OCR Interpretation

The Pensacola journal. (Pensacola, Fla.) 1898-1985, October 13, 1905, Image 2

Image and text provided by University of Florida

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn87062268/1905-10-13/ed-1/seq-2/

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I I k kr kTHE
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II ViEw crIJA1 cn T1A22 L LAIT iE WELctrorr VI 3T LCNDON
LoMaa LeM 7ae eee 8tWI MB sheet a t to II1t gtlttlice II1te tt ttbe
lice be e Mkj nMi tnehar i BtotropeMn Jtll lor rrtIt the Ce Ceti Cen 0 0Wt
ti t + t1Ae4 k gee Wt I IHtpe set IHIttltat setadelsr
adelsr 1 have triad to do d ail that yea yeat nwNrtr yMk
k dlvedy Nrtr foMlhea 8t IMenIlia IMenIliau Ia4ecya4etrdeelgd
trdeelgd u ru IDe t to d do I bare rf rMdea rMdeatfce rM4iI rM4iIUte I4tn I4tnsage
sage Ute ThasBe I 11 ta l tile tube and ntapt MeptrareaY ntaptf IIIeptlaic
rareaY f BaeMMBatar BBBBBBB4M Mar laic nMa c Bas B Bnt as nfl ala alatete deep deepisuppa atfMMI atfMMIa
isuppa sheet the Sewer 4lt sidlgM I IIta Ibae
bae Ita tieie M fie bI reef WI WIwet 1 1eeMM
wet eeMM a a part It ef tbe BMchtae 1 have haveh
h Wlaioec WftaaBBBB If nnP C8IdI Can BBnf k aai f TAaaT S nUnn
ae ee t r W aBFVB BB r iaVl PVB oxt 4rtr4 IJP A B M Q t ea eaIIU Cast CasttiAip Xi ial ialto
tiAip to KfeluneM IIU BIN where ere the tbeDetoos ueIh1wJ theDshee
Detoos ef Biehnund 1Me1l1e8t te leag g rioted aM where wherethe wll whereUbe Ce Cee
the e peel J 8tIt Thetneen T nea wr wrote a The SeaEeas 8easesaRJleudh SeaEeasghoegh Sea5eBStiIte
ghoegh the deeds ef StcbateM alto fair fates fairoa talltN
oa the tNJq MM MMMr N8JL
JL Mr ball 1 ooto bold AMaa sits sitsto pMaDte pMaDterdI gd1anteroMl
rdI oMltoe
to the sec asacnMcent Kew bade edema ederoasfnjajjt ecJror edematar
fnjajjt l MUnai VnWhBBBBBWBM toe A IT Da BKBBBJka a ar9dhtUfs ar9dhtUfsm
tar m tn nnimM r Pnwjnnyfln v K B AACKar IIampta r nnni Oevt OevtOar Oevrtt7ntsM Wl t tWeisejr
t7ntsM Oar Weisejr W gave te Henry HenryIm Bearythe HellrTftIL
ftIL the ffing IO lc c ooadcsceMed OMft eeHe4 to ad admire a4mire 41 41mkeK ¬
mire mkeK X aM where Catfcartee Catba tae ef Arragea ArrageaAjni Arragt Arrageaal
al t A ARe Heleya were te S tarn tarny IapFle IapFleeaetl
eaetl 1IIr y tick efce lord to towhere Haaspetced Haaspetcedles1Mt 1I p teQ4 teQ4Dktt
les1Mt where Dirk Tnrpta acplc heeded off 0 < < Bte ikMeti BteearalrM IIIeIII
Meti a earalrM ta the geed oM timessad times timesM I fo folII
sad M oare lII e tsMftr sorareigBa weira nM sixpences sixpencesto tJe tJetie
to 1 ilft pew 1 have e borrowed late the tfcetfce uet theidess
idess vdac the t Tewar Te where aehie aehieNeh aekkLgIhL we
LgIhL 1111111 a 4 vktese kt4 act a lovely lag BagMek lagMM
Neh w ttsticea aMH w were re throws te await a thotr thotra
b aieut 1 bare uiMMed beth Itee Iteeat heeea heeeaeC
at Pasitsaest and a 4 voter the kla4lr II kla4A < < IT e eef eNIt es esart
NIt ef Mr t r WMHaai WIlIt JeMR M P t t81111I bsve bsveRiaseceM h r ra
RiaseceM 81111I a errtetaagc between the gv gvtbo 1 1etJeR gevecawt
ecawt sad the ppesltlea etJeR SMte et j i itON
beee tbo > > tON e pa e aed d iacMetta 11td I bare tried te teaatllani t tIIte tostI
aatllani stI IIte e far f < c rear r readers ethers I shall obeliztaek shalltpeak It Itfit
tpeak fit f wbea I retera fNIB fro reai Parts where whereI Iterelee
lee I ee g Mley te see tie great reeefKiea reeejtt ef efKtae etWle ofIke
Wle yusC Ktae ef Stoats a fer when HiB a aeetatatte at aatagrriiirea
atagrriiirea t eetatatte k hen s bees prepcred prepcredLoee preP4redLos re r
Los ss to BMMe 1rte reedy fer Ms W a appear appearaewe BppulMn appeataaee
aewe bet tfce areparatteM 8 here are asthis as asiMtfctar as1I1t
iMtfctar this ta ccrpatieee ceimmf + sea with these Ute e of the thePreaeh UteP thePmk
Preaeh P eMIIL eafrital J la Parts nil It the beate I
vsr4a 8t6 be wW traverse aM 8 may mayBtfetts etJtk etJtkHe atMcre
re Btfetts are beac with saperb espc trfentes A AJJn A1iW Am
1iW n m ly peate4 poles like likedecile Ubecid
JJn decile cid ew JS JII liberty oWO ertT P poles Jam have r e been 0 Qfi B let k oat OVCta Mt1II1Ite oatIr
ta 1II1Ite tie street reaching above aM the lefty leftys 1ettraboMiK7 IItyd34bty
s aboMiK7 story hetpe bees b steps goratobed and rar SohPixkel rarBfefced TalMIte
Bfefced MIte e the geafataes taIeIta ef Spate er tie tieBMttted tie1H thegttded
BMttted 1H Je4 Meets of Venice bearing aloft aloftswMvtog deft1IWcC clefteniaeiag
swMvtog basaatecks ck > ef does es vast baskets basketsef
I ef flewen feetoeM t a ef gigantic aatk birds birdsroses WnltltM bkdctece4
roses tM beeps states testers tecH betterflka betterflkaaM
aM i ta yettew aM red the Speaks 8p a 14I cobra celersaM cektneMrT cobracad
aM every few roes the gergeeM cs cscnfcaheea tSun escsobee
C un cnfcaheea of Spota M feet r sere se are e with withtbe wltl1teww8
tbe towers of Or Ortnada aM adf4 lie liew Nens ra at atwath
