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The bee. (Earlington, Ky.) 1889-19??, December 22, 1916, Image 1

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' ARw
nnnnniia rnn
nuuimm run
To be Given by the M. E.
Sunday School Christ
mas Night
The program for the Christmas
Exercises of the M. E. Sunday sctiool,
'which wilt be held Monday night com
mencing at 7 o'clock, follows:
Prayer by pastor.
Welcome Address Fairy Burton.
Recitation: Xmas Question"
Edith Ravmer. "
"Santa Glaus" By ten boys and
Recitation: "Joes I'ocketV- Claud
Howard By rum:
' Old Santa ClausM-Eight girls.
Recitation: "Emily. Jane" Ruth
. "Xmas Dolls" Eight girls
Recitation: "A Letter to 8anta
Gaus"-'Karl Armstrong.
Dialog: "Trials of a Teacher"
Fairy Burton and. Edwin Cloren.-
"The Sin. of Omission" Ethel
"The Doll With a Broken Arm"
Ruby Price
"Mr St. Nicholas" Ten boy's and
. Dialogue: "Robber . Under. The
Bed" Floy Wright and Andy Mc-
Manus . -
' When- The Minister Comes To
Tea1' Claud Howard Byrum, .
Hymn ("Good")-Karl Arm
"Santa Claus' Gift" Ellen Hight.
"Little Seamstress" Artie Stearsi
nun. , . . . ...
Hymn 'Santa Claus' Is Com
ing" Papa's Letter" Eloy Wright.
Recitation: "Xmas Times"-Gold-ie
Recitation: "His First Breeches"
Foster Peyton
"The Proper Way For a Man To
Pray" Mrs. G. M. Armstrong.
Recitation: "What Became of a
Lie" Fay Burton.
"Obliging Little Brother" and
Just Before Christmas" Carlos
"Vacation Times" Matthew Mc
. Hymn "Dear Little Stranger"
Nettle Fox.
Rock of Ages" ( Tableau) Three
' No trex In Heaven" Andy Mc
Be Careful What You Sa"
Mrs Geo. M. Armstrong.
Valedictory Floy Wright.
Can be Purchased at the
News Stand and at St.
Bernard Drugstore
Do not send your Christmas pack
ages without a Red Cross stamp,
Eaeh pheyou buj- .helps Jo stamp
out the White Plague, and insiderital
ly helps the County Health League to
carry on its work.
Judge Cowell's tews stand and St.
Bernard drug store have . kindly Un
dertaken the sale of stamps. See
them .before you mail your packages.
J. L Mil's, first lieutenant of
Co. G K. N. Q now on doty on
the Mexican border, has tender
ed bis resignation and it has
been accepted. He is expected
bgpft from El Paso in afewj
Miss Bardie Jennings and Mr.
Claud Rogers Join Hnnds
in Wedlock
List Wednesday morning at
the residence of the briden par
enls Mr. and Mrs. William Jen
nines at the early hoar of four
o'clock Miss Bardie Jeunfngs and
M', Glaud Rogers were united
in marriage.
Rov. W.F.Oiahraao, of the M.
E. Church, 8onth, pronounced
the ceremony' in his usual im
pressive manner, in the presence
of the immediate fa mil'" t only.
The young couple left on train
53 for Nashville, where they will
visit the groom's parents for a
few days, returnin then tq Earl
ington to make their foturo home
iho bride is an attractive yonuu
woman and has many friends
while the young man of her
choice is sober, industrious arid
altogether worthy. Ho is a
brother of Major Henry -Rogers
and an employe of the S. B r
rurl Mining Oo. JT.hpy halve" jth'e
congratulations dud best wishes
of many f(iend, "
Letters To Santa Glaus
D wr Old Santa:
It has been one Ions year since'
I have written you, but as the
Xmas season is at hand and T am
riticipajUiK a glorious Xmas 1 am
now Bonding you my bill. 1 want
candy, oranges arid nuts as usual
nod manv beautiful toys. I Law
been a real good boy all this yoar
and will aseure you that I wish
all other little boys auJ girls a
most pleasant Holiday. Do not
forget my little friend Gen
Oldham aud my Unole George
(Jim) Ribinson.
