OCR Interpretation

M'arthur Democrat. (McArthur, Vinton County, Ohio) 1853-1865, May 04, 1855, Image 1

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"'' A
VOL. 3. TAim
The M'Arlhur Democrat.
(1,00 per year, and if not puytd within the
)ttr, $2,00 uill be churgtd.
These Term must be strictly complied
vith, and no paper uill be discontinued until
all arrearvgts are paid, unless at the option
of the publisher
GTF" die square, thirteen lines or lc first
three insertion fcl 00
Each additional insertion 25
Curds one ear, 43,00.
A liberal deduction will be mode ' to per
sons tidver Using by the year.
All vdvrrtmvunts puyahhin advance or
on demand
' igents for tbe "JlrJrtliur Dcmorrat." ;
Tbe following Gentlemen will Receive and Receipt
(or Subecnptione and AdrartlicmeDt, (or this Ie
yt, In Vlnion Countr. Cnio.
rr.vroN Cox,
Wm. Tavlf.r,
Jko. Clack, Sr.,
J. Hlolh,
J. Giu.dk,
Adam Lynn,
Hamden Furnace.
Ml. Pleasant.
Harrison Township.
llloers store,
B. P. HEWITT, Judge of Probate Court
W.L. EDMlSTON.CIerk Com. Pleas Court
li. F. BlNGlIAM.Prosecuting Attorney.
Wu, TISUE, Sheriff.
J. SWErSTON, Treasurer.
JAMES M ALONE, Recoider.
UEO. ULLOM, Coroner.
County Commissioners,
School Examiners,
0. I". GUNNING, G. V. SHOCK.EY and
With their
Tost Office Adresses.
Cincinnati Furnace. Weslfall, Stew
art f- Co., Hamden. Reeds Mill P. O.
Eagle Furnace, Stanley, Eenlley &
Co., Manufacturers of the best quality
(if Pig Iron. Eagle Post Office.
Vinton Furnace, Means, Clark iSt Co.
Manufacturers of best quality of Pig
Iron, Vinton Furnnce Tost Oflice.
liAknEN Furnace, Frazee, Tarr & Cu.
Reed'g Mill PustOilire.
Bio Sanu Furnace, Burtlett, Dm) a J
Co., Manufacturers of the best q unlit)1
ofl'iglron. 1'osl Office at Athene, O.
Merchants ok Vinton, who ape
Seller in Err Goode KaiIaie, Quecntwato, Loon,
Shoei, Groteuei, eit.
McAkthub. John S. Hawk, J. K. cj- D
Will, T. A. Martin, Owm l;i ul, J. C. P.
Brown, E. A. Brullou, J. & E. Doily, Similes
ft Reynold?.
Hahukn. Bnij. Dill, D. D. T. Hard, H. B.
Moore, J. B. W. Jl. Willtcn, Win. C.
Wii.KKfvii.i.E. S. S. Murry, John Gil'.en.
Ciiiio & Gardner, Ft-I'.uii &. Lastley, Junies
Blt-akely. Can &. Strong.
Ai.LKNsvn.i.E. l'eur Miller, Marcos Mil
Irr, Joseph ileox.
Mt. I'lkasant. Phillip Sum.
Piu-mvii.Li:. Sxiept-tou A. bvej'Ston, II. W
btuldard. B. P. Hewitts Co.
Aikin's Mill. J. Bluer.
BtiiKHEiiM.iit'a Mill. William Tisur.
FU.li N 1 T U li E K OOMS
Mo Vrthur. E. P. Bothwell.
McARTian.-G.B. Will.
Hamof.r. Davis & Collins.
W'lLKthVii.LE. Cline &. Gardner.
McAhtiiub.-J.G. Swctluml, B. C. Cogswe
Alio r ii c) at Law,
Will practice in Vinton and adjoining coun
ties. Office three doors West oi the Fo
Feb. 9, 1S52. 31 tf
Attorneys at law.
Will practice in partnershipinVinton Conn
ty. Office, lour doors east of " Siston & Hul
bert's Hotel.
Eeb. 21.1854. Iy9.
February 23, 1855. 4m.
Attorney at Law, , -
WILL practice in Vinton and iidjoining
counties. Office, one duoreaal of the
tlue Corner."
tO" Oflice in Hulben & Sitsou's Hotel.
