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The Washington times. (Washington, D.C.) 1894-1895, April 25, 1894, Image 2

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The Washington Times
(Ecry Day la the Year)
The Washington Times
Publishing Company
City Editor: EMORY FOSTER.
Ccksib Tenth itm D Streets Koktowkst.
Tolophone Editorial Rooms, 837-3.
Business Once, 637-2.
rrlco. Dally Edition One Cent
Sunday Edition Fire Cents.
By carrlors, by the week Ten Cents.
Tlio Weather To-day.
For the District of Columbia, Maryland,
and Yirglnin, fair; northeasterly winds.
To Subscribers.
Parties who do not receive their paper, or
have any causo of complaint, will oblige by
notifying the office
! Street Sales
of "The Times" J
Toot a tremendous Jump
Trebled or quadrupled we
This is especially good,
As newsboys are sometimes
averse to handling a one
cent paper.
But make them handle itl
Demand It,
And bear in mind after all
that the street sales ol a
paper aro of very little
account, any way;
The home circulation is the
the thins!
'The Times" Is
a Home Paper.
The readers of The Times, as well as tho
readers of the Post, will be shocked and
grieved to leam that Mr. Httton has been
stricken with appoplexy. Here is a man,
frank, hearty, true. His brilliant career has
never hardened him, has never made him
different. He Is always the same old friend.
The readers of The Times wish that he may
soon be entirely restored to his same old
health, and his same rollicking good spirits.
It must surely be a source of gratification
to all lovers of generosity and loyahty that
Mr. Cleveland has contributed a considerable
sum of money, 5500 it is said, to tho uses of
the National Association of Democratic Clubs.
There has been noticeable in the past, on the
part of many leading statesmen, and especi
ally among certain punctillious candidates for
office, a disposition not to tote any part of the
load at all, to borrow a most picturesque
Southwestern expression. It has never been
so with Mr. Cleveland. When he has wanted
things, he has not denied it. We havo
respected him for that. When it has been
proper for him to help to secure
things, to help secure them. This
kind of behavior 13 not merely an evidence
that Mr. Cleveland possesses a true knowl
edge of the proprieties of political life, but it
is an inspiration to all his followers, and no
doubt to many others. It is raid that the
Lord helps those Who help themselves. That
is doudtless true. But is not everybody, or
practically evorybody, not merely willing, but
lager to help those who help themselves?
Bv Trior to 18C0 there were
Member of
some fifty or Biity telegraph
companies in different parts
of the United Elates, none
of them running over the
the Tvroaiurn-
icil Postal
TnLEcnirn Com- whole territory, and the
rates were irregular. Often
1 times it took from ono to
two days for a telegram to go from New York
to Now Orleans or to tho far West. The rates
were very high, running from E0 or 60
cents up to 67 or S3. About 16C0 there
was a combination of the six principal
lines, by which Increased dispatch was ob
tained, and tho oxpenses and rates were re
ducod. Competition followed, and then came
In 1B6G the great combination of all the com
panies. The history of the telegraph up to
18GG is of a series of small companies, gradu
ally concentrated Into tho Western Union,
which had proved to be very successful, and
had Issued enormous amounts of stock divi
dends. The stock capital by these dividends
became so large that the price went down.
The 6tock dividends declared, between 1858
and 1BCG, amounted to $17,810,110, and the
stock issued for now lines was 61,937,950, so
that tho capital stock on July 1, 186G, was
$20,133,800. In this latter year new stock
was created to tho amount of $20,450,
600, making the total capita $10,559,300 on
July 1, 1867. The largest dividend declared
up to 1874 Was 414 per cent. The largest
amount of rtock ever divided at one time
was $10,000,000, for which not 1 cent by way
of equivalent was paid, and for a period of
about seven years the dividends were about
100 per cent, a year on its average capital. It
was by adding dividends to dividends and
by piling the ono up on top of tho other that
this tremendous amount of capital and debt
was created.
From (incontroverted statements made be
fore the Committee on Post Offices and Post
Roaas of tho House during the hearings
above referred to It appears that the Western
Union Telegraph Company was organized In
1SE2 with a capital of $240,000. How insig
nificant those figures seem when compared
with the 5100,000,000 or more represented
by tlio stock at this time. Probably on account
of the refusal of Congress to Incorporate the
rjstcm with tho post office, the existence of a
l.iri,e number of rival companies and the con
tcquent competition between them, to which
may bo added tho fact that the managers had
tot as yet learned the lesson of combination
and consolidation which has been brought to
lucli a nice degree of perfection In these later
iuyd, tho growth of the oompany for the first
few years of its existence was comparatively
row. for in 1853 the capital had only ln
:reaseJ to (358,700. Lest it be Imagined
lhat tho company experienced difficulty In
making ends meet at this early period ot Its
history, the task ot demonstrating that the
stock was a gilt-edged property from the be
ginning, Is both simple and easy, asCthe
figures which follow abundantly Bbow.
Then followed a period of reduction of
expenses, of rates and of economy In the
management, followed by great profits until
1881, notwithstanding which latter the em
ployes had to submit to two or three
cuts In their wages during those highly
prosperous years. In 1881 the company re
turned again to Its former policy that Is,
making large stock dividends, purchasing
competing lines In which the directors, or
gome of them, were Interested, therefore be
ing both buyer and seller, and a stop was put
to further reduction of expenses and rates.
It thus became the settled policy of the com
pany to Inflate its capital when business was
good, and to reduce its expenses and rates
when business was poor, and thon again In
flating its capital without any material In
crease of business or reduction of expenses
and rates. This policy continues substantially
In 1874 the company bought up its own
stock and the stock ot other companies and
accumulated a fund of over $15,000,000, which
was held In ono shapo or another in the
treasury of the company. An Investment of
$1,000 in Western Union stock in 1858 has
yielded to its Jortunato possessor up to 1890,
the last year for which thore is autbentla data,
stock dividends of more than $50,000 and cash
dividends equal to $100,000, or 300 per cent,
of dividends a year. These havo been some
otthe dividends declared: In 1862, 27 per
cent.; in 1863,100 per cent; in 18G4, 100 per
per cent; in 1878, $0,000,000; in 1831, ono of
$15,000,000 and another of $1,300,000; in 18SG,
25 per cent The company has realized $100,
000,000 of net profits in the twenty-fhe years
preceding 1890. 8. H. Bell.