I will go to bed early and
shut my eyes tight with best
wishes I am.
- Sfjur l.ttla boy,
Dt-ar Old Santa i
I am a Lttlaboy ten years old
and Jive on S luth Railroad Street
close tq the water tank and am
ening to ttll what I want for
X'naa. First 1 want to thank
o j to thestom of my shoe
cole for the masjtgood things I
received last JCmns.
I am very well pleased this
vear and do col want so much as
before. I am so thankful thbt
He kept us out of war that I
hnveu't the heart to ark for much.
Phase bring me a horse and a lit
tlelaundry sSgon and yon might
fill the wagon with oM dirty
shirts and collars that yon wore
Iqjji Xmas aud I will have them
clean for von m xt Xmas when
yon come ara'u.
" I am as ever
- Your dear little boy,
Adyt. George Robinson
Express Agent Kendall says the
shipments of express to this office
are very heavy and it keeps the en
tire force hustling to handle it. As
usual most every one here has a
box or package to send to an absent
friend and likewise the absent friends
remember their Earlington friends.
The consequence is there is more or
WSi.doingat the express office these
That Christmas turkey will taste
fine to-thoe who have the pri&
the turkey.
There will be no issue rf The Bee on Tuesday,
Dec. 36th, on account of the holfdays. We take this
opportunity to thank our subscribers and advertisers
for their patronage during years that have past and
ask an increased continuation of the same for the year
1917 Wishing you a happy Xmas and prosperous
New Year we are Yours Truly,
Winter weather
- . in this section
Thunder and Lightning Ac
companied Five Inph
Snowfall Last Night"
The unusual sight of thunder and
lirhlnln? accompanying a snbwfall
fwws witnessed here last night. This
was due to the fact that while z rain
storm prevailed in the higher altitudes
it was colder in the lower and) the
rain was chanced into sno(v" before
il reached the earth. . A snowstorm
ragid for several hours and the snow,
fall amounted to five inches '
this 'section is having yyinfry
weathrr and the ground is covered
With ice and snow. The fall of snow
last night was a great benefit td peo
ple and stock, as it had been almost
impossible to walk without falling
for several days. Temperatures have
been low, too.
The weather conditions have
caused a great deal of sickness, con
fined chiefly to colds and lagrippesf
TIib. Fashion News
Of The Month
Grace Margaret Gould, the
fashion editor of the Woman's
Home Companion, has started a
bulletin board in which she will
post the latest fashion news of
the month. She says in the Jin
uary issue:
''The now fashionable blonre
is worn the way the Chinaman
wears his shirt outdide inttead
of in. Paris speaks of it as the
chemise blouse, but here in
America it's retorred to as the
peptam or the barque blouse.
Some flip over the head, aud
fo-fio fusteu strnicht down the
front with jeweled buttons.
These blouses may be ot trans
parent fabrics, or do', as pre
ferred but all uf them most lie
fairly long us to the p plum.
'Other Chinese influences are
in ovi-lenoi. Fitsctuatin; danc
ing slippers are made of 0 I'nesc
brocade. The sandal flipper
part Cloth-.of-silver and part sat
in is alio new. There are four
straps, each fastened with a small
rhfneitone ornament. Silk
stockings with lace insets up the
front are worn with these new
"Nqw export, hats of. beaver
nave a oeadoo aiumai'd bead as
their only trimming.
"Smart but conservative hat
pins are ball-shaped, made of
clusters of steel beadf.
"Braid as a trimming is a style
note uot to overlook. A mushroom-shape
blaoK velvet hat is
trimmed with a band of ""gray
braid' and a big braid bull orna
in front. With this is carried a
.lraw-strir.il bagJhe lower hl1
Muck vqlve', the upper half gjtfy
braid." " -
Marty a ipkcoritains more truth
than pestry. ang;'snme noa daYned
ijm,uqn makera-energcti
1 -
Was Rendered at the John
B. Atkinson Memorial
School Wednesday
Wednesday was a happy da
at the J hn B. Atkinson Mmoi '
ial school for the spirit of Christ
mas -was eyery-whero present.
