r. v- -r FRIDAY MORNIMJ, '- ,- - SEPT. 14. W m. GLENN : i I ! i i M Editor. Democratic State Ticket. JCLEC'ilON, TUESDAY. OCTOBKtt 9. FOB SKCHS.TAET Or 8TATK, x ;KN. BRXJAM1N LtFEVER, 01 Shelby County. r : , ' ion avFBEXR jtrooi, THOMAS M. KEY, VI uamilioa Count. ro ucvst uoajio or rfcBno voms, WILLIAM LARWlLL, Of Ashlsnd Count y. . 0 CONORKSS, 15t !l DISTRICT, , HAIITH D. TO I.LETT, Of "Washington County. COMMON rI,EA8 Jl'IKIE, EIGI1TI1 DISTRICT AlCtSTlS P. IsLOCKSOM, Of Muskingum County. DEMOCRATIC JCOUNTY TICKET, For Trobnto .Tn.,ro, JAMES M. GAYLOKD. For Atulitor, JOJix p. wijiKLocK. -r ' 'For Tronnrtrcr, MOSES BULLOCK. For Prosecuting .Attorney, .BENJAMIN, f&.i POWElj. For CommisHionor, ISAAC HEDGES. For Tnfirniary Director, JOHN F. SELLS. [From the New York News.] The Failure of Congress to Do Any Thing for the County- Letter from Judge Denio. llio letter from Hon. II. Denio. of iQ-Uon. n. 11. rruyn, in nc knowledment of Ins re-election ns one of the delegate from the State at large to the Philadelphia Convention, in pub Hulled. After expressing regret that prior engagements would prevent Jus attendance at the Convention, Judge Dcnfo says:.. ', .9' tncnccessful termination, in tho ppring of luflt year, of the bloody con tent in which wo have been cwravoil for four ytars, we found thq country m mi vxcepiiuuiu condition. vo were liurdenod with un enormous debt; wo had a currency greatly debased, nnd eleven btates composing tho Federal Union wero in an anomalous and dislo cated state as regards their relation to IheNaKonal Government. ThequcRtion wasnot so much what tho National au thorities had tho power or tho abstract right to do in regard to the commit nities lately in revolt as what, under nil circumstances, was required to be done, in order to restore a settled order of things, to enable us" to master our financial embarrassments, and to pro moto, as far as possible, the future per manency of tho Union under tho Con etitntion. ' That tho situation was one of inherent difficulty can not be denied. But it was not hopeless. No one, or a very few, seriously thought or professed to think of abandoning the National Union, or of subjecting an' part of the territory embraced in the States as they existed before tho - war to an Exceptional regime, incbsistent witb their status ns Constitutional Btates under' the National compact, nnd there were some circumstances ex tremely favorable to n speedy restora tion ot tranquillity. Tho people of tho InRurrectionary States definitely acquiesced in the re sult of .tho war, and nowhere through out tho w,holo extent was thero the slightest iiiggestion of ' continuing or renewing the contest. . They abandon ed, too, nt an enormous loss of what they had " been ' nccustome'd to call propwty, system of slavery, to socuro and extend which they had taken up arms; and they professed, .and, I believe cntortaiuod, a strong closiro to resume their proper relations' to tho Union. It isnsy to say, and perhaps natural to foci, that they deserved further pnnish JtiCntT' But who could think of subject ing to personal chastisement millions of people organized into seperate Statoe and if it could be duno, .of what advantage would it