An enterprising Journal for advertisers,
Progress, edited by Mr. William A. Hunger-
ford, one of the most rapid of advertisement
writers In the Western Hemisphere, contains
this week tho following letter from a Wash
ington merchant:
Noticing the formation of an Ad-Writers'
Association, and assuming that it has tho best
interest of the business men ot tho city at heart,
I susses tthat It appoint a committee of three or
five members and ascertain If the Xews asser
tions In regard to the Star's circulation are truo
or not, and havo the committee wait upon
the Star, News," Post and Times and obtain
their exact circulation by proper investigation
for the boneCt of the merchants who advertise.
The papers could notpoi si bly object, for I under
stand they all court the fullest Investigation.
Progress thinks the idea is excellent, as the
information called for is really due the mer
chants. It is; it Is. The idea is exellent; and
let a committee ot merchants be appointed.
Let them examine tho circulation books, paper
supplies, delivery accounts, records of street
sales, etc, and make certain what is the
actual circulation of all the Washington dally
papers. And let the committeemen inquire
and satisfy themselves what the bona fide paid
for circulations are. Let them discriminate
(and give notice privately for their own bene
fit, If any ot the papers should object to this
publicity), what tho good circulations are and
what the bad ones.
Let them not make the mistake of suppos
ing that the free distribution of a paper which
is not worth buying is of value as real ad
vertising circulation, for how shall the reader
of the newspaper be expected to care for it,
and believe its advertisements as well as it3
news reports, if bo finds it not worth paying
for? And how shall he buy the goods of mer
chants if he is too indolent or parsimonious
to pay even his penny or two a day for his
By all means let a committee of merchants
Inquire really, and without fear or favor, Into
the value of Washington newspaper mediums,
and let the examination be logical and
Thero Is a beautiful suggestion in tho small
news item that Dr. Xoak Brooks, formerly
the editor of the Newark Advertiser, is about
to return to his old homo in Maine to pass
tho rest of his days there. Wo have wan
dered, many of us, far away from the old
homo. We have been obliged to do it for
sheer force of ambition, or circumstances, or
necessity, and we cannot all return In plenty
and comfort and rest, to pass the
sunset days in tho old haunts of our youth.
But we can keep close to the old homes.
If we keep In mind always the hopes, and
thoughts, and loves of the old folks, with let
ters now and then, frequently, regularly. It
is a trifling thing, this matter ot writing a let
ter. We do it and dismiss it. but to the father
or the mother who receives the missive It is a
remembrance, a sign of love, such as comes
Into their lives too rarely. It is like a word
of hope and gratitude from the boy or the
girl who parted from them years before. It
doesn't matter whether wo succeed or not In
life. Success is often failure and failure is
success as often as success is. They want to
hear from us, the old folks do; and let them!
The Times i3 the pcoplo's co-operative
paper, not merely In the Benso that it has
been started and is operated successfully, and
must always continue, as an enterprise labored
by all its people, having a proportion in cuch
case of what the paper earns; it is a co-operative
concern in other ways. It defends the
rights and promotes the aspirations ot all tho'
peoplo; and just as It Is Intended to defend
and satisfy them, so they defend and satisfy
it They promote it They send news to it
itcrils, communications, business In the shape
of advertising. They feel a common and
joint proprietorship In The Times, and it is
right that they should. Its columns are open
to them. It is theirs to talk through. They
criticise it and improve it. They also enrich Its
columns. The Times is invincible; it has so
many friends.
The funniest thing In ten states Is the
alleged fear of tho President lest the Coxey
ltes should "intimidate" Congress.
It the Mr. Flonnigan who was present at
the meeting ot representatives of the league
ot republican clubs was Mr. Webb Flannlgan,
of Texas, we probably understand what he
was there for.
Senators Walsh and Jarvls might join In a
round robin explaining exactly what a plat
form Democrat is.
In a recent interview of ex-President Har
rison we find the words "to properly speak."
Bad rhetoric, Mr. Harrison, bad rhetoric.
Of course, If Mrs. Colonna goes back to
Mr. Colonna the lady will havo to pay the
bills as formerly.
In all his letters home Mr. Breckinridge
make the point that his moral status has no
connection with his political life. There is no
telling whether it does or not until the votes
are counted.
Seriously now, would any terrible public
damage be done If the Coxey army should
bodily take the place ot Congress?
Jesse Bellgman was a pleasant and big
hearted gentlemen who will be missed greatly
tor his many charities.
It is thought that Mr. Tankerville Chamber
layne, the British yachtsman, is not a Tanker
from Tankerville.
Congressman Holman tells ns that If Con
grew Is In session as late as July 15 it will be
fatal to Democratic prospects next fall. Evi
dently It behooves Mr. holman not to object.
The Harrison and Depew Presidential
booms might get together and try to make
that long lost Secretaryship of State a reality.
It is not true that Gen. Carl Schura intends
to organize an army to meet the Coxeyites
and President Cleveland at Phllllppl.
Ex-Senator Reagan's well-known bathing
proclivities certainly entitle him to be Con
sidered the leading commonwealer of Texas.
There Is no evidence obtainable that Hon.
Tom Piatt has lost control ot the Republican
machine in Now York.
People are not halt so bad as the amateur
photographers would make out to be.
It is remarked by the St Louis Post Dis
patch that the South Carolinian now again
has the Inalienable right to make a tank of
It will be curious if Gen. James B. Weaver
doesn't organize a Coxey army in Kansas.
It Is rumered that citizens ot Duluth will
protest against tho confirmation of Mr. Helin
skl, lately appointed postmaster. The Times
will rush to bis rescue at the proper moment
Carl Browne speaks of "the bloodless and
bloated capitalists who will charge the Ameri
can flag a tax to wave on tho highway."
