OCR Interpretation

M'arthur Democrat. (McArthur, Vinton County, Ohio) 1853-1865, December 20, 1855, Image 2

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Tihiiscav, Dunu 20.
nWLLCL Of ALL MADS, is rrctfii
ti at tA terykightil murktt jixtcts, on Sub
i(um or Advertisements, al thin olct.
Money m not rrfvsed.
vnd all Uloidn required under the Jun
ius Code for Juiticea o) IhtFeuce. ore con
ttontly kept on hand and for tule ut Ihi Of
fice. V. B. PALMERS
ftMMftfmr Sabacripiion 1011 Ad-eillsing Arncy
'flllLADELffllA, New YoKK.lWroNaild BaL-
n iMncE, is our auilioi izt-il agont (0 receive bihI
receipt fur subscription aud advertisement for
me uemocbat.
Moulson's Rochester Nursery.
it Moulso.v expects Jierealtpr to
self Trees or Shrubbery in these parts,
he will be under the necessity of hav
ing some honest and more accommoda.
tin sjents than he seDt here of late.
3Ve contracted for a lot of trees with
an express understand ing in -reference
thereto. Another individual than the
one we contracted with, an ignoramus
who supposes no doubt that, as he hails
from the East, he is 'some pumpkins,
and so lie is,' and some ; too.-
Jle disregarded our contract entirely,
and sold our trees to Tho. Davis, who,
we aie informed, bought them with a
lull knowledge ot the facts. Perhaps
it would be as well for our readers to
bo on their guard, and at least take
lecurity for the performance of con
tracts, 011 the part of these land-sharks,
that are traversing every township' in
our State.
If our neighbor Davis knew the
facts in regard to the matter, he has our
thanks for his interferance,
McArthur Steam Mill.
It is now a settled matter that' we
are to have a Steam Mill at last. A
company lias been formed, composed
of gentlemen who are rariitlii nmt
business men in every sense of the
1 !! . 1. - .
term men wno win take Hold of the
matter in real earnest and who will
Le on hands in person. These are the
men we can place confidence in; not
your silk gloved gentry, who cannot
contribute labor as well as capital, but
both. We always do like to see men
at the head of an enterprise that we
icci a pemonai imprest 111, mat can
ing out, "Come on, Boys"
The site, we are told, is on the
Railroad, at the east end o flown, north
lide Main street. To all concerned,
we lay success.
McArthur Steam Mill. Great Excitement in the Fusion
Camp——McArthur Council in
Some wag reported on our streets one
morning that friend Magee, in conse
quence of his continued ill health, had
determined to resign the office of Au
ditor, during the late session of Com
missioners. A meeting of th Know
Nothings was forth with called in open
dr the first of the kind ever before
held in our town; and we are inform
ed, by one who professes to know, that
T.K.Stanley w-as the unanimous
choice of the dark-lanterniles. for An.
ditor. Thereupon a great flury was
raiseu, ana me way our worthy Cora
missioners were beset was a caution.
Democrats look upon the matter as a
capital joke, that these Federal K, Ns.
should even for a moment think tut
two Democratic Commissioners would
appoint to one of tha
cffice3 of our county a leading member
vi tutu iruer.
A Stalled Congress.
We are compelled to announce to
cur readers that at the present writing
(Dec. 14th) the Peoole's hnmrmrr
Representatives of last fall's election,
men termed "Kepuwicans," have not
etorganized,although they have spent
eleven days in balloting, at the rate of
bout $6000 per day of the people's
money! Ot course no sane man lays
any blame upon the Democratic mem
bers of that body. The proceedings
published in another column, shows
that this .is a perfect "stall;" and if the
people don?t fut their own shoulders
to the wheel, the wheels of Legisla
lion, at least, will most Assurptitu iinn
There are only 81 Democrats to 202
oi tne opposition (there being one va
cancy). We hold these 202 mnmhera
responsible for delay in not attending
loiwe uuaiaeta mey were sent tliere to
f - 1 i .i
no oesiaes tne useless expenditure ol
such large sums ot money, without
any benefit to the public.