bo to the people of the loyal States ? It would not re store tko brave men who laid down their lives for thoir country. Would it bo wise to sacrifice to our resentment, however just, tho happiness of tho peo ple of the Unior, or postpouo to that end the restoration of peace, unity nnd u:ho ls-o tlie war- being nearly' coincident in time with tho assassina tion of the lato President, the Execu tive Government devolved upon the dutiingaished and loyal citiecn who' npw administer it, and ifchoeo services' and sacrifices had, com mended him to taiha confidence of the people.' . ' lie has apparaiitely regardod tho situation very much in tho light which I have auggosted. Ho' encouraged the reor ganization of the lately rebellious States in 4h manner commenced' under ' the sanction ofhiB' predecessor,, requiring snoli concession from the ' lato insur gents as the publio good, the safety', ';o fnsVLnton toomea to wiit'.'-iin henco at tho commencement tf tho lato softsion of Congress tho prospect ap peared to bo entirely favorable to the adjustment of our difficulties upon terms dictated by the National author ities; nnd to tho resumption of tho ca reer of publio and individual pvofpcrl ty, so sadly interrupted by the treas onable attempt to dismember U13 Union. You know how theso just ex pectations have been disappointed. No one, I think, can point out a single measure which has boen adop ted having a tendency in any consid erable degree to promote the peacea ble restoration of tho Southern States to their just relations to the Union. Some measures clearly incompatible have been imitated, but tbey require for their consummation the assent of parties who, it is known, will withhold their consent. In the meantime the proceedings already taken, and which, a' I have said, promised very favorable resulta, have been thrown into doubt and uncertainty; the States which had ineffectually atttmptod to secede are treated as practically out of the Union are deprived of representation, and are sought to bo governed by a legislature in tho choico of whoso members they had no voico ; tho public debt has Wen largely added to by measures which, though they might have been generous and expedient under other circumstan ces, tend under thoso actually existing to inereaso tho publio burdens and add to the weight ol taxation already very opprosssive. Tho currency continues in 11 dntigcronsly expanded state, and is much depreciated, enhancing to an alarming extent tho cost of nil tho no cessanes nnd conveniences of Jilb. It is, as I understand, the purpose of tho Convention about to assemble in Phila delphia to explain, in the most impres sive manner possible, tho situation of the country nnd tho dangers which environ u; 10 recommend arm urge upon the people such a course, conduct and such a bestowal of their eull'ragcs as will tend to correct tho unwise and unsafo proceedings of Conirress. nnd to do what may bo in their power to bring tho different departments of tho Government into harmony with each other. In this purpose I need scarcely say I warinlv concur. 