upped f4 wath w Mi the M e Jeweled wete < < crown of qC Castile CastileWKlB CastileLMa Caatlesrd
srd Lees act IaIaft4 with a aeC CMnrwft4KVH CMnrwft4KVHof alalaorseeK
of toM breach orders which the tltexa yoeng yoengKtaR ysugIt1eg
KtaR xa wearc apea his breaM Here II IIIItMe aM aMthere andMess
there aM the doeratling POBMS thetxw the theprow UtefIIeW
prow of a poem C8t trireoM trlr sienMoant t etvukat of ofwhat fitIOMt
what I berety bsr tl Dew Hy tie way tb tbAc tM tMhc theAwe
Ac 4Ie e Triavtph lt reared ta boner ef Use tfceftetocfes t tWeINdel UsewIedu
ftetocfes of f tfce great Napeteea te brll brllMeBt artt1It hdllist
list 1It w Rkh h red nM yoMow oonhorots hre aM aMtaweoaii aeela cadtirsffh
taweoaii the a apltniara ttftiei 11 ec oas be eeen the thenames tMeC thesaes
names of Hap MaJlluss sit SBS TJotorigs hlli ta taoto IIIJ tlpah tlpahMa
Ma J IIIM M Mz Ian dsa oto It k tea teate a aIIVar ettaaC ettaaCr1OrMN
IIVar r1OrMNLades IIVarL
L Lades te net ct wl wkfceet Mt Hs fec teKiridei teKirideieftIt irltle irltletrreo
use haters the coaetag of the yeethfe yeethfefrom ygntlSh Mtltt1 Mtltt1Jllllcel
Jllllcel Sh c d BfrM N vaod a 4 We I8fAI I8fAIe rpalepec
epec e we ss get from tedee fa t e leB to t tae fencTeeleHtay t t11M taee
e tis 11M rscMR 1 J tan aM alsbt YederA YederAthey TeeleHtay TeeleHtayhJhlMhitaf YeM8tQMttt
Mttt hJhlMhitaf tan the > ast AAVttl el ftttal talfltq aSHteATT tear tannafat tewt tearaswt
aswt t at Ajfftoattaral Han His M Mwore Ma MaII Maieeti
ieeti wore the oevrom II f of r neti eli BMrshel BMrshelO sarahalact rMaI rMaIIe
act itte aer O ta M aa srnlnnrr broagbam broagbamof breII breIIeC
aM Mk of arars attended u II only by a aainTOTK aeC atssplt
tssplt eC ainTOTK with a Btocfe IIerIeaITJ ooCrMor ta taThe isMeares
aITJ The rojrol tq l BOX was dresced ta tad4ao IIII IIIedAI laeat I
edAI eat aM sad he iced w wkh dwere dwereaM 8nI 8nIwIda
aM MMaerJod with eel II kelalg wc l lelse Ie IeIII
else > BMMata BMMataa
III > a the e cvssnBK On + tfce rnpal 84 temple e were wereat W WJIhMIIt werep
p JIhMIIt e airs at the baM te 769 t1HlItsfI t trwsts trwstsKsnuington eats eatsrive
rive a Ksnuington IteMc fI s Paioee by It the Prta Prtao rrset Prlaeee
eee T ae7 o > of t BoMeofcecg tiaee M heca eq Poncing D took tookta t teakM < Mktwe
ta the two whste rats r where wherevVtorte wlHfti wherelac
i lac vVtorte held ber be fret to t levee M They Tbeyfrom TitestH Theywar
war Mf 6 + eeeabel tH with k aM aMaerr cadsWte
sWte ieterrrt aerr cad epaiag 1111 U 1 from the thepteeeaat tIte11Itf tbeeee tbeeeewere
were a modems 11Itf 1M wpet NMI brows with withbeteel wttIaII
beteel II d fvM4 cad a pteeeaat tea teaa teaerM
erM Mrtty innwHed 1 eu Rick a scheme schemes
fit s R bNr sad M yHtow wttfc wt M a Manse r hal beltfce MIpttkMM halty
ty eaI sar1g tie yard tatter sen The TNc yeses yeeagwere yesesfMMaenMes i I
> IW1 fMMaenMes 11 J were ptata watte dresses So that Ibctr thatbvektea aMtIftC
IftC r t < e deet be1C eebwldeM IIIItJIJ 1IiU wt h e8 e8war I
war 1Di 1 hr tr c aoe eee w ft16eet t Ia Mkber
kber kMdha IM M tN bvektea bvekteaa hsekiesaItc khL khLktilc
aItc ktilc a rwc is Tteit to Paris Parisa retieM1et I
W 1M IIIIF a word cheat bow to travel travelwith trareIIs I
18 s c with tfc Me tee least exiHOM eate re worrya worry wetr wetrIf i iIf
a If Nes J If f the rosier r er seeds MfdoIM to toiiloKy NeoeLs
eoeLs M bt his IIUlt iiloKy not notIt MtIr satirelatllel
Ir irelatllel It te tar beater to tmvet fait el see seee 5eetuers seeIII
III dfrhs a Isri ni apii eles tuers tuerstIIIN sn snibm
ibm twt dl tIIIN iia w 11IM e elteLX e ebore es t ye 1 yss ba bare barenicer e ed
1 nicer f itllrt ihrc Js J bore M5557 r d deer er
I 0 H 1
reader there Is a way la which yea can caneee cansee cansee
see feet J et t as teak by 7 spewJiBg mere time timeaM timesat
i aM halt du as a mach sseeey Jeln the Worn Woraaas Womas Wornass
ass Rest Tsar AssocktUea et Bestea BesteaTMs BesteaTlIh BeatenThI
TMs to a Nta set t a eommorctal erclal lastltatlea bat batpwHy bta batparety
pwHy a baaereleat eHleete eee It neither seeks seeksaer seeksor eeIMIDake8
aer or saakea say proftta It was organized organizedaad orgaD ed edacl
cad acl exists fer Ute awtaeJ beaefit of Its Itsaaembere Ita8HIDMN ItsMemberswmes
aaembere Memberswmes wea e wile bare keen to Ba garape Barepe Berepe
repe or wile whit te te18 ge These philaa philaatfcroptots panaatllropItIta pktlantbtoplets
tfcroptots eeen to bare reached re4 ced Ute cost costef Cstet costet
et travel te Ute lowest terms t s for the thebeaefictaries tile1JeMAc1adu thelteaeddade
beaefictaries are atestly clerks d < < ke scheol scheolteoben sclteeltMdten scheelteaoiers
teoben aM ladies who cannot afferd afferdhigh arrerdII Cerdhigh
high II prieea The association prints a abeekiet aht abakfet
beekiet ht twice a year containing a list of ofeet
1000 ManUagpeBMas beardlmg boeec peaslons Ulreuh Ulreuheat
eat Great Britain aM the Continent CMUlt 8t with witha
a oteeetikmrloa ttoa as te character sad ex exceitonee exetIIteM exceitesce
