OCR Interpretation

The Coconino sun. (Flagstaff, Ariz.) 1898-1978, October 11, 1912, Image 2

Image and text provided by Arizona State Library, Archives and Public Records; Phoenix, AZ

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn87062055/1912-10-11/ed-1/seq-2/

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'WiK9 3HiMnwiH9rMIL.t TsSBMchRtk?A:.r7Jnt.?CSlvKaJKIStf SFjffli. BaMUtncSinH vf W!!?jHlsfirwI jwSw 5v
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HHr page; two
FRIDAY, OCIOBER 11, 1912 "-'fi j
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5 f
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4 fat-
Pursuant to the adjournment
taken Monday, Sept. 30, 1912, the
common council of the town of
Flagstaff met in the town hall
Monday, Oct. 7, 1912. Pres
, ent: Mayor Treat, Councilmen
Black, McGonigle, Suit, Switzer
and Wilson; Clerk Fleming. Ab
sent: Councilman Yaeger. ,
This being the day advertised
by notice in The Coconino Sun
on which the common council
.would sit as a board of equali
zation, the common council met
and resolved itself into a board
of equalization with the following
members: Messrs. Treat, Black,
McGonigle, Suit, Switzer and
The original assessment roll of
the town of Flagstaff for the year
1912 having been returned to the
common council by the assessor,
jq.jA. Fleming, as required by
law and ordinance, the board of
equalization proceeded to equal
ize, the said assessments for the
.yeqr 1912.
I The, board of equalization ad-
" jaunted, to. mee-as a common
cguncjj ta act on ordinance No.
14,, relatjye, to the closing of a
PSfBLaU.eiVP lock fifty-five (55)
injbe.tawn of Flagstaff.
Approved; ,
hi,.!! . ( J- R Treat,
1( Chair. Brd. of Equalization.
mk- .".
. , Geo. A. Fuming,
, Clerk Brd. of Equalization.
'' 'Minutes of own Council
. Pursuant to the adjournment
taken ly the common council of
,the town of Flagstaff sitting as a
board of equalization, the mavor
Aid, i'i ., ' ' . '"',
and common council met in the
hfiK J '. ' ., '.. ,' ' ' -v. , 7
town nan luonaay, uct. 7, 1912,
at ten o clock p. m., for the pur
pose 01 acting on ordinance No.
144, relative to closing a, certain
alley in block fifty-five (55) which
Sas follows!
1c j'An Ordinance Vacating a Cer
tain Alley Running in a Northerly
Jand.SputherJy Direction Through
ahe Nprth .Half, pf Block Fifty
,FJve (55) of the Town qf Flagstaff.
Jf,"Be It Oained by the Mayor
and Common Council of the Town
,of, (Flagstaff that that certain, alley
, gunning iq a northerly, and, south
(erlj' direction through, the .north
half of block fiftyj five "(55) of the
said town of Flagstaff be, and the
same is hereby vacated.
w '"This ordinance shall take ef
fect and be in force from and. aiter
its passage and posting."
Moved and ' carried that the
above ordinance be adopted and
'to'be known as' ordinance No. 144.
-rf'ThWe 'being ,0 tuftheV buslri Js
-thecduncil adjourned until1 Tds1
day,! Odt.J8, 1912', t6 "rh'eet in 'Ule
town hall1 at 730 p. ml fo'sitasa
board of equalization rld ecfualize
"theasscssrrients for'theyear 1912.
.itnApprovedr '
,,-it hi-, J R. TkEAn M
)3 , Mayor Town of Flagstaffi
f Attest: ' ' ' ' 1 ''
7"G6.!iA.JFLEMItioV" ' ;
n,"i,,,(Clerk,T5vvnf6f' FaBstaH."(
Of thMlElrlifiselis
.JroublejaheadiUgpt removed, so
HVSilt?? qJIpuP61'16' I means
lack of vitality, loss of strength
and nerve, weakness If appetite
Tails', take Electric Bitters' quickly
'to overcome1 the cause ly toning
,up the stomach and curing the
.indigestion. Michael Hessheimer
,ofLinpoln, Neb., , had )een sjck
ove three years, but six bottles
rof Electrc Bitters put hirri 'riglit
on his feet again. They havd helped
thousands They give pure, blood,
strong ,ner,vqsj good digestion.
