OCR Interpretation

The Lancaster gazette. (Lancaster, Ohio) 1846-1852, October 01, 1847, Image 4

Image and text provided by Ohio History Connection, Columbus, OH

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- "All, for Au
- AVo woo the life kng bridal kiss. -Angel
of earth! oil, wbat were Hie -
Without thy Turin without thy smile!,'
A circle of despair and strife,
UI toil, oi misery aim guuc;
Like mists before the morning ray,
As trom the suare the timid dove,
So flee the care of mini away, .
" Beuealli thy kind and gentle love.
Va Eden lost because of thee '.
Have heroes left a luurel crown,
That thoy might bow the willing knee ,,
At dearer shrine than uinu's roiiowu? ,
Ohi who would sigh for all the nam
- Tl.n I.. lilrA lliia nt,lrl AI-'a lllllMil't-
If he were only sore to gain j ' . . ..
. The EtfVii of a woman's heart !
Tuy nll-devotccl sacrifice
Thy care that lasts through uight nnd day
Thy love, that never neetr dies?
In childhood' winr, in manhood's prime,
When age tomes on with slow decay,
In .toy, iu sorrow, tind in crime,
Sliil beams thy bright affection's tny !
. lHtJoHTtR! The Roman girl of old.
Who from her mnideu bosom nursed
The aire, whom dungeons vile did Inld,
Tortured by famine ond by thirst,
ShHll illustrate thy filial love,
W hich can tho "drooping soul sustain,
Like manna showered from above
Vpou Arabia' arid plaiu.
SiSTtR! The mate of childhood's hour.
When life was young and fresh uud green :
The comforter when cares did lower
The sharer in each joyous Irene,
What dearer tie, wliat purer love, v
Can we around our hearts entwine.
(Save that which beunieth from uliuve.)
' Than this abiding love of thine?
Yes ! there's another form whose cluim,
Doth iu itself completely blend
. The kind atfectiona. pure and warm,
Of Mother, Daughter, 8ister. Friend !
Wtrx! Oh ! the poet's task is vaiu
- The spell, thy comfort to portray ;
As well might painter strive to gain,
The glory of the morning ray !
Angel of Life! I would not give,
This cvor faithful love of thine,
For all the joys on uarth that live
Or all the gems that in it shine !
Let others glory's chuplels twine,
Or court ihe fume that deed impart,
1 seek uo dearer enrthly slirino,
Than that which holds a woman's hkaut!
1 Cutfee. Hire, Mulus.er Chucnlate, Teas, bu
ear, New Orleans. Havana, &c. All of the very
nutles ijuuuijr. s,siuoiuiisij wit in",. ... --- j
, .v. Wnl OS.
Luiiuuiei',.Tuly 9, 1817. . 9
AVholsulc and . Itclai. '
Lawyer mid tin? Irishman.
While a number of lawyers anil gentle
men were dining atWiscasset.a fow years
since, a jolly soul from tho lSinerulu lain
appeared ami calleil for dinner. Tlie
landlord told him ho almulil d'wo when
the contlemen were done. 'Lot him
crowd in among.it us,' whispered a limb
of the law, 'and we will have somo tun
with him.' Tho Irishman took hid seat
at table,
You wore not born in this country
my friend I' .
'No sir, I was bom in Ireland.'
.'Is your father living!'
'No Sir.'
'What is your occupation1?'
'Tradina horses.'
Did your father cheat any one while
J suppose he did cheat many hit'.'
Where do you suppose he went to?'
'To lluaven, sir.'
'And what do you snpposo he is doing
'Trading horses, sir.'
'Mas he cheated any one there' .
'lie cheated one, 1 believe sir.'
'Why did they not prosecute him'
'Because they searchod the whole king
dutnot Ilcavou, and could n t mid u law
Ct7"Well, Put, did you tiieaeiit
bill for payment, which I gavo yotj
Yes your honor.
Well, whul was tlm gentleman's
Evasivo, your honor.
Evasive! what do you menu !
Why, your honor, ho said heV
hang'd if ho would pny it.
I jp'A St. Louis paper tell a story of a
disconsolate widower, who, on seeing the
remains of his lute wile lowered into the
grave, exclaimed "Well, I've lost cows,
but 1 never hud any thing lo cut me up
like tliisl"
L7I'u a done tucker, an the child said
when his mother weaned him.
War In Hie United States.
fT is an axiom among ail civilised nations lim
It is boiler io be rnjHgcu in liouoiable win than
submit to dishonorable urace. Adopting iliif prin
ciple. Dr. VVmson.an old and skillful Physician
(mutietty would si'gieai the propiieiy of leaning ih.
wmd sl il ul lor oihers to pronounce, lest I might
tin iliouglit rgnienical ; but il is no lima for inudeeti
in those da ol bate imposition, when ignniaiiti
and science aie pennilird in walk hand in hand.)
who watrducaled m the east, where he practiced
uis piolesiion a uuinber ol years ; and dining tin
last nine or ten years has been eng-igecl in an ex
tensive practice in St. Lous where he has Treatec
Disrate sur.cesfiily in almost an US vjneo aim
complicated terms, until ill-hrallti ami a shaitcied
consutuiioii obliged him to d.tliuft uie pracinr i.
Ilis piofcssinn : h therelnic df lermiurd in dec are
wa wiih Patent Medicines' and Quark Nostrum
Makers wish hse base and fiilse pietensions to
nir. al i U and ails. uaiuJ and arhrs lliai fl''fli
w heir ?oo. n nh a ini;le box of Pills or a botilf of
r'n.n.iriri Surun. rulv mere aie din two cias-
' T... ... I..,.,..,.rr,.J ,h.
sin fOi:ieiv,auo iney hic - r
llumbumers. Il is passingly strange tlie people
have not Ion? since become lired and dicusled wiih
ihis bate iinuusiiiou. and like Home 200 years be-
f.ne the rliristian eia, iu the days of Arch igillins
hani'hfd lliese iiiipi'.iiimu Iiom the nouniry and
prohibit. die piartice among ihr.iu. There is no
nerfiiu nfromuioii sent but knows il he would
Out reflect th.il remedirs cannot be so combined a
to be competent lo cure ten thousand form ol dis
eases by one cnmbiiiaiioii ; il i haely false, and all
who pretend to cure so large a iiumher of disease at
vou nfien see advertised are eiiher igmiramioesanii
know umhing of the human sysiein, ihe naiurenf
Itfteare or ihe effei l of remrdies upnn the system or
hey are base inin'isirrs, and in eiihtr cae aie un
wnrl,:ynf your roiifideiK e. "We are wonderfully
anil feailully made." tnerefnia lei no person who
is ignorant nl tlie oeamuui, nenrair mm uiiiiirirn
ted sirurlnre presume to tamper and thus destroy
ihe usefulness of thai beautiful and wonderful sys
tem thai God has placed here fur usefulness and in
ulnrifv Him foi lie who does not sluinlier nnrsleei
will assuredly linlit all accnuul-ili e at nisuarii
ihey daie temper with ihe work of Ilis hands, fm
i tie purpose of gratifying ilieir sordid avarire.
