OCR Interpretation

M'arthur Democrat. (McArthur, Vinton County, Ohio) 1853-1865, November 17, 1864, Image 2

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II 0
UUIt1DiV-- Nov. IT.
; Jll. .
of our friends who know
that thej owe us, will do na a favor
by '-eottling their accounts Wo need
money very much. Wo will recoivu
on. accounts pork, beer, po'ato, flour
or in fact anytliiug can mo, iu tho
way of prouuca
call on you.
D 'ut wait for ii to
Lincoln Elected.
.The flection is over and tho pcopK;
have' elected Father Abraham for
fortr mora years. Tim policy of the
A'd'ininiBtration has b n endorsed by j
a Xiaj 'rity of our ciiizim, win Iiuvj
thua Soolared for four mora year of
war, at tho cost of tinman U of lives
ami millions of treasure, to say no
thlng'ofthe general ruin, in tho way
of 'dem'oriliza'ioa of our people, and
distruction of property. Tuo people
liava tnadd this decision with their
eyes open, they mint all know, that
thd adminidtration will carry on the
wir to Free evory negro slave in tho
country. What the result will bo
God alone knows, no man can tell.
Ituinnst: be one of two things we
think ',' either warfor four years rnoro
ot a ' diaolution of the Union. The
tecpa , both north and south mint
change cMtodions of their re3pecrivd
governments an their policy, before
we can have peace and Union. K
jjotftlncafi obtaio those wo ehull bo
glad to boo iti
Official Soldiers Vote, for Vinton Co. O.
Tho fdlowing is soldiers vote for
Congressmen and on Cjunty Ticket
Oct. 11th 1S04.
For Congress
Biindy Rep. 205
'Iufctiena Dan. 29
i I3undy's mnj.
'has. Rhodes And'r Rip.
I.U.'Mooro " Doui.
" Rliodee miij.
' .ider ShfT. Rep.
L,ockey Dctu.
j: Snider' maj
'HaiVlefS Trcaa Rep.
Foreman Deir.
llarklca mnj.
Il agee Com'r Rep
Mageo'a maj
IIv C. Jones Surveyor Rip
Wallace " Dom.
'J !
' Jodos mnj.
Irons Coroner Rep.
Black " Dem.
Irons maj.
; T113 above is a gain on the soldiers
voto from this county. Last year we
tnly received seven votes, this year
we received 37 votes on our state tick
ot. The votes that are returned we
Cannot tell if legal or not, as uo man
tname is sent here with the tally sheet
No man can tell if the v.jter lives in
.the county or not, and if he is a mi
nor or alien, or anything else about
the voter. The law of last winter
' Vvr.i r r art ilnfunl'I w .a ati.l .Mitin!nni m!u
door for f ran 1.
Novetober, 11. Mo3by has recent
ly bung three and shot two Federal
Boldiors, in retaliation for the hang
ing of seven of his men by Uuster.
Ilia Congressional election in New
York city resulted in the election
two Lincolnites and four Demo
At the instigation of prominent
men from the Northern States,
Canadian authorities have taken
measures to preserve the peace on
Tho New York Times states that
tho Oooledoriite Agonts in Canada
have laid before, the Provincial Gov
erntuent a purported basis of a societ
recognition between the Richmond
authorities aud the Mexican Emperor
Jdaxiioillion; Tho agreement includes
terms of alliance, offensive and defou
aive, between Jfexico aud the South
ern Confederacy, and that tho com
pact has received tho perfect assent of
tha Emperor Napoleon, and that ma
ted d aid will bo furnished by him to
give ctt'oct to tho covenant at tho prop
er moment.
The capture of the Florida in a nou
tral port is now largely discussed
throughout the country; It appears
that when the Federal steamer was
gwing down the bay with the prize in
tow, she was fired into by Fort St.
Marcollus, and pursued by two Bra
zilian steamers who failed to over
take the Wanchusut.
November, 14 Tho telegraph this
morning furnishes the particulars of
t!ie capture of Plymouth, North
Carolina, by tho Federal forces.
Tlie dispatches state thntUaliforn
in, Nevada and Oregon have given
iiinj iiities ror Mr. Li.icoln.
lhe Southern authorities have
made a proposition to the Federal
government to purchase blankets in
tlie Northern cities for their prisoners
aud (.my therefor in cotton.
