THE EVENING BUIJLETIN TOIjUME VI. BiAYSVIIXE, KY., MONDAY, NOVEMBER 7, 1887. ' .'. . . . , . . ;.T i . 1 . NUMBER 200. TIRED OUT! At Uri season newly erory ona seeds to sjslsn's tresoriptlon ferttese who seed bafldtewafi tec tenia. .IKON enters Into almost e VilVjiUliMiiiB. 1 .nfaalf mln. T.nrlf Ericnry.' etc., It II AM NO KQUAI,. and to the only Iron medicine that is not injnrloim. It Knrlcl:e tlio JJIooil. Invigorates tho btMtm, Itegtoreii Appetite, A his Digestion It does not blacken or injure the teeth, cause head Che or produce umttlpatlon "(her Jronmttiieine4 do Da; O, II. BrflKLxr, a loading physician ot Spring field, Ohio, says! . , , ... "Brown's Iron Bitten is a thorooirhly good medl elne, ' I use it in ray practice, and And its action ex cels aUotuei f.irmsof inin. Inwoaknfiw,oralowcon Utlon of the system, Brown's Iron Bitters is usually positive necessity. It is all that In claimed for it." Da. W. N. Watxbs, 1219 Thirty-second Street, Georgetown X). O., says: " Brown's Iron Bitters is tooToiilo of the age. Nothing letter. It creates appetite, give strength and improTes dloeeUon.'' i fieoulno has abore Trade Mark and eroseed red lines ou -wrapper. Take bo other. Hade only by j SHOWN C'llIiM10ALCltALTIM011K,MB. i V u. w. HMiTn, DENTI13T. V Nltrous-xide. or laughing gas eed for tho painless extraction of teeth. OQJw on rourl Htrept, M. WILLIAMS, Dentist. Ottick: Third street, west of Market, next dtfor to Dr. James Hbackleford's. rOJUN CltANE, House, Sign and Ornamental Painter. Graining, Ulaxlnfc and Paper-hanging. AH work neatly ai.d promptly executed. Office and ebon, north,8lde oi Fourth betwepn Mar ketand Limestone, atreeUj. alBdly A LLAN ID. OI4S, rill practice lu the courts of Mason and ad- of Appeals. -Specim attention Hsven to rtOl APPOB'B. opl' Biwuuuu w-" w ecUona iud to Real .Estate, Court street, vllle, KyV . ' . -nXKBT. M.KOAKD, ! 'No. Market Street, RELIABLE MERCHANT TAILOR. Call and examine my samples of Foreign and Domestic goods from the Urgent whole Ml boewi ol Sow York. Bulta made to or JeVpu more rwsonaole terma than any other :o la the cfiy, and fit guaranteed. ri W BtJILSBK, . (Court Btreet, MaysvtUe, Xy.) ATTORNEY AT HAl"W. Wl'lLpraoUoa in the court ol Mason and ad JeiiUnK counties. Prompt attention given to oSjecUon ot claims and aoeonnla, Aluo to Fire 3aranfie.and the buying, eemngaad rent dttg efhouneslota and lauds, and the writtnR Speeds, mortgagea, oontracta, etc nWly AM- WOBTHIHHIOH, f OAKBXTT S. WALL, I X. I tTOETHIHGTOM Attorneys and Counselors at Law Will nraotioe In all oourta In Maaom and ad iolni foi ; oountloa and In the Superior Cow J. H., Commonwoalth'a Att'y. O. h. MAWtK, Nptary Public, Attorneys and Counselors at Law, wHirittendad oQllectloii8 wd"itpryu law rl SABOHERTT, u ilelner and dealer In MONUMENTS, TABLETS, ,- ., rkn lareeat ttbekf 'Of' th sTSeBJenlj, the beat material and work "oSirtfi'ln this aeotlon'of toe state, jat-K). ' ri;rni,TTruXlnsiTtanrti fwnrt in' Gran Svrt'Mnrhia are invited to eau ana eee toj MDHiun. ahww - v " . -. r.rfi-. w- - T- . . .. U...wl asMTOK. neonnatrmi-" B1IER A5D 00NFE0TI0NER. Iob Cream and Boda Water a Bpoplalty. SSah Bread and Cakes made daily and do taamrAd to any part of the city. Parties and Adding? furnfihed on-short notioe. No M geeoad street. NORTHEASTERN KENTUCKY . TELEPHONE i COMPANY Haa connection with the following plaoea MnjBTillo. Hole bb, JW't. Olivet, Office In Maysvllle-W, W. Holton's Dry eooUs Btore, No. 0 Kant Second Htreet. . III. ! - JOB PIUNTINU ol every dwcrli'tlnn neatly etRttheBUlSferiN OKFJOK. RROWIfSJ PZBE5T TON C nf ; ,t; . , r v , I , ,, I , 1 ':T0 S1'AI 'WE" EFFORTS BEING MAOs TO SAVE THE CONDEMNED AN ARCH ISTS. Some or tho rrlioner lie fuse to dig a Petition to Governor Osleaby 'Asking Kxeouttva Clomanoy In Their Own Be- hir A "Mystarlooa" Visitor. CniOAOO, Nor. 7. Tho offorU to imluoe AnarohUti L nge and F.schor to sign a pe tition to Oovernor OglaJby that hl consid eration of