The citizens of Ohio who go in for
ooing away wun party politics, can
ee some of the beautiful results aris
ing from their no-party course. We
have ever contended that two great par
lies in tin's Government, is absolutely
necessary to protect the liberties and
rights of our ci'izer.s. The more ol
thiii mongrel politics we see, the more
are we convinced of the necessity ot
the Democratic party adhering strictly
. to its organizations.
Let this Fusion Congress continue
nnorganized. God knows the Repub
lic is better without their, legislation
with-it. '
We would like to hear tliera sing
the lollowing in full chorus :
- 'fl skies are bright, our hearts are light,
JH limidjgds we once more unite;
Vie 'II ing our ongs t good old tunes?
. lt are we not them 'Eajnp cd Coon.'
' Hurrah! hurrah! vc tjiitik in reason,
k J x, t year v ill br tjrrat Coon season."
0Phiilif Sain will rind it to his
advantage to call on us the tuA time he
isiu town.
tCr"WriujA Suallwood can learn
something ( interest to iiiiu by calling
At this ctiire.
Ben. Lcitxr A Hat Tcmkbrd.
'J hat would-tje rpeaker that once
loakd Itimself in Chockcry, hM 'ten
dered his hat to Bex. in esse the Fu
sion and Know Nothing riots should
run so high as to compel lias, to keep
his teat.
MAnvBi.oi'j Cubes. We have al
ways been slow to believe the wond
eilul cures which one medicine after
another pretends to have made, but
slow as we are, we will own up, when
we are fairly convinced. Those ol
our readers who are acquainted with
the cases of Mrs. Beach and Mr. Far-
well, will not think us lightly turned,
when we confess our belief that Ayer's
Cathartic Pills have virtues for puri
fying the Hood which excel anything
wuhin the range of our acquaintance
hitherto. For those who are not cog
nizant of the facts, we will say: she
had been sffliited for over eight year
with srorlula which only grew worse,
in spite of all the remedirs she could
employ, until she took Oyer's Pills.
Under their influence one alter another
of her acres have healed, until she is
apparently as free from the complaint
as ourselves. He has had liver com
plaint with pain in his side that disa
bled Iuri Irom work tor a longtime; all
other medicines had failed to afford
him any permanent relief, but a few
doses ol Ayer's tills cured him, and
he is now steadily at hid old post ol
conductor ou the cars. Middletown
Daily Courier.
Washington, Dec,7— P.M.
Senate. VVeller gave notice of his
intention to introduce a bill authoriz
ing lud facilitating the rciQc'
After a brief .executive tession, th
Senate adjourned.
House, Resumed voting for Speak
Richardton 73
Campbell 70
Banks 20
Fuller 16
Peuuingion 9
Wheelu II
Zollicoffer 15
Thurston '2
Walker 2
Smith, of Alabama 1
Nichols 1
Oliver 1
Haven-" i
Foiter I
After the 23d ballot had been taken,
Mr. Cimpbell, in a snort speech with
drew hit name .as a candidate. Four
mor ballot were bad but without
choice The following is the
.. 73
... 7
Thurfton 7
Wmjoum, of Ma 6
Howard 3.
Tapan 2
Meacham j
Haven 2
Campbell, NichoU, Oliver, Carlisle
Grow, Woodruff, A. K. Marshall, Cox,
Emmons, Washburn of Wis., 1 each
215 vote?: uecesarv for a choice, 108.
The House then adjourned.
Iloust. The ballotting for Speaker
wis resumed. The following is the 33d
ballot: Kitcharddon, 73; Banks, 100;
Fuller, 30; Zollicoffer, 2; Pjnuiugton,
2; scattering 14.
The House then adjourned-
Greeley,) who is now at Washington
under date of the 6tb, says:
' The prospect now is that no Speak
er will be chosen before Tuesday next-"
Senate. On motion of Mr. Weller,
the select committee on the Pacific
Railroad, appointed last session, was
ordered to Le continued during this
session, the vacancies to be filied bjr
the Chair.
Adams' resolution, providing for the
election of officers to the Senate was
indeCuiieljr pospoucd.
Bavard gave notice of his intention
providing for public printing, engrav
ing, &c.
The Senate adjourned.
