OCR Interpretation

The Coconino sun. (Flagstaff, Ariz.) 1898-1978, February 07, 1913, Image 1

Image and text provided by Arizona State Library, Archives and Public Records; Phoenix, AZ

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn87062055/1913-02-07/ed-1/seq-1/

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""'oriol Lib
(!oconiiui &mr
Official Stock Paper of Northern
Arizona -
Fine Commercial Printing
Volume XXX
Number 13
' Largest Weekly Circulation in
Northern Arizona
A Modern Printery
A report reached Flagstaff Mon
tday to the effect that Mrs. T. G.
jPierce ot Winona had been shot.
fThe reports were somewhat con
, fused, and it was difficult to obtain
a definite or correct statement of
the affair. The sheriff's office was
notified and immediately Sheriff
District Attornev C. B.
t Wilon and Justice ot the Pence
Harrington, went to the scene of
the affray. From all indications
" it was a case of suicide. It seems
that Mr. Pierce bad been to town
during the day for a load of hay,
, and upon his return removed his
! coat arid laid his gun, a 45 Colts,
on the head of the bed, in the tent,
t where he and his wife were" living.
i Several parties were in the tent I
I after his return, and after their 1
departure the woman moved to
1 the bed, where she mentioned
, something about killing herself,
to the remarks, as he did not con -
sider her seriously. The report of
the gun startled Mr. Pierce, and
, he rushed to the side of his wife
t who was dying from the effect of
a bullet wound in the head.
Mr. Pierce immediately notified
the authorities and neighbors, and
I everything possible was done to
, save the life of the unfortunate '
v woman, but she,died last Wednes
day evening. Relatives at lien
son were notihed, and it
notified, and it vas,Peonle were universal in their!
? ' . .
r oruereu iiiai wie uuuy lie iiuiieu
I here, which request will be com-
plied with."
(Mr. and Mrs. Pierce were living
. .. I.
at the grading camp where he was
employed in the work of the L. J
I Smith construction company.
1 1 .1.- .1 1 I.. I... l...:-l
Art Exhibit
S This evening, Friday, Feb. 7th,
k at eight o'clock in the Normal
I School Auditorium will be given
I by students ol the Normal School
an Opretta entitled On Plymouth
f Rock." The cast of characters is
i . .-
jas follows:
Priscilla, Ruth Diamond.
John Alden, Harold Bloom.
),i.,n M,iJ,cli.. Wi.1,.
I erow, Trafton, Taylor, Ruby Bay -
fless. nderson.
Puritan Youths Messrs. Dunk-
lin, La Pradeand Bavless.
Dame Goodley, Bernice Smith.
Other Dames Misses Bayless,
St. Charles, Wittig, McMillan,
(lrcmrr WInc1rt' Inline A11I11.
U1 1IIUI 11 IIIJIWI) I Uliua 14IJ-
Elders, Clarence Durram, Rob.
Miles Standish, Mr. Matthews.
. .Other Soldiers Messrs. Pul
' Ham, Houston, Ellinger, Johnston,
Nelson, Campbell, McKinney.
King Massasoit, Durward Mc
. Kinney.
Medicine Man. Eugene Camp-
- Indian Followers Buna Hilty,
Esther Gregg, Mabel Van Marter.
At the Piano, Flora Jensen.
The Turner Art Exhibition will
r open at 7 p. in, and will be open
i again after the entertainment.
- Tickets including both Opretta
1 and Exhibit arc 50 cents. Satur
? day afternoon the exhibit will be
1 open from j to 4:30, price of ad-
mission Saturday afternoon 15
Missionary to Wed
Rev. Dwight C. Chapin, a Pres
byterian missionary located at
Fort Defiance, Arizona, is in this
city attending a called meeting of
the Prcsbyterytof Northern Ari
zona. He is on his way to Los
i Angeles to claim as his bride Miss
Ada Velson of Washington, D. C.
