OCR Interpretation

The Coconino sun. (Flagstaff, Ariz.) 1898-1978, April 02, 1915, Image 5

Image and text provided by Arizona State Library, Archives and Public Records; Phoenix, AZ

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn87062055/1915-04-02/ed-1/seq-5/

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it IHZkEuii
Even the Mule Knows
where the best feed comes
from. The best way to get
them by our store is to buy
some feed.
Try It
If the' balk, then it is because
they want more. Our feed is
not an expense; it is simply
an investment. Your stock
will grow better and do more.
Phone No. 3
Glasses That Fit
Munson Optical Co.
Phoenix. Arizona
Dr. H. W. Krolzer, Traveling
Lent Grinding done in onr own inop
Physician and Surgeon
Phone 1-4 Flagstaff, Arizona
Office: 223 Leroux
Phone 55J Flagstaff, Ariz
15 Aspen Avenue
Phone 6-6 Resident Dentist 15 Years
Office hours- 9 a in to 12m. 1 p tn. to 4p m
Office In Babbitt Bldg, Flagstaff, Ariz.
Official Court Reporter
and Notary Public
Stenographic work of all kinds at reason
able rates. Satisfaction guaranteed
Officei Court House Flagstaff. Ariz.
Transfer Baecage & Express
Phone 125 J & 79
The Pioneer Wall Paper
and Paint Man
PHONE - - 197
Wanted clean cotton rags
(not scraps) 5c per pound.
Coconino Sun
Among the Ghurches
Methodist Church Notices
Easter Service
The Easter exercises, by the
Sunday school, will begin 2t 10
o'clock, Sunday morning. There
will be a rendition by the Sunday
School scholars of appropriate se
lections. Parents are invited to
bring their children for baptism.
There will also be1 reception of
Junior League at 3 p. m.
Epworth League at 6:30 o'clock.
Subject: "The Promise of Im
mortality." Sunday evening preaching ser
vice at 7:30 o'clock. Subject:
"The Resurrection."
Wednesdayevening prayer meet
ing at 7:30 o'clock.
W. W. Siienk Pastor.
The .Episcopal Church
Easter Sunday, April 4.
10:30 a. m. Processional Hymn
No. 112.
Easter Anthem "Christ Our
Jubilate, Schilling.
Introit Easter Triump, Elvey.
Kyrie Barnby.
Gloria Tibe Hymn No. 116.
Offertory Solo by Mr. Alex.
Presentation Humphrey.
Interlude Miss Luscomb, Miss
Perry, Mr. Arthur Perry and Mrs.
Sursum Corda and Sanctus
Hymn No. 225.
Gloria in Excelsis Old Chant.
Recessional "Victory" from
We take pleasure in inviting the
citizens of Flagstaff and all visitors
in the city to join us in our Easter
3:45 Easter celebration by the
Sunday school.
Parents and friends are cordially
First Baptist Church
Sunday morning 11:00 a. m.
preaching. Subject: "Unfading
love for Christ."
2:45 p. m. Special song service.
3:00 p. m. Short address by the
Rev. W. W. Shenk. of the First
M. E. church, subject: "The in
fluence of Christians in the world."
3:20 Song, by the congrega
tion "Old Time Religion."
3:25 Short address, Rev. C. K.
Alexander of the First Presbyte
rian church, subject: "The Christ
ians Duty to the World."
3:45 Song by Congregation,
"Stand Up for Jesus."
7.30 Special offering song ser
vice. 8.00 p. m. Preaching, subject:
"The Enchanted Ground."
The Majestic Theatre's new five
piece Orchestra will furnish music
for the Easter Monday night dance
given under the auspices of the
Elks. Dance begins nine thirty
P. M. (after first show).
In the Superior Court of the State of
Arizona in and for the County
of Coconino
Notice of hearing petition.
In the matter of the estate of
James R. Moberly deceased.
Notice is hereby given that
Fenton E. Jones, has filed in this
Court a certain document purport
ing to be the last Will and Testa
ment of James R. Moberly togeth
er with his petition praying that
said document be admitted to pro
bate in this Court as the last Will
and Testament of said James R.
Moberly who, said petitioner al
leges, is deceased, and that letters
testamentary issue thereon to said
petitioner Fenton E. Jones, and
that same will be heard on Mon
day the 5th day of April A. D.,
1915, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon
of said day, at the court .room of
said Court, in the Court House, in
the Town of Flagstaff, County of
Coconino, State of Arizona, and
all persons interested in said
estate are notified then and there
to appear and show cause if any
they have, why the prayer of said
petitioner should not be granted.
Chas. H. Adams, Clerk.
Dated March 16th, 1915.
March 19-April 2.
Straightened Him Out
J. P. Jones, Boothe, Ark., writes:
"I had a severe case of kidney rouble
and could do no work at all. Foley
Kidney Pills straightened me out at
