OCR Interpretation

The Washington times. (Washington, D.C.) 1894-1895, April 22, 1895, Image 2

Image and text provided by Library of Congress, Washington, DC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn87062244/1895-04-22/ed-1/seq-2/

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These Matfcin:
Arc great sellers popular because
They're good; yet cheap, and cheap
because "we brought tlicm direct to
tins store from China and Japan.
40-yard Rolls.
Unough in each to cover two rooms
of a uniform size of 1 2 by 15 feet.
-40-van! rolls white Chi- CO Oft
nose Minting for. Q.t OU
GO-yard rolls IZxtra Taney QQ Cn
Chinese Matting for gUuU
40-yord roll extra licavy
new weavcjointlcss .Mat- OS ft ft
ting C-UiUll
40-yard roll double Extra
I'ancv Jolntlcss. Slatting OP fin
flO-vard rolls Inserted and
Double I)vc Japanese Mat- QO fin
tingfor" 00-UU
40-ytird rolls Ilcst Quality
Cotton U arp and Damask
Jotntiess Matting 20dif-
fcrent patterns) per roll.
Lots of other interesting prices,
but these will suffice to illustrate
their general lovsness.
F 3nd Ilth Streets.
terege Warehouses, M St., near M.
mm dv i m
intli 01 B 4LH
Western Border of Laurel Is a
Prey to Flames.
Cottage ef Clerks Who live in This City
Ea3anfrerd by the, .Slue "Washington
SjwdfosOf s Property Bsccives the Brest
or ike iiUaefc The Alarm of the Resi
dents Quieted by a Favoring Wind.
iMHi, Md.. April 21. Savage foiest
fires are raging on tbe western outskirts
of this pretty town, aed less than eighteen
rules front Washington.
Tbe blaze, which K mow devastating
many acre of valoalde woodland, started
Friday within a few yards of tlie property
of -Steptieu GjwubriH, brother-in-law of
Senator Gorman.
Tbe (property of tbe'VVasliiuglonsyiKbcate
isir hefetg swept by a to of fire, wirich
is eathg from tree to tree and sweeping
tbe atMlerbraah and fatten autumn leaves
vrHto -waves of llamas.
The Wnstnugton syndicate, which will
Iok hcavHy, is known as the Fairiawn
CorapMiy. Among its fctockbolders m
etai to 1 B. H. Warner, John Waggamau
and otber prominent real estate dealers.
This company's property comprises a sub
dirtciou wf Laurel wjiicfa lies directly south
wet of the Keeley Institute. The sfiace
is dWd with haitdfion aud picturesque
oottagee, tome of which an oecopi'-d by
gowraroeiit clerks, and others having
daily bosiMeae m "Washington.
These cottages had a narrow escape yes
tey from being sent ky ward iu oioads
of smoke and flame, as tbe fiery ifnre
swept dose to them aud were oitly raved
b; a favorable wind, wlmii forced the
fire in an opftosMe dire-toti. There was
great coeeterHalton aiaoag tbe occupants
of Ume pretty structures and in ome in
stances furniture aad other household
enBeote were quickly removed to ilace& or
Soaoeof the beet timber land in ihtseec
ti m of Marrtaiat 1ms been cleared by the
d ctroyuig element, and unless heavy rams
o me to tbe rescue ft is feared that hun
dreds of acres of woodland will ;oee their
w ealtb of timber, which 1 Adudee tall and
stately oaks, hickory trees, and pines.
Tlita loss will lie irreparable and carry the
d image upward until it amounts to many
ttoasanda of dollars.
At inght tbe southwestern horizon is
br gl ' mod by a rosy glare of light, re
st ' i - a vivid aurora boreal is, while
bv d, there are dark and overhanging
mess - i if smoke, whkb dnft lather and
tl ill r ., t the caprice of tbe winds, like im
va Tl- i .mnlu douds tefore a dorm gale.
Lsl lbs, snakes aud brrd in great unm
btrs iie seeking aafetr to tbe windward,
in lLe path of tbe fieo' cy clone, and H is
fetrod several bouses in that direction
imy be oestroyed. Three large hay mows
luwe ahcadr added tbeir fuel to tbe flame,
and apprehensive fatmets are talking of
organizing brigades of Ijosb beater to
fight the advancing foe.
Couimmi Yinl4t 1Ttk-h "VVIIl Gvrp Hit Or-dinttrj-
j:x'rfti:; fur TUirty IUIm'..
fSpeclal to Tbe Thnec.)
Be4a, Vaas., April St Preparations
for tbe reception and cutertabMBeat of tbe
host of -delegates expected at tbe July ou
roatioa of Christian Endoavorora are 1m
ing iMtabed forward at a rapid rate, and
the members of the committee of '95 de
clare tbat ootfeiug will be neglected which
will add to tbe comfoit and pleasure of
tbe visitors.
Tbe reception committee is planning to
cxtoad xl moat boarky welcome to every
delegate wbooomes to the convention Tbe
oomralttee wil) see tbat the delegates are
not oaly -welcomed on their arrival, bat
also that tbey are tr&oaportod as com
fortably aud speedily as j)Osible to the
quarters provided for them.
There will be a competent chairman in
charge of each depot and stoamboat land
ing in tlte city, who Tvill be reepon&iWe
for the guests arriving at his fetation. He
will bave at his command the .servjees of
a largeeommlUeeoryoungmenand women
whose duty it Trtll be to direct tbe guests to
to tbe various hotelsaud state headquarters
already assigned.
