OCR Interpretation

Fair play. [volume] (Ste. Genevieve [Mo.]) 1872-1961, July 12, 1919, Image 1

Image and text provided by State Historical Society of Missouri; Columbia, MO

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn87052181/1919-07-12/ed-1/seq-1/

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NO, 12
Wbtltmo? Waists
are made than you would understand how
waists so good can be sold for a price so low
Could you hut walk through the great big, sunllooded perfectly-ventilated,
efficiently-conducted Wirthinor factory, and sco
the hundreds of happy, busy, cheerful workers producing thou
sands upon thousands of quality waists, then you would un
derstand, how waists of such splendid character can bo sold at a
price so low.
The Same New Styles
The Nation Over
is tlw price of the Wirthinor here and everywhere. It is a prico
inu'lo possible by the greatest efficiency of production, by manu
facturing on a yast. si-nle, by the elimination of all selling ex
pense. It is n .SUPERIOR way of Blouse making and Blouse
selling that makes these SUPERIOR VALUES possible.
The name WIRTI1MOR on a Ulouse is a symbol of
QUALITY; it is assurance of the utmost in STYLE,
FIT. WORKMANSHIP and FINISH for the prico
you pay. It further evidences the fact that it was
produced whore tho most wholesome working con
ditions prevail.
The products of the WIRTHMOR factory can be sold
in Just one good store In every city and are sold here
Jokerst-Yealy Mercantile Co.
Knrius and houses and lots for
sale. See Felix J. Rigdon. adv
Fresh meat and Groceries of
all kinds always on hand. Fred
S. Oberle's Meat Market adv
A. .1. Flentage of near Jack
son picked forty-two gallons of
cherries from one tree on his !
farm this season.
Fou Sat-h Ford Touring Cur.
Good as new. Apply at Andrew
liaumann's Garage. adv
A tank car of road oil, recent
ly purchased by the city arrived
herp and was spread upon the
streets the lirst part of this
Order Cut Flowers tor
Parties, Weddings, Fun
erals and all occasions
from Boverie Store Co.
Tho Arcadia Baptist Assem
bly are holding their annual
meeting at Arcadia, commenc
ing -Monday July 7 and will con
tinue until the 20.
Try Meyer's Special Orange
Ice for your Sunday dinner. We
will deliver it any place m town,
adv Mkyhu Dwx3 Store.
A marriage license was issued
in Sto. Genevieve July f, to Ben
S. Vogt of River aux Vases and
Mary J. Jokerst of Ste. Gene
vieve. The people of Lawroncoton
will givo a. euchre on Sunday,
afternoon July 27, for tho be
nefit of the church. Everybody
is cordially invited.
Tho explosives regulations act
has been revoked by Congress,
and "likewise are no longer re
quired by poisons purchasing
or using explosives.
Wimp in nuud of cut ilowern for fa
iiuriitH, wuildinjjH, partiim or decora
tivo puiposuK, wfl will I'nriii8li tlioni
in iniy (li'Himi desired. IYicuh always
reasonable, i'lioiio If)!),
adv Lko C. 13asluh.
The Same Low Price
The Nation Over
Rev. Virgil Wilson will hold
services Sunday morning July
13, at the Presbyterian Church
at 1 1 o'clock and at tho Metho
dist Church in the evening at 8
The Missouri State Fair pre
mium list is out, and the total of
premiums offered this year is
$-14,H0. The Fair this year will
be one of the bftst ever held.
Tho dates are August 0 to 1(5.
We always hnve on hand fresh
meat of all kind, sausage, gro
ceries and vegetables. Our
prices arc reasonable. Phone
288. Deliveries promptly made.
adv Meat Market.
War Department expenditures
from the time war was declared
until June 1, 1010, totaled 14,.
;") 14,(520,21 '.), Secretary Baker
told the special House Commit
tee investigating tho depart
ment's activities.
Salesman Wanted: (Jro
eery Salesman with experience for
territory including St. Oenoviove
and Peiry Counties. Splendid
opportunity. Salesman preferred
who is acquainted with the trade.
JJaas JjIKHHK (Jkocuuy Co.
adv St. Louis, Mo.
Mr. and Mrs. D. S. Ilunkins
gave a party at their home to a
number of children Wednesday
evening, it being their little son
Darius 0th birthday. Refresh
ments were served on the lawn,
