( k C jL Jl -I- J j Ohio De MOGRAT A v I X VOIi. I. NO. 18. LOGAN, O., SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 25, 1686. TERMS, $1.50 PER YEAR. THE PEOPLES' BANK or LOOAN. Cnsh Capital, $SO,O0O.OU. Doposlte scoured by Individual Liability of over - Four Hundred' Thousaifd Dollars. DncB n Bcticrnl linnktiiR iniHlncw. "rorclini nniru nml Htwuiiihln Tickets Tor sale tit low tut rate. OFFICE, Koom Ko. 5, Opera House. IjAvriticNcn A. fiBt.vr.it, President. UUOIIUKIW. rm.i.KN, Vlco J'rcht. ItEtlUHN 1). Clll.VKH, CiiHlilcr. THE FIRST BANK OF LOGAN, OHIO. Ofllco Hours from 9 n. in. to 3 p. m. OUR EDUCATIONAL COLUMN, AlliciiH County Test Ques tions Used at the Last Examination. Paid in Cash Capital, $00,000, John Waller, PrcHtdcnt. Chan. E. Boiven, Cashier, Down RCiicrnl banking IhikIiii-w, rer-elves doposltR, dWcoiintu paper, niut buyH mid hcllH KxohmiKO. MT-IIANK In central room In tlm Jmncs Til.K'lC. ATTORNEYS. G. AV. BREIIM. in ...-tin... nml Ur.romr DnMlfl AUOrUBj-al-ljaH ami uvuuj mvuv, City Bnlldlug Logiin, O. Collections ofC'lnlim:, Notes nml Aci-imiitK, Mortenxra, 1,1'tiKM, CMiitnwtM, DenlM, A Ills, Jlwliiiiili-'H I .If us Ac, drawn nml hrkiiowl rdBwI. l'lirtltliiiuin.-.mlK. Honor, VoiwIik uroof Mortitns-. nml l.'cin nttenilnl to. Ab HtriiotHdrXltlo fmnMiol. Probate Ilili.i-s, Hnle of I.auilK by Executors, Administrators OnnrdliuiH, Auslunrwi or Trustees, mill tlielr ncrount mnl Hettloinent iropaveii. FMSIOKH AS1 INCIU'.AHB OF PENSION R OBTAINltll I'OK KX-KOI.binllrt AM) 1,,,:" WnioWRnn Mistim 1'iiii.iiiikx, N mji.kctkii OB REJnCTED fil.AIMH LooKRII AVTl'.lt, AMI ALI.I.AW MATTXIM CIKSKHAI.I.V. JOHN F. WHITE, attorney-a't-law Nirfnrv Public mid Ju-Ule-f Pcno. nniw p4eonil Htory or CollliiH Block, Rooms n. .1 nnd4. JOHN HANSEN, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Collin Block, I.OKH11, Offion wound Floor O. Kooinii No- B A "I- S. H. BRIGHT, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Offleo Second No 1 t 2. Floor Collins Block, Hooni" C..II. BUKItH.U'S. O.W. II.WlllHHT, WRIGKT & BUERHAUS, ATTORNEYB-AT-LAW. OOm Reeond Floor MeCmthy r.loclc Fionl. ELI M, WEST, FIRE AND LIFE INSURANCE AGENT, ' I.OQAN, OHIO. . - t i D.ln. nml llnst CoilllialllCS, Bwelnl AKont for The North WcHtem' Mu tual i.irc, or MiiwiHiitpp. Money to l.tmn on Kht Mortgages. Oulco In Dolllson Block. . PHYSICIANS. Z. V. R ANEY, Dental Surgeon, Offlcv over Rochester Buns store. Teeth Extracted Without Pain ! Tooth Inserted on rubber nml metnl platen, and nil work warranted. N. H. BLOSSER, M. D. HOWKEOPATHIST, Hpcclarntteulloii Klvon to discuses or vo Bicimurt children, i -,,,,,,.. OVUtlU'c, ouu door west of Armstrong Tim Store, Mulu Street, I.oKiin, O. H. O. CAMPBELL, PHYSICIAN & SURGEON. Onteo ono door West of Work Tin Btore, Logan, O. & Baker's 1.0. WEIGHT PHYSICIAN & SURGEON. Office Northwest cor. Ctty JIulldliiK, Iem, O, jlhii.'lm. J. H. DYE, rUYSlCTAX .0 SURGEON, Ofllcoiiml ReMdencu with Ur. Jmncs Little, Main Street, Logan, 0. MAIN STREET HOUSE. Loqajj, Ohio Wm. WoBtlake; - Prop. ARITMETIC. ' 1. "Write a negotiable note. 2. Write a thirty-day draft. 3. Define: compound number, coifcrete number, proportion, cubo root and cylinder. 1. How many yards of carpet 18J y(lH wide mU8t b0 bought to ullrl)ct a room 18 feet long and i:ty ft wide, if tho strips run lengthwise? 5. A cistern bus two pipes; one (Ills it 8 hours, and the other in -H hrs; In how long a timo will both fill it? 0. If 32 men dig a ditch 40 rods long, G ft wide and 3 ft deep in 9 days, how many men can dig a ditch 15 rods long, H ft wide and 2 ft deep in 12 days ? Solve by enuso and effect. 7. A man bought a watch for 80 Icps than its value and sold it for 40 moro than Its value. Ilow many dollars would ho gain if lie buys it for $12? 8. Give the reason for "pointing" in multiplication of decimals. THEORY A iTJ9 Pit A CTICE. 1. Where were you principally educated ? 2. How arc County Institutes supported ? 3. What powers of mind are most active in childhood? 4. What should bo the tempera ture of the school room ? 5. What is tho eirect upon the pupils if the air in the school room is impuro ? 0. Name some test showing whether or not the air of the room is pure. 7 Give specimen of your hand writing on your paper. GEOGRAPHY. 1. What arc tho principal islands nCtlm Greater Antilles? Give tno capitals. 2. What are the leading forms of industry in the United Slates? ' 3. What principal chains form the Ilocky mountain system? 