OCR Interpretation

The free lance. (Fredericksburg, Va.) 1885-1926, December 22, 1900, Image 2

Image and text provided by Library of Virginia; Richmond, VA

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn87060165/1900-12-22/ed-1/seq-2/

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Covers more than thirty counties
in Die ist, 3rd, 7th and 8th Con?
gressional Districts, and goes to
subscribers at nearly 500 postoffices.
Subscription 11.50 Per Tear in Advance.
For any slsed ad. 1 Insertion 50c. por Inch
*nd Ac. per Inch for each subsequent iiiner
LOOO Inches of display advertisement for
tWO, used at advertiser's option. In any sUed
spaoe, matter or space changed as often as
Heading Notices lOo. per line first Insertion.
?6- per line for each subs?quent one.
Obituaries or Keiiglous Notioes of enter?
tainments. Ao., charged for at one-half rate?..
Letters reoommendlux candidates for office
saust be paid for.
Weather forecast for Fred
ericksburg arid Vicinity.
Clear with Northwest w i fids.
Verily poor old China is in hard line??.
She ean do nothing but acquiesce in
any terms which tho allies choose to
put upon her, and these appear to be
hard indeed. In consenting to them
the Flowery Kingdom will become a
door mat for every presumptuous for?
eign personage who may choose to
apit at her or wipe his feet upon her,
and any resistance upon her part
will be met by coercion and indem?
nity-squeezing by the real offender's
government. To say that she shall
not import firearms or war equip?
ments, that her forts shall be abolish?
ed and rated?ia short,that she shall
be tied oap-a-pie and governed as
foreign representatives dictate, is
one of the most enormous humilia?
tions that history has ever recorded,
or will ever be likely to chronicle.
We are indeed sorry for the poor
souls who already have so little sun?
shine in lue that it ia hardly prized
more than a state of non-existence.
While the Emperr of China may
eonaent to the terms submitted by
the Powers it is not at all likely
that the old Empress Dowager?who,
if still alive, is the real thing in the
ruling line?will agree to the drastic
terms; and aa only a small per cent.
of the Chinese kuow that their sol?
diers have been beaten and their
Kingdom is on the wing, it is very
probable that they would pin with
the Dowager Empress and continue
hostilities. The old lady may sur.
prise the world yet,as she has a large
amount of stiokatitiveness.
In discussing President McKin
ley's message Prof. Ooldwin Smith,
of Toronto, Canada, makes the same
point about the increase of the army
that The Free Lamb some months
ago expressed, namely, "The ex?
penditure which such a force would
entail is the least part of t he matter.
* ? ?Par more momentous are the
political consequences with which
the creation of a great standing
army, especially if it should be
largely manned by foreigners, meu
aoee the character of that which has
hitherto been an industrial common?
wealth." Whether this view will
prove a correct one or not will be
settled within a few years, for it
has been practically decided that the
United Btates shall assume a new
role among the nations and will
maintain a large standing army. Its
pelitieal fntnre, we naturally con?
clude, will veer widely from the paths
of its past history.
Speaking of the late advances in
quotations of Virginia State bond*
the Richmond Dispatch says:
"The advance in the selling prloe of
State bonds shows two thing?to wit :
1. That capitalists have faith In the
ability of Virginia to pay the Increas?
ed rate of interest, whioh begins July
1, 1901, and (2) that they bave no
distrust of the constitutional conven?
tion. In both respects their faith
Is well founded, we believe. ' '
True, these assumptions for faith
appear to be well founded. Th6re are
two things, however, in this oonnec.
tion which strike us significantly.
One is that the abundance of money
seeking investment and the early in.
erease in rate of interest to be carried
by these bonds make them subjects
for good investment The other is
that Virginia reaps no financial bene?
fit from the increased prices; she has
only a sentimental interest in the
rise of these bonds and a feeling of
some pride.
Christmas is a proper time to ex?
ercise a little eharity. Remember
the poor, lend a helping band to
gladen their hearts. If the Divine
benedictions have rested upon you
show your gratitude and remember
that He whose birth this festive day
commemorates says: "As much as
yon have done it unto one of these,
my desciples, yon have done it unto
The Administration has shown a
great deal of diplomacy in dealing
with the Chinese question, but it
now begins to look like we will have to
recede from onr position and consent
to make the terms offered?or,rather,
thrnst upon China?"irrevocable,"
everlaetinly and eternally binding,
now and forevermore, without re.
course or abatement.