According to Will Carleton 3,000,000 poems
comprise the annual poetry output of this
country in these recent days.
The Omaha authorities said, "Slide, Kelly,
slide," whllo tho Coxey army of the West was
In that town; this, if tho Chicago Times is to
be believed.
It is to be hoped that the eon ot Allen
WhitowingsThurmnn, who has Just been mar.
ried, will nover grow weary.
There Is a large chance for some ono of the
newspaper men representing an nntl-adminl-stration
pupcr to mako a Igorous kick against
what might be called press-censorship in the
department and at the White House. This
deep, deep diplomacy of ours, this secrecy
as to tho mysterious ways in which we depart
ment people movo our wonders to perform,
is ono of thoso frequent evidences of the large
ness ot head wo acquire when we secure
appointment here. We really do.forget that
other peoplo In Washington and in other parts
of the country aro nearly enough as good as
ourselves to rtceivo a little consideration now
and then why not dole them out a real good
story once in a whllo to let them know wo
have not entirely forgotten. I for one am' In
favor of it
What for Instance is the causo of all this
inquisitional unoommunicativeness at the
White House? Why Is every movo of Mr.
Cleveland deeply stranded in mystery? Why
when he goes infrequently abroad does ha
veil himself as it ho were the queen of an
harem? Just at present, why can the news
paper men hear nothing but rumors, worse
one hundred times of course than thero is any
possibility of thn truth being. Neeessarllywhen
onn only find mysteriously closed doors with
mysterious flunfce3-s and their mysterious
whisperings guarding them one imagines
what might be behind them. And then if ono
goes off and tills some one e!e that one has
heard that these curious thlnrs are behind
the doors who is to blame? That's how thoso
uncomfortablo stories get about, and ot
course, they aren't true. But why wouldn't
a little of the ordinary daylight, unscreened
method of doing things be much better for
every one?
And the same in tho departments: tho peo
ple cry for light; why can't we glvo it them?
Ever- day some official of us gets some little
piece of news of no importance which could
bo given out without wrecking tho govern
ment Wo might civo it out and keep the re
porters quiet As it is they tell things as
nearly true as they can guess them.
One example with regard to this railroad
strike and tho Post Office Department. The
other day the Post Office Department wanted
to know if the strikers could be prosecuted
for obstructing mail trains. Attorney Gen
eral Olney was asked for an opinion. Finally
ho gave It Tho local newspaper men, tho
correspondents, tho press association men
were hunting for news, some of them about
this very matter. Some of them asked every
department official who could possibly know,
and among thum tho people who really did
know alter this opinion of Mr. Olney was
gien. Nothing was given out The opir ti
was tolegrnphed to Assistant Sopcnntei. Jt
Wilson, who is at St Paul looking after mat
ters there. From there the Associated Press
telegraphed the opinion over the country,
and to Washington with other places. This
Is one little story. There are many of otliers.
Mr. Smith has Issued his promotions prc
nunciamento, tho regular thing, you know,
the sterotyped order that nil promotions and
reductions shall be made irom . proficiency
records and that kind of thing. How lone
some we should feel if this tough did girl
dldn t turn up some year. Every Secretary
that has ruled for some years back has flirted
with her, ha, as it were, taken her around on
his arm and been proud to have tho boys see
him with her and admire her beauty. Mr.
Smith's order is the result of several weeks of
travail on his part, officiated over and helped
along by tho heads of lili business. All these
peoplo have met boblnd closed doors (again
this secrecy) every Monday this mont,n and
last Every Tuesday tho papers ha o printed
the "pick-up" story.
Will Escort the Odd Tcllows.
Tho Washington Light Infantry corps will
act as an escort to the parado ot the Odd
Fellows of this city in the celebration of their
Seventy-sixth auniversary, which will take
plaeo Thursday, April 2G. at 1 p. m. In tho
acceptance of this invitation it was decided
to.vrenr tho corns distinction uniform (white
, coats), tho weather permitting.
For International Bimetallism.
It is announced that thero is a movement
on foot to start international monetary re
form clubs, with headquarters at Washington
and London, in order to bring tho peoplo of
Great Britain and tho United States of Amer
ica more in touch with each other than tbey
now are on me money prooicm oi tue aay.
Uses of the Lazy Boy.
The steam engine was made perfectly auto
matic by a lazy boy who was employed to
open and close the valves. Desiring to play
Instead of to work, he tied a (string Irom ono
part of the machine to the other, thus making
the engine itself attend to its own business.
Dear wife, when thirty years ago.
In promised love wo clasped the hand,
We did not think and could not know
How long the time that promise spanned.
How Fate would part us soon and far,
And sickness add its pains and fears.
And how the awful storm of war
With dangers nil tho lengthened years.
Of separation; then and there
Wo only knew wo two were one,
And humbly asked God's loving care
For all the new life thus begun.
And hi the years ot wedded life.
In every change of good or 111,
You've been a true and faithful wife,
And I have tried my part to 911.
Just as we promised; and perhaps.
Though when life's records we retrace
We see full many a name in caps
And ours in common lower case.
And hopes have been full oft denied,
And all ambitions overthrown, '
And fortunes' favors turned aside.
And sorrows many we have known.
It may be, it we could but know,
What might hare been, what may be yet,
We'd own that all la better so,
And gladness would efface regret
At any rate, still fond and true,
Well humbly try to do our best,
For us and ours, and others too,
And trust the Lord for all the rest
Representative Jacob Le Pevre, of New
York, says that he Is very favorably Impressed
by the appearance ot Coxey'a army. "I have
seen a photograph ot a number of members
and they do not resemble the ordinary tramp;
and I believe that they are workingmen sim
ply advancing on the capital to ask for work.
The ordinary tramp doei not march twenty
miles day. He usually objects to two. There
fore, I think a committee from Coxey's army
should be entitled to a hearing as much as a
delegation from any class ot workingmen
who might appeal to Congress for relief."