Feb. 1C, 1855, 1.
R. LLOYD &C0.j
AThoIcsale Dealers lit
Janiwry 20, 1854. ly
-.. No. 55, Fbokt Stbeet,
Jinunrj-20, l5i. ly.
From the Waverley Magazine.
I Have Loved Thee!
I haTe loved thee Irf the morning of thy glad
ness and thy pride,
I have chosen thee 'buve other gifts and all
the world beside;
I have thought of thue so ofieu in the still
ness of the night, .
I have loved thee in the daytime, so. beau '.i
ful and bright.
I have loved thee in my sorrow.when my heart
was fit led with care,
When Hope, his flickering rays, shed but
meteor's glare; .
And then 1 had sweet thoughts of thee, they
came like visions bright,
And round my heart they gently bhed a pure
and holy light.
And 1 have thought oi iht whatvUfefrlast
tuckering ray
Seemed quite to lose its brilliance and nearly
die away;
'Twas then the thought of thee was near,
w hich cheered my heart agu in,
And I quite forget in huppinc&s that I had
e'er known pain.
I have loved thee in the morning of thy beau
ty and thy pride,
I have loved thee ut the noon-tide, my own
mv liminv bride:
' j r i ,
I have loved thee in the evening, when Sol's
last rava were thrown.
And, ihall love thee ever, my beautiful, my
[From the Waverley Magazine.]
It is near the close of a beautiful day
in Spring; a few fleecy clouds float la
zily through the wide expanse of blue;
the sun shines bright and warm, and
the light breeze gently waves the green
lolinge of the trees. Two little pirls
are returning home from school. The
eldest, a sweet, modest looking child,
walks soberly along, but the little one,
with her hand clasped in that of her
sisler, dances by her side,and the pleas
ant words and merry laugh come from
a heart as lree and joyous as the warb
ling birds.
It is evening now. The last rays of
the setting sun have disappeared behind
the western hill-tops the last tinge of
purple and gold is fast lading away,
and here and there a more ambitious
star has already peeped forth; 'tis the
fiose oi anomeraay, whose gulden mo
ments have fotever tlown. Again I
see that little child, whose happy smile
and loving kiss so won my heart but
the merry laugh has erased she lays
moaning in her little bcd,delirious with
lever. All niyht the weeping friends
watch by her tiny couch. The morn
ing, the quiet Sabbath morning dawns
all fair and bright,, as if sorrow and
sickness had never entered the world.
It dawns upon a mournful croup path-
ered within a room plainly but neatly
lurnishecl. 1 he physician holds the
fair white hand of the little snfiVrer
within his own; now he gently lays it
by her side, and sadly murmuring, she
is dead lie' turns away.
Again I gaze upon that lifeless form
it is robed for burial the soft brown
hair is now parted upon her pure angel
ic brow, and those bright, sparkling blue
eyes are now closed forever. Hark!
The slow toll of the bell peals out a
requiem for the dead. Seven brief
summers had that tender bud been nour.
ished, then like the little llowret which
in the morning flourishes, and ere it is
noon fades away, had she passed from
Again the bell is tolling, and I see a
band of mourners wending their way to
the village church-yard. A neat white
paling encloses the sacred spot, a few
trees planted by loving hands adorns the
place, where are laid the remains of
parents, brothers, sisters and friends,
and here the widowed mother leaves
her youngest born, the little sunbeam
that nestled so lovingly in the hearts ol
those who loved her, and filled their
home with oy and happiness. O! how
sadly mother and sister miss $eir dar-N
ling Lame; but they know that she is
now an angel in Heaven,and soon they
shall meet her there.