Hood is said tj be marching on
The 6'uitherners report that Gener
al Grant is preparing for another bat
Gen. McCle'.lan has resigned his
commission as Mijor ffenoral totako
effect Novembar 8th.
Nov. 15. It is by tho New York
Times' Washington special that Ed
wiu M. Stanton, now Secretary of
War, will bo made Chief Justice, iu
place of Judge Taney, decoaaed. Holt
or Banks will succeed Stanton as Sec
retary of War.
The Richmond papers, of the 11th,
urge upon their readers the necessity
of being prepared for etutling news
from Sherman. It is evident they
are'in posessionof news they with
hold. Twelve thousand Federal prisoners
have died and been buried iu Andor
sonville, Georgia.
Tho subscriptions of tho 7-30 loan,
last week, were S3.000.000. .
Nov. ICth, Sherman has now
been out from Atlanta for a week
with a portion of his army. Specula
tiou is rife as to where be is going
Some think ho may attempt the lib
eration of the 20.000 prisoners at
.Andersonviilo, Georgia. Geoeaal
Thomas has been left to tako care of
lion. Thomas Wilson, our Consul
to Bahia, Urazil, ha3 arrived in
Washington and had an interview
with Secretary Sevari. It is reported
that his honso was attacked at Bahia
by the populace, and that ho nar
rowly escaped with his life. It is
said that Seward will send an apology
to Erazil fr the capture of tho H ion
da. The Tribune, on the other hand,
says Captain Collins' act wiU be BU3
taintdbyour dovernmcnt.
It a asain stated that Urant con
templates another movement in a few
TM - . I U nla n
mere au ruiuuia uu uia ttuccia ui
New York that there is to be peace,
and that Sherman's late movements
have something to do with it, par
ticularly in bringing back Georgia,
Alabama and North Carolina.
Secretary Seward baa writton
letter to the Brazillian authorities
apolegizing for the capture of the
Florida, but refusing to return that
vessel. It is claimed that the action
of Captain Collins, in the capture ot
the Florida will be sustained by the
United S'atcs Government.
Long6treet and Breckinridgo have
reinforced Early iu tha Shenandoah
The Powers of the President.
radical and lldDublican school.
, - ,
The Knickerbocker Magazine for
October illustrates this matter in
better way than we havo yet seen
as follow:
The Constitution nowhere gives
the President any authority to make
laws; he may approve or not of the
acts of Congress. The President,
will say, gives au order in writing
arrest a man in the city ol New York
for disloyalty, as it is fashionably
termed by the partisans of the ultra
the 1 resident, defies the writ ofhaho
of as corpus but the courts, bein
individual arrested has violated
act uf Congress, has committed
crime known to the statute book,
is charged with uttering language
agreeable to tha men who exercise
the functions of office, and by
order he is imprisoned io the Baatile
ihemilitiry officer, byorder
open, the prisoner may sue all con
cerned for trespass and false impris
onment. The President puts himself
within the jurisdiction of the courts
of iNcw York, and served with
process. Now ask any lawyer
really knows the principles of
'profession ana respecta tticm, toaraw
liea ot jasuacauon 01 mo weepamj
and imprisonment. The facts of ar
rest and imprisonment oan not be
denied; now where is the law wlucb
justifies the arrest and imprisonment
ot one r , jany rate is presuinou
innocoo' r'?li his guilt is proved bo '-.
fore tt A jbunala appointed to exo-'y
cutey ''.aw
lawAi'can d
npon individuals!. .IN o
oraw bucIi a olea. 1 ho
jusftiltation mu3t show a crirno com
mitted, that the prisoner was charged
with it and that he was , arrested
for tho purpose of boing taien before
tho proper magistrate, that inquiry
might lie made a to the offense, and
the connection ot the criminal there
with, for evory man is entitled to a
trial by a jury of his peer and tho
aw ot the laud.
The plea could not make any such
statement truthfully , it must there
fore plead tho wilt of tho Fresidut as
the only joitification, sic vrfo, sloju
beo, my wiil is law ; and then the
question is, what part of the Constitu
tion enables the president to enact
any law, or lo give any order to fiose
not iu tho military o. naval 60vie ?
laere is no such authority, and tlie
President would therefore bo liable
for the wroDg be had committed. By
tho theory of the English Govern
ment, Parliament can pass acts ol
indemnity, and take Irom any tub
ject bis rights of action, for Fiirli
meoc is omnipotent; and thus an
English minister confesses his viola
tion ot law, but craves indemnity.