Hon Tom Reed, speaking ot the organiza
tion ot a Young Men's Republican League in
this District, said last night: "If you desire
to unite all the stato organizations into one
association I am very favorably impressed
with the Idea. It is an 'excellent idea; oneot
best ever proposed."
Ugly tblngs are leaking out at the Pension
Office touching sundry appropriations. A little
while before Mr. Cleveland was inaugurated
a paper was circulated through tho Pension
Office recommending Mr. Bell for tho ap
pointment of Deputy Commissioner. It was
largely signed. Some, however, declined to
sign it for sundry reasons. It is now said
that the signers have been peculiarly fortu
nate In receiving promotions, while those
who declined to sign havo been equally un
fortunate, and that many of them have been
reduced in salary. Ail this is charged against
Mr. Bell, who is sold to have a long memory
and to bo n good hater.
Mr. W. W. Traccy, president ot the na
tional lcaguo of Republican clubs, sail last
"The league will have a larger conven
tion at Denver next June than ever before in
its history. Yes, I am heartily In favor of a
league club in this city. Heretofore, as I
understand it, there have been separato state
organizations. I am inclined to think that a
large organization, comprising in its member
ship ail tho citizens of different states resi
dent in Washington, will be in a position to
do more cflecthe work than under tho former
plan of state organizations."
The old soldiers are not very well pleased
with tho service pension bill introduced by
Mr. Turpie. It provides a pension equal to
one cent a day for the time actually in the
service, that Is, if tho soldiers serW three
years ho shall reecho monthly $10.05, and at
that rato lor a snorter or a longer sen-ice. it
further provides that at the age CO, if the sol
dier is drawing less than $8 per month, it
shall bo Increased to that amount, and if dis
abled for manual labor to $12. This is to be
in addition to any pension now received.
Tho complaint ot tho soldiers is that the in
crease to ii and $12 is fixed at sixty vears of
ago, when it ought to be at fifty, and that $12
is too little for one who Is disabled for manual
labor. ' Tbey say such a sum to one who is
disabled will not keep him out of the pjuper
Considerable comment is heard on tho
streets touching tho action of several Senators
who rushed off to New York last Friday night
to avoid meeting the workingmen from their
states who enme to the city to protest mralnst
the passage of the Wllsou bill. The working
men say the Senators might at least hare
heard what they had to say.
Senator Voorhees has reached the conclu
sion that life as chairman of the Senate Fi
nance Committee is not one of unmixed Joy.
Ho has discovered that thero are two w.ngs
to his party, and that he is just now tho target
ot both. In his own state tho Indianapoil
Sentinel leads that wing of tho Democratic
party that believes in the Wilson bill as it
came from the House and openly charges the
Senator with. letting his loyalty to the whisky
ring sacrifice the interests of the party and
the peoplo by loading down the bill with ob
noxious amendments. The Sentinel is very
bitter. It scotes the Senator unmercifully.
Tho lesser papers of tho stale which follow
the lead of the Sentinel join in tbl. Some of
tnem ore calling upon Mr. Voorhees to rciqn,
but resigning is not a habit with the Senator
not this eeasoo.
m m
The other wing of tho party is largely com
posed of workingmen, who believe in sc-.o
form of protection, and they charge tho Sen
ator with bctrnying their interests. They say
the Senate bill will closi many of the manu
facturing establishments ot Indiana and re
duce wages in all thoso which do not close.
In trying to explain Mr. Voorhees sajs he
foucht hard and long against putting a duty
on Iron and coal, declaring himself in favor of
free iron and free coal. By so doing he has
arrived against hlmselt the coal miners, and
they make up a good portion of the voters in
the stato.
The attacks otthe Indianapolis Sentinel aro
causing Mr. Voorbccs a great deal of annoy
ance. They mako him very angry. Mr.
Morse, the editor ot tho Sentinel, has been
rewarded with a comfortablo place in Paris,
and tho Senator insists that tho place was
given to him on his urgent solicitation, and
Mr. Voorhees nccuses the Sentinel of basu in
gratitude. Hesajs the Wilson bill provided
tor a deficiency of nearly $30,000,000, and
rather than report n bill proposing to raSe
revenue for tho expenses of tho government
and creating a large deficiency that would
havo to be met by an increase of the interest-
bearing debt of tho government ho would
resign. Such n bill ii not Democratic, ho
sits, and tho conl and iron schedule wns
forced on thoco-nmlttee by a caucus, and ha
woald not join tho Republican mernliers of tho
committee nnI defeat the Mil and so leave
the McKinlcy law still in force.
Senator Voorhees is also having troublo
with tho old soldiers, who insist that he has
introduced a bill that was a virtual condem
nation of the pension policy ot the adminis
tration, and then made no further effort to
see that that policy was changed; and that the
reduction and suspension of pensions go on
with as much vigor as ever. They nccuso
him of having merely posed as the peculiar
friend and champion of tho soldier.
Refuses the Use of His Name.
To the Editor of Tnc Times"
Tho use of my name as a member ot tho
Coxey public comfort committee Is unauthorized
by me. I have not attended any of tho meet
ings and bare nothing to do with the movement,
liespettfally. MlixxKO F. llomis.
Washington, April 84.
The nonse Elections Committee yesterday
heard arguments In the contested election case
of Good vs. Lpcs, from the Foarth district of
The Senate Commltteo on Interstate Com
merce yesterday agreed to recommend the con
firmation ot James D. Yeomans as Interstato
Commerce Commissioner.
Representative Beltzhoover, who has been
seriously ill at his homo in Pennsylvania for sev
eral weeks, has returned to Washington consid
erably improved In health.
Representative Burrows, of Michigan, is suffer
ing from painful bruises to his righr arm and
side as a result of being thrown Trom a cable
car. It has not, however, kept him trom attend
ing the sessions ot the Uouse
Senator Walsh, of the Committee on Quadra
Centennial, will report favoiably the bill author
izing the President to ascertain tho amount of
the claim of the French Government In behalf of
its citizens whose property was destroyed by Are
in the liberal arts building at the Chicago Expo
sition. Among the bills Introduced and referred to
the appropriate committees yesterday was ono
by Mr. Hunton, of Virginia, tor the erection of a
municipal building for the District of Columbia,
which was referred to the Committee on the
District ot Columbia.