games played and all spent a
pleasant evening.
E. J. Lelie, of tho U. S. Navy,
who is horo on sick leave, in
forms' us that ho expects to be
homo soon, when ho will again
take up the sale of pianos and
other musical instruments, tune
and repair same and will give a
robato of $25 each on thq first
two instruments sold. Ho is
manufacturer's agent for tho
best and cheapest instruments
made. Any orders given him
will be highly appreciated.
Linus P. Okenfuss, beloved,
little son of Mr. and Mrs. A'dolph
Okenfuss, died at their home in
Ste. Genoievo Tuesday morn
ing, July 7, 1019, at ii o'clock of
lockjaw. Little Linus was born
June 22, 1014, making him at tho
time of his death 5 years and 16
days old. Ho was a bright and
loving child and will be sadly
missed by his parents, brothers
and sisters, Besides his par
ents he is survived by live b"ro:
thors and two sisters. The fun-Jj
oral was hold from tho Catholic?
Church at 3 o'clock Wednesday
afternoon and the body was laid
to rest in the Valle Spring
Barbara Staecklc, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Tceodore Staeckle,
died at the home of her parents
in Crystal City, Mo., Monday
morning June 30. 1010, of diph
theria, aged 12 years, 11 months
and 27 days. The funeral was
held from the Catholic Church
at Festus Tuesday morning at 8
o'clock, after which the remains
were laid to rest in the Festus
Catholic Cemetery.
. iDII- .
I will bo absent from my
Studio from July 14th to August
2nd. Will spend four days at
tending a convention of profes
sional Photographers at Kansas
City, and about two weeks in
Colorado Mountains. There Will
bono pictures iinished hero dur
ing my absence, except Kokak
pictures. Although the Studio
will bo open every day from 0 to
11 a. m. and 2 to 4 p. m., for tho
nurnosoof making tho negatives
to be finished when I return' 1
Programme of
"The Broken Law"
also a two part
Fox Film Comedy
Continuous from 7:.'t() to 11
"The Girl With No
"A Milk Fed Vamp"
in "Here and There"
"The Eleventh Com
mandment" nail HAROLD I.I.OYI)
Constance Talmadgc
in "The Shuttle"
and the usual
Christie Comedy
Tun: ok Snows
Tuesday and Thursday S'.UO
Sunday 7::i() and !):U0
Wanted: Salesman with
car to call on auto owners In your
county, book orders for Euro
pean puncture proof tires, the
kind that helped win tho war.
Easy seller. Big sales; exclu
sive contract; repeat orders
quickly establishes permanent
income. Itissu Tirh Corp, 15th
Street and Lallin Avenue, Chi
cago, 111. adv
The marriage of Miss Eliza
beth J. Donze, of Weingarten,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Sera
ohine Donzo to John A. ICettin
ger of St. Louis, took place at
8 o'clock Monday morning, July
7, 1010, at tho Catholic Church
at Weingarten, Rev. Father
Kotte officiating. The bridesmaid
was Miss Emma Baunian and
the groomsman was William
Ban man. Only the members of
tho immediate families witnessed
the ceremony. The - groom is
tho youngest son of Mr. and
Mrs. William Kettinger, and was
practically one of tho first men
of Ste. Genevieve County to
volunteer his service for the U.
S. Army lie served with tho
128th Field Artillery of St. Louis,
Oliith Division) for twenty-two
months, eleven of which with
the American Expeditionary
Forces. Prior to enlisting in the
army he held a responsible posi
tion with one of the leading
wholesale houses of St. Louis.
Mr. and Mrs. Kettinger ' de
parted on the evening train for
a honeymoon trip and upon their
return they will make their
home at Weingarten, where Mr.
Kettinger is engaged in the
mercantile business with Mr.
S. B. Donze.
A wedding of interest to the
many friends of the young couple
was solemnized at the Catholic
Church in Festus during f
o'clock Mass Tuesday morning,
July H, 1010, when Miss Delia
Mae Aubuchon became the bride
of Percy J. Abernathy, Rev. Fa
ther Holtschneider officiating.
There attendants were Miss
Phyllis Abernathy, a sister of
tho groom, and Ernest Aubu
chon a brother of the bride.
The bride is tho accomplished
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jules
Aubuchon of Festus and the