But the Congress has no such author
itv: it can not take away any man s
rijjtit of action tor a wrong committed
and that confesses tho wrong and
makes reparation.
But suppose, farther, tho omcors
who make the actual arrest and im
prisonment are indicted for kidnap
ping, and are convicted, and commit
ted to tho prison of tho State, what
idemnity can Uongress givef lhe
man was imprisoned w.tnom any
law justifying it, no act of Congress
authorized his arrest; none could au
thorize it, unle&s there was reasonable
suspicion that he had committed a
crime, and that would net justify his(
detention any longer than was nec
cessary to take him before a magis
trate. State necessity is never once
mentioned in tho Constitution; it is
"the tyrant's plea," and is urged
only by bim whose "own opinion is
his law." lhe people and noj Uio
President is the sovereign; the popple
is tho master, the President is the
servant. How happens it that the
servant command and tT'laws to
An Attachment Incident.- -Wheu
tho caso of Richard Do lin was call
ed in tho United States Court on yes
terday, and the jury einpanneled, it
was discovered that the witnesses for
tho Government were not present.
Theso two witnesses wore woraim ol
doubtful reputation ; and on motir.n
of District Attornoy Hall, attach
ments wcie iBSued by direction of the
Court compelling their attondsnce.
With tho writ in his possession, one
of tho Deputy United States Maishals
went to the rcsioonco ol the aroresaia
witnesses, and being ushered int? the
room where tho chief mistress domi
ciled, tho following colloquy took
place :
Marshal Gocd raorrtinsf, Madam.
1 have an attachment for you.
Witness Indeed, bir ; yon sur
prise me I I never supposed that
any person would ever lorm an ittect
ion lor me.
Marshal O'a, Madam, you misun
derstand mo. I have a writ nt at-
tachmont. to take roil to the United
States Court. You must go with me
Tho witness comprehended her
mistake, and putting on her bonnet,
cloik, etc, took tho marshal by tho
arm and proceeded to the Oourt1 where
the witness made bur statement to the
Court, and was dismissed until the
18th. when her case ol attachmen
will bo disposed of. and the trial
Doolin, tor passing counterleit money
will take placo.
Shame on that Deputy. Wo are
glad it was not Alex, for tho credit
our County. But then be would notr
do it.
Wonderful Indeed ! A provin
cial editor, on entering bis offleo and
seeing his apprentice boy cutting
some q'leer capur8, called out to bim:
"Jim' what are you doing on the
floor?" "Why, sir, I have had
,1. t, I" A Ql.m.1, 2" IV.,. a.
Blluun. . i x to, nil.
What kind of a shock ?" 'Why. sir
said the lao, gasping, 'ono ot your
subscribers came in during your ab
sencesaid ha oweu for two years
subscription paid it, and also paid
anothjlvear in advance," In ad
vance"Y ""'asped the editor nearly
much SAffcome as bis apprentice
'Yes, sir Jt has produced such
effect on me that I've been perfectly
helpless ever .since." And well
may my Jim. Get np; if yon sur
vive this, you are safe, aa there is lit
tle prospect of another such catastro
phe in this omco."
General Hancock, at bis own
quest bas been relieved of bis com
Unconstitutionality of the
Tender Law—Decision of
the Supreme Court of Indiana.
A case has recently come before
the Courts of Indiana, identical in
its features with that of Elliot Clark
Maky Graham, recently decided
Jmigo Fox, ot tiio Supremo Court
r Pi-nninnaM. IlEirva and anottier
gave a not to ThaveJ. tor five hun
dred dollars in gold. Vhon the note
fell duo, the promisor tendered iue
promisseo five .uunorea aouars in
Government paper wuicn :ne lauur i
fused, aud brought BUJion uis couirusi.
Tim n.mrt beluw hold the tender auf-
rtin,.f nr.,lrtr Hiri Ret of uoncrcss, 01
February 25, 1S0J, auu gave jouS-
ment accordingly. Oiwippeal, tlia su
preme Court, in a oaz and elaborate
opinion, hold the opitt'on ot tho Court
below to bo erroneous ; but pro forma
affirmed it on the groiu:d that tho
question upon the constitutionality
ot the act ot reoruary zo i uow
pending in the Supremo Court ot the
United States, whicn 18 mo proper
place for its decision.