1. What is tho metropolis of New England? Ohio? Indiana? Illi nois? Pennsylvania? New York? 5. Which onoof the United States is about as largo as Cuba ? (i. What divisions of South Amer ica, are crossed by the equator? 7. What is the most important commercial city on tho 1'aqillu coast of South America. 8. Locate tho following moun tains: Catubrian, Doveriicld, Bohe mian, Cheviot Hills. . Name the form of government and tho title of tho chief rulers of tho following States of Kurope: France, Russia, Turkey, Germany, Switzerland, Greece, Spain. 10. What are the mathematical zones? Physical zones? UNITED STATES HISTORY. 1. When were the Dutch Kast India and Dutch West India Com panies formed? 2. Who was Blennerliasset .' What brought him to public no- 3. Name and define tbreo treaties given in U. History. 4. What part of tho United States has been disturbed by earthquakes recently? What city suffered most from it? 5. How and when did tho U. S. acqulro the territory of Alaska? (I. What was poor Richard's Al manac? Give a briof account of its author? 7. Give an account of Arnold's treason. 8. Why did tho Pilgrims come to America ? GRAMMAR. 1. Define grammar and give its divisions. 2. How do you determine what kind of an element a word, a phraso or a clause Is ? 3. Give a sentence having a com plex ciauso as an adverbial ele ment. 4. Form tho possessive singular ami plural of man, her, it, lady, chimney, , 5. Give example, whore, which and what are pronominal adjec tives. 0. Write and diagram a sontonco containing a compound participle, 7, AVrito nml diagram a sentence containing two objects. 8. WrltonHontoMsuwlth a olaiiHO in opposition with Its subject. U, How nmy a compound Hon tonco bo contracted? Give exam ple, 10, Write throe sentences eon- PENMANSHIP. 1. What letters would you first teach to pupils learning to wrlto? 2. Give an example of your copy to pupils beginning tojoln principles.' 3. Givo nn examplo of your copy to pupils beginning to write capi tals.. 4. Give an examplo of erieli olo1 ment. C. Givo a spcclmon of $. C. D. The Curse of Slang. "Mamie," said a grammar-school girl to a member of the graduating class, "have you finished your essay?" "Oil, yes," gushed Jrnmio, "and it is too lovely for anything a prin cess slip of white surah, the back cut oir n little below the waist lino, and full breadths of silk gathered In so as to hang gracefully over the tournure, and three bias rules on tho" "Why, what aro you talking about?" interrupted her friend. "I mean, have you finished writing your essay, you know ?" "Er no," said Mamie, her enthu siasm rapidly diminishing, "but I have begun it, and I wish the aw ful thing was in Halifax!" "What's the subject?" "The curse of slang." "Gracious! Isn't that a difficult subject to write up?" "Difficult! Well, I should giggle! I'll have to hump myself to get it finished in time for tho commence ment, and I've a good notion to let it slide. I might shut up the Pro fessor's optics by pleading illness, but I'm not that sort of n hairpin. But come, waltz up into my room and look at my stunning gradua ting harness. It'll paralyze you." Norrislown Herald. Look Out. Tho following are a few of tho provisions of tho game law: It is a violation of the fish law of Ohio to catch in any Inland stream or pond, at any time, any fish, ex cept minnows, in any other way than by hook and line. It is a violation of tho game law of Ohio to kill any game bird at any time in any way excopt with a shoulder gun. It is a violation of tho law to shoot Quail or Prairie chickens be fore tho 11th day of November and after the 81st day of December. It is a violation of lite law to shoot Unfiled Grouse or Pheasants, and Bluo Winged Teal before tho 1st day of September and after the 31st day of December. It is a violation of the law to shoot Wood Duck, Mallard, or any other duck before the 1st day of September and after the 9th day of April, and between these dates It is unlawful to shoot ducks on Sundays, Mondays and Tuesdays. It is a violation of the law to shoot Woodcock, before the 4th clay of July and after the first day of January. It is a violation of the law to shoot Turtle Doves 'before the 1st day of August and after tho 31st day of December. Squirrels npy be shot from June 1st to January 1st and Rabbits irom October 1st to Feb. 1st. Each violation of tho law is pun ishablo by a ilno of not less than .f.2.r) nor more than $100, with im prisonment till fine is paid. All that is necessary is to report each violation of tho law to tho County Wardens, whoso duty it is to prosecute all violations of tho law. 