1 hope I niflv be permitted to n.,1,1 that I havo never Lad the slightest sympathy with tiio rebellion, is promo ters or apologists; that I havo always regarded it ns substantially causeless and unprokod, nnd that I have consid ered the theory as to State risrhts. ns- ecrted in its justification, ns wholly destitute of roasou or plausibility. .1 have thought it my duty throughout i no war 10 recommend to thoso with whom I havo heretofore been political ly associated, to extend to thoso ad ministering tho Government of the nation, though they came into office without my assent .or participation. a full, frank, generous nnd cordial sup- i. . i , ... , . pori. j.ow, me rcnciiion being sup prcssi!, I tin for having the country governed upon the representative sys tem prescribed by tho Constitution, and am not for depriving any portion of it. of representation, or compelling it to submit to tho more will of the rest. I am, dear sir, with great respect, your obedient servant, P. DENIO Parson Browlotr'a Poller. An old llirkgaurd nnmid Brownlow, Ironi Ten ccsscf , and (Ti-Icgate to ths 4,loyiI convex tion"at riiilodiiljiliin, mado aipeecli in tlint city on FrMy,' hi which he derrktped the prn(rnmniR ol tho Vur ngaiust the South : "lt there be lhrc ilivisiawt. ; Lot the firU'go armed Bcconlin to tho 'regulations, witli smsll arms nil nrtilltry, and let tlicm do tho killing. Let tlic eeoand go with pir.e kaot and burning torcliw, ml tut llrra do tho burning. let tho third aod lost go with the surveyor's compass and chain, and we will aolt out the Und j t py the' expense of lie war and setlla the eountry with men who will honor thif glorioui flay!" Cheers. urowniow is a repreuttuUve loyalist. " He is the most eovenomtd old scoundrel uuhung on Ibis coiilieentj and It U be to hoped thai when . the '-tline diviioiis" stait thc will commerce with him. Chicago 'J'imes. Ose T.rwtcr or "tub Tklkoratu The rapid construction of long telegraph : Hues js gradually chungiug the ordinary news chsn aels. Until recently, we usually receded Intelligence Iron China and Japan by way of England; but dow this news comos acofs the ruclfio, inlesd nf the Atluntic, and is first received at Sun Francisco, being telegraphed overland. Kneland. that foimeW this inttlligsucs, now depends ! cpoti' ns f..r It tl dispatches being forwarded though the cable. The telegraph Las thus changed the ordinary news, chanuel. , . . ' -., A bout the fl.itltel. stalest, ponreat, sicklU est .and lumcal iuiiutio'iis of humor. Inflicted upon the press uf i,he couutiy at the present lime ore the absurd . and silly Incubrations of an Idle bulToon who styles himself I'atrn leura V. Xaaby, and who ; (jow pays the role or chiw clown ia the Radical circus. If therq'was any. th,Iiig otU'iuml in the stuff he Is constantly 'obtruding before the public, there would be torn apology, perhaps, for the Irequfucy of his appu1s for publio ap plntifio. He isabo.it as painfully funny as the wittiest of Harper's Drawer, if not more so, aud friends ought to calj him .in pat if the strtef. i- Nashville Banner. " : Why? I "A correspondent of an English paper fpeaklngiof U Atlantic cablo, says that-from daylight tilj. two o'clock the cablo works' with 1 great difficulty, after whjch time the 'working; grows easier and inore rapid .until, -dark, and all through the