Having come to the conclusion
that he was not prepared to go to
preaching Mr. Bryan has decided to
do the next best thing?edit a news?
paper. He will have more latitude
for pitching into the devil as he may
discover him from the editor's view
Some of the dignitaries are opposed
- *-- f\-IS_1
It may be possible that Mr. Bryan
expecta every man who voted for him
to subscribo to hit paper?Richmond
So we may expect to bear of a call
being made upon Democratic county
chairmen for a list of thenr consti?
Ko DOUBT tbe British wi uld liko
to hsvo Do Wet for a Xruas. gift
The Senate ratified the Ha>-Pounce
fote treaty at arueuded Thurtday by a
vote of 55 to IS
The Rivers ?ndliirbors Appropria
tion bill, as completed. oarviet about
fk?, 000.000
The House p?s-ed the Indian
and Military AoaJemy Appropr
bills, the former carrying 19 030,626
aud tho 1 ttter #700. l.'il. Bnhtii
excited debate
London it to have a nuwspaper utter
the Sheldon order.
Jeffrlet and Rublln have been match?
ed to tight February 15th in Cinoiunatl.
Warships have been oabled for. They
are needed to proteot American inter?
est! in Venezuela.
The North Atlantic Squadron sailed
from Hampton Roads, on its annual
cruise of evolution.
A seat on the New York Stock Ex?
change toll yesterday for 100,000, the
highest price ou record.
The Colombian Oovernmeut troops
won a battle with rebels at Girat dot
Point, i'?00 men, It it reported, beiug
Mayor Harrison, of Chicago, has re?
voked all permits for arias tights issued
prior to the passage of the auti-tlght
The London pipers say E igland oaa
not yield and that she will rej >ct the
Hay-P*uuct?fote treaty as passed by
the Senate.
R--oeut Moslem excesses agaiutt the
Cnnitiau population in the central
provinces of Turkey, resulted in 200
Christians being killed.
By the will of the late Mrs Mary L.
McLean, which has been ti.ed for pro
Sals in Washington, Mrs. Dewey re?
ceives a legacy of ft'>t>0,000.
On the first of January the Pennsyl?
vania Railroad Company will grant
not less than four hundred employes
retirement witn pensions for life.
Gen Kuox hat been forced to abon
don the pursuit of Gen. De Wet .owing
to tbe situation created in Cape Oolouy
by the Boert ctos-ing the Orange nver.
Church and temperance delegate! said
to represent t>, 000,000 people met in
Washington Wednesday to advocate tbe
passage of the auti canteen section of
the Army bill.
Gen Fuzhugh Lee was the guest of
honor Wednesday at the annual bar^aet
of the Commercial Club,of Kansas City
given in commemoration ut the signing
of the John Jay Treaty.
West Point cadets told.the Militaiy
Oourt of Inquiry, which is investigat?
ing hazing,of the various forms of haz?
ing that had been employed there, but
denied that religion? beliefs caused ill
treatment of unuer class men.
Gen. MacArthnr bas iasned a proc?
lamation, warning the inhabitant' of
the Philippines that hereafter strict
compliance with the laws of war will
be required of non-combatants, as well
at oombatauts.
Edward Oudahy, Jr., son of Edward
A. Oudahy, millionaire, packer, and
bead of the Oudahy Packing Company
in Omaha was mitsed from his hume
He had been kidnapped by partiea who
demanded #25.000 for his release. His
father paid the money and the boy war,
set free.
Miss Mattie Dishmin and Mr. Joseph
Brown, both of E*sex county, were mar?
ried in Richmond Thursday.
Mr. Robert Elgin of Aldie, Fatqaler
oounty, and Miss Laura Oooarea, of
Landmark, were married at the Howard
House iu Washington Tuesday.
Clerk Ooghill of Caroline issued a
Uoense to A. B Seal Monday to marry
Miss LA Durrett. The marriage oc?
curred Thurtday at Wright's Chapel.