At tbe Cleveland convention tbe members
of tbe reception committee will be dis
tinguished by while yachting caps, but
trimmed with crimson m lieu of gold bands
-which were used at the Forest City, white
aud crimson being tbe official colors of
tbe Boston Union and tbe convention. On
arrival of the delegates at tbe State bead
quarters tbey will register, receive their
badgeB and tben arrange for accommoda
tions. It is imperative tbat every dele
gate register and receive a badge, as only
by displaying badge can entrance bo gained
to the balls.
Iu addition to the Ii6t of speakers an
nounced in these dispatches last week may
be named Hon. Elijah A. Morse and Hou.
Neal Dow, who will speak In tbe ball on
Patriotic Day, and Rev. E. B. Bagby, of
"Washington, who has accepted an invita
tion to deliver an address.
The lasted t estimate of the number of
Budeavorers who will represent tbe Dis
trict in Boston makes tbe size of tbe dele
gation about 300. It may exceed that
number. Tbe local transportation com
mittee has made .arrangements whereby
it ie enabled to sell tbe delegates a conpou
ticket covering all ordinary expenses for
Tbe Copley Square Hotel, District bead
quarters, will be literally covered with the
banners of tbe local union with special
reference to tbe convention of '9G. As tbe
hotel is wltlilu a square of tbe principal
meeting place, and tbe delegates will
bave to jiass in going to and from each
eession. Capital City enthusiasm and en
terprise will be well advertised
USURER fBa fiV jei g ibd b
A Mil utuLAncUi stomach.
The Representatives of Sub
urban Properties at
Sword's Points.
College Park, Gonfrolieii By John
son & Agnsw, Heard From.
Tor a Umo past rumors have boen rifo to
the offoet tbat two prominent real estato
firms, ono.br which is Johnson & Agnow, of
tbo Washington Loan and Trust Building,
bavo been seeking an opportunity to demon
strate the superiority or their respective en
terprises in tbe public press. Matters
reaibed a climax yesterday when the op
posing forcos appearod in Tin: Tuins' adver
tising columns arrayed unmistakably for
warfare. As tbo controversy tbus far has
been carried on in a spirit of goou-uatnrcd
badinage, and a3 it is likely to develop
Eorao interesting phases, It will prove inter
esting. As far as the disinterested observer
can judge College Park is by considerable
odds the favorite.
"Evening In Ireland" With lire
Order of Kiherians.
Notably Largo Assemblage of SonB and
Daughters of the "Hater Dolorosa of
Katiocs" Proiident Koran's Words on
Lovo of Country Dr. Shahaa's Thoughts
Kelodies by Chores and Soloists.
The Ancient Order of Hibernians are an
tique in nothing lait their patriotic name.
In ail thiugsoise tboy are intensely modem,
as was fio pleadingly evidenced by their
entertainment last night at the Academy of
Music, entitled "An Evening in Ireland."
The theater was graced with a notably large
assemblage of the Fons and daughters of
the country which Dr. Stafford poetically
termed the "Mater Dolorosa of Nations."
Those who esteem these sons and daughters
were alsoliirgely represent edintheaudience.
The boxes were draped with the ttars
aud stripes, and the hanuors of tlie Emerald
Me. Tlte stage was decroated with a
chorus of about fitly Ringers, trained for
the celebration by Prof. Mania. District
PresideutP. T. Morau was the cliaarraanand
master of the ceremonies.
The guests of liouor were Rev. Dr. D. J.
Stafford and Prof T. J. Shaban, D. D.,
of tlie Catliolic TJmvorslty.
The "evening" was opened by a fine ren
dition by tie Chorus of "Hail Columbia,"
after which an introductory address was
delivered by President Moriin on the origin,
history and achievements of the order. He
dwelt with esieeial forco on tlie epirit of
fraternity of the organization and it broad
catholic principles of patriotism, and love
of country for their "home" on Uith Bides
of the Atlantic. Healeospokortiieerviccs
of the Irish m tbe war for thepreservation of
the Union, and tlie trust reposed In the
representative men of theracobythisuation.
He eulogized Phil Sheridan, and men
tioned tlie regiments composed bolely of
Irish which had done great service in the
late war, allof which was loudly applauded.
Dr. Shahs u addressed hiawelf to the
history or the Irish, and touched upon tbe
liberal attitude of the Catholic church to
all organizations and societies except
Uioae iiMintca! to the church, exemplifying
his statement by reference to the policy
of tlte church iu the thirteenth century,
when tlmt church ruled the world."
Dr. Shaban commended the purposes and
work of the Ancient Older ol Hibernians.
A very interesting part of this address was
that in which tbe speaker explained tlie
antiquity of tbe Ineh race, following their
migrations irom the Tower of Babel to the
Atlantic ocean. He said among otherthings
that so far as tbe evolution of races was
concerned the Irish had as many "long
tailed families" as any other nation.
Tlie thoughts of Dr. Stafford's address
were suggested by the hymn. "The Harp
that Once" etc., which be recited with great
grace of elocution. He then developed
tbe story of tbe harp, the glory 't once
oeh'braxed, tbe loss of power rznd prestige
of tbe race, and drew a vivid ontiast
between the old regime and she Ireland of
tbe English.
