Speech of Zuchariah Spicer. On tha question, "Which enjoys the greatest amount of happiness, tba bach elor or lb married maul" Mr, Freiident nd Gentlemen I rise to advocate the cause of married men. And why ehould I nott I claim to know something about the institution, I do, Let me confront him with uay w'tfa and seventeen children and decide. , High a the Rock Mountaine tower above the Mississippi Valley, doet the character of the married man lowers- bove that of the bachelor. What wai Adam before he got acquinted with Ever W hat but a poor, shiltless, helpless, In significant creature? No more to be compared with his alier self, than the mill-dam to the great roaring cataract of Niagara. (Applause. Gentlemen there woe a tine, I blush to ear it, when I to uti a bachelor, and a more miserable creatura you would hardly expect to find. Every day I toil ed baid, and at night came home to my comfortless garret no carpet uo fire, no nothing. Everything waa in a clutter, and the words of the poet, "Confusion was monarch of all he surveyed." Here lay a pair of pants, tbrre a dirty pair of boots; there a play-bill, and bare a pile of dirty clothes. What wonder that 1 took re frige at the gaining table and bar room. 1 found it would never dogeutlemen, and in a lucky moment 1 vowed to reform. Scarcely bad the prom ise passed my lips, than a knock was beard at the door, and in ore Susan Simpkins after my dirty clothes. 'Mr. Spicer' says she, 'I've washed for you six months, aud bavn't steu the first red cent in the way cf payment. Now, I'd like to know what you are going to do about ill' I felt in my pocket-book. There was ntrvrcd in it. and I knew it well enough. Miss Simpkins, said I 'i'ts no use of denying it. I bavn t got the pewter. 1 wish for your sake I bad.' There,' said she promptly, 'I don't wash another rag for you.' 'Slop,' said I. 'Susan I will do all I can for you. Silver or cold fare Lnone but if my heart and baud will do, they re at your service. 'Are you in earnest! says she looking little suspicious. 'Never more so,' eaya 1. 'Then,' says she, 'as there seems to be no prospect of my Retting my pay any other way, I guess I'll take up with your oiler.' Enough said. We were married in week; and what's more, we bavn't re pented it. No more atticka for me, gen tlemen. I live in a good house, and have somebody to mend my clothes,- When I was a poor miserable bachelor, fenllemen, I used to be as thin as a wa el. Now, I am a plump as a porker. In conclusion gentlemen, if you want to be a poor,; reggd fallow, without a coat to your back, or a shoe to ycur foot, if you want to grow old before jour time nd as uncoinfortabe generally, as a hedgehog done up the wrong waytad vise you to remain a bachelor; but if you want to live decently and respecta bly, get married. I've ten daughters, gentlemen, overpowering applause and you may have your pick. Mr. Spicer eat down amid long-continued plaudits. The genegous proposal with which be concluded, secured hiai Ave sons-in-law. Ose or tub HuBBAHDB. A little In cident becured at the fire yeeteday mor ning showing the strength (?) of a bus baud's affections for hia wife, A man and bis better half stood near a well the husband had two buckets of water with which he intended to extinguish the fire in his shanty and he requested a passing Cieman to take oue bucket. At this instant the wife made a miss steo and fell into the well. -'Your wife has fallen into the well," said the fire man. "Never mind." said the 'doating' Express. f rets. The Bible. The Bible must be the invention of good men or angels; of bad men or devils: or of God. ' It could not be tbe invention of good men oraneels: for they neither would nor make a book and tell liea all the time thev were writing it. serine, 'Thus saith tbe Lord.' when it was their own invention. It could not ne the invention otbad men or devils, for they could not make book which commands all duty, and forbids all sin; and condemns themselves to all eternity. I therefore draw thia conclusion: the Bible must b given by inspiration of Simpson. Cheebfulkess or Cubibtuhb. Reli gion is mistaken by the worlding for a syatem of rigor and austerity, marking its votaries with melencholly and sup planting every genial affection and