A very enj y b'e litil . Chribtm
program was rendered at tl
c'inpel Hi the eailf morning, 1
which time a number of visitor
were present. Ineveral of tin
dppor gra3e rooros -uiautiful
Christmas Trees had been brough1
in by the bt.yj and .these with
their decorations' and -gifts gaV.
things quite a festive air. Afte
the lesspn. periods and before dis
missing for the holidays courier,
were srl cted to distribute thi
packages and a plan had been ar
ranged whereby each pupil in tin
rooms participated 'recieved 1
gift. These left the building
with smiling faces to put awa
thdir study. for the old year.
Jack Stokes is better.
Oaid Oldham coutinnes t
J tmes Summers is qtiito ill.
D . C. B. Johusoi) is improv
J F. DoVylder remains about
the same.
Johu Snmmers is better..
Helen, the little daughter oi
Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Campbell, if
greatly improved.
Mrs. Clarence Fox is able to be
up some. -.v
Mrs.J. W. Ridgers is improv
ing. 'W
Ehlue B inhloy is improved.
E cuuor, tlio little daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Gdo. M. Arm
stronir, who has bet n quite ill
with cnhl, is better.
ii-t. Oirrie Arnold is improv
There is no material chanee in
the condition of Mrs. Mr
D vis.
The fivenSunday schools of the
city will observe Christmas this year
with appropriate exercises.
At the Christian Sunday school
exercises will be held Sunday jpprn-,
(rig. The M. E. Church.Soulh, and
Missionary Baptist Sunday schools
will also have their exercises then. At
theM E. church exercises will be
held Monday nirht! The General
Baptist Sunday school will have its
exercbes Sunday night, The school
will also have a Christmas tree.
Excellent programs have been ar
ranged by all the Sunday schools.
Colby Brown Injured
lUHy u-own was injured yes
t-rday a the shaft while wok.
ing on some machinery. His hip
is considerably bruised, Jap't the
injury, while painful, is not con
sidered seriotu, BJJd his many
rriep.ai.Jiopei.ta. see- nimoav-of
trwioiplt'aTlgii few day
K. of P's. to Have Lunch and
Installation Ceremonies
In Next Month
Newly elected officers of Vic
toria Lidge No. 84, K. of P., will
be installed tho first Monday
1 iiht in nxt mPntb.
At that time the Blues, victors
in a contest inaugurated by the
lodgo several mojths ago, will be
entertained at a lunch by the
The officers to be installed fol
low: Paul P. Price 0. 0.
F. B. Arnold V. C.
A. G, Spillman Prelate.
Kreas SUk M. at A.
Ernept Newton K, of R
i., and M. of F.
W. L. Phillips Mi of E.
R R. B irnett D. G. 0. 0.
Ohas. W. Webb U. of W.
Sim T. Offutt I. Gi
Marion Slsk 0 G.
W. N. Mirtin Trustee.
How To Fight
' The Liquor Habit
Do yon honesty want to stop
nuking? Then read an article
n liquor by Booth Tarkington
n. the January American Maga
zine in which he writes abont a
nan who says: i
"They tell mq tnere are dipso.
nauiaci, (rid there may b'e some
abnormal people who can.t turn
ho trick : bnt I atmott doubt it.
And 1 don't believe there's the
ilightest question of will power.
Never for one second did I con
'Ciously rxort my will, there
vasn't anything real to exert it
against. I didn't say to myself,
I will,' or 'I won,t.' 1 said,
'I've had my last,' and knew
that It wartroe. It didn't take
the will power, or the strength of
a caterpillar. It didn't take any.
I juBt rested a little, got my head
clear, and saw that I preferred a
real life, however little comedy I
found in it, to a drugeed one.