Ii! Watson bilieviiiK, lhal his knowledge of ills
ease and long rxnerirure in Ilia Trealiueut uf the
varinus forms uf Disease, hat furnished bun with a
knowledge nl llemeclies thai would he almost in
valuable lo Hip sii k and itlllicted, has determine
in iiiepaie tlie.e remedies and send them to people
and all he asks if a tiial nf them, and if like ihe
worthless nostrums of the day, the money will he
The Or lias published a little, pkmphlrt calleil
the Family (tuide In Health, in which he Ins given
hrii-fly thH symptoms and I lealinrul nf soma forty
Diseases. I lies, pamphlets ran ne untamed free
nfehatge hy railing on any of the ngp.uis.
Cntnliijiie of Medicines.
Ionic fever and Aguer l.uiuiieiii lor Horses
Pills, warranted to cure ;t they have ever uierl ;
"Kever and Ague Syrup, Pills and Ointment fm
warranttd tncuie; Piles;
"I'evei and Ajpie Si rupall Khoum antl Tiller
fur Children i ( liniment for diseases ol
.iili-llillious Pills, He ihe Skin ;
patic Pills for Diacases OleHgiiiuus Mixture for
of ihe l.iverj j llloo.ly Klox, I'ysenle-
Anti Spliiiitnus Pills for ry. folic i;c;
Acne cake, &c. ; ' Oleaginous Mixrure for
Anli-Hnpepiii- MiXtnie Dowel Complaint of
lor Dyspepsia, fcc (;iiil lictij
female Pills and I'Vtnala Antl Fever Pills n-.iil An-
Mixiuies, I li fever Urops
Counh M i x t u r e sfor 'I'ouic Aromatic Rnierw,
Coughs, Colds anil Con- for Wcaknets, Loss of
mmplioti j i Appetite cVc. i
Rheumatic Pills for lilieu Verunlune lor Worms;
matisni; Kye Water;
rtheiunalir l,iuiinent lor t'roup Svrup;
It h e u in a I ic Sprains, liilaui ('nulla! fur Choi
bruises, nurns.old sores, ic, ic;
(paint in the bark and Mndical Strengthening
limbs, ic Mnge dn- Plaster
vert say il is the liett Sea Meilical Painphlel.
A letter of rternuimrudniioii fioin Professor Wrt.i.
1AM 'I'UI.I.V, nl Yale College, I 'unit., anil Prof
J iMKslI. AsMsuy, lata Piof. of Aninoiny and
Physiology, iu lite Albany Medical College,
New Voik.
The snbtcilhert have known R. Y. Wati'on. M.
D., foi several years, and ihey are happy lobe.
able In Htnie.th.iiever tiuru their ainun'mtauce with
him, he has uniforuily cutlaiiieil n graitl characii-i,
not tin 1 v as a member id the rnmmtiniiy, hut also
as a Physician. 'I be subscnliers have also been
arquaiuieil with bis meant nl prnlessinnal educa
tion, the maimer in which he hat impiuved them,
Htid with his ability iu practice, and Ihey e merino
a favorable opinion of him, In all these resprttt.
Signed Wll.l.UM Tlll.l.V,
Bargain that are Bargains
orrosn t. t. a. mutt i t.n s um tb.
opposite Reber &. Kutz's Store
where can be found a general assortment of
The Farmer's Line!
' AND ' ,
AVhoiesale mid ISet.iil.
which ho is ileteriiiinciJ to sell at small profits.
Tor Farmer Use.
' Long and Short Handle Manure and Hay Korku
Weoiliitguud Hilling Hoes
Ci-jillinsnnd Grass Scvthcs and Cradles
liny Rakes.ScytheSuattha, Whetstones fcUiftles
Trace. Mailer. 1 ,02 and Fifth C'liaiua
Chopping Axes, Spring Balances, Steelyards.&c
IVIeiiiaisic'ti Tools.
Bruce ami Bits, Augers and fJitnblels
Carpenter's Planes, Bevels and Squares
Bruud Axes. Ilutchuts mid Hiuiitiiors
PI .ne-Imns. OuiiL'ca and Contpassi'a
Eirmer, Mortice uiul Turning Chisels & Gouges
Stocks and Dies, Plyors and Pincers
How S,.ita. Muson's Trowels and Rules
Mill. Bastard. Tiifier, Klat and Hull' Round Files
Anvils, Vices and Bellows
Mill and X Cut, Rip, Hand, Panuel and Back
Saws, ifcc. &c.
Expected iu u few days Rochester Cuopcr's
lion se & Ca b i n e t Tr i in in i 11 gs
Locks. Latches and Hinges
Brass and Iron Blind Fustniugs
Sash Springs, Frame and Screw Pullies
Brass Cupboard Catches, Buttons and Bolts
Screws, Ili ads, Tucks and Finishing Nails
Looking Glass Plates, Mahogany Nobs, &o
Sa.ldlfiy and Carriage Trimmings
Bucklos, Bills and Stirrups
llurnesB Mounting uiul Saddler's Tools
Shark Skin, Plush. Saddler's Thread and Silk
Cotton, Worsted und Strainuig Wetib
Plutod Dashes, Hmtdles tintl Bunds
Stump Joints and Malleable Iron
Sleul Spiiiig. Iron Axles and Boxes
Broad uiul Narrow Lace
Paleut Leiitlier.Guiii iihiI Oil Cloth, Diimask.&c
1'iiblic Generally.
Tulilo Knivusund Forks, ond Steels
Plated, Britaiiniiiuiiil linn Spuons.stCuirfe Mills
Britannia Colloo, Teu i'ots und Custom
Britimniu Cups, Cnmllesticksaiid Lamps
Snull'era and Trays. Scissors and Shears
Pen anil Pocket Knives. Needles und Bodkius
Brass Curtain Pins ami Builds
Brass Kettles, Frying Puns, Sauce Puns, &c
Iron, Vails, steel and lla.