night jt work ; easily d well. . The editor of the Telegrapher has ofton noticed thiw fact. n tho land LIST OF PREMIUMS TO BE AWARDED BY THE Morgan Co. Agricultural Society AT THEIR Fourteenth Annual Fair, TO BE HELD AT THE FAIR GROUNDS, (Near M'Connelsville) OCTOBER 2d, 3d and 4th, 1866. FIRST DEPARTMENT. CLAS A No. 1—HORSES FOR ALL WORK. Best Stallion over 4 years, $10 2d do do Best do over 3 years, 2d do do Best do over 2 years, 3 2d do do Best Gelding over 4 years, 2d do do Best do over 3 years, 3 2d do do Best do over 2 years, 2d do do 1 Best Mare over 4 j-cars, 2d do do 3 Best do over 3 years, - 3 2d do do 2 Best do . over 2 years. 2d do do 1 Best brood Jfaro, colt by her side, A warding Commit tee. A.S. Dickey, Augustus Jjovcll, James J. llumnan 1j. 1). Iiecd and llobcrt Hodgen. Iso animal to receive an award or premium in more than one number of this Class. CLASS A No. 2—HEAVY DRAUGHT. Best Stallion over 4 years, $8 2d do do Best 31 are or Gelding over 4 years, C 2d do do do 3 Best pair draught Horses or Mares 10 2d do do C 3rd do do 3 A warding Commit tee. A.S. liiikey, Augustus Ijovell, James J. .Hullman, L. J J. Beed and Bobert Hodgen. .No animal to receive an award or premium in more than ono number of this Class. CLASS A No. 3—HARNESS, &C. Best pair match Horses or. Marcs for litrht harness, 810 2d do . do do Best Gelding or Maro for singlo Jiiirness, d do do do Best saddle Gelding or Marc, I do do AwardingCommillco, A.S. Dickcv. Augustus Lovell, James J. Hulfuiau. L. 1. Beed. and llobcrt Uodcen. No animal to receive nn award or premium in more titan ono number of this Class. CLASS A No. 4—SWEEPSTAKES. Fastest trotting horso or marc in liarness. ...... B50 Awarding Committee. James A. M'Connel, It. II. Dodge, John Buck, and Car-t. James Darlington and William T. Tally, of Muskinirum county. Sweepstakes open to other counties. CLASS B—MULES AND ASSES. Best Jack, S10 2d do 5 Best pair Mules, 8 2d do 4 Best Mulo 5 2d do 3 Awarding Committoo. William 1 Hedges, John Hancher, Epbraim C. Kllis, Dr. J. . White, and Banjamin r. Jtatson. CLASS C No. 1—SHORT HORNS. Best Durham Bull over three years ?10 2d do do do Best 2d Best 2d do do do do over 2 : years. do do ever 1 year, do do Best Durham Bull Culf, 2d do do Best Durham Cow over 3 years, 2d do do no Best Durham Heifer over 2 years, 2d do do . do Best 2d Best 2d do do do do do over 1 year, do . , do Heifer Calf, do . Awarding Committee. James Gillespie, Lewis D. Joy. Hunuihrev Smith, Mahlon H. Parsons, and Elisha II. Trimble. No premium awarded In this sub-di vision of this Class unless tho written pedigreo of tho auimal upon which the same iB claimed be posted upon or noar the stall thereof. CASS C No. 2—DEVONS. Best Btll over 3 yeas,' f 10 2d do do' , 5 Best -do mver 2 years, ' 4 2d do do - 2 Best do ovor 1 year, 1 1 ' . ,3 2d' 'do ' ' do ' ' "' '"i' 2 Beat" do ', Calf, , .'..;,' '.'.. , .. ,'. ,' ' .'2 2d do do . 1 Best Cow over 3 years, , , (J 2d ; ' do. '.J do . . .. . ." . . a Bust Hoil'er over 2 years, . 4 2d . do 1 do ; ' ' " ' ' 2 Best do ' over 1 year, ' ' ' 3 2d , do t- do v 1 ' ' '''.' 