their cases might b tinged with mercy wore renewed during tho visiting hour this mornlnr. Promptly at 10 o'clock a tall individual with a German cast of countenance and onvoloped iu a long ulnter, prcaento 1 n special psnnlt to Otto F.0H2, and was ad-uitted within the iron doors. It was his socnn.ll visit to the jull. List night he made his uppaaranco for tha first time iu company wltu capb. Dlnok, but nsithar tho "mystery," iw the rop rters have dubljod him, or the counsel would say anything oou cornin.' li h 1 to tuv. One story has it that ho is an inlluentlnl Gorman edit ir from De troit, and unothor that hi is tho ropresunta tlvo of the New York Amucity coinmlttoe. Whoover he may bo, turnover, h 8 creden tials have evi loutly bueit weighed in the balano and pro.iouuoed satinf aoso.-y by the prisonors, for he was cordially greotod by Spies and Paranni who wero tin only ones in the capo. IV hen ho was admitted this morning Llngg vaulted over the iron rail lngs of the cjrri lor above and droppaJ to the flor a fow minutoi later, anil then the vis tor. who in the meantime ha 1 been roin forced by Editor Beigmaun, of the Arbjiter &iitung, claimed his acwmion. Tne cunfer ence was cm iujtel in undortone, but it was of a decidedly, vigorous, nature for more than orice ha rapped hie Ue main and again on tho iron ban while tho Anaroo.8! laughed in bis face. Lingo's sweatheart oamo in while the con ference was in progress, but after the first recognition she was compelled to qtand asido and listen to what was being said, with an noxious look uaon her faco. Finally tha visitors apparently tiring of their efiforts with Ling, wont over to Fischer, but he, too, seemed proof against their appeals. Next they tried to inluoo tipios vo mo his influence with his fotlow-prisoners, but the archoonspir.itor plainly said that he didn't care to iutarffri. After loavin? tho Jill they capture I Nina Van Zant and Bpios' mother on the sidewalk an 1 urged them to try and induco him to bring tho recalcit rants into liu. They promised to do so. Outs de of this ttnrj wti np stirnn; iacl denU in tha jail this morning. Thi same teutrios did duty on tha four sidai of tha structure, as weil as on the interior, and no body, not oven the judges of the courts, were pwmiltel to mount tho steps to tho third ft or whire th armod guard is b.iiug hell in reserve in case of an emorgency. Bjvid'S N tia, Bpita wis visited by his mother and two sisters, the latter pretty girls of eightoen and twenty. The younger carried a pretty twolve-moithi-old baby in her arms. Fursoui devoted all his time to his wife, who cami-aloae. Fischer was visited by his wife and hr sister, finale by h's mother and two friends. Neither Sohwah r Fielden had any visitors, and after remainlur in' tho cage for a fow mo ments returned to their cells. All were in good spirits oxoept tho visitors to Eale, who cried softly at intorvals. A bulky package of m U matter came in just before it was time for tho rcnn to go upstairs and Spies, who vplunteerod to act aa distributor, was busily engaged for sev eral moments in sorting it out. All of tho prisonors came in for a share. Jmt as Nina was about to depart Spies called out to her to wait for a moment and ran up to his cell. He reappeared a moment later with a market bosket tilled with letters and paraph lots all stamped and addressad, and re quested his proxr wife to sea that thoy wore mailed without delay, Copt. Black expects to go to Springfield Monday with a petition to Oovernor 'Oglesby, signed bv every ouo of tin con demned man, asking for clemency. The petition wilt not bj on iu whlott the slgairs renounce their prjtaolple, ask for meroy or confess their guilt. As the captain says, "It will be complying with tho law in the matter, and cailln; on Governor Oglosbr to perform a Judicial act. Four of, th condemned men Engel, Lingg, Fisher and Parsona lve not as yet signed any petition asking for a commuta tion of their