Dr. Stafford paid high ",ribute to the
loyalty of the Irishman To 'lie iand he
adopts as his own, as is Bhown, '.e paid,
especially by tlie devotion of 'be race to
the free and glorious condl!io;w of Amer
ican citizendnp.
Mihs Mamie Donnelly earg very sweetly
the "Last Rose of Summer," Mrs. Maina
contributed several songs and was recalled
several times. Mr. McFarland,JIr. Maina,
Mr. McNulty also added materially to the
Micccss of tbe -evening with their sweet
voices. The following were the committees
Entertainment P T. Moran. chairman;
D P. Morgan. P. T. Niland, M. J. O'Con
nor, Thoinab E. Barron, M. P. Canty ,B.
J. Lynch, J E. Casey, J. P. Collins, J. E
ritzgerald, D. 3 Walsh, aud Dr. Cairaher.
Reception J. J Dolan, chairman; James
P. O'Langhlin. Dr. J. F. McCnig. Dr. J.
O'Dounell. John J. Fuller. P 1 Carr, Dr.
P. J. Sinttery, M. P. Sullivan, -mil William
J. McEvoy.
Some IttiilTvnj- Map llutciurz. '
"This won't do," said the general pas
senger agent, in .annoyed tones to the map
maker. "I want Chicago moved down here
hair an inch, o as to come on our direct
route to New York. Tben take Buffalo and
put it a little further from the lake.
"You've got Detroit and Now York on
different latitudes and the impression that
tbat is correct won't help our road.
"And, tnnn, take those two lines tbat
compete with us and make 'em twice as
crooked as tbat. Why, you've got oue of
'em almost straight.
"Yauk Boston over a little to the west
and put New York a little to tbo west, so as
to show passengers that our Buffalo
division is tbo thortest routo to BoFton.
"When you bave done all these things
I've said you may print 10,000 copies
butsay, bow long have you been in the rail
aid, road business, aiiyway?" New York Her-
Not in His Line.
Mrs. Hicks Your teacher says slio saw
you fighting with Tommy Higglns, a boy
much younger than yourself.
Dick niclffi Well, if she oxpects to see me
plugging any old professional swatters she's
going to get left. Excbango.
Thestomach is belter supplied with blood
vessels than any oilier organ of Uic body
except tlie brain. Hence the clo'.e rela
tion between the two. If the brain be
comes congested or irritated in any way
blood is drawn from the Momucli that
should be there to assist digestion. In
many cases of so-called nervous dyspepsia
it is not tlie stomach that is at fault, but
the great nerve center.
Dr. R. A. Walker's great and almostphc
nomenal success In tills disticssing dih
order lies for tbe mosl part in the fact that
be learns the cause of his patient's symp
toms, wlille other doctors tieat the symp
toms. Many people needlessly lose their lives
because they fall into the bands of phy
sicians whose work covers, of necessity,
"too large a field. A .doctor who has to
pull teeth, cut the baby's gums, and saw
wood enough to do over Sunday can uotbc
a nervologist, as that is a piofeusion by
Dr. R A. Walker, of this cily, is one of
the lending fpocin lists of the world in the
line of nervous, brain, and special diseases.
Many come to him after other physicians
have f.illcdi as In tlie case of Philo H. Gar
rett, the well-known nurseryman, resid
ing near Washington.
, "Some time ago," said Mr. Garrett, "I
was taken Willi palpitation of the heart,
accompanied by dizziness. There was a
terrible burning .cubUtJuii oer my heart.
I became so weak and sick I thought I
should die. My doctor told me it was
tn-thing j?erious, and certainly his medi
cine did not help me. For months I con
tinued to suffer. My food distressed me;
I was troubled greatly -with gas, had se
vere pains, was almost too weak to walk,
and a horrible foreboding was pontiuually
over me. At last I went to Dr Walker,
the specialist, and I am satisfied that lie
fcaved my life My heart disease is cured,
and I can cat anything without distress.
Dizziness no longer troubles me, and I
am strong and cheerful. In fact, I am in
perfect health."
Dr Walker may be consulted at his well
known sanitarium at 1-111 Pennsylvania
avenue northwest, near Willard's Hotel,
from 9 a m to O p. m From 7 to 8
p m on Wednesday and Saturday even
ings, and from 10 to 12 on Sundays.
Complaints Against a PraotiGe of
the Government Commission.
Sells For Less Thau Eegular Fishermen-
Charge That tbo Proceeds Go Into the 1
Pockets cf Officials Chief Clerk Gill
Says thoThintr Has Been Done For Years
Honey Goes to Pay Seine Haulers.
The fishermen of the Potomac, and es
pecially those in the neighborhood of
Bryant's Point, are indignant at the United
States Fish Commission engaging in the
sale of fish. This 6alc by tlie commission
of the fish caught in its Bcinc at Bryant's
Point, it is charged, seriously impairs the
business of tbe local fishermen, reduces
their revenue, and is conducted, they say,
on the principle of underselling those
legitimately in the industry.
Mr T. D Ilayden, one of these ftahernien,
called at The Times office Saturday night;
and made a complaint concerning the
above points, on bis own behalf and that
of bis fellow-fishermen.