Only 50 cen,ts, at Babbitt Bros.
u Operator-J"What dO you think
of'fhe new fttremari, jimmie?"
" Devil "isiiy, dat feller could
print all he"knowd in display type
o'ri 'a postage stamp without can
celling the stamp."
F. A. Wootsey, a breakman at
Jacksonville, Texas, says:' ''I 'was
down with" kidney trouble and
rheumatism so bad I, could hardly
get up? an$ had backache a,ll the
time,' and was almost tired of
living. I saw' an ad of Foley
Kidney Pills and after taking one
bottle lI was better, and when I
hji(Jttaken ,two more. LwaK, thorj
Messrs. H. B. Pearis, supervi
sor in charge ot Indian schools,
John Charles, supervisor of con
struction, and Chas. L. Davis,
supervisor of farming, arrived the
middle of last week for an in
spection of conditions in and
around western Navajo. They
came via the Moqui reservation,
one of the agency outfits in care
of Farmer Stanton meeting the
party at Cedar Ridge, midway
between this place and Oraibi.
Mr. Charles gave his attention
principally to the new school
building, which has recently re
ceived the roof and is now in the
Ijands of the carpenters for com
pletion of the interior wood work.
He also looked into the plans for
several substantial improvements
booked for the school during the
present year, and it is hoped none
will fail of consummation. Mr.
Davis gave his attention more to
the stock improvement and water
development propositions, which
it is believed mean more for the
Navajos than anything proposed
yet in connection wjth the Indian
department work. Mr. Pearis
gave especial attention to the
boarding school at Tuba, and the
day school at the Hopi village,
and makes the statement that
there is a great field for future
good work along educational lines
at this place. It is not improb
able that the next few years will
see the establishment of a num
ber of day schools on the western
NaVajo reservation. The visitors
left on Friday morning for Flag
staff, with Mr. Hart as driver of
the Preston auto, and from there
will visit other reservations of
Mr. F. D. Krenz, foreman for
the building contractors, was a
'Flagstaff visitor the latter part of
last week.
The first snow storm of the
season an unusually early one
for this section, came Friday
mornjng, and the mesas here
abouts were white for the greater
L part of, the day. t Almost an inch
of precipitation was shown by the
Ir. Crofoot, wife of the nur
seryman atj Tu.ba, has been placed
temporarily, in, charge of the day
schoqj at, Moen-Copi to fill the
yacancy occasioned by the resig
nation of Mr,, JPjfeifer.
So, far there has been no teacher
sent to take, charge of the higher
.grades, of the; boarding school, and
the erjtire, class room work is still
I in, charge pf Misj,iHe,na,ughan, the
primary, teachqr.
,, An, epidemic ol grjppq has been
.manifest among the enipjgyqs of
thp school jhe .pasj, two wqeks, and
some are not- yet ove'r the, effects.
William Garthwaitej fores!
guard, who has been sent to his
Sla,io &
of last week at Shiprock, attend-
$ 14 K4 land hoped to
arrive in time to witness the cele
brated fire dance of the Navajos.
'the snpw and, rajn ,of Friday
rporning brought up the Mpen
Copi Wash to sucn an exeiit as
tp render.crossing out, of, the, .ques
tion for a day or two.
Forest Ranger ,Reed? wjthhis
wife, was pver from Gravid Can
yon a few clay lasf yeek Iqoking
after matters rere in connection
wjth the forest seryjee, u
.Mr. J(. M. Hi) of the Geologi
cal Survey, arrivedj the, first o( last
week and with an Indian guide
made b'S way out to the Keams
copper district for an investjgatipn
of the-, resources tnd conditions
r ,Mrs,, J. W Francis ,of FJagsJaff
has been theguest foi)fi,coup)tt. pf
weeks of Mrs. S, f S. estpn.
, Mr. John M. Keelirjg, clerk, for
the Prqston trading pos., has been
appointed nqtar public nd a)$p
local registration officer, Ijoth, of
which appointment will be th.e
source of convenience, to pur
people, who have, previously been
compelled to makq the, trip into
Flagstaff when ( requiring notarial
Mrs. C. R. jjeffris, with Jje
dhufe,ecr' F,ww,?van& w.tym
C, all left last week for Mesca
lero, New Mexico, where the Jef
feris will make their future home,
Mr. Jefferis having been recently
transferred to the Superintend
ency of that school. Mrs. Keel
ing contemplates stopping in El
Paso lor a visit with other rela
tives. Mr. William T. Sullivan, who
was appointed to succeed Mr.