Licensed in Washington to marry :
Buabrod W. Nichols, of Loudoun coun?
ty, and Emma B. Trutsell, of Clarke
county. Michael H Garr and Fannie
T. Buckner, both of Madison county
Wade a Hammill and Jennie -Well
Selecmam, both of Ocooquan, Pnnoe
William oounty, Va.
Mr E Granville Smoot and Mi6s
Eva Nelton were married Wednesday
at Hotel Nelson, at Urbanna Rev. J
M Anderson, of the Methodist ohnrch.
officiated. The groom la a native if
Caroline county, and bolda a ?position
In the Civil Service Bureau in Wash?
ington. Tbe bride It the daughter of
Oapt. and Mrs.D.M.Nelson. A tumptu
out lunch was served to a large con
course of friends and relatives, after
whloh tne happy oonple took tbe steam?
er en route to Florida.
Prominent Lawyer Dead.
Hon. Robert MoOandlish died at hit
home, lu Saluda, Wednesday night, in
the 5-?th year of hit age. Two montht
ago Mr. MoOandiith wat seized with
heart trouble. His oonditton gradually
grew worse, until tbe end came.
Mr. MoOandlish entered the Confeder?
ate service and served nntil tbe close
of the Civil War. He then attended the
University of Virginia, and in a single
session wat graduated in law. He be?
gan the praottoe of hit profestdon with
tbe late Robert L Montague, father of
the present Attorney-General. As a law
yer, Mr. McOandliah probably had no
tuperlor in Tidewater. He married Miss
Nannie Montague, a daughter of the
late Colonel Edgar B, Montague, of
King and Queen oounty, who survives
him with aix childten?four toni and
two daughters. He wat buried at Ohr lut
oburoh Friday. Rev William B. Lee.tf
Gloucester, conducted the service!. The
pall-bearers were :
Aotive?Messrs. H. L Smithen, F.
M Eastman, Dr G. W. Brown,J.Boyd
Sean, W. 0. Fitzhngh, and Judga G.
T. Garnett.
Honorary?Judge A.B. Event, Dr.W.
8. Christian, Dr. Peyton Hundley, and
Mr J. R. Saundere.
Board of Fisheries Neets.
The State Board of Fitheriet met in
Rlohmond Wednetday, The Board de
oided to look more fully into the ques?
tion of baying a new boat f r the
oyster navy, to take tbe place of the
old Obesapeake.
The members will ascertain whether
it is better to buy a new boat or have
the old one repaired, ard will decide
tbe question at the next meeting.
"Tbe past year bas been a good one
for the oyster industry, " said a mem?
ber of tbe Board, "and tbe indications
are that the ooming one will be bet?
ter, " Oontlnulrg, he said: "The cul?
ling laws passed by the last Legislature,
increasing tbe stse from S 1-8 to 8
inches, and punishing the buyer a*i
well as tbe stiller of uncalled oytten,
baa done a great deal to proteot tho
natural bedt of tbe Stale and to augu
ment the revenue from Ibis tooroe. "
AU tbe members of tbe Board were
The Naval Hoard bas oompleted Its
rt port Newport News gets three of the
ships to build.
t?,?v. Tyler has downed to grant a
p irdon to Miss Anuie Wyatt, the sales?
woman for the Julius Myer's Sons' de
ptrimeut store.
Richard H. Diggs, of Mathews
oounty, has been appointed assistant
keeper of Seven-Foot Knoll Llght
n ?or-t?, in Patapsoo river.
The following charter has, among
others, been reoorded in the office of
the Secretary of the Commonwealth :
The Middlesex Bank, Middlesex county.
The oases of smallpox near Frederick's
Hill, Louisa oounty, are reported well.
There ate eight or ten oases south of
Trevilians They aro reported convales?
IVrisious Istued in Washington :
Original--Willui.i R. Hndglns. Port
Hay wood. Math, .vs county, $(> ; Fred T
Rose, Rolling's i?\>rk, King George
county, $<>.
The resident- l i Arthur Motley, of
K?mex oounty, wus destroyed ?by fire
a few days ago. No insurance. Loss
atiaut two thousand dollars. Origin of
tire uukuowti.