With all due deference to tho wis
dom of all the Courts is tho world, we
find nnrelves nnablo to see how tho
act of February 25,-the legal tender
law has anything to do with tne
numtiob taised bv tho contract under
consideration. Admitting that in re
spect to ordinary money obligations,
the lender law must govern, this can
nnf olrnr tlin rnln that where a con
tract is entered into for the dulivory
r o a,.c.piiin thine the onlv tender
that can legally be taken to discharge
,usu,i &Iia thine? annniririd in the
,.rar.t which for that Durnosa ba-
n,u luur rA.mUtin the tender,
This view o! the cae is ma lea point
in tho opinion of tho Court, and we
vrn th "flnecinl" of tho Oa-
ton, thrt R.mtancus into which that
oortion of it is condensed :
"It is contended that wo might do-
cido this cause on the ground that th
suit is on a note pavable iu a 6poeiac
,irtir.!n Siu-h a. cuntract. sued on
miiat na taken losretner. uuiu is
used as an articla of merchandise, ol
,n...i.nf.ir.tnrA. .fcf... as well a3 for cur-
nmov and ft standard of value, and if
the delendents can, by virtue of the
I..01I tfiiiflor naner la diocharid their
oromise to oay gold by paying paper
at its face, which is less in valuo by
more than half than the gold, then the
obligation of tho contract has been
impaired, and the plaintiff deprived
of more than half his property with
out compensation. The Court ' cited
Story to 6how that courts of equity
may.1rporipTmcWlea of natural jus-
. r "
.f,,P,r..jn fl(
M JL Jt.la ,., that tha linrt
ail (iyiraovvun,i..U.. vu. .
below might have donoso in this case
. ... - 1 I .
as ootn law aua equiiy aroaaminiHier-
.1 ... i n. 1m .
UU UllUBl liio iiiui'tua vuuo, iu unu
form Of DrdUeedin'2."
. . .
Ol) thlS POtnt. It 13 eaV tO BOG that tlld
. . . .
oourt ol Indiana Duenna a little en
tangled in its learning, as Mr. Fox
did in his ignorance. The case was
not one lor a decree of apociflo pur
f'ormauce, and the rules of the two
proceedings, although analogous be
ing botli allie'l to the general princi
ples ol iostice -are not identical.
i'bo plaintiff, in his suit, did not eetk
BUeClUC punuriUHiiCO. UUl H lUUglUUUK
It) damaca for tllO Iob3 aCCaSlOIlUU OV
the defendants fault : and of such
damans, the contract itsolt, taken
losret her. eupplios tuo rulo. mat is
certain In law which may bo reduced
to a certaiuty ; aud tho oiamtin was
entitled to damages according to the
valuo of bis gold io the market on
. . :. . i t
tho day wnen me juagmenc was reu-
m .i
10 toe puonc in general, uuwever,
thn nnpKt.inn nf must lmnortanca
f!.t ...l,QH.nr llm rhlir,,.ra nf mnnM
'" niiv.uv.
Contracts Can be COin pel lea to accept
thn trnnsnrv ifldiies o t he United
States in satisfaction of the same ;
other words, whether the Act of Con
greBS of February 25, 1862 is consti
tutional. Upon this point, iu the de
cision under notice, the opinion of the
Court is expressed unequivocally
the negative, lhe reasons given-
copied with credit as above are
1. It makes an article other than
coin, and an article, as tnhs used,
uo intrinsic value, legal teuder money-
. . . . ' ;.. :.
2. It impairs the obligations
contracts,' by compelling creditors
receive, in discbarge ot them,
than half their value, . according
stipulation. '
3. It opearates as a frand upon
the public creditors, and upon
honest public servants, oy deprecia
ting and debasing the currency.
4. It enables the ' uovernment
make, by iaJirectitrf, forced loans,
actual, if not as c-ressive, as those
Charles the Frst as they are made
without intereW.tgrt'mst bia will
without repayment ol but a part of
- ... . e . 1 1 . ...
