OCR Interpretation

The Coconino sun. (Flagstaff, Ariz.) 1898-1978, March 12, 1898, Image 8

Image and text provided by Arizona State Library, Archives and Public Records; Phoenix, AZ

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn87062055/1898-03-12/ed-1/seq-8/

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JTBTil f JFiflfMhiNmUiHattB
On to Klondike.
Mrs. L. Veit leeelved a letter ft out
her brother, Geoige F. Campbell, who,
when he wiote, was in Skaguay. but Is
supposed to lw now on his way to Klon
dike. It is the intention of Mr. Camp
bell to buy horses anil pack across the
mountains after his outtlt had beeu
taken oer the pass. The packing is
hard w oik, but tho hard work of the
trip is just begun. A man should have
at least $3,000 to make the trip. That
is, his outfit and provisions will cost
ono-thltd the amount and another third
will be spent in getting to the gold
fields, the other third will bo needed
after nrrhal in Klondike. The Cana
dian authorities, will not allow a man to
cross the lino without 1,09J pounds of
grub, on which thoj exact a duty of 20
cents ier pound. Alaska is certainly
no place for a poor man, and there are
hundreds of men penniless in Skaguay.
Dr. .1. Miller, of Piescott, visited the
Normal this week nnd spent fourdujh
at the school In the interests of the mu
seum of the Arizona Antiquarian Asso
ciation. The collection of antiquities
und other Intetestlng relics lsbyote
of the association to be put in tho keep
ing of the Normal school and located
atTempe. On Thursday evening Dr.
Miller gae a very instructive lectin e
on prehlstorio civilization. Tho lec
ture was cry interesting and greatly
appreciated by the audience. Herald.
It Is cheering to learn that develop
ment wot k has been lesumcd In this
Continental mines. Contracts have
!eenlotat)d the work started to sink
uO and drift 200" to .TO feet. J. K. Shank
land, foreman, who was in town on
Tuesdaj, infoiined us that the had
struck line oxides and nativu copper in
the now diift after only a few feet work
had been done. As the strike Is In the
lower wot kings it Is considered Impoit
ant. Olobe Ilult.
Sl'Aiiu. In San Frunclvo. Cat., on March :l.
liw, to the wire or unities ;prr. in.
KHOtUEH-l'KtKHEiu-In Williams Arizona,
on March 9 189S.Z W. Peckrcll and Miss Alice
Rboades, Kev A. M. (lllitions omclatlnjr.
Tho groom Is one of the forte of the Santa Ve
telegraph operators. The bride Is well known
to many of our citizens, having resided here be
fora (rolnif to Williams, where she has been a
teacher In the public Mhool for the past three
j ears.
CovvoiLs-In Yucca. Arizona, on March 4. ltw.
of spinal menlnultls, William J., son of Mr.
and Mrs. W.J. Connors, aed three years.
The bodv was brought here for burial. Tho
funeral took place Sunday afternoon at 4 o'clock
from the residence of Jetse Orctt.
Letter List.
Unclaimed letters remaining in the
post olllce at Flagstaff for tho week end
ing March 12, 18!)8:
Inman, Henry.
Lewis, Thomas A.
Ulirclo. Hiram
Dennett, W. H.
llrewer. II. W.
Fllson, IJob.
Hamilton, Kuirenc
James, M. A.
Itevss, Mattle.
Hwawn, Cnlletano.
Maniuez, Oreirono.
Lu-rf.ro. Kmlllcno.
Luyan, Julian.
I.ueero, Manuel.
Unrey, Uaton.
Luis Oam.
Mansfield, Krank.
McWIUiams, John.
Partridge, Ollle.
Searle, James.
Wycoff, K. U.
I,obato, Kugcne.
Lessna, Couls.
Almcrdary, Jose.
Veull, Juanlta.
Sanchez, Helmundo.
Ybarra, Sanches De
T. .1. C'OALTEK, P. M.
i this nd. ami apply to J. T. MuWILLIAMS.
Canon Diablo and Padre canyon aro
Iwth running strong streams of water
this week. Tho heavy snowfall in the
mountains ut the head of these canyons
is melting.
Tho Flagstaff Literary Society held
their second mcctlug last night and de
bated on tho question, "Tho United
States Should Reeognie the Indepen
dence of Cuba."

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