OCR Interpretation

The Conservative. (M'connelsville, Ohio) 1866-1871, March 31, 1871, Image 1

Image and text provided by Ohio History Connection, Columbus, OH

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn87075001/1871-03-31/ed-1/seq-1/

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aonbtod Bow
Of the dark ollv. dt-.th. of pines, rwomidlM
A thousand feet below ;
AbovettMtmsBjt of the canon, lifted.
The frey bawk oreat.leas hmu,
e2,tb Ji wmjred shadow drifted
What fane tad thorn-cosh clung ;
H"""' half-way. mcsmtata nds n furrowed
many a seam ana seer.
Or soros abandoned tunnel dimly borrowed
A mole kill awn ao far ;
W look in silenoe down across the distant
Unfathomable reach,
A fiance broken by the guide conaistent
And realistic apeech ;
"Walker of Murphy blew a hot hrough Peter
x vr tvuuig nun nv uea,
ken Bp and dusted ont of Sonth omitos
Across Uw Ion: DlTtd.
' w Mmt of strong a and np through Eden,
And p this mountain (Peters'' brother lsadtnl.
And me and Clark and ioe.
" He fort as rue f somehow, I disreaiembrr
Jeat how tne thins kem rauad f ,-
toaae say twas wadding, tone a scattered ember
From nrea on he trowed. - .
But In one inmate B the hffl heLrw him' -
Was juet one stmt of flame; - -
eiam toe creat. Bam Clark and I called to him.
Anil will taa MMU uu,
i HJaoa no men we nres of ben were round
' The pm of beD below. , : . ,
We est and waited, but w never found him.
And Usa wsttmied to go.
And then Ton see that rock thnt rowa
bristly i
With obapparel and tan
It might her been a man,-
Batata' that howled and gnashed it teeth and
In smoke and dost and name:
Buthin' that sprang into the depthe about K,
Qrtsxlv or nun . bat game : -
"i- ra,nkc raU risky.
And kinder makes ona queer .
And alary looking down. A drop of whisky
AhVt a tad tbinf right hers f -,,
From the Providence (R. I.) Press.
" The old Hawkins estate " was about
as bare, rocky and unpromising; a farm
ae you oould find in all New England.
. . ..... v
awensnimas wouidn nava taken I
single cbanc5there agastarvation?
it t Fl A U.wbiniu. hail 1,7.1
and yet the Hawkinses had held it for
many generations. There was a tradi
tion that "the old man of all had been
put on that place- and oompeiled to.
earn a living.", wcatever may have
been the truth of that, it was certain
his desoendants- had - always shown
great attachment to the old homestead.
and would answer any disparaging re
marks concerning the land by quoting
" Gran tier Hawkins," who used to say,
"There's a master lot of reck, which
gives ute xarm a oreadiul uneven look ;
but there 'a tpott where the Hie is as
good as can be found in this 'ere sec
tion." " " . 1w i
. The present owner 'and occupants
were the Widow Hawkins and her two
sons, Ephraim, a man of nearly forty
years, and Solomon, whs was "just
turned twenty.' Ana "tneee two
Km. w. TI tk. I
woman's toll X
Not that they were bad, or even ill
disposed, but simply " trying. ,
The husband and father had died
when Solomon was a babe in arms, and
" the boys had been brought up with
out any head," as the widow expressed
it -
Ephraim inherited the family name
and most of the honors which had fallen
successively to their share such as
Deing selectman ' ana a member oi
the " School Committee. n ; . But his
father, grandfather and areavt-CTand
father had been Deacons, and as yet he
cad not been "chosen," although sev
eral vacancies had occurred since his
years and experience had rendered him
eligible to that olnce. -
- If mm a crraat Hn'ol tn f V- ;j J--
With a mothers' partiality, she deemed
it fitting that the father's mantle should
fall upon the son, . who was in every
way worthy to follow in the footsteps
of nis sire. And anotner thing " tried
the widow. Ephraim had never shown
any matrimonial inclination, although
his duty had been faithfully hud before
him " line upon line, precept upon pre
cept," but with strange perversity com
mon to human nature, (and 1 should
like to add, for the sake of truth, that
it leaches its highest development in
the masculine persuasion,) he seemed
deaf to her fond entreaties and blind to
his own interests.. .
Wise and deep were the arguments
used by the widow, but Ephraim would
oooly put on his hat and make his exit
in the middle of her . longest sentenoe.
Many and curious were the traps which
she set for her son, but he never for a
moment became entangled in any of
Lbem. : . ' --- v. r
Did she invite some of the farmers'
daughters " to pass the afternoon and
stay to tea," Ephriam was sure to be
absent at supper time and Solomon
would have the girls to entertain and
"see home." And Salomon, instead
of blaming his brother and sympathiz
ing with the poor woman in "her trials"
seemed to consider it good fun, and
would persist in rehearsing what the
girls said about Ephriam's running
away from them. " And many evenings
when he should have been at home
with his books, or in meeting with his
mother, he would be idling his time
away in some farmer's kitchen, in dan-
nus proximity to rosy cheeks and
ing eyes, or away on the ice where
some pretty girl would cling closely to
him, knowing intuitively that the more
helpless and dependent she seemed the
greater would be the care and attention
given her. .j. ... -.-
No wonder Mrs. Hawkins used to
eigh and say, "If Ephraim ever does
get a wife and Solomon don't get more'n
one. I shall be thankful." .
She had borne with commendable
spirit and silence, the remarks which
were made in her hearing, but there is
a limit to human patience, and it is a
fact that women can manage to say
most cutting and irritating things to
each other under the garb of sympathy
and condolence. ,
' It was at the sewing society, the first
which had "met" since Deacon Elsbree
had been gathered to his fathers.
Mrs. Smith, with an elongated face
and a voice toned down to the proper
key, said : "I felt so bad for you, Sis
ter Hawkins, when I heard they -was
going to pass your Ephraim by again,
and take a man so much younger, and
so little experience. It seems kinder
like a put upon you both, and a slight
upon your husban that's now dead and
gone, it really does." And she made a
desperate effort to subdue the rising tri
umph in hervoice. -
" Who have they picked out ?" asked
the widow, and she "looked ready to i
sink." far she had thought, "Surely!
they will take Ephraim new." I
It's not settled yet, but they are !
talkin'.'bout Car 'line's husban',' and
then she added, after a moment's pause, i
"I wish things had been a lee tie dif
ferent with Ephraim." - :-
Mrs. Hawkins tried to. brace herself
to hear the rest She was soon ac
costed with, Glad to see yon out to
day, Sister Hawkins; shows you ain't
no 'feeling 'boat Ephraim 's beln' slight
ed; we all 'spected you'd lot on his
bein' chosen, but you see t wouldn't
do, no how." - ' " '
.The pale face flushed, and then she
looked up to find that every eye was
upon her, and every one waiting to see
what she would say. ':' -
She spoke up -quite unlike herself.