ceitonee M todteaUen ef the camber r of etMates ofttaMs oftheea
Mates the BMasbers 1Nn have bees gMsts g ests ef efeach ofesok I
each aM detailed taom lsJaaaatla atlea au as te Mal caltarT Maltary aaltaQ
tarT eeMtttooc tlttll u prices table bI deeirahie lo location Ieeattoa Isratios ¬
ratios Bngtteh spokes s oken VeontnU heat heatIhft taNioWt heatflat
flat gee etc The prices of board boardrange botanlreace boardrase
range from tn a 1 1 to n t per TMtit day abent Hit battof Hitor halfd
of hotel tarUfc tarUfcTbe tali taliTIM tatlfhtThe
TIM WOOMBS Beet Teal Aseoetettee Aseoetetteebos
MIl eoaanMnwtahie fwctteK It It1aIs acme te tebeip tek tob
beip k with Mrlee lice aM enoenmsentent enoenmsententwoseen
woes ft who aright enjoy a vacation vacationabroM 1IHaUoeabNacl vaatfosabead
abroM If they knew bow cheaply cItea It can caabe enbe canbe
be bM aM bow eoay the paths of travel traveley tranl8IQ traveltasy
8IQ ey be aisle It neta ae I M a nwdina 1Be4I betwea be between betweee ¬
tween turned aM a apply by stepping
lat tato the piece see of a nraehneeded naeh eede4 seeddesdel seed ceafidosttal ItA ItAdeI
dosttal deI thl fled aM a Mrteer IMhi er et wines W lBee tear
Is SMs 80 e let ne who 111Io wonM wo I Hoe teog a and andbe ad adbe adbe
be happy PPT array oareolres becomingly got gottato gotlat et etlIIrht
tato lat Ifcjht BMrchteR rda order pot oar toeIn feet feetia feetI
ia I the roM fall fate lea
Me step with a eon eonpaala coaPanlen coutoeC
Panlen of t serene temper er aM baeyaat baeyaatBpirtt lttHQcaatIJtIkk bsayaatapkt
Bpirtt Moot the OBBOBOM C8 f foMewed by byother b be byether
other e t traTotecs tna set oar face fa teward tile tbetaM tilewe thelead
taM we have lag wtehed te see aad aadthen aadfee andthen
fee e on Jg on the feetpatb feetpathway feetpathwayAM way wayAM WaTtAM
AM Bterrtty rllT bent t Use stiiea stiieaOf stll L Lor
Of coorse o ne those wbe wh Rich wI I te t Make tile tbeKorapoan tiletft theWropeaa
Korapoan > too wtthoot I foeiteh feeII ezpeseewill cxpenee cxpeneewill cxtea e ewtII
will not travel tN ta nntxiase cars Ia IanMet Jat Inmost
most t of the eonotties the nrttcUss fare farete
te Soar or n ho > vents a MIle while tile tbeseooMcteM tilerue theseeedtbsa
seooMcteM few te three cents ce k aM the tbeThMctase t1tetta thettthd
ThMctase tta ttthd las two w cents er teas A taw faoMtar faoMtarsOeb Mar Mardish
dish 11 Mrtac te toeedy gees ees fostciess fostciessexcept fHt factcloseexcept ss ssxeept
except prtocos fools aM Americans AmericansThte AerleaTb18 AwerleaceThis
This te alaeoBt alaM Ntoralty tree The see seeMcteBs seeI seeead
ead McteBs da daes can are upholstered twett like the theftrvtetaec UteI thefretdoes
ftrvtetaec ant IM ta ear own coontry while thethirddais Ute tbethirdclaw UtetIImIdu
thirdclaw are eeoipped e41 so neatly a aI cad cadwoo M Mwe
we woo that t lootside blh of Italy they are geed geedenoogh 1 1for geedeeogb
enoogh for anybody IB gome coontries costriesthey coontriesthey < OeIttrSesI
they hart outhctese trth clsse cars hot the pitS pesMngecs pitSI
Mngecs are not always cleanly aM the thebeoehes tHHMhH
beoehes are tube to be avoided avoidedIt
It the teaultt e deteraales > enn4os te escape de detey c1ek3 dopey
tey aM aa ssHaayaiite ralke as aaeh as as petsihie petsihiehe kse ksewill
he will bay lilltoM t deftts ts ta a Week Weektor Weekar blocktar
tar kl n > tone tacteid of apptytog at ateC a galfhde aol aoltltaiu
tltaiu of tinhsf Atm Tfc 11Ht7 l ey y are aretJte aretJtet the thesohcdo theMhedie
sohcdo t o petee a cad d are re reoeeaable aWo with
oat dlsceeat whoa wk II act all used a 8p 8pAs apAs p pAs
As IHtte bAggeee as peselble pe lble sboald 61t l be bocarried becarrkMI becarried
carried far f < < all above 00 pounds mast mast be bepaid behI bepaid
paid hI for white la I Italy act a pound paon is isexestpted isexeptM Isexegpted
exestpted By y keeping his eyes open opencoasUaUy opencoastaU openconstantly
constantly exercising a careful economy economyavetdlag eCODomavI economyavoidlsr
avetdlag avI betels and especially e by settling settlingfor
for at least a week w ek la a place pta the tram traveler trlnelol trameler ¬
eler aMy me easily eaaU keep his expenses below belowa
2 a day dayLet dayLet T TLet
Let him set be tawdry er slouch In Inappearance InappearaDeL Inappearance
appearance Let his entire costume be beaeat beIleAt beneat
neat and serviceable If there is a awonaa aWOIII awoma
wonaa WOIII ta tae e GAS s tat bee It < < not masque masquerade masquerade nsqoerade ¬
rade M a gay 11 bet let her travel In a aB aeW asew
B sew eW W Meat 1 plates aM pretty dress of ofserge atsere ofserge
serge or 0 tweed aM tAke along an at attractive attnlcte attrcttre ¬
tractive Bilk waist besides remembering rememberingEmersons romemberlaEmenoas rememberingEmersons
Emersons startling strtt apotbegan aJ C tlt The con coneclo consclo cons
eclo BB llfi6 6 of belBg well dressed Imparts a as alleCealty asccealty