'I ' 2 Bos Heifer Calf, ... i ' . Id - - do 1 do 1 Awarding Committee. Justus Chad wick, John McDonald, Itufus. D. Cot ton, Richard MclClhJnny and Nicholas Go-burn,. , , r.. ,-.,.., ,.; ,;; : No momlnmH awarded in thin n'ni. division -of this class unless tho pedigree of the animal upon which the same is claimed bo posted upon or near the stall thereof. CLASS C No. 3—GRADED STOCK, SHORT HORNS, DURHAMS AND DEVONS. Best Bull over4ycnrs, ' flO 2d do do 0 Best do over 3 years, 4 2d do do 2 Best do over 1 year, 2 2d do do 1 Best do Calf. 9 2d do do 1 Best Cow over 3 years, 2d do do Best Heifer over 2 years, z.i ao do Bi'st do over 1 vcar, 2d do do Best do Calf, 2d do do 1 Awarding Committee. Setli C. Brewster, C. M. Linscott, John Harris, bimpkin II. Brown and Capt. Alexan dcr iliggins. CLASS C No. 4—FAT CATTLE. Best fat bullock, $5 2d do 3 Best yoke work oxen, 6 2d do do 3 Best fat cow, 4 2d do -2 Best four yoke Oxen from one town ship, 10 Awarding Committee. David L. Jenkins,John 7i. Voro, Edmund Wheel, cr, Samuel Wilson and David Smith No animal in this Clnss can have more than one premium. CLASS D—SHEEP. Best Merino Buck, M do d SIS 10 A 10 a 3 2 3 2 2 1 3 2 2 A 3 3d do do Host 3 Moriuo Ewes. 2d do do Best 3 Spritiz Lambs, 2d d do Best Cottsivnld Back, 2d do do Best 'o Ewes, 2d do dn Best Southdown Buck, 2d do do BpsI 3 do Ea.cn, Best fneriinen .Mutton Shorn, 3 In No. 2d do do do do Best fiVece Wool, 1 00 2nd do 60 Ilcrir- Awarding Committee. Gcjrgo W, mail, JuamiIi Iiecd, nnd Josrnli K. Bucey, linjlfijoii Mmw, and Wubhingtoti County. Joseph 11 . O'agc, of Jn o rhvt n run tnke more limn one pre- miuin the same year. CLASS E—SWINE. Best Boar of any kind, 2d do do Best Sow of any kind. " 8 4 C 3 6 3 2d do do Best A plus over 3 nnd under C month. 2d do do do ' Bust specimen stock hogs not less Ihnn S, nl. 2d .lo do do . A 6 Best Sow and litter of pigs, C or more, Awaiding Committoe. Allen DaiiUjs, llobcrt Hancher, Bcnimiiiu ! , Eauibert, Kzckiel Ilevol and John Necly. CLASS F—POULTRY. Beit pair Folnnds, oo AO 00 AO 00 AO 2d do Best pair Dorkiogs, 2d do Best pair Slmnehois. 1 2d do Best pnir Cochin China, 1 00 AO 2d do do Best 6 natives, Cock and 5 Hens, Best pair Turkeys, 2d do Best ps ir Ducks, 00 00 AO 00 00 00 00 pair lJuiiKa I owlfl, . pair Pea Fuw't, dippluv poultry owned by exh'r. 2d do ' do do AO 1 00 - Adair, McCar Best cape. Cunwy Birds, Avvarding Uuiilllllltee. Jame t A. Cli irhpa'd, J a met Curr, William H. y slid John Tiuuns. SECOND DEPARTMENT. CLASS G—PLOWS. Best Plow for geueinl purposes,. A 2d do do , 2 Best double shovel Flow. 2 2d do 1 Best side hill Flow, 2 Awarding Committee. James Ebuehridce, William Burkheimer, Bamucl II. Scott, John E. Thomas and Peter Miller. CLASS H—FARM IMPLEMENTS. Best Wugon foi larm purposos, f 5 00 2d do do 3 00 Best Spring Wagon, - , . A 00 24 do . . , 3 00 Best two'borse Ilurrow, ' 1 00 Holler, 1 00 horse-hay Itake, 2 00 Best straw and bay Uittsr, 1 00 2nd do do AO Best Churn, 1 00 2d . do .AO Best Bee Hive, ' 1 00 2d do 1. 00 Best Hoc, ' ' ' 1 00 Best Oxyoke and bows, 1 00 Bust I'otuto Hook. 1 00 " riugar Cane Mill, ' 3 00 2d do do . . 2 00 Best display of garden iinplomeuls, owned by exhibitor, 3 00 Best display of farm impluments, owned by exhibitor, A 00 Awarding Committee. JameaSC. Ixiuglw ridge, William Barkhelmor, Kamuel M.ticott, John E. Thomas and Peter Miller. CLASS I—MECHANICS AND MANUFACTURES. i ;' ,, . : 1 TURKS. .' ' Best wagon Harness for general nsci -. 