Cb'uiod, and with b earneat desire j rt In o-nlded oolr bt the Constitution Very many will be d.ssatisSed with i t conclusions, bat 1 tabffilt lo the -.adgnjtnt of Qo-j, gad afeo to that of iiy fellow citiions whoa the present '.roubles shaTl baTe passed away and ra folt so asir. 1 a in ia favor of granting the in-, junction Id fator of each of the defend ant for his own protection, birt cot lor the staying vl all under the wzt. procteaihgo.itcgt I ORDER. TIov. 0, 1363. Preliminary in junction (aicituh. caBr) granted of t!ic plii:tiif, on bis gi?iru bond willi enrety, to lie -approved by tho yirotho sotary, in tha e'om of $500, noci.rliug to law, nad refused for any furhor 1'orpoao., ' . A. imTTON, I EDITOR, WHIfE IES SHALL Kl'LE AMKfclCA. AlgARTIlUJi, OHIO Dec. 0. 186& m'.siXJJL. ' , fcST THE CONSTITUTION AS I I TlltMMoX AS If WAS. Till'. N E(I HO Will. UK !I:iS. mid the KnforceuiHul of tti id (. v naiunst all Offleern who iMu.'i-i-il AutHority, n well i tho, lu ufi-i t.nmit Ureaobct l tUoiot have Piop That Proof. n. t.w uvksag;, tho JiegiiUr, charged (hat we once and somewhere voted for a negro Colonel, and sub sequently fcUted they would prove it. Where is the proof Gib. Will re be ccropelltd egaio, to brand you 3 n liar I - Christmas Festival. The. Ladies of the M. E. Church, will give a Festival on Christmas Eve; f-r (he benefit of eaul church, at tho Hi!) iu Mc Arthur. Oysters, Toys and Fancy works &c. Presents will bd oo hand come all. A reusouablu adiuittanco fee will be aeked at the door. Bei thr LtEraisr, ii another col d.d, and if joa are stilt cot satisfied thai; Lo brings you glad tidings, of cheop Goods. Call on J. K. Will, ttod bo cenvineud of tlio irnth. Tna CniArasT Yet, E D. Dode, annonucos in this weeks paper in a new advertisement, that ho will sell tho best goods and cheaper, than the cheapest that car. bo bought in this place. Call and see for yourself. Tnp. pEorLBS Cash Stom, by J ack Newton, ha3 beon filled up this week with an additional inpply of New Winter Goods. Jack, left lor tho city, cn last Monday and wiahes us to onnouues Iho fact that the bill will bo filled, in every article usually kept in a general asscitiucht l.i this mar ket. iliMTiflT Gyirs. Jack -Newton wiihea us cay that he ipicpared to supply fill the office ra, with cloth for Blouse and Panta, and all the tricoings from shoulder straps and swords to the buttons, complete at tbt lowost figures call and see for yourself. Also military clothing ready made. Pbwxoai Cultcee. The "Nor mal Institute for Physical Education," incorporated in 1860, and ender the management of Db. Dio Lzwis, will open its Sixth Session on the Soeond of January. The demand for toacbers of the New Gymnastics has become such, that the last class of Graduates, con tiatiog of fifty ladies and gentlemen were at onco ongaged, and hundreds more might find profitable employ ment. Well-known medical tnui assist in prsoarinj the pupils te uct as guids ia Physical Culture. in tho department of Gymnastics Dr.; "Lkwis personally trains every candidote tor tho New Profession. ' If any reader would know more of this pioneer lObtitution in a new aud woblo profeBS'.oo.- let him or hsr send tor a full circular to Dr. Dio Lewis, Boston. '"ToDi"l'Jcw;mora than to any other m.i'i, is tha country ir.dobteii tr tho present do p, practical interest ia physical cu'ture. He has done a Mass. Teacher M Wo loo npouDr. Lewis as one. of the benefactor ol Lis race." Qrac Grtenvood. 'Sacccsa to Dr. Lewie'a Gymn aslom. No better ioatltnte oxi6hj." Kniclex looker: 'Dr. Lewis' book is tbe most prac tlofil, ssnsibla work cn this subj ict, extant in any language." CtMatnen tal Mouthlu, 'Dr. ' Lewis lias cirea us far tlie and most practical of all pnbli 1 1 ... cattr.i.a ou tlio subject of physical culture." a I. Indcpindint. N R. Dr Lewis will pleas send ns hia ''New Gvmnaatiw'a fur men. wo men and chi'dien," Mass. Teacher [For the McArthur Democrat.] MEMPHIS, TENNESSEE. Nov. 27th, 1863. ! j l(;icr .,0 fie learned Doctor Baird, . , . .p. ;,....,.,,,., , MeArtuui. Hie Circumstance tw I i i. i ii... i.. .. ft.ii.v.... 