s realty of seal which aH the consolations eoBsolationsef
ef religion are peweriesa to confer conferSo conferSame H HSeIDe
So Same e teertets iMtcBatty refe to tip tipThey t1pTINT tipThey
They eeactder gtvlag tees to waiters anti aaUBerrmnts antien1IDts andservants
servants as a immoral practice The trouble troubleIs
Is that apotlBMce from ere it is more expen eipenflTe expenhe expensire
sire thaa tu thaIMulgeaee IMateeace 11HIII e la I It Tile Numerous NumerousAwrieaa NumerousAfSerieaa umerous umerousAmerJa
Awrieaa wbe teststs ea recoastrnctiag recoastrnctiagtfce recossfr ctla ctlatee
tee aetems CMMI QMBtoianaM cad H auMBers aaaD6iSot Of Buropa as ne 11eON hegoes neg
g goes ON 8 atoBg ba tae a aardttaie of It lieIs tiels1st lieIsJe lie Is IsJa
Je hot water W ef ail the while I sever sban sbanterget sban0Ite skaiftarget
target ee see s sack cb wheat 1 saw 6 w la Lazerne LazerneAs L LaverneAs WDe WDeA3
As Ute BB hue retted Bp IIptnHB treai tae depet ne neget bec heget
get e eat C c Hte RIrtwtre Rife aM three I ree barely Mrel grewB grewBttp greWBgtc411 grownep
ttp gMi roaataed ra ta caevwrtoie ta NteIe lie wassot was wasnet wasnet
net a baanitioao 1tRIpt or t pegnnoioua leaking
3on two JJfr JJfrD4ruchP
Walt a valuate hIIIII naaager I dent want wantBO
BO nlsHAdtraUadlns Half the tre trouble bte In InthU I Ithlll Inthis
thU worN eowtea st > f a atlsMRderstaadlasrt atlsMRderstaadlasrtNew iRtl tlerstalHllg tlerstalHllgow
New ow see here I ttoat t tip I wont pay payany PR1tUI payany
any tUI porter er abawborawiM lt rW a eontniJt oont not a ared nred ared
red cent centTo O onti 1t
i To o pay them something Is customary customarybat
bat It Is as you foe sir It Is not neces necossary necessary neoosl1arr ¬
sary Porter Carry la the gentleraAs gentle ecutleawns gentlemRRs
mRRs raAsHold awns awnsHold mRRsnotd
Hold on And I dont pay pn for candles candlesIts candleIUs 3 3Its
Its too blamed skin 8man 11 business I want wantcadlcs watcandles wantcandles
candles to light the suite with It youslat you younlot 399nlat
slat got gas and I atnt going to pay a apicayune apleayYne apicayune
picayune for em cmAnd emAnd emAnd
And Jonah exclaimed the bosom baxommother boxommother bosommother
mother ofthe ot the family coming to the door doorQf doorOr doorof
Qf the bus and addressing her eloquent eloquentlard
lard Deut D lft yon 00 forget the soap and the theice tboI theIce
I ice ce
We pay nothing for soap 8OIlpand and Ico Icoculmod Icochimed Icechimed
chimed In the second daughter an IntelIigent Intel Intelllgcnt IntelIIgellt
llgcnt looking girl In a pink silk edging edgingtowards edgingtowards edgingtowards
towards the controversy with her alpan alpansteck alpensteck alpeasleek
steck parasol and handbag handbagYou
You shut upl up said tile paternal remoa remoastrnnt remonstrant remeastrant
strant turBID on them suddenly and andpiping RHdplplag andpiping
piping la a strident robe I can man manage maDage manage ¬
age this feller I I pay for no soap nor norcandles Itorgandles norcandles
candles nor Ice nor posters Ive been beenswindled beenswindled beenswindled
swindled enough la n this blamed country countryIf
If you wouldnt paint your matches and andfresco andfresco andfresco
fresco your toothpicks quite so brilliantly brilliantlyyou
you might afford to famish ice and
l 11JlA
Tom Tc TONEP wE cv1 OFi aicctr
mac manratber rather quiet than otherwise Though Thoughbe
be presently revealed himself as a cruBader cru crusader crusadel ¬
sader he had tIle appearance ot a re respectable respectable respectable ¬
spectable and perhaps pious manufacturer manufacturerof
of brass buttons or pins in some Connectl Connectlcut ¬
cut town He was conspicuous in a linen linenduster Unendoster linenduster
duster and a white bat his small but butkiifdly butkiddly ut utkhfdl7
kiifdly eyes radiated wrinkles and Time Timeand Timeand llmeand
and Worry bad joined teams and soc socceeded cud cudseeded no noceeded
ceeded in plowing plowl a parenthesis around aroundbis arnHodhls aroundbin
bin mouth mouthAir mouthHAir mouthAir
Air you tbe landlord T be asked of the tfiaman Us UsmaD theman
man at the door doorI
1 am tbe manager mana er yes sir at atrour atrourervlce your yourservice our ouraervice
service serviceWell aerviceWell ervlceWell
Well see here Mr Manager Uanagerw1 w what at at do doyou do10U doyou
you charge us five for board for three threedays threedaYI7 threedays
days After that we go to Zsrlca ZsrlcaIt
It depends on tbe room ulr Second SecondDoor Secondmoor ecocdfloor
Door 38 francs a day dn for tree ree rooms roomsthird roomsthird i ithird
third floor 30 francs a day fourth door lifere4 r
24 francs tr ncs and an there la a Utt lltaa aa eleva elevator e4evatoralid eleratOradd ¬
tor toralid toralidGln tOraddGive and andGive
Give as some firstrate drst rate rooms Capnt Capntmoney Capntmonel Capntmoney
money aint mach object to me mef mefest fmtrate fmtraterooms utaterooms rate raterooms