in nocent enjoyment. Let those who pos sess it be careful to rectify this error by their own example. In their own de portment, let them evince neither mor oseness nor waut of courtesy, but the grateful serenity of a hopeful, patient, and loving spirit. Let them cultivate the smile that can shine through sorrow, and speak those sweet words that heal as a medicine; and not sicken end re pine as others, when the desire of their eyes are taken away with a atroke. For who has such a right to be always happy, .and on whom are sncb obligatoins laid to be ever cheerful, as those who "have the promise of the life that now is, and American Messenger. Aa imaginative Irishman gave utter ance to this lamentation:- 'I returned to tbe halls of my fathers by night, and found them in ruins. I cried aloud, 'My fathers where are theyr and echo re sponded, Ms it you, rairick MuiatneryT Keii sous Bottles Fiat. People are frequently found dead with an empty buttle beside them, which proves the danger of an empty bottle, and the ne cessity for a full one. . . . 'Gejtly the dew are o'er roe stealing,' as tba man said worn be nea nve cue pills presented to him at otice.- ..The very left-curiosity we bave seen poke of jri the papers, is a wheel that came ofTa dog's tail wbe4'itas 'wig-fin.' Fruit-Trccs-GoO(liFrait. THE CITIZENS OF McARTH.Sj 2 oa and vicinity have at last JSL. an excellent opportunity to obtain one of the greatest luxuries of life' by a email expense and a little attention. There is nothing con duces more to the ktallh.comort and happi ness of a family, as plenty of Rood ripe fruit, nd the effects of Ornamental Trcei on the mind ever produces cheeiluluesi ; 'hen why not set out all the vacar.t parts of our lots in Ornamental and Fruit Trees. Mr. Grtious offers for sale Tiets and Grafts; Apples at 20 cts. per tree, insured; Oralis, best varielirs, at 21 els. per Graft, insinedj fa best Cherry. Prar, Apricots and Plumbs that can Le ob tained, at 6J cts. per graft, insured; two of the finest varieties, at 75 cents rxr tree: Ho ver's seedlina Strawberry; thj finest end law- est in the United Stains, vi cU per dozen or ft? per bunJrcd. All will bo ready to deliv er to subscribers in the spring; it is di-siruble to have tlie names, varieties and numrxr ry the 1st of Jlanh. Hand in yoir names to my Agents K. A. I'mium, Mi AifS. .'. James Ilays, or Washington LVnison, in the vicini ty of McArthur. Make your choice from the uliouii: I lit: APPLES. ulumn Sweeting, Septembet: American Golden Risselt, winter; American Summer Pearmain, August; i!uldwin, winter; libit Seeknofurther, do.; Black Gilliflower, do.; Uellflower, yellow, do; Errbant LcUItoiver, do; Belmont or gate, do; Bullock's Pippin, do; 3lach, do; Bull's Sweet, do; Eorovits!y, bummer; lienonl, do; Jsmlcy awret, winter; BroadeIl bwectmg, do; liorafsa, do; Looper, Fall; Cumberland Spioe, winter; Clark's Sweeting, do; Duches de Oldcnbcrg, Fall: Denver's Winter Sweet, do: Detroit, do: Dy er or Pound Royal, Fall; Downtown Pippin. uo; iwgneii KeustreaK, winter; Jttopus lipit snber;, do; Early Strdwberry.Summer; Early Harvest, do; Fall Wine, Fall; Fall Golden Pippin, do; Famause or riomrr.a tla Neig?, do; toy's Red winter, inter; Fink's Seedling, do; Flushing Spitzenbcrg, do; Federal rear main, do; Green Newtown Tippin, do; Gate or Belmont, do; GclJen Sweeting Summer; Golden Cnlville, do; Gravtstcin, Full; ll::b banlsion Nonesuch, winter Hoop Au;!e, do; Honey Greening, do; Hays' Red Winter, do; Jonathan, c'o; Jersey Sweeting, August: Ka- ighn's 'pitKnbur, winter; lUng's Sweet, Fall; Large Paradise, winter; Lemon Pippin, do; Little Greening, do; Lady's Sweeting, do; Lippincott, Summer; Lowell or Orange, Fall: Murphy, Winter; Milan, do; Miynpple Sweet, do; Male Carle, do; Norton's Melon, do; Nor thern Spy, do; Neverfail, do; Newtown Suit- zenburfj, do; Putnam Russet, do; Femock's Red VV inter, do; Peck's Pleasant, do; Pocey's winter Kcd bwcet, uo; rnor 8 Ket winter, do; Pound ifuyal, or Dyer, Fall; Porter, do; Red Doctor, winter; Rhode Island Greeninn, do; Romanite, do; Red Cauada, do; Rome Beauty, do; Ramsdelt's Winter Sweet, do; Reinette Triumphant, doj'Seinet'a Cnr.la, do; Ream's Red Winter, do; Rarabo, do; Red Aetrochan, cummer; Eupero Sweet, winter; Scarlelfwinter sweet, do; Swaar, do; Sweet Permain,;do; Snow Apple, do; Sapsonwino summer; eever's Redstreak, Fall; Summer sweetiiig.summer; Tewkesbury winter "lush, winter; Tulpahocon.do; Trader's Tency, o; Vandevcre, do; Winter Grcenir,do; White Pippin, Uo: Westficld seeknofurti.er, do; win ter aweet FemdUe. dot winter sweet Sambo. do; Wincsay, do; winter sweet. IIod::c's. do: Whitney's sweetine. do: Western arv. do: W inter wine, do; Whitrrjer's cweoting, Full; Wagoner, winter; Yellow Newtown Pippin, do; Yellow Bellflower, do. . FEARS. Anenas, October; Burtlett.