'Pi... Cut. Bkattoh. You will doubtless be aurprsed at the leception of a ujJu .jja'c'lijo from me; but I trost you will grant me the assumed libor- ty by giving this shrt lettoran car ly issua in your columm. It is not with a. view of startling your renders with tiny woniiderful incidents of caruage and doath, f r 1 have at preBeut nono of tbeso to relate ami even if I had, I should leave them for tho pen of a more able mind, but it ia a feeling of indignation that promote mo to write. Since leaving homo, I have been iufcrmod by a reliable person, that a curiam learned and influential citi zen of yenr town, payed uie a very high compliment before 1 left for the wars, but I failed to receive it till al ter I U't, eo 1 doom it a duty to rutuce the complii'unt, oven if it ia at tho elevmth hour, and 1 shall try to do so the best of my ability. For tear there may bo some mistake iu the man 1 hi nnma nnd tha cirflnm ' , , " , "T tft.l'iCU U WlllCll 1 ftllUQe. 11 18 no w I11CU i i i iiiiu iu 18 H9 iuiiowh: illU icKi'tted Doeiot, while in conversa tion with khu ol Lis Uuiuii friends on t'ne cL'ction and its result, y,xm very patriotic, and gave vent to his feeling? by personally abusing Borne of his butternut noiL'hbn-s, bringing mo in with them. While speaking of those that supported Yallandigbam ior cover nor. tho Doctor wus heard to Bav ' D u any man that U mean enough to vote for such a man," this would ccrUinly bo very distressing to all who were nutorluaio enough t bo his supporters, were it not lor that consoling pastags ot toenpturo which days. "The prayers of tnu unrighte ous roan avmleih nothing." in con nection with this, he was heard to mention nv name, and said, to his lriond, ''he' alluding to mo, "voted fjr Vallaudigham too I guess,1' when his lriend replied he thought 1 did; ho tli cii turned in and cursed mo, ad ding, that he hoped 1 wouid have to lruturn to my regitnont and endure all tho hardships that it was possible (or mo tc endure." This is surely a very beantitu! specimen ot the Uvo tor's patriotism, and filly expressed his Union sentiment and sympathy for those win are fighting tho battles of their country 1 But we feed con soled wheu wo remember that old adago, which bivh, "Curses, like chickeus, usually come home to roost." Let mo say here that 1 did vote for Val. andl am not afraid to own it, hot withstanding ho was de feated. 1 did it becauBu 1 considered him a conservetative union man. And I considered it ray privilege te vote as 1 chosa. And since tho voice of the people is against him 1 willing ly submit; but the Doctor should bear in miiid that, "Lie (hut cunplics against h;s will is of. hi) own opiuion still." I nay be wrong in my opuncn, but it to, 1 cauuut help it, lor 1 am honest in my belief, expect to hold to it, unlets convinced that I am wrot: I dout see why my behg a soldier should hinder me from voting the ticket cfuiychoico. Iam willificr that all men should vote as they pleasJ. Our actions will easily show who aro the lovers of our country, is it reasonable to suppose, that finch men ns tho Doctor, who sit at home curse their follow citizens because they are not negro lovers euough to boleivo as they do, are more loyal than thoso that have gone out to ot fer their live for their country ? We trust nono but such as tho enthu siastic Doctor would claim to be, luvo heard some of this clas of ui.n suv. ia tho streets of AlcAi thur. "the result of this, (the Ohio) election is tho greatest victory wou, since th comucenceaient of this war." Well I would toUod it wore