The curtain drops and wiping tears
from my eyes, I gazed upon another
Within a crowded ball-room, where
merry feet are dancing to lively strains
of music, is a fair and beautiful girl,
leaning upon the arm of a young man
of noble appearance; they leave the
brilliantly lighted apartment, and seek
the conservatory. See! He places the
betrothal ring upon her finger; one mo
ment thej linger,therj return to the danc
ers. . The gay winter with, its balls ar d
parties has passed away. Spring, too,
with its budding trees and early flow
ers, has gone, and Dow the crowded
city is deserted of many of its wealthy
inhabitants, who seek the country to
while away the long summer days, far
from the heal and noise of the dusty
town. In a sea-girt village,! see again
the fair maiden; but the face is paler,
and her step more languid than when
we first beheld her. among the merry
group gathered within the halls of pleas
tire. Consumption has set its seal up.
on her brow slowly she is passing
away, yet knows it not. . ,
It is winter. Again I &ee her with
in her city home. .The hectic flush
upon her cheek causes her to look more
lovely than ever, as, .wrapped in her
richly embroidered morning gown, she
liitleisly rectifies upon the sofa, befora
the plowing crate. 1 turn tvav and
. J W r J
sigh, that one so beautiful must so soon
be laid Beneath the turf. Weaker and
eakershe crows a th fiAv n hv
and now she's unable to leave her rnnnh: !
alt that wealth and luxury can procure
yiuciiuac-u lur me invauu.
Spring with its buds and blossoms ia
once more here, but brings not health
to her. Again I see that gentle creat-1
ure a new lisht beams in her dark-
eye, and a holy calm is visible ii every
feature of that lovely face. For the
nrst time the Holy Sacrament is being
administered to her. During her sick,
nessshe has been led an humble nm.
tent to her Saviour's feet, and now the
thought ot death) has for her no terror.
It IS a dark and storm v nirrht. 1ml t!o
croup gathered within that richlv rW.
orated apartment heed not its ragings.
On one side of an exquisitely carved
COUch kneels a V0uth. hnlrlinrr tltA wtl
ed hand of her who, in a "few-short
weeKs, ne was to have claimed for his
bride; and on the other, with bended
knee, the man of God invokes a bles-
sing to rest upon the spirit, so soon to
ascena to ;ts jviaKtr. A smile lights
up the countenance of the dying one,
and sottly she resDonds to the low Amen
then closing her weary lids, calmly and
ll . I. .1 I W 1
s weeuy-sne oreatnes ner last, in beau
tiful Greenwood thev lav her to rest bv
the side of her parents. A costly mon-v
ument Willi this simple inscription:
Edith, Aoed 20, .
marks her restinc-nlace. Another scene
in life's drama is ended. '
From the Waverley Magazine.
Among the "Portfolio Leaves" from
the pen of Martha Haiues Butt one
of the most popular story writers we
have we lind the following pretty
sketch, entitled "The two Portraits,"
which are indeed correct delineations
of the originals, often to be met with
in our journey through life, though sad
the reality may seem, yet change is
stamped on all things.
The fairest soon grow old, the old soon pass
The two Portraits.
Look in yon sequestered nook par
tially shaded by rich curtains; there
hangs a portrait. A lovely creature ot
eighteen summers there smiles upon the
canvass; her bright eyes speak a lan
guage of themselves; the slightly par
ted lips is the resting place of a smile.
Upon her beautifully moulded neck no
gem is seen, for it was gem enough ot
itself. A light drapery is thrown around
her lorm, but partially concealing it
from view: the sylph-like grace and
syinmelry was not intended to be hid
den. That Portrait! it unfolds a tale
of other days; it speaks of the time
when youth uhed Us lustre and beauty
upon that being those eyes! their
brightness upon all who met their gaze.
i hose lips! Irom them came the sweet
est melody, the softest strains of music.
" 1 hose cheeks! fairest roses nest ed
there and blushed upon many who
sought the hand of the possessor. Those
fairy lingers! oft did they lightly touch
the guitar, the echo of which was borne
to many a listening ear. Ah! that
portrait speaks a language low and sad.
"JLet us go into another nook, the
arm-chair is in its accustomed place-1-
one is mere seated wnose brow is deep
ly funowed by the plow of time. The
smile hath gone! care sits there en
throned; the lips are no longer smiling;
the neck is concealed by massive dra
pery; that form lias not its wonted round
ness and beauty; the voice hath lost its
music; the rose that once bloomed upo
on the cheek is withered; the fingers
have grown stiff with age; the step is
slow and leeble. Sadly hath time al
tered that portrait. The aged one
gazes upon the beauty which adorned
her past years, and sighs, But her
youth had forever fled.