&jpiemjer! Biter- re Del, November; Bloodgood, A.a,'us.t; Buet re d'Areimnburg, December; Bueire Brown, September; Bourre Itcse, October; Dearborn's seedling, August; Duchess de Angouleme, October; Frederick of Wcrternburg.Ssptember; Flemish Beauty, September; Louioe j'mineile Jersey, October; Stephens' Genessee, Septem ber; Seckie, do; Wilkinson, November; v.'hite Doyenne, October. P.tici, 25 to 80 Cents, each. PEACHES. Yellow Alberje, Gross Mifjnonnc, Rejal George, Crawford's early Me'.ccotou, early red Rurctipe, Vondmark Cling.very largo, V.'a.ii's Late Free, Late white Cling, Turple Alberge, Old Zack, Morris' white,Fiee, Eurr'e -Pineapple Clin', Moriisania round, Early 'I7l)oi::on, Ciawford's Late iWelocoton.Cable's ljftc Cling, Yellow Rureripe.early Anne, Bateliam'sSross ilfjSnonne, Pewlher's Cling, very f!p, Ileaih Cling, very superior, Cable's Late frlocotun. Early York, JBiiues' Rum ripe, Teton de Ven us. Prick) 10 cts. single $10 per 190. C HERS IE S. White Bigarreau, Elton, IJaj Duke, Biar reau or Grafflon, Belle ylndigeoi:e, Belle de Choisey, Red Bigarreau. Harper'B Big'trreau, Jmerican .dmber, Black Tartarean. Pkice, 23 cts, each. J3B3IDTJOOS OESAMEHTAL TRDLJ, Chinese ililanthus, Cstalfa, Cypress, Euro pean Larch, meriain Larch, Silver leaf Lh- tie, Rose i4cacia,Co!luted, Weepinj Willow, abarnum, Tulip Tree. EVERGREEN ORNAMENTAL T&EE3. Balsam Fir, Norway Spruce, Chinese Ar borvite, American do; Scotch Broom, Dwarf Box, Austrian Pine, Hemlock spruce, Scotch Pine, Coreican Pine, Red Cedar. fXJI bave a few choice Plum trees, Quince Bushes, Isabella and Catawaba Grape Vines, Current and Gooseberry Bushes, Strawberry Plants, Fig trees, Hydrageus, Dutch Aspara gus, rj-c; also, twenty varieties of Noiseltce, Chinebe, Tea, Burbon, Scotch nnd Climbing Roses. E. S. GRIUGS. January 26, 185. tf. iEW GOODS! GREAT BARGAINS!! At tub NEW STORE cf $TEF.iJ3ERGEn & SHOWER, EAST KiDDP 81SSCS mtLBERH ECIiDlSTS Main Street, Ms Arthur, Ohio. Y7B wieh to announce to the citizens of 7 J Vinton county, that we hive perma nently located in Mc rthur, and have juit re ceived from the eastern cities one of the larg est and best selected stock of FALL WINTER CLOTHING, Drtr Goods, Habuwabe, Boots, Shoes, QrjEXBawBE, Hatb, Capu and Gbockuish, ever opened In this market, all of which w will sell lovir than tht ta-zie article can It bought for in the County. We will also keep constantly On hand a good assortment of fine Cutlery; Gold and Silver Watches, Jewelry, Ate., &c. Our friends are respectfully invited to call and examine our stock before buying elsewhere, as we are determined to give good bargains. OCT" Couhtbt Produce of all kinds re ceived at the highest cash prices. STERNBERGER, & SHOWER. ' Oct 20th. 1651. 6m, Steam -Cabinet Factory. J. ii. wait; . Cobiib or JcrriBSov akd Second Streets, - PORTSMOUTH, OH10,V 1ALLS the attention of the citizens of J Vinton and adjoining counties to ins su perior stock of ,1 j' - - " CABI1VETC- W ARE, which be offers at wholesale or retail on reas enable terms. Give him a call. ,.'., Orders attended to promptly. -March 14, 18M.-IJ e if "YOU CALL VUU ,V1LL BIX. JIINH S. HAWK, . MAIN STREET, McARTUUR, OHIO, Ucultr in all kfoJt f ' DRT GOODS, GROCERIES, HARD WARE. QUEENSWAR3, HATS, CAPS, BONNETS, BOOTS f SHOES, READY-MADE CLOTHING, IRON NAILS, he. Also, ... Agent for . . LOUDON & Co's. POPULAR FAMILY HEDIClNtH, , IS just receiving from Cincinnati, one of the Largest a.id beet selected stocks of New, Fatiiionuble. and CHEAP GOODS Ever bro.'lit to McArthur, express'y for the Winter tre !, width he is dc'e.rmined to sell on li e most reasonabla terms. Just call and see my New Goods Ufrre prrciiating elsewhere. Bring abng your Produce, for in l.a way of Barter he will give you as good bargains tf though you brought the Ut.