sentence. The first three wrote open letters to the governor and gave them to tho -press, demanding their release. or death. The orljiuals of these letters have never reached .the governor and it is he llo ved that, they have not and will not be sent, and ,hat tho letters in print were gvfa for an.offoofc. ' Tha Governor Will Not Interfere. Loujbvillb, Kj., Nov. 7, Mrs. Emellne Wilson, who lives at Floydsburg, a village sear this city,, is a sister of Governor Ogles by, of Illinois, and reached Louisville last .night in comptny with. Mrs. V. P. Brandon, of, Decatur, Ills., a niece of Governor Ogles by, on her way home from a visit with her brother. The United Pres learns from talks with these two ladles that the family and .relations of Governor Oglesby are much concerned about the responsibility put upon the executive in the present situa tion of the Anarchists cases, and for that matter the governor himself is reported by jiheBa as being sorely worrie4 by the, great aujaaber, of letters which, had flooded him praying for, executive clemency, pr threat ening him unless he grants pardons, as well aa the delegations that are to call upon him to intercede in behalf of the ooiidomned. Mrs. WiB ;n U seventy years of ago, and though her brain is strong and clear.' She is feeble and unable to travel alone. It is understood from her that Governor Oglesby has fully resolved not to interfere with the sentence of the courts, and that she made an ineffectual effort to persuade, her brother tocomo wl'h her to his old home In 'Ken tucky nod stay uutll after the executlonjof the Anarchists. Tttls tho goverpor,ref,uvl to do, saying that he would stick it out Kxamliilnir tho lteoords. BrniNOFtEM), UL, Nov, 7, Governor Oglesby is spending most "of his time exam ining matters poif-UniiiT to the Anarchists' cases, ,Tho flrt Mple,of the advance, sheets of .the opinion of top stato supreme court Jn the matter wore given li.lm,yq?clay, The petitions have not beun to a. Pjuj though 'j:i.ajrts ' Another Man Who Thw the itomb. . Nxw YoniC( Nov. 0. A story now, comes from- Hlrig Sing, that one of the convicts thore confcsoS that ho threw the bomb at the Anarchist meeting in Chicago. , THE FIRE RICORD. tTio Irttnt and Finest llnldlnc in raorla, III., llurnad Other Fires. PsontA, III., Nov. 7. Fire broke out at 0 o'clock this morning in the kitchen of the National hotel, the largest and finest build ing in the city. Before it could be con trolled it reached tho elevator and passed rapidly to tho fifth and top story of tho building, whore it quickly spread through out tho roar portion of tho building. Tho flames bavo done little damage below the upper story, though the roof in tho rear half of the houne lms fallen in. By 11 o'clock tho flremoii had gnlned com plete control over the flames, putting a stop to further damage. Tho total loss is esti mated at SM.OOJ or $70,00). No loss of llfo occurred. The National hotel was huilt by a stock company in 182, at n cost of 175, OaW, ami has 'fr some time been under tho management of E. H. Mertaugh, wh Is also proprietor of thi leading hotel of Blooming ton. Cratker Factory Burned. Kansas City, Mo., Nov. 7. The most disastrous fire that has occurred in this city in several yeaM was that wblon totally de stroyed tho HIggina cracker factory at St Louis avenuo and Mulberry streot last night. Tho first alarm was given at 11:30, and shortly after midnight the interior of the buildiug was a mass of ruin. The loss is estimated at $45,0o0. The origin of tho fire is supposed to have been the boat of tho drying and baking ovens and tho furnaces on the sji-ond floor. At I o'clock this morn ing the whole building was in rutns, but owing to the vigorous .exertions of tho fire department no damage was done to adjoin ing property, except a slight scorching. Good Work Uy Firemen. CATUETTSiiono, Ky., Nov. 7. The effl olent work of our fire department saved a couple of squares of our city from dest uc