"No, I don't see why it wouldn't 4o ;
my Ephraim's as likely a man as there
is in this town, and there ain't a person
with the right to speak agin' him, and
that's more'n can be said of soma folks
that 'pear to stand a better chance than
It was pretty still there for a minute I
J :. -r' : .. 1 ' : ......... : , . . " ; . , , . .
VOL. v; NO. 29.
or and then
WHOLE NO. 237.
so, Deaeon Slocnm's wife,
who was hostess on the occasion, said.
Don't you be afronted. Sinter Haw-
bxus, voDoay blames you." '
. I t . . ... .
ana wno ao tney blame T HasnT,
my son always walked 'enrd'n to
profession I" - . '
x-e-a-s. but von know what thn
Scripturs say." -.--..'- 5 1
" I know a good deal that would
a rebuke to folks I could mention."
But she tried to smile as she asked.
What partickler Serin tnr do vnn rs
fer to, Sister Slocum !" -
I don know as I c tn cive tou the
words straight I heard my husband
alkin' it over: twas somethinc- 'bont
decon bavin' a wife and children :
guess that they always have to, don't
they"" .
It ought to be one of the Qualifica
tions," severely remarked Miss Hhamh.
ley, a lady of uncertain aire. And then
there was a suppressed titter among the
younger ladies. .
ith her heart ao sore from bavins'
these two Rreat trials of her life so
ruthlessly brought before her, in such
a public manner, twas no wonder that
her reply should have been given rather
sharply. r
".bphraim s been Blow makin' up his
r a . v. t - . 1 1 . i
uuua, us rus way, ana men nut
quick, glance at Miss Shambley, " it
aint as if he couldn't tret anybody to
have him, yon know."
It was- well supper was announced.
..Yii u 7- i T '
I w-.-.. " " ai u
quality of the cake.
Jfoor old lady, she was auite bewil
dered with her thous-hts : she wanted
to get away from all those pitiless eves
and tongues, so she managed to slip out
nnperoei vd. and arrived at home just as
tne dots "were come to milkins;. and
to their anxious inqrjries as to what was
t L. 1 I T W , 1 . M
uio nuauer, omj saia sae was urea.
oolomon humed off to the societv.
firm in the belief that bis services could
not be dispensed with, when the "me
bers " should start for home. - - - -
Ephraim and his mother had a long
evening together, and her trials were so
effectually shown to her son that the in
terview closed with the widow triumph-
ant and happy, and Ephraim had a sub
dued look which boded well for his
On the following morning Solomon
Un t
"Where are you going to pick'
up stones to-day. Epht" and was told.
" I have other work on my hands to
day, less to my mind, but I have Drom
ised mother not to 'try ' her any longer
by shirting." Solomon s eyes opened
wide, and ne did not nesitate to say,
" Hannah, there'll ' be fun now, -I
guess." lie was instantly stopped by
reprimand trom nis mouier.
Now Ephraim was one . of those
downright, upright kind of men, to
whom the battle is more than half over
when once they have "resolved," so his
mother felt no misgivings about him as
she watched him crossing the meadows
in the direction of Squire Whipple's.
I do not think the good woman ever
thought of the possibility of Martha's
saying " nay " to such an offer, but as
the day wore on and he did not come
home, she smiled to think what ardent
lovers these quiet backward kind of
men made, when they come to know
their own minds.
. , Solomon declared " that Eph was
making a fool of himself, going the
rounds of the whole town," and asked
his mother "what she'd bet Eph
wouldn't ask that 'ar Shnmbley woman
to add her forty years to his'n before
he was through with it"
By nine o clock Ephraim arrived, but
nothing could be gathered from his
face, and he refused to answer a single
question until he had his Bupper. . They
waited with what patienoe they could ;
Mrs. Hawkins said, "he always was
dreadful trying," and Solomon thought
Eph s symptoms good, judging from
his appetite."
At last he seated himself by the
broad, open nre-plaoe, and placing his
feet upon the fender,-commenoed : ' 1
went over to the 'Squire's and found
Marthy churning; so 1 took bold and
helped her. - She said something about
my running away from her generally,
but I didn't take any notice of it We
talked over about work and one thing
and another. She laughed at most
everything, but gave me some kind of
an answer, until I asked her, 'Marthy,'
savs I. ' what's your opinion about rais
ing a large family I Den't you think,
it's the Lord's . will, it is better to-l
have a good many children to grow up
together, than to have just two or
three, like yeur family and mine !". .
She jumped so that we almost upset
the churn, and then she snapped out,
Eph. Hawkins, wliat do you mean.
talking like that to me f Don't you ever
dare to speak to me again as long as
yoH live." I tried to explain, but she
wouldn't listen to a word, so I had to
leave, and I felt glad 'twas ordered just
twas, for a woman with such a tem
per would make an rm comfortable
The widow groaned, but Ephraim
told her "not to be discouraged, for
he did not give it up so." "I went
from there over to Mr. Wheeler's, and
thought I wouldn't waste time in
compliments; so when Sarah Jane eame
the door I asked her at once if she'd
be kind enough to answer a few ques
tions, and I told her a good deal de
pended on her answers, so I hoped she
would ten tne trutn. At that
mad and called to her mother, "Ere is
At that she got ,
mother, "Ere is
Eph Hawkins, come to take the cenciu,
A V. a; A Fll toll . ., '
OilU U .1 I fin. .L A. II I III xia , vwu
had better oome and answer him, and
what should she do but leave. Sister
Wheeler came, and I said I think I will
call when Brother Wheeler is at home ;
and then I left" ' . ; .
- Again the' widow groaned, "and ac
cused her son of being more " trying'
than ever before. Solomon kept quiet,
for fear of being excluded from the con
fidence of the family. - ''Mother, said
Ephraim, . "don't find fault with me,
for I never worked so hard to please
yon in my life as I have done to-day,
and I have gone according to the light I
had." .
" I know, my son, bnt youH never
marry now. Oh dear, I am so tired.'" .