-:X November 17, IbOl. 1st, c. I. W. M. Starr. It. D. Tewihui VVECLEY 6TAWf 6Cn" CEHRll CC 51 SI SSI 0.1 HEBl'HlTflV Fctit Sil of Wlrn frodnea IX KT TOEACCO TLOUR, PB0TI3I0NB, k4. Nob. 5 51678. CHARLES STREET. EeUei-n Pratt "nJ Camden strect3. near itie T-jbacco Inspection Warehouse, B A IT 1 SOUS. Liberal iar.;ea mads on eonainncnti, N. B. Ve have recently removed to our new and extensive Wathousoav upi n ?iMth Charles JJtreet, wln-re v i have the dvoutjgc cl a Piil lie' l traclt i l our own, (counicit!' out House wish the Jl. & O. vPaihviy.) ond are thus enabled to receive nil our cousins- nents. when sent iu cat loids, Je ot Uray tr. We hav?, a'sn, evey fncil ity ht "i? re ceipt and sale of Tobacco, F'our, Provisions, ewid Western 1'ioducc. cenemlly. We send a correct statement of the Mat1;eti mputbly.to our-fri: cr ofk"!"i ifde?ireJ. June 10 i-1 lyr. rCBvTHDRC AAD ronaisasoi bkrchai?. CENTER WHEELING" WaAUYRS WHEELING, V A., ? BRIDGEPORT, lies larpe and rxtir.atve Ware ilrJr.'PS, in is prepared with eery facility, to attend t all business, entrusted to hi care, properly He forwards f a'ight by Cat loads or olherwisn September 2,18-W.- ly "iTTTITn n tWT (succkssor to jobu1:! jus es,) . . deaixhih i!t dlcnl, TicDloral, Blank nnd liUsctl'a , . nccci Books, Sinttoncrymd Wall Puprr, FAINT STREET, ; , CH1LLIC O T1I2, . OHIO. Eooka received from IU Eastern Mar ket a t thoir earliest publication, or ordwt wrrcn nofurea. u C. S. & J. AV. S3IITSI, 8l'ccessoss qr Davis Si.ith & Co., FORWARDING . AND COMMISSION rORTSMOUTlI, OHIO. Dealers in Produce and Manufacture!? of Star Mill Flour. Cohb'fTirrK'iitB of Goods and Prc.V'.ca to Forward or Sell, solicited. Nov. 4, 1853. ly IRON, NAILS AND STLEL. Hflfm fi A AUB3. Rolled and llam- JLiJXJ JJJ mered Iron, 5000 Lbe. Norway Nail Rod. SO Kegs assorted cut nud rong'it Nails. L!jc. Equare, round end ocU;oii Sleet.. Just received at the Gilt Anvil. DINING, CAMPBELL fit CO. Ji-ly Sa,il853. . B. .U9Y9 & GOi, Wholesale Dealers In BOOTS, SIMES, HATS HEATHER FRONT STREEf, PORTSMOUTH, 0, January -0, 1854. ly OBIS MI NO, CAiaP3ELL & Co., Importers and Whokait and Mill Ctaln ia Hard n-urc, Sa Jdlcry, iron, Glass, Ac, Ac WOULD respectfully inform theirf fiends and the public tliat they have at leng tj. got into their splendid new room, and have fitted il up expressly for the. Hardware trade,(in the burnt district) under the sign of the GILT ANVIL, EaEt side of Taint, between Water and -d sis, wheie they are opening, iu addi tion to pert of their former stock, a large And desirable stock of American, German ind English Hardware, taddlery, Iron end Giles, together with all nrlicles usually kept in Hard ware 6totes, aiul invite all to call and txHea look at their uew room and examine their stock. . 1I:.:V have mntnined a slnclt of Grxvlii Bt their OLD STAND, sum of the Mill Sawjon Tagert's sqwre, (under the immediate caleol f Ln C L . L t k 1 1- uno ui uic iiriii v. ucre uiey uavr- ueeu ui enily patronized t!io liast year, for which tl tae tins opportunity ot returning their si cere tnanks,and solicit a continuance ol I tame for both establishments, promising Keep as gooa uoons ana sell as low as an I this marliet. May 10, 1S53. n491y. Always ThroncoW J, F, TOWELUi CO,, V DEALERS IS Dry fioodj, Eillery (ioods, Qaccnsware, China and tarpelj, ' PORTSMOUTH. OHIO. WE bave just opened our first Spring Stock of the above goods and are now exhibiting one cf tLe finest asHUtmentsevar opened in this place. To eccomoodale our increasing trade, we have converted our second floor into tvo handsome sale-rooms, one for the Carpets, Oil Cloths, llattings and Window Shadw, and the other Tor Imnets end all kinds of Willi ncrs Trimmings at wholesale and retail. In this department we shall hereafter maaufac ture or trim Bonnets in the most fashionable styles. Milliners and others are invited to examine our superior stock of Bonnets, Rib' bons ficc., before purchasing elsewhere. : We shall continue as heretofore tosspolv Housekeepers, Hotels and Steamboats, with every thing in the furnishing Dry Goods line, Table ware and Carpets at tbe very lowest price. J. F. TO WELL & CO; : - ' No. 4 EuterprifieBuildig. April 7.. 