Mr. Chapin began his work among
I the Navajo Indians last Septem-
ber, and he became acquainted
with Miss Nelson when he first
, arrived in Fort Defiance. She
was the trained nurse in charge
4 of the government hospital there.
f Before many months had passed,
s Mr. Chapin and Miss Nelson de
I cided that they could work better
I in unison than singly, and then
I Dan Cupid got in his work. The
i wedding will take place in Lo
i Angeles Feb. 22. Mr. Ch.i
- was born in China, and has worked
J for three years as a missionary in
I Paotingfn, China. While in
Princeton Theological Seminary
' he was a member of the Uni
I versity track team, and held the
. Princeton record for the two mile
I run. Now he is throwing his life
I into the Navajo work and seems
to be thoroughly interested in it.
lWe wish him, and his bride to be
. a- very happy and useful life.
Government Doposits
I ninK toda-v the daily government
receipts from customs, internal
revenue and other sources of rev
enue will be placed in national
bank depositories to the credit of
the United Spates. All checks of
government disbursing' officers
will be drawn on the treasurer
and be pa able at any sub-treasury
,or national bank depository 'in any
' ''irl ol 'e country, it is said
that this change will prevent in a
large measure tht temporary
tying up of money available to
circulation without increasing the
deposit of any government bank.
The delegates who attended the
good roads meeting at Kingman
and Sati Bernardino have returned,
!and are vt'rv enthusiastic over the
prospect of the establishment of
the northern route. The town of
Kingman deserves special credit
i- .1 1 . . . .1
ior me manner in wnicn tne people
there received and entertained the 1 10 modern business and an appro
visitors. The town was elabor-1 priation for the same; more sup
ately decorated for the occasion, !port for the state air; a compen.
and the delegates were given the I bation or the workers on the state
1 entire liberty of the city; the
. . ...
' at nrl? 4n elm.. I. .1 ,.1 .... . ..
-.iwn: lu ouuw mc in.-i.-ucb a
rojal welcome. Nothing was too
,,00d for the "boosters' and a
. , , . ,, . ., , ,
most friendly spirit made our folks
. . ... ,
feel 1,ke "- were even more
'willing than ever to do everything
.within reason to aid in the estab
lishment of the national highway
via the northern route. The
oneness of spirit of the northern
people will accomplish much in
establishing the auto line along
the line that will not only be the
, f !
e tourists, but which
--... ...
will be a blessing to them, as they
1 traverse the most beautiful part of
the country. The delegates j'u'st
returned are very appreciative of
ii...u..,Cu u.c cj u HJirtiiiuvc 01
' "Vi?" a -ncm atl
.17" l? Sa?"ern.a!;-1
uiU itiiu u ir-.se; iu UrtV". iULT f'llVl"
c"' ""-"VP ' k-;
Ifkrirfi f 1 n m A4k- r 1. tf&rt
as people from these sections visit
B-wf J fUIIIWlMIIV.tli
tns. ,clt.J n the future after the
establishment of our national
At the meeting of the good roads
association at San Bernardino,
two of our Flagstaff citizens put
in telling blows for the northern
But standing out as one of the
gems ol the evening mav be men
tioned the talk of Rev. Father
Vabre of Flagstaff, when he said
it had been the spirit of adventure
which had made the southwest
what it is today and which will
bring to a realization the national
highway. This route, following
the footsteps and staff prints of
the early mission fathers, is a
veritilble chamber of" wonders.
He spoke of the historical asso
ciations of, the route, its scenic
beauties, and its natural marvels
the word picture which he
painted holding the 125 banquet
ters, enthralled for the moment.
M. I. Powers o"f Flagstaff said
they must .not let the sunshine of
the banquet blind them to the hard
work ahead to insure the building
of the road. "We must go to
work and build this highway."
He said the Daughters of the
American Revolution through its
old trails association is working
for the Grand Canyon route.
Among others who spoke briefly
but with interest were S. E. Aldrich
of Gallup, R. B. Goodsell of this
city. San Bernardino Sun.
Galvanite flooring, neatest and
best floor cover made. Outwears
linoleum and always looks good.
See our sample bath room, it is
well worth your while. v Wilson &
Coffin, Plumbers.