so, but 1 dout believe it, nor will not till 1 see it proved. I still h 'pe our causa wiil come out all right; and I am ready to tight for it, but I should like to see some of them patriots at home turn out and uht tor their country, in s'ead of cursing its 'defenders, aud thoso that cannot see us ihoy do. , Bat uo, they will do their fighting a homo,- by coaxing otnera into it and . .... - watching for sick soldiers that come Home ou lonotin 10 setiu ruom awaji nnder guard as soon as their time up,no difforenco whether they aro abie to 0 or not', go tliey get a far grocn backs for their trouble. . They, like the war bor60, "enufi the battle afar off." Brave men 1 thav shall mirolv deserve tho vote of soldiers when rvioni. uiu we win not curso ihem aeour learned friend does ns. wi!l wish that onr affnirs may soon be Bi t- tied, so that the will not have to go throngti what we have,, lor 1 expect suoh soldiers as they, would only be a dingraa to our noble State. Men that will call their neighbors traitors onod iy, and the next shuko them by the hand and deal with them, could lardly bu truhU'd in the hour ol dan ger,but we would call on brave and honest men to join our ranks and nakoi'DiJ ni"ro mighty i-ff rt to criuli this cursed ruhcillon. and theu sve will return togeUier, and put down, and sili:i'Ce oppnssors at h:me. We ll stop the pay ot tnostv rr.'vos'. Marnhals, aud their thousand an.: one nssHtents. llien, and imt till then will our land be tlio Inn I ot the free acd the asylum of the up preeso-l." We feel like saying, pp with onr banner and lonir may it wave as the emblem of our freedom and indepen denco, while we deal death to those who daro trample tipon its folds; treating with disdain, such sentiments as expressed by that notorous Poet, (Greeley) when he says, "Tear down the flouncing lie Half mkitt the Ury flag, o." JOHN VANSKY. Congress and the Message. Congress met on Monday, and elected Colfax ot Indiana speaker by 101 to 79 jlo is a radical dyed in tlio wool. Message next week. Geh. Wm. S. Smith. our gallant General Smith has been appointed to iho iii' mi i mpiirtant command o! any'. Uioir of his rank in tiie army. It is n. .tiling lee j than tint of nil the eaviar.y employed iu tho whota vast depaitiii.ni ol Gen. liranr. . We con gratulate l lie General on thin the high honor i'uU dan been cuiii'itd upon him, and the ample scope tor the d is play of the most splendid ability. In this dashing servioa wo know ot no ouo Irotn whom wo would expect fairer results and are confident that he will soon win the added star. In all of his successes, our people teel that they have a share, and will fol low his future career with no ordina ry interest. The following is the or HEADQ'ES MILITARY DIV. OF THE MISS, HEADQ'ES MILITARY DIV. OF THE MISS, IN THE FIELD, CHATTANOOGA, TENN., November 11th, 1863. General order, No. 5. Brigadic-r General Win. S. Smithy U. o. V olo., is ar.nonced n diet ol Cavalry for the ililifarv Division of tlio MiSHissippi, and wilt bo obeyed and resposteu accordingly. All returns, reports required by law and existing orders to be made or suhmited to tho Chief of tho Cuv airy Bureuu, and also such rcportu and returns as he may require lor his information, will bo made through aud to him at Nashville, Tonn. General order, No. 5. BY ORDER MAJOR GEN. U. S. GRANT T. S. BOWERS, Assistant Adjutant Gen. The Rebel Raid in Mt Sterling. 