once." The same story is told by
thousands of others; weak back, rheum
atism, kidney and bladder troubles
yield quickly. Safe and effective. Will
Marlar Pharmacy. Advertisement.
Public School News
Many new faces in school this
The fourth grade are reading
"Pioneers of the West." 1
The seventh grade had perfect
attendance all last week.
Don Dickinson of the seventh
grade made 100 per cent in arith
metic last week.
Agnes McGookin stood at the
head of her class in eighth grade
spelling last week.
The eighth grade reading class
are studying "Marmion" and
greatly enjoying it.
Helen Black and Chester Mills
stood highejf in a fourth grade
geography test held last week.
Two new pupils entering the
fourth grade this week are Gary
Dickison and Lucille Brookbank.
Annie McGookin and Amelia
Noble of the third grade had per
fect lessons all last week both in
arithmatic and in spelling.
Those who stood 100 per cent
in spelling in the seventh grade
last week are, Genevieve Hesling
Marie Fay and Vivia Shielks.
The seventh grade history cla$s
are studying the U. S. government
and learning how the three de
partments work together in har
mony. We regret very much that a
severe case of the grip during the
early part of the week caused
Ardelle Switzer of the eighth grade
to break her perfect attendance
The following stood 1O0 per
cent in fourth grade spelling all
last week: Vivian Heston, Dolor
itas Salas, Veda Isbell, Lulu
Denver, Katharine Hibben, Hance
Otteson, Chester Black, Mvron
Black, and Virginia Bozeman.
Those who stood 100 per cent
in fifth grade spelling all last
week are, Albert Dillman, Dick
Hambly, Floyd Hoffman, George
Lamport, Bert McKinney, Hazel
Pierce, Ruth Pierce, Rosa Salas
Gertrude Shields, Lola Mae Stein
and Louise Switzer.
In an arithmetic test in the
third grade last week those who
received 100 per cent were Amelia
Noble, Anne McGookin, Edmond
Black, Bessie Benson, Carmel
Montoya, Aubrey Grissom, Wil
liam Lockwood, Laura Willis,
Lionel Scott, Carolie Sanchez,
Marciana Bacca, Hazel Alsup,
and Frank Romero.,
The school election held at the
Emerson last Saturday was well
attended. Instead of having but
15 to 20 votes cast, there were 95.
This speaks well for the interest
which the people of the city have
for everything pertaining to the
welfare of the public school. Of
the votes cast Tom L. Rees re
ceived 67 and Edgar Hash 23. A
fine dinner was served by the chef
of the Commercial at the order of
Trustee W. H. Switzer, and all
members of the election board
agreed that no such dinner had
been served to an election board
at the school house since the
house was built.
A pain in thft side or back that
catches you when you straighten up
calls for a rubbing application of
relaxes the contracted muscles and
permits ordinary bodily motion with
out suffering or inconvenience. Price
25c, 60c and $1.00 per bottle. Sold by
Babbitt Brothers.- Advertisement.
The Object of "Title Talk"
If there is one subject of
more vital interest than any
other it is that of titles
title to the home that shelters
you or the farm or business
that yields support.
Watch this space each week,
and wewill showyouthe great
need of proper security in the
ownership of real estate.
Do you really own the land
you think you own?
That is the vital question.
Our abstracts of title an
swer the question for every
lot and acre of ground in Co
conino County.
We have the only, abstract
books in Coconino County
and the only record of con
veyances recorded in Yava-
pai County affecting property
in Coconino County prior to
its creation.
Coconino County Abstract Co.
C. B. Wilion, PretiJeat
Geitrd T. Wail, Secret?
Local Brevities
O. H. John, agent and general
trouble shooter for the Santa Fe,
has added to the power and effi
ciency 'of the road by purchasing
a Studebaker auto and has joined
the good roads association.
Next Sunday being Easter Sun
day there will be special services
at the Episcopal Church begin
ning at 10:30 a. m. Appropriate
music has been prepared and all
are heartily invited to attend..
We can handle anything in the
line of printing that the average
big city office can and at prices
that are usually lower. We are
not ashamed of the work we do
and you won't be either.
Mrs, Lou Thomas and children
came in last week from San Diego
where they have been spending
the winter. They hae been un
able to reach Oak Creek yet on
account of the condition of the
Capt. Chas. Price, deputy U. S..
Marshal, went through Flagstaff