House. The voting for Speaker was
resumed. Tne 34th kallol being bad,
and resulting without, choice. Tbor:ng
iou. of lowa.oflered a resolution on tea
own responsibility, thai the House will
proceed immediately to the election of
a Speaker viva voce,- and tl after the roll
lias ben called thirteen tunes, no msni
ber (-halt have received a majority of
the whole, numberof totes,the roll shall
again be called, and the candidate then
receiving the largest number of votes,
provided it be a majority of the quorum
shall be declared elected Speaker.
This fell like a bombshe II, occasion
ing iuuch excitement. Several members,
in the sane breath, moved to lay the
resolution on the table; one declaring
that was the proper place for it.
The Clerk called to order the gentle
men ubo nere (lauding all over .the
Giddingsamid the confusion earnest
ly appealed to his friend from Iowa, to
withdraw, bel'itlng lb feeling of the
House was becoming more favorable to
Air. Bxnks.
The yeas and nay Here ordered oa
faying the resolution on the table, and
the que ation rased as to whether Thor
inclon could therefore H Undraw his
Joues, of Tennessee, appealed to bia
frieuds to waive their objection, and
perniit tbe gentleman Irom Iowa to
withdraw bis resolution, Cries of Nu
objection ' SUtl the House aaiu pro
ceeded to ballot. The following is the
iiirhardson - 7G
Banka 107
Fuller 23
Zolli?i('trer- ti 3
Scatteng -. U
JCecfrfsary to a choice 1 U. The House
then adjourned.
foliticana cannot nice Mr. Banks'
vote overi07,by 6guring, bt strenuous
exertions are being made ol either to
win over more help, or to induce car-
teiu trie niters to absent themselves, in
ordit that Banks' present strength mar
ii-cure hi flection; the members of op
position other than Mr. Ruhardsou'i
frie ids, appear to be Jixti ou their op
position to .Mr. Hanks, md therefore
considerable doubt is 'entertained res
pecting his ultimate Success,
Senate. Mr, Brodhead offered res
oluuon that the Committee on Finance
inquire iuio the expediency of report
ing the Appropriation balls for tl.e sup
port ol the Government, .or adopting
other measures with a view to obtain
some speedy action on them. He would
ask the Senate, to cousiJer the question
ol right and power iu the Senate to or
iginate Appropriation Bills hu'obj.d
being to avoid the evils of night ses
Mr. Cass give notice that hs will
move to morrow logo into the elec
tion of Standing Committees,
The Senate then went into Execu
tive Session.
House. The balloting for Sneaker
was resumed with the following re
Fortieth ballot Richardson 71;Baaks
107; Fuller 27; ZolfikolTer J; Carlisle 2;
scattering 13
Forurirst ballot Uanks T07:Richard-
sen 79; Fuller 28; Zollicoffer 3; scatlei
ing 11.
torlysecond ballot Banks '06;
Richardson 75; Fu ller 27; Zullicoffer 3;
scattering 13.
Forty-third ballot Richardson 75;
Dar,hs '07; Fuller 28 .ZollvcoflVr 3
I 13 necessary to echoic.
Mr. S'.anton: ll is apparent that
we cannot come to a result in the pres
ent condition of things, and tbeie seems
to.be a necessitv eillier for out door con
ference or a charge to a plurality; with
a view of giving the majority one more
effort to uuite. 1 move an adjouu
Mr, Cobb of Alabama I second the
Mr. Houston to Mr. Stanton Do
you think you can unitet
Voices YVe'll try! Give us a chance.
The motion to adjourn was negativ
Forty-fourth ballot Bank l07;Rich-
ardsou 73;Fuller 2S,ZollicoflVr 5;Orr 2;
scattering 10.
Forty-tilth ballot Richardson 73;
Bauks 106; Fuller 27; ZollicoUer 3; Orr
2; scattering 10.
i necesary to a choice.
The House then adjourned.
Marietta & Cincinnati Railroad.
We copy tha followinc coramuniot-
lion in regard to tbe opening busidets
of tbe M. & C. R. R. and the prospect
of gieat mineral wealth in Vinton Co.
from the Daily Scioto OazcUt of the
i;h insi:
As every thing ronnecltd with the
tfubjrct of Minerals is deserving atten
tion, I would state briefly, toot the pro
duction of Iron at the several Furnace
on and near the line of the M. qr C.