groom is tho son of Mr. and
'Mrs. Robert II. Abernathy of
Ste. Genevieve. A wedding
breakfast was 'served at the
home of the bride's parents to
the immediate relatives, after
which they left on the north
bound Frisco for St. Louis,
returning to Ste. Genevieve
Tuesday night on the steamer
Bald ICagle where they remained
until Friday evening, when they
left for Crystal City, whore they
will make their home.
Fred J. Pratte and Miss Alice
Brent, were married Monday
morning June !30, 1010, during a
Nuptial Mass at the Catholic
Church at Festus, Mo., Rev.
'Father Holtschneider officiating.
The witnesses to tho ceremony
weie Miss Bertha Bront, a sister
of the bride and George Pratte, a
brother of the groom. Im
mediately after the ceremony a
breakfast was served to tho
near relatives at the home of the
bride's parents, after which they
left on the north bound Frisco for
a wedding trip. The happy couple
will make their homo at Festus.
The groom is the son of Mrs.
Odile Prate nee Bolduc, and has
many friends hero who join with
us in extending congratulations.
Elloy V. Selleck of Louisiana,
Mo., and Bessie K. Ilornloy of
Topeka, Kan., were united in
marriage Thursday July ii, 1010,
at tho Methodist Parsonage in
Sto. Genevieve by Rev. Virgil
F. W. Geer and Mrs. Elizabeth
Silencer woro married in Ste.
Genevieve Sunday July (5, PJ10,
by Joseph U. Vorst, J." P.
For Salc:Sevon room
house on Second St., completely
equipped with electric lights,
water and furnace. Ijot 70x17;")
feet. Apply to
adv Muinrau Don.k.
The sanctuary choir of the
Church of Ste. Genevieve had
their annual outing Tuesday.
The boys accompanied by Rev.
Father C. L. van Tourenhout
visited Chester, 111., making the
trip in auto trucks.
The English Derigible Airship
li-U arrived in the United States
Monday, lauding at Roosevelt
Field, Mineola, Long Island.
The airship started on the re
turn of the transatlantic cruise
the latter part of this week.
President Wilson, after an
absence of four months in
France, returned to tho United
States Tuesday and delivered
his first speech in New York,
since the peace treaty was
Tho Missouri Stats Legisla
ture, which was convened in ex
tra session adjourned Tuesday.
During the session tho equal
suffrage amendment to the Fed
eral Constitution was ratified
and a bill restoring capital pun
ishment in tho state was en
acted. For Sale
Tim old Douglas Iionsu on tho
liittlo Rock rond, corner Main and
Liilmyo streets. Apply at Hindi
(Jc Douglas Drug Store, adv
Lawrouceton will givo their an
nual picnic for tho benefit of tho
Church August 30t,h.
I'a riimniiut
Two Pari Comedy
and Ford Weekly
At tho
mm am
Shows 7:80 and 9:!10 ORCHESTRA Admission 10c, 15c
Rev. Father J. Walsh held
divine services for the first time
at Coffman last Sunday. He was
agreeably surprised to meet
with so largo a congregation,
over 150 people attended. The
people seemed to bo delighted to
have a regular service every
Sunday in the future. Commit
tees will soon be formed to make
arrangements for a site and the
building of a church. It will be
a material help, not only for the
spiritual, but also for the ma
terial interest of Coffman and
the surrounding county to have
a resident priest at Coffman.
Rev. Father C. L. van Touren
hout returned homo from his
trip south last Saturday. He
met a number of his old college
friends and visited New Orleans,
Grand Chateau College, also the
country made famous by Long
fellow's "Evangeline," Bayou
LaCombe. Lafayette, St. Mar
tinsville and Opoulousas. He
says it is very interesting to
find the f rench language almost
universally used in private and
public life, by young and old,
white and colored. The pros
pects for the crops of cotton,
sugar and corn are very promis
ing. Tho members of tho Methodist
Church gayo a basket picnic on
tho Academy Grovo Thursday
Would You Rather Be
The Girl in His Job, or
The Girl in His Heart?
Here's a comedy that is
more timoly than a clock as
full of jazz comedy as tho
whole world's fun rolled into
Sunday, July 13th
I YDI of Course!

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