'l'ormn One Dollar per Buy, Oood ltooinu, VHVUM b.iiillo itooitl iiltuched, talning temporal, local and "ciiBual clauses respectively. How Women Kill. Woman aro unique in their con struction and their constitution, and, ns a consequence, it may bo logically concluded that they will bo equally unique in many of their tendencies, thoughts motives and actions. All tho training of the ages has novor enabled tho average wo man to roach n point where alio can throw a stone tho same as a man ; in this, as In thousands of other direc tions, sho has her own methods of bringing about certain results. It Is safe to say that, given the manner In which a man will do anything it is the precise way in which it will not bo done by n woman. Tho originality of the sox Is scon in tho duller killings, in which it played a prominent part. Whon Cain slow Abol ho wont at it in a manly, brutal sort of way, ho took a club or a stono ami beat out tno brains of his brother. About tho first murder on rocord In which a woman was tho principal, was that of Slsorn, a fugutlve, who fled dis comfited boforo tho hosts of Israel, Ho was tired and hungry, and asked a woman whom ho mot for food and shelter. Sho promised all ho asked, and more; sho offered to make an affidavit that ho should bo safo from discovery In her tent, and then, wJon ho selpt, she took a hammer and a nail and drove the latter into the temple of the sleep er, "for ho was fast asleep and weary," says tho account, "and so ho died." Suohwus the method of committing nitirdor resortetl to by tho first woman who Introduced as sassination on the part qf her own sex. Brinvilliers, tho alleged assas sin; Lucretia Borgia; Toninn, tho inventor of the poison to which she gavo her name; Lnpara, and other ladies, have illustrated in their cases tho fact that women.as mur derers aro always original and In ventive, and utterly unlike brutal mon. Tofuna alone, not very much more than a century ago, managed to send out of existence not less than COO people, mid used, as did the other ladles of the time, poison as tho instrument of death. Since that period poison lias remained the favorite weapon of gentle woman. It is but a few years sinco a lady in Pittsburg was convicted of poi- soninir to death a score or so of people, for which she was not un gallantly hanged without any re gard for her sex. Tho latest intel ligence from Boston furnishes an account of a lady beautiful, cul tured and accomplished, of course, like all the Bostonesc who com menced her efforts by poisoning her husband, and then continued assiduously on until she had dis disposcd of her numerous children in turn, and also of some near rela tives immediately outside her do mestic circle. She had no agla 'Jo- ana, but she managed to get along by using arsenic as a substitute, which sho fed to her victims with unsparing liberality. Starting with an act of treachery and a hammer and nail, woman has finally settled down on poison as the regular and accepted weapon of death. This is a portion of the evolution of her extremely sensi tive nature; tho sight of blood and gaping wounds distresses ner, ami her natural delicacy of organiza tion lends her to select less repel hmt forms of killing. To "crtuiu extent tho use of poison permits tho operations of her affections, the free piny of her nature. Brinvilliers and other noted poisoners of their day' usually practiced on their hus bands, fathers, lovers and children, whereby they were afforded oppor tunity to watch the dying momonts of their victims and soothe them with such caresses and words of comfort, love and the like as would naturally occur to the sex on the solemn occasion. It is there where women show themselves not only unlike men, but they are immeas urably their superiors in sympathy and feeling. What man, after hav ing stabbed, shot or otherwise start ed a person on the road to death, would sit down by him and soothe his last hours or momuifts with words of consolation and sympa thy? Particulars are not at hand, but events will show that Mrs. Robinson, tho Massachusetts poi soner, was tender in the extreme to every ono of her eleven victims; that she hovered about their bed side like a ministering angel us she was. and that each of them sailed ofrinto tho unknown firm in the conviction that but for her ho would have died much sooner and a much moro unacceptable death. When men drive home the