The specific charge of Mr. Haydeu is that
the United States Fisli Commission is en
gaged in tbe fish trade at Bryant's Point;
(bat Capt. L. Harron Is in charge there;
that the commission sells shad and herring I
in the Wasi'iisglon m irket and to the larni
era, belling in oneday 75,000 herring,
shad aud other fish, and realizing in a
season over S3, 000.
Mr Hayden said that ho and his brother
had many a time to throw away their fish,
as tbe market at Alexandria and Washing
ton was overstocked by the United States
Fish Commission. Also tbat the com
mission sells for $3 a thousand, while
the tishciiiicn should receive $4 n thou
sand. He said further tiiat Mr. Welch,
who attends to the sales for the commis
sion on tuoie. .-vaal li.ai he hanOIfi ail Uic
inou.y for tbe sale, and that lh- rv ipts
for the commission for 1892, 1893, were
between three and four thousand dollars.
t;apLHj.rron. he.sayi.haboeiiJMs ini' or
a week or more, catching more fish than any
of the fishermen, and if report be true, is
selling fish for lets money than any other'
fisherman." This complaint was referred
to Chief Clerk Gill, of the Fish Commission,
in ttie absence of Commissioner Macdonald
from the city.
Mr. Gill said that the statement that the
Commission sold the fish caught in the seine
was true. There was no secrecy, whatever,
in the transaction. Tlie fact that the
Commission was using a seiuc to catqti
shad had been known to Congress for years
and the subject was discussed when the
Commission was Investigated by a Scuate
committee in 1890-91.
The tales ot risli are made to pay the ex
penses of tlie seine-haulers, and for that
purpose only. If the fish were given
a way the fishermen would complain, and it
would be a very questionable policy to
throw them away.
Mr. Gill, without reference to the books,
says that the statements of Mr. Hayden
appear to be very much exaggerated.
Mr. Gill quoted fiom the testimony given
before the Senate Committee lo show that
in three consecutive years the revenues
from the sale of fish exceeded the ex
penses of the cine-haulers by about $40,
and that this was carried forward to bo
applied to the next year's expenses. Capt.
Harron testified that the average take
of tlieacine was from 700 to 1 ,000 shad.
Mr. Gill cited statistics to show that the
fchad taken in the river was only j'bout
one-seventh of the number used by the com
mission, aud that the rest was bought from
Hi'" tinermen and gillr.et xnen. the com
m.ss'oa bemg thus one of their bc&fc
By using its own seine the government can
.secure a million eggs for $22 or $23, while
a nullum egs Ojunt irum the gui.iei men
and other fls'im hi""3 cosLT he govern
ment from $80 to $85.
Mr. Gill fcaid that The Times could at
any time obtain .all tbe information It
wanted on I he subject at the office of the
commission. They scil their lish tumugh
a commission merchant of tins city. The
price obtained and aked from tbe farmers
and everybody else is merely the wholesale
Xorthero f-u-n, i uo.
Editor Times: Concerning your editorial
iuSunday'8TimeseutitIed"That Courtroom
Scene," I hope you will permit me to inform
Mr. Rogers that up our way, "North," in-
t suits arc resented as quickly, if insults in
fact, as in any part of the land. I wish to
Qny ui 1'it'ta. I'u.i ton i ur&jjeous men
exist monlj-o ne section of thecountry.
The lawera referred to, if I am correctly
it i t'--i . iiitj u ii' s- luieern men. Ho Mr.
R. has made no point against us. Let him
address a Northern man iu the language of
the lawyers referred to, and be will soon
dnn.o-.v-i n.-s niifcinLe.
A Now 3,'ork Boy.
Teacher Namo the greatest orator in
pupil Wcll.it rests between Demosthenes
and Mr. Depew. New York Commercial
What Will the ''Senators Do With
Kicholson Easily Excusable For Hi3 Error3
In Saturday's , Game St Louis
Gots Out of Last Position.
Notwithstanding the fact tbat the Sen
ators have lost both of the games which
they have played in the race for tlie pen
nant, and are sbarlng with Cleveland the
honor of being tlie lariendera, the patrons of
tbe team, who aj-ftJWe followers of the
game, are not vjery-iidown-hcarted by the
jsho wing made withBoston.
The team is amtfch better one in many
respects than it1 whs last year. Crooks
as a second baEgtnoi'can give card3 and
spades to Ward, -wjiq covered that position
last year. Tbe orrojRi that Nicholson made
were entirely excusable. The infield at
National Park s fccmethmg horrible. It
was given out tbaUt had been much im
proved, but the boys fail to bte whoie it
comes in.
In a conversation with Joyce last night
he said that the boys are capable of put
ting up n much better article of ball than
they bad yet shown. . They were all some
what nervous ou Saturday, especially
The game that the Bostons put up stamps
them as more than likely to be In the
firht flight at the finish. Irdeed, if their
first two games are a fair sample, they
appear to have the pennant well in hand.
It is very probable thntMallarky or Maul
will pitcli in to-day's game, and McGuiru
will likely go behind the bat.
Only two games were played yesterday.
St. Louis made a spurt and jumped up
from last position. The Clevelands must
liave been pretty son: after the game with
nil three of them lost to Cincinnati. This
boosts the latter team into firtt position.
The attendance at today's game will
likely lw considerably smaller than that
of Saturday, but there will be a big crowd
of looters on bond.
When the last inning has been played aud
the Wn&hlngtous ale returned winners,
oh, what a yell will go up aud bow those
who roasted the team will crawfish. Now
boys play ball.
