i 4 mtLfTOl. tttt MoARTIlDR, OHIO Jlitr. 9. 186.5 NWES ITEMS—CLIPPIMGS. Yvb. 25. The strength ol Hit rebel army flroHiid Petersburg ia cBti tasted al 30,000 men. Governor Vauce, of North Caroh iib, baa issued a proclamation, in which he declares that the Southern ttrnM shall never be given up. He entreat the people to rise, and he ..nl HiRA8ter9 of tho South cm o m are caused by the Boldiera being ab Bprt without leave. Thollichmond Whig says it does net know jvhen Beanrpgard will give uuaman Knitlo but whenever he he does he will march to his doom. The Richmond Examiner says Richmond ia more safe than it was in iVay last, when Grant was moviDg upon it. It ia true they have not as many troops as then, and neither havo the Federals by a great deBl, A mnvp ment on Alabama and Mississippi, under Thomas, ia antici tinted. If Lea falla'back from Richmond, it will be on Lynchburg. Some of the Republican presse are very indignant over the pirolo ol Runr A I'rvor. a Driaoner of war, by the President. There waa an intense excitement, yesterday, at Knoxville, Tennessee on accouut of a report that Longs'reet waa movinc on that place. Feb. 23. The New York Uerald's James River correspondent says Gen Lae has gone eouthward to, conduct the operationa against General Sher man. Geueral Joe Johnston, in the mean time, will command at Rich mond and Petersburg. A largo part oi the rebel army around Richmond ia said to have been under marching orders for sev tral days, aa considerable numbers ol rebel troora have been detached from it to act againBt Sherman. It is claimed that there are at least one hundred rebel dosertions a day iuto our ranks. Tho Richmond Sentinel, of Friday says General Grant waa again mass ing hia hoops on the Vaugban Road General Singleton and Judge Unghea, en route from Washington to Richmond, Lave arrived at City Point on their destination, The New York Herald's Wilming ton correspondent says a large num ber of Federal prisoners were release ed by tho capture of thi.t place. General Palmer has issued a proc lamation to Kentucky, promising protection to all deserters from the rebel army. The Louisville Journal, who&e edi tor ba been recently to Richmond, says it has reason to know that the rebels are contemplating a move that will asLnish the country and the world. Governor Fenton, of New York, has tendered the Government ten regiments of one hundred days' men. The offer was declined by Geueral Grant, to whom it was referred. The bogus State Convention of Louisiana yesterday received a se vere overhauling from a Dumber . ol Radical Republican Senators, Sum ner, of Massachusetts, among the number. The Republican Snpreme Court ol Michigan has decided that the sol diers' vote law of that State is uncon ititutiooal. tinder that law, nine Republican members of the Legiela tare were chosen, being beaten at the election by the borne vote, bat count ed io by the soldiers' vote. Alter the decision, to the surprise of every body, the Republican majority in the Legislature deliberately nullified the law as expounded by the Court, and retained in their seats, against the protests oftbe contesting members, the nine sittioe member, above ded to. T i i ia another a? dance the wild and lawless spirit, tending to anarchy, that characterizes the party in power. On Saturday, tho 4th of March, Mr. Lincoln is inangurafpd again ae President of the United States. Ha s the Urst President re elected sinca 1S33, when Audrew Jackson was re inaugurated. There is a report of a movement by the eremy in front of tho 9th Ar my Corp, which is conjoctured to mean an attack on Grant's left. It 's also stated that the enemy arc evacuating Petersburg and manifest ing signs of sending hoops south, whether to tho abandonment of Rich moud or to reinforcj Beauregard hue uot yet been determined. There was arepoit in INew lorK eBterdaj, that Sherman had defeated Beauregard in battlo. General Sberniau 1ms marched Northward from Greensboro, and ia now near