If one is to judge from the fol
lowing, there is no telling how
long the presqnt session ot the
legislature may last. The Phoe
nix Republican says:
While the message of Governor
Hunt to the second special ses
sion of the Arizona legislature is
exceedingly long, and while there
are a number of recommendations
in that message that have been
before the previous sessions of the
Arizona lawmakers, there are still
a number of absolutely new propo
sitions put up to the legislature,
and upon which new laws are
asked. Among the most impor
tant of these are: A law provid
ing a minimum wage scale for
workmen, drafted along fair and
equitable lines; greater powers and
wider latitude for the operations
of the state tax commission; ample
and additional appropriation for
the state land commission: an
amendment to the law providing
for the state examiner to conform
I roadS( convicts who have families
so ti)at thev mav be provided for:
1 - '
J a prison road fund; a farm for the
prison; more money lor the uni
versity. A law allowing the state land
commission to sell the timber on
the university lands for the sup
port of the university; more money
for the normal schools; more
money for the insane asylum so
that it can get chickens and more
cows; a home for epileptics, pre
sumably situated at Fort Grant
but separated from the Industrial
school; a statute so that advantage!
can ue tanen 01 tne recent amena -
m(,nt tn lhi pnnst Mil nn nrnvid n.rl
for the state to engage in industrial
pursuits; a statute creating a
land, irrigation and industrial de-
partmenf. bridge over the Colo -
rado at Yuma; addition to the
capital building; home for dis -
aWcd minerS; new revenue laws,
Lnd furthcr law9 reKU)atin(, taxa.i
tion; additional protection of the
game of the state; a specific pro
tection for the elk about to be,
released in the state; the creation I
pf the Graham mountain into a j
state game preserve; safeguards
for the livestock indurstry, and ,
' better election laws; a statute mak-
ing gun toting a felony; and a
legislative research department. In
addition to this the work of the
departments of the state is thor
oughly gone into and the matters
wliinh naturallv would mmi' before
the legislature in the regular
course of events are mentioned in
detail. The governor stated in
" " i -
connection with the preparation
of the message a few days ago that
he was striving for accuracy, fair
ness and impartiality.
San Bernardino, Feb. 1 A
hundred delegates from Arizona,
New Mexico and California attend
ed the convention today of the
Santa Fe Grand Canyon and Need
les National Highway Association
at which reports were made show
ing that a total of nearly a million
dollars was available from the
states and counties for construc
tion of various highway units.
The delegates, who represented
counties from Albuquerque to Los
Angeles, introduced figures to
show that the Grand Canyon route
was 300 miles shorter between
these two points than any other
proposed route.
Dr. John R. Whiteside, of King
man, was elected President; E. F.
Thompson of Kingman, secretary;
and M. I. Powers, of Flagstaff,
treasurer. The vice-presidents
elected were J. B. Gill of San
Bernardino; L. V. Post, of Need
les; Carl Groak, of Kingman; E.
S. Clark, ot Prescott; J. S.
Amudsen, of Williams; J. G.
Verkamp, of Flagstaff; Harry
Asbury, of Winslow; W. H. Clark
ot Holbrook; Fred Colter, of
Springerville, and C. N. Cotton,
of Gallup.
Death of Mrs. J. C. Brown
Our city was shocked last Sun
day when the sad information was
circulated that Mrs. J. C. Brown
had died. Mrs. Brown was in
her usual health until Wednesday
morning, when she became ill
with a severe cold. Pneumonia
rapidly developed and the p.:tient
grew steadily worse until Sunday
morning, when her spirit departed.
Mrs. Brown leaves a child about
one year old, and a husband to
mourn their loss.
Mr. Brown is in charge of the
freight depot of the Santa Fe at
this place and has many friends
...1 1 , ... J ., .
who deeply sympathize with him
him in his aflliction.
Among the delegates who at
tended the good roads meeting at
San Bernardino were the follow
ing from Arizona:
Apache county Fred Colter of
Navajo county W. II. Clark,
Coconino county FatherVabre,
M. I. Powers, J. W. Francis, A.
Doyle, W. H. Anderson, J. R.
Treat, of Flagstaff; William W.
Bass, of Grand Canyon; George
W. Mathews, M. J. Rounsville,
P. M. Shafer, of Williams.
Yavapai county F. S. Dicker-
son, of Seligman.
Mojave county J. S. Withers,
George Holstein, R. P. Wheelock,
John C. Potts, H. H. Watkins,
W. K. Ridenour, John H. Ware,
John Mulligan, Carl G. Krook, E.