. Representative Henderson, of North Carolina,
has Introduced a bill relating to mailable mat
ter, providing that second class matter shall cm
brace all newspapers and other periodical pub
lications Issued at stated Intervals and as fre
quently as tour times a year.
Sergcant-at-Arms Snow has sent to each Rep
resentative in Congress a printed circular
marked "Important, giving" specific informa
tion as to the "docking" ot salaries of absentees.
to begin on May 4 next, asking members to
avoid the protesting ot checks and drafts by not
drawing against their accounts until the "dock
ings" tor absent days has been made.
Representative Elefer, of Minnesota, who is
Interesting himself in the bill appropriating
110,000 for the survey of a route for a canal be
tween Lake Superior and the Mississippi river,
has received a favorable report from the geolog
ical survey of his state in regard to the amount
of water available to feed the canal It built,
which will be submitted at the ncit rae -tins ot
tie Commliito en Uallr.arc itd Csnsls,
All Suggested By the
Death of Jesse Sellrjman.
The death of Jesse Sellgman In Colorado
will really cause a shock to many persons
here In Washington. His genial manners had
been familiar hero as well as in Now York,
and hero, too, his influence, especially In Re
publican times, had been very much recog
nized. He bad always been one of the chief
money subscribers and money raisers of the
Republican party. In official circles, there
fore, when the Republicans happened to be in,
Mr. Seligmaa was always welcome, and be
usually secured what he wanted.
m m
Mr. Seligmon was a prominent' member of
the famous Republican finance committee ot
1892. with the help of which Hon. M.,8. Quay
won a Presidency tor a man who felt annoy
ing compunctions of conscience about speak
ing to him afterwards. Mr. Seligmaa was
little more than a beginner at that lime,
though. In tho campaign Ot '92 he and
Thomas Dolan. of Philadelphia, and
Cornelius N. Bliss, of New York, wero not
only the flnanco committee of the Republi
can party, but they managed the whole cam
paign. They wero unquestionably ot greet
service in raising money (though the labor
of all theso committees is always exagerated),
and tho real work Is usually done by tho, poor
devils, who also have the wire-pulling and the
newspaper pulling and the pulling of pulls to
do about headquarters, and oftentimes the
sinews ot war aro not furnished at ail by
those who aro supposed to furnish them. But
in thn '92 campaign Messrs. Seligman.Dolan,
and Bliss undoubtedly raised a gteat deal of
money, and posilbly tbey will yet be obliged
to pay some of the old bills of the committee.
But these three gentlemen really managed
tho campaign. It was thougnt after Mr.
Carter had accepted the chairmanship of tho
committee, n post, as Is well known, as many
as twenty good mon declined to dally with,
that he would be allowed to fill it; but not
only did the candidate begin to lose con
fidence in him. but thn finance committee
began to take the real management of the
campaign out of his hands, and as these gen
tlemen seemed to havo what would bo called
in tho woolly West a lead-pipe cinch on all the
spondulicks, there was nothing lor Mr. Carter
to- do but to seem to lead without leadintr. to
seem to act without acting, to seem to plan
without planning, a thankless task, to bo
sure, and one which made tho moro obnox
uous the subsequent criticism and complaint
of 3Ir. Harrison that Mr. Carter bail done but
poorly, for nobody could have done any bet
ter than Mr. Carter under the circumstances.
It was a funeral, anyway, and an undertaker
from Montana was Just ns good as one from
New Jersey or New Hampshire.
All the uctivo management of the campaign
was assumed by Messrs. Seligman. Dolan and
Bliss. They met at headauarters, controlled
tho money beeauso they hnd raised it. and de
cided not merely what surcs should be sent to
various localities, but how these sums should
bo spent, a process of which they knew
nothing, of course, baring no wide acquaint
anceship among the politicians who are ac
customed to spend money judiciously. But
tbey did all this, and the tremendous defeat
of '92 was no moro attributable to Carter,
Clarkson and all the other wheel horses thua
it was to an idle zephyr now accommodating
tho Dundrearys of Admiral Walker on the
smooth Pacific. The defeat could hardly
have been worse. It might have been moro
satisfactory if there could havo been some
traco of politics in it
And whit rot it is, anyway, all this expendi
ture of great sums of monej I Three-quarters
of all that is raised, no matter by what party,
is spent ill-alvisodly. It is distributed so
much among bummers and hangers-on, who
put it in weir pockets or spend it ill-advised Iy.
which is just a bad! (In their own pockets
it probably does some good after it is stolen.)
Thtn think of the carloads of tracts that aro
sent out In all thee national campaigns,
tracts Inevitably to 1111 junk phops and fit for
notalng else! When will thetwo great parties,
instead of spending $2,000,000 or 3.000.000
every national campaign, us $200,000 or
$300,000 judiciously and accompLsh mors
When will th- forum of public dlscussicu
sattlu things, I wonder? When will campaign
orators and party newspapers and managing
politicians talk face to face with tho people
and convince them just as they would talk,
man to man and face to face? Before many
jears; partly because this matter of putting
up 65,000 or $10,000 for wo know not what
tKjlitlca purpose is growing toboadrcary
"Jakc," and aUo because this General notion
that millions must bo spent in questionable
campaign f.ulposes is growlug to be a dreary
and unprofitable chestnut
Fost Office Matters Engross the Attention
of Congressmen.
The Houo resumed the consideration of
appropriation bills yesterday. Aftcrspendlng
tho entire day in the discussion of amend
ments to tb po-t office bill It was passed.
Most of tho time was devoted to debate on
the Kylo amendment to striLo out the sub
sidy or $19G,000 for the fast southern mall.