Charlottevillo, N. O. At Hi ia point it is snid that Beauregard 8 in torce and well lurtineil, Mar. 1. The New York, from Southampton, arrived yesterday. The details ol her news are interest ing. The Duke of Northumberland lied on the 1 1th. lue London Times is assured that President Da vis has the eatue in his own nan Is, and can sccnio tho independence ol tho South whenever ho soes tit. alla-iGovernoient NWES ITEMS—CLIPPIMGS. Facts About the 7-30s Their absolute security. Nearly all active credits are now based on Government securities, and banks hold them as tho very best and strong est investment they can make. If it were possible to contemplate the H nancial failure of the Government, no bank would be any safer. If mouey is loaned on individual notes or bond and mortgage, it will bo payable in the same currency as the Government pays with, and no better. The Gov ernment never has tailed to moet its engagements, and the national debt is a Br6t inortgnge upon the whole pro pesty ol the country. While other stocks fluctuate from ten to fifty, or even a greater per cent, Government stocks ore always comparatively firm. Their value is fixed and reli able, beyond all other securities; for while a thousand speculative bubbles rise and burst, as a rule they are nev ef below par, and aro often above. Tho general rate ot interest is six per cent, payable annually. This is seven and three-tenths, payable semi annually. If you lend on mortgage, there mnst bo a searching of titles, lawyers' fees, Btamp duties and de lays, and you will nnaiiy nave return ed to you only the same kind ot mon ey you would receive from the Gov ernment, and loss ot it. it you in vest in this loan, you have no trouble. Any bank or banker will obtain it for you without charge To each note or bond are affixed five "cou pons'' or interest tickets, due at the expiration ot eacb successive naif year. The holder of a note has sim ply to cut off one of these coupons, present it to the nearest hank or Gov eminent Agency, and receive his interest1 the note itself need not be presented at all, Or a coupon thus payable will everywhere be equiva lent, when due, to money. If you wish to borrow ninety cents on die dollar upon tho notes, you have the highest security in the market to do it with. If you wish to sell, it will bring within a fraction of cost and interest at any moment. It will be very handy to havo in the house. It is convertible into six per cent, gold bearing bond, i At tho expira tiou of threo years a holder ol tho noteH of tho 7-30 Loan has the op tion of accepting payment in full or of fending his note in a six per cent, gold interest bond, the principal pay ment in not less than five, nor more than twouty years from its date, as the Government may elect. These bonds are held at such a prominin as to make this privilege now worth two or three per cent, per anduui, and adds so much to the interest. Notes of the same class issued three years ago, are now selling at a rate that fully proves the correctness of this statement. But aside from all the advantages we have enumerated, a special act oi Congress exempts all bonds and Treasury notes Irom local taxation. On the average this exemption is worth about two per cent, per annum according to the rate of taxation in various parts of the country - While this presents great advanta ges to large capitalists, it offers spe cial inducements to those who wish to make a safe and profitable invest ment of small savings. It is in every way the best a vines' iSank; for every institution of this kind must tome- how invest its deposits profitably in order to pay interest and expenses. They will invost gargely in this loan, as the best investment. But from the gross interest which they receive, they must deduct largely for the ex penses oi the Bank. Their usual rate of inteiest allowed to depositors is per cent, upon sums over $500. The person who ltivetta directly with orper cenr. more, inus tne mi j .who will