83 '00 21 .. do , .do ; 2 00 Best carriage Harness, , : :3 00 2d do ' , ., ' " .. - ,. 2 00 Best wsgon Whip. ' 1 'riuddlo,"' '-'."'"' ' ' 9 2.i--.do . " -' ' Best side Sole lies thcr, .' 1 ' ' ." I 2d. . d ' do , ; :. ,- . . i - Boat side Upper leather, .;; I i" pair meo't Coarse Boots, . .; ,.. 1 " pair meu'a Fine Boolu, .,itf , ' ". pair Lady's Slippers, " ' - made Coat, '' ' : " " '.' "i hiada Pautf, two Barrels, (tight work,) two ft :1.'.'(alaek. work.X barrel Flour, i, ..' .- i 140 .'2.0't '5J 1 00 1 00 1 00 ftO fl 00 3 00 2 00 a oo I 00 2 00 2 00 1 00 1 00 Al) t 00 P0 r. 00 2 00 4 00 2 00 bslf (nnii Corn Brnom', 1 00 " Wool llat made in count. 1 00 " Fur (Ut made In county,' ' 1 00 ' Ely Bruah, (wa fowl feathers.) 1 00 " Fixture for lying wool,- 1 00 " display Marble Work. 9 00 Awarding ('ommittee. James J. I'ulmer, MannsHah Koiser, Epbraim F. lunmoor, John M. Uillesple and Smnue! Price, Jr. Best barrel Salt, " do Table S-'ult, " Grain C'rodle, 2.1 do Best Carriage made In county. 2d do do Best Cook Stove for wood, " do for mal. Best nest Oak Corn Bankets, not lepg than four In No. Best display of Tin Ware, lo enniiat of Tin Bucket, I in Tun, Tin Toa Kettle, manufactured by exhibitor, Best Rifle Oon, ' Washing Machine, . " Panel Door, 2d do Meet Window 8nh, 2d do Best Bureau, Bedstead, " Centre Table, " sett of Chairs. THIRD DEPARTMENT. CLASS J No. 1.—DOMESTIC MANUFACTURES. tires. IVsl specimen Ur ape Wine, 2d do do do . Best do Currant Wine, Best four pounds fresh butter, 2d do do Beat jar Ma butter, 2d do Best Jhcsc, 2d do Best losf bread, and how nvnl', 2d do do do Best lonfhroarn bread, bow made. 2 00 1 00 1 00 3 00 2 00 3 00 V 00 3 00 2 00 1 00 AO I 00 AO 2d do rio do Best I wo bams meat nnd how cured, 1 00 AO 1 00 AO 1 00 AO 1 00 AO 1 00 2d do do do Best jar Quince preserves, 2d do do Best j;ir Quince jelly, 2d do . no Best jar Tomato hilly, 2d do do Best jar Currant jolly, 2.1 do do AO 1 (10 U) 1 00 AO 1 00 AO 1 00 .Ml Best sweet apple Molasfes, 2d do do Bcsc jar Sonp, 2.1 do llcsl box Honey, 1 do Best ur Pickles, 2.1 do Best box Candles, 1 00 2d do AO 1 00 AO 1 00 AO Best box (aney bar Soap-,' 2.1 do do Best disphiy homemade Soap, 2.1 do do da Best allon Korghum or Chins Sugar- cane pyrtiit, 2 00 3 00 2.00 1 00 AO 1 00 1 00 2 00 Bent A lbs. Sorghum Sugar, 2d do do Best preserved peaches in cans or jars. 2.1 do do Best preserved plums in cans or jars, do rlierries, iJj gallon Carbon oil, bex lleslu Sonp, 1 00 jar Apple Butter, l oo iar Lard, 1 00 ' t. Awarding Committre. Dr. Charles Boh. crtsnt, Col. Cleorge 8. Corner, Mrs. It. II. Dodge, Mrs. Robert Welheroll, and Aln. Ueorge J. Henderson. j CLASS J No. 2. Best Woolen Csrpet, " Ilsir do " pair double ('nvorlcts, " fjonie wrought Hhjt, -pair wooleu Blockings, " five yard of Liueii, ". bed guilt, 2d do Best Ave yards of Klunnel, 2d ilo do Hint pair of homemade blankets, 2d do do do Best piece o." cloth, not lcs than S yards, 2.1 do do do do Best piece of CasHlmere, not less than A yards, 2d do do do do Hvt piece of satinelt, not less tbso S