R, R. in Vinton County, is in stsady
progress. Tbe excellent qualty of this i.
ron has already secured for it a prefer
ence in the surrouuding markets, lea
ding to an active demand for it, and
stimulating to new enterprises in this
importrnl Dranih of domestic manufac
tures. Other "Furnace Sites"are in con
leinplalioii, in Vinton county, by which
the production of iron is s con to be
greatly augmented.
At Hainden, where several of tbe Fur
naces will have their connection with
the Railroad, there is at present a large
amount of freight accunmlated.io which
daily accessions will be made.
The opening of the M.& C. R. R. to
Hamdeo. and its speedy extension to
Judge Murdock s, "Big Sand Furnace,"
and Alheus, is afordiug the desired la
cility for tu transportation of the Iron
arid Coal of Vinton county to the most
favorable markets. The train of to-day,
upon which the writer came from Ham
den to this city iucluded five car loads
of Iron, 3 of lumber, 2 of Coal, and ' ol
Wheat. I learned that the Iron was des
tined for Cleveland, now becomeingan
important market for that article.
The rilizeus of Chillicothe, as well
as tbe fr.ends.of the M. & C. R. R., are
indebted to S. W, Ely, Esq., for the
first Viutoo county coal brought upon
the Railroad to this place. The favorable
situation of bis coal lands, aad tbe am
ple preparation he baa made for opera
ting extensively, to say nothing of the
superior quolity of his coal, will soon
lead to a more familiar ; acquaintance
with Mr. Ely's demonstrates in this
Other enterprises of the same kind on
the line of the R. B. east of Hamden,
are in a state of forwardness and give
promise of exteasive operations i.i the
coal business.
Tbe great Mineral wealth of Vinton
county iiasyetbut partially uuderslood
aud will require many years fully to de
vei op. Since the location of tbe M. &
C. R. R. through the Miueral region the
attention of capitalists has been and
continues to be directed to Vintou coun
ty as the most inviting field for profita
ble investment in Southern Ohio.
Dec. 3rd. 1855.
Know that if you have friend' rou
ought to visit him often. The road is.
growa over with graat, tha bushes" quick
iy spr-iaa over it H it be not couatently
When you shall contemplate necessi
ty struggling with modesty, endeavor
to oblige in way that shall meet with
the wish half way, and save the blush
of reques.
At a Fourth of July celebration, a
young lady ouered the lollowirg toast
"Tbe young men ot America 2 heir
rms our support; Our arms their re
ward. Fall in men, fall in !
"Never Forget Your Mother."
The editor of the Lawrence Courier,
referring to the death of lee Hon. John
Davis, lemarks. that 1 jtt iuch to
the persoual suggestion nj advice of
the ex-Governor, kindly end earnestly
bestowed in earlier years, d adds;
"The last counsel we received from bim
was characteristic of the man. It was on
the deck of a vessel that lay with loos
tned sails rod shortest cable, that we
still in boyhood just commencing years
of wandering a od hardship, received a
parting grasp of his pure hand with these
words God bust vou! llcmembcr what
I vt laid; and wherever you go, neaek
run on voua moth En! What belter
charge could be given a lad launching
forth ou life's deteitful tide,' where the
chart abd compass of his young head
aud beart must be his ouly protection
Irom shipwreck. Many years have passed
away, aud that good man has finished
the voyage of lime; he has disappeared
adowu the dark stream of death, and we
doubt not, has reached that celestial
heaven where the s'orms of earth are
never known, aud exchanged the anchoi
symbol which ha ever carried at the
prow during life for blissful realization."
"Never Forget Your Mother." HYMENEAL.
Marrikd On the 15th tilt., by
Wm. Gold, Esq., Mr. Asahki. Ladd
to Miss Kedkcca Child?; both ol
Vinton county.
On the 29th ult Iy the same,
Mr, Alvin Donaiiu to Clanzinda
Bauds; both of Vinton county.
On the 17th ult.,by 13. Dill.Esq..