A liieirn mutm-tinmit nf all kinds and sizes. And
ulinosL evurv urliclo ill iho llitrdwuro line, frutu
a Pin to an Anvil.
Lancaster, May 11, 1817. 1
OK ;
Iu the New Bulliliug lately erected by It
M. Alnsworth, nearly opposite the 1
Tallmadge House.
HAVING lately purchased the ENTIRE NEW , t .,nc.18ter t,)f:othor
For Cash and Produce Only.
AVhoIesaie and Retail.
I. IiAIt'A!TIiU.
GANAL Boats laid aside and Railroads used fur
bringing Goods to the .
in the shortest time that auy stock was ever deli
vered in the Slate. The Great Westeru putron
izes the lightning lines, bi.viut! Goods oflenet.
receiving them quicker and selliugos'er thun all
Iu th Vnuttsml Phi,. if ilia tToitftil StntfSA
WORTH, together with his late Spring purchases, 1 ,,, ,1,-:, k
the citizens of Fuirlield aud adjoining counties , C8Utl.iuatca its portion to niuke our stock in every
.- ' THAN
WE are now receiving our NEW SPRING
O 0 0 D S, and respectfully invite every
body to cull and look at our Stock. ,
Tor Ladies 'Dresses. 1 .
We have nil tho new styles of Goods in market,
' I'luid and Plain Silks. Luwns, Bar'd Muslins
French, English aud American Ginghams,
Uingluims Lawns, Oregon i laids
Bareges (nil wool) Balzurines
Black and White Ginghams, Black Lawns
Black Bareges, Plain and Satin Stripe (all Mile
and Wool, beautiful for Black Dresses)
Shaded Tarlton Swiss Musliua, very desirable
for livening Dresses
. Opening.
760 pieces or 24.320 yards of new CALICOES,
from a ftp up to a nine-pence.
A general variety of Fancy Goods, such as, Rib
bons. Laces, French worked Collars, Kit! Gloves,
Artilicial Flowers, Bouuot Cups, Funs, Mitts, &c
Brown Shirtings and Sheetings. Tickings;
Checks. Cotton Yarn, Cotton Butting:
Coverlet Wurp, Carpet Chain, &c. &o.
At any price that may be wanted from a ynar
ter up, Sun Shades and Purasolutts.
Just ISeeeived.
A largo stock and good variety of Cloths,
Cassi meres. Gold Mixed Tweeds
Janus all colors: Sattiuuts. &c, &c.
Also every description of Summer S t it It e fur
Coats, Vests unci rants.
A pair of Pants, 3 yards, Thrcuil aud Buttons
for Iwcnt y-fioc centu
Expected to-morrow 50 Cuses Leghorn and
ralui Lout Hats, to be soul very cliutip.
Leghorn Straw, Fancy Luco, Dunstable. CI itu
earl Straw and Lawn. "
Very handsome Children's Gimp aud Straw
Itiinuctsanil Huts.
Hoots and Shoes.
Largo Lot expected to-morrow.
Wheat, Rie, Oata, Corn, Bcann, But
ler, liagt, Bacon, Eggs, and all kinds of
merchantable trade.
Lancaster, April 1G, 1847. . 49
From Ihe Her. S. K. Ktllam.
Dr. I-.. Y. Watson Sr.- Having liad frnpient
occasion lor Ihe use of meiltcirlet in my family do
lilts; the last lew luoiilhs ami from Ihe Increasing,
popularity nf your "riimily Medicines." I was ln
ilnreil iu try llinu, in pirferruie In employ iug a
uliyiiciaii iu my family, ami am now predated to
ay, that I believe yum inettinnet as a ruM, In be
nijrriur to any other preparations now In lore ihe
public. Your limit ami Uliuiiinatie Liniment, Ver
mifuge., leiler Oiuliiieui, (navel lYIixline, Anil
AVIiolesale and ISetail.
ARE just roouiviitg the LARGEST and HAND
MKlt GOODS, that have ever been brought to
Luucustcr or that ever will be by niiy nthcr I'n in
thun theirs, and which will be sold nt tho lowest
cash ralrs.so low thut no person All look ut thoin
wiihotit buying.
We ure connected with no iiiiiimfactory, no
eiistern ostiililisliniunt, una thus roiiliueil to mnk
iuc our purcliiisi's ut one house; but have the nil
vantage of selecting our Goods from the stocks of
ull eastern Merchants and Manufacturers,
We hope ull, who wish to purchase cheap and
beautlttil (innils, will hist rciiil tlie big advertise
ments, and alter lunghittg ut them, go and oxuin
mo thu liltln slock ol Goods, that they cull big
then call aud see what we liuvo and what wo can
Dyspeptic Mixiute, Ami llilious,IAi,iie, Hurl llepa- 1 tlu for thoin.
tyPtociou beyond tubioa tiro tlie
liuuisof youth an J licalilijlot iionuufllioin
iKisH uii)iolitalilo awuy.
tdr"A man who liful set up biminos
with a vvlieelbniTovv, was met in tlio alreel
by onn wlio said Iii that you Tom? I
thought you hail grmo nut uf town.
That' lino wan lite answer. You ce
tliut 1 have gniio to Wheeling.
Funny DtAatUonsNoirar from Torrect.
I'ahahui. A itotoctioii ngiiitiMt tho
sun, uhciI by ludioa inaJo of cotton und
Straps An urticlo worn titnler. tlie
boots, by gentlemoti mailo ol'culf-skin.
Kitkm Light frumeB covored with pa
j.or, and soul into tho uir ly buys with
long tails. '
CiMi lietsey Trim thinks tliut 'legn'
should bo called 'abdominal sujipiiiteia,'
by all gtnteel people.
- CoaUETTR. One who wants to engngo
the men without engaging hnself,
A Judge onco aaid to a Lawyer who
was more lemaikuble for ihe nunilior of
his words than for tho sense of his speech
es, that he was "very much like noccssi
iy." "llow do you muko that out," in
quired tho Jotjuacious attorney. "He
cause," said the judge, "necessity knows
no law."