fatal knifo they fly in horror from tho accursed spot. Tho woman remains about, and tondorly assists tho fal tering steps down to tho river. Such is tho difference between the two. Chicago Times. wall, which Is still entire, Is Kil feet, and the arena within Is 281 foot In length, and 170 in breadth. Tho exterior wall of the edifice consists of four stories of three different orders of architecture, the first being Doric, tho second Ionic, and tho third and fourth Corinthian. The material of the principal walls was travertine or white limestone. The spaces between were filled with brick. Tho arched spaces between tho pillars were open throughout tho first three stories, above this there wore windows between each alternate pillar of the outer wall. Within there are still traces to bo seen of three tiers of scats; it is thought that above these a gallery was oneo built. A covered space surrounded the central arena, in which tho Emperor, Senators, and their families, had seats. The building was covered by a tempo rary awning or wooden roof, but how this was put on or kept in place is a never-ending puzzle to anti quaries. Many of the early Chris tians suffered martydom in the arena, and a crosi now stands there commemorate their death, and curing by option, lands for mineral purposes. Tho mineral would bo of but little account without a rail road to them. They tiro optioning for coal, Iron and everything of the kind, for rlirlit of way over said lands, and If it were mine they should have a deed, and then they might pay the taxes; they are Just like the speculators of the Hocking Valley, who were In advance of said road. MosH Back. to on Friday of every week devotional services are still held there. The Colosseum is supposed to have re mained entire till it was partly de molished in the sacking and burn ing of Rome in 1082 by Robert Guis- card, first King or Naples. Though Injured, the building was used as a fortress during tho middle nges for many years by the powerful families that contended for .supremacy in Roman affairs. In 1312 tho munici pality took possession of it, audit was again used for public amuse ments, especially bull lights. In 1387 it began to be used by the church as a hospital. In the fol lowing century tho groat Roman families despoiled it greatly, tak ing stone from its wall to build the palaces. It was afterward proposed to turn it into a center of trade or a factory, but both plans were unpop ular, and finally Pope Clement XI. was persuaded by the church in the early part of the eighteenth century to consecrate It to the memory of the martyrs, and thus throw over it a protection from further wanton in- jary. Inter Ocean. Hnynts, Ohio. Sep. 20, 18SU. Tho Colosseum. Tho Colosseum also written col iseum was an amphitheater, loca ted near tho center of the ancient city or Rome, and the largest per manent structure of tho kind ever built. It was begun by Vespasian, built by him as far us the top of tho third row of arches, and finished by his son Titus, in 80 A. D. It was dedicated with games, gladia torial shown, und scenic exhibitions that lasted 100 days, in which fi.OOO wild animals were killed, and a nuinbor of gladiators. Tho struct ure was intended solely for circus performances. It covored nearly five acres, and had accommoda tions, for over 80,000 spectators. It was for many years known as tho Flavian amphitheater, butcamo to bo called tho Colosseum bocauso of tho great size, Tho building Is In the form of an olllpso, its longer diameter hieing (116 foot, Its shorter 510 feet. Tho height of its outer En. Dr.MOCKAT: Sir, Our Fair is over and the excitement of the same. Tho excitement was of a different kind this year, not favora ble to the Association. It is assert ed that the owners were awarded the premiums and not articles. Then tho racing was all poor, the whole tiling was a gambling insti tution, generally speaking, but the managers promise to do better in tho future. If they do so they may save their organization, but if they do not award the premiums where they belong, their Associa tion with go by 'the board. But there is something else (springing up in this part of our county which will be of lasting benefit to us. A railroad starting from Hadiey Junction, Fairfield county, thence to Laurelville, Hock ing county, then down the valley to the crossing of the Snltcrcek bridge between the lands of H. W. Smith and Esq. Joseph McBroom; thence along Saltcreek opposite a hollow, known as Big