabbage, $5 Stetson hat, by R. C. Patterson. Best' homemade cake, $10 punch bowl, Brownsville Drug Co. ttpst homemade pies, pair ladies? Red Cross shoes, value $4, any style Boston Shoe Store. Best dozen homemade biscuits, either soda or baking' powder, 50 pounds of home rendered lard, Amer ican Meat Market. Best pound homemade candy, silver manicure set, worth $7.tJ0, Putegnat's Pharmacy. Best Individual exhibit silver cup, Colonization Co. A lot at Mission has been promised I by the .Mission uiu juiihdi Co and a lot at San Benito or its cash equivalent by the San Benito Land and Water Company, but the special exhibits for which these will he given are not yet announced. Other premiums will co added to Class A American Breeds. " Barred, White and Buff Plymouth Rocks; Silver Laced, Golden, White,' Buff, Black, oClumbian, Partridge and Silver Penciled Wyandottes; Muck and Mottled Javnu: S. C. and R. C. Rhode Island Reds. Class B English Breads. ' S. C. Buff, S. C. White and S. C. for! niacl: Orpington; Colored Silver- Class C Asiaticr Breeds. Light and Dark Brahmas; Buff, Partridge, White and Black Cochins; Black and White Lengshans. Class 1) Mediterranean Breeds. S. C. Brown. S. C. White, S. C. Buff. S. C. Black. R. C. Brown andR. ! C. White Leghorns; White Faced "Block Spanish; Blue Andalusians; S. ' C. Black S. C White and Rose Comb , riety $2.00 $1.00 Best Hen, and variety $2.00 $l.vv Ducks. Best pair of ducks, any variety $2.00 $1.00 Geese. Best pair of -geese, any variety .$2.00 $1.00 Utility Premiums. Realizing the great importance of of the market poultry industry in the Lower Rio Grande Valley, upon which depends ultimately the finan cial success of every branch of the poultry business, and for the purpose of encouraging the fullest develop, ment of this industry, premiums will be offered on the following: First Second Best half doz. -broilers $3.00 $1.00 Best half doz. friers $3.00 $1.00 Best half doz. roasters $3.00 $1.00 Best half doz. capons .$3.00 $1.00 Best halfdoz. ducklings$3.00 $1.00 Best half doz. squabs. .$3.00 $1.00 Birds competing for utility pi em- aims will be judged 'alive, from a strictly market standpoint, regard. less of breeds, thereby permitting all breeds to compete against each other strictly on their merits for market purposes. Eggs. Best dnen egjs, white $2.00 5100 Best do, eggs, brown $2.00 $l.f.0 Beat dozen eggs, pink. $2.00 $1.0i Weight and uniformity in size, RAISE PEACHES BY DRV FARMING. Texan Claims to Have Produced Fine Crop Without Almost Xo llain for Three Months. IROWNSVILLE MUSIC COMPANY shape and color will govern awards Black Minorcas; Mottled Anconas. j Class E Polish Breeds. Golden, Silver. White, Buff-laced,1 White Crested, Black, Bearded Gold., en. Bearded Silver and Bearded White Polish. Class G All Breeds Xot Included in ClassA, B, C D, E and F. Turkeys. ' First Second Best pair of turkeus. i 1 and variety $3.00 $1.00 .. Best Gobbler, any va- '" t , The New Year. Ring out, wild bells, to the wild sky, The flying cloud, the frosty light; The year is dying in the night; . Ring out, wild bells, and let him die. Ring out the old, ring in the new; Ring, happy bells, across the snow; The year is going let him go; Ring out the false, ring in the true. Ring out the grief that saps the mind For those that here we see no more Ring out the feud of rich and poor; Ring in redress to all mankind. Ring out a slowly dying cause. And ancient forms of party strife; Ring in the nobler modes of the land; Ring in the Christ that is to be. Alfred Tennyson. : - "ij As all good fruit cakes improve with age we will always keepsome on" hand. Ours are better than mother used to make. 97. - "Clay's Bakery. Rhone Elberta peaches the size of a tea cup are reported by John M. Howell of Parker County, Texas, who attrib utes his success as an orchardist to ' the practice of dry farming methods. In an interview, Mr. Howell stated that