"Life presents, indeed, two portraits:
one is all joy and brightness, but O! the
last one is sadly, sadly changed.'
(QThe following is the bill, of costs
of the late visit of the members of the
New York Legislature to the citjr of
New York:
Astor bill, $4,486 73
Music, . 81 00
Cigars, ... 35 00
Meat, '. . 137 00
Bread, . 14 00
Sundries, 239 32
Oysters, 76 75
Champagne, 217 00
Brandy, 26 25
Spoons stolen, , , 50 25
Boat, 150. 00
Bread $14, brandy and champagne
$243,25! ic doing very well for a Leg
islature that has since passed the Maine
Liquor Law. ' ,'
A militia officer wanted to comnli
raent a negto by drinking with him.'
"Well, uaptain," replied Uutf, "1 se
very r)' 80 V won't be ugly 'bout it.
Some niggers are too proud to drink
with a niilishy ossifer; but I think a
milishv ossifer. when . he's sober.- is
just as good as a nigga 'specially when
tne nigga is ary.
.' .The young lady who was ''hurried
in grief," is now alive and doing well.
It was only a case of premature interment.
From the Waverley Magazine.
"JJjcar me! I wish father would eith
er buj, or build a new house. It is
perfectly abominable to think of living
in thai little pepper-box of a concern,
all tha days of ones life; besides it is
decidedly unfashionable."
So, spoke Marian Mildrum, as she
glanced almost involuntarily, at her
father's humble cottage a neat little
tenament, situated on the edge of the
distant woodland, thickly embowered
in the clinging ivy, that clambered
over its time-worn sides, and hanging
about In clustering festoons.
' " MHdrum cottage was a pretty.cheers
ful appearing little place in every one's
eyes, except Marian's, whosince her
graduation at Madame Develour's fash
ionable school for young misses, had
beconre possessed of a quite exalted
ideas of. fashionableness and gentility.
A thing to be beautiful, in ber sight,
hadio be sanctioned by fashion.
'0, father! what a beautiful place!
So lovely! so rural! O! buy it do.
am sure I shall like it; it is so pretty!"
exclaimed Lena Ellington, to her fath
er, as Mildrum cottage burst upon their
view, as they were travelling one day,
seeking to find a summer home in the
country far away from the dust and
heat of the noisy city.
' "Yes, it is very pretty;" said Mr.
Ellington, in reply, "let me go and see
it." ;
And so Mildrum Cottage was sold.
All the neighbors knew it, and were
sorry, for they hated to part with so
kind a neighbor as Mr. Mildrum.'
Marion alone was glad; she was al
most beside hetself with joy; and she
had already began to build castles in
the air, which she was glad to inhabit.
A poor sewing girl was wandering
about the streets of New York. She
had no home not even a place lo lay
her aching head. A policeman asked
her name, and she answered
"aYIaman Mildkim."
Demolition of Gibralter.
A pamphlet has just appeared at Pa
ris, attributed to the eminent journalist,
Girardin, in which it is declared, that,
it the freedom of the seas and the peace
of the world are to be secured, Uibral
ter ought to be dismantled as well as
Sebastopol. The idea seems never lo
have struck any one heretofore. But
having once been suggested, its justice
appears immediately.
What Sebastopol is, in fact, to the
Black Sea, that Uibralter is, and even
more, to the Mediterranean; and as the
Mediterranean is larger than the Eux
ine, much the greater is the necessity
for destroying Uibralter. The old
adage says: "It is a bad rule that will
not work both ways." England,vhen
she began the present war, never sup
posed that the arguments she brought
forward in favor of the demolition of
Sebastopol would be turned against her
pet possession, Uibralter. Yet Sebas
topol has one argument at least, in fa
vor of its preservation, which the Brit
ish lortress of Uibralter has not, tor it
is built on Russian territory, while
Gibralter is a thousand miles from Eng
land, and erected virtually on Spanish
Whatever may be the case with
France, there is a deal of inconsisten
cy in the conduct of England in this
war. We have no desire to palliate
the aggressive policy of Russia. But
Ure at Dntain, tor nearly two centuries,
has been advancing as steadily in the
Mediterranean as Russia has been ad
vancing towards Constantinople. She
has seized, within that period, not on
ly Gibralter, but Malta and the Ionian
Islands, so that, in the event of war,
she has fortified harbors all over that
sea, at which to refit her fleets, an ad
vantage which gives her a naval su
premacy there over any one Mediterra
nean power, if not over all combined.