yards, 2d do do do do lle.it pair woolen Mittens, " -pair simile CoirerleU, . . " luilr cotton HtockinK", ' " ftomcinnde Cuunterpano, ' " pair boiueinade liaen HUouts, " linen Table Clutli, Awsidina (.'onmiilUe.. -Charles L. (inker. Mi-s- Win. Iloilenu, Mm. Ilerlrfrt J oh lino n, Mia. Kzckiel Pcvul snd alias Lucy Adams. CLASS J No. 3. Bet bonnet lu style and nmking, ' Cap do du " made Ureas, . . ., .. .. " made hl.lit, " worsted limbroldery,' " kllk do " Kuibroidery on Muslin, " do on Collar, ' " specimen I.eallier work, - - " pkiit, " Slniw bonnet, " (iimp hat, . " C'Mlebel work, ; . ; " puir Lamp llaU, . Awardiug Committee William W. Pyle, Mr. Cenre8. Corp. alls Anna Hill, Mrs. J.ti.Davia aud Alias Kate Vore. FOURTH DEPARTMENT. CLASS K—FLOWERS AND PAINTINGS. BeHt collection flowers by florist, 2d do do do 2 no i oo j oo l 01 1 (10 8(1 i 00 I 00 Best ginplaj of green house pUuts, . 2d do du MO Best arranged Bouquet, 2d do do iicHt display of flowrs, " . display of dahlias, za uo an 60 Best selection of roses, ' ' oo Best display wax tlowora, . 1 OU 2d do do iO Best eil painting, 1 00 2d do 60 Best water color painting, . I oy 2d do do iu llflat specimen crayon drawing,. 1 im 2d . .4o ,:, llo .60 Best do , . penmanship,. ... 1 OO " ' do priutlng, . ! 00 2d flo do ' ' ' . 1 ' 1 00 Bust hiitoKmpb, . -. : . t no 2d 1o , . . , , . j 1 00 Awarding Committee William A'.' Vincent, Mrs. J. C. btone, Wis. Hubert L. Morris, Mrs. John Hall, and. alias Mary M'tiouiwl. - n. All articles lu tins class uual bo produced by exhibitor. CLASS L—FRUITS. Beat eight kinds fall apples, : 2d do f . do . ,. . , 8d ' do do . ' Best ten kinds winter Apples,' ' 2d . do , ,, du fj . ' d do da ., . , Best display fall pears, ' ' ' 2d Uo . do I1-' 1 ' Best display winter pear, I , U do do itest do, . quinces,- , ,, , , 2d no: -do ' IVrt i'rsrbss ' . ' M . - S4- 'A in 5 -, 1 1 ' I ' 3 .. 1 1 " 51 ) J l Rent So p!iim, Ht di grapes, ' 2d do do . . Rest display .frill produced by exhibitor 'id do -do do .'id do do do ' Williams. Joshua Hall, ilervny (1. Andrews and W. W. Katbbone, of Wiuliingtou oounty. . Not to exceed fire apples of each kind. All nrtlrles In this class must be produced If the exhibitor. , I A I 5 1 CLASS M—VEGETABLES. Rest dip1ny Irish potatoes, as 0(1 2 00 1 OO I ot, 1 oo 60 'd do do lest t Sent 5d Bet 2d llest Jd Rest U Best 2d fleit do do do do lo do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do sweet potatoes, do cabbage not less than t heads do . turnips 1 2 bushel. do - onions. I peck,' do .t.nisloes,1 peuk, do 1 00 ' 60 1 00 to I uo I oy 0 r 60 1 If ( 1 64 U I OO 1 1 U 6 1 oc 1 I b l oe i oo x oo been, 12 In number, do . winter sjuasties, 3 in OutuVsr do raulilluwei, S headi, do bioccoli, S liSodi, do pumpkins, 8 in number, do vegetable egg plant, do pepper end stalk, m seeding phtatoea for 19M, A cltiitiiM. 2d Best Best 2d Host 2d Het 2d Best 2d d kidney beans, 14 peck, dlnphy vegetables, 2d do do l to Awniding Coinmittce. .lames n.'U Orew.J. H, CLASS N—FARM PRODUCTS—GRAIN IN BUSH. Bst uiinhel of wheat, 2d ilo ,1., n ee a oo 1 uo . 