5. it tages irom me citizen
property against his consent and with
out lust compensation.
lhe points made so tar aa regards
the equity of the act ic question.
undoubtedly well taken. - The law
fairly obnoxious to all these charges
nor is thiajdenied by some who defend
its constitutionality, lhe position
which is now taken is that right is
one thing and conbtitotionality anoth
er : and it does not follow becauso a
... . i .
lav? is palpably wrong, and in conuict
with principles of justice universally
recognized, that it is therefore uncon
stitutional. TLo tender law may
compel men to receive that which is
worthless in payments ot debts, or in
consideration for property ; it may im
pair the obligation of contracts, de
fraud pnblic servants and creditors,
havo the effjet of a forced loan or of
an arbitrary levy ; bus 1 1 do all this
is not specifically prohibited to the
general government by tha Constitu
ted, therefore such is the argument
tho law under which there are done
is not - unconstitutional. Whatever
the Constitution do ;s not forbid, that
ti;o Constitution permits, Is the new
rule of loyal interpretation, which a
corrupt party," through tho venality
and base ambition oi judges is endeav
oring to mata practical ; witi. in
easo the party continues iu power a
very fair prospect of success. Thus
Judffu Emmett. of New York, who
tfeenid to be anxious to put himself in
the lino of party precedents, in a re
which forbids them to pass laws to iui
pair the obligation of contracts, the
prohibition so to do "does not extend
to the United Status themselves."
cent ly published letter vol untoors to
- '". ''b
the States are boutid by the provision
it is hardly necessary to suggest that
wheu this rule comos to be universal,
our Government will be reduced
state of exceeding simplicity.
So tarai appears the Court in In-
diana was unanimous : which is thus
far, commendable. Us testimony
against the justice of the act of Feb
nnnv 'o'ary 25, is distinct a.id forcible.
Still, it does not seem to ns, that, in
lho caeo bofor it, it did its utmost to
protect rights which it admitted to ex
let ; we mean the rights ot the plain
n- 't boing versed in tho practice
Indiana, nor informed ot tho cir-
hiuwumwio luoa-ui
io eketcli, we may bo in error in this
respect ; but it would st-em to ns that
the plaintiff was untitled to a formal
reversal of the judgment of tho Court
SYSTEMS new and reliable treatment
in reports of the HOWARDS 1SSOC1A
Tinv c i... :i ...... l.i .......
lib u ma 1
of charge.
UU bent bv mail in sealed letter enve
I f f ..I A J I TA . I O I I
- J?. '..'" "'!. "
1 u HnTTOllTHV Ilna.F.I A ccn ,t nn
No. 2 South Ninth Street. Philadelnhia.!
- VM1 .
I V i.iniiiuuuiuiii,n
1 1)K. Bl'Oll AN'8
Oil .1..... . VUUirittTJVLVJ
I ImnnLi'tiPV PrAinnt.nrn l)Hfiv KMtinul Wnulr
huH. Infunity, and all Unnury, Sexual ami
I XT A jr.....!
iu rvuun aui'-uiiihib, no riiauur irom wnb catirr
produccl. 1 r i oo , Una Uirllur nor box. Sent,
jumt mini, by muil, on roouipt of an order
Une uox will perfect tlie euro in mot cmC!.
Hon. Ag't,4'27 rtrottjtty, New York
cepi vmj irn-i-oinn
riiblislied for the benefit. unJ i CAIT-
TlONTO YIlUSffMENanJothora. wliomit-
'VJ"'," Nvoo lability, Prematme Dc.iy
TukMuni orStr.r Cube. Hrn who h.i
lu mrabou uiur uudorgouig conHulerable
envelop ainglo copies muy be had of tho au
Brooklyn, Kings l'o. N. Y.
JuneSnd 1363-lyr.
A Card In llie SuUVrtiitf.
SWALLOW two or throe hogshead of'Bno
hu," "Tonio Bitters" "Sarsaparilla,''
.. V . -.. - . . . . J -. It JL - 1 C. .
l iiryuriiiuuuiDP.- e. we, biiu aiior jvu
are ,atifled with tin reuit. andono box
I nm it r T i a . i . i i ui.
i r iv j iuiiO una uo reswrcu to neit'wi
vi?or in i08 lhaa Mn dllTSi Tht!, re pure
18 ly veuetable, nlaanent to take, promni and aal
.t'yi'lieirelI1ct. 0D the broken down
j hattfirad ennat tin nn. () 1.1 and , vonnff
take them with advantage. Imported and
la lu" uu,lou awa m"i
No. 42T Broadway, New York.
t3JAeont for the United States
P. S. A Box of tho Pilla. securely packed
will ba mailed to any address on receipt
nnoe. which la UM iOL,LAK. pott paid
ey refunded by the Agent if entire aatiafootlon
is nut given.