Nor has she ever relused a new post in
that important inland ocean, if we ex
cept Candla, and that was merely of
fered to her as an eventuality, and not
as a territory already in possession.
England,' in a word,has successfully
obtained that preponderance at sea over
other European powers, which Russia
is charged now with aiming at on land.
Is it astonishing, therefore, that en
lightened men should begin to say,
"Take the beam out of thine own eye?
Philadelphia Ledger.
You may insert a thousand excel
lent things in a newspaper, and never
hearawordof approbation from the
readers; but just let a paragraph slip
in, of one or two line?, and you may
be sure of hearing about that.
The harte.t of tb55 will most likely
be one of great abundance, for which the
Farmer will realize the present high pri
ces. In view of this, sow and plant
this spring, largely and w ell.
Telegraph wiies have been extened
entirely across tha peniusula of Iliudos
tan, from Calcutta to Bombay, a dis
tance of twelve hundred miles.
.'Did you know,' said a cunning Yan
kee lo a Jew, 'that they hang Jews and
jackasses together in Portland V 'In
deed 1 '.hen it if well that you and I are
not there,' retorted the Jew.
The Reaction against Know Nothingism
The Reaction against Know Nothingism in Ohio--Declention of
The Reaction against Know Nothingism in Ohio--Declention of the Order--A Voice form the Marietta
Intelligencer, a K. N. Paper.
Pcr' ' . .
The Marietta Intelligencer has long
been known as one of tha ablest and
most respectable Whig papers in Ohio.
Up to the preaent time it has given the
Know Nothing movement a staunch
and faithful support; but in its issue of
April 14, it holds the followinglanguage
which we reproduce ' with pleasure, as
showing the great change a few Weeks
have produced in men's minds in regird
to the course pursued by the partisans ot
tbe bigoted and proacripiive order.
Alumina Adnt.Ttim . .. ... ..
-amenta u neiorm pari came' pa?
fore the people with "high pretentious
i. k : i, r ., ' . r
and nattering promises' to reform the
politics of the country, arid to 'elect the.
best men for offices.' and that it had
sympathized with the early ,publshed
views of the order, gues on to say:
Cin. Enq. ' i -' -
"To most of its early triumph's, arid
to a few of its later ones, it friends
and the friends of the country miy point
witti pnue, u may, and in soma loci
lions doubtless will,- accomplish good
for a little while to come, . Bu,t, unless
there is an early and radical change in
its plan of operations; unless there is a
material modification of some of the
more recently avowed purposes of many
of its leaders, and unless there is an en
tire change in the men, and the charact
er and policy of the men who now con
trol the order in most of our cities.and
some of the States.no obscrtitie man can
fail to see, and no honest nan hesitate
to declare, that the whole movement will
soon become a reproach to the country, a
hissing and byword among the people,
and an utter stench in the nostrils of.
all decent men. .. ' ...!...
"In many places, instead of nomina
ting 'the best men' as candidates. Ihey
have proscribed such men,' and" hare
made membership the only qualification
for office. The effect of this has bftn to
induce corrupt and office seeking pollti
cian. of all parties to rush into the or
der, and thej are the men toko art now,
to a great extent, controlling its actions:
theu are the -men who put in nomination
the rap Taylors of Cincinnati, and fhe
Barker's of New York, and the Camer
on's of Pennsylvania, the utterly cor-
rupt parly hacks nf the country and the
veriest demagogues of the land. It is
under the lead of such men that the dis
graceful outrages in Cincinnael have re
cently been perpetrated. ' '-.'