Jefferis as superintendant at this
place is expected to arrive very
soon. He comes from Malki
reservation, in southern Califor
nia, and his arrival has been unex
pectedly delayed, since his ap
pointment in June.
The work of mining coal for the
school is to start this week and it
is hoped to have in a good supply
of fuel before the winter gets
fairly started.
Navajo freighters last week de
livered from Flagstaff a carload of
cement to be used in the con
struction of reservoirs and water
tanks out on the reservation.
The first work of this character
is to be done in the Bodaway dis
trict the winter grazing ground
of the Navajos.
Mr. Ira E. Bell, for two years
in cherge of the boarding school,
has been transferred to the office
force, being made assistant clerk,
with the property directly under
his control.
F. L. M. CAMP 1
Mr. Charles McGonigle and
Charles Procnow have been spend
ing a few days in the tall uncut.
They were seeking earnestly for
'the proprietor of a batch of deer
tracks which lead rapidly away to
the lower country and were spread
farther and farther apart as the
cruel hunters advanced into the
woodland depths. Both men will
eventually return to Flagstaff.
Chas.. Heston, Jack Edwards,
Jack Lewis, Bill Buck and the
noted deer hunter, J. H. Galla
gher, all of whom were obessed
with a desire last Sunday to bring
home the "bacon." All the rest
of the bunch returned to camp
Sunday evening except Gallagher.
But not Gallagher. He wanted
to hunt and he did; he hunted all
night for the measly camp. He
hunted until Monday noon. The
country all seemed to have sloshed
around until there was no point
of the compass playing square.
But, Gallagher, he never lost
courage; he knew that the log
ging comp was in Northern Ari
zona and he intended to find it,
dodge and hide as it might. For
fear the old trees and rocks might
get lonesome, the skidder whistles
were blown every fifteen minutes.
When at last Gallagher did con
clude to come into camp, he was
asked if he had been lost, but
with his usual sang froid what
ever that is he replied- "No,
the durned camp was lost." He
had a fine night off without a coat
or matches and only the color of
his hair and his nationality kept
him from freezing. He dined on
acorns, and snowballs during his
nocturnal wanderings. L. F.
Wesley even sounded mess call
OH JS bugle and the air was
wrejij, wjth, .dynamite during the
night, but, brave old Gallagher so
loved the grand old trees and
rocks that' "he ' would not come
forth, until' he -heard the cook
trying tQj bust the old buzsaw with
a bolt calling all, hands to dinner.
Here Is a woman who speaks
frorri riersbnal' knowledge and long
experience( viz., Mrs. P. H.
Brogan of Wilson, Pa., who says,
' ,1 know from experience that
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy is
far superior to any other. For
crotipthere is nbthintf that excels
itii" For sale by all dealers.
Colonial Dames'
' Beautifier
A, perfect substitute for face
powder; a perfect skin food, with
marvqqus curatiye. properties,
Rernoyes blackheadpimples,, tan
or, anyiphapped cand.ip.on of the
skin. Our rouge and message
creams pannqt be .-equaled, No
haijT-growjng oils, Tese, goqds
Mmly why the1(pure, ,foo4j and
Sffle teys.Ul,FPffllsal, by ,Wi
Marlar(Pharmacy. , (Oct.iiNovd
Notice for Publication
Department of the Interior, U. S.
Land Office at Phoenix, Arizona,
September 12, 1912.
NOTICE is hereby given that
Richard Ira Owenby, of Sedona,
Arizona, who, on June Gth, 1908,
made Homestead Application No.
01897,for 60 acres, Lot 1 and WJNEi
NWJ. Section 19, Township 17, N.,
KanKe6E.. G & S R. Meridian,
has filed notice of intention to
make Final Proof, to establish
claim to the land above described
before Robert J. Kidd, U. S. Com
missioner, at Flagstaff, Arizona,
on the 23d day of October, 1912.
Claimant names as witnesses:
John Clark, Wright Clark, Wil
liam W. Clift, Frank Waldrup, all
of Sedona, Arizona.
se: .20-oct.l8 Register.
Notice for Publication
Department of the Interior, U. S.
Land Office at Phoenix, Arizona,
September 12, 1912.