receive at-fl' 50 HonwWa irftf. : . .t.ufa fl ,a lsauK receives 50 dollars a yea liars a year tcrest, if he deposits the same sum io this National SavrL v Bank lu re ceives 73 dollar tot those who wish to Hod a f" .lif, convenient, and profitable menns of investing the sur plus earnings which they have roser ved for their old age or for the bene i fit of their children, there is nothing which presnnts so many advantages as this National Loan. The war is evidently drawing to a close, but while it lasts the Treasury must nave money io meet its cost, an1 every motive that patriotism can in spire should induce tho people to supply its wants without delay. The Government can buy cheaper fof cash n hand than on credit. Lot us see that its wants ate promptly and liber ally satisfied. :n-ly" Indignation Against Lincoln—Grant's ability to Make Peace on the Basis of the Union. [From the New York World.] WASHINGTON, February 11. Incontestable, a great change has taken ulace in public opinion hero within tho past few days regarding Mr. Lincol.i. . When the arrival of tho Southern Peace Commissioners at Genoial Grant's lines was announ ced, the attention ot the people was instantly directed toward the Line! Magistrate, and they waited wjtu paiulul anxiety some sign on his part which might indicate aaesiro to turn the priceless opportunity to national nf i . .i . . i . account, witn tne aepanure oi me Secretary ol Surte for lortress Mon roe, admittedly lor the purpose of conferring with Messrs. Stephens, Hunter and Campbell, a nope sprang uo in our breast tuat the President did indeed comprehend the situation; and this hope was so strengthened as to amount to actual beliet wuen Mr Lincoln himself went down to meet the Commissioners. Democrats and conservative men of all parties and lactionB hailed the event as the pos sible forerunner oi peace. ' None but the radicals were displeased, and this dissatisfaction on thur part ouly stiff ened the hopes of all true Unionists The significant articles in the Washington Chronicle were consid ered as bo much additional weight to the testimony that tho President really desired peace. JJut when Air. Lincoln and Mr. Seward came back to Washington, and tho rebel com missioners ret umed to Richmond, and the result ul the conference was authoritatively announced as no re sult, then the swelling tide ol gratelu hope which had been surely lilting the President to the highest place in the affections of the people, began its renux, and has at last ttranded him upon a lower ehoie of popular con tempt than any on winch the incapac ities of hia administration have yet cast n:ar luinking men are now beginning to recall (he lact that Mr, Lincoln, as President, uever yet suc ceeded in anvtli ing he essayed. Bui tor bim even Mr. beward might have averted the struggle through the ne gotiations of 1861. When, after the war had really set in, the l. resident undertook its conduct, everything went wrong from the very inBtant that he assumed the responsibility ol setting aside Ueneral McClellans plans, the adoption of which plans by succeeding commanders has gained us all our victories. The President's scheme of compensated emancipation loll stillborn. His proposal torgrad ually removing slavery before the year 1900 was quite unnoticed by Congress. The plan for expatriating or colonizing the negroes miserably failed. Hie foreign policy has con sisted in Bquarely backing clown when any other government has assumed a truculent demenanor as witness the Trent affair. Under General Dix, while Lient. Col. Ludlow was commissioner, the exchange of prisoners proceeded reg- nlaily and smoothly, although at that time some of the most delicate ques tions, because entirely novel, arose, hut alter Mr. Lincoln assumed com maud ot that office the exchange was entirely blocked, and no relief was obtained until the whole matter was placed in the hand? of General Grant. The result ot the lieutenant gener al's assumption of the