tion at 2 o'clock this morning. At that hour the stable of Frank Stafford was discovered to be in flames. The building was soon con sumed with contents. Tho stable of Joo Nowman, Sr., next caught, and was des troyed. Loss, 5J0; insuranco, $300. R. R. Barton's etablo wan also destroyed; loss, about $500. The residences of Mr. Stafford and Mr. Newman were on Are several times but by heroic efforts were saved. It took hard work for hours to prevent a disastrous conflagration. Supposed to bo tho work of an inooudiary. Twenty Five Tlorsos 'llurned to Death. New Yoiik, Nov. 7. Twenty-flve horses were burned to death in the basement of Edward Itlley's two story brick livery sta ble Nos. 814 and MO west Fortieth street, about half past one this morning. Tho cause of the fire is not known. It origin ated in the basement and before it was dis covered all means of giving assistance to the horses were cut off and not one of them escaped. Thirty-eight others on the floor above wore all rescued. A number of val uable private carriages, stored on the ground and Bicorid floors wore also burned. The total loss on carriages, horses and property will aggregate VJ5,000; partially insured. An Incendiary lllase., Iowa, Nov. 7. Knapp,, Stout & Ca's big single shod, filled with shingles, and several adjoining lumber piles, were consumed by fire last night; loss about $12, 000. Tha fire was incendiary and the man who firpd tha shed was seen running away by the watchman. This U the third .At tempt to bet the several big lumber yards hereon fire, the past week., There was no wind or the entire lumber yard of Kuapp, Btput & Co,, would, have bjon swept, in volving a loss of hundreds of thousands of dollars. A Town Destroyed. EVAtfBVlLUS, Ind., Nov- 7. Ad vices from Bhady Grove, Livingston county, Kj., re port the total destruction of that town by lira at an early hour yesterday. The full extent of the losses cannot bo computed, but will not, perhaps, fall short of ft J, 000. The amount of insurance on real, estate is un known, but that carried on stocks waa less than $S,Q0U. - Two Firemen Seriously Injured. Insianatolis, Iud., Nov. 7. At mid night Tucker & Dorsoy'a manufactory took fire. The loss i $40,000; insurance, $&,00a The firm maufacture patent money -drawers and novelties. Two firemen wero seriously injured. A SOO.OO(i;Flre. .St. Louis, Nov. 7. The mixing and en gine room, also tha planing milt nd box factory of the Mississippi Glass works, were destroyed by Are last night. Loss, (00,000; Injured. Another Indian War Paters Oat. St. Louis, Nov. 7. The latest advices from the Jridlan Territory are to the effect that inoetTSf the reports which have recently been sent from that oouutry respecting politoal trouble and bloodshed at Tahlequah on the assembling of the next Cherokee ooouoil were grossly exaggerated and sensa tional, It Is true that a few of the leader of, both polltioiil factions have left Tahlo- , quali, but they will return on Monday, and it s said by those believed to bo best posted regarding. the situation, that unless an undue , amount of whisky is drank, there will be no actual disturbance. Many of the Bunch party mon. believe that Judge Maya was fairly elected, and they think that ho ought to be declared chief. The leasing of land to cattlemen in tha Cherokee Strip is the. prin cipal disturbing .question in view now. If that can be amicably arranged there will be no other trouble. Gave the Advauoe Demanded. Hazeuton, Pa., Nov. 7. The first break In the strlko in this region was made yestor daywhenW, T, Carter & Co. announced their intention of giving thler striking miners tho advance In wages demanded, and resuming work. Noarly four hundred men I 'are employed by this-company. Other oper ators in this roglou will bo forced to grant tho increase and resume work by the notion ot this firm. Tho mon at tho Go won & Der r'nger collieries are to receive nn in'creaso ( this month. the qAUgEQEJflg W A DRUNKEN