rooms roomsOul roomsOut roomsOuI
Out monsieur tDonsleures yes sir Our table tabledhote tabledhote tabledhote
dhote Is fire francs sir sllthat thats a dollar dollarer
er If you prefer 11700 it you and an the ladles ladlessir ladlesslrJOtJ ladiessiryou
sir slrJOtJ yon an take your OiJ meals a ala te carte carteBy carteBy czrteBy
By the lrdTS card yes Cap CaptJtats thats how bowwell howweU ho how
well w 11 take qnr ur l meals Bang nas yourtable yourtabledoryl jenrttaltedofTr ourctnWedoty
doryl l IlabafTcat ti16i t at with tth aU alisorts sorts sortsoC of folks folkslVery t folksVery tks tksVerr
Very well sir we will try tl1to te please pleaseyou pleaseyou ease easeyou
you Porter carry In the luggage
candles candlesThis candlasrhls candiesTkis
This disparaging allusion to the pra praof prat prap prapof < +
of t stslnlBR all the matches red and ail tbe tbetodthplcks tbeto thetodthpkls
todthplcks to tli1plcks green which prevails through throughout througbouf ¬
out Burope waa tbe last feather that tbatcaosed tllatcaused thattensed
caused the overworked camels spine to todoable todoable todoable
doable up upthe tbe fatal arrow that pierced piercedthe
the managers coot Very welt be said saidquietly sakiquietly saidquietly
quietly yon can merely pay for your yourride YOtirrh1e yearride
ride here 1ererom from the station stationlive five franca if ifyou Itoa ifyou
you oa pleasePet please pleasePat P P1t
Pat It la tbe Will shouted Ute redormer re reformer reformer ¬
former Ill 1i1rmr j plT av when we ge away awa IM Isagood IMgCMHI Imgood
good for It Come ea Juries MarleclI
I have ave no bill against 5t Tea exntalnrd exntalnrdthe
the Btaaaxer Duer and as yea are going away awaynow awayaow awaycow
now I merely JlK > rel7 awntiea the Item iteauOolB IteaGolD ItemOda
GolD away awa now What do yea mea meaaDidnt meaDIdt messDWat
Didnt I tell you to give as three ro rooms roomsToea msTon ms lB8Yo
Ton did sir yea did Id but I regret le ret to tosay teT tosty
say T that they have since bees taken takenTaken takearkea takesrakea
Taken Heist yea y hen standing here hereevery Hfeeftry hereevery
every minute minuteThe wlaateTbe 18lauteThe
The porter came forward and confirmed confirmedtbe d dthe i itJJe
the assertion of the mnneger cel that there therewes thereteas i
wes not a room left IB the betel betelDMnt beteLHDl4st beteLDidnt
DMnt you lest say that yea ee had va vacast ftat vaeast
cast rooms ea every Boor BoorWe ftoor1 ftoor1We doorWe
We had at tbat time U e sir To be en entirely entirfT entirely ¬
tirely frat with yea we like Americana Americanageaerally AEIHNIea AEIHNIeaeDentllT Amedesasgenerally
generally very much Indeed bet joe had hadbetter bedhotter d dtetter
better try elsewhere elsewhereTbe el6ewli lren lrenTile
Tile American Al erlun referaor refen cc looked cha cbagrled chagrined ¬ I
grined Se S did dfdYarleff Master ataading e88dl c on ontae ontale onthe
tae pavements and a = d the cli1ist at < tet t girt oa I
thj tb steps All il11 right < < bt be said 8 < < 141 bravely bravelyadding bravelyJ brarelyaddlug
adding J < 111 rather ntt u lecoBsaijuoHtJy I aint aintagoing aintagoIng aintagoing
agoing te t pay I 1 for f nothing I dont have haveHow haeaow hareHow
How much do I owe you oli capn capnFive capnlFive capn capnFive
Five francs for r r th the rldb from the atatlon sta station stAtlon ¬
tlon sir sirAnd sirAnd sirAnd
And five more to carry us to the theScbwelzerhof theS thechwelzerkof
Scbwelzerhof S < k I reckon reckonYes f ipekopYes ekQJ 1 1YWI
Yes unless you io walk It Is a couple coupleef
ef hundred feet feetNej CPtN feetNa
Nej N Na sir d ddnkoy nkoy as we Ye say In Ger German German German ¬
man I dont walk nowhere Well ride rideHeres deIeHeres rideHeres
Heres your mere radierThey mereThey M c cTiley
They climbed madly mlutlJ6f1dly sadly In The Thetrunks ThetruDks Thetrunks
trunks were again carried up the ladder ladderto
to the top and the vehicle whirled away awayand awnyaad awayand
and wheeled up to the Scbwelzcrbofa Scbwelzcrbof Schwelzerhofnext
a next xt door do r I presently saw tbe re reformer reoferDHK reformer ¬
former gesticulating ge and Marler was waaasslfltlag wasaSlllfltlg wasasolatlag
asslfltlag from the stop Being called calledaway callplJaway calledaway
away I lest sight of the curious crn crnseders ernatJers crudJera
seders b bt < t when wb n I passed the betel betalSchwaaaen betelSitkwaDDen betelSehwannen
Schwaaaen half an hour later the girls girlswere girlsweN girlswere
were standing In tile door with their theirbandboxes tbelrbantlboxM theirbandhoxes
bandboxes and alpenstocks and opera operaglasses operagta operaglaeeee
glasses gta and nl1 canteens can teeM and Jacob and Mavier Ma Marler Ma1Ier ¬
rler were out en the t e walk and Jacob Jacobwlp Jacobwiped Jacobwiped
wlp wiped d bis neck k with a silk bandana and andsaid andHid andsaid
said Wall where la I thunder shall we wetry wetl wetry