' "Yes I shall ; I did not lose oour
age a bit, but went from there to Eben
" Don't you tell me Betty Howe Jb
uuiuxuK ucru iaj live on
JA'ST- - 1 - . . , ' '
No, she wasnt at home, 'and when f
asked her mother as to Betsy's
views, she owned that. Betsy hadn't
anv an t.Tioi. wu onf4lA f
any;' so that was settled, of course, and
left word with her about some town
business for A, ben, and came away." .
"At John Read's I found quite a
company. .You know by the time I got
there twas in the afternoon. Well, I
felt so thankful, for there was Ann
Simpson, Abbey Cole and Nancy Fish
er, beside tho Read girls. Somehow I
didnt feel quite as clear in my mind as
to the questions when they were all
laughing round me." '
"Oil, "interrupted Solomon, "if Td
only been there."
I was bound to be serious with them, j
so I asked them at once if they
think a woman ought to be willing
do the milking if her husband was
farmer and was called away on
business. ' ' .
Of course,1 said two or- three
them. . "Do you want to hire a hand,
Epht Take me, oh, take me;"
they all huddled up around me
I was almost crazy. . I don't know
I should ever have got away from them,
but I was tipping back in my chair,
and somehow it went over and I went
my full length on the floor. They
commenced screaming, and I suppose
they thought I was hurt, . for
called to .their father, and he came
running in. -Says he, "Brother Haw
kins, what is the matter 1 what have
you done to frighten these girls so ?"
6ays I, " They can't be more- fright
ened than I am, and if you - will
the chair mended I will settle the bill.
I. wanted to talk with you about
school in our district, but I guess
wm see you a own to the corner same
day ;" and I was coming away, but
hat had been . mislaid : somehow, and
after a long search Brother Bead lent
me his best one ; - and though it was
pretty large, I managed to wear
it ; by wrapping my handkerchief
around my head.. Becky Bead
was in the yard, and she
said " if she found my hat she'd brincr
it over, ana ui weren't at home she'd
stay and do the milking." I was going
to nave a iitue more taiK with her, but
l neara the other girls snickering, and
it upset me completely: " '
"Oh, Ephraim ; the whole town will
be laughing about yon. I know." -
- un, no, mother.' there's no occa
sion, for in all these places I never said
a word to any one about nunying, and
then you know I passed it off as though
I really did have business with the men
. "But what possessed you to ask such
strange questions f - Why did you not
leave those things to time T "
"Xo time like the pvesent to settle
points which might make trouble for
us if left to the future - At my age
wasn't going to ask any girl to marry
me without knowing her views. W hen
I got out of sight of Bead's house
sat down on the wall and tried to settle
whether I would give it np and go
home, or what I had better da
thought of all the hard work I had
done on this place, and of what you
said last night, that you d settle every
thing upon Solomon if I didn't marry
in a month: and he's nothing bnt
child, and not fit to be trusted with
clearing up the land; so, late as it was,
and hungry and tired as I felt I walked
over to the Widow Slater's. The
children came running out to meet me;
you know they always 'peared to like
me ; they had been crying because their
mother had been ordered to have the
house empty in a fortnight's time. As
soon as they told me 1 saw what my
duty was. and why my' way had been
hedged up all the day. I stayed an
hour, I guess, and we agreed upon
everything, and so I think your trials
are about over, mother, for she is going
to marry me as soon as ever we oan be
"she: for conscience sake! who do
you mean, fur the widow has three girls
who have put on long dresses and taken
to doing up their hair."
" Why, mother, 'tis the widow her
self, though if I'd thought of it I'd
asked . Miranda some questions ; but
'tis too late now ; the bargain is made,
and when onoe I have the widow and
her seven children here, nobody oan
complain of my not having a family. I
think 1 have been led to great useful
To great foolishness, you'd better
say. liow am x to live witn au those
children running wild around here?
and Solomon will be flirting with those
grown-up girls. Dear me ; if your
father had only lived, and there'd been
some head here, you wouldn't have
tried me bo." ......
" No, mother ; I promise you about
the flirting. I'm going to do better
than that - v . -
- The promise sounded a little myste
rious to Ephraim and his mother, but
the explanation came soon enough, for
Solomon was missing one day, as was
also the widow Slater's daughter, Mi
randa; and when they 'returned Solo
mon presented his wife to the family,
saying that " he'd given his word to
his mother that he wouldn't flirt, and
he was bound to keep it, if it killed
him."" -
' The last we heard about the widow'
ahe was "tired " about what relation
Solomon's children will be to Ephraim
and his wife. And though Ephraim
has been chosen deacon, yet with such
a mixed up state of things at home, she
is of opinion that her trials have only
just begun.
13 A OBKAT MTHTAgK to Suppose
that the cause of rheumatism, neural
gia or gout exists where the pain is ex
perienced. . The source of these diseases
is generally urea in the blood, and it is
one of the special properties of Dr.
Walker's Vegetable Vinegar Bitters
to neutralize this deposit, while it ren
ovates the relaxed kidneys and thus pre
vents them from permitting a portion
of their secretion to escape through
improper channels. Torpidity of the
stomach has also much to do- with the
vitiation of the blood, and upon this
rilant and invigorant
- ;
ice merchant in Greenwich, Conn
who has been watching his pond all
winter with almost prayerful interest
in hopes of freezer-visited it one day
after a sharp cold night, stepped upon
the ice, and, finding that it would bear
him exclaimed, " Thank God !" Going
still further on the pond, he exclaimed,
more fervently, ''Thank God!" But
on venturing a trifle further, and going
up to his neck, he ejaculated, louder
and heartier, " Damn the ice 1" - -
S&" Dr. & A. Weaver's Cauxebaxd
Salt Beech Stout. The object of this Byrap
is to throw an impurities which are in the
blood, oat upon the surface of the akin, which
is the ooIt true way that the blood can ever
be freed from them. When (hey are ont upon
the skin they can at once be removed by ap
plying the cerate, which will, in all eases, ef
fect a permanent cure. There is no external
application which will, alone, permanently cure
tinn rlint rf diewaawa, -
irCrjBB fob Cough or Cold. As
awn as there is the aUchtest nneagineaw of the
Cheat, with difficulty of breathing, or indica-
turns 1 1 t uv " J mm . m
broncnuu Irocne. Containing
" Broirn'M
demulcent ingredients, they allay Pulmonary
Irritation. Hare them in readiness upon the
first appearance of a Congh or Cold.
J&xThxre is ko doubt but what Ook's
DiBFavsiA Cfbb excels all remedies ever dis
eorered for the cure of Dyspepsia, Indiges
tion, Pain after Eating, Cramps, Colic, and
distress in either Stomach or Bowels. The
people all speak in the most flattering terms
of its merits.