1854. ly :. , , .., : FRESH tE& I TUST recsivedj warranted of triu fall's O catching, No. 2 Mackerel, of best quality. No. 1 White or Lake fish br i sale at - - 8. 8. DEMUTH cs Cm' Kov.lT,IS54. m. J '-.--.. 1 J. ..STEPHENSON,. BOOKI.LER. S ATIOr.ll.AND B 1 LA KBK MANUFACTURER 4 Backtr Block, rvoat St., Fortune th, Uo Has on nand a complete assortinent of MISCELLANEOUS, LAW, MEDICAL. COMMON SCHOOL AND CLASSSICAL TOOITREB WITH A nth STOCB OF StapU and Fauey Stationery, I am confident that it would be for the in terests of dealers in this vicinity, to make their purchases of me. initeuj of going rr sending East. Xho difl'erer.i-e 0r time, tli2 cost of transportation, with the advantage of frequent orders for imtll cjiiiaii.ies. hia',.3 it more economical as well us "lore expeditious to purchase in this market. I invite buyers to examine mv st( c!t. a."d comp'. my prices xv ith t'ice of .BoofcHlsrs in Cincinnati, or ei3ewnerj. School cud Cii.-u'cal Uoshs, All tbe kinds in use, at tho lowest ratea. .1 Complete Airt.Mtit tf Laa or.d Zhil ical 1) oo ko ; Miictllantov JJ9s; All tht Ktv and Standard PvtUenKont. I I.ave also, in connrrtlcn witli My B;ik .?4ore, an extenslro JiiaJcm, where Bli:i!; Bocs of any size and Filt'ern of quality, suitable for County Offices, I'nnlts, rurnacej, niHuarance Ujmparrcs, ftc, made to otder. StapU a,id Funcy Stationery of all kinds. WALL PAPERS. CUUTAL'I PA PERS, and horde:: in a. I ofTet the largest and best stork ever brj t to our citr,aijrl will sell them eihier 1 1 Whole sale or Retail, at as low rates as any Louse West of the Mountain. I huve a'.l W.idj. ficm the richest Gilt to the coinmoiiKt kind manufactured. I purchase them direcily fumi tbe mauur-icturerd, and can sell thcin very low to the country trade. Jt w ill afford me 'measure to show uw goods, and 1 shsll spare no efforts to rande'i enthe Mtisfaction. BooKscllers, country dealers and private li braries sup p'iud at Hie wry foiotat refi-'s, in larcaor smaltuantilies. Ishall be happy to receive wle'3, es3itring thore wltj -sen J, t'.pt they xiil la lilietl uroTiply. Particular attention r''!d toirt.jie by Mail, or rherwi, for quanti'ies. ot sin gle mlumes. Poruinuuth, Ap.il V9, 1 '51. rANCINNrl, MA3VlLLli, k POKfJJM'JUi'.I, REGVLAll PACKET. The new and splendid srift r.Tnb" t '.-zwzi Capt. WM. McCLAIII: Vill leave Cincinnati Mondavi. Wednss:Uv8. end at 1 1 A. M. ri'.eciscly Will InavA r. 'inmii'i fuscdays, Thursdays, urr.t1 wyj. at tho sinifl hour toucnitis at cii vvny points, THE 'Jt;;c ;ir was built eTpreoaiy Icr this trsv'a, and t'.n ;.rop!8 i;iny rely uj.cn l'ie fuct that "lie w ill re;:!n ihme. PTcitbor pis norexpanw have been aparjd to lit up a' f:.i;t decs pacl:e,twithoneye t9 iTpeed,ra:.'ty,a..d coiaforf; all requirements "f the now uv j inj complicil wilhjanJ itij cor.lldratly I.cpod that tilt pub'xwili appreciate and e::cnu: theentcrprtse. The Proprietors rfthhllo tt, at ill reasons ol l'ie yenr, will havj n bout in the trade, so that no incoinieni'i:. j i- :'' I alter be given to 4.-a vellerj. Sept. t), f 1 Dm BIGGS HO'OSE, PORTSMOUTH, OiltV. tel.) HE subscriber having Icaccd tl.e tbovo and House, (formerly the United ttae7l'.3 tii;o and having made a conpleto rniov.-ibn pnbre-furnished the house with new Furr.ittim tlitorjhout, respectively invitei t'.a travsllpg public to jive him a e'.!. II 10 TAB L.T Will alwav contain l-jt !'-.it aaorus, ana no means vi.J i,2 rrirJ t,i r;a!;e an couirortablc. JOHN ROW Oct. 10th, !-M . 3ADDLE AND HARNESS DEPOT! JAMES McGILLIVKAY, SADDLE k MAWrACTVRT, Oppobitb Jt Jt. Win's, MAIN STREET, McARTHUR. OHIO. rTEEhScanttanllv on tiittirl X3a- and will rnaniifcutiiia A to order, Saddles, Hridlco.and mTrt- Ml - T. Hanu?icl every variety. ite.- He wiil use the very best of materials, and pereontu uiietition to lue b:ui:iecs, b:s fiur.ds andcustonieis may rest ssjuted that they will find every article purehaaed of him, all that il ia repiesented to be, and at prices as low t ine nriicies can uwjiiiiy ue uisposcu oi. April 23, &4ly. SMITU & SOUS,' JACKSON C. H., OHIO. Cept. 23, 1853. ly u. 5, muubat, p. h. mobrat, jas. m'krah Impoiters of, and Dealers 111, HARDWARE AND CUTLERY, SIGS OF THE FR05T ST. POTtTSMOlTTn fiHtn WE will duplicate bills with any regular jobbing Houee in tho West. Country mer chants, fnrnace proprietors, ruilroa d contrac tors, and others, willsubserve their interests by giving u. can. May 19,54.