try tl next Iveabout Ie abOlt wore myself out outtelling outtelling outtelling
telling these OIe e confounded confoon odrascals rascals what I Ithink Ithink Ithink
think of them I dont know but wed wedbetter wedltetter wedbetter
better tumble to their way Its easier easierand casleraN easierand
and wealdnt cost co t a Jot more moreI
I have ao doubt they got comfortably comfortablysheltered comCort1blyBIIeltared comfortablysheltered
sheltered somewhere and fed ed on theBurapeau the theEuropean theB
European B Npeau plan They did if Jacob was waawtee waswlee waswise
A ralaable obJeeMassoa on the mitestrnetiblllty lade ladestrn IDc1estr
strn str strnetiblllty tibility of matter and gold In par partkater puUeslar partitular
titular te ta be derived derlv d from a visit to a ageM 8gw asold
geM reisers establishment o tabllsl1mo t Gold Is presant pres present present ¬
ent la er en an endless variety of articles articlesIn
In everyday use nod it can be extracted extractedand
and reused after the article bas been ren rendered reuderM rendered ¬
dered aseless through age or damage One Onewould Onewouhl Oneworld
would scarcely think for Instance as one onebaMs oneh onehaads
baMs h ds ia I a giltedged visiting card that tbatafter thataCter thatafter
after it bas served Its purpose there still stillremained stilirellled stillremained
remained enough gold OB It to be worth worthextracting worthettnaetlD worthextracting
extracting < < o yet such Is the case caseOld caseOld caseOld
Old picture frames books with gilt giltedged gflted5ed giltedged
edged leaves res or gold lettering on tbe COT coyetlag covering COTerhlg ¬
ering scraps of gilt moldings and a thou thousand thouMUlti thousand ¬
sand and one Re odds and cads are carefully carefullycettacted careCnll1ceI carefullycollected
collected ceI by dealers d rs and when a sufficient sufficientowatlty suffieleattltr eudlelentgsantlty
owatlty tltr bas bee beeifi amassed they are dig dispatched digpatdltfl dinpatehld ¬
patched to tbe refinery Nothing with the thetiateet theU1etIt thetiniest
tiniest peeK of gold or silver upon It Is Isoverlook IseYerIooktd isoverlooked
overlook eeaeldered eo ekJered toe InsIgnlScant or ortoe orCHnoIH ortoo
toe cumbersome cumbersomeOa
Oa o the occasion ton of a recent r Ccnt visit to an anQtttsh8tent anat anetttbllebmeet
Qtttsh8tent at there was found a large targeceftetgament larecCHI largeconeigufnent
ceftetgament cCHI Igaptftftt awaiting treatment Among Amonga
a cartload c ef broken picture frames rames were weretbe werethe
J 1
Ute seetioBS of oCa a huge and elaborately elaboratelyornamented elaboratel1ornameuted elaboratelyornamented
ornamented frame that once contained an aneaeraeue aneBerateiM
eBerateiM lIJrrolpert ailrror part of t the bar b r fittings fittingsef Ottinget I
ef a betel tbat bad been pulled down
Originally this magnificent frame must musthave mustve mustbare
have ve celt 600 a X O or more moreSawn moreSawD moreSawn
Sawn into eoavealcnt lengths and sent sentto
to tbe refiners as expert estimated that thatprobably thatprobably thatprobably
probably about SO 20 worth of gold would wouldbe
be extracted from It t Tbls Is by > no means meansaa
aa exceptional example of the mighty mlihtyfallY mightyfasten mightyfallen
fallen that find their way to tbe tor furnaces torna tornaves ¬
naves na < es for everything tbat bas gold In It Itat Itat Itat
at all Is always worth patting through tbe tbefnrnace tbetarDace thefurnace
furnace Several large sacks were found foundstaffed touDdetClad tonedetvQed
staffed full ef odds sad eads eadsbook book covers coverswast coversw coverswaste
waste w photographic lc material I ets et < L Tbexe Tbexewere Tblllewere Thesewere
were at erawwed USlBl ed into a furnace and andbaraed andbtlrd andarnod
baraed The furnaces are arranged la a arow arow arow
row aM il are fitted 6tt d with a plain sliding slidingHd aUdla1kI
Hd They are of various sizes according accordingto accordlatiJ
to tbe work te band bandTbe baDdTH bandThe
The mbfcteb bbMtI baring lIg been b ea redaced to toashes toashes
8 ashes hefJ the hatter la er ire re tbea carefally sifted siftedsM sUtedalMl siftedand
sM the tb ehtders fJMtitvB W Into a another BO t ber are areto Oreto
to compete the cent cembstloa < 8l1tbv > tk tloa > B To the fine floea fineanbee doeIn
anbee a tux te added and the material te tethen J JtJtea Iathea
then ready Jy to be placed pta ed in the t e crucible crucibleta
ta I wolek It undergoes S Its final fiery tier ordeal ordealaM ordealaad ordealand
aM by this mans ItS tbe metal ia discovered discoveredFftx
iota te I a eea eonlpeund pind Dd of f berax bicarbonate blcarboaateer
er soda Mltuftre aaft titre and pearl ash UVffereat UVffereatoe OUferealOMbItf Dltferearoemhli
oe OMbItf oemhli btiatl atI W s > are asghaccording BS 1 according to theeeaters the tbecontents thee
contents e f ef fee a asbes askesaio lo bq treated treatedTne treat treat11te treated1be