1 11 r. Stkblino. Ky.,'Dec.3-C3 To the Editor of the Enqnirer: On yesterday morning, abont two o'clock, Peter Everett, formerly of thisplaco, and Major Chenoworth, tormetly ot your city, with about six ty rebel soldiers, made a dash into tins nntortnnate place, (when all were asleep.) and immediately took possession of thti Qnartormarter's and Commissary stores, (moony helonz ing to the Go vernmsnt,) which had jirst arrived from your city for the fortietlt lientncUy Monnto'! Intantrv While a 'portien were loading their own broken down Iioiscb with boots, shoes, hat, ctolhing, blankets and provisions, which Uncle. Sam had just sent to this place for the Fortieth the balance proceeded to set hra to t'ie Court house, a very tine building, which was completely consumed. After that they mounted their homes, taken their ill gotten gains, and left without molestation, trance to say the Provost Goard aud officers of (lie Fortieth, about ono hundred in nnoi her, were quartered in the buildings adjoining the Quartermaster's depot, aud about seven hundred men of the rogiment were in camped in tho ira mediate vicinity, and vet no resist unco whStuadet After tho rebels had entirely gone, the officer flew to their posts, t armed their nun in :n; of battle on a hill overlooking thf 'own, and fired several rounds on the citizens, wlo were standing around the smouldering ruins of the Court house. Fortunately no one was hurt Those efijcers ought to be recomecb ed for promotion. CONSERVATIVE. jure being made tor tbeir treatment ibjio Alcxandia. Our loss h killed, wouudcl undiuissiug is eilimated. at 1.S50. Washington, Ducembcr i None t tho wounded in tho recent jiicnwn .1 . . r'-p-- metits south, ot tha Rapadan, wi d be fought to Washington ;arrangcineuts CONSERVATIVE. OBITUARY. l" on the 3rd Inst. Mr. WELL,' Mvtnty dido jwor hu)?e Mr. BothwslI m fr onr oldcit DdtelclU tant, be moved into UiU HUW), from fcur,., it jemfO. una ha neu reitihHil or nia vicin ity nine 1(14 lie wkk I onird pii Iho uniu'dny So lie yenr o wlilcli be rueiried. Synmi yeim (l'ore. h lnw tn mtmlxrof khe M.E. Olturch OTvHOyeur ud died ic-i-ectcd lij nil hlanoiyhbora, leivinf lrge circle cf retail re frii-mln. On the lntlost, at PmtUville XIrt. JJAEOA. RBT l'ETTY.in the 31st yeure tt her ge. p f t i ;r 1 11 o t i t f s , . -jrs 11 i;u i d Of u the aim or rny- (fj.tx tul"' to find a eouibinattuu of meiiirinx tmving lLa ri-qmulto iti- mnltlii(r tuij tuiiki jtupuetlce to I CJeSI ii'linve end onre eonunou emu I'lain'K of llilliiJuiDi-M, Liver ditor a i. arK. i,ingn' r. liuuilacbe, Lowneiw fsifi ' ' l"'lw,t iiuuf'li"i tiainiuiie. n, Puvu- uud iiie. Ac, which ure I .u...i;..u.u i....i.L.... .a .!.( fliimu t. 'I' lio reiui'dy hi hi-en discovered by Dr. fohm k. lI iu lhouai:d ,. vu.- lu merit of I.U I'iltore have beuu te led iu the above comuliiinu, and thore ! but oue vole from tho peoule, and that ik in fnior ot'thete truly worderful Stou uch Bittora. We advise all who axe auioied aoa ueeaan aureca bia tonlu fur the trnnblca above indicated, to edramenee atouco using thane Bittura. See Ad- vHrtiiomtnt. IMSRASES OF Till: NERVOUS, REM. L) INAt,, URIANIIY AND SEXUAL MSTEMS new aud reliable treutment-in Kdporttof the HOWARD ASSOCIATION-, Scot by mall in lealed letter envelope, frue ef olrKe. Addrena, Or. J. BKILLIn HOU'ill TON, Howard Araocintion, No 2 8'jutb Niulh Siroet, I'hilndnlphia, Pa. March. Jth I808-I yr. -t , FAIRBANKS' 6CALEA-Welghed la "tie bounce of kjnat critician-., all are ohiiyed to ad mit that Fuiibunka' Scalea are. with ut exenp tia, the host ever invented. We know where of we alllriD, because we have tented their val ot, and are fully aatiefiod of tfceir anperior niarita. Tbe introduction of there aealea ha WTouht a revolution In the tranKaction ol vur loui buiinesa, and their accuracy ia euch ttiat a naiformity in weight hue been etubllhod all over toe country, thus niakin; them a Nation al leoaliihj standard. Nor are they con fin ed 10 the United Slate; they have found their way toalmo.t every prt of the civillted world, and are adopted te the atondard of all conn trie, " tint it mv.v be a dd 11 nrktion, if not "wolgtt-d l'l th;e b.vlaaeu," at w '?