A. Shaw, R. H. Carr, J. E. Perry,
John R. Whiteside, Thomas
Devine, George A. Bonell, I. M.
George, all of Kingman.
Presbyterian Church
Services, next Sabbath at the
1 usual hours
ba ) ath SCiOO O.J.5 a
Morning worship n.
Evening worship 7:4.
Young people's service 7 p. m.
j Service for Prayer and Bible
I study Wednesday evening,
1 Friends and strangers welcome
at all services.
C. A. F
oreman, Pastor.
A. G. Leonard, president of
Chicago Stock Yards Association,
insists that more cattle must be
produced to lower cost.
A large production that will in
crease with the increase in popula-
i tlon s thti remedy says Mr.
Leonard. He points out that
population has increased 22 per
cent in the last year, and the in
crease in the production of live
stock has been only 7 per cent.
Mr. Leonard believes that the
cost of beef will not decrease for
many years not before 1019, as
nearly as experts can figure. To
reduce the price then, corn belt
farmers must conserve their calves
and raise more and better cattle
on their farms.
Improved methods at a low cost
of producing cattle also must be
learned, more corn must be raised,
more silos built. Everv farmer
can understand that altalfa has
come to the front as necessity in
cattle raising, and more ot it
should be produced. Holbrook
No Episcopal Service on Sunday
There will be no Episcopal ser
vice held next Sunday in the Elks
hall for the Rev. loseph Lyons
Meade will go to Winslow on Fri
day to attend a meeting and to
preach at both services on Sunday
in Saint Paul's Episcopal church.
The Rev. Jacob White, rector of
the church there has gone to tne
"Hospital of the Lord Shephard"
at Fort Defiance.
Mr. Meade will return on Mon
day. Sunday school will be as
usual on Sunday morning at 9:45.
H. L. Lambert of Winslow
visited our city Tuesday.
Flagstaff, Ariz. Feb. 4, 1913.
Editor Sun:
There is a great deal of enthu
siasm developing in Flagstaff and
Milton Rabbitt Club. Vince
Merino the leading spirit has
always been interested in breed
ing rabbitts and has been con
vinced that there is more profit in
raising them than in cattle or
1 ctiMpn nnil tlmt with the nrpspnt
, . . . r, , , . ,, .
high price of beet which will make
' .
it necessary for people of moder-
I ate means to eat much less beef
than when the "price was lower,
that they can now get a good sub
stitute in rabbits. It has been
'said that one voung rabbitt is
equal to .a 75 cent chicken or a
$1 steak, whereas the 35 cent
rabbitt will feed a family of four
and a young chicken will hardly
feed two.
Merino says each doe has a
litter of yoUng every 7 weeks.
When the young rabbits are three
weeks old the doe is taken away
from them and bred, and in four
weeks then she will have another
litter of little ones. The average
doe has seven litters each year
and there are from 6 to 14 in a
litter. The average doe it will be
seen produces 70 rabbitts in twelve
months. Figuring the stock at
the market price which is 35 cents
each doe would produce about
$25 in rabbitt meat in a vear
making it a more profitable busi
ness than cattle or sheep raising
as compared with the amount of
capital and labor required.
The people are getting very
enthusiastic over this business
and it promises to obtain immense
I proportions and there is talk ot aj
' ...... .....! ...... .... J .1....... tn t.ll. f n
Hill llivic la luilt Ul a
' ral''tt meat canning plant as it is
I ueiiuveu me nitai is wi-11 suucu
for cannintrand will be- very nroh-
The Martini boys have been
catching some ot the native cotton
tails and Merino has been mixing
these with his other imported
breeds and he now thinks that he
I has developed an entirely new
I species by scientific crossing and
on the whole it is beginning lo
look like a very important new
industry is developing in our
The Milton club has named the
new breed of rabbitt that has been
developed "Cenejo de Merino."
Mr. Malone of Winona, was in
the city last Sunday, visiting
Wm. Beeson went down to
Winslow last Saturday on a busi
ness trip.
The front of an electric car is a
very desirable place to ride, but it
is expensive.
M. M. Murphy was in the city
Tuesday visiting friends and trans
acting business;
Mumps are in evidence in some
parts of town. Children are the
principal sufferers.