Mr, Miner Hubbard to Miss Maria
Payed up to
Wiliard Strong, 00, 49 3
Chas. R. Aiken, 1 00, 5 4
John Dillen, 60, 25 4
Mathew Kutter, 1 00, 12 4
James Pilcher, 1 00, 1 6
Wm. McKibben, 50, 8 4
Phillip Waldron, 1 00, 52 3
Stephen Dai by, 1 00, 1 4
John Ketton, 50, 12 4
Alex.M'Clannahanl 00 46 4
James Pierce, 1 00, 51 4
Elizabeth Lantz, 1,00, ' 12 5
George Burris, 1 00, 4 5
Tho. Moran, jr., 1 00, 14 6
V, Strawsbaugh, 1 00, 42 4
Joseph Linn, 1 00, 1 5
John Brewer, I 00, 15 4
Daniel Lawler, 1 00, "5 5
Phillip Warner, 44, 15 4
William Gold, 1 00, 47 4
TeagueRay 100, 12 6
J. Wilkinson 32, 16 4
C. Herald, 1 00, 15 6
Peter Miller, 2 00, 1 6
E. B. Weed, 1 00, 1 6
Andrew Smith 1 00, 17 6
George Iluft liines, 1 00, 9 6
Daniel Jolley, 2 00, 1 3
Andrew Sweaney, 1 00, 18 6
Lewis Blackman, 1 00, 1 5
T H E'
Established August 4, 1821.
WEEKLY EDITION, between 80,000 and 90,000.
IN issuing their Prospectus for 1856. tbe
proprietors of the Post take it tor granted,
that the public are already tolerably well
acquainted wilh the character ot a paper that
has grown strong during thesloruis and sun
shine of THIKIY-FOUK YEARS. Their
object alwa)8 has baen, as it remains to be,
to publii-h a weekly paper fur the fauiilvi ir-
cle, which shall uot only amuse, but also in
struct and improve, those who may read It.
To accomplish this object, the best articles
are selected or condensed from foreign and
domestic periodicals, and original articles ttl
an iustiuclive character procured, when pos
sible. Letters from Foreign Lands: Ihe most in
teresting portions ol the Weekly News ol
the World; Sketches of Life, Adventure and
Character; Selected aud Original Articles up
on Agricultuie; Account ol the Produce and
Slock Aiarkels; and a Bank Note List are in
cluded among the solid itilorinalion to be
constantly found in the Post.
Uulthe mind required a .wi'er ranue-.it
Iras faculties which delight in the humorous
and lively, the imaginative and poetical.
These faculties also must have their appro
priate food. else, they become enfeebled, aud.
as a consequence, the intellect becomes nar
row and one-sided, and is not able to take au
enlarged and generous view of human nature
and ii deiinr. Tosatuitv these Heaven im
planted cravings of our mental bein, w e de-
vole a fuir proportion oi the Post to Fiction,
l oetry aud Humor.
ilmongour conmbutors in the first two of
the above departments.are several ol the mo6t
gilted writers in the laud. We also draw
treuly lor fiction and i'oetry upon the best
periodicals in tins country and Ureat Britain.
We design commencing a new story by Mrs.
Soothworth, author ol 'The Deserted Wife,'
iYiiriam, &c, in our lust paper for January
uext. '
ENGRAVINGS, illustrative of important
places and actions, of Agricultural and other
new Inventions, with otners of a Humorou,
though refined tharacter.are also freely given.
The Postage on the Post, to any part ol
the United blates. raid ouarterlv or veitrlv in
advauce.at the ollice where it is received, is
j cm is a year.
Single copy, 82,00 a year: 4 conies. ftS.00:
S copies, (aud one to etter-upo( Club,) 410,
00; 13 copies, and one to getter up of club,
415.00; copies," . . -
OCT" Address, always post-paid,
h. S South Third Street, fhiliulelphia. .
SAMPLE ATMflSaeutEratis to any
one, when requested. ,
)YIi61csaIe Grocer,
Water St., between Paiat and, Walant.
Dec. 20. 1855.-ly
JOB W OltK.nf every destrimiuii ueall
nutd, at this UUice.
"t IM'ira l.vaar, jio-
i' 07, of Free and Ac
rented Masons, holds
aTfgularCommmiicatiiiiiai McArthnr, Vin
1oo county.Ohio, every Saturday evening ou,
I, full
E. A. BRATTON. Sec'y.
IVI I item I Lodge, No. . holdaa reg
ular Communication at Hamden, V niton co..
on. or preceding
D. D. T. HARD. Sec'y.
Orphnn's Friend I-odjro, V. D.,
holds a regular Communication at Wilkes
ville, Vinton county . Ohio, every Satuiday
eveuing on, or preteuing eacn inn mwn.