'Cinoimiuil Took tlin Tliri'o Chiuch From
HiH 1'i't Spider.
Cincinnati.April 21. The largest crowd
that cvqt gathorcd on a ball field in Cin
cinnati, 17,'ISG, attended the game to-day.
Cleveland did no hotting to cpeak of till
the eighth inning and then made only three
hits. McPhce was spiked by Zimmer in
the seventh 0 badly that be may not play
for several days. Ewiug's men batted,
fielded, and ran bases in good style. The
score: -
cino'ti it. n.ro.A.n., cuvct'd. n. ii.po.a.e.
Latti'm.aijS a 0 1 2 Glitlds, 2b. 0 0 1 2 1
Gray. 2b. .0 0 11 1 nurkrtt, It. I 2 4 0 0
UTIi'c. 2b 2 2 G 2 OM'Kean.M. 1 0 2 3 0
nwlnir.lb.. 2 2' 7 0' 0 O.T'b'u. lb 1 2 8 0 0
Hoii'y . cr. t
loy. if. .. t
Jmith.'HS.. 0
r.-uiiiit. c. o
WHlpr, rf.v2
Foreman, ji 2
2 O o CTlia, it. O 1 i u o
2 0 0 M'Aleer, cr. 0 0 4 0 0
2 3 0 Gro'K'r. 3b 0 1 I 2 0
4 2 0 Zlinrucr, C. Q 2 3 3 1
3 0 0 buIUv'ii. p. 0 0 0 1 0
, TotuU .3 B2tll 2
Totals. .12 1G 27
Cincinnati 3 0 1 10 4 2 1 x 12
Cleveland 00000003 03
llanied runs Cincinnati 8. Two-base hits
sLatliam, HolliUay. noy 2, G. Tcbeau. Zimmer.
Three-base hits MlUcr. Home run Ewlni;.
Stolen bane Latham 2, Etvlns 2. Hoy, Vaughn,
itcl'hce. Miller Double iilays smith, Mcfhcp and
i: wlnK'.McKean, Child and O. Tclwau. First base
on l.alla Oil Foreman 4. off Hulllvan C. Struck
out Uy Foreman 3, liy Bulttvan4. i'aased balls
Zlmmer2 Wlldpltcl.cs Sullivan 3. Time 2:03.
Umpire Emsllu
Cluso ami . UlMJtting Gtuno "With
si:. Louis, Mo.?April 2f. Twelve thou
sand people witnfej-ed an unusually long
aud drawn out game to-day. Both sides
wcrcouunoasy street until thelast man went
dowu. Thegamcwasrep!etcwithbachits,
two and three-b.fggers, home ruus. and
good fielding. To-day's game goes to the
Browns and gives them one of tbe three
plavcd with Chicago. The score: -
st Louis. n.ni'O.A.n.. cmenBo. k. n.ro.A.n.
Dovrd. it
2 2 0. 0 DecV.or. it. . 0
0 0 0 0
10 0 0
2 12 1
2 2 0 0
3 7 0 0
0 G 0 0
2 2 11
12 3 0
0 5 0 0
0 1' G 1
MJller. rf.
113 0 lN1tyan. rf .. 2
Con'or. 11). 1 2 10 O' O Irwin, B .. 2
"Lyons.llb.. 1 1 l"d"0 V.'itmot.lf.. 1
Quinn, 2b . 1 3 2 " OAnson.io.. i
Ely. M ..1-0 0 4- 1 TuuKC.cr.. 0
HoKan.cr.. 0 12 0 0 Everett, 3 1
reit, c ..1 2 C 1 0 stewcrf. 21 0
nrelt't'n, p0 0 0 0 .0 Ponahue, c. 0
' Terrr. n .. 0"
Totals . . 6 12 2CT3 jy?
.. I f Total .. 7112G 11 3
'Stewart out for not ronnlnx-
Two orC when wlnninj; nrn made.
St. Louis 10 0 0 0 2 10 18
Chicapo 10 0 2 0 0 10 3 T
Earned runs .St Louis C, Chicago 1. First baso
on balls Off nrcitensteln 5, off Terry C. HSruck
out liy nreitensteinJ. liy Terry 3. Homo run?
ltyau. itlller Thrcfvlmse bit rcltz, Everett.
Two-base hits Connor 2, Wilnot, Anson, htolen
bases Dowd, Ely, Hojjan, Everett. llouble
pl.iyf, Irwln.Btewarta'nd Anson. Hit by pitched
ball liy Terry 1. Wild pitches Terry 2.
Time 2.20. Empire llutU.
Stimulus of the Teamh.
Wn. Lt. TO. Wn. Lt. PC.
Cincinnati... 3 0 1000 Brooklyn.... 1 1 .500
IlcHlon. 2 0 1000 Baltimore.. 1 1 .EOO
Chicago a 0 1000 Louisville.... 1 2 .333
Pittsburg.... 2 1 .057 St Louis .... 1 2 .333
Philadelphia 1 1 .MX) Washington. 0 2 .000
Now York.... 1 1 .000 Cleveland.... 0 2 .000
"STcstiTilny'ti GamoH.
Cincinnati, 12; Cleveland, 3.
St. Louis, 8; Chicago, 7.
Atteiidiinoe Figures
In Cincinnati, 17,430.