- ly. (Succae&ors to Smith and Holmes.) manufacturers or Tiu, Sheet Iron, and Copper Warn, ALSO DEALERS, WHOLESALE RETAIL, IS Sfoe8, Grates. llohote Ware, MARKET STREET, EaST SIDE. PORTSMOUTH, OHIO. Sept. 8 1564. ly. S00 Uides AVanetd! (GREEN OR DRIED.): For which wa will pay 4 8 Cents per lb, S.& DEMUTH' & CO. December 22nd, 1854. If. " LOOK HEBE JOBS 8WEPSTOII SAMUEL awtPSTOS. J& 8. SWEKTON have opened a fine stock of Goods at PRATTSV1LLK, 0. Call and see for yourselves. . . , Dec.lst, 1854. ftno. '. JOB W OKK. of (very description 'mtlr ateoVad, at ttns 0St. 1 Proclauatiox. P UL VR MA CHE It 3 DyJrs-L'ltttrie TolUIt tten A. NEW and NOVEL male of applying a powerful remedial agent, so constructed as to be voraunder the garments, next to the skin, promising a consta.it uninterrupted cur rent of Electro-Magnetism. eilec-Hns . IMEDIATB REL1E? , . from the moet acuta pin, and alrfOa pormao ent cuieofall :iERV0tSDIo2ASis3. . . It seldom has fulb.l to furnUh almoxt In- ;nt relief, and a i'lSAf, Pcrmabs't Cvt by b-mj ud -ccorUii 3 udirllioa, u the fuHorir.,f dlseac.;:. ).(ieur..atira, Uterine Paic, Gout, Sciatica, Pnlpitrtion of Heart Pumlvsis, Pe-iorliral Headache rii.iuiUs Ttlled J,i!.:ts, Ct. V!tr Dutict ileuralgia of ti:e i-'aca, General Debility, Diwjse cf As Spire, Paiiia vf the Cheat, 'reafness U ?l!!ndUvSs, Hyeterics, Dyspepsia All Diverts thit arfaueed byadeiicieot amor,..icj rurtv. ; i.iw. era greatly reliev. !m, if rot penneneutly c?retl simply wearing .ne c.iains lor a lew Hours encrt car. Be it uyuESMooo that It is not claimed tl'ititcur?ssil d resses, but only those for which it is .-JC"..if.:.nledi end moreover, we brM!y cLbi and c!;fy, that no medical asnit oi a.iy r.ini rtaj nre'ormed eo ua.'iv carvs in in?, the Ir .-t rear, c f thnie dineaees lost niu ed os , ' ' Pt.LVi::5;Av;Hr.a'i Fi ceiiic ChajJi. " And to prove this rseriion we.Hefy any per son la produce :o many wen a iltenHcatiiur tijeatx ofScicn'"'c Piicens end intelli gent pMi.'n'sas may be found io a pamphict of SO prvs, to bs hJ ;rtt'sof the $. at in this 10WU. T!ie Electric ChaL j were fret InlrodactJ In 'i:.tm in 1S50, and tftet Un'subjectee" to uia mcsi liinnouon asd Kioto Tbial, 1y the first rieditwl men hi i'arle, they wrt found .o pu3ustr'r ; and ii,arteUot,i powers in rcieringpnin, trherevet applied, and bv thit iiiliueuce weVe hlfr'MwJ into the!"j!sof that city ,fnl a'.ro.uf :vl by IclVrs pa lent by the French Oove;r:rient. They a.e u.v.7 i.Hi. I 'red In altl Uirerj uospnai in v'-r'i, ucrr.iiTijr, Austria Ifclgtuin, and p' trntel Inf-jse rountiVs, where tiicy Imve bcome t!4 , iUOHT 1 OFULAB lOBATIVB AQtlT II TUB . World! They were first M roJnced in lbe Hulled -ates about c'ejeernnce, and went-V""'$b mm ine fa;nu trni '.s Jtnr-. s,aM;.t weieat o,ice i'lfnd'iccu I'i'.j evfjylrtiiitnl lnNei- u.k, v.hi.re t'ey a;a no. !ii-V.tly line. eTi-e?! even :.xrt "jrr'sth.l eirra .'taa bui ever "-efora bean av..iri'ej tf : n, Thty are hi;-,!ily rccomu:Biidsd Profs. Vahitice Mott Von iuren, Port, -A oths, who have p ib lished their -v'ev.sirf their poaT(?:U vi.I 3 In evcr.l 'd I'a ri.lr'tJJ-.'-na!s inthatcity, i.I swain lit ilier'ri'. jr-c!ka of ntc.i mendinj ''-eit tie to patnU. A ac-i-i;i:nt of their o '-.ion rriy also b fvund in eve.y ;i . . '.l.t, -d tzA to T rj. tire: j of any pc'isra in 'x !JU'u,' r ' lyldg (;ust pid) w I'.e tmU. - The fa!:i can beecnt by p-11, with full il'tip'.h, fl't'llfC. vcr Price oi t t.i.l (.5. nycit.:e.r.J a:e p c'.ittty ii.iitel to .l t. e.r ir.-.i'rtiction, imJ uio- noi'.;;co tiiiun t..'ir mer.t 0..B wC'.'j jicaz 13 I:;v'u.i. No tctjt rnd accumjlich junt w car i'.it t!:ey will not -.t it fj crtiR..it thev cs!i (' t.nd all i.to8 vlio I.uve fcft:ne di 'rt.nlf.l with a conshut posnli g doivu of 1'i.tent llCwt.i'.r.d (bottled an kindly end politely iaviis.l toj'jr.i thom a Uiul. Card t:j Ii :'iicu. I idus vl'0ieeu cifcuw, ii.u M-.-uaial iiul rrf tl.ein fui a vreit lergtli of time, for ty n tlirio. r.ii cantBjp ii ficquectiy rc 'urv-U N. J5..