Monday with a Mexican prisoner
who had been indicted by the fed
eral grand jury charged with set
ting a fire on the Apache National
Louis Benedict came up Sunday
morning from his sheep camp
south and reports that his lamb
crop run up over 100 per cent, with
all sheep in fine condition. Most
sheep men were equally successful
this year.
A New Mexico Yale Alumni
was recently organized at Albu
querque with Judge Wells as pres
ident and T. S. Woolsey Jr., as
vice president; Joseph Kircher
and A. C. Ringland as members
of the executive committee.
Art Williams was in from his
ranch at Fort Valley Friday. He
says there is a tremendeus amount
of snow in Fort Valley and is apt
to make a big Hood if it should
melt and run off too fast. Most
of thp water would make its way
down River de Flag.
Mrs. J. B. Thomas of Los An
geles, will be in Flagstaff Monday
and Tuesday, April 5th and 6th, at
the Commercial Hotel with a line
of the latest models in spring
suits, both fancy and tailored, also
fancy blouses. She will be pleased
to have the ladies call and see them.
N. L. Herrell, operator at Can
yon Diablo, was in the city last
week Thesday on one of his semi
annual visits. He returned home
gradually during the day; fearing
it might be cold at night when he
went back on No. 10, he sent his
overcoat home on the short run in
the afternoon.
If jou cheek up the number of bot
tles used you will find Foley's Honey
and Tar in greater demand than .any
other cough medicine. Itlssafe, prompt
and effective for colds, croup, hoarse
ness, bronchial coughs, throat trouble
and lagrippe. It contains no opiates
and is the preferred cough medicine
for children. Will Marlar Pharmacy.
Mr. E. H. Crabb president of
the Coconino Cattle Growers As
sociation came in Wednesday
evening from San Francisco where
he has been attending the meeting
of the National Live Stock Asso
ciation. Jack is authority for the
statement that outside of Flag
staff, ban Francisco is the only
town in the west.
The Coconino Abstract Co. have
a short talk on the value of an
abstract in this issue of The Sun.
C. B. Wilson is president and
Gerald T. Wall secretary of the
company. There are many mix-ups
in titles to Flagstaff property and
the safe plan when buying property
is to have an abstract to show
whether or not you are buying
trouble along with the property .
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Griffin and
Mrs. J. D. Jackson returned Thurs
day morning from Taylor, Texas'.
Mrs. Griffin who had her ankle
broken in a runaway accident,
attempted to get around too soon
on crutches and fell against a
stove, severely burning her arm.
It would seem that the Griffin fam
ily had their full quota of accidents
and misfortunes during the past
Marriage Licenses Issued
March 10 John Henry Cooker
ton to Laura' Reynolds both of
March 27 Thomas Sophos to
Luta Witten both ot Williams.
A marriage license was issued
in Phoenix Monday to Jimmie
Duke and Gertrude Poling.
Electric Bitters a Spring Tonic.
Farmers and others who live at a
distance from a drug store should keep
MENT. It may be needed at any time
for cuts, rounds, sores, sprains or
rheumatism. It is a powerful healing'
and nenetratine remedy. Price 25c..
50c and $1.00 per bottle.. Sold by Bab
I bitt Bros. Advertisement.
A Nice Assortment
1 0 cents
3 for 25
We Give Mail Orders Prompt Attention
Hunter Drug Company
Curios Indian Jewery Sundries
.- Phone Fijty-Jiighf for Free Quick Delivery
Established 188!
The Arizona
Deposits over
Largest Hanking House on the Mainline of the Santaire in Arizona
We Transact a General Banking Business. Sell Do
mestic and Foreign Drafts and Travelers' Chec
ques. Pay Five Per Cent Interest- on Term
Deposits. Write Fire, Casualty and Auto
mobile Insurance. Rent Safe Deposit
Boxes at Moderate Rates. We
welcome small accounts as
well as large ones. We
want your business
and will ap
preciate it.
We pay 5 per cent interest on savings accounts
Commercial Hotel
Completely renovated.
cold water. A Model
Our guests are
Reasonable Rates
Weatherf ord Hotel
H. B. WHITE. Proprietor
Steam Heat Hot and cold water Pleasantly located
Broadway Pocket Billiard Parlor
Latest styles Designing
Alteration and Remodeling
Prices Reasonable. All Work Guaranteed
Mrs. C M. KOCH, Babbitt Building
Gentral Bank
.$ 150,000.00
- 1,000,000.00
Nice large rooms. Hot and
Hostelry in every respect.
our guests in fact.
Always Open
Aft,' I

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