"The united testimony of men of all
parties is that there has for years been
no election in Cincinnati more honestly
Luiiuuticu man me ibis one ior city of
ficers. But some of the nominees of the
Reform party were so obnoxious to men
who regard capacity and moral worth as
qualiScations lor office, that thousands
who joined it from pure motives refused
to vote its ticket, and the consequence
was defeat, where victory was supposed
to be certain. Then, under the pre tense
that iruud bad bean perpetrated, J the
ballot-box of one ward was destroyed,
and when it appeared lhat even that
outrage was not sufficient to defeat the
will of the people, the ballots aud-tally
list in another ward were burned 1 The
only excuse offered for this act was that,
according to report, there were fifty or
more ballots in tne box than names on
the tally-list. The report was not true,
and there is no Uoubt that it was known
to be untrue, and that it was put in cir
culation for the veiy purpose of provo
king just such an outrage as was com
mitted. We heard one of the men who
was engaged in lhat affray justify the de
struction of the ballots on the erour.d :
'Whenever we think tne ballot-box isn't
pure, 1 go in for destroying it'.' May
the ballot-boxes of tbe land long be pre
served from the purity of muh men as
these!" . . ,.;
Stop my Paper.
The following remarks are loo .good to
be thrown to one side without, at least;
a passing notice, They are true to the
leiiej, and suitable to all localities. We
are of the opinion lhat the weakest ca
pacity cannot fail to understand theuv.
It is astonishing what exalted "no
tions some persons hare of their own
importance. They stem to imagine that
they are altogether necessary to the on
ward roll of our little world, and if by
any means they should be shoved on Col
the way, tbe screws would be so loose
that the old machine would no longer
hold together and of course, if such im
portant personages only say to an edi
tor, "stop my piper," the whole es
tablishment must goto ttought'instaa
ler. "
. We hare often laughed in bur sleeve
though outwardly we looked as grave
as an owI--when one of these regula tors
of the world has marched into our sane
turn aud ordered a discontinuance of his
paper. Aud it always does us good to
see the starch taken out of him while the
eiliior smilihgly replies,- 'certa inlyMr,
with the greatest pleasure, just as oon
as the clerk has entered a dozen or more
names which has just been sent in.'
Tbe mighty man ilts down - like' the
narratite of a whipped spaniel, and he
shrinks away, muttering to himself.
'Well I'm afraid that the stopping of
my paper has not ruined him at ler-all.'
These swells who stop their paper ou
account of some miff which baa found
its way iulo theii craneum, are sure to
borrow their neighbor's copy to see if it
does do; contain the editor's, farewell
address to his readers. .:-isi !;
We once kuew a minister who in-describing
a Christian's character, and tbe
circumspection of hit walk, said the way
to heaven required ai much. car as it
did for a. cat to walk oa a wall covered
with broken bottles It is somewhat
so with an editor if he pleases Vittj-
Lancaster Whig.
Important, it True!
As brother Ba3comuseJ otf when
hard driven for editorial, 'ihe'Jwea'.her
is exceedingly foj" etbe'rfore'pirb'
tub, ou our tint page,' iu ejten'aajrQm
the Evening . Poet. t sermon . of, Father
Walworth, (we learn he is adodt thirty
veara old,V Catholic dlvlnerdefcoaru
ting the locality of hell, on geological
principles, fd be about twertly-oria mHel
betow the surface of the earth. ' The
extreme beat of the last Tew days, ii
unusual for the season; is highly, sue-.
gestae of the truth of this theory. Sev
era! 'other' phenomena '. concur "to creiri
the idea lhat the crust of the earth is pe- '
coming thinner, and tint our ,tcrrest'ri&(
b-ill will soon turn inside ou Yeout
andlhe'rnoo'n Vutted u In conluictioa
1a$tBVtnftg,'aIsif Considering 'w nether
they should not take a last long linger
ing look in this directions They pres
ently left uj" id midnight' darkti4fa.iB if
displetased soeljr, at the spectacle hare .
belaw, ' fir the political ' wdrld,' so rife
are errer'jaad rascality,! 1il $vuow
Nothing'nm, ' gcWstopul, the "four
points," aiid.'.jj IhbVsarld jOer, devil
ments; 'that We are sadly forced' to coa
elude Sometimes. 'that1 wi hatt'-heMl up
on earth, '' and need not go ao far down
as Father' W.'.'tfould ji're'ciafnt VrVo are
disposed to make a tour of observation
to that ever to.be shenoed, apt we trust,
to an, lat oil country, v
FathYr Walworth (yq see cpnipcidea
ia opinion with a wise hnd'Iea'rned but
plain spoken German, who emigrated to
Arkansas some ''year since'.1 ) The Ger
man was rather more so. Diiviuz along
the road one day with his ever present
son Hans, he espied a aprUg alaaluMt
distance from the coad-side. Ue stopped.
his wagod, took a bucket and went to
it for the purpose of watering bis horses.