Sept 22nd 1364 Smo,
o'lNoiMATi, tune4,1863
Di. C. W. Boback
MtPkarSir: I am dinpenaini aaecond
olee of your Stomach Bitters srnong the
umber ut men who dally arrive at tnis instiiu
Ton for refreanment ana real. The universal
astiraony is that these Bicters are the
mad. For the various aurumer complaint
which araict so many, 1 know or no remedy
safe and ao tare. Platarch says. "To ask a
aicion what is eaay and what fs hard of dilution
and what win agiee with the stomecn. la
aa eenai jlo as to ask what is sweet or bitter,
nour." Persons who look out for breakers
have yonr Stomach Bitters In the house T
urewill never ask any one mo rooiian queauo
poken of by th great philospher. 1 must
smnsa word or two for yonr Catawba. Brand
have many men here who have brandy
forhem by dietiniruiahed Army
geons. The effect of yours on such are beneficial
farmnje so than from any previously taken.
Pcreons who desire really pure Brandy
fail in their parcha&e irthey get yonr bran
I an., Doctor, with mnck respect
Your servant.
. Q.W.D. An dei w, Superintendent
19" Office and manufactory. Noa. M. S3.
and 6i East Third etree. or sale everywhere
rov. 6tn tent, an. mo.
Consumptive sufferers will receives valuable
prescription for (he ense of Consumption,
Bronchitis, and all throat and Lnnr
fections, (free of Eev EDWARD A. "WILSON,!
nimaniBourg, jiingi xi.,
Sept. 29-6i-Smo New York,
Editor of Democrat,
Dear Sib : With you permission I with
lo say to the readers of your paper that 1
will send, by returned mail, to nil wishing
it (free), a Receipt, with full tlirrctions
for muting and using a bimple Vegetable
Halm, that will effectually remove in ten
da) s Simple, Blotches, Tan, Freckles and
all Impurities of the akin, leaving the samt
soft, clear, smooth and kaotiful .j
I will h1m mull free to those having bald
bends, or bare faces, aimple directions and
nformatiiin tha I will enable them starts
ull gtow Hi of Luxuriant Hair, Whiskers or
Moustuchr, in le-s then thirty days.
AW uiiiilicntions aneweied bv return
f.nail without tliarge.
Rflectfully yours,
Sept. S3 -M btl Buwdway New. York
PINE-AFFLES, Peuoliei, 8du w berries, Blauk
berrys Oroon Peoi J nut rccuivci and for
tula ut lLa Drug Bio re of
NOTICE in bureby given, thnt Zacarlah
8tcvns lias been appointed and duly
qiiulilied as Administrator on tha eftalopf
liobecca Siejenit duccaftit late VIntor. Co. O.
Nov.l713ti4-3v ZaCAKIAII STEVENS.
NOTICE is hereby given, that Zacnriah
Sieveni liaa lit-eh iijuintvJ Olid duly qtiall
lie'J as Ailini.iiittratcjr in tho estate of Mark
iNixon deeettHod, Ute uf Vinton co inty, Ohio.
Nov. 17,111 3w ZAOABlAH STEVENS
Stophon SaltH Oimrdinn of the Eht 8f
GoorKu Siilt.i.Tjonibn Suits, Uubecoa 8a)tt and
windrow halU ni mor heiraol I'.dwnrd I? a I to 00-
coased, hax tiled bin aeoiiunU and vouchers for
inapoctiun and auUluuunt, and that the sam
will be paasod upon on riio loth duy or Uocom
ber 1304. KlClUKL) CUAlfJ,
Nov. 17,1311-lv Frobite Judgo.
Zuearlah Strven Admlnittrutor of the Kntat
of Murk Aixun iuoot' Viuiun county, Ohio.do-i-eufOil,
hu lilo.l lila accounts and veucherrfor
iuicUuti audlinul aettlemcnt and that ha
aaino will ho for bearinifon ihalPth da; of
Dpccinder W. KtCHAHl) CKAIU,
Hok. 17, 1384 8w Frobato Judge.
MarL'urut J. Kobinett formerly Alanrarnh
Harden, Uuardiun of CyullmJ. Ilardou bar
nor child, lias illod ber accounts and voucher
for Inspection and final KUInnient, and that the
same will Dolor ucariiiif on the loth day of
DivemUx lB.i t. lilC7UARD CHAM.