affair is descri bed by that officer himself as a com plete success. In everything, in short, which the f resident lias undertaken he has proved bimsell a living expo nent of the fundamental principle ot the circumlocution office how not to do it. ; The' fire eaters have sneeringly commented on the subject of peace by the declaration that Gsnerals Grant and Sherman are "our best . peace commissioneis." Consorvativo mon have accepted the statement, and are willing to place the entire question with those officers. For General Grant, in bis dispatch of Feb. 2d to the Secretary of State, clearly showed that he knew how to manage the matter that he could make peace npon the basis of the Union. He obtained more from the commission ers in his brief interview with them, than either Mr. Lincoln or Mr. Sew- Jtion. H .d.id in their four hours of tricky found out that Mtesrs. tfteohens ana uuDtef were actuated Vrv.Y.. , r K peace and union." The President and Socretary of Stats declare that they coo Id only discover that the commissioners vers inflexible in the demand tor . aepara- In view of theso things, people here do not lie&itato to duclare. lhat the President is responsible for. all the future bioodaliod of the war that every man killed hereafter will have beeu unneceFeariJy slaughtered. Ihey assert that Mr. L icoin has never been able to rise above the mere pettifogger; that his solo object has beeu. not how to do, but how pot to do; that he has thrown every obstacle in :he way ol honest attempts to ena the war and retain our country; and that having neglected the golden opportunity which, rightfully employ ed, would havo Bcctired immediate peace and nuion, be has denominated his utter inability to obtain those blessing. Ueuce the bitter indigna tion which is felt against him here, not only by Democrats, but by all honest and practical men in bis own SPECTATOR. Advice to the Opposition. Mill, in his wort "On Liberty,' expresses the opinson that parties in (UO Dltuu, wijiuii uu iu ino Uliuuiilj, and whose members have not only to look out for their principles but tor their persous, should ontine them selves to argument, and avoid un truth in statement and coarseness it) expression. He seems to think that parties in power may sometimes real ize advantage from the uso of false hood, sophistry, denunciation and invective; but while he does not re commend to such the employment of these weapons, he is clear in advising minorities and their organs to resist thetttemptatioti to use them, or any of them, howeycr strong the inducement, which tho circumstances may present Absolute freedom of spoech and ot the press never did, and never wi! exist among a people so wrought up on by passion and bigotry as t lit people ot the United States at this timo. Phylanthropic hate is tho most cruel and inexorable of all; and siuce the religious wars in Europe it has not probably existed anywhere in Christendom, as it now exists in America. In such times, while men, under the influence oi loug establish ed habit, repeat thu commonplace formula ol freedom, and profess all their ancient devotion to its prin pies, they trample upon the fact, with, to all outward appearances entire unconsciousness oi their in con sistenoy; and iu the uame of liberty . do oeeus wuose atrocity is no; ex ceeded by the ects of tho most irre sponsiblo despotism. Io fact there is no despotism so heartless and unconscionable as tin despotism of a fanatical majority, The individual tyrant may, now and then, admit afeeling of pity for his victim or of remorse for the misery which he has occasioned; but hen the oppressor is a multitude, there is such a division of responsibility that, while thetyrany is more intense and unrelenting, no feeling of sympathy or sorrow reaches the individuals whose combined force make up the inflictiou. There is that in,, men which makes them willing to endure loss even the loss ot liberty so that they can be the meaus of inflicting an equal loss upon others whom they bate; and it is this quality which makes oligarchies, monarchies, and autocracies possible, and which has thus far rendered tho loug continu auce of republican btates impossi ble. . The people of the Northern States of America are, at this time, collect ively, a conquered people. , To con quer a people, it. ia not necessary that asconqueror Bhould come from abroad, as one. did to England, in the time of William of Normandy; nor that be should overrun.