. .... . .
,7T x "enun w ,ir reaaers is
ilwrtT. wL neTri:
ocotaT" "d GJveHton R-B-
m -, r ..
A HE lUUinai lillf of I .Itinncrn nftVH ltfl
profats to policy holders only.
A TERRIBLE STORM AT SEA. Loss of the Captain and Mates of the
Steamship Europa
From the New York Sun. March 14.
The steamship Europa sailed from
Glasgow for this port on the 25th of
February with 195 steerage and 10 cab
in passengers. She experienced squally
weather during the first few days, which
increased to a strong gale from the
west with sleet and a heavy cross ao
on March 1. Next day (Thursday) at
noon another strong gale blew up from
the south-southwest, accompanied by a
j kvoo iK. . a xx i. au uie wma
checked to the west followed by an-
n , . ., . . .
inner gate com tne west-north west
with heavy cross seas. This continued
all night but on the next morning an
other fresh gale sprang up from the
west, wnicn necessitated double reeling
of all the sails. Toward evening the
gaie increased in lurv, and the vessel
i was put under very slow steam.
The scene at 8 o'clock was awful
The vessel had reached latitude 48:30
north, and longitude 38:50 west It
was dark as pitch, the horizon being
overcast, and the air was chilly with
the driving sleet and the dashing
spray. The wind whistled through the
rigging and rushed against the sides of
tne snip, wnicn groanea ana snivered
at every blow. In all directions foam-
crested waves from 70 to 80 feet huh
ran roaring npthegallant vessel, threat
ening to crush her, but she rode like a
At about 8.30 o'clock the steerage
and the intermediate passengers had
been partially quieted, and the Captain
sat down in the midst of the cabin pas
sengers, nearly all of whom had known
him and sailed with him before, and
began a conversation about old times ;
every one became interested, and in
joking, and even laughter, they forgot
the peril of the hour. At about 9:25
o'clock Captain MacDonald drew out
bis watch and excused himself, saying
that it was time for him to go on deck
to give his final instructions for the
night to his mates, as was his custom
before coin? to bed. Tnrnintr to Mr.
Alexander D. Corson, of No. 8, Bowl
ing Green, in this city, he said : " Cor
son, wouldn't you like to oome up and
look at the sea P Corson replied in
the affirmative, and they started np the
oompanionway together.
It was the watch of the first and
third mates, Messrs. Da vies and Waller.
These officers were- standino: together
on the bridge, under a canvas awning
which had been erected especially to
protect them from the weather. The
bridge was very stout and was braced
with iron stanchions and rails.
When Caotain MacDonald and Mr.
Corson reached the deck, the storm was
at its sreatest fury. The Cantain lanch-
ingly dared Mr. Corson to go with him
upon the bridge. Mr. Corson accepted
the challenge, and the two started for
ward. They had barely reached the
end of the deck-house when the ship
gave a sudden lurch to starboard, and
Mr. Corson's courage cooled. He said,
" Captain. I guess I'll go back, as Pve
only got my slippers on." The Cap
tain laughed, and said, "All right go
back then. Mr. Corson shouted,
"Captain, take care of yourself !" and
re-entered the cabin.
He had hardly seated himself when
he was startled by a tremendous crash,
quickly followed by the hoarse yells of
the seamen, "Helpl 'The Captain's
overboard!' . .
Mr. Corson sprang up the steps, and
saw at a glance the full extent of the
disaster. A tremendous sea had struck
the bridge beneath the starboard side,
twisting the horizontal iron railing into
a perpendicular position, and tearing
the planking up like paper. This broke
the wave, and its crest fell with a crash
upon the leeward side of the bridge,
snapping the stanchions and grinding
that part of the flooring into kindling
wood. The almost solid mountain of
water then bounded off into the sea
again, staving in two boats and break
ing the main boom, having evidently
turned a somersault in its passage. It
overwhelmed the Captain and Mates,
sweeping them far off into the deep.
Startled by the cries of the sailors,
Mr. Finlay, the second mate, rushed
upon deck in his undershirt and
drawers. . He bounded to the taffrail
just in time to see three black specks
disappearing in the darkness behind.
Screaming to the men to throw out
ropes and life-buoys, he sprang to the
hatchway and signalled the engineer
to ' stop the engines. The ship was
speedily slewed and stopped, and the
buoys and. ropes were east into the
waves, but without avail. But the
ship soon began to pay off in the trough
of the sea, and Mr. Finlay was com
pelled to order the engines to move
again slowly. A strict watch was kept j on
out for the lost captain and mates, but
all chance for rescuing them bad Kone
they had gone down in mid ocean.
- The news of the disaster was care
fully kept a secret from all but the
cabin passengers. The remainder of
the night was spent in prayers and
tears. Even the bravest refused to oc
cupy their state-rooms, and lay down
in their clothing in the saloon. Mean
time the gale became a tornado. At
about midnight, another wave struck
the Europa, and the noble vessel trem
bled from stem to stern. - The hurri
cane continued through the night and
all day . Sunday, Sunday night, and
Monday, the vessel, from necessity,
going under a very slow head of steam
all the time. To add to the terror of
the night of the disaster, one of the in
termediate passengers heard of the
Captain's death, and spread the story
among his fellows. Next morning it
was told to the steerage passengers,
filling them with consternation.
A kind of mutiny ensued, a mass indig
nation meeting was held, and a com
mittee of two one member selected
from the intermediate and one from the 1 with
steerage passengers was sent to Mr. 1 ties.
Finlay to demand that he should put I on
.t . . i. it , i
into the nearest port But the cool
headed, skilful officer quieted them
after a while, and they soon became so
well satisfied with the second mate's
management of the ship that they
clubbed together and raised twelve
pounds sterling, which they gave him
yesterday morning with the warmest
expressions of their thanks and es
when the Europa arrived at this port
Mr. I inlay did not sleep twelve full
hours. The bridge was repaired on
Monday, the 6th, and veeterday the
vessel arrived safely at this port. She
From the disaster to yesterday, after
! is anchored at Quarantine, and will ! paid
come np to the wharf this morning. terest
Takkajwock, Pa., comes forward the
with a young lady who on a recent
Monday did a large washing, swept the ,
house from top to bottom, scrubbed '
the stairs, made bv band twentv- i
... ' y . . iasu
, nve outton-noiee, sewed on twenty-fa ve .