It is reported that small pox has been
discovered near the Orange line, in
Albemarle, and that steps are being
takeu to establish a quarantine against
the spread of the disease. ggfe
Mr E B White has just finished
?hre??hing the wheat grown on his Seliua
farm There was just an even hundred
acres harvested and the yield was 1,800
bushel* or ;i;i bushels to the acre.?Lees
burg Mirror.
Julian Mantelo was tried in the Han
over oounty court Thursday for the
murder of his 13 year-old daughter and
was acquitted. The girl was killed last
summer by the discharge of a gun
which Mantelo's wife was trying to
take away from him.
Macedonia Methodist ohurch, Louisa
oounty, was burned Tuesday. It Is
thought It caught from fire left ir the
stove by a party decorating the churoh
that day for the marriage of Mr. Poore
and Miss Watkins.of the neighborhood.
Dr. Bass aocepted a call to Union
?liurch, in Oloucester connty. * * Miss
B ila Churn, of the Seminary,will visit
Misses Irene and Mary Breadlos, at
N-wtowu,King and Cjueen county ,Xmas.
* * The Banking Company, capitalized
at Jlini.iM),expects to begin business In
the Masonic H^ll about January 7,1901
?West Point Plain Dealer.
Little aftas Hunley, daughter of Hon.
George V Hunley, of Mathews county,
who has been til for several weeks with
typhoid fever at the home of bor grand
tather, in this city, is reported as be?
ing i inch better * ? Mr, M. K Pe?
rm, Treasurer of Oloucester county,
was among the callers at State offices
yesterday?Rich Dispatch.
Invitations have been issued for the
annual holly ball, at Kilmamock, Lan?
caster couuty, December 27th. This
ball is considered the big social event
of lower Northern Neok. It is the cus?
tom to choose a queen by ballot every
year, who is known as the''Holly
(?aeen," and Hon O. Harding Walker,
of Heatbsville,Northumberland oounty,
has been asked to deliver the corona?
tion address. A movement will be
made at the ball to induce Mr. Walker
to offer a bill in the State Legislature,
making the ' 'holly" the national em?
blem of Tidewater Virginia.
::me BEATES.
Mrs. Rota Garnett, who died in
Newport News Tuesday, aged 28 years,
was a sister of Mrs. Oeorgo W. Long, of
Caroline cjunty.
Congressman Richard A. Wise died
Friday morning at bis home in Wil
hamsbnrg. He was defeated for Con?
gress in the last election by Hon. II L
Maynard, Democrat Dr. Wise was a
brother of Hon. John S. Wise, of New
Stafford Court.
There was hardly a corporal's guard of
people at Stafford Wednesday to atteud
oonrt From Fredericksbnrg Meser?.
J. T. Goolrick, B P. Willie, W. H.
Merchant, Oapt. 8 O. Peyton, J. Con
way Cnionester, of the Star, and The
Free Lance representative were present.
Mr. James Ashby was relieved as
administrator of Mrs. Ann E Mere?
dith .her estate being settled.
R. L. Templeman was relieved of as?
sessment of personal property it being
O. F. Logerwell relieved of capita?
tion tax and connty levy on aooount of
age and infirmities.
J. A. Sullivan made his report as
road inspeotor of Falmouth, which was
received and ordered filed.
The will of S. Elira Monteith proven
and ordered to record.
J T. Ohtnn and Raleigb T. Cbinn,
witnesses, Commonwealth vs J. W.
Cooper for misdemeanor. Case dismiss?
ed on bis paying oosts and bound over
In sum of #100 to keep peace. This
is the Ramoth churoh dist?rbanos oase.
The Clerk of Court was ordered to
get from the Governor of Virginia a
new seal for County oonrt.
The seduction case of J. D. Bettis
was continued to next term. Bail was
given in sum of $200
Commonwealth vs M. Greenhow.
The jury found prisoner grllty, Judge
Goolrick moved toset aside the verdict.
It was sustained by Judge Ohiobester
and the case dismissed.
The report of W. W. Towson, road in
pector of Aqula. was received and or?
dered filed.
John Hales and T. W. Baber appeal,
oase dismissed.
John Hales vs James Woodard, judge?
ment that Hales reoover oolt of Wood
The handsome estate Marboro, on the
Potomac river, with its large fishing
shore, was sold at public auction to Mr.
R. A Golden, of Washington, forts,
Mr. Z. Taylor Cooper was arrested
charged with slandering J. H. Rhone.