Tne BOX when e aieited d greatly i 1eatJTtaclll 1eatJTtacllltates facili facilitates facilitates ¬
tates the redacttea ef the t material and aadat andat lld lldat
at the same time eM eliminates JHates iNl e5 ait ttOi the baser basermi basermr u r rOWlI
mi OWlI s fjrpnt pll coirMfr rnt OIIft per KvmttMliy hIIIIt7 II point pointIs
Is reached b bpynnd < ynod whims the ceatoau Cl8t ta of ofte ortbe ofthe
te crucible < can Oareduced no farther Ctttt er so
RAULJ LaY1x2f LaY1x2fu I
the u vessel SHHII to withdrawn The force forceand beat beatand ZI ZIAnd
and the glow ef l the fnrMee whoa aee opea openneceJsltales opeanecedaiuttts
necedaiuttts np < taht8 the men N engaged ta till thtdtask thUtaab tilltuk j
task wearing a leaf kJ thick wlttee sad sadalee aDda6M andaloe
alee a pair fret of spectelfcr spec cetoetracted gteesea gteeseate
i I te prefect the bead Bad eyes eyesAfter eyesAfter m
After At Jr beL befog g all allowed w d to cool the craolbte craolbteIs ercelbtesoh
Is soh eenvcyod tJ eyedo 112 to 0 a little iron aavll 1111 aM the Hietfctte thehgttefabrekea
tfctte 1 tf81illtrekeB vBrekea off with a h kammer am < > r The TbaiCBateataare TItetC1 Theecoststa
iCBateataare ecoststa tC1 Iteasre are then fenM te here stratified stratifiedInto atratltSedIte etmatldedlate
Into throe distinct dle lact layers The tep ta ef efgreeerfch 1 1preel a agrstflsh
greeerfch preel kJJ color and conetets 001I of the Kita Kitathe1 KitSUtec ailsthe
the Utec second H la bJaCklelJltre bkckleh ntoektehbrawa brews aM ta eras practically eo eoUatUy ¬ y yHealy
Healy glass aM test f all derwi deWllfffl d dby i iIts
by Its 8 speeiAc gravity la a batten ltat ef goldAccidents goldAceldeats gold tOldA
Accidents A Jft tB will bappea at time tl teR however howeverand
and ad occasionally the metal tal setters dar derring darIB durlni
IB lni the process ot weltlngt eIUA with the result resultthat resultt resultthat
that t t tiny U r gteenles Ines of od adhere to the tbaside tbeside theside
side of tbe crucible la which can ea the tbeyesecl theseseei
yesecl 5 ella la pounded to dust la a mortar and andtbe udtJie andthe
the preriHw of melting r repeated repeatedAt tated tatedAt
At times a crucible bursts and ft the ro eontents rousts n ntnts ¬
tents are precipitated pret > lpltated lato the fire noses necessitating II II8ltatln ¬ t tousting
ousting the pounding up aad remeltlag of oftbe ottbe ofthe
tbe entire content of the th fnrnarc tuma TBS TBSsweeping Tbeeeplns Thesweepin
sweeping n from tile Soon oors of BMaafao BMaafaotaring maaafaeturing Isa Isaturln
turing Jeweller premises are alum al It rich richto rflhIn richfn
to metal owing owln < < to the amount a onat of tblnet tblnetthey thln thinatthey < < t tthe
they the Include Another carious aub ubstaaCc eubstanctthat ubstaaCctbat tanr tanrtbat
tbat Is seat regularly to tbe refiners ta I tbi tbirubber tlurubber thirubber
rubber used by bookbinders to remove tha thasuperfluous fh fhQperftno8s M Msuperfluous < <
superfluous sold leaf from Illuminated Ulllml ated coy corers coyers COYems
ers After laying lallI on the leaf the tb cover U Uwiped ISwiped Itwiped
wiped by b tbe binders with a handful at atpJastlc 0 0plasU J Jplastic
plastic rubber to which all tbe lens 1 Otf > jr Irleat anM anMleaf M Mleaf
leaf adheres leaving the lettering 1114111 shnrnirdefined 1114111el1Ded b ro rodefined
defined A ball of this pare rubber after afteibeing atelbelD afterbeing
being belD used u d for a month or two will yield ylfrMa
a button ef considerable size and vn YRttte YRttteTbSe raiseThese we weThese
These halts are not purchased by the firm firmbut Grillbut dratbut
but seat to be melted down and lid the pro product prodsct product
duct returned to the Waders to be beau betelsagain b beauaaln atea ateaagain
again Into geld leaf leafTbe leatThe leafThe
The rags aBed by the workers who whocute n ncute exA exAcute
cute tbe cold lettering OB mart slabs stetwetc sla slaetc slabsetc
etc are carefully preferred aDd treated treatedla
la the same manner None of tile ashes ashesfrom IUltetram ashesfrom
from any of the furnaces are ever thrown thrownaway tllreaI1WST thrownaway
away bat are carefully sifted and 811 the tbalarger ttaelarger thelarger
larger ones sent to a ereselaz ntl mill WileD Wheatbe WileDdie Whenthe
die finer ones bare aGcamntated aac m Jftttd sot Intclemtly sotdclently af afflclently
flclently they tke are assayed b by extracting 7 2onnoes 7onnoes h hounces
onnoes from tbe balk The addition ef eflead etlead oflead
lead to the flares O us carries aH the metal ta tatbe tethe tothe
the bottom qt the crucible It la I then thensmoked UJ UJsmoked thensmoked
smoked off by mesas of considerable beat beataad lltata beatand
and a a great draught what remains IB l the theeapel theCUlpel thtexpel
expel being pure metal
t 1
Another aatocrat has been 8 dethroned fleUtro e to tomake tomake tomake
make way for a rival after holding on ondisputed dBdlsp ocdisputed