I utt2 hemmed a wrapper, run up ,
ifive tucks on the wrapper, and made
everai cans before snpper, nil in one ; i
! riflV. In lh Pc-mnT sIia atairl at It rim a ' - r
with her mother, hke a good girL
From the New York Independent
The Northern Pacific Railroad.
Midway across the continent at the
head of twelve hundred miles of Lake
navigation a thousand . miles from
Buffalo, the western terminus of the
Erie Canal, and as near to it by water
Chicago a hundred miles west of
the longitude of St Louis or Galena
is the young city of Duluth. the initial
point oi the .northern Facifio Railroad.
That creat work, so mimifirntlv n
dowed by the Government is already
being pushed rapidly westward, under
its energetic controllers; and before the
snow flies next t all, it will be comple
ted to tne western line oi Minnesota,
where it crosses the Bed River of the
ortn wnicn runs northward to JLake
Winnipeg and one-eighth of its dis
tance to the Pacific Ocean will have been
accomplished."- Commencing, too, this
season on its western line, the work will
be prosecuted from both directions, and
long before the nation celebrates its
Centennial Anniversary of Independ
ence, the Lakes will be united by iron
bands with that Mediterranean of our
Northwest Fuset Sound.
Of the auspicious influence of this
enterprise, which but a few years ago
woum nave Been considered so oarmir.
the most sanguine of its friends have
scarcely yet a full realization. Even
taking Chicasro as a startinc ooint it
will be via St Paul, where an arm of
the Northern Pacific Bailroad is reach
ed) two hundred miles less to. Puget
Sound than to San Francisco. . Besides
this, vessels from the Golden Gate to
China sail on what is called the grand
circle, instead of m a straieht line :
and anyone testing this by a string on
globe will be surprised at the result
they have not previously studied the
enectof the rotundity oi the earth, and
diminished protuberance as you go
northward towards the Pole. Henoe,
when they have sailed eight hundred
miles from San Francisco they are only
one hundred miles from the entrance
Puget Sound ; and this striking fact
shows the advantages this route will
have in commanding the through traffio
Asia with our Atlantic states, or
that portion of it which will pass over
the soil of this nation on its road to
IS or is this all. Development is the
great duty of the Republic, after all its
recent trials. Beeouroes are the gift
the Creator. Developing them de
pends on the work of man. Along the
line of the Northern raoino Kailroad,
it follows up the water-course, the
Missouri and the Yellowstone on this
side, and descends by the valley of the
Columbia on the other, a vast body of
X' cultural land is waiting for the
igh, with a climate almost exactly
same as that of New York, except
that with less snow, cattle, in the
larger portion of it can subsist on the
open range in winter. Here, if climate
fertility of soil produce their nat
ural result, when railroad facilities
open this now isolated region to settle
ment., aiu soon oeawersTiug giain
fields, and happy homes, and growing
towns ; while ultimately a cordon of
prosperous states, teeming with popu
lation, and rich in industry and conse
quent wealth, will occupy that now un.
developed and almost inaccessible por
tion ofour continental area.
But this road is fortunate also in its
pathway across the two ranges oi
mountains which tested so severely the
Paciflo Railroads built on the central
and the overcoming of which re
flected such well-deserved honor on
their energetic builders. At the Deer
Lodce Pass, in Montana, where it
crosses the Rocky Mountains, its alti
tude above the sea is 3,500 feet less
the Union Pacific Railroad at
Sherman, which is said to be the high
est point at which a locomotive can be
found in the world. And on the Pacific
of the continent it is even more
fortunate. From Arizona up to the
Arctic Circle the Columbia is the only
which has torn its way through
mighty range, the Andes of North
America, which in California is known
the Sierras, but which in Oregon
changes its name to the Cascades.
Nature has thus provided a pathway for
Northern Pacific Road through
mountains, the scaling of which,
the other line, at an elevation of
seven thousand feet (a most won
derful triumph of engineering), cost
Central Facifio company millions of
dollars, and compelled them, for sev
enty miles, to maintain a grade of over
hundred feet to the mile twice the
mBTimTim of the Northern Pacific at
most difficult point in its entire
It is fortunate, also, in its terminus
the Pacific coast No one who has
the best class of railroad secun
And thus the good work will go
with unchecked step to its final con-
: .1. n v. i . . t
been there can realize the beauty
Puget Sound and its surroundings.
hundred miles long, but so full of
inlets and straits that its navigable
measures seventeen hundred
sixty- miles, dotted with lovely
islets, with gigantic trees almost to the
water's edge, with safe anchorage every
where, and stretching southward, with
shoals or bars, from the
Straits of Fuoa to the capital and center
Washington Territory, it will be a
magnificent entrepot for the commerce
the grandest ocean of the world, the
Pacific. " The Land Grant of
United States, exceeling Fifty
Millions of acres in the winter-wheat
region of our nation (ten times as large
the area of Massachusetts), is doubt
less sufficient for the completion of the
; but besides this, millions of pri
vate means are already in vested in it
bonds based on the Land Grant
a mortgage on the road itself in
addition, are being sold as rapidly as
money is needed ; and, as an in
vestment yielding about eight per
per year in currency, rank already
ummation, carrying the blessings of
settlement, development, civilization,
Christianity with it in its progress,
literally causing the wilderness to
blossom as the rose.
LAsr conducting a private school
Greenwich, Conn., some eight years
failed to pay her expenses, and
struggling along and getting deep-
JJX Ucus, sum u xicx Diin- w suu
creditors seventy cents on the dol
lar, the litter cheerfully accepting that
the whole amount Forture having
amiled noon her. she has lately
np ber old debts in full, with in
! to date.
Thebb was a damaging rain storm in
Southwest on Wednesday night
Beveral hundred feet of the track of the
Mississippi & Tennessee Railroad was
washed away. The Memphis ft Charles
down x.;in1 .j k.t4
xkmaavw ia giiifiuniccu . 7 W V.
Pocahontas. The Memphis ft Lonis
wotSL Road is washed away at Big Sandy.
Memphis ft Little Rock Railroad
snbmerged between New Orleans and i fully
t: ill it. i t i t I ah.-
8Ubmerged by the freshet ! and
Summary of Important Proceedingsin
Senator Howe has introduced into the
Senate bills for a ship canal to connect
the waters of Green Bay with Lake
Michigan, Wis.; making land grants in
aid of the Green Bay and Lake Pepin
Bailroad. and a railroad from Milwau
kee to Lake Superior, via Green Bay :
extending the time for the construction
of the railroad from the St. Croix River
to the west end of Lake Suoerior and
Among the bills introduced into the
House are the following: To repeal
the income tax; increasing the repre
sentation in certain states in the House
of Representatives ; to enable the peo
ple of Colorado and New Mexico to form
a constitution and state rovernment
tho latter under the name of Lincoln,
with the view to admission.