He gave bail.
The corn crop in the oounty Is not
over half the usual average.
Ex-Sheriff Kennedy sold at publio
auotlon a horse, dogcart and harness
for seven dollars. The sale oaused mnoh
Large quantities of wood are being
nauled to Brooke and Coal landing but
the shippers are losing money on ao
oount of the mild weather.
Pastor to Resign.
Rev. H. T. Musselmao, pastor of
Stockton-Street Baptist ohurch, Man?
chester, Va., will soon aooept the posi?
tion of traveling editor of the Religious
Herald, whioh is one of the most in?
fluential Baptist papers in the State.
Mr. Muaselman will not give up his
ohurch until about February 1st. He Is
well known to many of our readers.
An antl- foreign outbreak Is feared
in the prov?noos.
The powers will hold Pekin and
there will be no withdrawal of troops
till peace terms are oarrled out.
AH the ministers have signed the
joint note and the note will be sent
immediately to Prince Ohlng and LI
Hang Chang.
Women Want to Lynch Her
Unless Miss Jessie Morrison leaves
the town of Eldorado she is in danger
of being lynched by the indignant
women of that Kai s it tow n.
At a meeting held 10 women gathered
ami talked of lyuohiog the woman who
is charged with the murder of Mr-.
Olln Oahtle. The aotloo. of the jury In
failing to find her guilty of m Old II In
the first degree Is the oaose of the in?
dignation. Meanwhile Jeaste M wrtsou
laughs at them anil dare- lh? in t i ? u ? v
out their tin
Tho West Point Cadetahip
Representative Jones will nominate
Ralph Rich.of Acoomaocounty *
oadet In the I . B. Military Aoa ?hiv
Biofe recently won fii-f BOOMS In the
competitive SSamination held In flu??
oity. E?ty Peatross of Biwimg Greeo,
who rune In second in Hie c un??,t,will
be named for al'eruutc
Five Deaths in Lancastor County
Andrew Webb, a young married man,
I ?I week at his home near Lit
Walton, after a lingering illness
Mr W. 11 boagworth, a foreman at
Mellows 8t Squires' fish factory, near
White Stone, died Monday night
Mrs Baos Mener, a bride of a few
months, died at the home of her hot?
head. ii'"i*r White Stone, Monday night.
The death of this jf< ung matron wat
peculiarly tad
News iH received of the death of Mrt.
Kleefltoh, mother of Mrs. W A. Dame
r ni, of Ibll county, at her home in
New Widsor, Md.
Mrs Lucy B Hammonds, of Irving -
t o, died Monday night in the BSth
year of her age Four children snrvive
1er Tl.ey ate Messrs. Thoi J. lliydon
and H H Haatatoads and Meedatxtei
Win S Aidihurn and W. H. Wilder, all
r tldentl of Irvlngloo, The At
irai Ivies married and leavei (j
Static or Ohio, city orToi.tno. i
Lucas County, ("'
Kiiank J. Cheney makes oath tint as in
senior partner of the llrm of K .1 i ihm -, v
Co.. ?lolng liuslneNs In the City, ol Toledo
County and (State aforesaid, and that Haul
(Inn will pay the mm of ONK lUNMlKU
1X11,1. A Its tor ?'iiih and every MM ol Ci
i until Unit oanaot b? oared by ln<
Hall's i.'atakkh Ccaa.
Hworn to liefore me and MDMrlbed In mv
pr?senos, taisStb day of Oecuinlier. A -
,-?*? , A. W. OLBAHON.
[tBAI . Notary Tuhlie.
Mall's Catarrh Cure la taken Interna'ly, and
uta directly on tin? b'ood and mucous sur
faoea of the ayateaa, semi fur ii-stimomitia
K.J. CHRNKY * 0O..Toled0,O.
?.?Id hy DniKKlst?, 76e.
Hall's Karallv Pulsare the lient.
A (rain load of goods. Every department full up. We are th* acknowled^d Santa
Claus Outfitters. Our Big Toy display is at Its best josl now. TIih ??rnttiest store in
town. It is worth coming mil-s to fee?. It puts Xmas in your bones.