Tho opf osltion to the appropriation proved
surprlslnsiy weak, hewever, when the vote
was taken, only twenty six votes being cost
against it
After the Mil was reported to tho House im
amendment adopted In committee without
attracting any intention to clarify at a high
postal rate books, serials, etc, printed as
periodicals under the name of circulating
libraries, was vigorously antagonized a3 a
blow at the circulation of cheap literature,
and was stricken from tho bill by a large
Only two amendments of importance were
in tho bill as pass d; one by Docker-, to out
law money orders nt tue expiration oi ten
yars, and thj other by Mr. Springer, to
classify as third-class matter all periodical
publications issued Irom a known place ot
publications at stated intervals a3 frequently
as four times a year, by or under the
auspices of a benevolent or fraternal society
or order organized under the lodge system,
an 1 having a bona tide membership of not
less than 1,000 persons, or by n regularly in
corporated Institution of learning, or by or
under tho auspices of trades uuious, and all
publications. of which they were cumbered,
fwo-thirds of the mail carried last year was
second-class matter. Three hundred million
tons were carried at an actual loss for trans
portation alono of $18,000,000.
Tho amendment on n vote was stricken
from tho bill 2G to 183 and the bill was then
passed. Mr. Campbell (New York) entered
n motion to reconiider the vote by which tho
race-track bill was defeated yesterday, and at
5 o'clock the House adjourned.
For Liquor Licenses.
The Excise Board disposed of the following
applications for liquor license yesterday:
Allowed Louis Taber, 410 Twelfth street north
west; Jacob Krels, SW K street southwest; Walter
II. Nelson, SCO Twentieth street northwest, whole
sale; William Fenton, KI K street southwest;
Thomas E. Barron, 2SS0 M street northwest;
JItchaol Daly, CCO Four-and-a-half street south
west. Rejected tit. Joseph's Club, Emll Wagner,
president, 477 H street northwest
American and Italian Labor.
Ainox, Ohio, April 24. A mob of about 800
American workingmen have driven a large
gang of Italians working on street improve
ments from their work nnd are now parading
the streets- The Italians have been getting
$1 per day, which the Americans claim is not
living wages. Further trouble is looked lor.
Notes from the Departments.
The Mohican has arrived at Seattle and will
take coal preparatory to going on the seal pa
trol. Tho net gold In the treasury at the close of
business yestenday was 10099,5S3, and the
'cosh balance J120.017.837
Socretary Smith yesterday ordered the disbar
ment of Bix pension attorneys from practice be
fore the Interior Department
"The Organized Militia of the United States,"
is the title ot a publication Just Issued by the
Military Information Division ot the Adjutant
General's office.
The United Stato Steamship Detroit, one ot the
Rio fleet, arrived at Hampton Roads, Vs., yes
terday. The vessel will be docked and cleaned
and generally overhauled. '
Consul General Mason, at Frankfort, in a re
port to the Senate Department suggests that our
irult preserves try the new fruit sugar, made
from beet sugar and chemically identical with
natural fruit sugar.
Tho Monterey has arrived at Santa Barbara.
The Petrel sailed Monday from Shanghai for
Yokohama, Japan. This Is on a direct line to
Bering Bea, and will be the last port In Asia
where she will touch.
Dispatches received yesterday announce that
trains carrying the malls over the Great North
ern have been resumed throughout Minnesota
and North Dakota, and that there is a prospect
that the lino wilt be lmmedlatiy opened for all
pcitol pur j :s thiooghout the Pacific coast
Question Raised 'on the Authority of the
Court In Snch Salts.
The hearing in the mandamus case Insti
tuted by Eugene E. Gaddis, formerly a clerk
In the Treasury Department, against Secre
tary Carlisle to compel reinstatement has
been postponed until next Saturday.
Gaddis asserts that he was discharged for
political reasons contrary to the civil servico
law. Assistant Attorney General Whitney,
representing Secretary Carlisle, pleaded lack
ot time for preparing an answer, and on his
motion postponement was ordered.
The statement that the Civil Service Com
missioners Instigated the test case made by
Mr. Gaddis was denied at the offlco of the
Commission yesterday.
It la stated that a few days before the suit
was filed Mr. Gaddis was advised by the Com
missioners to take no judicial steps, on the
ground that the case rested with the Secretary
of tho Treasury and was not a matter for set
tlement by the courts.
Difficulties Between the Columbia and
Suburban Companies Settled.
The District of Columbia Suburban Ball
way Company will abandon the G street line,
and the road from Hyattsvllie and Bladens
burg will enter the city at Fifteenth street
northeast, proceeding down Fifteenth street
to E street, and westward on E street to
Fourth street, thenoe along Fourth street and
Louisiana avenue to Seventh street
The Brookland extension is to come in on
Twelfth street and connect with the main
line at E street In the city the underground
trolley will be used and in the country thn
overhead trolley.
These terms wero agreed upon at a hearing
before tho House District Committee yester
day morning.
Mr. Nathaniel Wilson, of the Columbia
Railway Company, informed the committee
that his company opposed the extension of
the charter of the suburban company, and
the construction of a parallel road, as snch a
construction would result in the destruction
otthe Columbia road.
Mr. Wilson asserted that G street is very
narrow and that a large number oi property
owners and residents have protested against
the new line.
Mr. Diniels, of the Suburban road, con
tended that tho construction of his line would
really benefit the Columbia people 25 per
cent, as it would open up Brookland, Trini
dad, and University Heights and would
operate as a feeder to the Columbia road by
bringing in passengers bound for the depart
ments. Mr. Mover alleged that the Metropolitan, in
the guise of tho Columbian company, Is mak
ing the fight against the suburban road.
President Stevenson, of tho Metropolitan
road, denied that his company has any con
nection witn tno Columbian road or Is op
posed to therplans of thn suburban road, with
the exception of the proposed use ot the Ninth
street line.
Mr. D. Thompson objected to the occupancy
ot Maryland avenue and suggested that the
new road should come down Fifteenth street
northeast to E street and run westward on
that street, and to this tho suburban road as
sented. An amended bill providing for tho E street
line will be reported at tho meeting of the
District committee to-day.
m t-
Joint Meeting of the Washington nnd
.Mar) land State Dental Associations.