1 00 1 oo I 00 1 00 1 oo 1 CO I (SI I oo 1 00 1 00 1 1 00 1 00 Best do rye, Host do tiilV 2d do - ilo Best do lull ,arlev, ' . Best 2 buslicts Indian com In the ear, 2d do di . UA WIihI of buckwheat, 2d do do Best do flaxseed, Best do llmotl.y.Mipd, Best do clover seed, Best di'play pop corn. Best 1-2 bn i At cm n, Best lu ,s. I,, Best spoi imuii A.ai Tobacco, not lea than I bauds, 2d do do 'do 1 00 Awarding Committee. Joah J. Montgomery. Janies Muii.iy, Aurou I'. Dcwees, Wllllarh H.Cout! and Thompnon A. Itoblnson. Ko lll'enil.im nltalt lii, .(!,, U.I In 11. 1- .1 . ...... ,,, i inn fffr ccpt to the producer, and of the crop of lbUO. no oo CLASS O—FIELD CROPS. Itc( n.To whont, not l.-ss limn .15 busbcU t thl HIM'O. 1 2.1 .io ,io t Benf; Terr Tndinn oorn, not loss thnli 100 biinh- ' els to lite acre, i a 2d Ho , i : ".to Best acre fnlll.arloy, r,ol loaa than 40 buh- a eU tothoaoro. 4. . a . a U tv ' l do t B.t 6Aro spring barley, not loss than 40 busb. els lo Lbp acre. J a M w do . .lo Best noro rye, not less than 30 bushels to tha aero. ' ' A 21 ilo do - ' -1 Best noro outs, not loss Ihnu40 bushvls to lie -" a 2d do do . ,.f .a Best aero l.iu-khent, Hot Jess than 40 bub.T . els to the floro. a 2d do do ' . B Best rron Irish notntoos. not lo than l am a 2.1 do do ' ' t Best crop sweet notntoes. not loss th fin i tTt A m ,io ,io ' ; Best cron elover seed, not loss than m a 2,1 .1.. .1.. ' . ..w V. J p Best crop timothy seed, not loss than H aere, 4 - .... no i . -a Best M acre turnins. a 2d do i . J ll.'at li'noro flol.l bonne. ... a 2d ' ilo ...... .t 3d do ' ,.M .. j a Best acre fluid noun. . . 2.1 do - ' ' - '' . 3d ilo i Best Knorcof flax seol. a 2d Uo . C-'-- ' Bust i acre onions. . . 2d do - ' t Post 14 acre briHtm enrn. ;. .'. 1S ' a 1 i 2d do - ' Best li ncro carrots. 2d do ... 1 Bent I.' acre liol.l beets. ' . . i 2d ,lo - ' l llusl i aivre bops, with full aeoount of eulsft VfltisiM a Itil stfiiditvirutinn T'rntiiittrttsi In tli.ei nlam sn I... ...1 A - w ' s mi nnHintMi st v iut mootinjst of tho rtirontors, in McCouuoUvillc. on ll. Olll. J... ..a V i .a the ,iist Mujr ui lAuvuiuiM'r noxii PiorotwmRry Cotnmitteo. John B. Stoiuk T)r. .T. "IT ltrnven 'illtotvt 1 Tl W- ses MoPimiel ninl Mins 8nrah .Jrnkiti.- Prftmiltmsi will nni aursfiur1 i. aitu It.. iorMKmjK Flagon, uniosfl nio judges drcm i' . w. wuujj, l res t. Joun S. Adair, Sec'y. , . ., , JAUKS noLMKtu wu. srAurs HOLMES &-SPJU.KS1 U .1 BOOT AXU SHOE EMP0UIU.W. '.I- 1 Q A VINO T.KASrcn THR' nOOW' NEXT TO TUB POST-OmCH. and baring purchased nu excellent assortment of BOOTS AND SHOES,: A3 WKLL AS A PRIME 6T0CK Of Leather and Shoe Findings1 We are prrpim d to nuke to order, on ti oiiI uj uiug iu uur tiuc. , , r a - I ,1. i t dill ,,....'..' i ,. j ,;.ft ..r '.'T'.T,r': it l".ii-.Tijt We thalleuge ' ComppliirdriJ.' . .; ..... i . j . t ;:fi.:?;l. EITIIF.lt IN v STOCK : B WORKMANflpifJ Of our old customers we Invito a COlllilillriitea IM pntronaKe, and to those who wish to Ua Jirel'' sallsliod with their purchases to sire .us,-1 trial None but the best eteck used, sail nono btH Uia' ry ues wujsiuin auipioyeu, (. , ',11? ' ''ll.Te EASTERN .. WORKh V '' I'' V l-l .' 'iij.it ivVl of lbs best mannfacturs kept eonstsntly on bind. ; T and will he sold oheap u she cbtspssi, ' 'i f .1 . -I r.- s -i".,v :io: Jl iruv ' 0''HSS,A,MK!f!.?i