Nov. 17, 1364 3w Probato Judge.
IU P Vl 1 U 1 tiU iTT T't
1 ii itii;ni rt j v i x
Joseph Wileox udmn. ritfl".
buiiuii Alexander uoo'd 1'otition to
iiint f Bell Koalt
Ruriih Aloxan lei et nl Doft. J
Zaeri:ih T.Alex miler defonibint non resident
the iS'.uto ot Ohio, whio rcti.lenco U un-
own, ana una oi tne AHirnstlaw of Sur-an
Alox-in h't d':i:eaHel. Will tuo notioo that
JohouIi Wiloox nilminifltmtcr of tho Eita of
Su.'an Ak'.anilor dioumuj. on the 9th day of
ovembor 1304, Died IiIk potitinn in tha Pro-
bato Court within and for the Connty of Vin
ton Sute of Ohio, alluirinir hat the personal
aatatfl ot uld dooeased is iiiKiillicintit to fny hor
ipu aim tiio enurjfoi ol u iiiiiiiitoring her
tnto; that aha lid i-ftizcd in lea aimple of thn
Mlowiim I'e.'crtlied roulettato m tinned Id Hall
unfy nl Vintnnj to wit: Commoncinir. at thu
utii west corner of ;iootion nmnncr nino, (9.)
township nuTiiner nine, (U,) oi raniro num
roU'hteon, (H,) thenoe north ninety one
Is, tlioneo east tlnrty four rod, thence
nth ninty- one rid., thonve wo.st thirty-four
ids to tho I'l. ice of Iji'u'iiioin r, contuinlng
wenty nn'in morn or lesri, and (hit 8arah,
icariuh I Kiihcei a L. and John W. Alejandcr
hor Innra ut lirv, hold tho next estate uf
heritaiK' thuroin.
The prayor of aid petition la for the aal of
id jrom'isos. for the payment of thedobr
n I lOitrfM nl'irua'il, naid petition will bo lor
heurini; en the 10th day of Le;oniber IhW, or
noon altur aa uounorl can ha hciirJ.
Nov. IT -61 4w ' JOSEPH WILCOX.
. A. Bkatto'I. Atty. Adin . Silvan Ale-
lor I'otuiniiRr. an.icr neceaaet..
1 UiT rrci cd and fcr Ate at lhe
1 ncu at the Drug biuvo of
lit. A. CONDEE
IOST. On Satnrday tho 5th Inst, a t Mo
J rthui in frout ot Dan Wills St'ro,nr be
tween there and John Millers, two miles went
of Me Artlinr. A fair lea hor pocket book, it
contained about Thirty Dollars in money. In
Two ten dollar bdls, one 9v dollar bill, bal
ance in small hi) In and pos'al currency. A no
one note on JJimiul Bates br. lor twenty dol-
larH, pajaoio lo tlizabelh Jane iUnnedy, also
one uoie on jonn AnKrom, lor twenty dollars,
Dne and pauble to .Elizabeth June Kennedy,
and some oilier papers of no value except to
theownera. 1 will pay Ten Dolls' reward
for the recovery of Pocket Book, any person
finding It can leave the same with E . A. Brat-
tor MoArthor, orot my residence InJacknon
. r.ov. lOtb U64.-8W
aoribed Sur
Fkioi Six Certs.
A Lecture on tke Nature, Treatment l
Radical Cure of Spermatorrhoea or Serai
rial Weakness, Involuntary Emissions, Sex
ual Debility, and and Impediments tu Mar
raige generally. Nervousness, Consump
lion Epilepsy, and Fits; Mental and Phy
iscal Incapacity, resulting from Self-Abuse
Author of the "Green Book," t:.
The world renowned author, In (his ad
mirable Lecture, clearly provfs from his own
experience thai the awful consequents of
Self-Abuse may be effectually removed
without medicine, and without dangerous
surgical operations', bougies, insmmsnt,
ring, or cordials, pointing out a cure at once
certain and effectual, by which every suffer
er, no matter what his condition may be,
may core himaalf cheaply, priratlev. and rad
ANDS. Sent under seal, to any address, in t
plain, sealed envelope, on the receipt of aiz
cents, or two postage atamps, by addresinz
127 Bowery, New York P. O. Box 4581
thma. af
Calls Ohio Mower

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