H. H. BISHOP. Sec'y
MARKETS. McArthur, Decem 20.
Apples, D., 100, Iron, &"t
buttei per lb.- .OiLeatner, io-'i
Smoked Hums,-.. 1 1 Lard pel lb. 10
" Shoulders,---9;Molsssespr gal. na
Sides, 9,Ndil8,3dtol0d, 6ul0
Brooms, 30! Oats, 25
Beans, W. 2.00 jl'oiatcys, Irish. 30
Cofie , la Peacnes, U., I.-O
Candles, 20,Pork prewt 0,UU
Cheese, 10 Sugar N. 0., 14
Cloverseed 606 ' Loaf, in
Corn 30 " Crushed,- 10nl2
Kegs pet doz 10 Salt, per bbl J,U
Flour iierhun. 4,00 1 " Table, nr Sack, -37
Flour ,per bbl fc&.OOlSoSp per lb Ju
Flax Seed ISjTeas, Y. H. 75
Feathers, 40 " Imperitt $100
Fish. White,..- 8Tallow, 12
" Mackerel.... cuIO Wheat per bu. I.oU
Hide 4tWoolperlb....20u$0
Portsmouth Price Current.
No. 1 Buckeye Block.
vth, Dec. 20 1855.
Annies. Uried.:7S
Hroomsnrnoz mioov
Crushed. 10
Bhcoii Hams per lb. DJ Suit, Kanawha, bu. 45
Shoulder 10
feas, loose in packs,
" Y.H., lb. 45b00
" lnir'l, -55(160
" Gunu'wder 65
fobacco M&K.. cav.25
Beans. W. rer bn. 3,00
Caudles, mould- 16
5 ar
Cotton Yarns-... l&l
Ya. cav...20u30
Cheese.W. R. lb.6Jat Oil, Lard pr gal
Coflee. Rio- 1
Oil, Linseed " 100
Outspr, bu 50
Cloverseed,. 6.01
Hour m bbl
Peaches, Uned-.. H.UU
Feathers pr lb 45 Potatoes, Irish
Flaxseed, pr bu. l.OO Snleratuspr lb
Fish, uxl prio..." p
tallow pi In..... 1
Mackerel 12u2 I Tar pr bbl
Lard m lb.
b Timothy seed, 3 0()
0 VVheat nr bu. l,6n
Molasses, N. O. gal. 40
S. 11. " 40
G.S. " 50
45 Wb'i6key, Common 3o
niou liaia, au
Kye, 6ij
Nails. 10lo8d tU
Sugar N. 0... 7ab
THE following list is corrected every week
just belore putting our puper to prtss
New York.
Bk. of Mobile, 5 dis
Solvent banks, par
All bauks, no sale
Solvent bunks, pari
LSolvent banks, par
Kirmll no'.es, 5 dis
Solvent banks, par
INkw Hampshire.
Sjlvent bauks, par
Solvent banks, par
Sol vr ut bauks, pa
Solvent banks, pa
Solvent banks, pa
Rhode Island,
Solteul banks, pa
Solvent bunks, pa
ISew Jkrmt.
Solvent banks, pa
Solvent banks, pa
Bk. Circleville, 40 (lis
fiee bk. old plate. 5 dis
Kentuck y.
Solvent banks, par
Ky. Trust Co. 70 dis
LS'ate bank, and
Branches, par
Free banks, 5(3 50 dis
Bk. of Conners-
ville, 30 dis
Solvent Free bk. 5 dis
State bank and
Solvent banks.
pa i
5 dis
Tram. Allegheny, IS die
Kauahwa 10 dif Solvent banks,
Solvent banks, 5di
Solvent bunks, '6 dis
ouTll Carolina.
Mnull notes, 5 dis
Solvent bunks, 3 di?
Lxcept Adrian Ins. Co.
Small notes, 5 du-aud Macomb Co. bk.
South Carolina
Solvent banks, 3 ilit
Free banks, 2 dis
Small note.-, 5 dis
Solvent bunks, 5 dit
Texas & okansas.
chcii bunks, lOdit-
All banks ,. douUlul
vat e.