Tho Washington City Dental Association
gathered at the National Law School last night
for a joint meeting for the reading of papers
and a general discussion of matters of Interest
to tho dental profession.
Tho meeting will last until to-night, when
they will close with a banquet
Dr. H. M. Schooley. of this city, chairman
of tho joint committee, called the meeting to
order at 10 o'clock yesterday morning. In a
brief address the chairman spoke of the foun
dation of an association of dentists of Mary
land and the District two years ago. This as
sociation was finally disbu'nded and tho two
present organizations formed.
The main address of welcome was delivered
br Dr. W. E. Diflenderfer. president of the
society, who gave an interesting resume of
the progress of denistry and of necessary im
provements. The response to this address of welcone was
delivered by Dr. B. Holly Smith, of Balti
more, president of tho visiting association.
Dr. Holly referred to the need of securing
legislation to protect the public from quack
ery. Ho suggested that If tho meeting be
continued a clinic in Baltimore should be
held one afternoon In the quarter when cases
may bo heard and papers read.
The report of the committee on publication
of voluntary essavsand dental legislation was
read by tno chairman ot the committee. Dr.
M. F. Finley, of this city. The report con
tained the following llt of papers to be read:
"Soft Gold Cylinders; How and Where to Use
Them." by Dr. b. C T. llupo; "Ambideitrous
ncss" by Dr. II. B. Noble: "Dental Legislation,"
by Dr. A. W. Sweeney; "itangulatedeve," by
Dr. A. J. Brown: "Dental Legislation," by Drs.
Williams, Donnally, and jnory A. Bryant;
"Permanent Brldgework," by Dr. E. A. Bryant;
"Diseased Antrum," by Dr. M. O. Sykcs; "Report
of Case," by Dr. b. Hess.
The afternoon session begun at 3 o'clock.
Dr. Edward Nelson delivered the report of
the '-ommittee on dental education, literature,
and dental nomenclature. The report was
followed by "Clinics," under the direction of
Williams Donnally.
Tho evening session began at 8 o'clock.
J. B. Hodgkin delivered the report of the com
mittee on mechanical dentistry and dental
An essay on "Uric Acid and the Dental Disv
eases oi the uouty Diathesis ' was read by S.
Ashley Faught, of Philadelphia.
The meeting was concluded by the reading
ot the report ot the committee on pathology
and terapeutics by the chairman, J. Wilson
Davie, ot this city.
Interesting Services Last Night At the
Western Presbyterian Church.
Last evening in the presence ot a large
gathering ot the Presbyterian ministers and
laymen. Rev. Howard Wilbur Ennis was In
stalled as pastor of the Western Presbyterian
church, on H street between Nineteenth and
Twentieth northwest
The Rev. Benjamin F. Blttinger, D. D.,
presided, and alter tho openingofthe services
by the sincing ot the beautiful anthem "How
Beautiful Upon the Mountains" theinvoation
was made by the Rev. Charles Alvin Smith.
Following a scripture reading by the Rev.
J. R. YerbrycLe and the singing of the Gloria,
the Installation prayer was offered by the
Rev. William C. Alexander, D. D. The instal
lation sermon was preached by the Rev. Teu
nis S. Hamlin, D. D.. and the ceremony per
formed by the Rev. Benjamin F. Bittlnger,
Rev. T. C.Easton, D. D., made the charge
to the pastor, and the Rev. William A. Bart
lette, D. D., made the charge to the people.
An able choir, under the direction of Mr.
Robert G. Sutton, rendered very pleasing
music throughout tho services.
At present the board ot elders consists of
J. W. Easly, W. H. H. Smith, James A.
Wortbam. W. J. Simpson. The deacons: W.
S. Armstrong. H. P. Cottell, Capt Robert
Armour, W. H. Fearson, J. C. Alien, H. C.
Barclay. The trustees: E. C. Brandenburg,
.Forte, M. B. Thorps, W. C. Beekford, James
a. Lambie, ana cot Amos vveoster.
Minor Accidents.
Joseph Cocker, a young white boy living at
No. 1815 T street northwest. Lad his right
hand badly cut In a lawn mower while cut
ting grass yesterday. The wound was dressed
at the Emergency hospltaL
O. F. Putnam, living at Pennsylvania avenue
and Fifteenth street southeast, was taken to the
Emergency hospital yesterday with a bad cut
In the right knee. The accident happened
the day before while roofing a bam out at
College station.
W. H. Booker, a colored butler living at
1118 Westmore street northwest, fell two
flights ot stairs at the house at the corner ot
Sixteenth and L streets about 11 o'clock last
night and sustained severe Injuries on the
head and face. He was taken to the Emer
gency hospltaL
At 6 o'clock last night Harrison Smith, a
colored boy five years old, while crossing the
street at the corner of Ninth and E streets
southwest, was knocked down and run over
by a horse and buggy driven by Charles Hak
kins. His ankle was broken. Officers Yell
and Mullina witnessed the affair and placed
Hakklns under arrest,
More Progress Made Yesterday in Its Con
sideration in Committee.
The Interstate Commerce Committee otthe
Senate bad the pooling bill under considera
tion yesterday and when the meeting of the
committee adjourned, member of the commit
tee expressed the opinion that the bill would
be completed at the next sitting, and that the
bill with various amendments would be favor
ably reported.
Among the amendments agreed upon is one
to the effect that copies of schedules, tariff
rates, contracts between common carriers,
statistics and tables contained In annual re
ports shall be preserved as records in the cus
tody of the Interstate Commerce Commission,
and shall be prima facie evidence In cases
coming before the commission.
An amendment was agreeed on providing
that a fine not exceeding $5,000 shall be In
flicted upon a Corporation In lieu ot fine and
Imprisonment against agents or employes ot
the company.
They Danced for Prizes.