Clarence H. Jordon, the Hol
brook attorney, was in town last
Tuesday on business.
Katherine Keller has been de
tained at her home with an attack
of grippe or severe cold.
Opretta at the Normal School
to night. Turner Art exhibit open'
before and after Opretta.
A. W. Bradford, a Camp Verde
ranchman, was in Flagstaff last
Wednesday, and came in to resume
his allegiance to The Sun. Mr.
Bradford says that it is rather dry
in the valley, and that the ranch
men will need rain to make good
grain and hay crops.
Miss Helen McAdow has re
signed her position with the
Hunter Drug company, and with
her mother will leave in a few
days for Los Angeles, where they
expect to make their future home.
It is with much regret that their
friends consent to their departure
but wish them every success and
happiness in the sunset state.
Sheriff Joe Woods of Apache
county was among the Flagstaff
visitors last week.
George Black, sr., returned the
first of the week from a business
trip to Los Angeles.
Geo. W. Glowner of Williams
was a Flagstaff visitor last Mon
day on legal business.
Joe Blumberg, the merchant
man of Williams, was in Flagstaff
last Sunday on business.
Casey Jones has been ove'r in
the eastern part of the state sell
ing "Studebaker" cars the past
few weeks.
P. M. Shafer of Williams at
tended a meeting of the board of
county commissioners in Flagstaff
the first of the week.
Harry Gray, one of the county
dads, was in Flagstaff the first of
the week, attending the meeting
of the board of supervisors.
H. B. Embach of Prescott ar
rived in the city the first of the
week, and has accepted a position
with Babbitt Bros , in the office
J. . Costigan, who has been
visiting in Albuquerque for a short
time, returned the first of the week
and is again presiding at the piano
at the Majestic.
Mrs. E. C. Mills left last Mon
day morning for Phoenix, accom
panied by two of her children,
where they will spend two or three
months, visiting and enjoying the
southern climate.
Mr. Louis Green and Miss
Minnie Xagal, both from Grand
Canyon, Arizona, were married
at the Methodist parsonage last
Wednesday, Rev. Robert E.
Wright officiating.
Mrs. David Tate, accompanied
' by
her two daughters, left 'Tues-
I Alt ...-..In. f . T .... .....t
1 ua ujuiuilli; iui Lu& llllKCIt;:).
j where she will visit her sister for
auiuu nine. l lit- sisiei IlilS HOI
been in cood health late v.
Rev. Robert Wright' of the local
Methodist church, was visiting
friends at Winslow this week.
Mr. Wright was at one time pas
tor of the church at that place.
Rev. Allert W. Hennrikus, in
charge of the Presbyterian Navajo
Mission at Ganado, Arizona, was
in Flagstaff, this week on business
in connection with the mission.
Last Sunday was "ground hog
day," and as storm and sunshine
were playing hide-and-go-seek
with each other one is in a quan
dary as to what may be in store
for us during the next six wee1s.
J. C. Simmons, the painter,
who has been doing some work in
our city in the way of new signs,
left last week for El Paso, Texas,
where he will spend the remainder
of the winter, returning to his
home at Williams in the spring.
The February meeting of the
Woman's Missionary Society will
be held on Tuesday the nth, at
the Presbyterian Manse at 3:00
o'clock. Subject: "Korea;"
Leader Mrs. Foreman. Ladies of
the congregation are cordially in
vited to attend.
Mrs. A. B. Jennings was re
moved to the county hospital last
Monday where she was treated for
a gathering in the left side of her
head, resulting from an attack of
neuralgia. At this writing the
lady is much improved and to the
delight of her family and friends
is again able to be at home.
Mr. Robert Lincoln Boles of
Kingman, Ariz., and Miss Mina
White of Farmington, were mar
ried at the Methodist parsonage
last Saturday evening, Rev.
Robert E. Wright officiating.
After making a visit to the Grand
Canyon these young people will
make their home in Kingman.
Mr. and Mrs. Al. Sanford are the
happiest people in Flagstaff oc
casion: A little Miss Sanford ar
rived via Stark route at one o'clock
this morning, and has signified her
purpose to remain permanently to
cheer and bless that home in the
future. Mother and daughter
doing nicely but Al. will need care
ful nursing for a few days.
51 -
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