- the country and kill a part of the inhabitants, by the aid of any army, foreigu or do mestic. If the people a. re willing to lay aside their liberties, and become subjects, they can dispense with ' all these, otheiwise proper .formalities. The difference between classes of the poople of the North is',, simply , this: one class Is willing to be ;; conquered, glad to be conquered, iavUea .. and sustains the conqueror,., and; glories in the conquest; the other, otherwise. The loss to those -on" .both ; sides is precisely the same; all have. got rid of their civil Tights andaliberties;, but tht,riithi8 broad r-dietinotio: one has bartered them off fp,a cnsidera; tiona temporary... party supremacy with its despicable. , .material: advan tages; the other baa had them violent ly taken away.i, ..10a? j.-j ' . The party out of ppwer in the Uni ted States is dumb. - Its members are Bubject to rules ot . whose existence or teroo.8 tuey can ooiam u.auwiug, which lie in tba boftoms of men im parting uotliiog; which ura enacted after the fact, and the first intimation of whose existence maj be in the ar rest, trial,. imprisonment, and punish meut of 8oni8 individual who, up to the timo of JiU eoizure, wa unaware that he bad dona aught to expose hims&lf to complaint. The party Q power in the United States is up. Its members aipla1 this form of Govern ment and the proceedings under it: In their eyes, military rulu is the pen lection of n State. There is no legislator like thu mm who afier the fact makes tho law to tit the case, aud, In his own person, triws the of fender, and pronounces aud inflicts the penalty. buch a state ol things can but be temporary, it is not in the nature ot man that It shnnld bj permanent. - As it is unnatural, if con only bo sns tainud bv falsehood. lul appeals to passion, ambition, cupidity and pre-r judice. Towering (us it appears to be) to tho heavens, and threatening i eternity if duration, (scants upon a fiinridiitioii of livs lies which need to bo roilera'p.', ami an onu gives way, replaced by moro impudent in ventions. The antajoin'st to thesG devices is trnth, temperance, adhesion to prin ciple, docorum and sincerity.. These may seem indifferent weapons, but they will gain the day. It is so hap py for n party tu havo the right on its side, that it is tho bight of folly to do wrong. Ljt the monopoly of falsehood and tilth remain where it. is; put aside anger and impatience and it we cannot be easy, bj as easy as Cin Enq. Rls-ia id striking oil wells in ntian tides and the greasers of Mexico find their country greasy.' Special Notice, JTCWMD ASSOCIATION' PHILADELPHIA PA. PVtSEASKS OF THE NEKVOUS. SK. U MINAL, URINARY AND SEXUAL SYSTEMS new and rflmble treatment in reno.is ol the HOWARDS 4SSOClA TION Sent by mnil in scaled Itilerenve lopes, free of clirtrjre Address, Dr. J, SKIL LIN HOUGHTON. Howard Association No. 3 Souili Ninilt street, PliilmUpliin, Pa A SUPERWU REMEDY. Woenn coupon tiounW recommeud to tho vtiuerme from diKtrogHtng oaugh,, Dr. ttricklnnl's Mollillnoim tou(li Uulsitm. it give roneiuimoKi iiiHiKni anaous, and in wiflinl uot diHUfrrerahlo to tr. Unto. There is no doubt but the Mulllltnou Uulrsin is one of the boat preparations In use and la all that its propriotor claims lor it. We hare tried It durhg thepnt week,, and ioin roliof from a moat distrohaiiw couvh. HI n ptredby Dr. Strickland, No. Euat n Ktreot, Cincinnati, O., and for sale by lira? atias at 60 eonta por douio. WHISKERS. WlllSliCItS Do you wont whisker or MonotuchcHt Our OwianJCompimiid will forco them to grow on ho smoothest tuco or ciun, or imir on nitm noai in Six Weeks. Pi ice (1,00. B311I by mail any wbera, closely aeAlcxi. on roeeip ol price. Address, WARNER & CO., Box 133, Brooklyn, N. Y. Feb, 16. 