( by them. N')v. 19 13-'.lu T1SII Wi ANG, Tho (ift.it i.Uiiiuae Reni'-ily for Necret ti'i8rs. ONE B'lXWILt. PERPORM A CURE. IngreadienX purely vegetuble; pleMunttothe taste ; ha no bad odor, and m.iy be carried iu the vet picket without foarof detection. ' price f 1 a box sent pool puid to imy addreea by J.J. KROMUU. 40S Chest nnt Nt, I hll. Clrcnlaracnt free. Sopt. 17-63-Smo To Nervoue SuflTerert of Both Seirt. A KEVEREND GENTLEMAN HATING b.-eu reetorod to health in a few dnyi, alter on deroingull tho usual routine and irrgnlar ex pensive moiloa of treatment without ni-co, on eidnra it liinsaared diitr to eommumate to nii afflioted fellow ireatures the means of cure. tt'xtSiOP Ike recnipt of an addreeoed envelope. heTfilTaend (free) acepr ef tbe preacili'tiou nscd. Direct to U. Jon It. Uaomaii, 185 Ful ton Street Brooklyn, New York. March, Mny, July . Sep., Nor, Jan., lyr. Correspondence Wanted. By three Gay and Ftstivo young Cvalry mou ul'Kuiawna Valley, wixh to 0'orru.ipond with any naiuber of voting Lu-lio-i who duein it worthy of a reoly. fitch in 'Jirln. now i your eisiio, o'ljo'trl'un, love ana matrimony.' fhe uuer preterej. All letter conBaeutiai. St.nd rhn("' and receive our in return. . Ladies of Vlntou, Co., Ohio, prel'ured. Address Harry Punch, Co. D. 2nd v a. John Clearwatter Cavalry Charlextoa V. Mountian Jack. Nov. 12-I8'i3. -iw JJcto ftuucrtiscuicitts. LEGAL NOTICE. STATE THK OF OHIO, VINTON CO0NTT, James K. Armstrong I ltff. against Edgar MeBeth, 1 Walter McBoth i f .nuAf Shade I Dsflf. . 1 1 -. 1 .. 1 1 . - 1 In Court of Common Fleas. AUIU 1 9 UB UUUIH DUU of the est ate of John I Petition. W.alcBeth. ) P HE above name defendentn. E.tg'.r WcDetS, X w alter MeUotn or the roumv vf Warreu. aud State of Illinois, vill ta u notice 'li.t the aid Blaulifl Jarnes K. Armhtrong, of tbe Conn ly 01 rrsnaiinaiiu ocaie 01 uuio, uiu "11 ia 113 ud day of August 1813, file hi Pnt'.tiun in tha Court of Common Fleaa, within and for Ksid County of Viuton, and Btate et'Ohio, aalnnt tbe said Kdgar MeBeth, Wut'.or McISeth and Frsut-ia Shades Admin'siistlnr dnunis uon of ths estste of thesaid Juhn W. M.-Ucth. defendonts setting forth ll.t the raid cUntirl aud others wero creditors of said John W. Mc- Beth doeeancd. That the axtetl in the hand; of tha administrator ot ibeaaid Jnhn W. Mc- Beth, we: e iin-ufflcent to pat the debts oriiis emaie. Thatthensid .John W. MoBeth, Iu his HIS fcllllV HIIU Wlbll III. BUIO .UU IWU.I.1B lll:i- parchased ln-lat number one honored aud aev- entv-eiiht. ti73.) aud forty-oiht l'ert off the eaat tide of In-lot number oue hundred and seventy-seven. ( 17T,)in tlie-'own of McAr tbur. County uf Vinton, and State of Ohio, and fraudulei.tly and for the purpose rf defran. ding hi ereditora canned tho legal title to naid arontiso to ba oonveyed to Lnuru A. MeBeth then his wife and now deceased, and th prayer of said petition is that raid premises maybe sold and the proceeds arii-eing ihoi-cfro-n paid to the Administrator of tbe Estate of tb hmU John W . Jicbetn, ana to oe ay mm appu ed to the payment fthe debts of th Fs'ate of aid Joho V . MeBeth and said Edgar MeBeth nd Walter MeBeth, are further notifaiod that thoy aro required to appear and answer scld Petitio; ou or bofure the thud eaturjay alter the Hist dy of Jsnoraiy, 184. j Anas k. Ainu i ttwno, Uswitt Edvistom, his A tt'ys. December 10th 18ii- SHERIFF'S SALE. Slate of Ohio, Vinton Ccuny. Nell & Eberhesrt. Flttfs. 1 In C ort of against i Common Plea John Flirookengaust sSn,. I J.C.P. Biown, j On Execution T)URSTTArT to tbo commnnd o" an order X. sale iu the above cause to rre directed from the Court of Common Pleas, of tha aforsaid Pnnn-.v af Vinton. I will offer at enblio sal, th door of the Court House, In tie Town iloArtnnr, i atorsaid Connty of Vintnt. on . Monday Janurary tht 4th 1884. Retweon the bonrs of ten o'clock A M. four o'clock P. M., of said day, the fallowing, Re il ostate si'nated B tho town of SleArthiu Vinton County, O., to wit: In-lot nnraher wo hnndred and twentT-ix, as recorded t plat of the) Town of MeArtbor. fh4. Taken aa th property of John Shreeksnganat and J. C. P. Brown, to satisfy a jadgemont aforesaid Court, in faew of ItVil A Eherheart. Adpralsed. M followe. to-wit ? .Five hoi dred bollar. and must bring two (bird of that sum. TERMS OF BALE, cash-in hand .. 