New York, prm. ' 9 rm.
Pitla;lelplna " ' J
uaiuiiiore, t -." . - j
Buying at I prm. Celling at t.
NOTICE is hereby given, that James L.
Turner. Administrator of the Estate of
Agrippa Turner, late of the county of Vin.
ton, deceased, has filed in the Probate Court
of said county his accounts, and vouchers for
inspection aud partial settlement ; and that
the same will be passed upon bv said Court.
ou the 18th of January, a. d. IB56.
a. P. HEWITT, Pro. Judge.
Dec. 20 '55 3 io
.Li hereby given, that the undersigned has
been appointed and duly qualified as Execu
tor of the last Will and Testament of Levi
Collins, deceased, late of the county of Yin
ton, uiuo.
Dec. 20, 18I5-3w
JOHN KYSER, Pl'ttT,-) Iu stte.hment.
against (Civil action.)
David D. Drake, Deft. J THE Defend-
ant will take notice that the Plaintiff
in the above cause, on tbe 26th day of
November, a. d. 1855, caused an Order
of Attachment to be issued by J. W,
Swepston, Justice of the Peace for Elk
township, Vinton county, Ohio, against
the goods, chattels, stocks, interest in
stocks, rights, credits, moneys, and ef
fects of said Defendant an absconding
debtor to satisfy .the claim of ld
Plaintiff for Fourteen Uollara with in
terest from the 8th day of November,
1855, and Twenty-five Dollars tbe prob
able costs of suit; ind that said cttse
has been continued for service on said
Defendant, and will be for beariig be
fore said Justice at bis office in McAr
thur in said towusbip, on the 10th day
of January, a. 1. 1855,- at 1 o'clock P.
M.of said day lat aforesaid.
Dec. 13, 55. JOHN KYSER.
10,000 lbs ol Wool Wanted.
1 WISH to buy all the wool 1 can get, and
A wm iy tie nigncsl p arKet prices,
may 5, "M.-irl E A Ht Al fO".
TIio OhioFarmer for i836.
"THE OHIO FARMER," will commence
its Fifth Volume, January 1, 1856. it i
now so well aud aogrnerally known, that
little need be Raid in its b:half. With the
experience which we have gained in editing
it, for the past fouryrars.aiid with the know
ledge of the w ants oi the ublic, n hi-.h much
travel and Correspondent has given us, to
gether w ith the very many able Contributors,
which we have teen constantly adding to
our heretofore long list, we feel that Thi
Ohio Futmer is more than ever worthy of
the patronage tf the entire rountr); and we
can assure all, that however excellent it may
have been for the past year, it w ill be better
fi.r the yenr to con.e,
1 lie Ohio Farmer w ill continue to be issued
weekly, on la re folio sheet, of clean, white
paper, and ou clear lyre, and illustrated with
Cuts of Domestic Animals. Implements,
Trees, Houses, &lc, &c. The News ami
Miscellaneous Departments. Maiket Report,
&c.,i)-c, w ill receive careful attention.
invariably is'aovancc
Single copy.l )rl2
1 Copy 6 months 11
b co;iej 6 months ft
A copies 1 year. 0
5 copies 1 vear 6
10 copies 6 months U
Ten Copies, one year,-.&l5.
A club of five subscribers, at fc8, will en
title the person making it up to a copy fur
six months; a club cf leu, at t15, to a copy
for one year. . ,
fX3Old Subscribers, who wWi io renew
their subscription, can do so al any time, by
gelling a new subscriber, and sending us $3,
which will pay for both one year.
THO. BROWN, Proprietor aud Editor.
Cleveland. Oh In.
Teague Ray, Admr. of ") Probate Court.
Mosses Kay, deceased, I Petition to
agaiust ' sell Land. .
Celia Kav. et al. . I JOHVPtv
0 - S
of the State of Missouri, and J
of the State of Illinois, will take uo.
tice that on the Sixth day of December
A, D., 1855, the a foresaid Adminiatra.
tor tiled bis Petition in th Pmh.i.
ivcuri oi saiu inton county; the objeci
aud Lrayer of which Petition is to ob
tain an order for the assignment of Dow
er of Celia Kay, widow of deceanea.
in and for the tale of tha fn '!...;,,,.