-CT.3 C.'iain illltior jLn ahd lo-T rpv.e of i'3 clect-icf v.vr i uw.cau' applied o cither idiit or . . hildo fr'ol rvle ia a'.l t!:3 prir.cip'c'tics. na the U. H, !. CTPinwr, Qon lea yd. N. Y. A 1 1 cnui m u ii icn i ions ( PoB t paid ) add reeved 13 t. fi. DEi.lUTH, McArlfcsc Ohio, A'.mt f-r 'i;iio i awl adjo'...!,;; Co-mti.a, ilie- iJive prompt ctvcnt:. :. Juiw 30, !oW. ly A Public Invitation. Hicsioca & arc., AiTuJG p.iGt ojjened a V7holesala and Retail EiAH' jfCkiinPoitsmoucli on i'jout .-..vet, i.cl...jn . tarket end Je(,2t' son, tl.-.y invite All to er.'l andexsTjiiue i,.eir . I':,'" ,. ?.i.-:-A " l'in..llo. ly, OV. EVERY Olti-TIVR.' ' iurc'is:-ers can f.t uil limes Cud at ciir ea tsbiishmcnt a full and complete aiiorfneu' of the richest a:td most desi.uble styles, at well as the most common fabrics. Our lone experience in tlie business, and knowledge of iitjiiuiakiuii.ij, nun 11. e ijuiuiics tax purcna- sing, o:a such that we ue cor.1-.lent we can rell lower than any other House in the West. FURS of all kinds wanted, fo which the highest prices will he paid. Portsmouth, November 4, 1853. ly JOHNSON BOOK STORE. HH. JOHNSON, (succes&ct to Joseph Jones) kecits constantly on bund a large slock of BOOKS, STATIONERY, WALL PAPER 4c, . Which he will sell at natrn Pricei. It is hi b design to afford Country Merchants, and puichasers generally, such facilities for sup plying themselves with every article in his line, as they Imve not heretofore enjoyed. Additions ere now being made to his stock, which will muhe one of the Largest toi HeBt in the Western couutry. . As a mere outline, his stock will be fonnd to consist of , . BOOiiS Medical. Scientific, Law, Theolog ical, School, Blank and Miscellaneous. STATIONERY Letter, Cap, Bill and Note Paper. ENVELOPES Bnff, Embossed and Plain White, and Government. WALL PAPER -A heavy and well selected stock, at prices ranging from 8 cents, to (1,50 per bolt. .Also, Borders of the greatest variety, and - Window Blinds. , BLANK. BOOKS-Ledgers, Journals, Day Books, and Time Books, all of every style. " PERIODlCAlyS-Those issued Monthly, and others. , MAPS Laree Maps of both Hemisphere and of the United States; Small Maps of each of tlie Western States, and of Mexico. ' FANCY ARTICLES of different kinds. : ALSO Slates. Conv' Books. Conner Plata. Pencils, Gold and Steel Pens, ink of all kinds. Inkstands, Wafers, &e., etc. , All of .which wiil be. sold low, at Whole sale and Retail at Johnson's J3ook Store, Jones' old stand, Paint 8U, Cbllllcothe, Ohio. - December 5 1853. ly. BLANK DEEDS, BLANK MORTGAGES and alt Blank required undtf. the no tices' Code, for Justice of the Peaasurt eon. ttantly kept on hand and for mil by . Nov, 21,1854. XjtJ , .; , HATS & CAPS, of every quality and style jut received and for sale .cheaper than ever, at 'ZJ4LitrictCO?.- Nov. 11 iMm l. . ..i i.i.mi.l St- err CHERRY PECTORAL, Bf t rapM Own f CCtGQS, COLDS, B01RSEAE89, tsoirnmnoornc-corcu, CBOVr, iSTOItlA, AID coflsuaiPTioj. WB inviu ilia attentiou of the Public to the Certificates appended below, end bespfsk for them that candid consideration ' . i i 1 r l j... nicn IIIEir uunnai iibiiriicbs uracitB, lien in such stations as many who volun tarily bear witness to the efficacy and value of Crkbrt rtcroBAl, do not wantonly trifle with, or distort facts, nor oveislate their coi vlctions. Judge then, whether this Is not tbe medicine U trust when you must bave relief for the throat ot lump; judge too, whetbu e V err fcniiW ought not to have it by them as a safegnerd agaiust the everywhere prevailing enemy, which steab with fatal freuuenrv up on almost every not 1 sna carries ou trie lira a from many a hornet ' . : JarkKi C. I-, htlm Citf, 0 , DtH Not., lilJ, Dr, J. 0. Aria, Sir The Cherry Pectoral Is mnrh inqul ftJ after. Several of our best Physicians huve ud it, three of them in tbeir own rata and always with tbe happiest effects. TIm nr..,.crous patent mediciiies always be for them, lead to incredulity in regard to every new remdv; and it is only afii-r undoubted evldeacs ol1 value In any erticle.lhat au) thlu like a general confidence can be eiciteil. The unrivalled eicellenca of thia combina tion of agents, (in tbe Chtrrr Pectoral) proved beyond rsvil by repeated trial under their own observation, has compelled medical men uJ picleim abroad its usefulness. It is beyond II doubt the best general remedy we have to r the Pulmonary Affections of thy climate, a t the Sums time wdalive and Mpottorunt a na combination of properties. In hope that it will piove its own revard, I J scuba myself. Bsictfully yonr obt. scrrt, JAS. H. C. M1LLKJ.M. D. . Allegan, Mich., lOlbJan., 1853. Deer Sir No one, no not w man, wom an, ot child can be found to deny that the f'itc.