'f 5 ly, rpo THE I.ERVOU3 DEBILITATE AND X DESrONENT OK BOTH SEXES. A great siilleror having been restored to health in a to days, after many yaara of misery, is willing aaaiat hia aniforing fcllnw-creai,uro by sending (free), on the receipt of a pcLpaid i.ddreaped vclope. a copy of tho bTmuleofcuie ein;lyed Uaoc; ro JOHN M. DACiXELL B x 133 P.O. Brook'yn, N. Y. DYSPEPSIA NERVOLSNE3S, AND DE BILITY. DR. STRICKLAND'S TONIC W cau reoommond tlio-.e nudViinz wicb dom AppotiU, Indigoaiion. or Dyhpepaia, Nervous nans and rsorvou ue'niuv, to use tkriuKland Tonio. It is veoiabl propirai i, Irea from atuobolio liquois ; it strengthens tho whole norvoin ayntoin : itcrc.itoa agord npiie tlte, nod H Tarranied to euro Dyapepaioand Mervoiw ua uiiiy. Fora;ilo by Dinjgiaiagenerallyatll per hot tie lVepareu ny ur. a. etnuKiuna, AO. East Fourth nueot iuoiauaii,Obio. July 1 04 lvr. TnE CONCESSIONS AND EXPERIENCE JL OT A a in VALID. Publiahcd ior the benefit, ' and as a CAU TION TO YOU flu? MEN and others, who suf fer from Neivons Debility, Premature Decay of Manhood. &o., supplying nt the aame time TiikMsans o SsLr-CcRi. By one who has qurod himself after undergoing considerable eutikery. By enclosing a postpaid addretted ct .Hope single copies may oe nadorthesU' tu, r. N ATH A KIEL MATFA1B, Eqr Brooklyn, Kings Co. N. Y. June 2nd 1S83 lyr. . 1. IDARRHCEA ND OY8ENTERY We have exainlned a grent'jiuinber irthe r: from some of the most prominen citizens of Cincinnati and Cpirigton: etc., sDeakinrr in the highest terms; of UrtSt.lck- laiid's Anti-Cholera Mixture fof'the Cure, of diarrhoaa and dyBvolerr. Toe leibers are to Ion? to publish. - Mr. Woods, of. Cot nigton.suys he, was pronounced .ioci""ble for the best doctors ia Cincinnati,' ami one ion tie of D' Sl"cUdMd'a AnliClip'M Mix ture effected a permanent cure af'et aqflTer ing for months With the worst fonn aotar-: rnaaano oaseoteij.:: :,.,.;.! ,,v!,.-. Another says he was discharged from the United States service alter suffering in! the hospital for 8 moolhs as locurable, and as last resource tnea otricaranii s A-nn-vnuie-ra Mixture he eotwe'l directly and has now entered the rmt agaia in - good hea.Uh.-i Ode man writes be has cured, seveo or eight rerr bad cases of diarcbosa and dysenters in the harracks be was io ith one bottle fhis Valuable mediciue. . In fct we cotild Oil half our paper with similar items from these letters. Why does not our Gofera rhent secure this- valuable preparltioiw Qur atmt qught to be supplied with It. is butt short time since ode of 'Our men laid in a very low condition at one of our Cincinnati Hospiuls, hi wife was sent for, .i J 1 . rtJiaiAt Kiai An linnAioca noaa however, gaye him Strickland s Anti Cholera Mixture, and in three weeks be waa able to return borne with his wile to INew Richmond, O. All these caws right at home apeak for themselves. We hope all the soldiers will put a bottle of it in .their knapsacks, it may cave them or 1 some of their comrades. 11 lsior eaie oy urugyiais t 50 cents per bottle. t'; , V. S. 7-30 LOAN. Bj authority oi tht 8cMUrr of thTri- nry , th direlgal k twumtJ th Gcnir. tl Subscription Agcj fur tht rnlo of I'nluj St tts Traurj KoUa, Wring nven toil thrt tenths por oent. luUrant, ptr annam, It Down lh "SK VtX- THIR TY L OA N - TIkm notes r issiioJ unOer iUt of A tigust 1 5ili, l1-'!!, snj vi psjsbls thru jesis from thst timt, In curroncj, or ars mvrUbh t th option of the holder into, IT. S. 5-'iOSii per Oh'. ' GOLD-BEAKING DON OS. 1 bens boii'l sr now sorth rrsm uru (f ulna j'Si cent.,', includirtg gold intersxt from Nov , which mskes tlio soluul prUlt on Uis 3) Kan, si onrrsnt rslss, Inulading iutsrstt, bout ten po: vont. per annum, besides its ox- inplion from