3. J. MuDowill, . . ASC1L NOSRI8. 1 KVpn e e -. At;y. fer ri'ir. eax Us. O. WANTED Agents in tvtvy 'Tovrn mid Coun. ly, 10 sell Ball's Newly Patented SO TIII9 JdACillNE v ill hem, ma, p breadth A Kiit in. r, luflle, i-liire. exd'Hly like hard 11 wiiirf. inoru mtifrct umt much famer. with ingle r di utile ihrt ad, ei'.hei cttti a, liueu ir ilk OtiHB the c. n.moo ealag 'lee-. le. (al irL can be pinchitd at any Ftoiefor ixccn'. ap I er,) niakiDK a unifcrm long or rho't ttitch, tAj will of the operate.-. It will aew miv Ho'1 of material -taut roquire the running ft'.ti'K. weigh on pound, and cau Ve carried in the pocket or work box. and is ao aranged ts to be attached for cue to a 'able-top or work aland, with dieection ao that a child wbo can road may operate it without intruetion. - Mile auperior tooli and large facilities for man nfactunng, enable n to put them In be mar ket at the low price of all dollar by retail. fff" Itot further partu ilara, apply to J,D. DAIX, Ge-ieral Agftt. Koohoeter. V. Y. Deo. 10th lS8S-lrao or A.M.Badbxr Co. I-II. OF T II E Best and Cheapest Cash 9 KEEPS ON HAND A full S'O'-k of every variety of CLOTHING, DRY GOODS, LADIES DRESS GOODS- HAT3 AND CAfS. J5O0T8 AND SHOES,. HARDWARE COTLERY AND FRESH GROCERIES, of which I will 6idl as cheape n the cneapo9t lor Vneu- or exetittneo fur Country Produce at t h e highest market rates. Call und bo vouvine ed ' . Dec. 10-C3-Iyr E.D.DODGE. mm TEUIIsOF HOLDING CtVKTS. IN VINTON Co. O., tORlSfll. j oil be IN pnsssant'cf Lsw tlislline for holding tie Dmtrlct Courts and Conrts of Common Plea in the several Counties ol the ftavtuth Jndi ial District of Ohio for the earl8&i, are fixed an lullows to-Wit: DISTRICT COURTS. Washington April 18th, Meigs, April 2(Ui Siillla " 2Snd, Lawrence " CSH. S-.-loio " S7th, ttke " 9h Vintun May nl. Perry 8cpt. .VI. Vaiiftjld September Tih H.ioklnsr " 10th A'.hns ' 12th Jackon " litb C0TJBT3 OF COMMON PIVEAB FIRSt STJBDIV1SIOM Perry March, Mth. May, 23rd, October, 17th. Hooking. Febnrary 52. May IJ. Octebor 3. lairteld March 28. Juno 8, November 7. 6BJOND PtTBDIVIBION. Lawrence Febnrary 9th May bor 90th. ' 10th Beptem- V futon Fiibnrary 9tb May ' !0:h Heptamber 2Hli. - " Jacknon Fibiiranr 28rd May f4th Oet. l?th. Pike March 8th Jnne7th Novcmher Iftth. ' BeloM March 15th June 14th Novombcrlst TIIIRO eUBDIVI'STON. W"hinitin Fe'cnrary Hth May 17th ,Sop temt r ' A.lin Frrmrnrv !5th May lih October 12th MciiM March 7'liJune SlS October S4th. Oallia M ireh H li Jt.ne 13th October Slat. w w .iQilN'TOV ( JOHK W l't ''M Jndea of the 6c I enth Jndlc'ial Diatrtt p.TANraujiF. j The State of Ohio, Vinton County; 1 Genres Land Clerk of the Court efCom- r on I'lcae to and for said Coanty d hereby oertiry tnaiiit roregomg a mil and true eopy of order llne ths time of holdlne? Court. for said Seventh Jndieial District now on file in my office. tTiytn nnoer my band ana seal 01 Office at McArtlmr, thia 7th day of AieeemoerA.il. msj. OEOEUELANTR, Dec. 10th 186?-w. Clerk of at of and ia of . 1 I l a UV0' I wbV V mll i A c,,pia,M I XOwUfftO "'cuntom Tjnusrr SCOTT ft POLLARD PROPftlETORS, - VOHalRLT Of at'lCBB WOTJ, WulBluro, TA ,iw,,i-jy .;,;;Agi-.s,.