-rj Pectoral (sail ibat it claims to be.' There is much used in this vicinity although not knovtn until recently. Tin community shield know hi Mrtuts. Yours truly, Juiir li. Ku.LO00,tI. D. Ltlgmtlrmt of the Lfgal Ppfmwn Mtb tklo cute. Williamsburg, L, l.i Sept. S, 18'ji Dr. J. C. Aykb, Dear Fir Over application for the past tr-.ret years u mv dalievas anadvocatebro.tijlit on some eight months ago a severe irritation of tha bronc hial tubes, which was a cur.stai'l aii'ioyanct to mc, and fust becoming a souki of gical appiehensHin. Every mnwly tri j, fuf ed to even relieve me,lill I tcd yon cher ry Pectoral. This ru not only jeUeved m, Uit as 1 trust. wholly cured me. I cam noth ing fur tb reputalicu of advocotinis Fi ter.a .'.Icticiiifc3Jtl this is at your service. I shud recto.urrcud it to numbers ol 1I10 ba:, u I cibeu uhoM I may meet, laboring uatki siuilai ipdrsixritiinis. Youts Uuly, ..... B. P. Joarc-i. 6utl Paris Me., Aug. 18, lb.'0. ) have no Imitation iu saying.thtit I rgh. l Avet's Cbetty Pectoral as decidedly the 1c. ret.wly within my kiidwlelge lot tne cure ul c' ronic bronchi tia, coiifhs, and all ilim'fs A Cm lungs. M A. iltx-r, M. D. Montgomery, Ala., October 4, ISI. Dr. J. C. AvEii,--Sir: 1 have u:d yotu ad mirable compound extensively in my nrui tii. . ar.d ilnd it to surpass, by far, Buy other rci . ty we nave lor curing ntseuws upon tlie limg .. Your obedient servt., R. I). Jcnr.s M. i). VKatyet nsinnins to convince Uie mosliu' credulous thai the Cherry Pectoral is all l!n.i it purpoits to be, viz: an unequalled .emcilial gent for all diwajesof the throat and lun"s. lr:eexierience of years, has proven it to Id iucb, aud we submit it to the people, believ ing that its virtue will fully maintain Ui leputatioa. Prepared by J.C AYER, CheraUt, Lowell, Msachusettsl , ' .. ' 02T JVware of worlliless prcpmtuvis attempted to be ilroed off uuder a aiinilur name, ' - - - . Sold Bt t . F, ECKSTEIN, Jr., Cincinnati; G.B. WILL, McArthur, and by dealers in Mediciue every where. " Jan. 26 '55 4m'. CLLE & GABMEB, . DRUGGISTS. WILKES VILLE,0IIW, KEEP constantly oa hand the olowing genuine and popular family medicine, PILLS. Sellers Liver ' rills, McLaiue'j Liver Pills, Ayer's Pills. COUGH REMEDIES. Seller's Imperial Couh Syrup, Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, Seller's Hive Syrup, Seller's Syrup of Squills. . WORM MEDICINES, Seller's Vermifuge, McLaine's Vermifuge. LINIMENTS. H. G. Fame's Indian Lin iment, Gardner's Volatile Liniment, Bad way's Ready Relief. Pain Gurcr, Liquid Opidildoc. ' HAIR TONICS. Lyon's Kaihaiion, Q, S. Gavlords. Also: A large and well selected stock of Drugs, Medicines. Oils, Paints and Dye-BtutTs; all lor sale al the lowest prices, PcL 27th, 1854. ly. BANNER STORE, AT THE BLUE CORNER, ItlRTJTB, T1ST01 COCKTL 0010. IN order it dispose of the large quantities of Mebandiee, now In McArthur, wears convinced of the uecessity of offering Induce ment? to customers, sufficient, to warrant them la coming from a greater distance for their-sapplies,. Tct accomplish this wa are determined to . . v. - w DIVIDE THE PrtOFiT8 With out friends. -14 other words, wa will positively sell, for Cash or Produce, DRY GOODS, CLOTHING,- HARD WARE, QUEENSWARE,' end the BEST. FAMILY GROCERIES, AT ONE-HALF THE USUAL PROFITS Generally charged in this region of country. We say, to the Fanners ol Vinton, vya am prepared to prove what we say. Call and see lor yourselves. Aod.vre.herebv give notico to all concerned, . that the day for 'selling Goods, in McArthur, for 50 and LOO per cent, ia rod by.. , We bave determined to sell fur 5 and 10 per cent, and the.u make money by making more sates, Our stock is entirely new, and, we will, as wants of the people require it, renew. . Call and see. 8. S. DEMUTU fit Co, ' Nov. .17; l854.-6m.. . . . , ' ' v':;;pxYoo$.- 's ?H .oS CAM P BELLA CO. AiflWlSW. fi ... o