In St. Louis, 12,000.
GmncH to Uo Flayed To-day,
Bostons in Washington.
Brooklyns in New York.
Philadelphios iu'Baltimora,
St. Asaph Entries for To-day.
Tlrst race, one-halt mile:
Ind. Horse. Wt.Ind. norsc.
43 Mural 100 Wat
81 Felicia 105 27 Jacklnc
fiunta Lucia ..10G 77 Tyvnnn
fiantuzza .. ..10577 OldAgc
GR r.narma 105 05 nelio Air .. .
77 Montezuma .... 10B Hhododendrum 108
Second race, seven furlongs:
Ind. Horse. Wt.Ind. Horse.
7Q BIr Dixon, Jr.. 0578' Tralco ..
83 Fcter the Great. 10C So copyright
89 Captain T.. . .10989 Sandownc
80 Eofe-an 100
Third race, one mile:
Ind. Horse. Wt.Ind none.
80 Dcno 830L Cass 103
81 Kilkenny .. .. 107 Truepenny.. .. 10S
J)0 Jack Kcse.. ..107 83 Itiatralnt .. .. 10S
2G liuckrcnb .. .. 113
Fourth race, one-halt mile; Arlington stakes, of
Ind. Horse. Wtlnd. Horse.
(88) Limbert .. .. 10'J r,7 rrcmier ..
75 Applegate.. .. 11770) I'loretta ..
Fifth r.icc. five furlongs::
Ind. norse. IVt Ind. Horse.
Canary Bird .. 04 Ben Lomond
Ci l'ontlear 101 C9 Tactotum ..
44 Ettalrc 70 Kick
. lit
. 103
. 10G
90 Fidget 08 Wcstl'ark .. .. 07
Blth race, six furlongs:
Iiid. Horse. Wt.Tnd. "Horse. Wt.
87 Lolile Eastln .. 105 Tranciscan.. .. 110
McKee 104 78 Tartutfe .. .. 101
67 High Point ndle 105 - Bouth Side.. .. 101
22 Irish Lass.. ..(OCff I'hocbus 101
BC I'hocbus 101
Tlrst Race Old Age; ,If pntezuma.
fiecond Itace sir Dixon, Jr.; sandotrno.
Third Itacc Buckrene; Ciss.
Fourth Kacc Florevta; Premier.
Fifth Itacc Factotnta; 'Den -Lomond.
Sixth ltace LoUie Eastiin; MoKee.
Struck on tho Head.
James Coleman, (ten years of ago, of Jib.
830 Delaware avenue northeast, was struck
on tbe head by a colored boy with a large
piece of timber Satu&lay evening on S
street northwest, and badly hurt. He was
taken to FreedmanV, Hospital in No. 8
patrol wagon. '
- WT
SsSC?' Vrrsx 1
7 y v,.V ,U
Wiff '
v lffl -
ik-X( $&rw.l!
J ' "T
the honors to HYGIENIC ICE. Tho
water from which it is mode comes in
"snnngs"rom great depths, and scien
tists who have examined themsay as far
away as from the Blue Ridgo Mountains.
This remote sourco explains the absolute
freedom of tho water from every evi
dence ot surface influcuce. The out
nut from these so-called Federal Springs
President WASHINGTON sought to se
cure by purchase from their then owner
fortbe use of tho city which was tobear
bis honored namo. Iu this ho failed, but
af Icr tbo lapso of many years the aim of
the Father ot his Country and tbo God
father of the Capital City has been
achieved through tho instrumentality of
modern methods, by which in uniform
cubes of crystal ico this wonderful flow
of absoiutel y pure wator is placed at the
disnosal of every homo in the National
GIENIC ICE has been proved by the con
stant growth in patrouage of our best
people poonlo who have for themselves
rccocnizcd tho needa of securing the
best obtainable of an articlo so Important
in the family as its ico. For tho eick
room, for the table, and for ovory other
home purposo its tuso isurgedbymanyof
our best physicians. In tho process ot
'Resignation" of the Secretary
of the Island Track.
They Realize That Their Queer Ways Are
Becoming Too WeU Known Legitimate
Bookmakers Withdrawing from tb.3
Stands Despair Wins a Race With An
other Boy TJp ana the Eooks Were "On."
The first thing heard as the crowd en
tered the grounds of .the Old Dominion
Jockey Club at Alexander Island Satur
day was tfa&t -Secretary Tompkins bad
handed in his resignation. Investigation
proved that the rumor was correct aud
with the last race Saturday night his of
ficial duties ceased.
The relations between the management
and Mr. Tompkins are friendly in every
way, they say, the resignation being
brought about by a desire on bis part to
give bis entire attention to his stable of
All this sounds well, but tbe truth of the
matter unquestionably is that those in
charge were made to realize by The Times
exposures that something must be done to
put a show of respectability on the place.
They know only loo well the injustice
that has been done other owners by per
mitting Mr. Tompkins to run his horses,
but they did not care to realize this wrong
until compelled to by the perfect torrent
of protest that has been brought forth
since The Times called attention to the
They say a drowning man will catch at
a straw. President Jones and his as
sociates arc now in similar position.