CAPTAIN RESPONSIBLE FOn THE VERNON DISASTER. Axel Stono, the Sunlvor, Says that Cap' tain Thorp was la Baastly State of Intoxication at tha Time tha Tassel Went Down Confirmed and Denied. Chioaoo, Nov., 7. Elgar A. Halltlbrother of tho second engineer of the Vernon, states that the lost time his brother was in Chi cago he told him that Capt. Thorp, master of tho Vernon, hod an attack of the delirium tremens while on top ot the pilot houso. Mr. IXall wa formerly connected with the Northern Michigan line, and was clerk of the propeller Cnimplaln until a short time before she burned, when he resigned to ao t a position an bookkiopar with Han chott Brothers, No. 20 Lasalle street. Ho also said that it ought to have been well known to the other otll -ors of tho lino that Capt. Thorp was a bard drinker, and that be had often left port while drunk, itr. Hall gave the namo ot a prominent whole sale merchant who recently m 1 Id a trip on the Vernon, who had told him that Capt Thorp was drunk during tho'entiro timu he remained on tho boat Tho brother of Mrs. M. E. Van Amburg says that his sister arrived in Chicago on the Vornon Soptomber. 3, accompanied by Miss Addio Mickley, of Waterloo, N. Y. Too stealner was throo dayi longer than usual making the trip from Cheboygan, and both ladies to. d him that the captain was drunk all the timo. Axel' Stone, the only survivor of iho disaster, when askod it he ever saw Capt Thorp drunk, replied: "The captain was drunk most of the, tim and he was very drunk when wo left Cheboygan last week. While wo wero coming through the straits the second mate said to hint: 'Sober up, you drutken beast, and .take care ot this boat and the psoplo.' The captain told him to go to h L I wai in the cabin at the time and heard every word that was. said. Friday night, which was the night that the steamer was lost, the captain was as drunk as 1 ever saw him, and ho kopt taking a drink every little while from a bottlo that he carried in his coat pocket I guess that was why tho first mate stayed on deck all the time. He knew that tho captain was so drnnk that ho didn't hardly know what ho was about, and. was probably afraid the captain would do something foolish. If the captain bad been sober, I don't beliove the vessel would have boon lost, for any sober man would have turned back when ho saw how badly she acted in the big sea." Tho ordinary second mate ot a passenger steamer would hardly dare to use such Ian guago. to tho master as that Stone ascribes to Capt Higgins but the latter was not an ordinary second mate. Up to a short timo ago he was in command of the steamer Lo laud, and lost his position when the steamer changed ownership. It is difficult to obtain a command in tho middle ot the season, and rather than remain idle he accepted the first birth that was offered him. In every sense be was a careful and skillful navigator, and if ho had been in command of the Vernon that fatal night she might now be afloat The same can be said of Capt Sullivan, the first mate, who had for many years commanded some of the finest sailing ves sels on tho lakes. The last time the Vernon was in Chicago, Capt Sullivan, speaking ot the seaworthiness of the steamer, re marked that .she was all right' if properly loaded, but added that she was being loaded deeper than she ought to be. Ona of the Owners Deny It. Milwaukjuc. Wis., Nov. 7, D. J. Kline, part owner of the North Michigan, Line, when askod .concerning the reports that Capt Tuorp was drunk on the nigat, of tno accident, said: ''I knew Capt Tbu'rp, for fifteen years and nover knew huh to be a drinking man further than ' taxing a glass of boor. My bookkeeper, Mr. Waruer, was raised with him and ne says ho never saw him drink. Mr. Burke, my partner, was for three years engineer on the Lawrenoe while Capt Tuorp was captau, and don't you suppose he would have known it bad Capt Thorp been a drinking mant Then, top, Mr. Burke's son, an intelligent young