OCR Interpretation

The Coconino sun. (Flagstaff, Ariz.) 1898-1978, June 25, 1898, Image 8

Image and text provided by Arizona State Library, Archives and Public Records; Phoenix, AZ

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn87062055/1898-06-25/ed-1/seq-8/

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It r
ffihe ffioconito un.
Entered In the Postofflce t Flagstaff as second
class matter.
Issued every Saturday. Subscription price,
two dollars and titty cents a year, In advance.
ETery paper la stopped at the expiration of the
tlme'pald for.
C M. FUNSTON, Editor.
Our fellow citizens of Honolulu have
a due share of the spirit of business en
terprise. A paper1 there estimates that
the first detachment of American
troops bound for Manila will purchase
while in Honolulu 15,000 cigars, 3,000
bunches of bananas, a large quantity of
pineapples, and 7,000 gallons of beer,
and that each soldier will Invest at
least $3 in curios.
THK conferees" who had been trying
for three months, to reach an agreement
on the points of difference between the
bankruptcy bill passed by the senate
and the bankruptcy bill passed tho
house succeeded this week. This bill
as agreed upon, which will almost cer
tainly become a law, provides for both
voluntary, and Involuntary bankruptcy,
being especially lenient towards the
debtor in providing for bringing about
the latter.
In transmitting a report made by T.
W. Crldler, third assistant secretary of
state, who was sent to Paris to contin
ue the work of the special commissioner
to the Paris Exposition started by the
late M. P. Handy, to Congress, Presi
dent McKlnley put In another bid for a
continuance of the friendliness of
France toward the United States by
saying: "I cordially renew my recom
mendation that a liberal appropriation
be immediately granted."
The sense of hearing Is developed In
the modern telegraph operator to an
abnormal degree, owing to his use of
tho typewriter in his work. In former
years when he copied his message with
pen and pencil his ears were accus
tomed to only the sound of his tele
graph Instrument. With the use of
the typewriter he must distinguish be
tween tho sharp clicks of tho sounder
and the almost similar rattlo of the.
typewriter. An old operator says that
with a little practice in tho use of the
typewriter along with the telegraph
Instrument the distinction is easily
made, and tho operator soon ceases to
notice any similarity of the sounds.
Those democrats who had a party
caucus of members of the House called
for the purpose of making opposition to
tho annexation of Hawaii a party ques
tion were speedily convinced that such
uction would not do: so they compro
mised by tho adoption of a resolution
declaring annexation to be dangerous
and unwise by a voto of CO to 17. Had
all the members of the party absent
from the caucus been present and voted
against the resolution it could have
been defeated. Tho House adopted the
joint resolution providing for the an
nexation of Hawaii by a voto of 210 to
02, and President McKlnley Is quoted
as saying that the scnato must do like
wise before he will give his consent to '
tho adjournment of congress. Fifty-six
senotors are committed to annexation.
An interesting pamphlet just issued
by the department of state gives tho
following as the colonial possessions of
European nations: Oreat Britain has
16,002,073 square miles of colonies, with
a total population of 322,000,000; France
2,505,000 square miles, with 44,21)0,000
population; Germany, 1,815,577 square
miles, with 7,450,000 povulation: Port-
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