Curb porOout.-First pick a handker
chief from the pocket of an old maid of
fifty years, who had never wished lo
' change her condition; 2, wash it three
times in an honest miller's pond; 3, dry
it on a parson's hedge that was never co
vetous; 4, send it to a doctor's shop that
never killed a pationt, 5. mark it with a
lawyer's ink. who never cheated a client;
C, apply it to the part affected. -
Am Irish Compliment A lovulv
bending her head over a rose
tree wliiob lady was purchasing from
an Irish basket-woman iuCovent garden
market, wUtj the woman, looking kindly
us mo juuii- iicsuiy, satu, "i axes yer
pardon, young lady, but if itS ploasing to
' ye, I'd thank you to keep your cUeok a
way from that rose: ye'll put the lady out
ofcotisait with the color of her flowars."
lie Pills, I contrive In he piciiaiHtiinii whii h nerd
an firilier recoiuiiieuilniiun tli.ui a fair trial, to en
sure, iheir uitHiullsleil suerey..
Vanilalia, March SO, lU-lti.
fro in Use. Clen, J, Barrtll. of (lis 111. Conn.
Dh. Watsum Sit f I lake jreai pleasure in re
(omuieniliu yum valiuilila fnniily ineilicinnt lo the,
puahc, as sole anil cumin retneiliet lor the cure ol
the ilisea-es lor uliirh tliry are pivscribril, I have
used a it ii in lit: r of jour medicines iu my family tlu
rills ilie past year, ami, in every lustuiiro tviiltih,-.
innst entire siu'tess. from I tin rcpnateil nssuirures
which I have hail Irum a uuiulier iu my aroiiailt
I inert, who have used ynur nndiiines, I hate un
liu-iuncy iu laymn thai, iu my juilcemeul, lltey
sra itrridrilly inperinr In any prepaialmn wiiliin my
kituvt leilun, Youm, respei ihilly,
;i:o. j. n.Rni:TP.
Vunilall-i, HI , Apiil 8, ItMlJ,
I'tuiii the Rev. I). 1), MclCes, late piutot nf the
Preshyleilan Cliurch,
Dr. K. Y. Watson- LVsr Sin I feel thai low
it, nut only to myself. Inn also to the public., losav,
tintl 1 have the utmost confidence in jour pieparu
linns, ami have no doubt lhal, In all ordinary rases,
if your medicines are taken uecoriliuj!y lo your d,
reetions, ihey will prrlbriu all that you have .roin
itnl Your medicines, the ellli acy ol nhirh have
been tested iu my lauiiiy, Hud uhlrh I ran conn
irmly recommend in oilier, ate .The Fever anil
Anne Pills, fever anil At,ua Tonic symp, Ami
Uillit.ua Pills, OlfHKiniinut Mixiure, t'oi'tli Mix
mre, (Join and Rjiruuuttic Liniineiit, ami Ann Oy I
peptic .Vlisitne . I). I) Mi U EE.
Vai.dalida, ., Ma.cliSl. Iti40. .
I rheeiful'y cmiriir in ihe shove remarks, made
liy ihe Itev. I). ). Mi Kee, with recard to Or. R.
Y. Walsou'i ineiliciurs, having used the (.out and
Kheiuiia ic Lluimeiii, and Salt Fttieuin and Tetter
Oiniuienl, with cninpleie success, 1 confidenily
reroinmeud theiii io the public,
ASAIIAlb l.l'l.
Jurlte of tlie Probsts Court of Vaildalill, III. ,
I have been irouhled win, the Dysentery, which
continued nlfand on shout one year, and having
consulted some ol Ihe best physicians in I'liiladel
plus, INnw Ui lea m, and in Hit city, without mn
ny relief, I concluded in tj Dr. Watson's inedi
ciues lor Dysentery, and in a very short lime
il cuicd ins; and 1 now recommend it as the best
remedy know of lor lite Rowel Complaint.
Coiner uf Third k Pine si . Si. Louit. .
F. Q. & F. C. DRINHLE.
RKSPKCTFULLY itifmin tho uitizens oI'Lun
custiir mid its vicinity, that they have open
ed a Tailor shop, it) Council's Kow, under Ihe
Eayle ollice, directly oppnsito tho Post (lllico,
where they cuu at ull times be found, ruudy to
execute any work that may bo entrusted to tltuin
In the iieutnst and most fashionable manner and
low fur Cusli or all kinds of Country Produce.
They respectlully solicit a Bliure ut tho public
Lancaster, April loin, 1U47. i)"iu.
Tin, Copper and Sheet-Iron
TXTOULI) respectfully inform the citi.ons of
f Kutrhcld aud thu siiiTouiliug counties, that
they tstill continue to tin I'ucttiru, and keep on
hand coiiHtanly at their old slittid, on Main Street,
- . . .1. . , II.. I . ( I
oppiiMim urn l iiitutaiio riousu.
nil Itin.ls of TIN, COl'PUtt uiul
Tliuy liuvo ulways oil hutid
nml for sulo
are solicited to cull and examine our assortment,
which is now complete The Stock was selected
with great care and was purchused by us at prices
below the Kusterii cost, so that we will be ena
bled to sell bountiful and excellent Goods ut very
reduced prices. We are determined to please the
public unci we have the menus to do it. Tho
quality of our Stock cannot be surpassed, and for
cheapness, we chullonge competition.
Our ussortinent consists, in part, of the follow
ing articles:
For the Ladies.
We have the largest variety of Summer Dress
Goods ever opened in Lancaster, and which enn-
not be excelled iu quality, cheapness or beauty of
patterns, anions which nre
i i - nieces of CALICOES, at prices varying
from CJ to 18 cents
Alpnccas, plain mid striped
Caahmeres mid Muslin de Luius
Uereges uud Bal.ariues
A large assortment ot l.nwiis,enirey ne(f styles
Scotch uud Karlstou Ginghuius uud Giugliam
A fine assortment of Plain and FANCY oILK
A huso assortment of BONNET RIBBONS
latest styles
Cotton and Silk PARASOLS und Sunshades
A riueassortiiiemt uf Summer ARTIFICIALS
"ether with a "eiicml assortment of Dress Trim-
uiuigs, &c. &c.
Tor the Cicnlk'iiicii.