NOTICE is hereby given that
John L. V. Thomas, of Flagstaff,
Arizona, who, on July 15, 1908,
made Home3tead Entry No. 0139,
for WJ of lot 3. and EJ Lot 4, Ei
SWJ NWJ, Section 4, Township 18
N.. R. 6 E , of G. & S. R. Meri
dian, has filed notice of intention
to make Final Three Year Proof,
to establish claim to the land above
described, before Robert J. Kidd,
U. S. Commissioner, at Flagstaff,
Arizona, on the 21st day of Octo
ber, 1912.
Claimant names as witnesses:
C. A. Keller, Fred S. Breen. J.
E. Purtvman, John L. Thomas, all of
Flagstaff, Arizona.
sept.20-oct.18 Register.
Notice for Publication
Department of the Interior. U. S.
Land Office at Phoenix, Arizona,
September. 1912.
NOTICE is hereby given that
William J. Price, of Sedona, Ari
zona, who, on March 27. 1909, made
homestead application No. 0."i409, for
the SE1 SEi SEi. SJ NEi SEi SEi,
Sec 13, Tp. 18 N., R. 7 E. SJ
SJ SWi, SJ NJ SJ SWJ, Sec. 18;
NWi, NEi SEi NWi, NEi SEi
SEi NWi, WJ NWi SWi NEi,
NEi, SJ SEi SWi NEi, N-J NEi
NWi SEi, NEi NWi NWi SEi,
Sec. 19, Tp. 18 N., K. 8 E., G. &
S. R. M., has filed notice of inten
tion to make Final Five Year
Proof, to establish claim to the
land above described before
Robert J. Kidd, U. S. Com
missioner, at Flagstaff, Arizona,
on the 22d day of October, 1912.
Claimant names as witnesses:
Dorsey E. Schnebly, Harley C.
Price, Charles O'Dell, John Loy,
all of Flagstaff. Arizona.
sep.20-oct.18 Register.
Real Facts In Regard To F. R.
Huffman's Illness. RellerOb-
tained By Curing His
Stomach Ailments.
Waynesvi!le,N.C Mr. F. R. Hulfman,
of this city, says : "I suffered dreadfully
with what I thought was heart trouble,
and tried various medicines In vain.
After other remedies had failed, Thed
ford's Black-Draught restored me to
health. I would not feel safe without
Black-Draught in the house. I consider
it worth its weight in gold.
It cured my indigestion, and by thlx
means I was restored to health. I can
not express my gratitude for its benefits."
Good health depends on the condition
of your digestion. Poor digestion and
good health do not go together.
Thedford's Black-Draught will
thoroughly cleanse and set in order your
digestive system.
It has done this for others, during the
past 70 years, and is today the most
popular vegetable liver remedy on the
market. Try it.
Insist on Thedford's. Pries 25c.
if they rip
" inisnuDssim m
jifLooWforUnBrmd" Saftacto
jrJr XiVW
IA Copper-riTld
VA Anew pair
, m m
i-im m
! 5?s
'1 ' : 1
Wants your order
Drop us a line or call, telling
gladly quote you prices.
most modern mills
1 JTf"' ' enablesms to
Special Rates to Contractors
Capacity 100,000 feet daily
Our Buns and Rolls, Our Pies and Cake
Will, Also, We Think, Your Fancy Take
Confection Den
The management has decided to change
the matinee for Children from Saturday af
ternoon to Sunday afternoon, from 2:30 to
4 o'clock. Children will be admitted free?
adults 15c. If you can't come send the
little ones and let them see the pictures.
The Lyric
Weatherford Block
Edison Home Kinetoscope
Pleasure Made an Education
The Home Kinetoscope Motion Pic
tures for the Home, Schools, Y. M.
C. A. and Clubs. A Profitable busi
ness for the man with small capital
Pacific Coast Distributor, 70 Turk Street,
San Francisco, Calif.
for anything in
us your wants, and we will
Having one. of the
in the southwest
We Bake Good Bread
for the Bread Winner !
For the man who works
with might and main,
Either with hands or
with his brain.
Good, Light Bread
is the only kind
And Here the Best
You'll Always Find
Dealers Wanted For
s .1. fans
Latest and Greatest
i t
i A
!SBagaBBali8i - a.rJf Mf&aft HtilmMlMWSmm0m
rskrl-w''A ' tthr'i iri& j? .T" - A j. W
feAat MKTii? -.
iP&-xn,tir- . m m

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