OCR Interpretation

Mountain advocate. (Barbourville, Ky.) 1904-1935, December 23, 1910, Image 3

Image and text provided by University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn87060032/1910-12-23/ed-1/seq-3/

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I r t
tf be dbountain Jfovocate i
Published Every Friday at Barbourville Kentucky
Entered a s eoond Class Matter February 16th 1004 at the Fostofllcont Darbourvllle Ky
I under Act of Congress of March art 18iOh
1 t Subscription Rates 100 per year in advance to everybody
11 14
Is the number for those desiring to communicate with
this office by phone King up Central ard ask for
number You will then be connected direct with this
office if you ImvoTho Camp Ground Telephone service
i l 1 1j The Official Organ of the Republican Party in Knox County
A pathetic incident is told of a lit
tie newsboy who entered suburban
drugstore where the bright red
crosses were us don the door as a
sign for Hie Red Cross Seal Sale
f Somewhat diffidently he approach
V ed the clerk and said Aw say
f Mister have you got any of then
0 stickers Isee on the door Them
with the crosses on them Why
f yes answered the clerk What
C do you want with thetnb Got many
I Christmas things to send offor
r many letters youd like to seal with
1t y Sadly the little boy shook his
11t ftljeadINo no letters and no Santa
p < Christmas at my house simy
I will them stickers go to cure con
k sumption Somebody told me they
y do and what can I get just one for
The sooty little hand reached for his
pocket HI want to cure my mam
ma shes got consumption
What is a million for the prevcn
tion of tuberculosis when you know
R that hundreds of thousands of little
boys and girls are homeless and
y friendless tonight because of the
grim plague consumption What
arc a few dollars when lJ arlone
I half the children in our orphan
asylums and homes for jnvcnile de
pendents are there because one or
r both of their parents arc sick or dead
with tuberculosis I A million for tu
berculosis is but a beginning of what
should be spent and it is only anI
infjnitestimnl part of the many lives
r 1Fand suffering figured in dollars and
+ r > cents that could be saved
I t
Parents do wrong in keeping their
I y children bunging around home shel
tered and enervated by parental
rindulgence The eagle does better It
stirs up its nest when the young
eagles are able to fly They are
ompcllcd to shift for themselves for
rr b the old eagle literally turns them
the down and feathers from the
nest Tis this rude and rough ex
perience that makes the king of
birds so fearless in his flight and so
expert in the persuit ofprey It is a
v misfortune to be born with a silver
P r spoon in your mouth for you have
it to plague you all your days
Riches often hang like a dead weight
Yea like a millstone about the neck
of ambitious young men
Iceland about the size of Missouri
has no jail nor penitentiary there is
i no court and only one policeman j
Not a drop of alcoholic liquor is
it made on the island and its 78000
i people are total abstainers since
they will not permit any liquor to
be imported Mere is not an illiter
ate person on the island not a child
ten years old unable to read the
I school system being practically per
r feet
i Cr N ever forget you arc part of the
i = town and that your own deport
ment helps to make up the strang
e ersestimate of the place Sell all
> you cnn and buy all you can at
vhome Every dollar that is sent or
jEi carried away from home makes the
S town poorer If von have the means
t > invest in something that will give
ft somebody employment Do not
jjkick at a proposed improvement
ft because > it is not at your door
5 Old Ed Howe says in the Atchison
f Globe You can go into adry goods
store anv day and find a garter on
the floor This may be true in
I Atchison but we are not wearin
iHthat kind in Barbourville
t >
J k 6
i r >
It is not the site of a town but
its character that makes it a deeira
ble place to live A live prosperous
town is a desirable one to live in
and a town may prosper and yet be
small Every citizen in a town
should be interested in its prosperi
ty One of the best ways to help a
town is to speak well of it It is
true patriotIsm to stand by your
own town and interests that effect
the town should effect every citizen
Preachers Offered
RokeOff on Funerals
As an illustration of his declarn
tion that Graft runs through the
business system of New York from
top to bottom the Rev Dr Fred
erick Lynch of the Pilgrim Congre
gational church New York charges
that the undertaker in many cases
pays a fixed fee to preachers and
sextons for turning over business to
b m
I had been in New York hardly a
month said Dr Lnchwhen an
undertaker came to me and offered
me a rakeofi on every funeral I
would get him Of course they go
to the sextons as well I do not
know whether they have nn agree
ment with the doctors or not
Dr Wiley insists that in a million
years men will freeze to death at