They realize that their track has goue be
yond the limits of safety, but Secretary
Tompkins resigning wont help to win
friends for the track. It only serves to
snow how near the end really is. J
Tlie fact tbat Grand Prix, Bones, Bel
lagio, aud the three or four others that
sport the pink Jacket with the evergreen
clover, were occasionally dropped into
soft places, and were invariably well
treated both as to weight and position in
send off, is only one ot the many methods
of the place tbat is at variance with hon
esty on the part of those in charge.
If the place was to be cleaned of its
plague spots, the work would be of a
herculean order. It -would mean tbe
dropping of judges who have proved them
selves time' and again blind to the misdeeds
that, bave taken ptace under their very
It would mean a sweeping from the
grounds of the black-legs ot the turf that
now strut about and ply their trade
without fear of molestation.
It would mean the ordering from tbe ring
of the dozen or more pirates rlio, under
tlie guise ot bookmakers, vio with one
another to rob the public by bargaining
with owners and jockeys to have horses
stopped. It would mean tlie driving from
tlie track of tbe apologies for jockeys that
pull horses 1n the most bare-faced mannejj.
It would mean the closing of the gates
to the confidence men, the shell game
rollers, the touts aud the painted-faced
females who daily swarm to the place iu
Do this, President Jones, and,your track
might work its way back to the level of
decency, but to expect this, would be ex
pecting too much. Those that would have
1 lo be cast out, have made tho place.
-v a; '
-y,-'?- 1TT4
. V ' "'
nroduction all the watercenvertediutoice
is subjected to great heat or distilled
this Drolonged super-heating accomplish
ing the double purpose of securing the"
sparkling transparency and .subsequeat
hardness peculiar to Hygienic Ices, as
well as absolute freedom from all dan
gers in ice whose history i6 uncertain, or
in ice Droduced from water not thus sub
jected to prolonged beat.
asks for your patronage. It offers you
its product at as low rates aa are
quoted by any responsible company .and
will guarantee you dunnc tho coming
summer season prompt. conttBuoas. and
amDie service.
cilities for regular dollverias to every
Dart.of the oity. every customer can ab
solutely rely upon prompt and full de
livery in the hottest weather when ice is
absolutely necessary.
r a WORD OF CAUTION. Be .sore that
what is sold you is HYGIENIC ICE. and
from wagons bearing the legend, "No
Sawdust: No Sediment." Some irre
sponsible dealers and iieddlers bave al
ready begun to represent taelr Joe to be
Hygienic Ico, when it is not. Remem
ber it is the ONLY distilled water ice
sold in the aty.
Tbey bave been received into the fold with
open arms, and it might lie dangerous to
hut tlie doors on them. It might bring
a leaking of family secrets that some people
might not care to have made public.
The management has selected as a eoc
cessor to Secretary Tompkins Ralph Bay
ard, a well-know turf writer. Mr.
Bayard has the sympathy of all honest rac
ing men. Hia reputation among horse
men ishigh. As a wnter his articles have
been just and fearless. He baa given
credit where it was deserved, and lias
criticized where cnticwm was called for.
His engagement was a clever move on tbe
part of tbe Island management, but H. will
fail Its pu rpofce. So far as lies in hi power
things will be run "dead on the level," but
tbe cloak is not big enough to hide the
weakness of other spots.
Saturday when it came time for the books
to draw on. only fifteen slates were put np.
This is a falling oK of six or a difference
ot $600 in the "club's" profits for tbe day.
The faithful were on line, tlie absentees
being the better element of bookmakers
who have been at work trying to do a i
lcgitiuiate business. Seeing that those
around them did not work on similar lines,
they -very wisely decided to give np tbe J
"Tbe Morgue," "The Embalmer," i
"The Undertaker," and the other fa miliar
faces were eagerly calling for the jwbiic to
step up and contribute to their bask rolls, i
but the response was not as hearty as usual, i
the betting being unusually light. t
The afternoon f urniehetl the regular num- I
bcrot bewildering exhibitions of form. The
crowd grumbled and growled but with the
officials everything was serene and lovely.
Not many days ago the "pet" jockey
of the administraation rode Despair in a
manner that called forth a protest from
every lover of f airplay. Saturday Despair i
had another boy up and he won a good race
in fast time. Little Jim who was an odds
on favorite failing to even get a place.
The books won heavily on the result.
Why then should any question be asked?
In tlie maiden race which was the third
event on the card the favorite was Judge
Onl. He was entered in tbe name of J. B.
Gleason who is supposed to represent M.
J.Daly. Judge Ohl was held at a short
price until the last few mmutebof the betting
when the odds began to climb, themoney at
the same time pouring In on Savant. The
latter mnp'in the name of the Hartford
stable, generally reputed to be another
nom-de-coursc for the Daly family.
Savant won the race aud Judge Ohl was
beaten off, hiB rider seeming to be entirely
content with his position. Of course all
this may have been legitimate but few
believed it to be and some of the comment
heard alter the race was hardly complimen
tary. It was stated yesterday that a representa
tive ot the Jockey Club is at Alexander
Island looking up tbe ownership of certain
horses believed to be the property of Orlando
If the necessary evidence is round, Bandit
and Sue Kittie will not be allowed to run on
the legitimate tracks.
Tin AlexKnder Truck Charter.
From the American Grange Bulletin.
With genuine regret tbe Bulletin recently
called attention to tho sale of a grange
charter issued by tho Virginia legislature
"for tbe promotion of agr.cuiture," &c,
to a racing association and thus brought
disgrace to the firm namo of the grange.