50 pieces BROAD CLOTH, till colors &. prices
Rough mid Heady uud Monterey tuastineres
Superior French and English Black do
I ."i i nieces plain, striped und barred SATTI
NETS, from 25 to 87J cents per yard
5 i pieces KENTUCKY JEAiNs
fluid and Oxford Mixed TWEEDS
Merino Ciissimeres, pluin and fancy Gambroons
Brown Linens mid Cotton IMULLiNbS
Marseilles. Morion and Silk VestitiKs, &o
In uddition to the ubure,wo havo u lurge stock of
. IOIIICiliC (aOOlIs,
Such ns Brown and Bleached Muslins, Tickin
Blown and Bleached Sheeting from 1.4 to
yards wide; Cotton und Linen Bagging, &c.
For House-Keeper,
We have Bleached and Brown Linen Table
Cloths, Damask and Russia Diapers. Damask and
Book Muslin Curtains, Couulerpuiii8, lublo Lo
vers. &c. &c. &c.
All kinds of Groceries.
A large assortment of QUEEN8WARE and
GLASSWARE, Leghorn, Puliu Leaf, Silk. Fur
und Brush HATS, BOOTS und SHOES; Ladies'
Kid and Morocco SLIPPERS. &c. &c.
We ore opposed to puffing and blowing we
lmll not sell our Goods at"f than cost, us we
expect to make a living prnlit from lliom; but we
respectfully invite the public to cull and examine
nur stock and prices before purchasing elsewhere,
us wo intend Ui roly upon the quality uud prices
of them to obtain a fair share of patronage.
Wo will take iu exchange fur our Goods, ull
It hid of Country Produce,
for which wo will pay the hiifhost market price.
Bring along vottr Cush und vour Produce anil cull
you will htiil the best LmoUs unit lowest prices.
JUlirx r.l'tl.ut,u tij.
Lancaster, June 7, 1347.
And four hours tiure, I hud the Fever1 and Asue
very liad for naatly lis niouibs, and Dr. Watson
cured me It once, anil 1 have never had ii since. I
have since tnen, tent, r should think, forty persons,
who have all expid thelt mutt entire satisfaction
ihey too, were cure hi a very few days. 1 dn
ant hesitate 10 recommend Dr Wilson1 1 Fever and
A(ue Pills io ihe public, at on nf the best remedies
lor fcvei tnd Aim. V. UOODFDLLOW,
Si. Louis, Mistouri. ' '" ...
For Sals by J. C . II EN LEY, Lsncatier Ohio.
; Lancaster July 30, ld.17. CmlJ
Our assortment consists in part of the followin
Of nil color from 91 to 91 per yard.
Sit pieces pluin and stripped Cassiuiers from 75
cunts to l,-J
'JOOdo plain, striped and burred Snttiuutts, (ve
r cheap) hum 37 to 75 cents per yard
100 do Kentucky Jeans from 25 to 31 cents for
the best
100 do Und, White and Yellow Flannels
150 do Bluck, Colored, Striped uud Figured
Tij Hales Lliown Muslins
10 cases llhiiichcd do from (1 to l?j cents
10 bales Ticking mid eery cheap
2.?O0 piece of 1 AUTO IIS,
Cheaper than ever known before.
50 do Cashmeres. Mousline do Laines und other
fancy Goods lor LADIES' Dresses and Clonks
50 do (linghnins, neie style, and eery desirable .
A largo und huuutiliil variety ol 8 U M M V. R
SHAWLS, of all sizes nnd at very low prices
'10 piecus Apron Checks, Linen aud Cotton Ta
llin (Moths, Cotton nnd Silk Handkerchiefs
' Dress Silks: Ulnck, colored uud Itg'd Hosiery
Gloves and Mills of ull kinds
Cmubricks, Jacconets and every thing iu the
Dry Goods line to make our assortment full and
complete, among which will bo linuul a line vari
ety of ROUGH and READY Goods
We have also constantly 011 hand, a lurge stock
Fur, Silk, Leghorn, Talm Leaf and Straw Huts
Carpet Cliuin and Coverlid Warp
A full ussortinent ol
;i:o( iicii oi an liiM.s,
Cedar Churns und Tubs, Wuodeu Buckets,
Salt. sVo. &o. &o. .
1 Cuius evorv body and look throiiL'h our
M.VMMOTM PILES ol Goods. We uro ulways
on hand aud ready to prove to you, what is oil un
donitiblo fuct, that we have more Goods, better
assortments nnd sell at lower rates than any other
establishment in Lancaster. Of these tacts you
can convince yourselves by calling at our OLD
ol AINU ana examining our stock. '
50,000 bushels of V II K AT,
Any nniutint of CORN. RYE, OATS Flax-soed,
Feathers, and every thing elso that the Farmers
hove for sale that is worth havinir, We will eive
the highest prices in CASH aud GOODS lor the
above urticles. and give MORE GOODS fur the
snme amount of trade, thun any other house. Call
and give us u trial
Lancaster. June 4. 1847 4
: "Notice. :
rfHIE Rocoivers of the LANCASTER OHIO
M. BANK, having contracted with JACOB
GREENE, to redeem the Notes and Bills of said
Bank rnmaiiiinK in circulation tile same will be
redeemed by said Ghkkni, at the Drug Store of
George Ktiullinnn, Main street, Lancaster, Ulno
as the sumo shall be presented at that place,
1 , Receivers of Lancaster Ohio Bank.
, Lancaster, Ohio, Feb. 3, 1817. 37
of the most approved ptitlertl.
They will sell all articles in
their line ut very low prices tor cast). 1 lioso ile
sirotis of purchasing, ure invited to call und exam
ine hclnie they purchase elsewhere.
N. U. Old Copper and Did Pewter taken iu ex
cliiingo for Tin Wure at all times.