Toilet and Dres*
Beautiful line. ?'me eanv. gel lb?
pick, the best attention ?mi the l>en*fi'
of low price? bet We the wild ru-h Ji't
preceding ,\
Fancy Crepe Paper
100 beautiful designs to pi k from
at half price
Everybody should have N illont,
and we *ue fall B ooh 0 B?bt
Side Oombs, Bank o nabs, I' nip?
dour Combs A new batch every
day. The biggest value* m ever]
A tremendou- line of Sky R okott
Rotaea Candles, tin Oraoken.Pu?
tois, Oapa, Oaaaoa Oraoken a
sale and retail W?- will mal i
H ?it un :f prieee.
Ladies' and Gents'
Shoe Polish.
The beit that it made. Uoval 0]
ladies' and children, 7o Sor?r Polish
and Cleaner f ?r r 7c Polilb
for box calf and kid Ho We in k ?fter
quality first, then the pri
Children's Union Snits, I8fl
Ladies' Union Sniti. ?'n up
Ladies' Long ?leey? Y
Full line of Uuderwear for met
and boys.
V n will get more chance out of o
il llar lure than anywhere else.
Boots and Shoos
Big Stnrk ! New Styles ! l,ow Prices !
Investigate and compare before yon
bay, n t afierwatd-, It will save
yon time, money and worry. We
haven't space to quote prices, but
quality and price will talk.
Hats and Caps
The only difference between our
is and other pnoples' is onr
prices. We have Hats we retail at
- than merchants can boy them
Oapi for men, boys and children at
10 18, M end 25o.
Oar prices need no piltsb to make
th.'tii flilne.
Shirts and Collars
It pays us iO give . m satinfaction,
you'll c m?e again ai i again. Heavy
-t k this full, and re can please
you. Give us a trii 1.
we sebct carefully, we buy at the
very lowest cash prices and sell for
pri fits than others.
For the Toilet
Fine leifumerlen, toilet soaps, face
powder, vasoline. Only a trial is
Knit Wool Goods.
Tina linn we will save you one-half
what you spend Children's Wool
H oda, infant's Hand-Made Booties,
Uhildn-ii's Draw Leggtns
Gloves and Mitts.
Full line Ment Fine Drivlni
( rloves.Ladlet' Fine Driving Olives
Work (Moves of all klndt
We are bearing down on prices wltl
a tremendoni weight.
Tinware and
Some big bargain! here Tbe thing
to do now ii to plan for the tature,
10 ai to make more money. Trade
here and your work will be done
for you in advanoe.
And Story Bookt. Rig lot Price?
lower than ever. Just think, t; good
novela for 25 centi.
Fine lot Children'! Reefer Suits.
Fine lot Vettee Suiti.
Men't Snttt. You will not find
anywhere elie.
For the little fellow at 3 yean to
the man wearing 44 in aize.
The Up-to-date School Boy
Whose first thought is the preparation of his lessons will always get
honorable mention from his teacher at the end of the month and stand
No. 1 in the class, while the sluggish boy who complains at his task is
always at the foot wh/-re he ought to be.
We orepare our lessona well, ppell every word p-operly in a VERY
LOW PKICE and receive at the end of every week a distinguished
mark, HIGHER UP IN SALES, coming from our customers as a
unanimous expression of their faith and satisfaction in buying our goods
for Cash at the Very Lowest Possible Price
for the Best of Everything
in the market. We often hear others complain, but complaint is for?
eign to our establishment. WE ARE BUSY, indeed we have never
been so busy before and sincerely thank you for your great part in our
Success as Cash Grocers.
Arbnckle'sCo??HH per lb. 1 lc.
Choice Candy (Fancy mixture). <?Jc.
Peanut Brittle, per lb. '.?c.
Pure Leaf Lard. 9c
Christmas Mince Meat, per lb. 10c
Extra large San Bias Cocoanuts. 5c.
City Mills Flour, per bag. 23c.
Best Water Ground Corn Meal. 15c.
Remember our prices are the lowest and quality highest
on nuts, raisins, oranges, figs, dates, candies, etc.
We 5ell No Christinas Goods,
But when you want Galvanized Barbed Wire,
Wire Nails, Cut Nails or Horse Shoes
Headquarters For the
Decker ft Alrlch.