man, waaoltjrfc on tha Vernon under Capt, Thorp. He would undoubtedly have men tioned to his father or myself had .he seen Capt Thorp drunk on tho boat Then Ihere was Capt Bishop, wno sailed with him, and John McCallroy who was engineer with him, both of whom say that they never saw him under the influence of, liquor. He had been a great many years with f he line; first as mate, with Capt Casey in the Champlain, and for six years had been master of too Lawrence. We took him out of the Law rence aud put hun into the Vernon, because we knew she wanted a careful master, and we know he was first-class pilot Had be been a drunkard wo would not have kept him three minutes. But, poor follow, he U gone now and cannot defend himself against such slanders." .Mr. Kline further said, referring to Bur vivor titono's story t "As to the shutters to the forward, gangways havlug been .left open while the boat was crossing tha lake, I don't belle vo It It may be that the shatters were left open while the boat waa going from Good Harbor to Glen Haven, where thedfstanoa is ten miles. .This j I can ac count, for from , the fact that, tho dock at Glen Havon is quite high and the f reign t taken there may have, been put through the open shutters." M'GLYNN TO BE REINSTATED. He Takes Advantage or a Political Meet Inr to Make the Announcement. Net? York, Nov! I. The United Labor party hold the principal mass mooting of tboir campaign last night at the Cooper Union. There waa on immense audiaace, comprising all ranks of sooUty. Ror. Dr. Kramer presided and spoke. Henry George, Rot. Dr. McGlynn, Louis. F. Post, candi date for district attorney; Rev, .Tames Mo Kittrick, Abner a Thomas and others also spoke. George and McGlynn aroused great enthusiasm by their speeches. The latter causod a sensation by confirm ing the rumors which have been circulated for a few days past to the effect that ihe church, was about to reconsider its notion toward him. He said he felt that he had been doing Christian ministration, ever lince his, roirement from the pulpit and that he was as much a priest as ever. Ik was still his dosire to mlnistor at the holy altars 'of religion, and ho would inake ns secret of tho fact that stops word beiiig" taken to repair the outrage thai had bee committed against him. Ho predicted that before loi'g certain oiHoials in this "city would be oillMl'to account for tho blunders) they bad made, and after this election there would, be no moro circulars read frbh church altirs aratnit tho United Labor party. Tho oxoits nent during Dr. Mo Giynu's speoch wns Intense. " ( GONE DOWN M THE SEA. Over Three Hundred Live Losf by the rllnhlnt; of a Veet. ,. San FitANcrsco, Nov. 7. Tho steamer City of Kj York ha arrived from Hong Kon'. She brings advices that a typhoon ttrue'e tho island ot Hoi Llmr, which con tains 3 ),0.)0 inhabitants, on Sptomtor 17.' It is not known how many lives wero lost, but it is the opinion that some hun dred or two hundred pjrsons were drowned.' Tnirty-two lives were Inst, and throo passage boats were u tk at Cnick Lung. Detail that have como to hind by a China steamer about tho loss of the Cninese trans port, Way Lee, show that there were on board the vessel about live hundred Chinese soldiers and six Europeans, and that three hundrel ChuiO'ie and all the Europeans, ex cept the chief mate, were drowned. The soldiers are said to have ltean ungovernable after the ucci lent, and to have by their conduct greatly contributed to the serious loss of life. It is said further that if the soldiers hud allowed tho boats to be lowered very soul comd have been save L '" SAW HR FA THE SLAIN. rrlghtfut Dnuinstlo Tragedy Near Tulla hmna, Tenhessoe. CtlATTAitoooA, Teun., Nov. 7. News has just reachoJ this city ot a horrible tragedy which occurred at Grey's Cuapel, four'rhllee from Tullahmni, Teun., last night To in New.oin, a farmer, bitterly opposed the marriue of his daughter to Isaao Arnold lout May, List night