x VJi omutttt Official OrRn of the Republican Party in Knox County. , -r -,-.-- rr- -: 4 "" BARBOURVILLE, KENTUCKY, FRIDAY, OCT., 19, 1912 ti' New Series: Vol. 2. No. 3. Vol. IX. No. 36 j Ls $tf : An Open Letter from the Knox County Republican Campaign Committee to the Voters of this County Barbourvillc, Ky.,, Oct. 14th, 1912. .-' MR. VOTIiR: .-,. ' Please read nil of this letter ns well as the inclosure, and examine the list of names on the margin ol these pages, who make up the campaign committee of Knox County. We are making a winning fight for the Log Cabin . This is the strongest and most enthusiastic, campaign committee that ever led a fight for the log cabin in Knox County. We want your help. We want to talk to you briefly, why you should not desert the Log Cabin this year, but give it your earnest support. Each and every member of this Republican campaign committee, concedes your rights to vote as you wish. This letter is not intended to criticise or abuse you if you differ from us, but to appeal to you ns u patriotic citizen to do the thing that is best for you, for your home and your Country. We think that any Republican who goes off after the so-called "Prpgressive Party," will net against his own interest as well as the best interest of his country. We must bear in mind that Mr. Roosevelt 1ms quit the Republican party. He says he is not a Republican. He says that bis party is a new party. He instructs the people who are for him to get out of the Republican party. You cannot be a Republican, nnd at the same time belong to the Progressive Party. You say bow will that effect tf.e? Last Winter the Kentucky Legislature passed a state primary law, and that law defines what is a Political Party. It provides that no organization is a political party, unless it cast 20 of the entire vote of the state This so called Progressive Party will not be a Political Party under this Primary Law unless they get something like 100,000 votes this fall, and il it is not a Political Party, it cannot have candidates on the ballot in the State Primary next year. We know that the Progressive Party cannot get the required number of votes. The registration of votes in various towns in the state n short time ago, showed tlint the Republican Party got about 10 to 1 over the Progressive Party. The Progressive Party supporters and leaders every where are desert ing it, and ndmit that it is a failure, and is loosing ground every day. According to the registration, the Progressive Party will not get more than five per cent of the votes .in the State. There is the City ol Lexington, that registered more than 3400 Republicans, and 112 Progressives. Winchester registered more thon 700 Republicans nnd only about G8 Progressives. The Registration in Corbin was 9G Re publicans and 1 Progressive. This is the home of II. H. Seavy the Progressive Candidate for Congress. Middlesboro registered nearly 400 Republicans and G7 Progressives, and thus it was all over the state. This proves beyond a doubt that the Progressive Party will not become a Political Party under this Primary Law, and if you vote with this Progressive Party, you cannot be a candidate or voter in the State Primary in this County next year. The Progressive pnrty will not be entitled to have any candidates on the Itnllot. This is the Law. You can read it for yourself. These men who are trying to get you to vote the I'rngsessive Pnrty and leave the Log Cabin this year have not told you that it is entirely a new Party, nnd this will disqualify you from being a voter or candidate in the Primary next year. Why should you leave the Log Cabin What retnrn will you get for giving up your party. ,' and thus depriving yourself ol being a voter or candidate in the Primary next year. Some one says the Republican Party is not Progressive. Let us sec. The other day Kx-Governor Ueckham in bis speech in nnrbourville, Ky., says that whatever development there was in - the-gowoment-in the lnst40-ycnrs (excepting Cleveland's Administration) the Republican Party is en titled to credit. Of course we don't waut to take Credit for the Panic, misery nnd Soup Houses of the Cleveland Administration. Governor Beckham was right. Wc Republicans have been telling the people for years that the history or our n.ition for the last 50 years is a history of the progress and achievements of the Republican Party. Is it not a splendid record of glorious progress and development. It struck the shackles of bondage from 4,000,000 slaves. It saved the Union. It has extended the Dominions of the United States so that the sun never sets on American soil. It raised our nation from the second rate Powers in 18C0 to being the greatest Nation in the World in 1912. It shouldered nnd paid the great debt of the Civil War. It gave freedom to the oppressed Cubans and Phillipinos. Under its wise direction and encouragement the great railroads connecting the Pacific and Atlantic Oceans were built. Think of the wonderful progress in schools, our homes, Religious Institutions, in our farming, mining, railroading, manufacturing