-tj cio i . S LET THE AFFLICTED READ! as' ksni tht s (tHcot tad rsdlosl ears Is srarrantot) ml iiMitotv4 to Ml wLo an sSllttad with wmiom eVMlTly. Mrans craiylaialis, inlsnrti.il tbxrairliU, OS prcwloa of splrtu, illairM sue sopitsb of mln!, tuss or dws, tan of owmory, lixi of i1l J ntitcular fawu rllllY STOWlh, WMllOg s.nj.uiJ wulof OOBfiaUM ls hroiwlTas, fWluUoa Ala, cwrnlslr tnmUlaa-s, Ul Woct (tad illuM ol life. . .... XXBAK TXKAT TUB BIEDXCA1 PRESS .' SATS. Boms phrstrUru rwinlrs to be tola" tbj sawira af ya 4S-Ha BNOLlliH BoTANIO eimClAU , nM. UU-rfi"-,tknol!i!l,,Uwh,ma,T T0 ' lUritolHlsitUiOtnr"fsP . Ihs aUoUtosxplliiluoiW'Mailira luconTlod. what It mors n.liU. stlO. hewttl bo- MtW SB4 fnuikly UU h.W yoa eaa bo ejwjj sr aot. This will tAturv yir mind, mid " r , UM trooll. d dUpnoUHirmet. will bs b SIMM of . suTtag yoa oisoy a dollar j It ni oan yoer . ia 1. tail U Utut lhaa all, It wlU savs 1m Ut trm tMlns aonal ty wrung troatiaont. UI. oJiuoiuiiUoo ore madu wltbiiut say InlbraiaUoo) from tho paUoot i Ihorefow h Ihiroiwhly amWrsuads Mt Plirilcal owdjtlon sod PUroooluttioal ssvolovesoal, without which a a.to ooold haro uurfnJ so naot uioutuhliif cnrM. Il shniUd bs McaomUrwl that Uls B-lauk HhMlclaa rfonm raw Ibouahl lmpoaotil. If too Imvs trWd uthoro and gt iw rolwf. If wlokl rtlm- gi Unh aad Irma life, If tow aro lo. T IU g."i.I .nsult DR. BA Pit A EL, too BoUak I'ayoWail All bio ootnoinnlcatkmo mi luturrlaw u aTttl prtr.lo aud coendonllal. Vtlcal JixuwiL Width 2. Firat eol. FACTS ARB STUBBORN TRINCiS! Ilwir tr hat tho PhllaJolphla oornepuadeet ssys In ths C.miuuowoalth, WUaiiojtua, llolawora, Site of Aprtt, laf0 : "An Inglltb gsaUanun, fbrmorly eonnooUd with iSr Brillili Army, sod wlu.lylco hlouulf Uio'BnglUh Bo laalc PhTslciia.' han of Ulo gnlueJ an oilonalro ropeia. tloo bore bv bl ok 111 In coring all mannor of oomplalnla. Borne of his patieats I have cunraraod with, and th pronounce hli roiaolli and oiodo of troatiaonl as vary antuirlor. Busts haro Iwd ruitorod as if by magi. The niotioln ho ojwd H dUtllM by hlniMU from raiioaa asrtw nonening rar euralive piuporllM. " Whilo a. ties In the nniiY k imfi htt klsasw awoMuu to s thurouf U iluily vf ths ofTocM pndoead by certain medicinal ivou and turbo on all maanor of die. tasM. .It SMim bo hiu louii.l our sad poody rosMd fjr all tbo 'Ills toil rlwh Is hair to.' Ills p not to h slnady oxtcnilT. and it dally Incraatlng. In ths enst plalnu 10 which hinafeo an tubjxctnl ho bu ao squat, at a largii nnmbtr haro liae tetlifad thol they ewe ao only tlirlr pretnnt god hoalth, but Ilwir Uat, to the ikill of this Kugliih botanic rhyitclan." Bis eitlos Isat No, 60 BAST FIFTH ITBBST, OZNCINNATX. MORE GOOD NEWS I rsom man and reuabxs Ar- TIIORITT. Th Bulunle Bemodlmof Doctor Bapbatl, tbe Kagltah Botanic I'hyiilctan, atiet failol yot te avake a parfeeC radical, and permanent owe of ALL PRIVATE, SECRET, AND TBNBRXAL DISEASES, Without tbo ate of Marcary, withont hlndrane frost tmtiaoM, and witbuut fear of lUaoorsry or mposare. Be Aoadly poiaoiu, tuch as arsenic, bus vomica, opium, or u, othir pnUvat. Nu mercury aor any dwully aiiaorala DMthliu; lat purely Vogolablt Bulnnlctl ilMonllat an dm.1 bf ihit woudarfol HoUnic Phj.l. lan. His Botanle IUdk-U-k ner ytt tailed to cur the si col obstluatt ssil the mott ilangtroot cw, aad to rcavnssll mrow7 and olhtr Impurltlos from ths system whoa aU seat sVuwdK bad (alltd. Jfadioa) Journal. OOOB NEWS rOR SINOLD MBJf OONTEMTLATINO MARRXAOS. Hour what tho HalUmors eorreaponitunt of ths . (oll"w, Boonabora', alarylaud, laid on Thursday, ths list of Muy, WA: . , .... Nunwroot earsi bf dawttss eaused by sally Indtew. tiau uating bsoo perfurmod by tho Iut;lih Botanic Pty ,'!., I twl It my dnty, Uaflns s kaowladgsof Ibeajjli. tat tlte fact, bolioTiug that Id doing no I may do a stmos loiheiarfcring. One case hi particular that of ayoonsj man la this city It worthy of uoto. Ho bad becom ab. victim of a bilJt, tho rnwo r.niminn tn which eaussv hoJuar,adnoryiijsoftirffcriRnddootoTiBggTsaa . all hopM of recovery. Ho wlahnt to morrr and wa. deailf lialad bv aa twwt girl ao ovar llapad of !ftioii 'at bi wA ItarrtU, norrotw.and pretaiaSait.. is ilarod 3t ' ' 00 aooouat flf ths thattorad tut rfHs'vi Hi wight rtli.'