No wsom wont to tho depot to mode his wife, who was expect&i home from Birmlnguatn. She failed to arrive, and Newsom went to Barney Patterson's distillery and drunk s lino wb 8 coy. He then proceeded to Isaao Arnold's uouse and began whipping Arnold's wifd. Arnold proceaceJ, and New som s arted for him with a pokor. He re ceived one oioiv, bj; managed to reach the woodpile. He seized au ax and dealt New torn three b.ows in tho back, severing the ipinal colu. nn. Death followed in a few minutes. Arnold's wifo witnessed the whole affair, and says her husband tic tod in self defense. Ptihlio opinion is in his favor. Another Uountv Suafc War. Kansas Citt, Nov. T. Gray county, Kansas, is wildly excite 1 over the result of tho recent election for choice of county seat between Ingalls and Cimarron. The latest figures are: Ingalls, 70S; Cimarron, 50'). Charges of ballot box rtuillng are freely made. The badot boxes have been removed to the upper story of tho Cimarron bank, and armed men are guarding them. The building is barricaded with bales of hay; and ladders havo been laid side by side on the stairs to prevent access to the boxes. An armed party of Ingalls sympathizer.vhas ar rived at Cimarron, and serious trouble' is feared. Troops Cansnrea. Cnow Aqk.nov, Mont, Nov. 7, Businoss is suspended and the settlers continue in a state of alarm) although there has boon ho serious disturbance. Tno military authori ties are roundly censured for not sending the largo body of troops now hero against the rocalchrant Indians and putting on end to the suspense. Gen. Ruger has instructed the authorities at Cheyenne agency to or ganise a company of. ouo huudred' ,Chey enuea, aud hold them in readiness to send here to hunt the hostile Crown, if they take to tha mountains. " f ' Duty on Wool Product, Washington, Nov, 7. Secretory Fair child bos informed the surveyor ot custom at Cincinnati that noils made from class ,1 wool,. 00a ting oyer thirty cents pjr pound, are dutiable at the rate of twenty cents per pound; that noils made from mass 3 wool, costing over twelve cents per pound, ore dutiable at tho rate of flvo oeuts per pound, and that waste, consisting of garneled. watte made from class 3 wool, is also duti able, at the rata of flvo cent per pound. ' The lionhayou Murder. San Francisco, Nov, 7. The ooroner'a. jury is still taking, evidence in the Benhayon murder Gunpel, the principal local expert, at Iho inquest Thursday night, dem onstrated that the so-called confession and accompanying letter alleged to have boea loft by Beuhayon were clever forgeries. John Dimmig. suspooto i ot being one of the men who murdered Benhayon, Is, in the opinion of the public, guilty of the crime. Convicted of Manslaughter. SnzUJTViLUE, Dli., Nov. 7. Marion Keller, accused of murder,, was convicted of manslaughter Thursday night and hii pun ishment fixed at twelve years In the peniten tiary. A motion for a new trial, was over ruled. The verdict gives general satisfac tion. '; Chief Justloe Taney's Statue. Baltiuorb, Nov. 7, Secretary of the Treasury, Fairchlld has instructed the Col lector of customs at Baltimore to admit free' of duty, the bronee statue of ihe late Chief Justice Taney, ' which is presented' to the. city by Mr. Wllljam B. Walters. ' tConvletod of Kiabraoery. Saw Francisco, Nov. 7. Frank Northey was convlowd of embraoery Friday night It is now thought 'that he will give sufficient evidence to conyict Morrow and McCordafc their second' trial Nor thoy says his gang did not stand by bird thoroughly. i 1 1 1 i ltoasted to Heath. Brooklyn, N. Y Nov. 7. Mrs. Eva Binder, a helpless old woman living with her sitter at U5 Humboldt street, this city, during tho absence of tho latter, fell upon tha stove and was rons'od to death, -i - A M'nrdeisr Arrested. Port Huron, Mich., Nov. 7. Robert Murray, charged with , murdering Joha Young, last March, for whom a reward of 50o was offered was arrested yesterday by Sheriff Beruats.