nnd commercial industry, making the American farmer the most prosperous of any class of people in the world, the laboring man of ourCountry has better homes and more educational advanta ges than the laboring man of any coimtry. It has made us the most enlighted, most progressive richest, nnd most powerful na tion of the earth. We repeat what a glorious record of progress and achievement. Are you not proud that you huve been and arc now a member of that great party that helped to make this progress and deyeloperaent possible? And urc'you now ready in order to satisfy the hatred nnd boundless ambition of one man or a set ol men to tun upon this party, to rend it and destroy it. Mr. Roosevelt demands that if you follow him vou must turn your back upon your parly, nnd look to him. He made his boast that he would destroy the Republican party. Why? Simply because we would no give him a third term, an honor which was never sought by Washington, Jefferson, Lincoln or Grant. Roosevelt tjie friend ol trusts. Roosevelt is now posing as the friend of common peo pie. Let us see how that is.) When Roosevelt went into office there were 141 trusts in this country with a capitalization of three billion dollars. At the end of his seven ami one-hall years of office there were 10000 trusts with a capitalization of thirty three billion dollars. Who is the friend of the trusts? George W. Perkins and Mijdill McCormnck the heads of the Standard Oil and Harvester trusts the two largest trusts in the country. Why did not Roosevelt do some of these good things while he was President? A CAMPAIGN LIE These saijie fellows tell you that President Taft said recently, that a dollar a day was enough for nny laboring nutn. Don't you know this is n lie? Don't you know that any man who has sense enough to be President nnd in politics would not make any such statement. It is an' insult to your intelligence to try to nlake you believe any such statement. Taft rendered the greatest decision 'that was ever made for the bjnefit'of the labor unions. He has always stood for high wages, for the labor, and high prices for tbi- farmer. There has been more wholesome laws passed in favor of lnbor in raft's Administration, tbntirin any other.' ft TO THE OLD SOLDIER We npuC'l to you Veterans to stand by the log cabin, the party of Lincoln, Grant and McKinley. What rcwad have you for turning upon the party which you loved and which loved you, 'the party whirh vou heVpcd to make, nud the party which has cherished you in your declining years. Don't you know "that ji vote fon the Progressive party (which has been properly nick named the Demo critic Aid Society) is aj vote to ive aid nnd comfort to the Democratic party; but you say, did not the Democrat vote for peisinn Legislation this year? Yes, nnd when they did it, don't you know they were bidding for Tour vote Who first introduced pension Legislation? Who has been consistently supporting it for the fast .10 or 40 yars (the Republican partyjf ' s oeen nguum; y u.u ..- pension laws proposed by tne Kepuuncausiui mew Tni " " "" mi imunen. because the Government wihhcd in this small way to in a measure nt eciiition of the services which you rendered to the emmtrv, in saving its flag nnd in The Democrats of course. Do you now feel like giving them aid and comfort, or e party that has been your friend? Do you think you ought to do itf A vote rty is a vote to help destroy the Log Labin TO.THK COLORED VOTER jil any eW respecting colored man vote for the Progressive party. Mr. Roosevelt , . . .- i ii. - c-.-.l. II... l tn i,ilit!ali n wliiti" mini's wH ru'nijufliir tUafi he placed John JJ. Parker, a Democrat of New Orleans at, tjte diew and fighting tj sing you and calling' least, express its ap; saving the Union? nvif.'.ajr tp destroy for the Protf niivc - at Chicago ktrawtj party. TEDDY ROOSE VELT SHOT Wounds not Serious and He Will Soon Recover MILWAUKEE, WIS., Oct. 14. Theodore Roosevelt was shot and Wounded tonight as he was leaving the Gilpatrick Hotel for the Audi torium to make a speech. Despite his wound the Colonel went on to the hall and began his speech after he had seen the assailant arrested and taken to the police station. With the Colonel were Philip Roosevelt, a young cousin, Mr Cochcms, Mr. Martin and Capt. Girard. The crowd pressed close about the Colonel and gave a cheer as he appear.