Hollow, where it leaves Saltcreek, and runs up said hollow to its head, then over the dlvido botween tho waters or Saltcreek and Pretty Run, then down ono of the largest tributaries of said run to its main branch at Thomas Singers, then up Pretty Run to the divide between said waters and Middlo Fork of Salt creek, then down said tributary to Allensville, thenco to llanulen Junction in Vinton county, thence to Wellston, the supposed termin us of tho road for the present. This railroad will run through a rough country for about twelve miles, and through a ilno mineral belt, of perhaps thirty-llvo miles, of coal, Iron ore and fire clay, aW through ono or tho finest timbered nortions or soutliorn Ohio. Tho resources along tho road will bo almost equal to that or tho Hocking Valley, except coal. Then there Is an abundance of first-class stono for building purposes. Tho Well ston vein of coal is far superior to any found in tho Hocking Valley for bhtcksniltlilng, It Is pure, not a particle of sulphur can bo found In it; it is equal to Piedmont Mountntn coal for working iron or stool, and is said to bo a first class gas coal. Thoro aro two men from tho oast by tho names of Buol and Norurnft, who seem to bo in tho In terest of tho railroad, But I think that their greatest interest is In su- l'lckcrlng, Ohio. Sep. 20, 1880. Wo aro clad to note the Di:.mo ckat still prospers. Since the recent rains the farm ers hopes for good late pasture. The corn in this section is nearly all cut, and seeding done. John Tomlinson and B. G. Tro bridge, attended Conference at Athens, last Saturday and Sunday. Miss Anna Gray or Buffalo lick is sick of fever. W. P. Miller and wife of Union Furnace, aro visiting friends In Muskingum county, this week. Messrs. 'Stout, Darby & Ingmlre, saw mill proprietors, made a busi ness trip to W. Vti., this week look ing up a suitable place to locate. Jacob Backus of Union Furnace, entertained quite a number of his friends one night last week In the way of an apple cutting. The boys gave Mr. McArey, the operator at Union Furnace, a grand serenade last Saturday night. Miss Lizzie Moore or Columbus, is visiting friends near Starr. Ja. Moore and family, of Starr, spent Sunday with friends at Har mony Grove. II. M. Lewis, of Poplar Grove is roofing Mr. Henry Carrick's Fur-nance. One night last week while Jan. Briinner. n restiected farmer, of Honey Greek, was awakened from his peaceful slumbers by a most hideous squalling from his chick ens, he immediately p.ioceeded to investigate the cause of alarm. He had gone but a little way from the house' when ho chanced to pas- be neath a large tree on which his turkeys roost. Imagine bis sur prise, when directly under the tree, to see several of his turkeys come tumbling down, and upon looking up, he saw something ho took to be a two legged creature come down tho tree. He was still more sur prised, when the creature instead of taking to the woods, an he had supposed it would on reaching the ground, showed fight and came at him backwards, kicking and strik ing all tho time. Our hero was equal to tho occasion, and before the two legged monster was aware his Impo.se not upon a babe a niinio suggestive of flippancy or mean ness. There Is no excuse for such assult and battery on tho cradle when our language Is opulent with names musical In sound and sug gestive In meaning, such as John, meaning "tho gracious gift of God;" or Henry, meaning "the chief or a household;" or Alfred, meaning "good counselor;" or Nicholas, meaning "victory of tho people;" or nibrose, meaning "immortal;" or Andrew, meaning "manly;" or Es ther, meaning "a star;" or Abigail, meaning "my father's joy;" or Anna meaning "grace;" or Victoria, meaning victory:" or Rosalie, throttle was being fondled in not a very affectionate manner, this brought the creature to time, and he fell on his knees and begged our friend Briinner not to expose him. Mr. Briinner has a largo soul, so he ifnally promised not to expose him. Although ho does not tell any names, he says the person he caught after his turkeys is a man with a farm and plenty or chickens and turkeys of own. Dr. meaning "beautiful as a rose;" or Margaret', meaning "a pearl ;" or Ida, meaning "go'd-like;" or Clara, meaning "Illustrious;" or Amelia, meaning "busy;" or Bertha, mean ing "beautiful," and hundreds of oilier names Just as good, that are a help rather than a hindrance. A gentleman who sometimes since was strolling along the streets of one of our