Wraps You
Must Have
c. w. JONES
Is fix?* i to ?supply the want at aiment ridiculous
prices. For instance -
lilaek Oloth Doable Gapes, fur A l(?f , f | " v-r t-a I ??*???? cilL
and braid trlmmed,Ve?olar O?r |Al?l" hxtra LonK 5i,k
?' *?** """ ow* Plwsri Capes at $6 75,
(Hack CI- th. 1) tibie (lapes, i
regular |\jM grade, at. I .4u
Black Oloth, I) sabls Oapes, regu?
lar fS.60 grade, i or j.i i<
Rlaek Astrachan Cipe? good
long on? s Fur trimmed ar und
rollar, cheap at fi 60, Ool ._
piice. I 45
Hlack Astrachan Cspes, Fur
trimmed an urd o liar and
down both sides of front,
WOVld be cheap at ft.90. Our t
price for these Is. I 75
Plain Plush Capes at $1.69. Braided
Flush Capes at $1 75.
Braided Silk Flnsh Gapes,double
lined,cheap at f-l 00 Cur price 3*^5
7 25 and 8.50 *ach.
One lot of black jackets at #2 4."?each.
<tn? lot Of black jacket* at #:i M each
One lot of blaoi jackets, lined all
throoph with gn (I nierotized satteen.
Our ?peotelty, at f"> ( 0
One lo? ^rra good qualify black
jackets at |7 16
Tan and Castor Jackets.
One lot, lined all through, at fi :>0.
These are extra go ?d for the price.
One lot extra good Castor Jackets,
cheap ut 19.60. Our price |7 2,r).
Lots of liitnr go?,ds if yon want
them, either black or colored jackets.
These very stylish, nsffs! wrsps ar
Real Silk Flush Oapes, plain here in good styles,mado with the yok
goods, but gr-od quality, worth , e?. | or ho^d at
?ft 60. Our price. if O?
A lot of Handsomely Braidrd 4 39, 5 50 7 OO,
Fluch Capes, good double lin- . e/. i
iog, worth fi 00. Our price 4.5U See Tl^eITI.
This is to be a great Wrap Sale from now until
Christmas. G*t your share.
Department Store,
Fredericksburg, ----- Va
Useful and Acceptable Presents
The T. N, Brent Store
TIM ?h-apost place in the city to buy your Cook Stoves. Price very low. No oomblns
i n ?>( trunt on tbom.
Again?Roofing ! Roofiing ! Roofing !
Way down, special prices on Tin and ?steel, Felt and O rani te Hooftnv. All Tools furnish
od to put on boots with to be return, d when through The above Is cheaper than Shluirle
or ?late. (Jo id quality can't be beat. Consult me before you buy.
R. L. STONE. 203 Commer?a St. Frederlcksbura? V
wits never so complete as now. We aro doing more business Iban ever be
fore. This proves that our experience of ten years in the shoe business and
our efforts to sell goods that wear are being appreciated. We have the
latest styles and Rock Bottom prices
Commerce street.
Is good reliable Footwear, at the lowest
possible cost. COME TO US.
Ladies' Oil Grain Solid Seniaible Shoes at $1 25, Ladies' Se
Grain Seamless Lice Shoes at $1.35, Ladies' Sample Shoes i
Kangaroo Calf, Glove Grain and Oil Grain at $1 25, Men's A
Solid,very best Flesh Split Boots,solid asean bemade.at 19.0*0
Men's First Quality Veal Kip at $2.75, Missns Oil Grain Sellos
Shoes at $1.15, Children's 9 to 12 at 75 cents.
Opposite Market Entrance
With Pleasure I Tender My Thanks
to and assure my friends, patrons and the buying public of my high
appreciation of the cordial support they have given me I have the largest and
?aost complete line of GROCERIES carried by any house in Prederloksborg.
Chey are bought at Rook Bottom Prices and will be sold at very small profits.
I also sell the best brands of Lime, Oement, Oaloined Plaster, Hasard A
Dupont Powder, Stoneware, Nails, Hay, Feed, Tobaooo, Cigars, Cigarettes, *o.
I am also agent for the Elbra Brand Mixed Paint It Is a higher grade and bet?
ler Quality of
Ready-Mixed Paints
w ht? ever b<?en pat on the market of its elass.and more BUONOMIOAL

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