-!). As the party approached the automobile, Col. Roosevelt's companions stood aside and he stepped into the car. Martin en tered directly behind him, and sat on the further side of the car. Col. Roosevelt stood up waving his hat in answer to the cheers of the crowd. The . assassin was standing in the crowd a few feet front the automobile. He pushed his way to the side of the car and raising his gun fired. Martin caught the flash, and leap ed over the car a second after the bullet sped on its way, Col. Roosevelt barely moved as the shot was fired. Before the crowd knew what had happened, Martin,, who is six feet tall and a former football player, had landed squarely on the assassin's should- ersnnd had borne him to theground. The fourth rib on Colonel Roose velt's right side was fractured by the bullet which struck him. This became known Wednesday. It was also learned that the x-ray photograph taken in Milwaukee failed to reveal the exact location of the bullet. A more- minute exam ination of the place will be made this afternoon. The fractured rib, it was explain ed, had caused pain iu breathing. Schrank is a foreigner and dis patches from his native country, llnvaria, state that he is au army deserter. His trial will not be had until after the election. Schrank is the man that fired the shot. THEFIRSTNATIONALBANK of Barbourville, Appeals to the thoughtful man or woman as the bank with which to do business. It has the financial backing. It is being managed by careful and suc cessful business men. It is growing every day. It is the United States Depository. It is a City and County Depository. It pays 3 interest on time deposits. every citizen and voter in posses sion of the true facts concerning the issues of the present Presiden tial campaign. On Thursday of this week the precinct committeemen were called together. This proved to be some what of a general rally, as there were a large number of Republicans present both fron this city and from different parts of the county, besides the committeemen and all were optimistic over the prospects of a large Republican majority in this county. h H. Seavy is Not The Labor Candidate II. II. Seavy who has for years and is now connected with one of the biggest ami most power ful corporations of the whole country is posing as the laboring man's candidate for Congress in this district. In the literature sent out by him he claims that he is a member of the Brother hood of Locomotive Engineers, and to be iu good standing witii them. He is neither a member of such order, nor is he in good standing with its members. It is true that he was a member but he is not a member now. While lie is, hiuuelf, a laboring man, the truth further remains that he lias never been friendly to labor, lie owns au autoino- Meeting Held Last Mondayj mie ami speeds around an over Niflht and Preparations, the streets .f Corbin Ky. lu.ld- I nig himself above the laboring Made to Conduct a men engaged oven in the same Thorough Campaign Over! - i Knox County. REPUBLICANS ORGANIZE calling with himself, If there be those who doubt the truth of these statements, you are referred to Bill Shirely, and O. B. Upton, all engineers along with Mr. Seavy on the 0. V. Division of the L. & N. Railway Company and who are in situation to know all the facts, and if this does not satisfy you, you are refer red to W. It. Bingham, Corbin, Ky., W. C, Campbell, Barbour ville, Ky., and S. B.Dozier, 1231 North Main S.. Mt. Oarmel, III., all of whom used to tiro the en gine for Mr. Seavy. Caleb Powers on the other hand, has always stood Hat-footed by the cause of labor and al ways met the laborer with ex tended hand and greeted him as a brother and fellow traveler on the road of life. ' Powers is a member of the Benevolent Order of Odd Fellows, the Itedmen and the Junior Order of Ameri can Mechanics, all of which are friendly to labor, standing tor its uplift and betterment. Adv't To Consumptives Rev. lid ward A. Wilson was cur ed by simple means of a severe throat and lung affection which de veloped into consumption. If you will write to Mr. Chas. A. Abbott, 00 Ann St New York City, he will send you (FREE OF CHARGH) Mr. Wilson's full description of his cure It will cost you nothing aud may prove.a blessing. 14l'J The Republicans of Knox County are awawe ami ugniing m meeting held in this city last Mon day evening at which were present , prominent Republicans from differ ent parts ofthe county preparations were completed for conducting at wide-awake campaign to extend all over Knox Connty. Reports have been falsely circulat ed that the Republicans of this county were not trying; that they realized that theirs was a hopeless cause and that they were beaten. If any one who has been circulating these reports c uhl have been pres ent at this gatheriug they would have received a far different impul sion This was one of the most enthusiastic meetings of Republicans ever assembled in this city. Plans were here formed and committees nppoiited to carry them into action which within the three weeks limn election will r CLOTHING OP QUALITY .&. .3 T. nxm n I The BEST is always the CHEAPEST and no one can question the quality of our line of clothing:. The Hart. Shaffner & Marx clothes are the standard of perfection and have a world-wide reputation for long wear and gentile appearance. : : : We have a full line of ready-to-wear clothing of all styles, qualities and prices. We car ry in stock clothing of five of the leading tail oring houses in the United States and we can satisfy any class of trade. New Fall and Winter line now on display at our store, : I L SMITH, RILEY & CO. INCORPORATED BARBOURVILLE, KENTUCKY I out I "-j x IcoAHtiuoa on wwiw f! i t jhm ii "" - Li .AJMMUJ kU.n.-. j -