Lancaster, April 0. 1817. Cm 18
vi;-!LTmi: srixnic,
fBnill'l piunrielnrs of this valuable remedy, iulro-
JL dure to their friends aad the public, their
"SPECIFIC" In a new style, and ihey may say,
every way improved, I he thurnuili trial given il
the past season, it lonviurinK pmof lo tlii'ni of its
itreal etftrary in ruling INTKItMlTTKNT or
AGUE AND KEVERt and ihey now feel war-
runted in osin liishinu it upon a prrniauenl batit
relrrrine to Hi vhole character, aimearanre and
sinnaiure, at a guard sgainsi impnsilion . 1'ltey
fell It necessary to adopt some urecsiiiinn in lit out'
set, as no doubt deigning persons will endeavor to
palm upon die public a spurious piepa ration. 1 hey
tlo not heiusie lo say, that a medicine never lias
been used, lhal hat given to gieat satisfaction in so
short a time, as the ir N'KCii'ir, Hundreds and
Ihiiusauds can testily to its efficacy. V here dis
ease hat b,i(lletl the prescription of the skillful Phy
sician, the. patient has been speedily restored to
health the uintl incredulous (having heroine so
fioin using the many said to be cures nl ihe pietetil
dav, without success) have been roustra inert to uc
knowledge its superior virtues. They do not wish
lo introduce it upon ihe putting piniriplo. Let it
laud or fall, as it merits. It is no quack niiilrum
but a regular ami skilful Physician's receipt, who
has prat'ined in the heart Ague and fever district
for ihe last twenty years with gieal success. II. is
ed entirely upon vegetable manor innocent in eve1
iy tense n cannot injure the most deiiaia consu
union on iliecnutiary, acting at s restorative to all
debilitated frames. 'IVy do not pretend to say
but what their are other good preparations. But
we do say, wt know ours lo be good, and certain
cute, If the directions are otisrsved. Ann we chat
lenge any one to find a panicle nf mineral entering
lit composition. They ask a trial from a li' ral
and diiccruirg public not fearini die result. Many
have bem cured In from twenty-lour to foity-eighl
hours. Price $1 per bottle.
For sale by BURY & DEC If.
Lancaster, July 16,1847. 3n10.
(il.OIM. Il li. HCKFiItT,
IIAil consttiully on hand and lor sale at his old
JO M Sttitid, on Brond-Wuy, three doors-South of
tho Market House, u general ussortinent ot
Manidiicturcd by experienced work
men uud uf the most modern styles:
consist in tr o f
sir a rt. .r. t s.-nF -v-
Solus, Sociables, Divans, Ottomans
Centre, Pier, Curd, Dressing, End, Dining and
DressiiiL', French and Pluin BUREAUS,
Wardrobes, Withstands, Lockers, Workstands,
And all oilier articles in bis line that may be
culled for. Ilis work will bo mntlo of the best
materials und finished iu a neat uud durable milli
ner. Huving a lurso and select stock ou hand he
will dispose of the same ut reduced pi-ices, and as
low Us uny man sells artiules uf equal quality
willi a fine Horse und Harness, calculated for the
purposo, nre always in readiness to utlcnd funer
als. All Collins made to order The subscriber
will promptly attend fuiioruls any where in the
County with his Hoarse- free uf extra charge; and
ull his charges will he ut reduced prices.
Tho subscriber returns his gi uteliil thanks to
his old customers uud respectfully solicits a con
tinuance of thoir patronage.
respect what tlie citizens oi uuio wish
SOME, FASHIUINAdLI!. ami LtlfcAt .
JAMES C. MACCRACKEN linving connected
himself with WORK GALBRA1TH, under the
still owning part of one of the most extensive
wholesale Stores in Now York and the largest
munul'acturiug establishments iu theUuited Stales,
they are receiving a larger lot of Goods tlian ever
was brought, even to the Greut Western.
Ou the 10th of May the Store Room and Street
were blockuded with our boxes.
Our manufacturing establishment, as usual, has
supplied us with every variety of American man
ufactured DRY GOODS, furnishing us with Cloths,
which we ure enabled to sell at least ofl cents on
the yurd less thau uuy other Merchant cun buy
TWEEDS and CALICOES caunot be be equalled,
either in prices or style.
The Steamships, Small Sands ana luleilonia,
which brought tlie Inst favorable account of con
tinued good prices for Ginin and Flour, brought
for us, direct from Europe, an unusually large
--lock of handsome fashionable DRESS GOODS
for tho LADIES and for the GENTLEMEN
every variety of latest styles.
We have another vory turge stocK ot iuiuwa
MUSLINS and being of our own make, notwith
standing the advance in tho price ot those Goods
in the Eust, persons, Who buy utthe Great Wes
tern, say that muslins are chetip as ever, while
those that goto other stores will contend they
never were so lngli priced. .
Our BLEACHED MUSLINS, beins also from
our own niuuiihictory, we can warrant their qual
ity, uiul our price any one can see ure tno low
est. Indeed, ull who wish to buy goods made
iu the United States will soon ascertain, that it
they wish to buy thoin cheap, they must go to
the Great W esteru.
We have ticking, nt 12.J cents per yard, that
is better thun ever sold in Ohio at 18.
Our STOCK OF CALICOES never was larg
er and all entirely new styles, us ull know that,
until we received this lust stuck, we had scarce
ly a dress pattern in the house. .
, Wo have nearly 5000 pieces, over 200 differ
ent patterns, among them a bountiful rich Ging
ham print, only 18 cents per yurd a style of
Goods always lieretolure sold at Jl to -ii cents.
The vary handsomest American print at Man
ufacturer's prices, only 12 cents per yurd.
The huiidsumust blue uud orange prints ever
The variety of our dress goods is unusually
large a very lurge stock of both English aud
French Ginghams
Black, Si white Scotch Ginghams, cheaper thun
ever known iu the West. Gingliutn Lawns and
Muslin Ginghams, Madder colored Lawns, Hose
bud iStc, the very lutest style. Monterey and
Bueuu Vistu dress goods, very rich and beautiful
entirely new, but 20 days from Engluud. Best
Bombazines, Venitian Orgaudios, Striped Pluid
Lawns. -
A very large stock ot Ribbons, every variety
ol style, ull tlie lutest importations, customers call
uud must wuke up we sell them so cheup.
braid Bonnets at any price.
A spleudod assortment ol Spring and bummer
Ladies French work Collars, unusually cheap
uud beautiful.
Gloves and mitta. every vartoty and price.
. Lyms Crapes a beautiful and new style goods.
A very !ure stock of SUMMER SHAWLS all
beautiful Cushmere, D'Ecnre, Mouslin do Lain,
uud twisted Silk Shawls, ot lirst quality.
T III I," SI 111 IPPl.-UsI Ml.uc l uuni-irki,,,!
black and Bronze GAITERS, HALF GAITERS
Bootees, &e., ull purchased of the mnnulacturors,
Hosiury ot every color and quality some as low as
10 cents a pair, white and black cotton.
PARASOLS Giuglmiii and Silk Purasolels.
For theGentlemeii we haveoof little everything,
German, French, Amoricun and west of England
Fancy Tweeds, Gninbroons, Linens, Nankeens
Cumberland plaids, Pusia Checks, Uiuggnld single
mill Cassumeres and many other varieties, for
Gentlemen's summer pants fancy ciissimeres,
bluck cassimures. Our assortment of coatings
is unusually lurge.