The House has passed joint resolu
tions repealing the duties on salt coaL
tea and coffee. The vote stood at about
110 ayes to 50 noes.
The House has adopted a resolution
instructing the Committee on x oreign
numrs to inquire whether the acquisi
tion of Lower California is feasible and
desirable, and if so to make such
ommendation as may seem best
The House has passed a resolution
for the appointment of a Committee of
li, to sit during the recess of Congress
and investigate the 'condition of the
south with reference to the outrages
upon tne persons and property of Union
men. Subsequently the Senate caused
joint resolution to the same effect
and it is probable that the House will
rescind ite action and concur in the
Senate's resolution for a joint Commit
tee oi ootn nouses.
oumner presented in the senate a
memorial from citizens of San Domin-
who had been exiled from their
country by Baez, setting forth his cru
elties to them and all who opposed him
and the scheme of annexation, that the
vote, in favor of annexation was ob
tained by force ; and protesting against
that measure. Before the memorial
had been half read the point was raised
that it was against the usage of the
Senate to receive memorials from for
eigners, and the reading of the paper
was stopped.
5oth houses have concurred in grant
ing permission for the erection of a
monument to Prof. Morse, on the cor
ner of Seventh street and Pennsylvania
Avenue, Washington.
Senator Davis has proposed an amend
ment to the constitution for the estab
lishment of a constitutional tribunal.
consisting of one member from each
State, with power to decide all ques
tions of jurisdiction between the "Jnited
States and the several states, ad the
constitutionality of acts of Congress or
government officer, and to open and
count the electoral votes for President
Vice President
Nearly the whole session in the
House on the 16th was occupied by a
bitter personal altercation or debate
between Speaker Blaine and Gen. But
ler, growing out of certain charges
made by the latter in a circular to- the
members, the principal or which was
that the passage of the resolution for a
committee oi investigation into South
outrages was secured by a trick.
Speaker was active in getting up
resolution, and Butler opposed it,
hence the quarrel.
Foreign Gossip.
turn and trots home.
i i v - s it:, j i
have never met with an accident
Gladstonb has sold his beautiful
on the Rhine, near Roland seek.
Moritz von Schwtsd, one of the most
brilliant stars in the galaxy of German
died the other day at Munich.
The villas formerly occupied by Ros
sini, Lamartine and Proudhon, at
Passy, were nearly destroyed during
siege of Paris.
Thb LeinsitT Illustrated News yields
publisher, Webster, an annual net
profit of one hundred thousand thalera.
Qes. Uhlich, the defender, of Stras
bourg, intends to leave the French army
to settle permanently at Basle. -
Thb governments of Denmark and
Sweden have recognized the French
Lamarttnb's niece, the only surviving
member of his family, lives in great pov
at Macon in France.
Mb. Rogers, the celebrated modeller,
giving private exhibitions of his new
groups of "Rip Van Winkle."
The old and wealthy publishing house
the Cottas, one of the largest book
concerns in the world, has been sold to
stock company. -
Thb amber fisheries on the Baltic
been more unprofitable last season
for many years past . .
Thb Queen of Prussia, who has been
suffering for some time past of amauro
sis, is reported to be in danger of losing
eyesight completely.
Rbnz, the celebrated European circus
has sold all of his thoroughbred
trained horses at very high rates to
wealthy omcers of the German armies.
Thb only French magazine which
appeared without interruption during
war was the Revue des Deux Mon
But owing to the lack of printing
paper oniy two tnonsana copies were
printed of the last live numbers.
Thb unparalleled successes of the
Prussians in France has been a death'
to the dethroned dynasty of Han.
Old King George has been con
to his bed for several montns,
he is said to be hopelessly insane.
A Gebva journalist asserts that
Our Fritz " has saved fifteen million
thalera since his father ascended the
Prussian throne. . The Crown Prince
his wife Victoria are the most econ
omical two personages at the Court of
Thb Emperor Alexander the Second
generally known in St Petersburg to
become a confirmed drunkard.
imbibes nothing but the strongest
of alcoholic liquors. All the ef
forts of his family to reclaim him have
proved fruitless.
Lanoibwics, the Commander-in-Chief
the Poles during the insurrection of
landed at Marseilles when he re
ceived the news of the capitulation of
in order to offer his sword to the
French Republic. " He immediately re
embarked tor Constantinople.
A certain Bangor (Me.) milk-dealer
obtains part of the milk he sells from a
boa living half a mfle away. Each
about sunset he harnesses his horse
the milk wagon, puts in his cans,
throws the reins over the dasher.
Newfoundland dog then gravely
in, aud the horse, under the di
rection of his canine driver, proceeds
the aforesaid neighbor's and stops ;
dog announces their arrival, the
neighbor fills the cans, the dog resumes
seat in the vehicle, the horse care-
These in-
Telegraphic Notes.
T T-j , - .
xm x euuaj lvama coal miners are
represented as tiring of the strike.
Rsr. B. Eaton; for thirty years past
rector of Trinity church, in Galveston,
died suddenly on the 19th. while deliv
ering a sermon.
Tn Senate Committe on Militj.
A nr ; i , . . . J
uiuia ii.-s w repon lavorably
on the bill to sell the land and fort of
the war of 1812 at Sag Harbor, Long
Tee following nomination mra a
tome senate yesterday:- James M.
Wilson, of Missouri. Knitvl Rt.t.
vonsui at .Nuremberg.
SZCKZTABT Bont well is Tjrwnnrino-
ar j -sr , .
rj xo axj ana novemoer interest on
the five-twenty and ten-forty bond.-
Judos Eixts Lewis lat f"Triif Tn.f.v.
oi tne supreme court of Pennawivani
died at Philadelphia on the 19th, aged
SsvEt persons were injured on the
19th, by a construction train on the
Pittsburg and Conncllsville railroad
running into a creek.
Bubolabs entered the BossviHe Ex
change Hotel, at Lawrence burg, Ind.,
on the night of the 19th, and being
discovered by the wife ot the proprie
tor, killed her with a revolver. TIiaw
euectea tneir escape, Having aeoured
some xuu in money. n
.A collision occurred on the Morris.
and Essex Railroad, near Bergen Tun
nel, on the 19th. which resulted in ae.
vere, if not fatal, injuries to a fireman
and engineer. .