Dipping his bucket do.wn, he,discovef
ed to bis great consternation,' that the
water was boiling, and instantly' rushed
back tu his wagon,' without his bucket,
excla'imjng, "Drive on fa ha, 1 hell iah
not one mile from dis place." ' -:I -,'J';
Father Walworth' is the sonofCbarr
oellor Walworth, ' educated, wa Wara,
for the pulpit of the Episcopal church,
and is on? of the most , learned ; and.
highly intellectual men in the Cathotjc
The Wheat Prospect in the West.
We learn from a gentleman who
traveled pretty extensively through the
States of the North-west during the pan
six weeks, that the prospect of the wheat
crop is' good. In Iowa a .large quantity
has been sown, but so grent js the immi
gration to that State, and soi rapidly did
it fill up last season that a large portion
of the surplus will be required fur the
new settlers there and in Kansas ami
NebrarikB, Throughout Illinois, it-is re
presented that the crop never looked bet
ter, The high prices of the last few
years, and the almost certainty tint
there-will be little, abatement during
the present, have1 stimulated the' farmers
to 60W to an extent beyond former pre
cedent. Anil tha ' 6a me may be said 'of
Wisconsin. The piospect there is that
the abundant crop of lust year will Ba
succeeded by oim equally u good as
this. . ". . , -
' We hear good tepoits, too. from In
diana and Michigan, Ou the 'vhole.lf
uo untoward event interposes between
now and harvest, the North-west which
is, in fact, tha grunery of the Union--will
turn out a surplus which will gul
den the hearts of the bread less in our
Eastern cities. 'I . "
' There will be comparatively few men
engaged in the construction of railroads
id the West during the present season
all the great lines being nearly Completed.-
'I'h Is wi'l reduce the consumption
of noiv-producers, and cause a large
amount of labor to return lo agriculture
-lhu''increasing our ' surplus ' by the
operation of two causes. So pur Eastern
friends may look for an active fill busi
ness and a Jull supply, of .breadstulD,
unless blight or mildew,. ot somt other
destroying sgetiEUEiU blast the fair pros
Chicago Dem.
Going West.
'The Zanesvllle- Tiaifs contains" Vttfy
aensible article In lelatlbn to the", tide
of emigration westward. - The views ex
pressed are just as applicable toother
sections as to the vicinity of Zanesville,
The Times sayrt ; j$
.' "Hundreds of families hart left jcom.
fortableand eveu luxurious .homes. -in
Muskingum county sacrjiGcd, a pro. par-,
ous busiuess, which, yielded Uem, an
abundance;, not only to live upon hut to
lay up in store for b the future, 'and are
following the inconsiderate train going,
they hardly know whether,' to underUke
the trials of frontier lifeV Such sore)
do Dot euffideutly reflect upon' what is
in store for the emfgrant the certainty
of fevers and other maladies incident lo
a change of climate and a residence in a
new c:ou!nffy 'the "leprivatiorl 6f torn
Tort and luxuries of iocie'ijvchiiteheB,
schools, an impioved and highly culti
vated country, and mirnberjees lher
things" they think Vot'. of until 'out of
reach. ' II Is "astonishing that sd'rhaoy'
that are doing w ell here, are' restless to
get away, to share the'eertain 'de'srtny
of very many of those whollave preced
ed them to the new countries. ; People
should pause aud Consider well tbV'ma'g
uitude of such an einfifprise" before: Vti
dertakingif,"5' ' " ""'
"Dak, how does the thermometer
stand t" 'Against the witl;- datf.'J I
mean how is rhe-mercijrjr f Mjnies
ifa pistty well, daafith.asVf complain
ed lately.' 'Youjitlie rascal, ia it cold
er than yesterday'r,'l0don,t know, dad,
Hlgoout arid feel Hat
--'The greatest truths aretheHnrplest,
sd are the" bfeatest rhea. J"'-"""-'
Brevity is a great praise of loqueacrr

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