Croton coatings, F.rtninett do. Mazurka do.
Gold mix 3d Tweeds, ull wool, very low, Amazon
Cloth. - -
Silk wurp Codiugtons ull beautiful.
Lasting cord, an entirely new urliclo for gen
tlemen's wear.
Tweeds from 25 cents per yard tip.
Muu's host oulf boots men's slippers and shoes
of every kind.
V eatings al any kind from 12 cents per yard
Palm leaf Hats at lower prices than ever before
wero brought to the West.
Leghorn huts equally cheap.
Curpel Chain, colored and whito.
Coverlid Yarn best cotton yum, long reol only,
Indigo of best quulity.
Our stock of GROCERIES is unusually lurge
nnd wero purchased, ut New Orleans, at the low
est prices- Our coffee is uf the best quality Rice
always on baud.
We lire determined that the Great Western
aud the Goods sold by the Greut Western shall
speak for themselves. All we nsk is that all, who
wish to buy Goods cheap for ready pay, will call
at our establishment, see our coustuully changing
varieties aud usk prices.
We uro always the lirst to raise the price of
Grain uud the lust to pnt it lower.
Any quality of CASH always on hand fur Far
mer's Produce, und Waggons unloaded at our
Wure-house without any work of the Farmer,
Coino.tthen, every body to tho Great Western.
- Lancaster. May Mth, 1817. 1
Lunenstor, Februarys, 1847.
till IT
Copartnership Notice.
mllE umlersif'ncd has this day associated with
B. him in the Dry Goods business. Mr. WIL
LIAM W. COX. The business willin future be
conducted under the firm of Kroner & Cox.
July 10, 18-.U ' : P.-II. KRANEB.
ARE daily expecting an arrival of alargehnd
well Selected STOCK OF GOODS.
The old customers of the concern, and ull others
for whom good bargains and cheap goods aro any
inducement, are respeotlully invited to tuvor tliein
with a call. . . - -
Lancaster, September 2L 1810, . 20
WOULD most respectfully inform their old
friends and the public gouorally. that they
still continue tno mnnuincture ot
in Slmwk's Row, aud opposite Bury & Beck's
Drug Store, whore Ihey will be pleased to wait
on all who may favor them with a call. They
Hatter themselves that upon examination, their
work will recommend itself, as th y keep none
but tho best and must experienced workmen.
Thoir work is warranted to be made iu the best
and most fushiouublo style, of which, the follow
ing articlos comprise a part: .
do. French Morocco Uusklue, '
Goat Morocco STRAP SHOES.
A boy from 14 to 15 years of ago, will be taken
to lenru the above busiuess.ofgood niorachnructer
uud of industrious habits. None other need apply.
Lnucostor, May 28, 1847. 3
wiucn will be sold at very low prices. ""Call at the
old staud, ou Greene's Corner, wesj of the Court
House. . '
Lancaster, October 9, 1846 - 22
Santa Anna's Wooden Leg taken Prisoner!!
WOULD respectfully rel)irn his tlmnks to his
friends and the public gouorally for the
very liberal patronage lie has received at their
bauds; uud would inform them that he has uow on
hand ready to be disposed of at very low prices for
U AS ll, a coiupiuio
BiiANK DEED3, neatly printed on the
best of piper, for sale at this office
Blank Mortgages,
manufactured accord
iiisr to tho lutest Style
and fashion, His stock comprises HATS of ull
QUAL1TI ES. Fur, Brush, Neuter, Silk, Plane,
Muskrat, Cashmere, Coarse sj- Fine, Blue, Brown
and common Hats.
Haviiigemployed thosorvices of EXPF.RIF.NC
ED WORKMEN in the manufacture of his HATS
und CA PS, nnd desirous to muke his sales corres
pond with the times, he feels satisfied that whils
they will compare with the work of any other
establishment in the country as to quality they
are aiso inisui'pusseii as to cueapness. no parti
cularly invites his friends and all who may wish
to obtain un excellent article, upon the most roa
sonable terms, lo call aud oxuuiiuo his stock of
He fools no disposition to boast about quulity or
price through an advertisement, but uctiug on the
old and well established rule, that the "proof of
an assertion consist, in a trial," he asks that ho
may be tried by the same rule, and that the lovers
of good Huts wiU make the examination for them
selves. . -- ' . '"
He offers nothing but a good article and being
determined to soli low for CASH, hs respectful
ly invites tlie patronage of the public.
Lancaster, May 14, 1847.-, - 1
. Blank Subpwnas
For sale at the Gazette and Express Office
Important from the South.
Telegraph Line.
C2 CD .O 03 233, 133 0
STOCK of MKN I ICI I:, &c.
among which may be found,
New Orleaus SUGAR, Indigo aud Madder
Loin" - do. Alum and Copperas
Rio and Java COFFEE, Cloves and Cinnamon
t'luutatioii Molassos. Nutmegs and Starch
Sugar House do, - v Camwood and Logwoodt
Rice and Raisins, Suluratus and Whitiug
Cav. and Spun Tobacco, Span.iSpan&cumSegars,
6 Twist do. No, 1, White Lend and Oil,
Pepper and Spice, Powder, Shot and CBpa
Mackerel and Herring . Wrapniue Pannr .
White Fish und Shad Fishing Poles Sc Tackle
Teas and Chocolate ' Pipes, Soup, &&
Constantly on haud by the Barrel or pound.
. - ' FXCXX." :; : '
We have made arrangements for a constant and
regular supply of LAKE FISH, which will com
meuce to arrive us soon us tho Canal is opened
North. Citizens ol Fun-field look in at this Estab
lishment before you purchase, and yon will save
money, that isa "fixed fact" and no humbug.