the Equator but we will not let
worry o er that fact keep us from
enjoving our Christmas
Grant Hommons Plaintiff
M J Jackson Defendant i
Uy virtue of an execution placed I
in my hands by the Knox Circuit I
Court I will on December 20 1910
hat being County court day be
tween the hour of 10 a m and 4 p
m sell at public outcry to the
highest bidder on a credit of three
months the following described tract
of land lying on the Road Fork of
Stinking Creek and bounded on the
north by the lands of Houston
Uroughton cast by the lands of
John Jackson south by the lands ol
Buck Brought on west by the lands
of Obie Mills and known as the Thos
Scnlf farm and containing about 40
acres Said execution is to raise the
sum of 500 together with interest
at G per cent from the 7th day of
June 1010 and the cost in this
Purchaser will be required to exe
cute good and sufficient bond with
approved socurety for the purchase
money and a lien will also be retain
ed upon said land until purchase
money is paid in lull
Given under my hand as Sheriff of
Knox county this the 7th day of
December 1 DID
lecember1010S Jones S K C
= KI
IcCai r t 5 I
v i t i a ii rtt fa simplicity and
rio A i > r U > Sild in nearly
c1 ° ryr I ii wn In I1 United State nnd
Ciui hr h 11 r lit More sold than
car Hir iiiuc Stud lor Use catalogue
A cV3 rtAZINa
M rc lJt I ban nny otlici fashion
miiuiiie mi h u n month Invaluable IM
ct ktylcs lit rin dnssiiiaklni millinery
palnivv1ttby ntcdicwof halrdresslnt
tUqllcIICJtollll Moriut etc Only CO cents e
y car north iliublc Including a free pattern
Subscribe today or send for sample copy
to Agents Postal brings premium catalogue
opil new cash prlio otter Address
III KeCAU CO 231 to M W 97tk St MW YME
tbe message of tbe Bells
King ring 0 bells of Christmas tide
Your joyful message far and wide
Through all the lauds proclaim t
This is the blessed Day of days
When here to walk earths troubled ways
The Lord our Savior came
0 not with pomp and splendor fine v
But mongst the lowly sheep and Idne
And cradled in the straw
He came and low the path He trod
Alwaysthe greatest gift from God
An erring world eer saw
As in the dawning eastern skies
The Wise Men watched the Stir arise
That heralded His birth
Thus we await Gods Kingdom come
When man and all Gods creatures dumb
Shall dwell upon this earth
In brotherhood when war shall cease
And Love and Universal Peace
Their banners white unfurled
With tenderness and gentle sway
Their watchword Mercy shall for aye
Prevail throughout the world
Fling out your message O ye bells
Your cadence silvery foretells
The gracious times to be
When sweet Jompasiou angel fair
Oer this our land and everywhere
Shall brood perpetually I
Christmas Greetings
We of the forests wild and beautiful and free
Resting heath the shadows of the spreading tree
Send forth our loving greeting unto thee
We of the ocean huge and powerful or small
Ploughing the waters in their rise and fall
Stand forth our thankful greeting unto all
We of the mountains with their snowtipped crowns
Skipping the fissures where the storm king frowns
Send forth our hopeful greeting Hark it sounds
Tof the n lsafe poised en fluttering wing
Making the heavens with our music ring
Send forth our joyous greeting when we sing
We of the homestead sheltered from the blast
Musing counted to the very last
Send torth our greeting ere the die is cast
Wo of the kennel and the bright warm room
Lounging at ease where the winter flowers bloom
Send forth our greeting ere the shadows loom
We unite in the blessings that are due to those
Who have fought our battles and thus earned repose
And greet we them till life shall close
tbe iRattvit
CHRISTMAS Epistle Titus ii 11 lii
Dearly beloved The grace of God our Savior hath appeared to all
men instructing us that denying ungodliness and worldly desires we
should live soberly and justland godly in this world looking for the
blessed hope and coming of the gloryof the great God and our SaTior
Jesus Christ who gave Himself for us that He might redeem us from all
iniquity nnd might cleanse to Himself people ucee fable a pursuer ol
good works These things speak and exhort
GOSPEu St Luke ii 1 U
At that time there went out a decree from Crasur Augustus that the
whole world should be enrolled This enrolling was first made by
Cyrinus the governor of Syria And all weat to be enrolled every one
iota t his own city and Joseph also went up Irotn Galilee out ol the city
of Nazareth into Judea to the cityof David which is called Bethlehem
because he was ot the house and fumilof David to be enrolled with
Mary his espoused wile who was with Child And it came to lass tlmt
when they were there her days were accomplished that she should be
delivered And she brought forth Her firstborn Son and wrapped Him
up in swaddling clothes and laid Him in a uunger because there was no
room lor them in the inn And there were in the seine country shepherds
watching and keeping the night watches over their flock And behold