his peach tree did not have a drop -of rain for three months prior to the picking of his crop. "Dry farming or scientific soil cuL ture," said Mr. Howell, "will mean a great deal for our agricultural inter ests. It is practiced successfully in sections of the country that have far less rainfall than we have in Parker county and there is no question but that it will do the work if the proper methods are followed. "On my orchard tract there has been practically no rain for three months. I broke the orchard land between the trees in the spring with a disc harrow. Since that time I have cultivated the soil both ways with a section harrow every week and the result has been astonishing. There is a fine dust mulch four to five inches deep over the ground and the trees are growing as nicely as if there had been plenty of rain. The fruit has grown and matures without rain and is now. ripening into as perfect speci- ' mens as any one could desire." Southwestern Farmer. J. B. VIANO, Proprietor and Mansger Sole agents for the celebrated v -f-s-irfi & 7iiflIoi RnTliftnort 4J1.1IVU W MV1U1V1) UU11V1 U1U11 OUil Pianos. TUNING AND REPAIRING A SPl-ClALTY SPECIAL BARGAIN ALL DURING THIS MONTH ONLY. $375.00 high grade Boiler-man Son Pianos at $325.00. $75.00 cash, balance on easy payments to suit your pocket book. : : : : : Nearly 100 Pianos have been said in Brownsville and Alata ros for the last IS years which references were given inlasl week's Herald. These instrnmenfs are made especially this cli male with my own mouse proof .patent. Your old piano taken in exchange. A call will be appreciated Phone 265 Rrnwncvilfo T, -'.w,,uw, Same as December Cotton. My daily says a man in Chicago has made $1,000,000 in the past ten days of "May wheat." What is "May wheat," anyway? Can Judge Wilkin son grind it in his mills, does Wade raise it on his farms, is Professor Mil ler testing it for yield and qualuy, and what kind of bread does it make? One time a man told me thatMay wheat was not wheat at all, but just a name that a lot of fellows have for a gambling game, and if this is true, the constable at Chicago ought to haul that chap up before the squire and have him fined and socked in jail for six weeks on a charge of gambling. Maybe the Chicago constable and the squire and the rest of the people there ! are all in one and the same game like j the councilman in Cincinnati who was ; hauled up for keeping a gambling den. The farmer who grows real , wheat, the miller who grinds it, the i baker who makes it into bread, and j the ooor man who can only afford to ! fi)uy one "nickel loaf" at a time, have ) all helped to make up the million dol-; lars that Chicago manias made in ten days on his "May wheat" This "May wheat, 'Marcfe corn,", ".Au gust pork" aaeiita-e-rest-oi tne gamp. TELEPHONE NO. 136 Especial attention given to telephone orders. Free deliverv to any part of the city. Prescriptions filled with promptness and Scurfy Physician in our office at all hours. mtty. BROWNSVILLE DRUG COMPANY The only corner drug store in town, and Santa Claus' Headquarters BROWNSVILLE GRAIN CO. (INCORPORATED) FEED AND SEED-Wholesale and Retail Phone 66 DISTRIBUTORS FOR TEXAS SEED & FLORAL CO ling in the name of nandling farmers produce, disarranges actual markets, creates a false basis for prices and makes the man who produces it a puppet in the hands of -a few score men who get rich at his expense. Or ganization seeks to correct this, yet men cry down organization, and edi tors, such aB the one referred to by Friend Blines, "throw organization into the deep, deep sea." Correspon dence Co3aH'3 Rural World. Assistant United States Attorney NOAH ALLEN Att rney-at-Law BROWNSVILLE - TEXAS President Brownsvflje Development and Bid. Assn. WnsvaieLoiri Md Securities Company Citros Fruit Development Company Anything .yon wast in a heater. Phone us, we'll do the rest Brownsville-Hardware Co. ( ' ;1 - 1 a 'A