A large event In the dancing season was
grand prize waltz held at Prof. O'Day's danc
ing academy, G. A- B. hall, Seventh and L
streets northwest, last night Sixteen couple
entered the contest The Judges were the fol
lowing gentlemen: Harry Cumberland, Milo
uurDage, T. w. Stoddard, Horry Twine and
Harry Little. The large gold medals were
awarded to Mr. Bradley and Miss Mary E. La
Coppldon. Among the ladies present were:
Miss Maggie M. DonneU, Miss Maggie AU,
Misses Sweeney, Frawley, baur, Hensley, Dona
hue, Hlnnies, bates. Lynch, OuczJey.Mcamara,
Loring, Collins, Norcorn, Holland. Davis, Rice,
Summers, Joy, Groveman, Jones, Murphy, Dil
lon, Busey, ?iewmyer. Among the gentlemen
present were T. Wood, G. Smith, N. CDay, J.
vanderbllt, O. Lash, J. Lash, F. Saur, E. Roche,
J. Oppenhelmer, V. Gladmon, M. Torrens, IL
Mockabee. C. Bryan. W. Ashdown, W. Chllds,
T. McN'amara, J. Farrell, J. Knighton, B. Cross,
and A. Relnberg. Prof. CDay will close hla
school next month with a grand May hall.
Confirmations Yesterday.
The Senate in executive session yesterday
made the following confirmations:
District Attorneys Lewis C Vandegrift of Deb
?,S?ie' '".the district of Delaware; James Y.
OBrlen, of Norm Dakota, for the district of
North Dakota.
To be Marshal of the United States John E.
Lynch, of Missouri, for the Eastern district of
TT7Sl!iCoUeJtoro' Internal Revenue William
H. Harries, of Minnesota, for the district of Min
nesota. Receivers of Public Moneys-Albert M. Avery,
or Havana, Ala., at Huntsvllle, Ala; Aloyelus
Lynch, of LeadTille, Col, at Leadville, CoL
Elevated Electric Road.
The House Judiciary Committee yesterday
listened to a statement of ex-Representative
Hemphill in support of the bill chartering the
National Rapid Transit Company, and author
izing it to construct an elevated electrio rail
way between Washlnffton and New York- Mr
Hemphill explained the features of the bill
and said that it was intended for the trans
portation ot troops, passengers, and light
Colored Infant Found.
A colored malo infant about one month old
was found last night on the doorstep of Mrs.
L. O. Joiner, at No. 2114 H street northwest
The discovery was reported to Officer Evans,
who had the child taken in the patrol wagon
to St Anne's Infant Asylum.
Elks Fill Vacant Olficcs.
At the lost meeting of Washington Lodge
of Elks,. Harry King was elected esteemed
local knight and Gen. John T. Brady es
teemed lecturing knight to fill vacancies. A
committee ot 6even members of Norfolk
Lodge presented Anthony Rodier, of the local
lodge, with a handsome gold headed cano In
appreciation of past kindnesses extended to
Norfolk Lodge.
m 0 m
The .Montgomery's Test.
The United Slates ship Montgomery will
have her final trial May 1. She is ordered to
proceeded to sea from New York and to remain
outside for two days, tho machinery being
steadily run. The purpose is not to make
high spec, but to thoroughly test the vessel.
Going to market on these fine Spring morn
ings is a genuine pleasure. Tho country peo
ple ore beginning to bring in new vegetables
In quantity and the picturesque old mammies
form pictures as they sit on tho curb with
bunches of dogwood blossoms, arbutus, daf
fodils, and the fragrant lilacs and old
fashioned snowball. They also have here
their baskets of new-laid eggs, greens, and a
bucket of cottage cheese, all or any ot which
can be had for a uickle or so. The" market
Central now stretches out trom Seventh to
Tenth street on either side the street south ot
the building, and grocers' wagons and
licensed carriages contend for good places to
stand and wait on all the other sides. All
sorts and conditions of men and women
mostly elbow their way through the long
aisles that present every vegetable and fruit,
meats, butters, cheee, flowers, fish, and not
to say groceries and tins, tor sale In the most
tempting fashion.
Vegetables and fruits are coming down a
few cents now from one market day to an
other. Almost any one can afford strawber
ries when they can be had from 12 to 30 cent3
per quart Some of the figures for to-day:
Lemons. 15 centS'
SouastuS cper pound.
Oranges, B0 to 50
cents per dozen.
Old potatoes, 60 cents
per busheL
Canned vegetables,
corn, tomatoes, peas,
and beans, 3 cans tor a
Egcs, 2 dozen packed
for 23 cents.
Eggs, fresh (newly
laid), IS cents a dozen.
Roast beef, best, IS
cents per pound.
Rib. 12 cents per
Bullion, 12 cents per
Lamb, IS cents per
pound for hind quarter.
Forequarter stew, 12
cents per pound.
New beets, 8 cents
Veal roast 20 cents a
Pineapples, 10 to SO
cents apiece.
Grape .fruit 5 cents
New potatoes, 23 cents
a quarter pecc
String beans, 23 cents
a half peek.
Tomatoes, 15 cents a
pound new.
Cucumbers, 3 for 10
Rhubarb, 5 cents per
Peas. 20 cents a peck.
Radishes, 2 bunches
for 5 cents.
New long onions, 2
bunches for 5 cents.
Bermuda onions, 15
cents a box.
Eggplant, 10 and 15
cents apiece.
Cymbellnes, 5 cents
outlet. IS cents per
luuet on tne round-
23 cents per pound.
Don't buy suburban proper
ty until you have seen
"Del Ray."
We expect another "St. Elmo"
rusb. on opening day, Satur
day, May 5.
Wood, Harmon & Co.
Dealer in Pure Rye Whiskies, Wines and
Foreign Liquors, and a full line of To
bacco and Forebrn and Domestic Cigars.
N. Capitol andG Sts. N. E.
OT a person cam
And an objection
able feature or a
Haw of any kind IB
our method of EX
It's tho latest
method. Made to overcome the faults ot the old
methods. Painless, safe, and not disagreeable.
Extracting painlessly, DO cents. Other opera
tions proportionately priced.
Evans Dental Parlors,
1217 Pa. Ave. N. VV.
.. -1., , aj..;-,?;

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