an angel ol the Lord stood by them and the brightness of God shone
round about them nun they hared with great fear And the angel said
to them Fear not for behold bring you good tidings ol great joy dm i
shall he to all the people for this defy is born to you a Savior who is
Uinst the Lord in the city ol David And tins shall be a sign unto you
You shall find the Infant wrapped in swaddlingclothes and laid in UI
manger And suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the
heavenly urnu 1 praising God and saying Glory to God in the highest
and on earth peace to men of good will < J w
ic 7 q a tlaa d g s fv 1 k + I1M
SK > S 1F ttn 1sursg iJ t Eti stuiulnuk tsu lu
thin MAZDA LAMP will double your
light without incroHsiiiK your light
bill The metal flliiniont affords two
nmlalmir times as much brilliancy
us the ordinary carbon incandescent =
and the quality of tho light is pure
white Wo would bo glad to quote
you prices on this lamp chandeliers
and any electrical fixtures desire
tt tt1ntt 2t sLl xbix j jtlJi jJ rrass trit1u
We shall bn gliul to give estimates ol
cost of wiring your home for
All our work is done by careful PX
perienced men and IB guaranteed t <
give satisfaction
Barbourville Llcctric Light heat d Power Co
l1NeoItprKATi 1I
A O SMITH Lossoo
Phone No < U
I Thou blessed Christ of Bethlehem I
O when Thou in the manger lay
Upon that first glad Jlirisnms day I
I We think the birds inure sweetly I
sing I
I The little lambs did sof tiler blunt
Thy worshippers more gently trod
To lay their treasures at Thy feet
And een the rose in richer red
A finer rarer perfume shed
Throughout the earth in every place
All things did know some added
hat first glad Christinny Day I
For all Thy ways were gentleness
Ever as fitting Marys Child
Thy speech most pure Thy manner
And in Thine eyes shone love divine i
I For every helpless living thing
Thy touch that health and life i
I Scorned not the bird with broken
And we who now would serve thug
And choicest gifts would otter Thee
Should follow Thy dear footsteps
In teiulnr helpful ministry
I On this and every dnI
Emily F Apploton I
Tls said when day is over
And midnight shadows full
On Christmas Eve the cattle
Kneel humbly in tho stall
I They bow in loving homage I
lieforo the manger low
I Because the Blessed ChristChild
I Was laid there long ago
And when tho hour of midnight
Chimes forth from many a htII
The glad notes ringing sweetly
Oer hill and plain and dell
For one brief hour Us whispered i
The beasts like men can speulI
That they may join in pudsingI
Tho Babe and Mother meeki
The donkey scorned illtreated I
Though marked with Holy Sign
Kneels down amid the darkness
To hall tho Child Divine
For he like kind and horses
Was in that cuttlestall
Tho birthplace of the Savior
The King and Lord of all
The sheep upon the hillsides
Turn eastward kneeling low
In memory of the Angels
At liethlehom long ago
And shepherds by the sheepfold
First heard the wondrous song
The uarliu t Christmas carol
Hvtnnud by the heavenly throng
Maud E Sargent I
Written by the Man Who I
Fell on the Sidewalk II
Oh say did you see by the dawns I
early light the snow that is black
when it ought to be white The stuff
that decended and lay under foot
and mussed up the landscape footI
great gobs of soot The kiddies are I
smiling the grownups are not but
weve got to have weather whether I
frigid or hot The poet would say
that Old Winters hand had taken a
brush and painted the land a glori
ous white and frosted the lamps
Not being a poet we hasten to say
as we glance out of doors and sum
up the day that winter was
striken with bad writers cramps
The teamsters are cursing as their j
t f 8 t
fIJ I iO1II lr fp I
If you want a good clean F
shave a neat hair cut or a
shampoo you will find no bet J
ter place In town rI
horses fall The glossy silk hat
meets the icecentered ball The
I streets are not white but covered
I sleet The slush makes you mad by
caressing your leet Weve oft read
the lines on lleautiful Snow Then
we slip and fall down and start
swearing so that the snow almost
melts from the warmth of our talk
then we go get a hatchet to clean
the sidewalk Now snow may be
fine in books or in plays or to fill in
the pictute of Ye Olden Days but we
hasten to say with a frostbitten a
mouth that if this snowstorm keeps tr aY r
up well take a trip South aI
Professional Cards
u m
Powers Sampson Smith
ffiarbourvittot Jfontucky
Office on Public Square Notary in 1
Office IHONE 101
OPIMCK Over First National Bank
J tLawyer
Ofllee West side Public Square
OFPICK Up Stairs In Parker r
Building 5
Phones Ollice 80
Residence 917i
I Tonsorial Parlor S
l Fr D A Y IS
There is no prob a
lem of increasedcost I +
of food if you eat
An ideal food delicious s pt
appetizing strengthening
Compared with other
I foods Quaker Oats costs t
almost nothing and yet it
builds the best
Regular tOc packages and hermetically
salad tins lor hot climate fiZ
v e vf 414

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