disputed dlsp ted sway fer nearly thoound thooundyears UHHtHIIdrears tbesaadrears
rears For the cenipaaa e paa has rated ta tawaters tic ticwaters I Iwaters
waters of the earth since 1075 Tbe first firstreMable drwtrecerd dratreliable
reliable record ef a eeapasa 48 ceapase being J IM acedIn s 4 4la
la Barepe occurs la the poem eM La Bible BibleIn
In which the magnetizing lagetbl of steel b also aliareferred aJlareterred alsoreferred
referred to In 1418 14 6 Vance V dl d 0 Oasaa ma fesdthe feuad feuadtbe feaMtke
the pilots la the Indian Oceaa wing com compasses cornpasses < < 0 0p8MI ¬
passes The Inaamerable discover discovermade cUsco1erdaiade
made during these tke e theaaand the cH of yean yesrYwould yeanwoaM rPlrtw01lJd
would have been aa impossibility lpo ll lHtT withoutthis without withoutthis wltmttkls
this indtepensable latrament aM ret retthe Jeftbe yetthe
the time bas come when It w It toncet toncetanswars hoanreanswers et etwera
answers wera the demands ef modem gee geographical 1 1rapltlcal geegraphical ¬
graphical science scienceA seleD seleDA
A young scieatlst IB Moaieh la tryla tryleito trylato trr8to
to solve tbe problem Jlro e ef reaching lIc htNorth h hNorth lIcNertk <
North Pole by means ea ef a s bmarlni rI best beatfound besttad bestfound
found It necessary to iareat some e later Instraneat l tnlo tnloellt l lmost
neat ellt to take the place of t the eeadpan eeadpanAfter eenpa ee p pArter s sAfter
After twe years ef hard atMy Ite4 sad astir astirInv nsUrlag Ur Urlar
lag experiments be has at test seceede4 seceede4la eceedHla
la eonetmctlng aa apparat s that answer answerevery anawertevery wen weneer1
every requirement reflareMeattlie the gyreseepe a ahe alie as
he calls it itWHAT ItWHT ltWfiT
The external I appearance of the gyro gyroscope urttscope gyroscope ¬
scope resembles re embie a large kettle a t X3 X3iacbea 12lackes riInches
Inches la diameter and 40 o Inches deep deepwith def defwltb deepwith
with a window w dow ia its iron walls ails for observation obser obterntlG obeerration ¬
ration purposes p r OSes Like be e box MQlJ compare compareIt < v > mpa mpaIt aH aHIt
It bas a disc with a eoapass Of JHIII card Is place placeof Dlaeot
of a cover and the pointer to Indicate Indicatetbe
the direction moves front the center lIter of oftbe oftile ofthe
tile disc just like the compass to needle needleIts
Its fundamental t point of construction is isa IsIi 4 4a
a rotating rotat wheel of eosapendleea e84 work werkmaasblp werleDsblp workmanebtp
maasblp Dsblp which routes rotAt wtiheot brine at affected attMted atfatted ¬
fatted by the tarsia of e the tit earths HrtII ax1 aXqAB a aAn ax1Aa
Aa electromotor eI trolDOtor which sapA tanflfle ee two twoMarly twnrlT nM nMharly +
Marly rlT conetrncted and nrinotoiy nrinotoiygywbeobi MlatttellATwlt botany botanyflywheek
gywbeobi ATwlt with the power wer needed for forrotations 100l 100lretatlo 9000retatlos
rotations per urinate ID8te1e te placed la lacenter S the ibctbe ab abce thecenter < <
center ce ter of this wheel wheelUnlike wMelUaUke wheelDepke
Unlike the eocnpas JNM the ke point li t et efgyroscope the tbeto ItseUPOMO thegyroscope
gyroscope does d net t always tad tadseme t adisame 4 < < h h88lDe
same direction bat can aa be at set to point pointanywhere pMetaaywbere Dt Dt7Nte
anywhere and It will 1It retain re ha poottt Jo tlfIIIQ tlfIIIQas nn nnas a aas
as onc em as s the motor eawer lfef ii wheel to torotate Ierotate torotate
rotate lDU pendeBt t > DdDt of the COOTS el f tlelilt theabip the thekelp
kelp lilt or of the aeavtag beau aM shiklne shltl of Its Itsbelt itsbulk M Mbalk
balk Ia tha reepeet fHf Ht the zvroncoBe zvroncoBeanotb gvreneapeanother e ealtOtllu +
another r advantage over evea t It Rat Ratperfectly d drt t tperfectly
perfectly rt tlJ co0 COBstrwWd trn Ud reiapase r4inp M for It IfI IfIbe nI nIbe
b be aced tot other tMrpaftes tr wJlGll estor for lafn lafnoa Tatse Tatseea
oa a warship war ttJ te t a adject t nroerIN I > i ieaaBoabaHft a i ieaBDCtl ieaneec
eaBDCtl eaaBoabaHft kdtts It te a pezeHnz pszaf rtcbt rtcbta toI IaIfor to litod
a ed for the observer ott erver when be he e wat wattlte watrha watrhae
the e WBUiInca stn 4tf t tab rMMriaMe f1wIWf < lastrj lastrjA lastricleat
cleat It i IkJts A BBerrhw Cher rrJwrt tfallc foteter ltar which b st stte 81JII
wyt JII pMJet I te CTPB dT ra e IhrerthMt lt tta Ioe no m mth inn innta
ter It bow w th tlM apyMiratvcte JihItK epjratalc arced tnt arceda arceder er 4is 4isWlei ti 11wM > tiaiw
wM 8 sad serer 9ctn loll out of C orderl7aue6 order orderte r rhi
l7aue6 te MM to 1 doss it an a lootram IlIIItnmfOnt aafromentshier nt ntto
shier 1 to fh tfcte Ia wolrh she hP111 Ts i a o xr xryimmnxve HIre
Filers yimmnxve e fhpwhich e bAata b a tJJ out about I ho It e r nMtnM rtaetnwthe < t IIC >
tloa u of which wbl < b the soo moat t brj 4 fl rlr J Her sacray cre < < y
f J

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