The position of the Bulletin need, not be
misuuderstood by any, for it is simply
and emphatically a demand in bebair of
the good name of tho order, for either
the revoking of the charter as sold or such
change of title as shall perfectly sever
the name of the grange frdm it.
CoKtu Uic a ,ul tiuiilcnsalii.
Guatemala City, April 21. At an of
ficial Teception to-day tbe tninliter of
Costa Rica sakl: "I have come to offer
co-operation and union of the destinies of
my country and Guatemala in the Mexican
question. And at tho same time vte are
glad all is now settled favorably und hon
orably for Guatemala."
TToltzman's restaurant. Ninth and E
streets northwest, will open soon,
uounccment of date in Times later.
-E a r o selling
SC2.00O worth of
elegant seasona
ble- cloUiing at SO
cent3 on tho dollar. Hero are
two samples of the values we aro
offorlng: MEN'S CLAY WOR
STED SULTS-sold for 15 every
where. OUR PRICE, 87.50.
$10 qualities 0HS PRICE, 85.
Every suit guaranteed bring it
back If you don't like it.
941 Penn. Ave. X K,
Near Tenth Street.
It's a little early to meatian
this lino. They ceiae later ia tbe
season. Then prices -tral go 'way
up. Our Meek is complete now:
V,'-i never have had sweh a spfoadid
line or offered such tkr value.
111! pay yea to do your beying
True Blue Seree Suits. ST.
SIO was the price last sum-
Finer Grade at SS.50.
Last summer the same suit
cost SI 2.
The Best That's Made, SIO.
Never has been sold before
under SI5.
We have tbara in aH sizes. Made
up after the latest patterns. .Inst
the kind that'll look well and wear
alt sommer
903-909 8th St. S. E.
Ughteot, moat rigid,
nad eaaiest ronmnc;
bicycle made. 28-1 a
roadster Fally
guaranteed Come and try cne free. If you
don't like it get so-aelhiBg else You. WILL
like it .Sold on installments.
v. D. HADGER, 930 9th St. N. K
Washington Medical and Sargieal
fi02 FStrect Northviest.Waskingtoc. D. C.
Treats all chronic, nervous, and Mood dleeaaes,
alcoDolism and opium naML
SPECIALTY kidsey aad Sladaer Trouble,
Piles, Fistula, Stricture, Ac
PRIVATE Diseases positively and perma
nently cure!
Lost Manhood restored. Cosolttioa free.
Office boars, 9 w 12 a. m.; 3 to S p. at.
Did Yea
Ot the Tally Ho coach bora?
Oa tbe horses? Nobby Showy Sctiking
'Made right here.
naraesa, Sadlee, Trasfee, WWps, etc , at
lowest prices.
F. GERMU1LLER, 641 La. Ave.
It Costs Onlv 5c
For as good a cigar as a man
cars to siBOke Lots of 10c
brands are not as good as
Smokers a"I over the city say
it's one of the beat ac cigars ever
oaeretL Ak your dealer for it
next time.
614--616 PEN MA. AVE.
"UnnnuHlly Attractive I'ricrj u' f 3Iu
sieul und Athletic Features.
One of tbe strongest and mot attractive
programmes ever arranged fr a single
performance oatefcie of charity affairs
will be presented to-mgbtat the Academy of
Music upon the occasion of the anooat bene
fit of the Columbia Athletic Club.
In addition to the atMetic and gymaaabc:
features to be presented by Prof. John
Crossley and his priae gymnastum team
the array of musical talent is sa exception
ally large and fine one.
Among the soloists who wiM awpearare
Miss M. Frances Miller, dramatic soprano
and one of Baltimore's most brilliant
songstresses. She has a most beautiful
voiceof wide rangepure in-theraezzorwrisib-r
ami of great punty in the higher notes.
She will be accompanied by her teacher.
Dr. E. S. Kimball.
Mr. J. J. Fiafeer, one of the best baritone
soloists here, will sing Robanda's "Bright
Star or Hope" with violin and 'ceMooWlgato.
George O'Connor, whose excellent rend
ering of popular comic songs always gives
pleasure to bis audiences, is dewa for
several narabers.
The Columbia Quartet, composed ot
Messrs. James AVatsen, J. J. Pfaher, W. C.
Looker, and WUl Mooney. m one of oar
youngest musical organizations, which
has m it some of tlie best-trained male
voices hereabouts, and a splendid rendi
tion or its number on tlie card may be ex
pected. The Kimball Quartet of mixed voices will
be one of the great features of the evening.
Dr. Kimball is the director aad that is a
guarantee of the good quality of tlie
music to be rendered. Tlie quartet con
sists or Miss Kitty Thorapsen-Berry, so
prano; Mrs. T. B. HempstOHe, contralto;
Mr. W. D. McFarland, tenor, and Mr. Ber
nard A. Ryan, bass, all vocalists of mora
than local reputation.
Cuilen and Collins, who arc deservedly
popular as banjoists. will render several
numbers, accompanied by Mr. Charles Mc
Enaney. Tlie Olmo Mandolin Club, under Dr. A. V,
Holmes, and WUI Haley, in musical spe
cialties, are among the other musical at
tractions. The sale of seats has been large and
evervthlns noints to a snlcndid benefit.
which whM be a success from both an ar-
l tistic and social point of view.
1 True Blue 1

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