Etsls snd municipal luxation, which ddfrom vue to thrrs psvesnt. moro, sect rJirg to tit M.'a levied on other property. Tha iutorest in payable o mi annually by cou pon attached tu tach note, which muy be cut olf and sold to any bank or UuUr. The iuturoat amuuuU to , One cent par day on a fi') nolo. Two canla on a loi nolo. Ten on a i0 note 2U to f IO(ii nolo ' 1 1 on a 5000 notes Notes of all denominations na:ued will ba prvinptly furuishod upon rectiipt of sqhscrip lions. Tins is TUE W LOA.V LV Mill now offered by thu Ujvorumont, aud it is to n- udtntly expected that Its aupeiior adVautugua will muku it the 1 GREAT POPULAR L04.N OK THE l'EOPLi. Leas thau i'JOU.OOO.Oi'O romuin uuaold, which will probably bo disposed of withiu the next i!0 orV'idaya, whin the notes will undoubtedly command a premium , as has uuilunnly been thu case on cloning tne auoscripuuuaiv omcr l.Uull. In order that oitizena of every town and sco- tlouofthe country may be all'rdod lacililius fur taking the loan, tho National Btinlta, otalo Uanka. aud Private Hankers throuihout the country havetreuurally agreed to receive sub scriptions at par., puoscriuers wiu veiucnuoir own ageuta, in whom thsy havo confidence, and wlwvuly are to bo rusponaible for the de livery of the uou s lor wnicii my receivi or durs. JAk COOKE, huMoiiirTioH Aoikt, i'liiludelphia. St'isdiiPiioNS will uk mctivru by the Kirat National Itai.k of Chillleotl; Kirat National bunk of Ciuciuuati. Mar iii 'lij it o. THE NINTH NATIONAL IBANK OF TIIK CITY OK NEW YORK. CAPITAL, $1.000 000, I'AID 1, FISCAL AGENT OK THE VNlTEI STATES. Ano PruriAt. Auixt iR Jay Cooki, Sui'sctii'- TIOI AuKNT, Will deliver T-W Notes Kroe of olmrgs, by ox prcsa to all pu'a of tho couotrv, and receive in payiuont 'hocka on Now York, I'hiladfl phia.und Hoatou. cu. rent bil. anl all fl- pur cent, luteroal notea, with interoat tn dale (ifaubaeriptien. Orders sunt by mall will bo promptly filled. Thiabiink receiver the aocounta of Banks an l rlankura on fuvirahle term; alo of iuli ua's koeplnj Naw York aocnnn a. i. T. II ILL. Caah'r. J. H. OUYIS Proa't. mK-h 3, '6J- 'imo. Wnnted, CorrrHnnil!ua Bv two of Undo Snru 'a veterans All young ladies that wiali tun, plroxe writo and receive a letter, unjoi-t, un, pi u n, Io I ve and the 0uuci)iiu(iCC8. Pluaau send ohotoiiraDha. aaid receive one in rut am Addreatiooo Hot, atld'BAn Bor, Camp Denuiann, Ward i'J, march if, 1H5. NOTICE Zarhnriah Stevcna, AdtninU'ratoi ef tho es tate of Rebecca Steven, deceased, iiaa filed his accounts and vouchers for inspection and final acttleineiit,und that the same will be tor hear ing ou the 18th day of March, A. D. I 4e.. RICHARD CBAIU. March 2. '65-.8W. Probate Judgo. NOTICE. J. N. II u Icon Adm'niatrator of (lis eatats cf Joseph (.fill deceased, has filed his acu uut and vouchers for inapection and final settlement, and that tho amo will ho for louring on the 25th day of I'chruury J8M. , lilCIIARD CUAIO IV). 2, 1S5, 3 f Probate J iidjre o a of t R. A. t'ONalABLK. D. B. Siiivel. GOKSTADLE & SIIIVEL, Allorncytt at Uw, Claim Aftonts, Ileal Eat a to AgenU and Con eyancers. , McArUiur, Yinlon Co. 0. Offioe en Mh1 Street. tw doors, ervrt of. K. II Dodo's fstorc. , Will attend promptly to all business entinsted to their care, in the Couties of Vinton, Jack- son. Fike and Scioto. January 19th 1865 tf, SA.DDLE& HARNESS w HI a 11 u f a jb,i u :r c f1. J '"iic AirriiuS dfiio. ; ; Warrants ALLWbrK: ' Iteepa constantly on' hand a.cd wtl sell at the lowest prices; Saddles, Bri dies Bnd IIarne8S of every description and warrants his work for two jears . Call and ejeamine, 1st . door wpst o the3 Oonrt Oonse. i i I ( h J .Pec. 2?, lgGtl-Cmo, XXOSVf:r,n.V. , A.ISAMIJIGVR M.D , , : CONDEa & ISAMJNGm physicians, a:q SORGEON v-McArihnr, Ohio, Will attend promptly 'and cartfull? to the practice of their., profession. ..in all Ua branches. 05- SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN TO SURGERY. C0 " ' " Jan. 5th, 1865. tL . Balls Ohio Mower