Lancaster, February 26, 1847. . 42
WHO now complaint of ill health, or talks of
heavy doctor bills, wlu-n comfort, ease, peace
and health, are brought with "HIBBARD'S FAM
ILY PILLS, to almo.-i every town or hamlet iu
your coiinliy"
REV. B "III BOARD," the proprietor of there
I excellent Vegetable Jlnti Bilious Pills having been
in the practice ol testing the power ol medicine on
the tick lor the last tliiity years, present! with con
fiilence this almost sovrrvign remedy for the worst
cases of Chronic Dispepsiu, Costheness, Dispeptic
Consumption, Bilious Cholic. Erysipelas, Jihema
tism. Sick Headache, Piles, Liner Complaint, Dyt
ciliary, Nervous Debility, Palsy, Pleurisy, Worms
anil many other diseases which the human family
are sfllicied, anil asks thai lie may have the privilege
of olfroiling relief lo the suffering millions, by the
use ol his extraordinary specific. TonreCnl fraud
they are sold alone by regularly auihorixerl agents
whose, names will be published hi the county papei
Agents for Faimfirld Countv
Bury Sc Beck, Lancaster; C (i Wilsnn Si Co, Rush
ville; N li Coulson Sc Co, West linshvillej S B
&C Padeu, New Salem; J Ketncr, Millersport;
E Geohegan, Baltimore; Ii & J Leonard, Basil'
David HoUlerman, Amanda; J M Stage, Lork
barn: Rnnert Cloud, Liihupolis: S S Russel, Pick
' eriiigton; I W and F A Thompson, Canal Win
PS Country Agents can al vays obtain a new
supply of ihe ahove medicine at Buiy and Beck's
Lancaster . -
December 20, IMC ' 28ly
in:. UOUKKS)-
4 SA t'K aud certain CURK fur COi-UMP-t
TION uf ihe LUNGS, Spilling of BLOOD,
Coughs, Colds,Asthma, Pain iu the Side, Bronchi
tis, Whooping Cnngli, and ALL PULMONARY
Certificate of Dr. Win. J. Richards a, well known
practitioner of more than twenty years standing.
To all whom it may concern, I make the follow
itig tiaienieni: (,'onscious that it may appear un
professional, ii is only Irom a perlect conviction and
thnrnugh knowledge of Ihe essential benefit and
scientific origin of the prepaiation spoken of that I
leel constrained from a sense ol duly to comply
wiih the request of the proprietor.
I am a most inveterate oppoter of quacks and
quack medicines in any lorm, and most fully coin
cide wiih the clauses in the Code of Ethics lately
adoped by the Medical Convention of Ohio lelaling
particularly to that subject; il may therefore be in
ferred that it is only fioni personal experiment with
ihe preparation, aud a positive assurance of in
beneficial resulit, that induces me to recommend it
as being all tnat it represents itself to be. ..
The patient, Mr. Charles Wade, 'Sixth street,
Market Space, whom I allowed to try the effeotof
the medicine, (but which I would have done under
no consideration whatever had I not teen a copy of
the receipt from which the medicine it prepared,
obtained from the agent, and which I am satisfied
is authentic,) was quite low with the early stagei
of pulmonary consumption, foi which I had beea
Healing in the usual manner, though with less than
tny usu il success; at his earnest request, and that
of his fiiends, 1 examined ihe receipt, and was
sufficiently satisfied of its scientific composition to
alluw the trial, and I am obliged to confess its effect
was ai lensi tuipiisiug, inasmuch that after ihe con
sumption nf the second bottle my proleBsional visits
wrie discontinued, though I frequently saw my pa
tient afterwards, lestored to perfect health.
The preparation is called "Dr. Rogers Com
pound Syrup of Liverwort and Tar;" aud from the
examination oflhe receipt aud the success in my
own experiment, I do conscientiously recommend
il as a useful and valuable medicine; and I should
ui(e my brother practitioners to procure the receipt,
us I leel convinced they will agree with me at to its
excellence, and will no doubt use il in Iheir prac
tice, as 1 shall most certainly do, believing it to bs
a most valuable aid in pulmonary cases that baffle
the ordinary mode nftrraimenl,
Cidcinnali, Oct. 1, 1844.
Of Mrs. Benj. Smith, living on the north tide os
Ann street, one squats north of the Cincinnati Hof
pilal. 'Phis Is to certify that my wife wat attacked with
a violent cough, which settled on her lungs antl re
duced her so low that her physician could do no
mure for her. She exhibited precisely the same
symptoms m my daughter did before her death (she
having died wiih the tame disease) aud all our
friends were convinced she would live but a
short time longer. I was at this time recommended
to try Dr. Rogers' celebrated Syrup of Livet
wort and Tar. Willi little or no hopes, 1 procured
a hot tte ofthe agent in this city, and upon return
ing I found my wife absolutely strangling with her
cough. I commenced giving large doses a tea
spoonful every hour, for forty-eight hours which
raised her as by a miracle, I have since adminis
tered it In small doses, which has brought her to
ine use of ihe fourth bottle, and the it now doing
her house-work as usual.- I have not. the tlightest
doubt that the would have been in her grave but for
Hut invaluable medicine; and I return my sincere
thanks lo the eminent inventor of it, and do most
urgently recommend all pertens afflicted with any
disease of the lungi lu give it s trial .
1 certify that my husband's statement of my case
above, is ttrictly correct in every paiiiculsr, and
most cordially join him in grateful thanks for the
benefit I nave derived from this valuable medicine.
Ciiicinnaii, Feb. 13ih, 1845.
A. L SCOVILL Wholetale Agent for tho
West and South Southeast cuiner of5th and Race
Streets, Ciiicinnaii. Ohio.
The above valuable medicine am also for sals at
BURY & BECK, Druggists,
Lancaster, June 4, 1847. Iy'13.
Curs tour coughs and colds bufodi tiiit
bicomi coNrtRMsn consumption. 1 have used
Dr. Taylor's genuine Balsam of Liverwort, Mr.
Editor, in my own family, and have found it one
of the roost usoful medicines 1 have ever used. It
states in the directions that it is also effective in
Liver Complaint and Bronchitis, and other affec
tions of the. throat und chest. I would strongly
recommend it, and say be careful to buy the gen
nine, with Dr, Leed's signature to the steol plats
wrapper. . The office is 375 Bowery. It is a dis
covery on which is based the Chrono-Thermal
treatment of disease; iu mv otiiuion the only ra
tional mude, os it is a remedy applied directly to
the purt affected.
For sale by Bury' & Beck Lancaster! O. H.
Mreller, Somerset; C. G. Wilson, East Rnshville;
8. Clayton West Rnshville; D. Holderman, Aman
du; C. &N.L. Olds, Circleville; 8. Buchwulterr
Dullsville, Russ county, K. & M, A. Patterson,
Adelphi Ross co., Fnend & Amustrong, South
Perry; Douglass & Lansing, Chillicothe; F. t
Rempel, Logan.
A Greater quantity than ever to be had at
June 18, 1817.

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