Real E6lale of the said Mosses Ray, da
ceased, situated in Vinton couoty, Ohio,
to wit: The North-east auarter ni il,.
South-west quarter of Section Thirty.
nve, in lowusnip nuinuer XSiue, ml
Ranue number Nineteen, in thd ciiiiii.
colhf Land Disuici; containing Thirtt-
AiiiDBiia i3inei)M!igni nuiidredths acres
Also The South-east ouartrr i,f
South-west quarter of Section Thirty,
live. Iti Township number Nine, ut
llauge number Nineteen iu Chillicotbe
Land Dutricl--cou taming Thirty uins
and Seventy-eight hundredths ecrea
save and excep: so much olf of said last
ii'eniioneu tract as :s laid out and plat
ted as part of Ihe Town ol Kaysville.
Also; The following described I.nri
situated in the county of Jackson, O
to wit: A part of the NorJIi-ean quar
tet of the North-est quarter of Sec
tion number Two, iu Township number
Eight, ol Range number Nineteen, be.
ing the same land conveyed by Thomas
Kay and Dinah, his wife, to decedaut,
August 23, 1851, containing Twenty
live and Fifty hundredths acres
and except all that partolTof said fact
lain out and platted as part ol tht town
ol Rsyaville situated in Jackson coun
ty, Ohio. Also, the following Tors
Lots, situated in the counties of Viii
toii aud Jackson, Ohio, as laid out, num
bered aud platted iu the town of Kays
ville, to wit; Nos. three, seventeen,
eighteen, twenty-three, tweuiy-four,
twenty-six, twenty -seven, twenty-eight,
seveu, eight, nine, ten, and nineteen.
Said Peiiiiou will be for hearing on
the 7;U diy of January a. d. 1656.
Dec. 6. 55.-5w Att'y fur Petitioner.
Audrew Jarvis, Pl'iff. (Civil Action.)
against In Attachment.
oVshabu &oliars, Deft.) THE Di'Kn.ldut
will take notice that the Phiiniiif in the
abuve case, on the 27tU day of November,
1&55, caused uii Order of Attachment to bu
issued by Robert Aiken, Esq., a Just ice ol tha
IVce lor Richiund township, Vinton conn
tj.Ohio.against the goods and chatiels.stocks,
interest iu slocks, riulits, credits, inoii'.'vs.aiul
efl'ecls of said Defendant, a non-resident of
said county, to satisfy the claim ol the Plain-
till lof twenty-seven dollars and lilly cents.
and twelve dollars the probable costs of suit.
haul cause has been couimueJ for service on
cuid Deleuduul aud will be for hearing befora
said Justice at hiB ollice in Richiund town-
stiip, Vintou county,, Ohio, on the , Seventh
day of January, UjOGat 10 o'clock in.
AUorucv at Law.
- - -f - - ,
and bsal estate agent, .
oiKiiiLii! iiCisoK dot. onio.
RIILL attend the courts in Jackson,
13 Vinton, Hocking, Athens, Meies,
Gallia, Lawrence, Scioto.Pike, and Rosa
cou ties. All buisiness entrusted to
his care, will bt promptly attended to.
Persons entitled to Land Warrants,
undfr tbe late set of congress, will do
well to give him t call, as he has pecu
liar facilities for obtaining the same.
The highest Cash price paid for Land
Warrants, and Jfeal estate, bought and
sold on reasonable terms. Persons Wish
ing to sell Real estate, will consult
their interest by patronising bim.
Particular attention paid to COLLECT
Refer to
Col. Hick!IAH PowEits, Oak Hill;
Ralph LanEaq., Ironton;"
E. F. Binoham, Esq., McArthur;
Col. J. W. Davis and
W. A. Sluthchws, Esq., Portsmouth.
Oak Hill, Ohio.
NOTICE is hereby given that George
Holdren, Administrator of tha Estate of
George Richey, late of Vinton Count
deceased, has filed in the Probate Court
of said County bis account and Touch
ers for inspection slid final settlement;
and that tbe sawe will be passed upon
by said Court, on the' first Monday in
February A, D. 1656.
' B. T. HEWITT, Tio. Judje,
! Dec 13, 'aa-3ty

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