.i tno handa of the Alo PbVBi rn, tti. iotonbhlug as It may toorn, all tho and 'lgr of yonlh has nitiiriwd, and lis Is aow Iho happy biaar of s pair ol bright boys." OLOniOC3 NEWS FOR TBB LADIES. a rrujVxrjTivE to have ohh DBEN. Hear vbtl ths ClaclnnsU Wotkly Pwaa lays r tb M of 1'arch, We are iwcldedly opposed te drugs and to sdnwtlaael ewntxliei for tli prevtnUon of having children, bat w 4 It oar dirty ta cknowMgo a bonalit arota aay sod at 'very mures when it Is for ths isllef of otinViag -.maimv. A (act haa oioje to our kaowlia that . oaght lo U proaniilgaied and widely cireelatod for lbs btnont of thot ladiae wboa delicate health neks It Btcraaary to prevent sny Increaa of faaily. About twetvs moot hi si.er macrlags.aladyofswraa. a, aiualtnos gars birth to s daujhtor, but bar nufirags ; aento groat thtt har phreiclantdiMpalredof her rsctv. try. Ihit made herd 1 asd the very thought of tgnleh. coming a motlitr. She tried every thing to pnvsat a rvpetltloa other ttiKiinga, but without oooeeding. Tn yosttsfter mairlago alio was again oinflnvdt bat aerrat nriiict wars to great ihat lae child died, aad bar ews IMs was Jeapairod of. Site wat told by her family physidasj that if ahe hud any more ohlldrto a faared ltor lift wonid b the forfeit. As all tht remtdtee ths but tried betre had failed, the applied te th Uoteuls frrslclaa. Dr No. is east nmi stoextt, CINCINNATI, roams 1 PREVENTIVE TO HAVE CHILDREN. HU remedies bad ths dealrsd eSact ; they act only pn vented her from having children., but thay alao Improved bar health. "To tbc ruas, tu TUixot ass maa.". Tha Dotanlo Phytlclsu's remedies tan be rseota aies'ld, becsuas they an lnnooeos aad aata. Thsy eiierat wlthoot oaualBg ncknaas or aipoaars. Tatydtt act ia tor tare with lbs diet ot ecespttios). they e aat Injure lite netllo, bat they are certain In tbebr asi. J, rANOvaT, WL1r. il. atBIGOeVlLO. AnvwhoarstufbrlncBo matter what their eompUiat, can call on toe Ifounio PsyaKTta oonsdenttallj. lata; Buy reiy upoa rtik I Haelnoslsat NO. 69 EAST rUTU STREET, BvIwm'o Sieeowre etraetaad Broadway, CINCINNATI. 1 OoaaMltatloa dally, Snadays satsia4. OBo I vom lea. mi. aw aar Poreuoa l a dlaluo niay cumatUBiests ernm. uwiultr by loiter, If tney lueios ONB DOLLAR, W Conaulution Tot. In each Isflor All lattara, coamn. miIom, and Inlemewa, are strictly private snd eoaC- ' dmittal. Ko antwer trill be given to tstter sslf lint dollar I InoUwad at a ConanttaUoa Fte. Atldrots all Istlarsst fellows, DR. EAPDTAEL, ' ." BOX No. 8463, POST 0mC8l CINCINNATa, OHIO. . cactiox to Tin ruBua - Sr. W. Bashssl bat neoonBtotleu with PSOntSOtt er Dr. W. M . Kasbssl, or with aay etbtt gastlataa) of the sams aaus. KB" Cut this advsrttssBMnt eot. Wbsu e eteaa, er log It with yoa and thow it te tbe girl who epaaj -ioor. To pravsot miatakaa, ask t EXE TUB DOCTOR HartSEir. Widti Jlft eel. . A LLENS VILLE SEAM MILLS TBE Allentvill Steam flouring tollla,ba dergon thorough repair, and th propria, tort wishes to inform -tb vublio that they r now prepared to do all custom work to tb eattrw ' aatfsfaetion of rbeirvuatomer. 1 NEW MACHINES have been BtMJ, re mills and our friend will find as good work bc4 good torn ouu ss at any other mill; gry M tall and test th troth of whst w ssy. . Ang. 13th-4-tfo, ROSTOV SXC9. ATTENTION H1L1TIA, The member of Company - B- liJt.: Vinton Count; O. M. are required to eM" atil.e usual place ef Coin pa ft? tuosttr. sf ihn Couri Home, ort ' h ' .' ' ' . " ' SATURDAY, thelaA loot. -betwetn th hours of one and five o'clock T. M.and projj ceed to elect one Captain to 111 cancy occasined by Capt A. Norria resigning " .. .v. By order of . n ' E.A. BRATTON.1Co:r 0. Gtaimta, A.ijt. ri