Ths Neuse River. North Carolina-
Pa per-mills were destroved bv fire on
the 20th. Loss $50,000; insured for
$15,000. . -
The steamboat Rose Franks, with a
cargo of 7,000 bales of cotton, was
burned at Trumbull's Island, on the
lower Mississippi. No lives lost . The
boat and cargo are a total loss.
Geobok ML Barnard, of Boston. C.
S. Bradley, of Providence, and C. R.
Chapman, of -Hartford, have been
chosen assignees of the Boston, Hart
ford and Erie Railroad.
It is thought the revolutionary move
ment now in progress in Paris will
extend to Marseilles and Lyons, and
even to uoraeaux.
Thtebs contemplates the removal of
tne rrencn Uovernment to Tours. It
is said the Germans decline to interfere
with affairs in Pans.
A Paris teleeram states that the min
ders of Le Compte and Thomas were
perpetrated by order of Garibaldi, who
directs the insurrection. They were
shot in the garden of the Rue des
Rosieres. Thomas resisted viirorousl
but Garibaldi ordered him to be held
against a wall while his body was rid
dled with bullets. Le Comte died with
the uunoat cooinces, smoking a citrar.
and refusing a bandage over his eyes.
juany otner elocutions occurred.
Pabtb is said to be full of Bonapart
ist agents. Chevron, Conti, Bouher
and Regmer are there. The insunrents.
for some days past have received five
francs daily, which is supposed to have
oeen lumianed by these agents. - - -The
Ex-Emperor Napoleon has ar
rived at Jjover, jungland. Ha was en
thusiastically received.
Bib Hexrt Bcxwxr has been elevated
a peerage. - .-
Thb bark Cornwall was sunk by col
lision with the steamer Himalaya, and
eleven persons drowned.
Wit and Humor.
What did the spider do when he
came out of the ark? He took fly
and went home. .
Win is a grain of sand in the eve
like a school-master's cane? Because it
hurts the pupil
A ijttlb girl hearing that a new pa
per was to be started to discuss "living
issues,' asked her papa to subscribe,
she wanted to read more about the
"old woman who lived in a shoe."
A cockxzt traveling in Florida writes
"these blarsted Tankees cawn't
heven speak Henglish, you know. 'Ere
Massachusetts man Boston hi think
was talking about crocodiles, e said
"they were a lively bng and smelt orri
blyloud. - ' '
An over-the-way neighbor fairly pos
ed us the other night by asking us the
simplest question, "When is a fish
crazy t" and assured us U was only
wnen the aioreeaid ton was tn-geiixe.
We immediatly left. . .
A statesman who had failed wrote on
front door "Payment suspended for
thirty dava."
A neighbor reading this said: "You
have not dated the notice."
"No," said he, "I do not intend to do
it would run ont if I did. . -
At a California fair recently, several
bottles of strained honey were put on
exhibition, when a chap put a bottle of
castor oil witn tne rest. I he opinion
all who tried it was that the bee that
laid it was a fraud.
A rotrsa couple of iUoiineites were
married one day last week, and were
escorted to the evening train by many
mends ana a Oram band. When the
two consisting of Mr. D. C Diraock,
and Mrs. D. C. D. had entered the
cars, the band struck up the popular
tune, "Put Me in My Little Bed.' It
said the happy bridegroom is still
hunting for the leader of that band
with a view of putting him in his little
with a broken nose.
Sick gent (walking into a whiskey
shop) "Well, I believe I will spend
dime in crackers this morning. "
Bar-keeper hands him crackers, which
" I can not stand them ; give me some
brandy for the crackers. u . - ;
Bar-keeper eivea him some' bran
ile pours it out, smells of it, shakes
"Dont think I can go that' Give
some whisky for the brandy.
Bar-keeder hands out the whis
k3y He turns out a full glass, drinks it
down and starts out. - 4
Bar-keeper " Hold on, there 1 you
have not paid me for that whisky. "
Sick gent "I gave yon the brandy
the whiskey sir.
"WelL you ain't paid me for the
brandy, sir. "
1 gave yon the crackers for the
brandy, air. " . -.
etA WW T a sj a
u eu, you ain t paid lor tne crack
WelL sir, yon have your crackers
.par-keeper said no more.
Fact. Dr. Henry's Root and
Plant Pilla are a safe and affective family
cathartic medicine. Try them. See advertise
ment in another column.
. -
CHICAGO CORRESPONDENCE. The Weather—Wheat—Money--Business
—Manufactures—Horse Nails—
Northwestern Horse Nail Co.,—Effects
of the Franco-Prussian War—Bolding
Bros., & Co.—The Parks-Musical Matters
Bros., & Co.—The Parks-Musical Matters---Woman Suffrage Meeting---
Chicaoo, March 13. 1871 Son shine, warn
weather, winds, cicada, rain, thunder and
iigntmng, mow-flakes and no frost in the
Sound, sunshine again this is the record of
e week. The indications now are in favor
of an early spring. '
No. 2 is quoted at 91.25, with aa active 1
market. ... ... , .
Is abundant for legitimate bnameae. and
regular customers And no diffinnlrs b, re
discounts at the banks.
Shows Sims of conaideratle artiTirr anA
thooeh it is yet early for the enenina. nf tK.
spring trade, there are a good many mer
chants in toe oty porahasintr aempiiea. The
country is said to be quit bare ot goods,
and the promise of a large trade this aeaaon,
at remoneratrre prices, is better than Last
year. - '
nave contributed largely to ths prosperity
of Chicago. Many mailtfactunna; aatahliaa
nents have grown froa. small beginnings to
mammoth crotxTrtioris. aendma. nnt thir
prod acta over ail the land. Artulea, trifling
in themselves, yet of prime neoeamrr. tlU.
an important pari in tUr industrial and eosn
meroial progress of ,he conn try. The
simplest instrument ofttd undergoes a great
variety of processes before it is transformed
from the raw material into oerfset ahana.
ready for use. Take the Eaufactura of
by the Patent Haauairimr Machine, for
illustration. They ar made of " Benson"
iron the best Norway iron imported into
Boston in bars ao inch and one-eighth
square, are there drawn into bars thrs sj i
teenth by aerren-sixteentha of an inch, and
rnne feet long, and in that shape are brought
to Chicaeo. Thev are here tavan tn a Um
factory, heated red hot in ookfr-biaet fnmaosa,
put into a patent hammering machine, which
holds the bar, feeds it, strikes ft eighteen
blow, and then cnta it off a Darfeei naiL all
the space of one second, and this process
repeated till from eight to twelve nails
axe made, when the bar is returned to the
furnace, and another taken ant. Thaw
essentially hammered nails, being drawn from
the end of the rod on the same principle that
the blacksmith makes them. One man tends
machine and kaAri attrhfc mAm in . t
he take a tittle time in changing rods, ha
can make only about fifty nana a
There n ona foreman to fire -ni'hinfl , to '
grind the dies and keep everything in order.