And, also, I preferred not to be a
sogiiy thing, myself. Fiuding
out that preference was import
ant, "After all, a miracle is only
Nature diing something we've
learned to pxpect her not tp do;
ud my miracle is one that will
happen t) any other man who'll
rest a while and conjnlt himself.
My recommendation is two weeks
in bed with nobody abont except
i servant to bring beef-tea and
Simple enough, isn't it.
Feed The Birds
At this period of the year with
the- ground all frozen and cover
ed with ico and enow these little
feathered neighbors of ours are
facing famine. They cannot
raise trembling bands aud beg
for charity, so we forget their
needs, and since they cannot
speik for themselves their friends
should never coaso to do it for
them in the same old words, win
ter after winter. "Do not clear
away the wild hedges leave somo
shock) of corn In your field scat
ter grain sweepings in likely
pi ices-fasten suet to your orchard
tree, and spread lunch counter
under your window out of the
reach of est'."
The tenderness rn tendered
from a simple service of this kind
is as satisfying to tkj soul as
prayer. '
Ip Earlington Office Receivi
Christmas Gift of Moncjy t
From Company 1 f
All flvo of the nmnlnvpem! nt
the Cumberland Telephone ccra- ' '
pany in this ofllce havo receitei. J
their bonus monov from tho cesalk'
pany. Manager Mitchell yester-"..
day received a check for $700 to '
be distributed among the amnlov-
es at Earlington aud Mdison--
vitle. Tbfs makes a nice Xmas
gift for tho "Hello" girla and is
no donbt appreciated by ihetm. '
vjry much.
Says a leading southern agricultu.
ral paper.
"bifteen just plain Mississippi
farmers got together without .any
frills, and shipped a car load of vet
ordinary hogs to St. Louis, gettufi
as high as ten cents a pound ty.
weight for them."
This item Jells a taTe that should
be of deep interest to every farmer
who has anything sell.
Why should it bethought necessar;
that everything produced on thclarhMf.
of our country Should go through the
hands of half a dozen middle men be
fore it reaches the consumer?
Tafee the case in point. Ordinar
ily these farmers would have sold to
a small stodk jobber, he to a shipper
he to another gp-between at the other
end 'of the route, when the stoda
would possibly have reached the pack
ers for whom it was intended. I
The action of those Mississipp
farmers is to be commended. Tl'
farmers of this community might dc
well to afford a like opportunity fo
commedation. I
They would get- more for UkF
products and trie ultimate consurr
in the end would pay less for v
necessities of life.
There are too many middle tr
And middle men are expensive !
in many cases wholly unnecessary.
A low little ha' In Breton
Dim lit by a hsU-spent fire,
A sound of rattllocvitidowi,
As the whistling, wind ihrillsd.
the soothing voice of a mother,
The sob ot a child lu pain.
A cheerless dnrkiiee'broodmpr-
Aud Ohrlatmas hat come again
Only a year slnoe be left them,
To. Join, at till country's call.
In the pitiless slaughter of manhoods
Where the beat ot the nation falWI
A yeat? It has been a lite time
Of trouble and ceaseless woe.
Is he living still, or hidden
Nameless beneath the snow?
A sadden voice from the doarwajy
A start and a glad, wild cry,
The wounded soldier returning
To bit hearth, where tbq weak
flames die,
A happy peace lu the dim hat.
Forgqtten the darkness U'l pato;J
tun j'i.r u n Krit loauKIKITIDg, 1
And Christy xi baa oomo arato-j
Elei-or Morgan Neely- I
Gone To Detroit
Mrs, W. R..OIoyd, son anddaugkl
ter left Wednesday right for Detroit,
Mich., to make their future horrur.j
and to join Mr. Cloyd who has beer, I
in that busy little city for more than,
two montns past, where tie has and
excellent poition, It was "With much
regret that the people of Earlingtoii
saia gooaoye to mis excellent iamuyj
The City Schools closed WedutT
day for the Xmas holidays an
numoer or tne teacners lett tor it
homes. School will reopen on J an J

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