great cities, with no object in view but to pass tho time, says Ins intention was atirucieu uy tho remark of a little girl to a com panion In front or a fruit stand: "I wish I had an orange for ma." The gentleman saw that tho children, though poorly dressed, wore clean and neat, and calling them into the store he loaded them with fruit and candles. "What's your name?" asked one or the girls. "Why do yoyou want to know?" queried the gentleman. "J want to pray for you," was tho reply. The gentleman turned to leave, scarcely daring to speak, when tho little one added: "Well, it don't matter. God will know you anyhow." And so Ho will. He knows all our acts whether good or bad. Only good children are real happy. 11 Tays To Be A "Woman. A correspondent, who evidently wishes she was a big, bad man, writes to the U'umaii's Journal to ask if it pays to ho a woman. I should like to know why not! If it pays to be petted and shielilod if you behave yourM'lf; if it pays to bo worked for and treated and poor pussy'd; il'ilpaystobo pretty and graceful and charming; if it pays lobe loved and honored and re spected; if it pays to make some body glad they were born anil happy to live for your sake; if it pays to bo the greatest power for good or evil that this world knows; if it pays to be the mother of that sweetest of all God-giving things, a baby; if it pays to bo a niotner wniweciiiitu-oii grown to manhood rise up and call her blessed; if it pays to bo a wire dearer to a good man than his honor or his lire; il" it pays to have the blessings of the poor, tho sick, tho friendless or the hopeless if any of these things pay, then it pays to bo a woman. New York Graphic. Talmai?e on Undesira ble Names. EXTRACT rilOM SKHMOX Or HKP. 10. Many people are under the dis advantage of an unfortunate name, given them by parents who thought they wero doing a good thing. Sometimes at the baptism of chil dren, while I have held up one hand in prayer I have held up the other hand in amazement that par ents should have weighted tho babe with such a dissonant and re pulsive nomenclature. I huvo not so much wondered that somo chil dren should cry out at the christen ing font as that others with such smiling faces should tako a title that will bo the burden or their lire time. It is outrageous to nfilict children with an undesirable name because it happened to bo pos sessed by a parent or a rich uncle from whom favors aro expected, or some prominent man of tho day who may end his lilo in dHgrace. It is no excue, because they are Scripture names to call a child Johoiaklm or Tiglath-l'ilesor. At this very altar I baptized ono by tho naino of Biitlisheba. Why, un der all tho circumambient heaven, any parent should want to give to a child tho name of that loose and Infamous creature of Scripture times I cannot imagine I have often felt at tho Impthmal altar, whon names wero announced to mo, like saying, as did Rev, Dr. Richards, of Moristown, N, J., when a child was handed him for sprink ling and tho name glvon, "Hadn't you bettor cull It something olso?" The lover Could Not Stand The Test. "Do you see that row of poplars on the Cannd'a i .-bore, standing ap parently at equal distances apart V" asked a grave-raced man or a group of passengers on the Fort Erie ferry boat. The group nodded assent. "Well, there's quite a story con nected with those trees, hocontinu cd. Some years ago there lived on the bluff, in Buffalo, overlooking the river a very wealthy banker, whose only daughter was beloved by a young surveyor. The old man was inclined to question the pro fessional skill of young rod and level, and to put him to lest direct ed him to set out, on the Dominion shore, a row of trees no two of which should bo any further apart than any other two. Tho trial proved the lovers inefficiency, and forth with he was forbidden tho house and In despair drowned himself In the river. Perhaps some of you gentlemen with keen eyes can tell which two trees aro furthest apart." The group took a critical view of the situation and each niomber selected a different pair of trees. Finally after much discuss-' Ion, an appeal was taken to tho solom-faced stranger to solve tho problem. "The first and tho hut," said he, ciiliiilv. resuming his cigar and walking awa.v with the air of sago. tho Rev. Robt. Wilson, of Charleston, S. C., has published u card In which ho says that tho man who culls thu earthquake a visitation of Gotl's wrath Tor sin Is a fanatic who ought to bo slloncod,