These machine are operated by shafts mng
1,100 revolutions a ruinate, bolted an to toe
main shaft, winch is driven by a steam-engine
76-horse power. When the nail rod are
worked np rid about two feet long, they are ' '
taken to a force, the end heated and four of -them
welded together by machines, which
straighten them and make the welded Barns
a uniform sixe with the origjnaj bar, and
then they ar worked np a before, so that no
are lost. The nsUa, as fast ae made, ar
dropped into an iron box, which, when full is
carried into the separating room, and emptied '
npoa iron-eovered tabUa, where all the imper
fect nails are picked out and thrown aside as
scrap iron. The Dails are then packed ia 25
boxes and labeled for marker. There are
sixe, numbered from 5 to 10 industre, 8
being the medium size. , -
The. only Horse Kail Umoltcton ia tha
West is that of the
56 to 63 West Tan Bnrea street, ChicacoJ .
established in 1862, but was incorporated in
1864, and has a working capital of about $90,-
The officers of the company N.' Cor- '
with, President; G. L. Smaller, Borwrintend
ent, and A. W. Kingsland. Secretary, are all
stockholders, and the nails are made under
tneu snpemmon. Mr. email ey superintend
factory, and understand his basine
thoroughly. Mr. Kineaiand. one of the arte- -
inacors oi we emerpnee, manages tne nnan
cial department and the general business of
company. He was bred to the iron man
ufacturing business, and utilizes his knowi-
edge and experienoe for the bengal of the ' '
company and the public. They have the most
perfect machinery, give constant employment
some 50 skillful workmen, who, by long
practice like those employed on a particular
of a watch become perfect. The mak- '
era of their iron are under heavy bonds that '
very bar of iron furnished shall be perfect.
Their style of nails is adapted to the Western
trade, and their sales extend over all the coun
try south of the great lake and west of the '-'
Alleghanie. And a tney spare no pam or
axpaoee to make avexv nail perfect, and every .
package ia warranted, no other horse nail ha .
reputation of being so uniformly good
of o desirable a shape. It ia the moat
popular and reliable horse nan in tb country,
a staple article with all leading house, and,
it is sold at New York prices, it supersede
other kinds wherever its merits are known.
Theymn rwentv-fire machines, day and night.
of the year, and can make two ton of
in ten hours. They made 600 tone best
but will exceed that amount this year.
establishment is not only a euriosity and -a
eredit to Chicago it is a public benefaction.
Tbe ITanco-Pruseian war has destroyed and
disabled so manv skilled laborers, and inter
rupted tho manufacture of French and Ger
goods, ao that there win be a scarcity,
especially of auk and the finest f ahrio, for
time to oomo. The. first effect of tho ..
was to throw large quantities of these
goods on tho Encash market, thereby lower-'
the price. But now, though peace ia re
stored, a locg time must intervene before pro- f
doction will reach its former amount, and ,
goods must necessarily advance in price.
Fortunately, some of our leading silk maan- '
facturera, 'anuapatrog this state of affairs, -
in a large stock of raw silk at ante-war
Dries, and wilL for the oreaent. suddIt their
customers at the old rates, and purchasers
should take advantage of this opportunity to 1
in supplies. At the head of this class kt '
firm of
larcest manufacturers of sewing silk and
machine twist in America. The sales of their
wholesale house in Chicago, ew York and
Cincinnati, last year, reached (730,006, their 1
Chicago house, at 66 and 68 Wabash avenue,
the lead. Purchasers should always r
for Belding's sewing silk, noted through- '
the whole country for being the best in the .
The largest wholesale millinery house in
city, devoted exclusively to the sate of .
Gear, is the firm of
Importers, Manufacturers and Jobbers of '
Millinery Goods, 78 Lake street, VT err aim, -
celebrates? all over tho Northweet for their
weU-selected and fasoionable stock, al .
treen and attractive, and ot tne latest -styles.
Other millinery house swell the :
amount of their sales, by keeping depart- :
for notions and fniwshirig-goods, bnt ' "
house eeila of Bead Gear alone, three -quarter
of a million dollars' worth a year.
are large manufacturers, having in adds
to their manufactory of hat and hat
frames, of which I wrote laeVvear, a hundred t
at work making cactus, hair and fancy
nata, w biota enable tbem to supply )oo- -
at Eastern manufacturers' prices, and to
unusual inducements to retail dealers.
The milliner of too Northwest will hero
the moet desirable goods for their trade,
every conceivable fashionable style, at
lowest price. Gxoi Bbothzb A Co. ar
authority in matter of fnhioo and taste,
what they cannot supply tho trad in i
millinery line is scarcely worth lookms
They are among the most substantial
responsible house in this city, and have
up an immense trade in Head Apparel, ,
using their abundant means, in the moet
sagacious manner, to produce and procure .
best goods at the lowest prices, by cour
tesy, urbanity, promptness in fi'-lii'j order,
by giving their customers the benefit of
capital, akill and experience. , .
Chicago ia in a muddle about her parks. The
Coromiseioriera have need up all their
and have not paid for the land, and are
besieging the Legislature for power to raise
to enable them to complete, the purchase
according to law. They were empowered to
contiguous property, under the name of .
benefit," to a sufficient amount to pay for the
oondemned land, and thought they had dons
but the enhanced value of the property
leaves them in the vocative, and now
want authority to revise ana increase
original assessments. -
have had a surf 'it of public music inclu- . ,
lectures by George Francis Train who is ,,
now undergoing imprisonment tn the
Jail for a debt of some atO, incurred
bill-posting nun some two year ago which
refuse to pay. Then we nave a
the Cook County Association, being the an
niversary meeting, with Mrs. Stanton, His
Anthony, and other advocates, ia session at
The theaters. Just now, are very fuDy at-
with minimal attractions at nearly all
them. B.
&8Tkm attention of the musical
has been much attracted by the improve
ment in organ aUng introduced by Georg
ft Co- In their now styles of ranor ana .
Organ. They invite the attention o
interested in music, ana tne eievsaoa n
that pertain to it, to their advertisement
another column. All organists, teachers,
music dealers are invited to examine into
merits of their instruments, particularly
shown in their latest style of iVumOer Thir-
Celeste Organ.

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